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Although the importance of natural habitats to pollinator diversity is widely recognized, the value of forests to pollinating insects has been largely overlooked in many parts of the world. In this review, we (i) establish the importance of forests to global pollinator diversity, (ii) explore the relationship between forest cover and pollinator diversity in mixed-use landscapes, and (iii) highlight the contributions of forest-associated pollinators to pollination in adjacent crops. The literature shows unambiguously that native forests support a large number of forest-dependent species and are thus critically important to global pollinator diversity. Many pollinator taxa require or benefit greatly from resources that are restricted to forests, such as floral resources provided by forest plants (including wind-pollinated trees), dead wood for nesting, tree resins, and various non-floral sugar sources (e.g. honeydew). Although landscape-scale studies generally support the conclusion that forests enhance pollinator diversity, findings are often complicated by spatial scale, focal taxa, landscape context, temporal context, forest type, disturbance history, and external stressors. While some forest loss can be beneficial to pollinators by enhancing habitat complementarity, too much can result in the near-elimination of forest-associated species. There is strong evidence from studies of multiple crop types that forest cover can substantially increase yields in adjacent habitats, at least within the foraging ranges of the pollinators involved. The literature also suggests that forests may have enhanced importance to pollinators in the future given their role in mitigating the negative effects of pesticides and climate change. Many questions remain about the amount and configuration of forest cover required to promote the diversity of forest-associated pollinators and their services within forests and in neighbouring habitats. However, it is clear from the current body of knowledge that any effort to preserve native woody habitats, including the protection of individual trees, will benefit pollinating insects and help maintain the critical services they provide.  相似文献   

为了更好地理解放牧对草原生态系统物种多度分布格局的影响, 以及常见种和稀有种对维持群落多样性的作用, 以内蒙古典型草原为研究对象, 基于长期放牧控制实验平台(包括7个载畜率水平(0、1.5、3.0、4.5、6.0、7.5、9.0 sheep·hm-2)和两种地形系统(平地和坡地)), 研究了群落内全部物种、常见种和稀有种的丰富度和多度对放牧强度的响应规律, 并选取对数正态模型、对数级数模型和幂分割模型, 对物种多度数据进行拟合。结果表明: 1)平地系统中, 物种丰富度和多度在低放牧强度下(1.5、3.0 sheep·hm-2)增加, 而在中、高度放牧强度下(4.5-9.0 sheep·hm-2)降低, 全部物种的多度分布在大多数放牧强度下符合幂分割模型, 在高放牧强度下也符合对数正态模型; 坡地系统中, 物种丰富度和多度随着放牧强度增加而显著降低, 全部物种的多度分布在各个放牧强度下, 均符合幂分割模型和对数正态模型。2)随着放牧强度增加, 常见种的多度响应趋势与全部物种的响应趋势一致, 其多度分布均符合幂分割模型和对数正态模型; 稀有种的丰富度响应趋势与全部物种的响应趋势一致, 其多度分布符合幂分割模型, 同时也部分符合对数正态和对数级数模型。总之, 适宜的载畜率有利于生物多样性和初级生产力的提高, 平地系统中物种多度的响应在一定程度上支持放牧优化假说; 而坡地系统中不同物种多度的响应差异说明: 确定最佳载畜率时, 还需要考虑地形因素的影响。此外, 模型的拟合结果表明: 生态位分化机制对内蒙古典型草原物种多度分布起着主要作用, 常见种和稀有种通过不同的响应方式共同维持着草原生态系统的物种多样性。  相似文献   

Native wildflower plantings can be used to provide nutritional resources to support pollinating insects, yet the effects of planting size and bloom richness on the density, diversity, and function of these insects are not well understood. We established stands of twelve native flowering perennial plant species in replicated plots ranging in size from 1 to 100 m2. These plots were sampled for insect pollinators, bloom richness, and seed production by three wildflower species. Honeybees, wild bees, and hoverflies all responded positively to increasing flower richness, whereas particular insect pollinator groups responded differently to the size of the flowering plant area. The density of honeybees and hoverflies was not affected by increasing flowering patch size, whereas in general, wild bees were observed at higher density and diversity in the 30 and 100 m2 patches. Increasing wildflower patch size, and thus wild bee density, resulted in greater seed set in the sampled wildflowers. These results indicate that wild bees are sensitive to the area and richness of floral resources in patches, even at relatively small scales. Therefore, larger wildflower plantings with more diverse flower species mixes are more suitable for the conservation of wild pollinators and reproduction of sown species.  相似文献   

Floral diversity and the facilitation of pollination   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

In Lake Volvi, phytoplankton dominance was examined in relation to the main phases of the fluctuating physical state of the water column and nutrient levels. Four stages of algal succession were identified. The successional pattern was, in general, similar from year to year. External disturbances such as increased wind mixing and high floods had the effect of setting the succession back to an earlier stage.Nanoplanktic diatoms and flagellates dominated during the first stages of succession. The succession was running from r-selected species in early stages to K-strategists in summer and towards a mixed community in the terminal stage.Diversity was expressed by the indices of Gleason and Shannon (based on physical units and biomass). Interpretation of species diversity took into account the differential variations of its two components, the number of species and the evenness of their distribution. Diversity was more affected by evenness than by number of species.Diversity increased in late stages of succession corresponding to the complexity of the community (high number of species, high evenness). Physical disturbances influenced positively the diversity. The maximal diversity appeared in the transition periods between the compositional changes generated by disturbances and the true successional development. Disturbances may generate a more uniform distribution of diversity throughout the whole water column.The role of physical disturbances in increasing the phytoplankton diversity may be demonstrated from comparisons of diversity — evenness — species number of the same stages under different meteorological conditions.  相似文献   

Question: How is grazing intensity associated with species and morpho‐functional traits (MFTs) composition, productivity and richness of annual dominated grasslands? Have native and exotic species similar associations to this gradient? Location: Anthropogenic grassland in the Espinal vegetation in the sub‐humid area of the mediterranean type climate region of Chile (35°58’ S, 72°17’ W). Methods: Data were obtained from a long‐term (eight years) experiment with six stocking rates (1 to 3.5 sheep/ha). Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and regression analysis were used to determinate the relationship between grazing intensity and biomass, richness, abundance and traits of the species. Results: The first DCA axis was related to grazing intensity and explained most of the floristic variation (69.3%); the abundance of some non‐native species, e.g. Vulpia megalura were highly correlated with this axis. In the DCA for MFTs the first axis explained 87% of the variance and was also related to grazing intensity; the abundance of small size plants and shallow roots increased with grazing intensity. The relative abundance of grasses and composites, but not of legumes, changed with stocking rate: as grazing intensity increased composites became the predominant species to the detriment of grasses. The above‐ground biomass measured in exclusion cages declined with increasing grazing pressure. The richness of exotic species was greater compared to native ones at low stocking rates, but they converge to similar values at higher stocking rates. However, the relative abundance of exotic species was greater than 75% in all stocking rates. Conclusions: Grazing intensification has large effects in the structure of grassland in central Chile. With grazing intensities greater than 1 sheep/ha species characteristics change; evolving in a few years (6–8) towards a similar community regardless of the stocking rate. The overgrazed community has more native than exotic species richness, possibly due to greater defence traits against herbivory of this group of species.  相似文献   

All over the world, pollinators are threatened by land‐use change involving degradation of seminatural habitats or conversion into agricultural land. Such disturbance often leads to lowered pollinator abundance and/or diversity, which might reduce crop yield in adjacent agricultural areas. For West Africa, changes in bee communities across disturbance gradients from savanna to agricultural land are mainly unknown. In this study, we monitored for the impact of human disturbance on bee communities in savanna and crop fields. We chose three savanna areas of varying disturbance intensity (low, medium, and high) in the South Sudanian zone of Burkina Faso, based on land‐use/land cover data via Landsat images, and selected nearby cotton and sesame fields. During 21 months covering two rainy and two dry seasons in 2014 and 2015, we captured bees using pan traps. Spatial and temporal patterns of bee species abundance, richness, evenness and community structure were assessed. In total, 35,469 bee specimens were caught on 12 savanna sites and 22 fields, comprising 97 species of 32 genera. Bee abundance was highest at intermediate disturbance in the rainy season. Species richness and evenness did not differ significantly. Bee communities at medium and highly disturbed savanna sites comprised only subsets of those at low disturbed sites. An across‐habitat spillover of bees (mostly abundant social bee species) from savanna into crop fields was observed during the rainy season when crops are mass‐flowering, whereas most savanna plants are not in bloom. Despite disturbance intensification, our findings suggest that wild bee communities can persist in anthropogenic landscapes and that some species even benefitted disproportionally. West African areas of crop production such as for cotton and sesame may serve as important food resources for bee species in times when resources in the savanna are scarce and receive at the same time considerable pollination service.  相似文献   

The impact of grazing on the vegetation of Moroccan temporary pools has been studied at 2 scales: regional (inter-pools) and local (intra-pools). Half of the 16 forest pools studied is located in a reserve and ungrazed. The other half, located within public forest, is grazed. Vegetation relevés coupled to water-depths measurements were carried out in each pool. The results showed a significant effect of grazing on both scales of analysis. This effect was found in the species composition of the vegetation, which differed between the 2 types of pools, and in the lower species richness and abundance of plant species in the grazed pools. These differences are interpreted as resulting from the selection by herbivores and the differential tolerance of species to disturbance. These impacts are likely to expose certain species to local extinction by reducing their populations.  相似文献   

  1. Neonicotinoid-coated corn and soybean seeds are a common crop in Canada and the US. A growing body of research is demonstrating that, through various exposure routes, neonicotinoids can impact a suite of nontarget organisms including beneficial insects such as bees. However, to date, only a few studies have examined the effects of neonicotinoids in field settings.
  2. We assessed the relationship between agricultural crop soil neonicotinoid levels and wild bee abundance and diversity at 16 agricultural sites representing different soil neonicotinoid levels. We detected clothianidin at 11 sites, thiamethoxam at three sites; imidacloprid was not detected.
  3. Hedgerow and crop soils were consistent in terms of where clothianidin was detected; thiamethoxan was not detected in hedgerow soils. Based on model outcomes, fields with higher levels of soil neonicotinoids exhibited significantly lower wild bee abundance and diversity than those with low or no neonicotinoids detected.
  4. Crop soil neonicotinoid level, hedgerow floral resource abundance and crop type were consistent predictors of bee abundance across models; only neonicotinoid level and crop type were significant predictors of diversity.
  5. Our results are consistent with recent findings in the midwestern US, and underscore the potential risk of soil neonicotinoids to wild bee populations across regions and crop systems.

郑昊哲  张岩  张涛  樊庆山  侯扶江 《生态学报》2022,42(22):8994-9004
为探究草原植物物种多样性对家畜放牧行为的影响及其机制,在青藏高原高寒草甸开展藏系牧羊轮牧试验,调查植被物种多样性,观察藏系牧羊采食速率、觅食速率和采食时间,并计算藏系牧羊日采食量。结果表明:两年间,植物物种丰富度与藏系牧羊采食速率呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05);觅食速率、采食时间和日采食量对放牧率响应敏感(P<0.05),呈夏秋增冬春减的趋势。植物Shannon-Wiener指数与藏系牧羊的采食时间显著负相关(P<0.05);在暖季或8羊/hm2放牧率下植物Shannon-Wiener指数与藏系牧羊日采食量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。Pilelou均匀度指数与藏系牧羊采食速率和采食时间显著负相关(P<0.05);在暖季或8羊/hm2放牧率下Pilelou均匀度指数与藏系牧羊日采食量呈显著负相关(P<0.05)。植物物种丰富度对藏系牧羊放牧行为贡献较大,且放牧藏系牧羊的采食速率和采食时间比觅食速率和日采食量对植物物种丰富度响应更敏感,以用植物物种丰富度为自变量可以更好预测藏系牧羊放牧行为。放牧管理通过影响植被物种多样性从而进一步影响了藏系牧羊放牧行为。放牧行为不仅是评价草地营养价值和家畜生产力的关键指标,也是草地健康管理的基础。因此,明确草原植物物种多样性-藏系牧羊放牧行为的互作机制有助于更好的提高藏系牧羊地生产力,维护草原生态健康。  相似文献   

1. The ciliate and metazoan meiofaunal assemblages of two contrasting lowland streams in south‐east England were examined over the period of a year, using a high taxonomic resolution. Monthly samples were taken from an oligotrophic, acid stream (Lone Oak) and a circumneutral, nutrient‐rich stream (Pant) between March 2003 and February 2004. 2. We assessed the relative importance of ciliates and rotifers within the small‐sized benthic assemblage with respect to their abundance, biomass and species richness. In addition, we examined the influence of abiotic and biotic parameters and season on the assemblage composition at two levels of taxonomic resolution (species and groups). 3. Ciliates dominated the assemblages numerically, with maximum densities of over 900 000 and 6 000 000 ind. m?2 in Lone Oak and Pant respectively. Rotifers and nematodes dominated meiofaunal densities, although their contribution to total meiofaunal biomass (maxima of 71.9 mgC m?2 in Lone Oak and of 646.8 mgC m?2 in the Pant) was low and rotifer biomass equalled that of ciliates. 4. Although the two streams differed in terms of total abundance of ciliates and meiofauna and shared only 7% of species, the relative proportion of groups was similar. Sediment grain size distribution (the percentile representing the 0.5–1 mm fraction) was correlated with assemblage structure at the species level, revealing the tight coupling between these small organisms and their physical environment. Seasonal changes in the relative abundance of groups followed similar patterns in both streams, and were correlated with the abundance of cyclopoid copepods and temperature. 5. Information on these highly abundant but often overlooked faunal groups is essential for estimates of overall abundance, biomass, species richness and productivity in the benthos, and as such has important implications for several areas of aquatic research, e.g. for those dealing with trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

1. The introduction of livestock in natural areas is a common disturbance that affects both plant and pollinator diversity and might affect their interaction. Understanding whether livestock affect a food resource for pollinators (i.e. flower abundance) and/or a pollinator assemblage (i.e. abundance and richness) has important implications for plant–pollinator interactions and still needs deeper investigation. 2. This study investigated how pollinator communities and flower abundance determined floral visitation frequency along a grazing gradient, using seven large paddocks in Patagonian Monte Desert that varied in livestock densities. Pollinator visitation frequency was measured in five of the most abundant native plant species of the region, present in all the paddocks, but that differed in reproductive strategy ranging from insect‐pollinated self‐compatible and self‐incompatible to wind‐pollinated. The influence of livestock density, insect, and flower abundance on visitation frequency was evaluated using D‐separation hierarchical path models. 3. Intermediate stocking densities showed the highest insect richness and abundance. Livestock density showed a negative quadratic relationship with insect richness; hymenopterans being the main insect group in the region. Flower density decreased with the increase in livestock density. The five plant species shared several pollinator species although each one supported a distinct assemblage. 4. The path model showed that livestock was not directly associated with pollinator visitation frequency; however, this apparent lack of association was as a result of opposite forces acting together. An increase in livestock density reduced visitation frequency through a decrease in insect abundance, yet, livestock simultaneously increased the pollinator visitation rate through decreased flower abundance. 5. This study describes how changes in the density of exotic mammals can affect pollinator and flower abundance, resulting in contrasting effects on flower visitation rates with, apparently, neutral net consequences. This illustrates the complexity of responses to plant–pollinator interactions to anthropogenic disturbances that alter the ecological context.  相似文献   

传粉蜂为作物生产和粮食安全提供重要的生态系统服务。随着农业经济的不断发展,土地利用强度加剧,大量自然或半自然生境已经转变为农业用地。景观均质化和集约化管理导致野生蜂多样性下降,从而威胁到农业可持续生产。本研究以北京市昌平区苹果园为对象,探究景观复杂度(半自然生境比例)、局地管理强度(地表开花植物多样性和土壤全氮)及其交互作用对传粉蜂多样性的影响。结果表明: 共捕获传粉蜂8642头,其中人工蜂5125头,野生蜂分属5科14属49种3517头。传粉蜂多样性对景观复杂度和局地管理强度响应的最优尺度在500 m。样点半径500 m范围内,总传粉蜂和野生蜂多度随周围半自然生境增加均呈显著上升趋势。景观复杂度与开花植物多样性的交互作用对总传粉蜂和野生蜂物种丰富度有显著影响。当景观复杂度较低时(≤29.9%),总传粉蜂和野生蜂物种丰富度与开花植物多样性呈显著正相关;而当景观复杂度较高时(>29.9%),总传粉蜂和野生蜂物种丰富度与开花植物多样性呈显著负相关。此外,人工蜂多度随果园内局地开花植物多样性和土壤全氮增加呈显著升高趋势。土壤全氮与开花植物多样性的交互作用对人工蜂多度有显著影响。当土壤全氮含量较低时(≤1.9 g·kg-1),人工蜂多度与开花植物多样性呈显著正相关;而当土壤全氮含量较高时(>1.9 g·kg-1),人工蜂多度与开花植物多样性呈显著负相关。农业景观中半自然生境比例的增加有利于提高野生蜂多度,而地表开花植物多样性可以促进传粉蜂多样性,但是受到景观尺度(半自然生境比例)和局地尺度(氮肥施用)的影响。因此,农业景观中野生蜂多样性的维持需要综合考虑多尺度因素来制定保护策略。尽可能保留更高比例的耕地仍然是生产的长期需求,而保持中等景观复杂度,增加地表开花植物多样性,减少氮肥施用量将是促进苹果园传粉蜂多样性的有效方式。  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101882
Honey bees and stingless bees are generalist visitors of several wild and cultivated plants. They forage with a high degree of floral fidelity and thereby help in the pollination services of those plants. We hypothesized that pollination efficiency might be influenced by flowering phenology, floral characteristics, and resource collection modes of the worker bees. In this paper, we surveyed the foraging strategies of honey bees (Apis cerana, Apis dorsata, and Apis florea) and stingless bees (Tetragonula iridipennis) concerning their pollination efficiencies. Bees showed different resource gathering strategies, including legitimate (helping in pollination as mixed foragers and specialized foragers) and illegitimate (serving as nectar robbers and pollen thieves) types of flower visitation patterns. Foraging strategies are influenced by the shape of flowers, the timing of the visitation, floral richness, and bee species. Honey bees and stingless bees mainly acted as legitimate visitors in most plants studied. Sometimes honey bees served as nectar robbers in tubular flowers and stingless bees as pollen thieves in large-sized flowers. Among the legitimate categories, mixed foragers have a comparatively lower flower visitation rate than the specialized nectar and pollen foragers. However, mixed foragers have greater abundance and higher values of the single-visit pollination efficiency index (PEi) than nectar and pollen foragers. The value of the combined parameter ‘importance in pollination (PI)’ was thus higher in mixed foragers than in nectar and pollen foragers.  相似文献   

Abstract. The separate and combined effects of fire and cattle grazing on structure and diversity of productive Mediterranean grasslands in northern Israel were examined within a set of climatically and edaphically similar sites. Cover and height of green and dry plants in winter, and species richness and diversity in spring, were measured in paired transects on both sides of cattle fences, and on both sides of boundaries of both incidental and experimentally lit fires. Early in the first growing season after a fire, plant cover as well as height of green plants were reduced, compared to unburnt grassland. These structural effects of fire were similar to the effects of grazing, but they were greater in ungrazed than in grazed grasslands, indicating a fire-grazing interaction. The effects of fire were considerably attenuated in the second growing season after the fire. Species richness and diversity tended to be higher in grazed than in adjacent ungrazed grasslands. Richness consistently increased after a fire only in grazed grasslands with a strong perennial component. In ungrazed grasslands, and in predominantly annual grasslands, fires reduced species richness and diversity at least as often as they increased it. Fire and grazing should be regarded as two agents with distinct and interactive effects on the community, rather than as two alternative mechanisms of a general disturbance factor.  相似文献   

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