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Mutations in the PKD2 gene lead to the development of polycystic kidney disease (PKD). The PKD2 gene codes for polycystin-2, a cation channel with unknown function. The cytoplasmic, C-terminal domain interacts with a large number of proteins including mDia1, α-actinin, PIGEA-14, troponin, and tropomyosin. The C-terminal fragment polycystin-2 (680–796) consisting of 117 amino acids contains a putative calcium binding EF-hand. It was produced in Escherichia coli and enriched uniformly with 13C and 15N. The backbone and side chain resonances were assigned by multidimensional NMR methods, the obtained chemical shifts are typical for a partially folded protein. The chemical shifts obtained are in line with the existence of two paired helix-loop-helix (HLH) motifs.  相似文献   

EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins participate in both modulation of Ca(2+) signals and direct transduction of the ionic signal into downstream biochemical events. The range of biochemical functions of these proteins is correlated with differences in the way in which they respond to the binding of Ca(2+). The EF-hand domains of calbindin D(9k) and calmodulin are homologous, yet they respond to the binding of calcium ions in a drastically different manner. A series of comparative analyses of their structures enabled the development of hypotheses about which residues in these proteins control the calcium-induced changes in conformation. To test our understanding of the relationship between protein sequence and structure, we specifically designed the F36G mutation of the EF-hand protein calbindin D(9k) to alter the packing of helices I and II in the apoprotein. The three-dimensional structure of apo F36G was determined in solution by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and showed that the design was successful. Surprisingly, significant structural perturbations also were found to extend far from the site of mutation. The observation of such long-range effects provides clear evidence that four-helix EF-hand domains should be treated as a single globally cooperative unit. A hypothetical mechanism for how the long-range effects are transmitted is described. Our results support the concept of energetic and structural coupling of the key residues that are crucial for a protein's fold and function.  相似文献   

Birch pollinosis is one of the prevailing allergic diseases. In all, 5-20% of birch pollinotics mount IgE antibodies against the minor birch pollen allergen Bet v 4, a Ca2+-binding polcalcin. Due to IgE cross-reactivity among the polcalcins these patients are polysensitized to various plant pollens. Determination of the high-resolution structure of holo Bet v 4 by heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy reveals a canonical two EF-hand assembly in the open conformation with interhelical angles closely resembling holo calmodulin. The polcalcin-specific amphipathic COOH-terminal alpha-helix covers only a part of the hydrophobic groove on the molecular surface. Unlike the polcalcin Phl p 7 from timothy grass, which was recently shown to form a domain-swapped dimer, the hydrodynamic parameters from NMR relaxation, NMR translational diffusion, and analytical ultracentrifugation indicate that both apo and holo Bet v 4 are predominantly monomeric, raising the question of the physiological and immunological significance of the dimeric form of these polcalcins, whose physiological function is still unknown. The reduced helicity and heat stability in the CD spectra, the poor chemical shift dispersion of the NMR spectra, and the slightly increased hydrodynamic radius of apo Bet v 4 indicate a reversible structural transition upon Ca2+ binding, which explains the reduced IgE binding capacity of apo Bet v 4. The remarkable structural similarity of holo Bet v 4 and holo Phl p 7 in spite of different oligomerization states explains the IgE cross-reactivity and indicates that canonical monomers and domain-swapped dimers may be of similar allergenicity. Together with the close structural homology to calmodulin and the hydrophobic ligand binding groove this transition suggests a regulatory function for Bet v 4.  相似文献   

FYVE domain proteins play key roles in regulating membrane traffic in eukaryotic cells. The FYVE domain displays a remarkable specificity for the head group of the target lipid, phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIns[3]P). We have identified five putative FYVE domain proteins in the genome of the protozoan parasite Leishmania major, three of which are predicted to contain a functional PtdIns(3)P-binding site. The FYVE domain of one of these proteins, LmFYVE-1, bound PtdIns(3)P in liposome-binding assays and targeted GFP to acidified late endosomes/lysosomes in mammalian cells. The high-resolution solution structure of its N-terminal FYVE domain (LmFYVE-1[1-79]) was solved by nuclear magnetic resonance. Functionally significant clusters of residues of the LmFYVE-1 domain involved in PtdIns(3)P binding and dependence on low pH for tight binding were identified. This structure is the first trypanosomatid membrane trafficking protein to be determined and has been refined to high precision and accuracy using residual dipolar couplings.  相似文献   

The previously identified dendritic cell-derived ubiquitin-like protein (DC-UbP) was implicated in cellular differentiation and apoptosis. Sequence alignment suggested that it contains a ubiquitin-like (UbL) domain in the C terminus. Here, we present the solution NMR structure and backbone dynamics of the UbL domain of DC-UbP. The overall structure of the domain is very similar to that of Ub despite low similarity (<30%) in amino-acid sequence. One distinct feature of the domain structure is its highly positively charged surface that is different from the corresponding surfaces of the well-known UbL modifiers, Ub, NEDD8, and SUMO-1. The key amino-acid residues responsible for guiding polyubiquitinated proteins to proteasome degradation in Ub are not conserved in the UbL domain. This implies that the UbL domain of DC-UbP may have its own specific interaction partners with other yet unknown cellular functions related to the Ub pathway.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the second PDZ domain from human phosphatase hPTP1E in complex with a C-terminal peptide from the guanine nucleotide exchange factor RA-GEF-2 has been determined using 2D and 3D heteronuclear NMR experiments. Compared to previously solved structures, the hPTP1E complex shows an enlarged interaction surface with the C terminus of the bound peptide. Novel contacts were found between the long structured beta2/beta3 loop of the PDZ domain and the sixth amino acid residue from the C terminus of the peptide. This work underlines the importance of the beta2/beta3 loop for ligand selection by PDZ domains.  相似文献   

Calerythrin is a 20 kDa calcium-binding protein isolated from gram-positive bacterium Saccharopolyspora erythraea. Based on amino acid sequence homology, it has been suggested that calerythrin belongs to the family of invertebrate sarcoplasmic EF-hand calcium-binding proteins (SCPs), and therefore it is expected to function as a calcium buffer. NMR spectroscopy was used to obtain structural information on the protein in solution. Backbone and side chain 1H, 13C, and 15N assignments were obtained from triple resonance experiments HNCACB, HN(CO)CACB, HNCO, CC(CO)NH, and [15N]-edited TOCSY, and HCCH-TOCSY. Secondary structure was determined by using secondary chemical shifts and characteristic NOEs. In addition, backbone N-H residual dipolar couplings were measured from a spin-state selective [1H, 15N] correlation spectrum acquired from a sample dissolved in a dilute liquid crystal. Four EF-hand motifs with characteristic helix-loop-helix patterns were observed. Three of these are typical calcium-binding EF-hands, whereas site 2 is an atypical nonbinding site. The global fold of calerythrin was assessed by dipolar couplings. Measured dipolar couplings were compared with values calculated from four crystal structures of proteins with sequence homology to calerythrin. These data allowed us to recognize an overall similarity between the folds of calerythrin and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding proteins from the sandworm Nereis diversicolor and the amphioxus Branchiostoma lanceolatum.  相似文献   

Polycystin-1 and -2 are integral membrane glycoproteins defective in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). Recent studies showed a coupled polycystin-1 and -2 action in cell signaling and channel activation suggesting an important biological role for the two proteins at the plasma membrane. To gain a better understanding about the (co)-distribution and dynamics of the polycystin-1 and -2 complex under stress conditions, we used a wound-healing model of Madine Darby canine kidney (MDCK) renal epithelial cells. In this model, cells near the wound edge undergo a process of reorganization to active migration, while cells further from the edge are unaffected and remain confluent. For the first time, endogenous polycystin-1 and -2 were found to partly co-localize in the plasma membrane of confluent monolayers, and both proteins co-localized in the primary cilium. Upon wound healing, the association of polycystin-2 to the membrane was greatly reduced at the wound edge and the submarginal cells. Polycystin-1 remained incorporated to the membrane at the edge of the cell sheet at all time points, although strongly reduced in lamellipodia-forming cells. Adherens junctions and desmosomes, and respective connected actin and keratin cytoskeleton were also disturbed in lamellipodia-forming cells. We propose that altered subcellular localization of polycystin-1 and -2 as a result of stress will affect signaling and other cellular processes mediated by these proteins.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), the most common inherited cause of kidney failure, is caused by mutations in either PKD1 (85%) or PKD2 (15%). The PKD2 protein, polycystin-2 (PC2 or TRPP2), is a member of the transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily and functions as a nonselective calcium channel. PC2 has been found to form oligomers in native tissues, suggesting that similar to other TRP channels, it may form functional homo- or heterotetramers with other TRP subunits. We have recently demonstrated that the homodimerization of PC2 is mediated by both N-terminal and C-terminal domains, and it is known that PC2 can heterodimerize with PC1, TRPC1, and TRPV4. In this paper, we report that a single cysteine residue, Cys(632), mutated in a known PKD2 pedigree, constitutes the third dimerization domain for PC2. PC2 truncation mutants lacking both N and C termini could still dimerize under nonreducing conditions. Mutation of Cys(632) alone abolished dimerization in these mutants, indicating that it was the critical residue mediating disulfide bond formation between PC2 monomers. Co-expression of C632A PC2 mutants with wild-type PC2 channels reduced ATP-sensitive endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) release in HEK293 cells. The combination of C632A and mutations disrupting the C-terminal coiled-coil domain (Val(846), Ile(853), Ile(860), Leu(867) or 4M) nearly abolished dimer formation and ATP-dependent Ca(2+) release. However, unlike the 4M PC2 mutant, a C632A mutant could still heterodimerize with polycystin-1 (PC1). Our results indicate that PC2 homodimerization is regulated by three distinct domains and that these events regulate formation of the tetrameric PC2 channel.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) is a Ca(2+)-binding protein that functions as a ubiquitous Ca(2+)-signaling molecule, through conformational changes from the "closed" apo conformation to the "open" Ca(2+)-bound conformation. Mg(2+) also binds to CaM and stabilizes its folded structure, but the NMR signals are broadened by slow conformational fluctuations. Using the E104D/E140D mutant, designed to decrease the signal broadening in the presence of Mg(2+) with minimal perturbations of the overall structure, the solution structure of the Mg(2+)-bound form of the CaM C-terminal domain was determined by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The Mg(2+)-induced conformational change mainly occurred in EF hand IV, while EF-hand III retained the apo structure. The helix G and helix H sides of the binding sequence undergo conformational changes needed for the Mg(2+) coordination, and thus the helices tilt slightly. The aromatic rings on helix H move to form a new cluster of aromatic rings in the hydrophobic core. Although helix G tilts slightly to the open orientation, the closed conformation is maintained. The fact that the Mg(2+)-induced conformational changes in EF-hand IV and the hydrophobic core are also seen upon Ca(2+) binding suggests that the Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes can be divided into two categories, those specific to Ca(2+) and those common to Ca(2+) and Mg(2+).  相似文献   

Epsin is a protein that binds to the Eps15 homology (EH) domains, and is involved in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. The epsin N-terminal homology (ENTH) domain (about 140 amino acid residues) is well conserved in eukaryotes and is considered to be important for actin cytoskeleton organization in endocytosis. In this study, we have determined the solution structure of the ENTH domain (residues 1–144) of human epsin by multidimensional nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In the ENTH-domain structure, seven -helices form a superhelical fold, consisting of two antiparallel two-helix HEAT motifs and one three-helix ARM motif, with a continuous hydrophobic core in the center. We conclude that the seven-helix superhelical fold defines the ENTH domain, and that the previously-reported eight-helix fold of a longer fragment of rat epsin 1 is divided into the authentic ENTH domain and a C-terminal flanking -helix.  相似文献   

Mammals express two parvalbumins-an alpha isoform and a beta isoform. In rat, the alpha-parvalbumin (alpha-PV) exhibits superior divalent ion affinity. For example, the standard free energies for Ca2+ binding differ by 5.5 kcal/mol in 0.15 M KCl (pH 7.4). High-resolution structures of the Ca2+-bound proteins provide little insight into this disparity, prompting a structural analysis of the apo-proteins. A recent analysis of rat beta-PV suggested that Ca2+ removal provokes substantial conformational changes-reorientation of the C, D, and E helices; reorganization of the hydrophobic core; reduced interdomain contact; and remodeling of the AB domain. The energetic penalty attendant to reversing these changes, it was suggested, could contribute to the attenuated divalent ion-binding signature of that protein. That hypothesis is supported by data presented herein, describing the solution structure and peptide backbone dynamics of Ca2+-free rat alpha-PV. In marked contrast to rat beta-PV, the apo- and Ca2+-loaded forms of the rat alpha isoform are quite similar. Significant structural differences appear to be confined to the loop regions of the molecule. This finding implies that the alpha-PV isoform enjoys elevated divalent ion affinity because the metal ion-binding events do not require major structural rearrangement and the concomitant sacrifice of binding energy.  相似文献   

We have studied the binding of Zn2+ to the hexa EF-hand protein, calbindin D(28k)-a strong Ca2+-binder involved in apoptosis regulation-which is highly expressed in brain tissue. By use of radioblots, isothermal titration calorimetry, and competition with a fluorescent Zn2+ chelator, we find that calbindin D(28k) binds Zn2+ to three rather strong sites with dissociation constants in the low micromolar range. Furthermore, we conclude based on spectroscopic investigations that the Zn2+-bound state is structurally distinct from the Ca2+-bound state and that the two forms are incompatible, yielding negative allosteric interaction between the zinc- and calcium-binding events. ANS titrations reveal a change in hydrophobicity upon binding Zn2+. The binding of Zn2+ is compatible with the ability of calbindin to activate myo-inositol monophosphatase, one of the known targets of calbindin. Through site-directed mutagenesis, we address the role of cysteine and histidine residues in the binding of Zn2+. Mutation of all five cysteines into serines has no effect on Zn2+-binding affinity or stoichiometry. However, mutating histidine 80 into a glutamine reduces the binding affinity of the strongest Zn2+ site, indicating that this residue is involved in coordinating the Zn2+ ion in this site. Mutating histidines 5, 22, or 114 has significantly smaller effects on Zn2+-binding affinity.  相似文献   

The calcium binding proteins of the EF-hand super-family are involved in the regulation of all aspects of cell function. These proteins exhibit a great diversity of composition, structure, Ca2+-binding and target interaction properties. Here, our current understanding of the Ca2+-binding mechanism is assessed. The structures of the EF-hand motifs containing 11-14 amino acid residues in the Ca2+-binding loop are analyzed within the framework of the recently proposed two-step Ca2+-binding mechanism. A hypothesis is put forward that in all EF-hand proteins the Ca2+-binding and the resultant conformational responses are governed by the central structure connecting the Ca2+-binding loops in the two-EF-hand domain. This structure, named EFbeta-scaffold, defines the position of the bound Ca2+, and coordinates the function of the N-terminal (variable and flexible) with the C-terminal (invariable and rigid) parts of the Ca2+-binding loop. It is proposed that the nature of the first ligand of the Ca2+-binding loop is an important determinant of the conformational change. Additional factors, including the interhelical contacts, the length, structure and flexibility of the linker connecting the EF-hand motifs, and the overall energy balance provide the fine-tuning of the Ca2+-induced conformational change in the EF-hand proteins.  相似文献   

The muscleblind‐like (MBNL) proteins 1, 2, and 3, which contain four CCCH zinc finger motifs (ZF1–4), are involved in the differentiation of muscle inclusion by controlling the splicing patterns of several pre‐mRNAs. Especially, MBNL1 plays a crucial role in myotonic dystrophy. The CCCH zinc finger is a sequence motif found in many RNA binding proteins and is suggested to play an important role in the recognition of RNA molecules. Here, we solved the solution structures of both tandem zinc finger (TZF) motifs, TZF12 (comprising ZF1 and ZF2) and TZF34 (ZF3 and ZF4), in MBNL2 from Homo sapiens. In TZF12 of MBNL2, ZF1 and ZF2 adopt a similar fold, as reported previously for the CCCH‐type zinc fingers in the TIS11d protein. The linker between ZF1 and ZF2 in MBNL2 forms an antiparallel β‐sheet with the N‐terminal extension of ZF1. Furthermore, ZF1 and ZF2 in MBNL2 interact with each other through hydrophobic interactions. Consequently, TZF12 forms a single, compact global fold, where ZF1 and ZF2 are approximately symmetrical about the C2 axis. The structure of the second tandem zinc finger (TZF34) in MBNL2 is similar to that of TZF12. This novel three‐dimensional structure of the TZF domains in MBNL2 provides a basis for functional studies of the CCCH‐type zinc finger motifs in the MBNL protein family.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD), a hereditary renal disease caused by mutations in PKD1 (85%) or PKD2 (15%), is characterized by the development of gradually enlarging multiple renal cysts and progressive renal failure. Polycystin-1 (PC1), PKD1 gene product, is an integral membrane glycoprotein which regulates a number of different biological processes including cell proliferation, apoptosis, cell polarity, and tubulogenesis. PC1 is a target of various proteolytic cleavages and proteosomal degradations, but its role in intracellular signaling pathways remains poorly understood. Herein, we demonstrated that PC1 is a novel substrate for μ- and m-calpains, which are calcium-dependent cysteine proteases. Overexpression of PC1 altered both Janus-activated kinase 2 (JAK2) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signals, which were independently regulated by calpain-mediated PC1 degradation. They suggest that the PC1 function on JAK2 and ERK signaling pathways might be regulated by calpains in response to the changes in intracellular calcium concentration.  相似文献   

Calretinin, a neuronal protein with well-defined calcium-binding properties, has a poorly defined function. The pH dependent properties of calretinin (CR), the N-terminal (CR I-II), and C-terminal (CR III-VI) domains were investigated. A drop in pH within the intracellular range (from pH 7.5 to pH 6.5) leads to an increased hydrophobicity of calcium-bound CR and its domains as reported by fluorescence spectroscopy with the hydrophobic probe 2-(p-toluidino)-6-naphthalenesulfonic acid (TNS). The TNS data for the N- and C-terminal domains of CR are additive, providing further support for their independence within the full-length protein. Our work concentrated on CR I-II, which was found to have hydrophobic properties similar to calmodulin at lower pH. The elution of CR I-II from a phenyl-Sepharose column was consistent with the TNS data. The pH-dependent structural changes were further localized to residues 13-28 and 44-51 using nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy chemical shift analysis, and there appear to be no large changes in secondary structure. Protonation of His 12 and/or His 27 side chains, coupled with calcium chelation, appears to lead to the organization of a hydrophobic pocket in the N-terminal domain. CR may sense and respond to calcium, proton, and other signals, contributing to conflicting data on the proteins role as a calcium sensor or calcium buffer.  相似文献   

The growing database of three-dimensional structures of EF-hand calcium-binding proteins is revealing a previously unrecognized variability in the coformations and organizations of EF-hand binding motifs. The structures of twelve different EF-hand proteins for which coordinates are publicly available are discussed and related to their respective biological and biophysical properties. The classical picture of calcium sensors and calcium signal modulators is presented, along with variants on the basic theme and new structural paradigms.© Kluwer Academic Publishers  相似文献   

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