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More than an order of magnitude difference in substitution rate exists among sites within hypervariable region 1 of the control region of human mitochondrial DNA. A two-rate Poisson mixture and a negative binomial distribution are used to describe the distribution of the inferred number of changes per nucleotide site in this region. When three data sets are pooled, however, the two-rate model cannot explain the data. The negative binomial distribution always fits, suggesting that substitution rates are approximately gamma distributed among sites. Simulations presented here provide support for the use of a biased, yet commonly employed, method of examining rate variation. The use of parsimony in the method to infer the number of changes at each site introduces systematic errors into the analysis. These errors preclude an unbiased quantification of variation in substitution rate but make the method conservative overall. The method can be used to distinguish sites with highly elevated rates, and 29 such sites are identified in hypervariable region 1. Variation does not appear to be clustered within this region. Simulations show that biases in rates of substitution among nucleotides and non-uniform base composition can mimic the effects of variation in rate among sites. However, these factors contribute little to the levels of rate variation observed in hypervariable region 1.  相似文献   

Low levels of mitochondrial DNA variation were observed among pike Esox lucius populations from major drainage systems of Europe. Populations from the Italian peninsula including southern Switzerland were genetically distinct from other samples.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence polymorphism in a 641-bp novel major noncoding region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA-NC) of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas was analysed for 29 cultured individuals within the Goseong population. A total of 30 variable sites were detected, and the relative frequency of nucleotide alteration was determined to be 4.68. Alterations were mostly single nucleotide substitutions. Transition, transversion, both transition and transversion, and both transversion and nucleotide deletion were observed at 18, 9, 2 and 1 sites, respectively. Among 29 specimens, 22 haplotypes were identified, and pairwise genetic diversity of haplotypes was calculated to be 0.988 from multiple sequence substitutions using the two-parameter model. A phylogenetic tree, obtained for haplotypes by the neighbor-joining method, showed a single cluster of linkages. The cluster comprised 11 haplotypes associating with 14 specimens, while the other 11 haplotypes associating with 15 specimens were scattered. This mtDNA-NC presenting a high nucleotide sequence polymorphism is a potential mtDNA control region. It therefore can serve as a genetic marker for intraspecies phylogenetic analysis of the Pacific oyster and is more useful than the less polymorphic mtDNA coding genes.  相似文献   

The focus of large genomic studies has shifted from only looking at genes and protein-coding sequences to exploring the full set of elements in each genome. The explosion of comparative sequencing data has led to an increase in methodologies, approaches and ideas on how to analyze the unknown fraction of the genome, namely the non-protein-coding fraction. The main issues relate to the discovery, evolutionary analysis and natural variation of non-coding DNA, and the parameters that prevent us from fully understanding the properties of non-coding DNA.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of the D-loop-containing regions of three rat mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs), two from the species Rattus norvegicus and one from R. rattus, were determined. Comparisons made among these sequences and with the mouse sequence showed that, on the basis of both base composition and frequency of nucleotide alterations, three domains could be defined within the D-loop-containing region: a central conserved segment, poor in L-strand adenine, flanked by two divergent, adenine-rich regions. Deletions and insertions were found to occur at an unexpectedly high frequency in these sequences and the conserved sequence block called CSB-1 was found not to be intact in the R. rattus sequence. Although in comparisons of more distantly related mtDNAs the D-loop region is the most divergent on the molecule, it does not diverge more than typical protein genes between R. norvegicus and R. rattus, and its central conserved domain appears to be one of the molecule's most conserved regions. The most variable domain borders the tRNAPhe gene and contains the L and H-strand promoters and the 5' terminus for H-strand DNA synthesis. Within this region we have found sequences in all the mtDNAs we have examined, including those of human, two artiodactyls and Xenopus, that are capable of folding into cloverleaf structures. In the other divergent domain of the same mtDNAs, we find sequences capable of assuming similar secondary structural configurations at or near the sites for the termination of D-loop DNA synthesis. The evolutionary preservation of the potential to form such structures despite the high primary-structural divergence of the regions they occur in, suggests the structures are of principal importance for some processes occurring in the D-loop-containing region.  相似文献   

The present study reports the distribution of a 35-bp mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop tandemly repeated sequence in the populations of a North American freshwater catfish, Pylodictis olivaris, and the important role of a past geological event in the phylogeographic pattern of this species. A total of 330 individuals of flathead catfish, representing 34 drainages throughout the species' native range in the United States, were collected. While more than 70% of individuals sampled from the Southeastern Gulf Coast drainages were characterized by the presence of a 35-bp mtDNA D-loop tandem repeat proximal to the 5′ end, more than 95% of samples from the Mississippi River and its tributaries, as well as from the drainages of the Southwest Gulf Coast region, lack this tandem repeat. Concomitantly, phylogenetic analyses revealed the existence of two distinct matrilineal lineages (lineage I and II) of P. olivaris, which were estimated to have diverged from a common ancestor sometime between 0.70 and 2.05 myr ago. While one lineage is comprised of samples from the Mississippi River and its tributaries and rivers draining to the Southwest Gulf Coast, the other lineage is comprised of samples from the Southeastern Gulf Coast drainages. Each lineage also has two sub-lineages, which also showed geographic specificity.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was analyzed from five species of the subfamily Caprinae; Naemorhedus caudatus, N. goral, Capra hircus, Capricornis swinhoei, and Capricornis crispus. Among these species, the control region ranged from 1,096 to 1,212 bp in length. Our results were compatible with the scheme of three domains (ETAS, Central, and CSB) within the control region. A + T < G + C was observed in all the domains. In the Korean gorals, of the 31 variable sites in the whole control region resulting in 15 haplotypes, 27 variable sites were in the ETAS domain. We found two to three tandem repeat in all five species examined in this study, three in N. caudatus and N. goral, two in Capra hircus and C. crispus, and one in C. swinhoei, respectively. All of these repeat units include two short sections of mirror symmetry (TACAT and ATGTA). Short mirror symmetries were well-resolved among five different species, although left domain has high substitution rates. By Kimura’s two parameter method, the genetic distances between the genera Naemorhedus and Capricornis were calculated and divergence time between Naemorhedus and Capricornis may be nearly 2Myr.  相似文献   

Aim We surveyed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation among regionally isolated populations of 10 grassland‐associated butterfly species to determine: (1) the utility of phylogeographic comparisons among multiple species for assessing recent evolutionary patterns, and (2) the respective roles of isolation attributable to range disjunction versus isolation attributable solely to geographic distance in establishing divergence patterns. Location The Peace River grasslands of northern Alberta and British Columbia, Canada, which are isolated by 300+ km from similar communities to the south. Methods We sequenced mtDNA (1420 bp of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) from five grassland‐restricted butterfly species that have geographically disjunct populations and from five ecologically broader species that have more continuous distributions across the same regions. Using analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), Mantel and partial Mantel tests, and haplotype networks, we compared population structure within and between species in order to assess the validity of single‐species phylogeographic characterizations. We then contrasted variance components between disjunct and continuously distributed species to assess whether divergences were correlated more with disjunction or with geographic distance. Results Single‐species analyses varied substantially within both the disjunct and the continuous groups. One species in each of these groups had mtDNA with unusually deep intraspecific mitochondrial lineage divergences. On the whole, however, the five species with disjunct ranges exhibited greater divergence between geographically distant populations than did the five species with continuous distributions. Comparison of variance components between disjunct and continuous species indicated that isolation attributable only to geographic distance was responsible for up to half of the total sequence variation between disjunct populations of grassland butterflies. Main conclusions Our findings show that single‐species phylogeographic analyses of post‐Pleistocene butterfly distributions are inadequate for characterizing regional biogeographic divergence histories. However, comparison of mtDNA sequence divergences between groups of disjunct and continuously distributed species can allow isolation attributable to range interruption to be quantitatively distinguished from isolation attributable solely to gene flow attenuation over the same geographic area.  相似文献   

Sun G 《Hereditas》2002,137(2):119-124
Several published universal primers for amplification of non-coding regions of chloroplast, mitochondrial and ribosomal (rRNA) IGS region were tested whether they can amplify respective regions in Elymus species. PCR-RFLP analysis of the chloroplast, mitochondral DNA, and rRNA IGS region of the genus Elymus was used to determine if the method could be employed to detect inter-specific variation in this genus. Published universal primers for amplification of trnK [tRNA-Lys (UUU) exon 1]-trnK [tRNA-Lys (UUU) exon2], and mitochondrial nad1 exon B-nadl exon C intron successfully amplified the respective regions in Elymus species. However, the primers for amplification of chloroplast trnD-trnT intron and rRNA IGS failed to amplify the respective region in Elymus species. New primer pairs were designed and successfully amplified the cpDNA trnD-trnT intron and rRNA IGS region in Elymus species. The amplification products were digested with seven restriction enzymes. The results showed that the investigated regions of chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes are variable in most of the tested taxa and contain multiple variable regions. These regions should serve as useful molecular markers in phylogenetic studies of closely related species, at least at the interspecific level in Elymus. It is likely that further studies, including larger sample sizes, more regions of these genomes and/or more powerful methods for the detection of cpDNA and mt DNA variation will reveal additional variation for this genus. Highly inter- and intra-specific polymorphisms for rRNA IGS region were detected, suggesting the IGS will be a useful molecular marker for population studies of Elymus species.  相似文献   

Throughout its natural range, the brown trout Salmo trutta L. exhibits a complex pattern of morphological and life-history variation. This has led to considerable taxonomic confusion, hampering the understanding of the evolutionary history of the species. To document the phylogenetic relationships among morphologically and geographically remote brown trout populations across western Europe, we determined the DNA sequence variation in segments of the mitochondrial control region for 151 individuals representing 24 populations. DNA was prepared for double-stranded sequencing by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Twenty-one variable nucleotide positions within a 640-bp fragment surveyed defined 12 genotypes differing by a mean of 7 nucleotide substitutions (range 1-12). Five major phylogenetic assemblages differing by mean sequence divergence estimates of 0.96 to 1.44% were identified. These groupings exhibited a strong spatial partitioning but lacked congruence with either ecological or morphological differentiation. Complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) monomorphism across all Atlantic basin populations contrasted with the high interdrainage genetic diversity observed in more southerly populations. This study exemplified the usefulness of mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis for estimating phylogenetic relationships within S. trutta populations.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial D-loop hypervariable region I (HVI) sequences are widely used in human molecular evolutionary studies, and therefore accurate assessment of rate heterogeneity among sites is essential. We used the maximum-likelihood method to estimate the gamma shape parameter alpha for variable substitution rates among sites for HVI from humans and chimpanzees to provide estimates for future studies. The complete data of 839 humans and 224 chimpanzees, as well as many subsets of these data, were analyzed to examine the effect of sequence sampling. The effects of the genealogical tree and the nucleotide substitution model were also examined. The transition/transversion rate ratio (kappa) is estimated to be about 25, although much larger and biased estimates were also obtained from small data sets at low divergences. Estimates of alpha were 0.28-0.39 for human data sets of different sizes and 0.20-0.39 for data sets including different chimpanzee subspecies. The combined data set of both species gave estimates of 0.42-0.45. While all those estimates suggest highly variable substitution rates among sites, smaller samples tend to give smaller estimates of alpha. Possible causes for this pattern were examined, such as biases in the estimation procedure and shifts in the rate distribution along certain lineages. Computer simulations suggest that the estimation procedure is quite reliable for large trees but can be biased for small samples at low divergences. Thus, an alpha of 0.4 appears suitable for both humans and chimpanzees. Estimates of alpha can be affected by the nucleotide sites included in the data, the overall tree length (the amount of sequence divergence), the number of rate classes used for the estimation, and to a lesser extent, the included sequences. The genealogical tree, the substitution model, and demographic processes such as population expansion do not have much effect.  相似文献   

The sequence of a region of honeybee (Apis mellifera ligustica) mitochondrial DNA, which contains the genes for cytochrome c oxidase subunits I and II (CO-I and CO-II) and inferred genes for tRNA(Asp), tRNA(Leu)UUR, tRNA(Lys), and tRNA(Trp), is presented. The region includes the segment previously identified as incurring a length increase in some other bee strains, including Africanized bees. The sequence information of this study and of that by Vlasak et al. shows that several shifts of tRNA genes have occurred between Apis and Drosophila, but shifts of other kinds of genes have yet to be demonstrated. The CO-I and CO-II gene sequences are both more A+T rich than are the corresponding Drosophila genes. Parsimony analyses using the mouse and Xenopus sequences as outgroups show significantly more amino acid substitutions on the branch to Apis (120) than on that to Drosophila (44), indicating a difference in the long-term evolutionary rates of hymenopteran and dipteran mtDNA.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNAs from nine male fertile and eight cytoplasmic male sterile (cms) accessions of wild and cultivated Beta beets were investigated for the presence of low molecular weight DNA molecules. Five different supercoiled DNA molecules were detected, varying in size from 1.33 to 1.63 kb. Southern hybridizations revealed multimeric forms and sequence homologies between the minicircles. The occurrence of the different minicircles among the 17 accessions was investigated by agarose gel electrophoresis and Southern hybridization using minicircle specific probes. The 1.33 and 1.63 kb minicircles were found in most accessions, the other three minicircles were found in one or two of the wild Beta beet accessions. The presence of a low number of small, more or less homologous, minicircles in all investigated plants makes these molecules a general characteristic of Beta mtDNA. No association is found between the presence or absence of specific minicircles and the expression of male sterility. Neither does the distribution of the different minicircles in Beta beets indicate any essential biological role of these minicircles.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region was sequenced for 71 individuals from five species of the rodent genus Clethrionomys both to understand patterns of variation and to explore the existence of previously described domains and other elements. Among species, the control region ranged from 942 to 971 bp in length. Our data were compatible with the proposal of three domains (extended terminal associated sequences [ETAS], central, conserved sequence blocks [CSB]) within the control region. The most conserved region in the control region was the central domain (12% of nucleotide positions variable), whereas in the ETAS and CSB domains, 22% and 40% of nucleotide positions were variable, respectively. Tandem repeats were encountered only in the ETAS domain of Clethrionomys rufocanus. This tandem repeat found in C. rufocanus was 24 bp in length and was located at the 5' end of the control region. Only two of the proposed CSB and ETAS elements appeared to be supported by our data; however, a "CSB1-like" element was also documented in the ETAS domain.  相似文献   

Through DNA sequence comparisons of a mitochondrial D-loop hypervariable region, we investigated matrilineal diversity for Arabian horses in the United States. Sixty-two horses were tested. From published pedigrees they traced in the maternal line to 34 mares acquired primarily in the mid to late 19th century from nomadic Bedouin tribes. Compared with the reference sequence (GenBank X79547), these samples showed 27 haplotypes with altogether 31 base substitution sites within 397 bp of sequence. Based on examination of pedigrees from a random sampling of 200 horses in current studbooks of the Arabian Horse Registry of America, we estimated that this study defined the expected mtDNA haplotypes for at least 89% of Arabian horses registered in the US. The reliability of the studbook recorded maternal lineages of Arabian pedigrees was demonstrated by haplotype concordance among multiple samplings in 14 lines. Single base differences observed within two maternal lines were interpreted as representing alternative fixations of past heteroplasmy. The study also demonstrated the utility of mtDNA sequence studies to resolve historical maternity questions without access to biological material from the horses whose relationship was in question, provided that representatives of the relevant female lines were available for comparison. The data call into question the traditional assumption that Arabian horses of the same strain necessarily share a common maternal ancestry.  相似文献   

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