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Evolution is a continuous trial and error process in which most lineages go extinct without leaving fossil remains. Many of these lineages would be closely related and occasionally hybridized with lineages that gave rise to extant species. Hence, it is likely that one can find genetic signatures of these ancient introgression events in present-day genomes, so-called ghost introgression. The increasing availability of high-quality genome assemblies for non-model organisms and the development of more sophisticated methods for detecting introgression will undoubtedly reveal more cases of ghost introgression, indicating that the Tree of Life is even more reticulated than assumed. The presence of ghost introgression has important consequences for the study of numerous evolutionary processes, including adaptation, speciation, and macroevolutionary patterns. In addition, detailed studies of introgressed regions could provide insights into the morphology of the extinct lineage, providing an unexpected link between genomics and the fossil record. Hence, new methods that take into account ghost introgression will need to be developed.  相似文献   

Until complete reproductive isolation is achieved, the extent of differentiation between two diverging lineages is the result of a dynamic equilibrium between genetic isolation and mixing. This is especially true for hybrid taxa, for which the degree of isolation in regard to their parental species is decisive in their capacity to rise as a new and stable entity. In this work, we explored the past and current patterns of hybridization and divergence within a complex of closely related butterflies in the genus Coenonympha in which two alpine species, C. darwiniana and C. macromma, have been shown to result from hybridization between the also alpine C. gardetta and the lowland C. arcania. By testing alternative scenarios of divergence among species, we show that gene flow has been uninterrupted throughout the speciation process, although leading to different degrees of current genetic isolation between species in contact zones depending on the pair considered. Nonetheless, at broader geographic scale, analyses reveal a clear genetic differentiation between hybrid lineages and their parental species, pointing out to an advanced stage of the hybrid speciation process. Finally, the positive correlation observed between ecological divergence and genetic isolation among these butterflies suggests a potential role for ecological drivers during their speciation processes.  相似文献   

Hybridization has played a major role during the evolution of angiosperms, mediating both gene flow between already distinct species and the formation of new species. Newly formed hybrids between distantly related taxa are often sterile. For this reason, interspecific crosses resulting in fertile hybrids have rarely been described to take place after more than a few million years after divergence. We describe here the traces of a reproductively successful hybrid between two ancestral species of Silene, diverged for about six million years prior to hybridization. No extant hybrids between the two parental lineages are currently known, but introgression of the RNA polymerase gene NRPA2 provides clear evidence of a temporary and fertile hybrid. Parsimony reconciliation between gene trees and the species tree, as well as consideration of clade ages, help exclude gene paralogy and lineage sorting as alternative hypotheses. This may represent one of the most extreme cases of divergence between species prior to introgressive hybridization discovered yet, notably at a homoploid level. Although species boundaries are generally believed to be stable after millions of years of divergence, we believe that this finding may indicate that gene flow between distantly related species is merely largely undetected at present.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeography allow us to understand how shared historical circumstances have shaped the formation of lineages, by examining a broad spectrum of co-distributed populations of different taxa. However, these types of studies are scarce in the Neotropics, a region that is characterized by high diversity, complex geology, and poorly understood biogeography. Here, we investigate the diversification patterns of five lineages of amphibians and reptiles, co-distributed across the Choco and Andes ecoregions in northwestern Ecuador. Mitochondrial DNA and occurrence records were used to determine the degree of geographic genetic divergence within species. Our results highlight congruent patterns of parapatric speciation and common geographical barriers for distantly related taxa. These comparisons indicate similar biological and demographic characteristics for the included clades, and reveal the existence of two new species of Pristimantis previously subsumed under P. walkeri, which we describe herein. Our data supports the hypothesis that widely distributed Chocoan taxa may generally experience their greatest opportunities for isolation and parapatric speciation across thermal elevational gradients. Finally, our study provides critical information to predict which unstudied lineages may harbor cryptic diversity, and how geology and climate are likely to have shaped their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Bacterial attachments to nearly the entire surface of flagellated protists in the guts of termites and the wood-feeding cockroach Cryptocercus are often observed. Based on the polymerase chain reaction-amplified 16S rRNA gene sequences, we investigated the phylogenetic relationships of the rod-shaped, attached bacteria (ectosymbionts) of several protist species from five host taxa and confirmed their identity by fluorescence in situ hybridizations. These ectosymbionts are affiliated with the order Bacteroidales but formed three distinct lineages, each of which may represent novel bacterial genera. One lineage consisted of the closely related ectosymbionts of two species of the protist genus Devescovina (Cristamonadida). The second lineage comprised three phylotypes identified from the protist Streblomastix sp. (Oxymonadida). The third lineage included ectosymbionts of the three protist genera Hoplonympha, Barbulanympha and Urinympha in the family Hoplonymphidae (Trichonymphida). The ultrastructural observations indicated that these rod-shaped ectosymbionts share morphological similarities of their cell walls and their point of attachment with the protist but differ in shape. Elongated forms of the ectosymbionts appeared in all the three lineages. The protist cells Streblomastix sp. and Hoplonympha sp. display deep furrows and vane-like structures, but these impressive structures are probably evolutionarily convergent because both the host protists and their ectosymbionts are distantly related.  相似文献   

Aim  We used inferences of phylogenetic relationships and divergence times for three lineages of highland pitvipers to identify broad-scale historical events that have shaped the evolutionary history of Middle American highland taxa, and to test previous hypotheses of Neotropical speciation.
Location  Middle America (Central America and Mexico).
Methods  We used 2306 base pairs of mitochondrial gene sequences from 178 individuals to estimate the phylogeny and divergence times of New World pitviper lineages, focusing on three genera ( Atropoides , Bothriechis and Cerrophidion ) that are broadly co-distributed across Middle American highlands.
Results  We found strong correspondence across three highland lineages for temporally and geographically coincident divergences in the Miocene and Pliocene, and further identified widespread within-species divergences across multiple lineages that occurred in the early–middle Pleistocene.
Main conclusions  Available data suggest that there were at least three major historical events in Middle America that had broad impacts on species divergence and lineage diversification among highland taxa. In addition, we find widespread within-species genetic structure that may be attributable to the climatic changes that affected gene flow among highland taxa during the middle–late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Disruptive selection of life-cycle timing may cause temporal isolation directly and, ultimately, allochronic speciation. Despite the fact that segregation of the reproductive period among related species has been broadly observed across taxa, it remains controversial whether temporal isolation can function as the primary process of speciation. In the Japanese winter geometrid moth Inurois punctigera, allochronic divergence has resulted from climatic disruption of the reproductive period. In habitats with severe midwinter, two sympatric groups of moth reproduce allochronically in early and late winter. These groups are genetically diverging sister lineages and now co-occur allochronically throughout Japan. By contrast, in habitats with milder midwinter these lineages form a continuous adult period and gene flow has been facilitated between the lineages. These results, together with the fact that there is no difference in larval host use, indicate that temporal isolation has been the sole mechanism for allochronic isolation in colder habitats and that allochrony is not a by-product of other adaptations. Thus, the allochronic divergence of sympatric I. punctigera populations represents an incipient speciation process driven by midwinter disruption of the reproductive period.  相似文献   

The ability to disperse over long distances can result in a high propensity for colonizing new geographic regions, including uninhabited continents, and lead to lineage diversification via allopatric speciation. However, high vagility can also result in gene flow between otherwise allopatric populations, and in some cases, parapatric or divergence‐with‐gene‐flow models might be more applicable to widely distributed lineages. Here, we use five nuclear introns and the mitochondrial control region along with Bayesian models of isolation with migration to examine divergence, gene flow, and phylogenetic relationships within a cosmopolitan lineage comprising six species, the blue‐winged ducks (genus Anas), which inhabit all continents except Antarctica. We found two primary sub‐lineages, the globally‐distributed shoveler group and the New World blue‐winged/cinnamon teal group. The blue‐winged/cinnamon sub‐lineage is composed of sister taxa from North America and South America, and taxa with parapatric distributions are characterized by low to moderate levels of gene flow. In contrast, our data support strict allopatry for most comparisons within the shovelers. However, we found evidence of gene flow from the migratory, Holarctic northern shoveler A. clypeata and the more sedentary, African Cape shoveler A. smithii into the Australasian shoveler A. rhynchotis, although we could not reject strict allopatry. Given the diverse mechanisms of speciation within this complex, the shovelers and blue‐winged/cinnamon teals can serve as an effective model system for examining how the genome diverges under different evolutionary processes and how genetic variation is partitioned among highly dispersive taxa.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is common in higher plants, and speciation in polyploid complexes is usually the result of reticulate evolution. We examined variation in nuclear AFLP fingerprints, nuclear isozymes, and hypervariable plastid DNA loci to describe speciation patterns and species relationships in the Dactylorhiza incarnata/maculata polyploid complex (marsh orchids; Orchidaceae) in Greece. Several endemic taxa with restricted distribution have been described from this area, and to propose meaningful conservation priorities, detailed relationships need to be known. We identified four independently derived allopolyploid lineages, which is a pattern poorly correlated with prevailing taxonomy. Three lineages were composed of populations restricted to small areas and may be of recent origins from extant parental lineages. One lineage with wide distribution in northern Greece was characterized by several unique plastid haplotypes that were phylogenetically related and evidently older. The D. incarnata/maculata polyploid complex in Greece has high levels of genetic diversity at the polyploid level. This diversity has accumulated over a long time and may include genetic variants originating from now extinct parental populations. Our data also indicate that the Balkans may have constituted an important refuge from which northern European Dactylorhiza were recruited after the Weichselian ice age.  相似文献   

Although Bacteria and Archaea reproduce by binary fission, exchange of genes among lineages has shaped the diversity of their populations and the diversification of their lineages. Gene exchange can occur by two distinct routes, each differentially impacting the recipient genome. First, homologous recombination mediates the exchange of DNA between closely related individuals (those whose sequences are sufficient similarly to allow efficient integration). As a result, homologous recombination mediates the dispersal of advantageous alleles that may rise to high frequency among genetically related individuals via periodic selection events. Second, lateral gene transfer can introduce novel DNA into a genome from completely unrelated lineages via illegitimate recombination. Gene exchange by this route serves to distribute genes throughout distantly related clades and therefore may confer complex abilities--not otherwise found among closely related lineages--onto the recipient organisms. These two mechanisms of gene exchange play complementary roles in the diversification of microbial populations into independent, ecologically distinct lineages. Although the delineation of microbial "species" then becomes difficult--if not impossible--to achieve, a cogent process of speciation can be predicted.  相似文献   

Whole-genome duplication has shaped the genomes of extant lineages ranging from unicellular fungi to vertebrates, and its association with several species-rich taxa has fueled interest in its potential as a catalyst for speciation. One well-established model for the evolution of reproductive isolation involves the reciprocal loss of redundant genes at different loci in allopatric populations. Whole-genome duplication simultaneously doubles the entire gene content of an organism, resulting in massive levels of genetic redundancy and potential for reciprocal gene loss that may produce postzygotic reproductive isolation. Following whole-genome duplication, different populations can potentially change or lose gene function at different duplicate loci. If such populations come back into contact any F1 hybrids that are formed may suffer reduced fertility as some of the gametes they produce may not carry a full complement of functional genes. This reduction in hybrid fertility will be directly proportional to the number of divergently resolved loci between the populations. In this work, we demonstrate that initially identical populations of allotetraploid yeast subjected to mutagenesis rapidly evolve postzygotic reproductive isolation, consistent with the divergent loss of function of redundant gene copies.  相似文献   

Robust phylogenies for brood-parasitic birds, their hosts, and nearest nesting relatives provide the framework to address historical questions about host-parasite coevolution and the origins of parasitic behavior. We tested phylogenetic hypotheses for the two genera of African brood-parasitic finches, Anomalospiza and Vidua, using mitochondrial DNA sequence data from 43 passeriform species. Our analyses strongly support a sister relationship between Vidua and Anomalospiza, leading to the conclusion that obligate brood parasitism evolved only once in African finches rather than twice, as has been the conventional view. In addition, the parasitic finches (Viduidae) are not recently derived from either weavers (Ploceidae) or grassfinches (Estrildidae), but represent a third distinct lineage. Among these three groups, the parasitic finches and estrildids, which includes the hosts of all 19 Vidua species, are sister taxa in all analyses of our full dataset. Many characters shared by Vidua and estrildids, including elaborate mouth markings in nestlings, unusual begging behavior, and immaculate white eggs, can therefore be attributed to common ancestry rather than convergent evolution. The host-specificity of mouth mimicry in Vidua species, however, is clearly the product of subsequent host-parasite coevolution. The lineage leading to Anomalospiza switched to parasitizing more distantly related Old World warblers (Sylviidae) and subsequently lost these characteristics. Substantial sequence divergence between Vidua and Anomalospiza indicates that the origin of parasitic behavior in this clade is ancient (approximately 20 million years ago), a striking contrast to the recent radiation of extant Vidua. We suggest that the parasitic finch lineage has experienced repeated cycles of host colonization, speciation, and extinction through their long history as brood parasites and that extant Vidua species represent only the latest iterations of this process. This dynamic process may account for a significantly faster rate of DNA sequence evolution in parasitic finches as compared to estrildids and other passerines. Our study reduces by one the tally of avian lineages in which obligate brood parasitism has evolved and suggests an origin of parasitism that involved relatively closely related species likely to accept and provide appropriate care to parasitic young. Given the ancient origin of parasitism in African finches, ancestral estrildids must have been parasitized well before the diversification of extant Vidua, suggesting a long history of coevolution between these lineages preceding more recent interactions between specific hosts and parasites.  相似文献   

Delineating microbial populations, discovering ecologically relevant phenotypes and identifying migrants, hybrids or admixed individuals have long proved notoriously difficult, thereby limiting our understanding of the evolutionary forces at play during the diversification of microbial species. However, recent advances in sequencing and computational methods have enabled an unbiased approach whereby incipient species and the genetic correlates of speciation can be identified by examining patterns of genomic variation within and between lineages. We present here a population genomic study of a phylogenetic species in the Neurospora discreta species complex, based on the resequencing of full genomes (~37 Mb) for 52 fungal isolates from nine sites in three continents. Population structure analyses revealed two distinct lineages in South–East Asia, and three lineages in North America/Europe with a broad longitudinal and latitudinal range and limited admixture between lineages. Genome scans for selective sweeps and comparisons of the genomic landscapes of diversity and recombination provided no support for a role of selection at linked sites on genomic heterogeneity in levels of divergence between lineages. However, demographic inference indicated that the observed genomic heterogeneity in divergence was generated by varying rates of gene flow between lineages following a period of isolation. Many putative cases of exchange of genetic material between phylogenetically divergent fungal lineages have been discovered, and our work highlights the quantitative importance of genetic exchanges between more closely related taxa to the evolution of fungal genomes. Our study also supports the role of allopatric isolation as a driver of diversification in saprobic microbes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biology often seeks to decipher the drivers of speciation, and much debate persists over the relative importance of isolation and gene flow in the formation of new species. Genetic studies of closely related species can assess if gene flow was present during speciation, because signatures of past introgression often persist in the genome. We test hypotheses on which mechanisms of speciation drove diversity among three distinct lineages of desert tortoise in the genus Gopherus. These lineages offer a powerful system to study speciation, because different biogeographic patterns (physical vs. ecological segregation) are observed at opposing ends of their distributions. We use 82 samples collected from 38 sites, representing the entire species' distribution and generate sequence data for mtDNA and four nuclear loci. A multilocus phylogenetic analysis in *BEAST estimates the species tree. RNA‐seq data yield 20,126 synonymous variants from 7665 contigs from two individuals of each of the three lineages. Analyses of these data using the demographic inference package ?a?i serve to test the null hypothesis of no gene flow during divergence. The best‐fit demographic model for the three taxa is concordant with the *BEAST species tree, and the ?a?i analysis does not indicate gene flow among any of the three lineages during their divergence. These analyses suggest that divergence among the lineages occurred in the absence of gene flow and in this scenario the genetic signature of ecological isolation (parapatric model) cannot be differentiated from geographic isolation (allopatric model).  相似文献   

Natural systems composed of closely related taxa that vary in the degree of phenotypic divergence and geographic isolation provide an opportunity to investigate the rate of phenotypic diversification and the relative roles of selection and drift in driving lineage formation. The genus Junco (Aves: Emberizidae) of North America includes parapatric northern forms that are markedly divergent in plumage pattern and colour, in contrast to geographically isolated southern populations in remote areas that show moderate phenotypic divergence. Here, we quantify patterns of phenotypic divergence in morphology and plumage colour and use mitochondrial DNA genes, a nuclear intron, and genomewide SNPs to reconstruct the demographic and evolutionary history of the genus to infer relative rates of evolutionary divergence among lineages. We found that geographically isolated populations have evolved independently for hundreds of thousands of years despite little differentiation in phenotype, in sharp contrast to phenotypically diverse northern forms, which have diversified within the last few thousand years as a result of the rapid postglacial recolonization of North America. SNP data resolved young northern lineages into reciprocally monophyletic lineages, indicating low rates of gene flow even among closely related parapatric forms, and suggesting a role for strong genetic drift or multifarious selection acting on multiple loci in driving lineage divergence. Juncos represent a compelling example of speciation in action, where the combined effects of historical and selective factors have produced one of the fastest cases of speciation known in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The Tree of Life has traditionally been understood to represent the history of species lineages. However, recently researchers have suggested that it might be better interpreted as representing the history of cellular lineages, sometimes called the Tree of Cells. This paper examines and evaluates reasons offered against this cellular interpretation of the Tree of Life. It argues that some such reasons are bad reasons, based either on a false attribution of essentialism, on a misunderstanding of the problem of lineage identity, or on a limited view of scientific representation. I suggest that debate about the Tree of Cells and other successors to the traditional Tree of Life should be formulated in terms of the purposes these representations may serve. In pursuing this strategy, we see that the Tree of Cells cannot serve one purpose suggested for it: as an explanation for the hierarchical nature of taxonomy. We then explore whether, instead, the tree may play an important role in the dynamic modeling of evolution. As highly-integrated complex systems, cells may influence which lineage components can successfully transfer into them and how they change once integrated. Only if they do in fact have a substantial role to play in this process might the Tree of Cells have some claim to be the Tree of Life.  相似文献   

Explaining disjunct distributions, or why closely related organisms are often separated by apparently severe barriers such as oceans or deserts, is a great challenge for historical biogeography. Competing explanations are long-distance dispersal across a barrier, and vicariance, in which disjunct taxa are descended from an ancestral population that was split by formation of the barrier. Vicariance explanations are testable by their prediction that near-simultaneous speciation should have occurred across multiple lineages of organisms between the disjunct areas because the origin of a barrier would potentially disrupt gene flow within multiple species. To date, there have been few studies providing evidence for multiple synchronous ancient divergences across a barrier whose origin coincides with the timing of the speciation events. Here, we use relaxed molecular-clock dating to investigate the timing of south-western (SW) versus south-eastern (SE) divergences in 23 pairs of plant lineages in southern Australia. Sixteen of the divergences correlate with the origin, 13-14 million years (Myr) ago, of the arid treeless Nullarbor Plain. The Nullarbor Plain currently forms a substantial barrier to SW-SE migration but during the last 45Myr this region has experienced multiple episodes of marine inundation and subaerial exposure. Thus, there have been multiple events that could have caused either isolation and speciation, or secondary contact, among the taxa of southern Australia. The strong molecular signal of coincident speciation in many diverse lineages during a short period provides the best evidence to date linking synchronous speciation to an ancient vicariance event.  相似文献   

Increasing data have supported the importance of divergence with gene flow (DGF) in the generation of biological diversity. In such cases, lineage divergence occurs on a shorter timescale than does the completion of reproductive isolation. Although it is critical to explore the mechanisms driving divergence and preventing homogenization by hybridization, it is equally important to document cases of DGF in nature. Here we synthesize data that have accumulated over the last dozen or so years on DGF in the chipmunk (Tamias) radiation with new data that quantify very high rates of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) introgression among para- and sympatric species in the T. quadrivittatus group in the central and southern Rocky Mountains. These new data (188 cytochrome b sequences) bring the total number of sequences up to 1871; roughly 16% (298) of the chipmunks we have sequenced exhibit introgressed mtDNA. This includes ongoing introgression between subspecies and between both closely related and distantly related taxa. In addition, we have identified several taxa that are apparently fixed for ancient introgressions and in which there is no evidence of ongoing introgression. A recurrent observation is that these introgressions occur between ecologically and morphologically diverged, sometimes non-sister taxa that engage in well-documented niche partitioning. Thus, the chipmunk radiation in western North America represents an excellent mammalian example of speciation in the face of recurrent gene flow among lineages and where biogeography, habitat differentiation and mating systems suggest important roles for both ecological and sexual selection.  相似文献   

The successional changes in the genetic diversity of Mediterranean bacterioplankton subjected to confinement were studied in an experimental 300 1 seawater enclosure. Five samples were taken at different times and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting to rapidly monitor changes in the bacterial genetic diversity. DGGE analysis clearly showed variations between the samples. Three of the five samples, with different DGGE banding patterns, were further analyzed by cloning and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. Comparative sequence analysis indicated a shift from a mixed bacterial assemblage to a community dominated by bacteria closely affiliated to a single genus, Alteromonas. Sequences obtained at the start of the experiment were affiliated with two alpha-proteobacterial and three gamma-proteobacterial lineages known from other studies of marine picoplankton. One sequence was affiliated with the Verrucomicrobiales. After 161 h of incubation two sequences represented a gamma-proteobacterial lineage also present at 0 h, but the majority of sequences clustered around that of Alteromonas macleodii. After 281 h only the dominant Alteromonas-like bacteria and bacteria distantly related to Legionella were found by cloning and sequencing. Mortality rates of bacteria indicated that grazing was the dominant mortality process when heterotrophic protozoa were abundant. Hence, changes in the genetic diversity of bacteria were partly influenced by the differential mortality of bacterial populations during the course of incubation.  相似文献   

Speciation is widely accepted to be a complex and continuous process. Due to complicated evolutionary histories, desert plants are ideal model systems to understand the process of speciation along a continuum. Here, we elucidate the evolutionary history of Reaumuria soongarica (Pall.) Maxim., a typical desert plant that is wildly distributed across arid central Asia. Based on variation patterns present at nine nuclear loci in 325 individuals (representing 41 populations), we examined the demographic history, patterns of gene flow, and degree of ecological differentiation among wild R. soongarica. Our findings indicate that genetic divergence between the ancient western and eastern lineages of R. soongarica occurred approximately 0.714 Mya, probably due to the Kunlun–Yellow River tectonic movement and the Naynayxungla glaciation. Later, multiple hybridization events between the western and eastern lineages that took place between 0.287 and 0.543 Mya, and which might have been triggered by the asynchronous historical expansion of the western and eastern deserts, contributed to the formation of a hybrid northern lineage. Moreover, despite continuing gene flow into this population from its progenitors, the northern lineage maintained its genetic boundary by ecological differentiation. The northern lineage could be an incipient species, and provides an opportunity to study the continuous process of speciation. This study suggests that two opposite evolutionary forces, divergence and hybridization, coexisting in the continuous speciation of the desert plant R. soongarica in a short time. Moreover, we provide evidence that this continuous speciation process is affected by geological events, climatic change, and ecological differentiation.  相似文献   

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