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Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome is an autosomal recessive genetic syndrome with pleiotropic phenotypes, including pancreatic deficiencies, bone marrow dysfunctions with increased risk of myelodysplasia or leukemia, and skeletal abnormalities. This syndrome has been associated with mutations in the SBDS gene, which encodes a conserved protein showing orthologs in Archaea and eukaryotes. The Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome pleiotropic phenotypes may be an indication of different cell type requirements for a fully functional SBDS protein. RNA-binding activity has been predicted for archaeal and yeast SBDS orthologs, with the latter also being implicated in ribosome biogenesis. However, full-length SBDS orthologs function in a species-specific manner, indicating that the knowledge obtained from model systems may be of limited use in understanding major unresolved issues regarding SBDS function, namely, the effect of mutations in human SBDS on its biochemical function and the specificity of RNA interaction. We determined the solution structure and backbone dynamics of the human SBDS protein and describe its RNA binding site using NMR spectroscopy. Similarly to the crystal structures of Archaea, the overall structure of human SBDS comprises three well-folded domains. However, significant conformational exchange was observed in NMR dynamics experiments for the flexible linker between the N-terminal domain and the central domain, and these experiments also reflect the relative motions of the domains. RNA titrations monitored by heteronuclear correlation experiments and chemical shift mapping analysis identified a classic RNA binding site at the N-terminal FYSH (fungal, Yhr087wp, Shwachman) domain that concentrates most of the mutations described for the human SBDS.  相似文献   

A PCR protocol for the detection of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria based on soxB genes that are essential for thiosulfate oxidation by sulfur-oxidizing bacteria of various phylogenetic groups which use the 'Paracoccus sulfur oxidation' pathway was developed. Five degenerate primers were used to specifically amplify fragments of soxB genes from different sulfur-oxidizing bacteria previously shown to oxidize thiosulfate. The PCR yielded a soxB fragment of approximately 1000 bp from most of the bacteria. Amino acid and nucleotide sequences of soxB from reference strains as well as from new isolates and environmental DNA from a hydrothermal vent habitat in the North Fiji Basin were compared and used to infer relationships of soxB between sulfur-oxidizing bacteria belonging to various 16S rDNA-based phylogenetic groups. Major phylogenetic lines derived from 16S rDNA were confirmed by soxB phylogeny. Thiosulfate-oxidizing green sulfur bacteria formed a coherent group by their soxB sequences. Likewise, clearly separated branches demonstrated the distant relationship of representatives of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria including representative species of the former genus Thiobacillus (now Halothiobacillus - gamma-Proteobacteria, Thiobacillus - beta-Proteobacteria and Starkeya - alpha-Proteobacteria). This general picture emerged although apparent evidence for lateral transfer of the soxB gene is indicated and comparison of soxB phylogeny and 16S rDNA phylogeny points to the significance of this gene transfer in hydrothermal vent bacterial communities of the North Fiji Basin.  相似文献   

ATP (CTP):tRNA nucleotidyltransferase (EC was purified to apparent homogeneity from a crude extract of Lupinus albus seeds. Purification was accomplised using a multistep protocol including ammonium sulfate fractionation and chromatography on anion-exchange, hydroxylapatite and affinity columns. The lupin enzyme exhibited a pH optimum and salt and ion requirements that were similar to those of tRNA nucleotidyltransferases from other sources. Oligonucleotides, based on partial amino acid sequence of the purified protein, were used to isolate the corresponding cDNA. The cDNA potentially encodes a protein of 560 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 64164 Da in good agreement with the apparent molecular mass of the pure protein determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The size and predicted amino acid sequence of the lupin enzyme are more similar to the enzyme from yeast than from Escherichia coli with some blocks of amino acid sequence conserved among all three enzymes. Functionality of the lupin cDNA was shown by complementation of a temperature-sensitive mutation in the yeast tRNA nucleotidyltransferase gene. While the lupin cDNA compensated for the nucleocytoplasmic defect in the yeast mutant it did not enable the mutant strain to grow at the non-permissive temperature on a non-fermentable carbon source.  相似文献   

Leucadendron is a moderately large genus of Proteaceae almost entirely restricted to the Cape Floristic Region of southern Africa. The genus is unusual in being dioecious and sexually dimorphic. ITS sequence data were obtained from 62 of the 96 currently recognized taxa (85 species and 11 subspecies). Phylogenetic analyses were conducted under Maximum Likelihood and parsimony and resolved nine groups of species with varying degrees of bootstrap support, but relationships between these groups are largely unsupported. The phylogeny conflicts with the current taxonomic arrangement, which is based mainly on fruit morphology. The two sections of the genus, Alatosperma and Leucadendron, and several subsections within these sections, are resolved as non-monophyletic. This means that taxonomically important characters (such as fruit shape) have evolved multiple times, as the species with nut-like fruit (resolved into two of the nine groups) appear to have evolved independently from ancestors with winged fruit. Based on the topology obtained, the life history traits of anemophily, myrmechochory, and re-sprouting have also originated multiple times. Dispersal-Vicariance (DIVA) analysis suggests that the genus had an ancestral area in the Karoo Mountain and Southeastern phytogeographic centres of endemism in the southwestern Cape.  相似文献   

This study examines how northern bearded sakis (Chiropotes sagulatus) in Guyana adjust group cohesiveness according to the distribution and quality of food patches. I introduce a GIS based method for quantifying food patch quality and how it relates to bearded saki group spread and group size. While the concept of food patch is central to most models of primate socioecology, defining what constitutes a patch has been notoriously problematic in primate studies. In addition, researchers have struggled to quantify group spread and group cohesiveness. Advances in spatial analysis software in the last decade now allow primate researchers to better quantify these variables. Group spread in bearded sakis was not significantly greater in lower quality patches and sakis were not more spread out during feeding than during other activities. However, the study group was significantly less spread out during social behavior. Bearded saki group size was significantly correlated with both monthly fruit abundance and patch quality. In fact, mean daily patch quality explained ~40% of the variation in foraging party size. These results suggest that bearded sakis may rely on a highly fluid social structure to mitigate the effects of intragroup feeding competition while living in large groups. Sakis do not adjust group spread on a patch‐by‐patch basis but rather fission into smaller foraging parties when resources become scarce seasonally and patch quality is low. This study shows that GIS is a powerful tool for modeling the relationship between group cohesiveness and resource quality and distribution. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Modulation of smooth muscle cells to a proliferating and migrating phenotype with downregulated α-actin expression is observed upon vascular lesion formation. The Id proteins (inhibitors of cell differentiation) play a role in the development of this phenotype. In contrast, synthetic peptides based on a conserved 11-residue Id sequence trigger the switch to a contractile phenotype that shows reduced cell growth and migration, increased expression of α-actin and decreased Id protein levels.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 48 species of Caragana (Fabaceae: tribe Hedysareae) and one representative each of Astragalus, Calophaca, Halimodendron, and Hedysarum are estimated from DNA sequences of the rbcL gene, trnStrnG intron and spacer, and ITS region. At least one representative of all five sections and 12 series within Caragana are included. Analyses yielded strongly supported clades corresponding to sections Caragana, Bracteolatae, and Frutescentes. The species of section Jubatae are distributed among three strongly supported clades, i.e., one with the species of section Bracteolatae, another with two species of section Spinosae, and a third as sister to section Frutescentes. All but the last of these six clades are corroborated by at least one unambiguously traced morphological character. The placement of the other four species of section Spinosae are not well supported and lack unambiguous morphological synapomorphies, and the samples of Calophaca and Halimodendron nest within Caragana with weak support.  相似文献   

Two endogenous plasmids are present in Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942, a model organism for studying photosynthesis and circadian rhythms in cyanobacteria. The large plasmid, pANL, was shown previously to be involved in adaptation of S. elongatus cells to sulfur starvation, which provided the first evidence of cellular function of a cyanobacterial plasmid. Here, we report the complete sequence of pANL, which is 46,366 bp in length with 53% GC content and encodes 58 putative ORFs. The pANL plasmid can be divided into four structural and functional regions: the replication origin region, a signal transduction region, a plasmid maintenance region, and a sulfur-regulated region. Cosmid-based deletion analysis suggested that the plasmid maintenance and replication origin regions are required for persistence of pANL in the cells. Transposon-mediated mutagenesis and complementation-based pANL segregation assays confirmed that two predicted toxin-antitoxin cassettes encoded in the plasmid maintenance region, belonging to PemK and VapC families, respectively, are necessary for plasmid exclusion. The compact and efficient organization of sulfur-related genes on pANL may provide selective advantages in environments with limited sulfur.  相似文献   

A study over 4 years into the number of breeding bird species and species turnover (extinctions and colonisations) in relation to area was conducted in 35 woodlands, set in an intensively farmed landscape, in north-east Essex, UK. A total of 46 species was recorded. The number of species breeding increased with woodland area; the slope of the species–area relationship did not differ between years. Habitat diversity was the only other measured variable to influence species richness. Absolute species turnover was independent of woodland area but relative turnover declined with increase in woodland area. The numbers of territories of nine species were determined. For four summer visitors the number of woods occupied increased as the overall populations increased but, for the other species, changes in overall population size led to changes in numbers in occupied woods. Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs and Song Thrush Turdus philomelos were more associated with woodland edges, Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos, Garden Warbler Sylvia borin, Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita and Willow Warbler P. trochilus with interiors. Several species showed an inverse relationship between population density and woodland area. Collections of small woods hold similar species richness to single large woods. While the acquisition of large woods for conservation purposes should be a priority, the extension of smaller woods to a size of about 10 ha would be highly beneficial to both the species richness and population stability of regional woodland bird assemblages.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of a 7.4 kb region containing the entire plastid ribosomal RNA operon of the nongreen parasitic plant Epifagus virginiana has been determined. Analysis of the sequence indicates that all four rRNA genes are intact and almost certainly functional. In contrast, the split genes for tRNAIle and tRNAAla present in the 16S-23S rRNA spacer region have become pseudogenes, and deletion upstream of the 16S rRNA gene has removed a tRNAVal gene and most of the promoter region for the rRNA operon. The rate of nucleotide substitution in 16S and 23S rRNAs is several times higher in Epifagus than in tobacco, a related photosynthetic plant. Possible reasons for this, including relaxed translational constraints, are discussed.  相似文献   

Although pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), a modulator of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) activity through its cleavage of IGF-binding protein (IGFBP)-4 and -5, has been known for more than two decades, knowledge about its domain architecture is still incomplete. Using position-specific iterative BLAST, we have identified distant relatives of the PAPP-A N-terminal sequence stretch of 250 residues. We present evidence that a protein domain with weak similarity to known laminin G-like (LG) modules is contained within this region, and we propose that PAPP-A and PAPP-A2 are new and unique members in the group of LG proteins as the pappalysins represent the first examples where LG modules are associated with proteinases. Fourteen beta-strands characteristic for the LG structure were tentatively located within the PAPP-A LG (PA-LG) module using secondary structure prediction and sequence alignment. Upon mammalian expression of PAPP-A truncation mutants, we defined domain boundaries showing that PA-LG is an autonomously folding unit, which spans the first 243 residues. We were unable to express PAPP-A variants which lack the PA-LG module, suggesting a possible role in stabilization of the proteolytic domain. To obtain larger amounts of protein for functional and structural analysis, the defined PA-LG domain was expressed in bacteria and folded in vitro. In addition, the availability of recombinant PA-LG module may potentially improve diagnostic assays based on the measurement of PAPP-A antigen, and also facilitate the study of PAPP-A in animal model systems.  相似文献   

In this study, we analyzed the genetic structure and phylogeography of Sphaeropteris brunoniana from China and Laos. Combining cpDNA trnL-trnF and atpB-rbcL sequence variations, five haplotypes were identified from the 10 investigated populations. Moderate haplotype diversity (h= 0.66580) and low nucleotide diversity (π= 0.23 × 10−3) were detected. The S. brunoniana in Yunnan region had much higher genetic diversity (h= 0.60195, π= 0.35 × 10−3) than that of Hainan–Laos (h= 0.00000, π= 0.00). A high level of genetic differentiation (94.74%) between the two regions was revealed by amova. Nested clade analysis identified two major clusters of the five haplotypes, one clade in the Yunnan region and the other in Hainan–Laos. The analysis indicated that restricted gene flow with isolation by distance and allopatric fragmentation were likely the major processes that shaped the spatial distribution of the haplotypes. The isolated distribution of clades implied the emergence of independent refugia of this species in each region during Quaternary glaciations. The Yunnan populations frequently contained an ancestral haplotype, and most of them harbored other descendent haplotypes. Based on the distribution pattern of haplotypes and the nested clade analysis results, the Yunnan region potentially had several refugia of this species during glacial periods, whereas the Hainan populations were probable new colonizations.  相似文献   

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