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The mode of inheritance of nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCLP) is still a matter of dispute. We performed segregation analysis on three data sets of families ascertained through an affected child with NSCLP. The first two data sets were selected in France and were pooled for a global analysis. No major gene effect could be evidenced in spite of a very large number of families (666 pedigrees including 719 nuclear families). The third data set was British and consisted of three-generation families including the offspring of probands. A major gene effect, as well as a strong residual multifactorial component, were highly significant and we could show that this evidence almost entirely came from the information on probands' offspring. We conclude that a mixture of monogenic and of multifactorial cases is probably the best explanation for the observations made in this study. Analyses performed in pedigrees with multiple cases closely related might allow reducing heterogeneity and help identifying those Mendelian sub-entities.  相似文献   

A collection of 1,108 case–parent trios ascertained through an isolated, nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) was used to replicate the findings from a genome-wide association study (GWAS) conducted by Beaty et al. (Nat Genet 42:525–529, 2010), where four different genes/regions were identified as influencing risk to CL/P. Tagging SNPs for 33 different genes were genotyped (1,269 SNPs). All four of the genes originally identified as showing genome-wide significance (IRF6, ABCA4 and MAF, plus the 8q24 region) were confirmed in this independent sample of trios (who were primarily of European and Southeast Asian ancestry). In addition, eight genes classified as ‘second tier’ hits in the original study (PAX7, THADA, COL8A1/FILIP1L, DCAF4L2, GADD45G, NTN1, RBFOX3 and FOXE1) showed evidence of linkage and association in this replication sample. Meta-analysis between the original GWAS trios and these replication trios showed PAX7, COL8A1/FILIP1L and NTN1 achieved genome-wide significance. Tests for gene–environment interaction between these 33 genes and maternal smoking found evidence for interaction with two additional genes: GRID2 and ELAVL2 among European mothers (who had a higher rate of smoking than Asian mothers). Formal tests for gene–gene interaction (epistasis) failed to show evidence of statistical interaction in any simple fashion. This study confirms that many different genes influence risk to CL/P.  相似文献   

Although multiple genes have been identified as genetic risk factors for isolated, non-syndromic cleft lip with/without cleft palate (CL/P), a complex and heterogeneous birth defect, interferon regulatory factor 6 gene (IRF6) is one of the best documented genetic risk factors. In this study, we tested for association between markers in IRF6 and CL/P in 326 Chinese case–parent trios, considering gene–environment interaction for two common maternal exposures, and parent-of-origin effects. CL/P case–parent trios from three sites in mainland China and Taiwan were genotyped for 22 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in IRF6. The transmission disequilibrium test was used to test for marginal effects of individual SNPs. We used PBAT to screen the SNPs and haplotypes for gene–environment (G × E) interaction and conditional logistic regression models to quantify effect sizes for SNP–environment interaction. After Bonferroni correction, 14 SNPs showed statistically significant association with CL/P. Evidence of G × E interaction was found for both maternal exposures, multivitamin supplementation and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Two SNPs showed evidence of interaction with multivitamin supplementation in conditional logistic regression models (rs2076153 nominal P = 0.019, rs17015218 nominal P = 0.012). In addition, rs1044516 yielded evidence for interaction with maternal ETS (nominal P = 0.041). Haplotype analysis using PBAT also suggested interaction between SNPs in IRF6 and both multivitamin supplementation and ETS. However, no evidence for maternal genotypic effects or significant parent-of-origin effects was seen in these data. These results suggest IRF6 gene may influence risk of CL/P through interaction with multivitamin supplementation and ETS in the Chinese population.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to review experimental evidence in favor of the idea that ammonia plays a role in dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT). Hyperammonemia causes biochemical and cellular dysfunctions in the brain, which can be found in brains of DAT patients. The most conspicuous among these findings are astrocytosis, impairment of glucose utilization, and a decreased rate of energy metabolism, and the impairment of neurotransmission, with a net increase in excitability and glutamate release. The derangement of lysosomal processing of proteins is another potential site of ammonia action. This aspect is especially important in view of the growing evidence for the role of the endosomal-lysosomal system in the formation of amyloidogenic fragments from -amyloid precursor protein. Ammonia is not considered a primary factor of the disease. However, since hyperammonemia and release of ammonia from the brains of DAT patients is well supported by published observations, ammonia should be taken into account as a factor that contributes to manifestations and the progression of DAT. If elevated ammonia concentrations turn out to be indeed as important in DAT, as is suggested in this review, rational therapeutic avenues can be envisaged that lead to the amelioration of symptoms and progression of the disease.Abbreviations -AP -amyloid protein - -APP -amyloid precursor protein - CNS central nervous system - DAT dementia of the Alzheimer type - GABA -aminobutyrate - MAO monoamine oxidase - NAD nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide This paper is dedicated to Rudi Vrba, a pioneer of the neurochemistry of ammonia, and a friend, at the occasion of his 68th birthday.  相似文献   

A/J strain mice have a high spontaneous incidence of cleft lip (ICL) and/or palate. The primary palate-related effects of sevoflurane on developing A/J strain mouse embryos (embryos) were studied using a whole-embryo culture (WEC) system. This system could separate the direct effects of sevoflurane from those that are maternally mediated. A total of 205 10.5-d embryos were cultured for 24 h in either a control group (control gas: 95% O2 and 5% CO2) or sevoflurane-administered groups (1/4, 1/2, and 1 minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) with control gas) for 8 h. After 16 h, 11.5-d culture embryos were examined in terms of crown-rump length, number of somites, and protein content. Crown-rump length in the 1 MAC was significantly shorter than in the control group (p?<?0.05). Protein content in the 1/2 MAC (p?<?0.05) and 1 MAC (p?<?0.001) was significantly lower than in the control group. The ICL showed no significant differences between each group. (The ICL rose with an increase in the sevoflurane concentration, but this was not significant). The positive findings in this study indicate that a WEC system is useful for studying the mechanisms of ICL (teratogenicity) associated with sevoflurane.  相似文献   



Alterations in the human chromosomal complement are expressed phenotypically ranging from (i) normal, via (ii) frequent fetal loss in otherwise normal person, to (iii) sub-clinical to severe mental retardation and dysmorphism in live births. A subtle and microscopically undetectable chromosomal alteration is uniparental disomy (UPD), which is known to be associated with distinct birth defects as per the chromosome involved and parental origin. UPD can be evident due to imprinted genes and/or activation of recessive mutations.


The present study comprises of data mining of published UPD cases with a focus on associated phenotypes. The goal was to identify non-random and recurrent associations between UPD and various genetic conditions, which can possibly indicate the presence of new imprinted genes.


Data mining was carried out using the homepage “http://www.fish.uniklinikum-jena.de/UPD.html.”, an online catalog of published cases with UPD.


The UPD cases having normal karyotype and with or without clinical findings were selected to analyze the associated phenotypes for each chromosome, maternal or paternal involved in UPD.


Our results revealed many genetic conditions (other than the known UPD syndromes) to be associated with UPD. Even in cases of bad obstetric history as well as normal individuals chance detection of UPD has been reported.


The role of UPD in human genetic disorders needs to be studied by involving larger cohorts of individuals with birth defects as well as normal population. The genetic conditions were scrutinized in terms of inheritance patterns; majority of these were autosomal recessive indicating the role of UPD as an underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

Much international business and tourism travels occur, as well as the deployment of soldiers to other places. The aim of this study was both to determine incidence of malaria in the military hospital, Diyarbakir, southeast region of Turkey, and to point out the incidence of this disease. During the study period (1997-2004), 609 cases were found in a military hospital, which is in an endemic area for vivax malaria. This article review trends in current malaria status as well as possible factors for the decreasing prevalence throughout the study period.  相似文献   



To analyze hospitalization for lower extremity amputations (LEAs) and amputee rates in persons with and without diabetes in Italy.

Research Design and Methods

All patients with LEAs in the period 2001–2010 were identified analyzing the National Hospital Discharge Record database. For each year, amputee and hospitalization rates for LEAs were calculated either for persons with diabetes or without. Time trend for major and minor amputations were analysed.


From 2001 to 2010 a mean annual number of 11,639 individuals underwent a lower extremity amputation: 58.6% had diabetes accounting for 60.7% of total hospitalizations. In 2010, the crude amputee rate for LEAs was 20.4 per 100,000 inhabitants: 247.2 for 100.000 persons with diabetes, and 8.6 for those without diabetes. Having diabetes was associated to an increased risk of amputation (Poisson estimated RR 10.9, 95%CI 9.4–12.8). Over the whole period, a progressive reduction of amputee rates was observed for major amputations either among persons with diabetes (−30.7%) or without diabetes (−12.5%), while the rates of minor amputations increased progressively (+22.4%) among people without diabetes and were nearly stable in people with diabetes (−4.6%). A greater number of minor amputations were performed among persons with than without diabetes: in 2010, the minor-to-major ratio among persons with diabetes (2.5) was more than twice than in those without diabetes (1.0).


The nationwide analyses confirm a progressive reduction of hospitalization and amputee rates for major LEAs, suggesting an earlier and more diffuse approach aimed at limb salvage.  相似文献   

In the animal kingdom, living in group is driven by a tradeoff between the costs and the benefits of this way of life. This review focuses especially on the benefits of aggregation and crowding in woodlice (Crustacea: Isopoda: Oniscidea). Indeed, woodlice are well known to live in groups. Their aggregation behavior, as described in the early works of Allee, is regarded as a mechanism to prevent desiccation to which woodlice are extremely sensitive. However, it is now clear that there are additional benefits to aggregation in woodlice. Hence, this review addresses not only the limitation of water loss as the main factor explaining aggregation patterns, but also alternative explanations as reduction of oxygen consumption, increase in body growth, biotic stimuli for reproduction, better access to mates, possible shared defenses against predators, promotion of coprophagy as a secondary food source, sheltering behavior and the acquisition of internal symbionts. In addition, we place woodlice in the context of a terrestrialization process and propose that woodlice—the only suborder of Crustacea almost entirely composed of strictly terrestrial species—are a model taxon for studying the evolution of sociality through the transition from water to land. Further, we discuss other ultimate causes of aggregation preserved in terrestrial isopods in light of those explained in aquatic isopods and under the concept of exaptation. This knowledge could help understand, in this and other taxa, how the spatial closeness between conspecifics may promote the colonization of new environments and nonphysiological responses to climatic constraints.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of palatal processes from rat fetuses with cleft palate induced by Meclozine or amniotic sac puncture was studied from gestation days 16 to 20. Degenerative changes involving the cytoplasm of epithelial cells of the expected fusion zone began on Day 16, when palatal fusion occurs normally in the midline seam in untreated fetuses. By Day 17 the cells in the same region showed more advanced degeneration, degraded cytoplasm and occasional dead epithelial cells appearing to be removed via intercellular extrusion or by macrophages. In the expected fusion zone, the basal lamina became discontinuous while in the oral and nasal zones of the palatal processes a firm epithelium-connective tissue attachment developed. As gestation progressed, the zone became narrower until, by Day 20, no degenerating cells remained. Replacement of lost epithelium appeared to have occurred from the nasal side, the termination of the keratinizing oral epithelium having the same location throughout the period studied. The results support the concept of programmed cell degeneration in palatal processes but indicate that this event has the potential to extend over a relatively long period of fetal life.  相似文献   

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