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The advent of high throughput microarrays and the complete sequencing of the Drosophila melanogaster genome have enabled global gene expression analysis in this powerful genetic model organism. Currently, researchers are using three main Drosophila array platform types, with elements composed of cDNA amplicons, oligonucleotides (short and long) or genomic amplicons. This paper provides a broad overview of these platforms.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The problems of analyzing dose effects on gene expression are gaining attention in biomedical research. A specific challenge is to detect genes with expression levels that change according to dose levels in a non-random manner, but nonetheless may be considered as potential biomarkers. METHOD: We are among the first to formally apply a tool that uses an isotonic (monotonic) regression approach to this area of study. We introduce a test statistic to select genes with significant dose-response expression in a monotonic fashion based on a permutation procedure. We then compare the results with those achieved from the application of a likelihood ratio-based test. RESULTS: We apply the isotonic regression approach to a study of gene expression in the RKO colon carcinoma cell line in response to varying dosage levels of the chemotherapeutic agent 5-fluorouracil. A feature of both Affymetrix and printed 75mer oligomer cDNA arrays produced from the same samples provides an opportunity to compare the two microarray platforms. AVAILABILITY: Statistical software S-plus Code to implement the method is available from the authors. CONTACT: kcoombes@mdanderson.org  相似文献   

Microarrays have been widely used for the analysis of gene expression, but the issue of reproducibility across platforms has yet to be fully resolved. To address this apparent problem, we compared gene expression between two microarray platforms: the short oligonucleotide Affymetrix Mouse Genome 430 2.0 GeneChip and a spotted cDNA array using a mouse model of angiotensin II-induced hypertension. RNA extracted from treated mice was analyzed using Affymetrix and cDNA platforms and then by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) for validation of specific genes. For the 11,710 genes present on both arrays, we assessed the relative impact of experimental treatment and platform on measured expression and found that biological treatment had a far greater impact on measured expression than did platform for more than 90% of genes, a result validated by qRT-PCR. In the small number of cases in which platforms yielded discrepant results, qRT-PCR generally did not confirm either set of data, suggesting that sequence-specific effects may make expression predictions difficult to make using any technique.  相似文献   

We have conducted a study to compare the variability in measured gene expression levels associated with three types of microarray platforms. Total RNA samples were obtained from liver tissue of four male mice, two each from inbred strains A/J and C57BL/6J. The same four samples were assayed on Affymetrix Mouse Genome Expression Set 430 GeneChips (MOE430A and MOE430B), spotted cDNA microarrays, and spotted oligonucleotide microarrays using eight arrays of each type. Variances associated with measurement error were observed to be comparable across all microarray platforms. The MOE430A GeneChips and cDNA arrays had higher precision across technical replicates than the MOE430B GeneChips and oligonucleotide arrays. The Affymetrix platform showed the greatest range in the magnitude of expression levels followed by the oligonucleotide arrays. We observed good concordance in both estimated expression level and statistical significance of common genes between the Affymetrix MOE430A GeneChip and the oligonucleotide arrays. Despite their apparently high precision, cDNA arrays showed poor concordance with other platforms.  相似文献   

Multiple commercial microarrays for measuring genome-wide gene expression levels are currently available, including oligonucleotide and cDNA, single- and two-channel formats. This study reports on the results of gene expression measurements generated from identical RNA preparations that were obtained using three commercially available microarray platforms. RNA was collected from PANC-1 cells grown in serum-rich medium and at 24 h following the removal of serum. Three biological replicates were prepared for each condition, and three experimental replicates were produced for the first biological replicate. RNA was labeled and hybridized to microarrays from three major suppliers according to manufacturers’ protocols, and gene expression measurements were obtained using each platform’s standard software. For each platform, gene targets from a subset of 2009 common genes were compared. Correlations in gene expression levels and comparisons for significant gene expression changes in this subset were calculated, and showed considerable divergence across the different platforms, suggesting the need for establishing industrial manufacturing standards, and further independent and thorough validation of the technology.  相似文献   

In this report we describe two robust procedures for oligonucleotide microarray preparation based on polymeric coatings. The proposed chemical approaches include: 1) a glass functionalisation step with appropriate silanes (gamma-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-APTES or 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane-GOPS), 2) a coating step using polymers (poly-L-Lysine or poly(acrylic acid-co-acrylamide) copolymer) covalently bound to the modified glass and 3) a surface activation step to allow for the attachment of amino-modified oligonucleotides. Results obtained using these chemistries in oligo microarray preparation show: 1) an overall high loading capacity and availability to hybridisation against targets, 2) a good uniformity, 3) resistance to consecutive probing/ stripping cycles, 4) stability to thermal cycles, 5) effectiveness in hybridisation-mediated mutation detection procedures and 6) the possibility to perform enzymatic reactions, such as ligation.  相似文献   

To validate and extend the findings of the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project, a biologically relevant toxicogenomics data set was generated using 36 RNA samples from rats treated with three chemicals (aristolochic acid, riddelliine and comfrey) and each sample was hybridized to four microarray platforms. The MAQC project assessed concordance in intersite and cross-platform comparisons and the impact of gene selection methods on the reproducibility of profiling data in terms of differentially expressed genes using distinct reference RNA samples. The real-world toxicogenomic data set reported here showed high concordance in intersite and cross-platform comparisons. Further, gene lists generated by fold-change ranking were more reproducible than those obtained by t-test P value or Significance Analysis of Microarrays. Finally, gene lists generated by fold-change ranking with a nonstringent P-value cutoff showed increased consistency in Gene Ontology terms and pathways, and hence the biological impact of chemical exposure could be reliably deduced from all platforms analyzed.  相似文献   

Measurements of gene expression from microarray experiments are highly dependent on experimental design. Systematic noise can be introduced into the data at numerous steps. On Illumina BeadChips, multiple samples are assayed in an ordered series of arrays. Two experiments were performed using the same samples but different hybridization designs. An experiment confounding genotype with BeadChip and treatment with array position was compared to another experiment in which these factors were randomized to BeadChip and array position. An ordinal effect of array position on intensity values was observed in both experiments. We demonstrate that there is increased rate of false-positive results in the confounded design and that attempts to correct for confounded effects by statistical modeling reduce power of detection for true differential expression. Simple analysis models without post hoc corrections provide the best results possible for a given experimental design. Normalization improved differential expression testing in both experiments but randomization was the most important factor for establishing accurate results. We conclude that lack of randomization cannot be corrected by normalization or by analytical methods. Proper randomization is essential for successful microarray experiments.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the performance characteristics of three quantitative gene expression technologies and correlated their expression measurements to those of five commercial microarray platforms, based on the MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) data set. The limit of detection, assay range, precision, accuracy and fold-change correlations were assessed for 997 TaqMan Gene Expression Assays, 205 Standardized RT (Sta)RT-PCR assays and 244 QuantiGene assays. TaqMan is a registered trademark of Roche Molecular Systems, Inc. We observed high correlation between quantitative gene expression values and microarray platform results and found few discordant measurements among all platforms. The main cause of variability was differences in probe sequence and thus target location. A second source of variability was the limited and variable sensitivity of the different microarray platforms for detecting weakly expressed genes, which affected interplatform and intersite reproducibility of differentially expressed genes. From this analysis, we conclude that the MAQC microarray data set has been validated by alternative quantitative gene expression platforms thus supporting the use of microarray platforms for the quantitative characterization of gene expression.  相似文献   

Whole-genome sequencing is becoming commonplace, but the accuracy and completeness of variant calling by the most widely used platforms from Illumina and Complete Genomics have not been reported. Here we sequenced the genome of an individual with both technologies to a high average coverage of ~76×, and compared their performance with respect to sequence coverage and calling of single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), insertions and deletions (indels). Although 88.1% of the ~3.7 million unique SNVs were concordant between platforms, there were tens of thousands of platform-specific calls located in genes and other genomic regions. In contrast, 26.5% of indels were concordant between platforms. Target enrichment validated 92.7% of the concordant SNVs, whereas validation by genotyping array revealed a sensitivity of 99.3%. The validation experiments also suggested that >60% of the platform-specific variants were indeed present in the genome. Our results have important implications for understanding the accuracy and completeness of the genome sequencing platforms.  相似文献   

The use of animal and plant derived raw materials in mammalian cell culture processes may provide a possible route of entry for adventitious contaminants such as mycoplasma. Mycoplasma contaminations of cell culture represent a serious challenge to the production of biotechnology derived therapeutics. The slow growing nature of mycoplasma can disguise their infection of cultures since cells may continue to proliferate, though at reduced levels and with lesser output of engineered protein. Rapid identification of mycoplasma contaminated cell cultures and materials enables a faster response time to prevent the spread of the contamination. We describe here the comparison of different mycoplasma detection methods: two nucleic acid-based technologies, the standard mycoplasma culture procedure, and a hybrid culture-quantitative PCR assay. In this study, a cell line infected with two species of mycoplasma was used to compare the different detection methods. Our data demonstrates that the two nucleic acid-based techniques are robust methods for detection of mycoplasma and have similar detection capability. In contrast, no mycoplasma was detected in the standard culture assay or in a hybrid culture-quantitative PCR assay. This shows a potential limitation of the culture assay that relies on the ability of mycoplasma to grow in broth media.  相似文献   

Three benchtop high-throughput sequencing instruments are now available. The 454 GS Junior (Roche), MiSeq (Illumina) and Ion Torrent PGM (Life Technologies) are laser-printer sized and offer modest set-up and running costs. Each instrument can generate data required for a draft bacterial genome sequence in days, making them attractive for identifying and characterizing pathogens in the clinical setting. We compared the performance of these instruments by sequencing an isolate of Escherichia coli O104:H4, which caused an outbreak of food poisoning in Germany in 2011. The MiSeq had the highest throughput per run (1.6 Gb/run, 60 Mb/h) and lowest error rates. The 454 GS Junior generated the longest reads (up to 600 bases) and most contiguous assemblies but had the lowest throughput (70 Mb/run, 9 Mb/h). Run in 100-bp mode, the Ion Torrent PGM had the highest throughput (80–100 Mb/h). Unlike the MiSeq, the Ion Torrent PGM and 454 GS Junior both produced homopolymer-associated indel errors (1.5 and 0.38 errors per 100 bases, respectively).  相似文献   

Protein microarrays represent an important new tool in proteomic systems biology. This review focuses on the contributions of protein microarrays to the discovery of novel disease biomarkers through antibody-based assays. Of particular interest is the use of protein microarrays for immune response profiling, through which a disease-specific antibody repertoire may be defined. The antigens and antibodies revealed by these studies are useful for clinical assay development, with enormous potential to aid in diagnosis, prognosis, disease staging and treatment selection. The discovery and characterization of novel biomarkers specifically tailored to disease type and stage are expected to enable personalized medicine by facilitating preventative medicine, predictive diagnostics and individualized curative therapies.  相似文献   

Protein microarrays represent an important new tool in proteomic systems biology. This review focuses on the contributions of protein microarrays to the discovery of novel disease biomarkers through antibody-based assays. Of particular interest is the use of protein microarrays for immune response profiling, through which a disease-specific antibody repertoire may be defined. The antigens and antibodies revealed by these studies are useful for clinical assay development, with enormous potential to aid in diagnosis, prognosis, disease staging and treatment selection. The discovery and characterization of novel biomarkers specifically tailored to disease type and stage are expected to enable personalized medicine by facilitating preventative medicine, predictive diagnostics and individualized curative therapies.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: ProbeMatchDB is a web-based database designed to facilitate the search of EST/cDNA sequences or STS markers that can be used to represent the same gene across different microarray platforms and species. It can be used for finding equivalent EST clones in the Research Genetics sequence verified clone set based on results from Affymetirx GeneChips. It will also help to identify probes representing orthologous genes across human, mouse and rat on different microarray platforms. AVAILABILITY: The database is accessible at http://brainarray.mhri.med.umich.edu/MARRAY/BC_ASP/brainarray.htm by clicking the 'Query ProbeMatchDB' link.  相似文献   

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