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Evaluation of DNA damage in flight personnel by Comet assay   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There have been some suggestions that air-crew are at a higher-than-normal risk of developing cancer, since they are exposed to potential genotoxic factors. These include cosmic radiations, airborne pollutants such as the combustion products of jet propulsion, ozone, and electromagnetic fields. We used the Comet assay to investigate DNA damage in flight personnel with the aim of assessing potential health hazards in this occupational category. We studied 40 civil air-crew members who had been flying long-haul routes for at least 5 years, and compared them with a homogeneous control group of 40 healthy male ground staff. The Comet assay, or single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE), detects DNA single- and double-strand breaks (DSBs) and alkali-labile lesions in individual cells, and is a powerful and sensitive technique for detecting genetic damage induced by different genotoxic agents. Taking into consideration occupational risk and possible confounding factors, this assay showed a small increase, that did not reach statistical significance, of DNA damage in long-haul crew members compared to controls, indicating a lack of evident genotoxic effects. An association, although again not statistically significant, was found between reduced DNA damage and use of protective drugs (antioxidants).  相似文献   

The polyphenolic dimers, epicatechin-4beta-8-catechin (B1), epicatechin-4beta-8-epicatechin (B2), catechin-4beta-8-catechin (B3), catechin-4beta-8-epicatechin (B4), and the gallate ester epicatechin-4beta-8-epicatechin gallate (B'2G) were isolated from grape seeds, and theaflavins and theafulvins from black tea brews. The ability of these naturally-occurring polyphenols to afford protection against the genotoxicity of the heterocyclic amine 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2) was compared with that of the monomeric tea flavanols, (+)-catechin (C), (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC) and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Genotoxic activity was evaluated in human peripheral lymphocytes using the Comet assay. At the concentration range of 1-100 microM, neither the monomeric nor the dimeric flavanols prevented the lymphocyte DNA damage induced by Trp-P-2. In contrast, both of the black tea polyphenols, theafulvins and theaflavins, at a dose range of 0.1-0.5 mg/ml, prevented, in a concentration-dependent manner, the DNA damage elicited by Trp-P-2. Finally, neither the monomeric and dimeric polyphenols (100 microM) nor the theafulvins and theaflavins (0.5mg/ml) caused any DNA damage in the human lymphocytes. These studies illustrate that black tea theafulvins and theaflavins, if absorbed intact, may contribute to the anticarcinogenic potential associated with black tea intake.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are produced by a wide variety of chemicals and physiological processes in which enzymes catalyse the transfer of electrons from a substrate to molecular oxygen. The immediate products of such reactions, superoxide anion radicals and hydrogen peroxide can be metabolised by enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), respectively, and depending on its concentration by Vitamin C (Vit C). Under certain circumstances the ROS form highly reactive hydroxyl radicals. We examined human sperm and lymphocytes after treatment with six oestrogenic compounds in the Comet assay, which measures DNA damage, and observed that all caused damage in both cell types. The damage was diminished in nearly all cases by catalase, and in some instances by SOD and Vit C. This response pattern was also seen with hydrogen peroxide. This similarity suggests that the oestrogen-mediated effects could be acting via the production of hydrogen peroxide since catalase always markedly reduced the response. The variable responses with SOD indicate a lesser involvement of superoxide anion radicals due to SOD-mediated conversion of superoxide to hydrogen peroxide generally causing a lower level of DNA damage than other ROS. The variable Vit C responses are explained by a reduction of hydrogen peroxide at low Vit C concentrations and a pro-oxidant activity at higher concentrations. Together these data provide evidence that inappropriate exposure to oestrogenic compounds could lead to free-radical mediated damage. It is believed that the observed activities were not generated by cell free cell culture conditions because increased responses were observed over and above control values when the compounds were added, and also increasing dose-response relationships have been found after treatment with such oestrogenic compounds in previously reported studies.  相似文献   

The Comet assay, a sensitive, rapid and non-invasive technique, measures DNA damage in individual cells and has found wide acceptance in epidemiological and biomonitoring studies to determine the DNA damage resulting from lifestyle, occupational and environmental exposure. The present study was undertaken to measure the basal level of DNA damage in a normal, healthy Indian male and female population. Out of the 230 volunteers included in this study, 124 were male and 106 were female. All the individuals belonged to a comparable socio-economic background and aged between 20 and 30 years. They were also matched for their smoking and dietary habits. The period of sample collection was also matched. The results revealed a statistically significant higher level of DNA damage in males when compared to females as evident by an increase in the Olive tail moment [3.76±1.21 (arbitrary units) for males as compared to 3.37±1.47 for females (P<0.05)], tail DNA (%) [10.2±2.96 for males as compared to 9.40±2.83 for females (P<0.05)] and tail length (μm) [59.65±9.23 for males and 49.57±14.68 for females (P<0.001)]. To our knowledge, this report has, for the first time demonstrated significant differences in the basal level of DNA damage between males and females in a normal healthy Indian population.  相似文献   

The Comet assay, a sensitive, rapid and non-invasive technique, measures DNA damage in individual cells and has found wide acceptance in epidemiological and biomonitoring studies to determine the DNA damage resulting from lifestyle, occupational and environmental exposure. The present study was undertaken to measure the basal level of DNA damage in a normal, healthy Indian male and female population. Out of the 230 volunteers included in this study, 124 were male and 106 were female. All the individuals belonged to a comparable socio-economic background and aged between 20 and 30 years. They were also matched for their smoking and dietary habits. The period of sample collection was also matched. The results revealed a statistically significant higher level of DNA damage in males when compared to females as evident by an increase in the Olive tail moment [3.76+/-1.21 (arbitrary units) for males as compared to 3.37+/-1.47 for females (P<0.05)], tail DNA (%) [10.2+/-2.96 for males as compared to 9.40+/-2.83 for females (P<0.05)] and tail length (microm) [59.65+/-9.23 for males and 49.57+/-14.68 for females (P<0.001)]. To our knowledge, this report has, for the first time demonstrated significant differences in the basal level of DNA damage between males and females in a normal healthy Indian population.  相似文献   

The genotoxic and cytotoxic potential of lambda-cyhalothrin (LCT), a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide, was investigated on human lymphocytes cultured in vitro. Utilizing the trypan blue dye exclusion technique assay, the LC50 of LCT was found to be 28 microM. Based on the LC50 value, it is seen that LCT was highly toxic to lymphocyte cultures, among other pyrethroid group of pesticides. Chromosomal aberrations induced by LCT were determined using metaphase plate-spreads of lymphocytes. The chromosomal analysis was recorded using Medi-Image software technology. The analysis revealed that more satellite associations and gaps were found, which were statistically significant (p < 0.05) when compared to controls. Comet assay was used to assess the possibility of LCT to induce the damage in DNA, where the increase in comet tail length relates to the extent of DNA single strand breaks. The results presented here indicate that in vitro assays could be used as indicators of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of the pesticide.  相似文献   

The alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (or Comet) assay was applied to evaluate DNA damage in cryopreserved peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes from 34 female shoe workers exposed to organic solvents and a group of 19 non-exposed women. We also investigated whether the polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and T1 (GSTT1) genes affect individual level of DNA damage possibly induced by the solvent exposure. Chemical measurements of workplace air in the two factories studied showed that the workers were exposed to acetone, gasoline, and toluene in both factories and to ethylacetate and diisocyanate in one factory. In the exposed workers, the average level of blood hemoglobin was lower and that of urinary hippuric acid higher than in the non-exposed individuals. However, the occupational exposure to organic solvents did not affect the Comet values. Neither did age, smoking, or the GSTM1 genotype have any effect on the outcome of this assay. The low prevalence of the GSTT1-null genotype precluded conclusions on the influence of GSTT1 polymorphism.  相似文献   

The single-cell gel electrophoresis or Comet assay measures qualitative and quantitative DNA damage in single cells. Its simplicity and non-invasive nature has made it widely accepted for the monitoring of human genotoxicity, employing peripheral blood lymphocytes. Factors, such as gender, age, and dietary and smoking habits are known to affect the Comet assay responses in lymphocytes. However, there is no information regarding the influence of the menstrual cycle on the results of the assay in lymphocytes of females.A study was therefore undertaken among 18 healthy Indian female volunteers to assess the effect of the menstrual cycle on Comet assay responses. During a complete menstrual cycle, only minor changes were observed in the basal levels of DNA damage in the lymphocytes as evident by Comet parameters, such as tail length (μm), tail DNA (%) and Olive tail moment (arbitrary units).To assess the effect of the estrogen 17β-estradiol (at physiological concentrations of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 nM) on the Comet assay responses, an in vitro study was conducted in the human lymphocyte cell line JM-1 and the breast cancer cell line MCF-7. As was evident from the Comet parameters, a significant (p < 0.01) concentration-dependent increase in the level of DNA damage was observed in the MCF-7 cells while no significant change was found in the JM-1 cells.The results indicate that the menstrual cycle does not influence the Comet assay responses in lymphocytes; hence, these can serve as a model for monitoring genotoxicity in females.  相似文献   

It is known that chondrocytes from joints with osteoarthritis (OA) exhibit high levels of DNA damage, but the degree to which chondrocytes accumulate DNA damage during “normal aging” has not been established. The goal of this study was to quantify the DNA damage present in chondrocytes obtained from cadaveric donors of a wide age range, and to compare the extent of this damage to OA chondrocytes. The alkaline comet assay was used to measure the DNA damage in normal cartilage from the ankle (talus) and the knee (femur) of cadaveric donors, as well as in OA chondrocytes obtained at the time of total knee replacement. Chondrocytes from younger donors (<45 years) had less DNA damage than older donors (>70 years) as assessed by the percentage of DNA in the comet “tail”. In donors between 50 and 60 years old, there was increased DNA damage in chondrocytes from OA cartilage as compared to cadaveric. Talar chondrocytes from 23 donors between the ages of 34 and 78 revealed a linear increase in DNA damage with age (R 2 = 0.865, p < 0.0001). A “two‐tailed” comet assay was used to demonstrate that most of the accumulated damage is in the form of strand breaks as opposed to alkali‐labile base damage. Chondrocytes from young donors required 10 Gy irradiation to recapitulate the DNA damage present in chondrocytes from older donors. Given the potential for DNA damage to contribute to chondrocyte dysfunction and senescence, this study supports the investigation of mechanisms by which hypo‐replicative cell types accumulate high levels of damage.  相似文献   

The single-cell gel electrophoresis or Comet assay measures qualitative and quantitative DNA damage in single cells. Its simplicity and non-invasive nature has made it widely accepted for the monitoring of human genotoxicity, employing peripheral blood lymphocytes. Factors, such as gender, age, and dietary and smoking habits are known to affect the Comet assay responses in lymphocytes. However, there is no information regarding the influence of the menstrual cycle on the results of the assay in lymphocytes of females. A study was therefore undertaken among 18 healthy Indian female volunteers to assess the effect of the menstrual cycle on Comet assay responses. During a complete menstrual cycle, only minor changes were observed in the basal levels of DNA damage in the lymphocytes as evident by Comet parameters, such as tail length (microm), tail DNA (%) and Olive tail moment (arbitrary units). To assess the effect of the estrogen 17beta-estradiol (at physiological concentrations of 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 nM) on the Comet assay responses, an in vitro study was conducted in the human lymphocyte cell line JM-1 and the breast cancer cell line MCF-7. As was evident from the Comet parameters, a significant (p < 0.01) concentration-dependent increase in the level of DNA damage was observed in the MCF-7 cells while no significant change was found in the JM-1 cells. The results indicate that the menstrual cycle does not influence the Comet assay responses in lymphocytes; hence, these can serve as a model for monitoring genotoxicity in females.  相似文献   

Carcinogenesis in the upper aerodigestive tract is influenced by multiple factors. Besides tobacco and alcohol consumption, specific pollutants such as phthalates, nitrosamines, and polycyclic aromatic carbohydrates may be important in tumor initiation. Genetic factors related to mutagen sensitivity and DNA repair capacity also play a role. The aim of this study was to investigate whether human peripheral blood lymphocytes and mucosal epithelium of the upper aerodigestive tract, the target for volatile and liquid xenobiotics, are equally sensitive to genotoxic agents.The Comet assay was used to detect for DNA damage induced by genotoxic agents in mucosal epithelial cells and peripheral blood lymphocytes of 60 volunteers. Mucosa was harvested from larynx, oropharynx, and inferior nasal turbinates. Xenobiotics investigated were dibutylphthalate (DBP), diisobutylphthalate (DiBP), N'-nitrosodiethylamine (NDELA), benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), and N'-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG). DBP, DiBP, B[a]P, NDELA and MNNG induced a significant increase in DNA migration in both cell populations. Peripheral blood lymphocytes were more sensitive than mucosal cells to DBP and DiBP, but not to NDELA and B[a]P. The correlation, in terms of DNA migration, between lymphocytes and mucosal cells among volunteers was relatively poor. Based on the poor correlation in response between the two cell types, the sensitivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes to genotoxic agents appears to be a poor predictor of sensitivity in the target cells of the upper aerodigestive tract. Further attention should be focused on intra-individual mutagen sensitivities and inter-individual genetic differences as regards susceptibility to upper aerodigestive tract cancer.  相似文献   

Abstact Organic fuel smoke is a hazardous agent, which pushes the cells towards“prooxidant state', leading to 4,46,400 strand breaks/cell/day as against 47,000 strand breaks/cell/day produced by constitutive oxygen radicals. This prooxidants scenario switches on a plethora of intercellular events. Here we report a novel DNA damaging factor released by lymphocytes, upon treatment with smoke condensate. Human lymphocytes, when exposed to cow dung cake smoke condensate, were found to release a low molecular weight factor into the media at 20 min of exposure. The conditioned media, displayed a propensity of inducing DNA damage in fresh, normal lymphocytes, which were not exposed to any damaging agent. The above DNA damaging effect of the conditioned media was not due to any residual presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, which were present in the smoke. The release of this factor was in correlation with the DNA damaging event, taking place in the cells. This secondary DNA damaging factor had a molecular weight less than 5 kd. The factor had the cell death inducing propensity when allowed to act on lymphocytes  相似文献   

Cells cultured from individuals with neurofibromatosis, a genetic syndrome associated with a predisposition to malignancy, were studied. We examined survival as measured by colony formation in skin fibroblasts from 5 patients with neurofibromatosis after exposure to X-rays, ultraviolet light and an alkylating agent. We did not observe mutagen hypersensitivity in neurofibromatosis cells as compared to normal controls.  相似文献   

To investigate whether there were separate and combined effects of occupational exposure to tobacco dust and smoking on lymphocyte DNA damage, 148 workers from a cigarette manufacturing factory (107 occupationally exposed to tobacco dust from the production department and 41 unexposed controls who were managerial workers) were included in the study. The Tail Moment (TM) of Comet assay was used to measure DNA damage. The two groups had similar mean age, mean duration of work and smoking prevalence. The exposed workers had a larger TM than that of the controls (mean+/-S.D.: 43.43+/-13. 77 vs. 38.89+/-8.98, p<0.05). Smokers had significantly larger TM than non-smokers (47.25+/-14.02 vs. 38.90+/-10.75, p<0.001). Analysis of variance after adjustment for age and gender showed that occupational exposure and smoking had a significant and independent effect on Tail Moment (p=0.025 and p=0.002, respectively) and there was a significant positive two way interaction between the two factors (p=0.019). Age and gender had no significant effect on TM. The present study suggests that smoking and tobacco dust exposure can induce lymphocyte DNA damage and there is a synergistic effect of tobacco dust exposure and smoking on DNA damage.  相似文献   

Cattle hypocuprosis is a well-known endemic disease in several parts of the world. In a previous paper, the clastogenic effect of copper deficiency in cattle has been described although the occurrence of DNA damage was not directly tested. For this reason, the relation between DNA damage assessed by the Comet assay and Cu plasma concentration was studied in Aberdeen Angus cattle.Blood samples were obtained in heparinized Vacutainer® tubes from 28 female Aberdeen Angus cows during pregnancy or immediately after to give birth. Each sample was divided into two aliquots for Comet assay and Cu plasma determination, respectively. From the 28 cattle sampled, 17 were normocupremic and 11 were hypocupremic.Results obtained showed that whereas the average plasma Cu level in normocupremic cattle was 67.6 μg/dl, in hypocupremic cattle it was 32.1 μg/dl. The increase of DNA damage was mostly evidenced by the decrease of comet degree 1 cells and an increase of comet degree 2 cells. Correlation analysis comparing plasma Cu levels and degree 1 cells showed a correlation coefficient 0.72 (P<0.01). The comparison between plasma Cu levels and comet degree 2 cells was −0.65 (P<0.01). The comparison between plasma Cu levels and the comet length-head diameter medians determined in 23 out of 28 animals showed a correlation coefficient of −0.54 (P<0.01).The induction of DNA damage was clearly supported by the fact that the decrease of plasma Cu levels was correlated with the increase of comet length-head diameter. These findings could be considered as a contribution to the hypothesis that DNA and chromosome damage are a consequence of the higher oxidative stress suffered by hypocupremic animals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The ability of the comet assay to quantify DNA strand breaks and alkali labile sites has been widely demonstrated. In this study, this assay was tested for its ability to identify DNA fragmentation occurring during apoptosis in comparison with standard DNA flow cytometry analysis. METHODS: Staurosporine-induced apoptosis in CHO cells is an adequate model to study a rapid time- and dose-dependent appearance of this process. RESULTS: Nuclear staining with DAPI confirmed the induction of apoptosis with a typical chromatin condensation and fragmentation. Analysis of propidium-iodide- (PI) stained DNA by flow cytometry showed the presence of a pre-G1 peak, characteristic of apoptotic cells, 6 h after drug treatment. The detection of highly damaged cells (HDC) by the comet assay after 3 h treatment occurred earlier than the detection of apoptotic cells by flow cytometry. However, HDC were missed when the DNA fragmentation was too high, preventing accurate quantification of late apoptotic cells. CONCLUSIONS: The comet assay is more sensitive than standard DNA flow cytometry to detect early DNA fragmentation events occurring during apoptosis. However, the comet assay modified by omitting electrophoresis was necessary to quantify apoptotic fraction at later stages.  相似文献   

Silk fibroin nanoparticles (SFNPs) as a natural polymer have been utilized in biomedical applications such as suture, tissue engineering‐based scaffolds, and drug delivery carriers. Since there is little data regarding the toxicity effects on different cells and tissues, we aimed to determine the toxicity mechanisms of SFNPs on human lymphocytes and monocytes based on reliable methods. Our results showed that SFNPs (0.5, 1, and 2 mg/mL) induced oxidative stress via increasing reactive oxygen species production, mitochondrial membrane potential (?Ψ) collapse, which was correlated to cytochrome c release and Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)/Adenosine tri phosphate (ATP) ratio increase as well as lysosomal as another toxicity mechanism, which led to cytosolic release of lysosomal digestive proteases, phosphor lipases, and apoptosis signaling. Taken together, these data suggested that SFNPs toxicity was associated with mutual mitochondrial/lysosomal cross‐talk and oxidative stress on human lymphocytes and monocytes with activated apoptosis signaling.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate, by comet assay, the possible inducing of DNA lesions in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of rats subjected to acute or chronic food deprivation. Wistar male rats were subjected to 72 h of partial (50%), or total acute food deprivation, and then allowed to recover for different time periods (24, 48 and 72 h). In other experiments, comet scores were determined in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of rats subjected to chronic food deprivation (25% and 50%) for 50 days. Blood aliquots were obtained before, during and after food deprivation. Comet assay was carried out, the comet units photographed and scored (class 0 up to 3). Acute and chronic food-deprived rats presented peripheral blood mononuclear cells with DNA lesions (comet classes 1, 2 and 3) and a significant increase (p<0.05) in the number of comet units compared with its basal level. The increase was proportional to acute food deprivation time, but after being taken off, it progressively returned to basal level after 48 h (partial group) or 72 h (total group). Chronic food-deprived rats presented a progressive increase of comet score up to 5 days, and a decrease thereafter to reach a basal level. Possible mechanisms of DNA lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

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