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Multisubunit tethering complexes may contribute to the specificity of membrane fusion events by linking transport vesicles to their target membrane in an initial recognition event that promotes SNARE assembly. However, the interactions that link tethering factors to the other components of the vesicle fusion machinery are still largely unknown. We have previously identified three subunits of a Golgi-localized complex (the Vps52/53/54 complex) that is required for retrograde transport to the late Golgi. This complex interacts with a Rab and a SNARE protein found at the late Golgi and is related to two other multisubunit tethering complexes: the COG complex and the exocyst. Here we show that the Vps52/53/54 complex has an additional subunit, Vps51p. All four members of this tetrameric GARP (Golgi-associated retrograde protein) complex are required for two distinct retrograde transport pathways, from both early and late endosomes, back to the TGN. vps51 mutants exhibit a distinct phenotype suggestive of a regulatory role. Indeed, we find that Vps51p mediates the interaction between Vps52/53/54 and the t-SNARE Tlg1p. The binding of this small, coiled-coil protein to the conserved N-terminal domain of the t-SNARE therefore provides a crucial link between components of the tethering and the fusion machinery.  相似文献   

The late Golgi of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae receives membrane traffic from the secretory pathway as well as retrograde traffic from post-Golgi compartments, but the machinery that regulates these vesicle-docking and fusion events has not been characterized. We have identified three components of a novel protein complex that is required for protein sorting at the yeast late Golgi compartment. Mutation of VPS52, VPS53, or VPS54 results in the missorting of 70% of the vacuolar hydrolase carboxypeptidase Y as well as the mislocalization of late Golgi membrane proteins to the vacuole, whereas protein traffic through the early part of the Golgi complex is unaffected. A vps52/53/54 triple mutant strain is phenotypically indistinguishable from each of the single mutants, consistent with the model that all three are required for a common step in membrane transport. Native coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicate that Vps52p, Vps53p, and Vps54p are associated in a 1:1:1 complex that sediments as a single peak on sucrose velocity gradients. This complex, which exists both in a soluble pool and as a peripheral component of a membrane fraction, colocalizes with markers of the yeast late Golgi by immunofluorescence microscopy. Together, the phenotypic and biochemical data suggest that VPS52, VPS53, and VPS54 are required for the retrograde transport of Golgi membrane proteins from an endosomal/prevacuolar compartment. The Vps52/53/54 complex joins a growing list of distinct multisubunit complexes that regulate membrane-trafficking events.  相似文献   

Autophagy, pexophagy, and the Cvt pathway are processes that deliver hydrolytic enzymes and substrates to the yeast vacuole/lysosome via double-membrane cytosolic vesicles. Whereas these pathways operate under different nutritional conditions, they all employ common machinery with only a few specific factors assisting in the choice of the delivery program and the membrane source for the sequestering vesicle. We found that the YKR020w gene product is essential for Cvt vesicle formation but not for pexophagy or induction of autophagy. Autophagosomes in the ykr020wdelta mutant, however, have a reduced size. We demonstrate that Ykr020 is a subunit of the Vps fifty-three tethering complex, composed of Vps52, Vps53, and Vps54, which is required for retrograde traffic from the early endosome back to the late Golgi, and for this reason we named it Vps51. This complex participates in a fusion event together with Tlg1 and Tlg2, two SNAREs also shown to be necessary for Cvt vesicle assembly. In particular, those factors are essential to correctly target the prApe1-Cvt19-Cvt9 complex to the preautophagosomal structure, the site of Cvt vesicle formation.  相似文献   

The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRTs) impact multiple cellular processes including multivesicular body sorting, abscission, and viral budding. The AAA-ATPase Vps4 is required for ESCRT function, and its full activity is dependent upon the co-factor Vta1. The Vta1 carboxyl-terminal Vta1 SBP1 Lip5 (VSL) domain stimulates Vps4 function by facilitating oligomerization of Vps4 into its active state. Here we report the identification of the Vps4 stimulatory element (VSE) within Vta1 that is required for additional stimulation of Vps4 activity in vitro and in vivo. VSE activity is autoinhibited in a manner dependent upon the unstructured linker region joining the amino-terminal microtubule interacting and trafficking domains and the carboxyl-terminal VSL domain. The VSE is also required for Vta1-mediated Vps4 stimulation by ESCRT-III subunits Vps60 and Did2. These results suggest that ESCRT-III binding to the Vta1 microtubule interacting and trafficking domains relieves linker region autoinhibition of the VSE to produce maximal activation of Vps4 during ESCRT function.  相似文献   

Clathrin-coated vesicles mediate the transport of the soluble vacuolar protein CPY from the TGN to the endosomal/prevacuolar compartment. Surprisingly, CPY sorting is not affected in clathrin deletion mutant cells. Here, we have investigated the clathrin-independent pathway that allows CPY transport to the vacuole. We find that CPY transport is mediated by the endosome and requires normal trafficking of its sorting receptor, Vps10p, the steady state distribution of which is not altered in chc1 cells. In contrast, Vps10p accumulates at the cell surface in a chc1/end3 double mutant, suggesting that Vps10p is rerouted to the cell surface in the absence of clathrin. We used a chimeric protein containing the first 50 amino acids of CPY fused to a green fluorescent protein (CPY-GFP) to mimic CPY transport in chc1. In the absence of clathrin, CPY-GFP resides in the lumen of the vacuole as in wild-type cells. However, in chc1/sec6 double mutants, CPY-GFP is present in internal structures, possibly endosomal membranes, that do not colocalize with the vacuole. We propose that Vps10p must be transported to and retrieved from the plasma membrane to mediate CPY sorting to the vacuole in the absence of clathrin-coated vesicles. In this circumstance, precursor CPY may be captured by retrieved Vps10p in an early or late endosome, rather than as it normally is in the trans-Golgi, and delivered to the vacuole by the normal VPS gene-dependent process. Once relieved of cargo protein, Vps10p would be recycled to the trans-Golgi and then to the cell surface for further rounds of sorting.  相似文献   

Rab5 GTPases are key regulators of protein trafficking through the early stages of the endocytic pathway. The yeast Rab5 ortholog Vps21p is activated by its guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vps9p. Here we show that Vps9p binds ubiquitin and that the CUE domain is necessary and sufficient for this interaction. Vps9p ubiquitin binding is required for efficient endocytosis of Ste3p but not for the delivery of the biosynthetic cargo carboxypeptidase Y to the vacuole. In addition, Vps9p is itself monoubiquitylated. Ubiquitylation is dependent on a functional CUE domain and Rsp5p, an E3 ligase that participates in cell surface receptor endocytosis. These findings define a new ubiquitin binding domain and implicate ubiquitin as a modulator of Vps9p function in the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Ist1 regulates Vps4 localization and assembly   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The ESCRT protein complexes are recruited from the cytoplasm and assemble on the endosomal membrane into a protein network that functions in sorting of ubiquitinated transmembrane proteins into the multivesicular body (MVB) pathway. This transport pathway packages cargo proteins into vesicles that bud from the MVB limiting membrane into the lumen of the compartment and delivers these vesicles to the lysosome/vacuole for degradation. The dissociation of ESCRT machinery by the AAA-type ATPase Vps4 is a necessary late step in the formation of MVB vesicles. This ATP-consuming step is regulated by several Vps4-interacting proteins, including the newly identified regulator Ist1. Our data suggest that Ist1 has a dual role in the regulation of Vps4 activity: it localizes to the ESCRT machinery via Did2 where it positively regulates recruitment of Vps4 and it negatively regulates Vps4 by forming an Ist1-Vps4 heterodimer, in which Vps4 cannot bind to the ESCRT machinery. The activity of the MVB pathway might be in part determined by outcome of these two competing activities.  相似文献   

The family of dynamin proteins is known to function in many eukaryotic membrane fusion and fission events. The yeast dynamin-related protein Vps1 functions at several stages of membrane trafficking, including Golgi apparatus to endosome and vacuole, peroxisomal fission, and endocytic scission. We have previously shown that in its endocytic role, Vps1 functions with the amphiphysin heterodimer Rvs161/Rvs167 to facilitate scission and release of vesicles. Phosphoproteome studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have identified a phosphorylation site in Vps1 at serine 599. In this study, we confirmed this phosphorylation event, and we reveal that, like Rvs167, Vps1 can be phosphorylated by the yeast cyclin-associated kinase Pho85 in vivo and in vitro. The importance of this posttranslational modification was revealed when mutagenesis of S599 to a phosphomimetic or nonphosphorylatable form caused defects in endocytosis but not in other functions associated with Vps1. Mutation to nonphosphorylatable valine inhibited the Rvs167 interaction, while both S599V and S599D caused defects in vesicle scission, as shown by both live-cell imaging and electron microscopy of endocytic invaginations. Our data support a model in which phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of Vps1 promote distinct interactions and highlight the importance of such regulatory events in facilitating sequential progression of the endocytic process.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of the interaction between the SNARE Tlg1 and Vps51   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Membrane fusion in cells involves the interaction of SNARE proteins on apposing membranes. Formation of SNARE complexes is preceded by tethering events, and a number of protein complexes that are thought to mediate this have been identified. The VFT or GARP complex is required for endosome-Golgi traffic in yeast. It consists of four subunits, one of which, Vps51, has been shown to bind specifically to the SNARE Tlg1, which participates in the same fusion event. We have determined the structure of the N-terminal domain of Tlg1 bound to a peptide from the N terminus of Vps51. Binding depends mainly on residues 18-30 of Vps51. These form a short helix which lies in a conserved groove in the three-helix bundle formed by Tlg1. Surprisingly, although both Vps51 and Tlg1 are required for transport to the late Golgi from endosomes, removal of the Tlg1-binding sequences from Vps51 does not block such traffic in vivo. Thus, this particular interaction cannot be crucial to the process of vesicle docking or fusion.  相似文献   

Intracellular membrane fusion requires the complex coordination of SNARE, rab/ypt, and rab effector function. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fusion of endosome-derived vesicles with the late Golgi depends on a cascade of protein-protein interactions that results in the recruitment to Golgi membranes of a conserved docking complex, VFT. This complex binds to Ypt6-GTP, which is necessary for its localization to the Golgi, and also to the SNARE Tlg1p. We show here that the VFT complex contains a fourth, previously uncharacterized, subunit, Vps51p (Ykr020w). Yeast cells lacking VPS51 have defects in vacuole morphology and recycling of the SNARE Snc1p to the plasma membrane, but still assemble a core VFT complex consisting of Vps52p, Vps53p, and Vps54p that localizes properly to the Golgi. Binding to Ypt6-GTP is a property of Vps52p. In contrast, binding to Tlg1p is mediated by a short sequence at the N terminus of Vps51p. Recent evidence suggests that components of a number of rab/ypt effector complexes share a common, distantly related helical coiled-coil motif. We show that each VFT subunit requires this coiled-coil motif for assembly into the complex.  相似文献   

Transport protein particle (TRAPP), a large complex that mediates membrane traffic, is found in two forms (TRAPPI and -II). Both complexes share seven subunits, whereas three subunits (Trs130p, -120p, and -65p) are specific to TRAPPII. Previous studies have shown that mutations in the TRAPPII-specific gene trs130 block traffic through or from the Golgi. Surprisingly, we report that mutations in trs120 do not block general secretion. Instead, trs120 mutants accumulate aberrant membrane structures that resemble Berkeley bodies and disrupt the traffic of proteins that recycle through the early endosome. Mutants defective in recycling also display a defect in the localization of coat protein I (COPI) subunits, implying that Trs120p may participate in a COPI-dependent trafficking step on the early endosomal pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Trs120p largely colocalizes with the late Golgi marker Sec7p. Our findings imply that Trs120p is required for vesicle traffic from the early endosome to the late Golgi.  相似文献   

Defects in autophagy cause problems in metabolism, development, and disease. The autophagic clearance of mitochondria, mitophagy, is impaired by the loss of Vps13D. Here, we discover that Vps13D regulates mitophagy in a pathway that depends on the core autophagy machinery by regulating Atg8a and ubiquitin localization. This process is Pink1 dependent, with loss of pink1 having similar autophagy and mitochondrial defects as loss of vps13d. The role of Pink1 has largely been studied in tandem with Park/Parkin, an E3 ubiquitin ligase that is widely considered to be crucial in Pink1-dependent mitophagy. Surprisingly, we find that loss of park does not exhibit the same autophagy and mitochondrial deficiencies as vps13d and pink1 mutant cells and contributes to mitochondrial clearance through a pathway that is parallel to vps13d. These findings provide a Park-independent pathway for Pink1-regulated mitophagy and help to explain how Vps13D regulates autophagy and mitochondrial morphology and contributes to neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Crump CM  Yates C  Minson T 《Journal of virology》2007,81(14):7380-7387
The assembly and egress of herpesviruses are complex processes that require the budding of viral nucleocapsids into the lumen of cytoplasmic compartments to form mature infectious virus. This envelopment stage shares many characteristics with the formation of luminal vesicles in multivesicular endosomes. Through expression of dominant-negative Vps4, an enzyme that is essential for the formation of luminal vesicles in multivesicular endosomes, we now show that Vps4 function is required for the cytoplasmic envelopment of herpes simplex virus type 1. This is the first example of a large enveloped DNA virus engaging the multivesicular endosome sorting machinery to enable infectious virus production.  相似文献   

Sorting nexins (Snxs) are a recently discovered family of conserved hydrophilic cytoplasmic proteins that have been found associated with membranes of the endocytic system and that are implicated in the trafficking of many endosomal membrane proteins, including the epidermal growth factor receptor and transferrin receptor. Snx proteins are partly defined by the presence of a p40 phox homology domain that has recently been shown to bind phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate. Most Snx proteins also contain a predicted coiled-coils domain in the carboxyl-terminal half of the protein and have been shown to form dimers with other members of the Snx family. The yeast sorting nexins Vps5p and Vps17p form a dimer and are also components of the retromer complex that mediates endosome-to-Golgi transport of the carboxypeptidase Y receptor Vps10p. To functionally define the different domains of the yeast sorting nexins Vps5p and Vps17p, we have generated various truncations to examine the role that the different domains of Vps5p/Vps17p play in their respective functions. Herein, we show that the C-terminal halves of Vps5p and Vps17p, which contain the coiled-coils domains, are necessary and sufficient for their interaction. We have also mapped the retromer assembly domain to the N-terminal half of Vps5p and found that binding of Vps5p by Vps17p synergizes the interaction between Vps5p and other retromer components. Additionally, we have examined which domain(s) of Vps5p is necessary for membrane association.  相似文献   

Many multiprotein complexes mediate the fusion of the intracellular membranes. The question how the specificity of the membrane fusion is controlled has not been fully elucidated. Here we report the identification of a mouse homologue Vps16p (mVps16), which exhibits a high homology to the yeast Vps16p, a component of Class C vacuolar protein sorting (Vps) complex implicated in the yeast vacuole membrane fusion. Northern and Western blot analyses reveal that mVps16 is ubiquitously expressed in the mouse peripheral tissues. Biochemical analyses show that mammalian Class C Vps proteins interact with multiple syntaxins and Vps45p, which localizes in the endosomal compartments. The internalization of transferrin (Tf) is not affected by the overexpression of mammalian class C Vps proteins, but the recycling was inhibited. Taken together, this study provides biochemical characteristics of mVps16p in mammalian cells and the potential roles of mammalian Class C Vps proteins in membrane trafficking.  相似文献   

Endosome-to-Golgi retrieval of the carboxypeptidase Y receptor Vps10p is mediated by a recently discovered membrane coat complex termed retromer. Retromer comprises five conserved proteins: Vps35p, Vps29p, Vps5p, Vps17p, and Vps26p. Vps35p recognizes cargo molecules such as Vps10p and interacts strongly with Vps29p. Vps5p forms a subcomplex with Vps17p and has been proposed to play a structural role by self-assembling into large multimeric structures. The function of Vps26p is currently unknown. We have investigated the role that Vps26p plays in retromer-mediated endosome-to-Golgi transport by analyzing dominant negative alleles of Vps26p. These mutants have identified a crucial region of Vps26p that plays an important role in its function. Functional domains of Vps26p have been investigated by the creation of yeast-mouse hybrid molecules in which domains of Vps26p have been replaced by the similar domain in the protein encoded by the mouse VPS26 gene, Hbeta58. These domain swap experiments have shown that Vps26p promotes the interactions between the cargo-selective component Vps35p and the structural components Vps5p/Vps17p.  相似文献   

【背景】Vps74/GOLPH3是参与高尔基体蛋白糖基化修饰的关键蛋白,并且是重要的磷酸磷脂酰肌醇效应因子,在胞内参与多种信号通路。【目的】鉴定白假丝酵母Vps74蛋白,并探索其在该病原菌压力应答、蛋白分泌、形态发生及致病过程中的功能。【方法】采用在线序列比对方法,初步鉴定白假丝酵母Vps74蛋白;采用两步PCR介导的同源重组方法,构建白假丝酵母vps74基因缺失菌株vps74Δ/Δ及回补菌株VPS74c;采用反向遗传学方法,探究Vps74在白假丝酵母的压力应答、蛋白分泌、形态发生及致病过程中的功能。【结果】白假丝酵母中存在典型的Vps74/GOLPH3同源蛋白,Vps74参与蛋白糖基化修饰过程,vps74基因缺失导致白假丝酵母蛋白分泌能力、形态发生能力、黏附能力以及侵染宿主能力的显著降低。【结论】Vps74通过影响蛋白分泌、形态发生、黏附、嵌入式生长等过程,在白假丝酵母致病过程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Dynamins are a conserved family of proteins involved in many membrane fusion and fission events. Previously, the dynamin-related protein Vps1 was shown to localize to endocytic sites, and yeast carrying deletions for genes encoding both the BAR domain protein Rvs167 and Vps1 had a more severe endocytic scission defect than either deletion alone. Vps1 and Rvs167 localize to endocytic sites at the onset of invagination and disassemble concomitant with inward vesicle movement. Rvs167-GFP localization is reduced in cells lacking vps1 suggesting that Vps1 influences Rvs167 association with the endocytic complex. Unlike classical dynamins, Vps1 does not have a proline-arginine domain that could interact with SH3 domain-containing proteins. Thus, while Rvs167 has an SH3 domain, it is not clear how an interaction would be mediated. Here, we demonstrate an interaction between Rvs167 SH3 domain and the single type I SH3-binding motif in Vps1. Mutant Vps1 that cannot bind Rvs167 rescues all membrane fusion/fission functions associated with Vps1 except for endocytic function, demonstrating the specificity and mechanistic importance of the interaction. In vitro, an Rvs161/Rvs167 heterodimer can disassemble Vps1 oligomers. Overall, the data support the idea that Vps1 and the amphiphysins function together to mediate scission during endocytosis in yeast.  相似文献   

Rab 7: an important regulator of late endocytic membrane traffic   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1995,131(6):1435-1452
Rab5 and rab7 proteins belong to a superfamily of small molecular weight GTPases known to be associated with early and late endosomes, respectively. The rab5 protein plays an important regulatory role in early endocytosis, yet the function of rab7 protein was previously uncharacterized. This question was addressed by comparing the kinetics of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) G protein internalization in baby hamster kidney cells overexpressing wild-type or dominant negative mutant forms of the rab7 protein (rab7N125I and rab7T22N). Overexpression of wild-type rab7 protein allowed normal transport to late endosomes (mannose 6-phosphate receptor positive), while the rab7N125I mutant caused the VSV G protein to accumulate specifically in early (transferrin receptor positive) endosomes. Horseradish peroxidase and paramyxovirus SV5 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) were used in quantitative biochemical assays to further demonstrate that rab7 function was not required for early internalization events, but was crucial in downstream degradative events. The characteristic cleavage of SV5 HN in the late endosome distinguishes internalization from transport to later stages of the endocytic pathway. Mutant rab7N125I or rab7T22N proteins had no effect on the internalization of either horseradish peroxidase or SV5 HN protein. In contrast, the mutant proteins markedly inhibited the subsequent cleavage of the SV5 HN protein. Taken together, these data support a key role for rab7, downstream of rab5, in regulating membrane transport leading from early to late endosomes. We compare our findings to those obtained for the yeast homologues Ypt51p, Ypt52p, Ypt53p, and Ypt7p.  相似文献   

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