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p204 protein is a novel modulator of ras activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A functional Shaker potassium channel requires assembly of four α-subunits encoded by a single gene or various genes from the Shaker family. In Arabidopsis thaliana, AtKC1, a Shaker α-subunit that is silent when expressed alone, has been shown to regulate the activity of AKT1 by forming heteromeric AtKC1-AKT1 channels. Here, we investigated whether AtKC1 is a general regulator of channel activity. Co-expression in Xenopus oocytes of a dominant negative (pore-mutated) AtKC1 subunit with the inward Shaker channel subunits KAT1, KAT2 or AKT2, or the outward subunits SKOR or GORK, revealed that the three inward subunits functionally interact with AtKC1 while the outward ones cannot. Localization experiments in plant protoplasts showed that KAT2 was able to re-locate AtKC1 fused to GFP from endomembranes to the plasma membrane, indicating that heteromeric AtKC1-KAT2 channels are efficiently targeted to the plasma membrane. Functional properties of heteromeric channels involving AtKC1 and KAT1, KAT2 or AKT2 were analysed by voltage clamp after co-expression of the respective subunits in Xenopus oocytes. AtKC1 behaved as a regulatory subunit within the heterotetrameric channel, reducing the macroscopic conductance and negatively shifting the channel activation potential. Expression studies showed that AtKC1 and its identified Shaker partners have overlapping expression patterns, supporting the hypothesis of a general regulation of inward channel activity by AtKC1 in planta. Lastly, AtKC1 disruption appeared to reduce plant biomass production, showing that AtKC1-mediated channel activity regulation is required for normal plant growth.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation is associated with polysaccharide synthesis in a number of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. In Streptococcus pneumoniae, CpsB, CpsC, and CpsD affect tyrosine phosphorylation and are critical for the production of a mature capsule in vitro. To characterize the interactions between these proteins and the phosphorylation event they modulate, cps2B, cps2C, and cps2D from the capsule type 2 S. pneumoniae D39 were cloned and expressed both individually and in combination in Escherichia coli. Cps2D purified from E. coli was not phosphorylated unless it was co-expressed with its cognate transmembrane domain, Cps2C. Purified phosphorylated Cps2D had tyrosine kinase activity and could phosphorylate both dephosphorylated Cps2D and an exogenous substrate (poly-Glu-Tyr) in the absence of ATP. Cps2B exhibited phosphatase activity against both purified phosphorylated Cps2D and p-nitrophenyl phosphate. An additional role for Cps2B as an inhibitor of Cps2D phosphorylation was demonstrated in both co-expression experiments in E. coli and in vitro experiments where it blocked the transphosphorylation of Cps2D even in the presence of the phosphatase inhibitor sodium orthovanadate. cps2C and cps2D deletion mutants in S. pneumoniae produced no detectable mature capsule during laboratory culture. Both were avirulent in systemic mouse infections and were unable to colonize the nasopharynx, suggesting that the failure to produce capsule was not dependent on the environment. Based on these results, we propose a model for capsule regulation where CpsB, CpsC, CpsD, and ATP form a stable complex that enhances capsule synthesis.  相似文献   

The adenovirus (Ad) fiber protein mediates Ad binding to the coxsackievirus and Ad receptor (CAR) and is thus a major determinant of viral tropism. The fiber contains three domains: an N-terminal tail that anchors the fiber to the viral capsid, a central shaft region of variable length and flexibility, and a C-terminal knob domain that binds to cell receptors. Ad type 37 (Ad37), a subgroup D virus associated with severe ocular infections, is unable to use CAR efficiently to infect host cells, despite containing a CAR binding site in its fiber knob. We hypothesized that the relatively short, inflexible Ad37 fiber protein restricts interactions with CAR at the cell surface. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the infectivity and binding of recombinant Ad particles containing modified Ad37 or Ad5 fiber proteins. Ad5 particles equipped with a truncated Ad5 fiber or with a chimeric fiber protein comprised of the Ad5 knob fused to the short, rigid Ad37 shaft domain had significantly reduced infectivity and attachment. In contrast, placing the Ad37 knob onto the long, flexible Ad5 shaft allowed CAR-dependent virus infection and cell attachment, demonstrating the importance of the shaft domain in receptor usage. Increasing fiber rigidity by substituting the predicted flexibility modules in the Ad5 shaft with the corresponding regions of the rigid Ad37 fiber dramatically reduced both virus infection and cell attachment. Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) single-particle analysis demonstrated the increased rigidity of this chimeric fiber. These studies demonstrate that both length and flexibility of the fiber shaft regulate CAR interaction and provide a molecular explanation for the use of alternative receptors by subgroup D Ad with ocular tropism. We present a molecular model for Ad-CAR interactions at the cell surface that explains the significance of fiber flexibility in cell attachment.  相似文献   

hSos1 is a Ras guanine-nucleotide exchange factor. It was suggested that the carboxyl-terminal region of hSos1 down-regulates hSos1 functionality and that the intrinsic guanine-nucleotide exchange activity of this protein may be different before and after stimulation of tyrosine kinase receptors. Using different myristoylated hSos1 full-length and carboxyl-terminal truncated mutants, we show that Grb2 function accounts not only for recruitment of hSos1 to the plasma membrane but also for modulation of hSos1 activity. Our results demonstrate that the first two canonical Grb2 binding sites, inside the carboxyl-terminal region of hSos1, are responsible for this regulation. Following different approaches, such as displacement of Grb2 from the hSos1-Grb2 complex or depletion of Grb2 levels by small interfering RNA, we found that the full-length Grb2 proteins mediate negative regulation of the intrinsic Ras guanine-nucleotide exchange activity of hSos1.  相似文献   

Vascular inflammation underlies the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic changes in the vasculature lead to conditions such as coronary artery disease and stroke, which are the major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Epidemiological studies in premenopausal women suggest a beneficial role for estrogen in preventing vascular inflammation and consequent atherosclerosis. However, the benefits of estrogen areabsent or even reversed in older postmenopausal subjects. The modulation of inflammation by estrogen under different conditions might explain this discrepancy. Estrogen exerts its antiinflammatory effects on the vasculature through different mechanisms such as direct antioxidant effect, generation of nitric oxide, prevention of apoptosis in vascular cells and suppression of cytokines and the renin-angiotensin system. On the other hand, estrogen also elicits proinflammatory changes under certain conditions, which are less completely understood. Some of the mechanisms underlying a possible proinflammatory role for estrogen include increased expression of the proinflammatory receptor for advanced glycation end products, increased tyrosine nitration of cellular proteins, and generation of reactive oxygen species through an uncoupled eNOS. In this review, we have presented evidence for both antiinflammatory and proinflammatory pathways modulated by estrogen and how interactions among such pathways might determine the effects of estrogen on the vascular system.  相似文献   

The influence of ACTH (200 micrograms/kg), corticosterone (20 mg/kg) and cortexolone (20 mg/kg) on the anxiolytic activity of diazepam was studied. ACTH partly and corticosterone completely blocked the action of diazepam. Cortexolone injection 30 min before the administration of diazepam induced a 100% anxiolytic effect of diazepam in the range of doses from 0.1 to 0.3 mg/kg (ED50 of anxiolytic diazepam effect is 0.2 mg/kg). The role of stress hormones in the regulation of psychotropic drug activity is discussed.  相似文献   

PKA contributes to many physiological processes, including glucose homeostasis and cell migration. The substrate specificity of PKA is low compared with other kinases; thus, complex formation with A-kinase-anchoring proteins is important for the localization of PKA in specific subcellular regions and the phosphorylation of specific substrates. Here, we show that PKA forms a complex with WAVE2 (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein family verprolin-homologous protein 2) in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells and mouse brain extracts. Two separate regions of WAVE2 are involved in WAVE2-PKA complex formation. This complex localizes to the leading edge of MDA-MB-231 cells. PKA activation results in enlargement of the membrane protrusion. WAVE2 depletion impairs PKA localization at membrane protrusions and the enlargement of membrane protrusion induced by PKA activation. Together, these results suggest that WAVE2 works as an A-kinase-anchoring protein that recruits PKA at membrane protrusions and plays a role in the enlargement of membrane protrusions induced by PKA activation.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus encodes four nonstructural proteins, which are known as Rep78, Rep68, Rep52, and Rep40. Expression of these nonstructural proteins affects cell growth and gene expression through processes that have not yet been characterized. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we have demonstrated that a stable interaction occurs between the viral proteins Rep78 and Rep52 and the putative protein kinase PrKX, which is encoded on the X chromosome. The stability and specificity of the Rep-PrKX interaction were confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation of complexes assembled in vitro and in vivo. Overexpressed PrKX, which was purified from cos cells, was shown to phosphorylate a synthetic protein kinase A (PKA) substrate. However, this activity was dramatically inhibited by stoichiometric amounts of Rep52 and weakly inhibited with Rep68, which lacks the carboxy-terminal sequence contained in Rep52. Similarly, a stable interaction was observed with Rep78, which also contains the carboxy-terminal sequence of Rep52. A stable interaction and inhibition were also observed between Rep52 and the catalytic subunit of PKA. By using surface plasmon resonance and kinetic studies, Kis of approximately 300 and 167 nM were calculated for Rep52 with PKA and with PrKX, respectively. Thus, Rep52 but not Rep68 can significantly inhibit the trans- and autophosphorylation activities of these kinases. The biological effects of Rep78-specific inhibition of PKA-responsive genes are illustrated by the reduction of steady-state levels of cyclic AMP-responsive-element-binding protein and cyclin A protein.  相似文献   

The human X chromosome-encoded protein kinase X (PrKX) belongs to the family of cAMP-dependent protein kinases. The catalytically active recombinant enzyme expressed in COS cells phosphorylates the heptapeptide Kemptide (LRRASLG) with a specific activity of 1.5 micromol/(min.mg). Using surface plasmon resonance, high affinity interactions were demonstrated with the regulatory subunit type I (RIalpha) of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (KD = 10 nM) and the heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor (KD = 15 nM), but not with the type II regulatory subunit (RIIalpha, KD = 2.3 microM) under physiological conditions. Kemptide and autophosphorylation activities of PrKX are strongly inhibited by the RIalpha subunit and by protein kinase inhibitor in vitro, but only weakly by the RIIalpha subunit. The inhibition by the RIalpha subunit is reversed by addition of nanomolar concentrations of cAMP (Ka = 40 nM), thus demonstrating that PrKX is a novel, type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase that is activated at lower cAMP concentrations than the holoenzyme with the Calpha subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Microinjection data clearly indicate that the type I R subunit but not type II binds to PrKX in vivo, preventing the translocation of PrKX to the nucleus in the absence of cAMP. The RIIalpha subunit is an excellent substrate for PrKX and is phosphorylated in vitro in a cAMP-independent manner. We discuss how PrKX can modulate the cAMP-mediated signal transduction pathway by preferential binding to the RIalpha subunit and by phosphorylating the RIIalpha subunit in the absence of cAMP.  相似文献   

Calmodulin is a selective modulator of estrogen receptors   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the search for differences between ERalpha and ERbeta, we analyzed the interaction of both receptors with calmodulin (CaM) and demonstrated that ERalpha but not ERbeta directly interacts with CaM. Using transiently transfected HeLa cells, we examined the effect of the CaM antagonist N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-naphthalene sulfonilamide hydrochloride (W7) on the transactivation properties of ERalpha and ERbeta in promoters containing either estrogen response elements or activator protein 1 elements. Transactivation by ERalpha was dose-dependently inhibited by W7, whereas that of ERbeta was not inhibited or even activated at low W7 concentrations. In agreement with these results, transactivation of an estrogen response element containing promoter in MCF-7 cells (which express a high ERalpha/ERbeta ratio) was also inhibited by W7. In contrast, transactivation in T47D cells (which express a low ERalpha/ERbeta ratio) was not affected by this CaM antagonist. The sensitivity of MCF-7 cells to W7 was abolished when cells were transfected with increasing amounts of ERbeta, indicating that the sensitivity to CaM antagonists of estrogen-responsive tissues correlates with a high ERalpha/ERbeta ratio. Finally, substitution of lysine residues 302 and 303 of ERalpha for glycine rendered a mutant ERalpha unable to interact with CaM whose transactivation activity became insensitive to W7. Our results indicate that CaM antagonists are selective modulators of ER able to inhibit ERalpha-mediated activity, whereas ERbeta actions were not affected or even potentiated by W7.  相似文献   

Ingolfsson HI  Koeppe RE  Andersen OS 《Biochemistry》2007,46(36):10384-10391
Curcumin (1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione) is the major bioactive compound in turmeric (Curcuma longa) with antioxidant, antiinflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antimutagenic effects. At low muM concentrations, curcumin modulates many structurally and functionally unrelated proteins, including membrane proteins. Because the cell membranes' lipid bilayer serves as a gate-keeper and regulator of many cell functions, we explored whether curcumin modifies general bilayer properties using channels formed by gramicidin A (gA). gA channels form when two monomers from opposing monolayers associate to form a conducting dimer with a hydrophobic length that is less than the bilayer hydrophobic thickness; gA channel formation thus causes a local bilayer thinning. The energetic cost of this bilayer deformation alters the gA monomer <--> dimer equilibrium, which makes the channels' appearance rate and lifetime sensitive to changes in bilayer material properties, and the gA channels become probes for changes in bilayer properties. Curcumin decreases bilayer stiffness, increasing both gA channel lifetimes and appearance rates, meaning that the energetic cost of the gA-induced bilayer deformation is reduced. These results show that curcumin may exert some of its effects on a diverse range of membrane proteins through a bilayer-mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

The regulation of PBC protein function through subcellular distribution is a crucial evolutionarily conserved mechanism for appendage patterning. We investigated the processes controlling PBX1 nuclear export. Here we show that in the absence of MEINOX proteins nuclear export is not a default pathway for PBX1 subcellular localization. In different cell backgrounds, PBX1 can be imported or exported from the nucleus independently of its capacity to interact with MEINOX proteins. The cell context-specific balance between nuclear export and import of PBX1 is controlled by the PBC-B domain, which contains several conserved serine residues corresponding to phosphorylation sites for Ser/Thr kinases. PBX1 subcellular localization correlates with the phosphorylation state of these residues whose dephosphorylation induces nuclear export. Protein kinase A (PKA) specifically phosphorylates PBX1 at these serines, and stimulation of endogenous PKA activity in vivo blocks PBX1 nuclear export in distal limb mesenchymal cells. Our results reveal a novel mechanism for the control of PBX1 nuclear export in addition to the absence of MEINOX protein, which involves the inhibition of PKA-mediated phosphorylation at specific sites within the PBC-B domain.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi-independent, unconventional secretion of Acb1 requires many different proteins. They include proteins necessary for the formation of autophagosomes, proteins necessary for the fusion of membranes with the endosomes, proteins of the multivesicular body pathway, and the cell surface target membrane SNARE Sso1, thereby raising the question of what achieves the connection between these diverse proteins and Acb1 secretion. In the present study, we now report that, upon starvation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Grh1 is collected into unique membrane structures near Sec13-containing ER exit sites. Phosphatidylinositol 3 phosphate, the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) protein Vps23, and the autophagy-related proteins Atg8 and Atg9 are recruited to these Grh1-containing membranes, which lack components of the Golgi apparatus and the endosomes, and which we call a novel compartment for unconventional protein secretion (CUPS). We describe the cellular proteins required for the biogenesis of CUPS, which we believe is the sorting station for Acb1's release from the cells.  相似文献   

Mammalian 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) catalyzes conversion of arachidonic acid to leukotrienes, potent mediators of inflammation and allergy. Upon cell stimulation, 5-LO selectively binds to nuclear membranes and becomes activated, yet the mechanism of recruitment of 5-LO to nuclear membranes and the mode of 5-LO-membrane interactions are poorly understood. Here we show that membrane fluidity is an important determinant of membrane binding strength of 5-LO, penetration into the membrane hydrophobic core, and activity of the enzyme. The membrane binding strength and activity of 5-LO increase with the degree of lipid acyl chain cis-unsaturation and reach a plateau with 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonolyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (PAPC). A fraction of tryptophans of 5-LO penetrate into the hydrocarbon region of fluid PAPC membranes, but not into solid 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine membranes. Our data lead to a novel concept of membrane binding and activation of 5-LO, suggesting that arachidonic-acid-containing lipids, which are present in nuclear membranes at higher fractions than in other cellular membranes, may facilitate preferential membrane binding and insertion of 5-LO through increased membrane fluidity and may thereby modulate the activity of the enzyme. The data presented in this article and earlier data allow construction of a model for membrane-bound 5-LO, including the angular orientation and membrane insertion of the protein.  相似文献   

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