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The comparison of a pair of electron microscope images recorded at different specimen tilt angles provides a powerful approach for evaluating the quality of images, image-processing procedures, or three-dimensional structures. Here, we analyze tilt-pair images recorded from a range of specimens with different symmetries and molecular masses and show how the analysis can produce valuable information not easily obtained otherwise. We show that the accuracy of orientation determination of individual single particles depends on molecular mass, as expected theoretically since the information in each particle image increases with molecular mass. The angular uncertainty is less than 1° for particles of high molecular mass (∼ 50 MDa), several degrees for particles in the range 1-5 MDa, and tens of degrees for particles below 1 MDa. Orientational uncertainty may be the major contributor to the effective temperature factor (B-factor) describing contrast loss and therefore the maximum resolution of a structure determination. We also made two unexpected observations. Single particles that are known to be flexible showed a wider spread in orientation accuracy, and the orientations of the largest particles examined changed by several degrees during typical low-dose exposures. Smaller particles presumably also reorient during the exposure; hence, specimen movement is a second major factor that limits resolution. Tilt pairs thus enable assessment of orientation accuracy, map quality, specimen motion, and conformational heterogeneity. A convincing tilt-pair parameter plot, where 60% of the particles show a single cluster around the expected tilt axis and tilt angle, provides confidence in a structure determined using electron cryomicroscopy.  相似文献   

Single-particle analysis is a structure determining method using electron microscopic (EM) images, which does not require protein crystal. In this method, projections are picked up and used to reconstruct a three-dimensional (3D) structure. When the conical tilting method is not available, the particle images are usually classified and averaged to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. The Euler angles of these average images must be posteriorically assigned to create a primary 3D model. We developed a new, fully automatic unsupervised Euler angle assignment method, which does not require an initial 3D reference and which is applicable to asymmetric molecules. In this method, the Euler angle of each average image is initially set randomly and then automatically corrected in relation to those of the other averages by iterated optimizations using the Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. At each iteration, the 3D structure is reconstructed based on the current Euler angles and reprojected back in the average-input directions. A modified cross-correlation between each reprojection and its corresponding original average is then calculated. The correlations are summed as a total 3D echo-correlation score to evaluate the Euler angles at this iteration. Then, one of the projections is selected, its Euler angle is changed randomly, and the score is also calculated. Based on the score change, judgment of whether to accept or reject the new angle is made using the SA algorithm, which is introduced to overcome the local minimums. After a certain number of iterations of this process, the angles of all averages converge so as to create a reliable primary 3D model. This echo-correlated 3D reconstruction with simulated annealing also has potential for wide application to general 3D reconstruction from various types of 2D images.  相似文献   

A computational procedure is described for assigning the absolute hand of the structure of a protein or assembly determined by single-particle electron microscopy. The procedure requires a pair of micrographs of the same particle field recorded at two tilt angles of a single tilt-axis specimen holder together with the three-dimensional map whose hand is being determined. For orientations determined from particles on one micrograph using the map, the agreement (average phase residual) between particle images on the second micrograph and map projections is determined for all possible choices of tilt angle and axis. Whether the agreement is better at the known tilt angle and axis of the microscope or its inverse indicates whether the map is of correct or incorrect hand. An increased discrimination of correct from incorrect hand (free hand difference), as well as accurate identification of the known values for the tilt angle and axis, can be used as targets for rapidly optimizing the search or refinement procedures used to determine particle orientations. Optimized refinement reduces the tendency for the model to match noise in a single image, thus improving the accuracy of the orientation determination and therefore the quality of the resulting map. The hand determination and refinement optimization procedure is applied to image pairs of the dihydrolipoyl acetyltransferase (E2) catalytic core of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex from Bacillus stearothermophilus taken by low-dose electron cryomicroscopy. Structure factor amplitudes of a three-dimensional map of the E2 catalytic core obtained by averaging untilted images of 3667 icosahedral particles are compared to a scattering reference using a Guinier plot. A noise-dependent structure factor weight is derived and used in conjunction with a temperature factor (B=-1000A(2)) to restore high-resolution contrast without amplifying noise and to visualize molecular features to 8.7A resolution, according to a new objective criterion for resolution assessment proposed here.  相似文献   

We have studied the structure of bovine heart mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone (Q) oxidoreductase (EC by image analysis of electron micrographs. A three-dimensional reconstruction was calculated from a tilt-series of a two-dimensional crystal of the molecule. Our interpretation of the position of the molecule in the unit cell of the crystal is supported by additional (low-resolution) analysis of images of single molecules. The three-dimensional reconstruction was calculated with the aid of an iterative real-space reconstruction algorithm. The various projections used as input to the algorithm were obtained by averaging the images of the tilted crystal through a Fourier-space peak-filtering procedure. The reconstructed unit cell measures 15.2 X 15.2 nm in the plane of the two-dimensional crystal and has a height of 10-11 nm. The unit cell contains one molecule consisting of four large subunits. At the present resolution of about 1.3 nm in the untilted projection, these four monomers are seen as two dimers related by a two-fold axis. Two views of the single particles have been recognized; they are the top and side view of the building block of the crystal. After computer image alignment and correspondence analysis, clusters of similar particles have been averaged. In the averages an uneven stain distribution is seen around the molecules, which may result from preferential staining of hydrophilic parts of the molecule. The molecular mass of the whole molecule was determined from scanning transmission electron microscopy measurements as (1.6 +/- 0.2) X 10(6) daltons.  相似文献   

The application of single particle techniques to the three-dimensional analysis of electron microscope images of elongated or filamentous macromolecular assemblies is evaluated, taking as an example the muscle thin filament. Although the thin filament contains local helical symmetry, because of the inherent variable twist along it, the helical coherence does not extend for large enough distances to allow the symmetry to be used for full reconstruction of the tropomyosin/troponin repeat along the filament. The muscle thin filament therefore represents a general case of a filamentous object in that it is not possible to exploit symmetry in a full analysis. Due to the nature of the imaging process in the electron microscope, only projections of the thin filament around its long axis are available without tilting the grid. Crucially, projection images around a single axis do not provide enough information to assign Euler angles ab initio using current methods. Tests with a model thin filament structure indicated that an out-of-plane tilt of approximately 20 degrees was needed for ab initio angular assignment of sufficient accuracy to calculate a 3D structure to a resolution of approximately 25 A. If no out-of-plane views are available, an alternative approach is to use a prior 3D model as a reference for the initial angle assignment. Tests with the thin filament model indicated that reasonably accurate angular assignment can be made using a reference containing actin, but lacking the regulatory proteins tropomyosin and troponin. We also found that an adaptation of the exact filtered back projection method is required to allow the correct weighting of projection images in which the particle has a very large axial ratio. This adaptation resulted in significant improvements in the reconstruction.  相似文献   

The single-particle analysis is a structure-determining method for electron microscope (EM) images which does not require crystal. In this method, the projections are picked up and averaged by the images of similar Euler angles to improve the signal to noise ratio, and then create a 3-D reconstruction. The selection of a large number of particles from the cryo-EM micrographs is a pre-requisite for obtaining a high resolution. To pickup a low-contrast cryo-EM protein image, we have recently found that a three-layer pyramidal-type neural network is successful in detecting such a faint image, which had been difficult to detect by other methods. The connection weights between the input and hidden layers, which work as a matching filter, have revealed that they reflect characters of the particle projections in the training data. The images stored in terms of the connection weights were complex, more similar to the eigenimages which are created by the principal component analysis of the learning images rather than to the averages of the particle projections. When we set the initial learning weights according to the eigenimages in advance, the learning period was able to be shortened to less than half the time of the NN whose initial weights had been set randomly. Further, the pickup accuracy increased from 90 to 98%, and a combination of the matching filters were found to work as an integrated matching filter there. The integrated filters were amazingly similar to averaged projections and can be used directly as references for further two-dimensional averaging. Therefore, this research also presents a brand-new reference-free method for single-particle analysis.  相似文献   

D Sen  S Mitra  D M Crothers 《Biochemistry》1986,25(11):3441-3447
We have used photochemically detected linear dichroism to measure the separate average angular orientations of nucleosomes and linker DNA in 30-nm chromatin fibers of varying linker size (20-80 base pairs). Our results indicate that the average tilt angles vary with linker size, but not in a monotonic manner, suggesting that the constancy of geometry of the 30-nm fiber is maintained by compensatory changes of nucleosomal tilt which accommodate packing of variable lengths of linker DNA. We discuss the compatibility of our results with the various classes of models that have been proposed for the 30-nm fiber, including the continuous solenoid model and models built from the basic unit of the zig-zag ribbon. Many models can be eliminated, and all have to be modified to fit our results for chromatins with very long linkers.  相似文献   

We have derived a quartic equation for computing the direction of an internuclear vector from residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) measured in two aligning media, and two simple trigonometric equations for computing the backbone (phi,psi) angles from two backbone vectors in consecutive peptide planes. These equations make it possible to compute, exactly and in constant time, the backbone (phi,psi) angles for a residue from RDCs in two media on any single backbone vector type. Building upon these exact solutions we have designed a novel algorithm for determining a protein backbone substructure consisting of alpha-helices and beta-sheets. Our algorithm employs a systematic search technique to refine the conformation of both alpha-helices and beta-sheets and to determine their orientations using exclusively the angular restraints from RDCs. The algorithm computes the backbone substructure employing very sparse distance restraints between pairs of alpha-helices and beta-sheets refined by the systematic search. The algorithm has been demonstrated on the protein human ubiquitin using only backbone NH RDCs, plus twelve hydrogen bonds and four NOE distance restraints. Further, our results show that both the global orientations and the conformations of alpha-helices and beta-strands can be determined with high accuracy using only two RDCs per residue. The algorithm requires, as its input, backbone resonance assignments, the identification of alpha-helices and beta-sheets as well as sparse NOE distance and hydrogen bond restraints.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for single-particle reconstruction, which should be generally applicable to structure determination for membrane proteins. After reconstitution into a small spherical vesicle, a membrane protein takes a particular orientation relative to the membrane normal, and its position in the projected image of the vesicle directly defines two of its three Euler angles of orientation. The spherical constraint imposed by the vesicle effectively reduces the dimensionality of the alignment search from 5 to 3 and simplifies the detection of the particle. Projection images of particles in vesicles collectively take all possible orientations and therefore cover the whole Fourier space. Analysis of images of vesicles in ice showed that the vesicle density is well described by a simple model for membrane electron scattering density. In fitting this model we found that osmotically swollen vesicles remain nearly spherical through the freezing process. These results satisfy the basic experimental requirements for spherical reconstruction. A computer simulation of particles in vesicles showed that this method provides good estimates of the two Euler angles and thus may improve single-particle reconstruction and extend it to smaller membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Multivariate statistical analysis and classification techniques are powerful tools in sorting noisy electron micrographs of single particles according to their principal features, enabling one to form average images with an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio and a better reproducible resolution. We apply this methodology here to determining the characteristic views of the large (50S) ribosomal subunits from the eubacteriumEscherichia coli and the archaebacteriaMethanococcus vannielii, Sulfolobus solfataricus, andHalobacterium marismortui. Average images were obtained of the subunit in the common crown and kidney projections, but views of the particle in orientations intermediate between these two extremes were also elucidated for all species. These averages show reproducible detail of up to 2.0 nm resolution, thus enabling the visualization and interspecies comparison of many structural features as a first step toward comparing the actual three-dimensional structures. Our results disprove evolutionary lineages recently postulated on the basis of electron microscopical images of ribosomal subunits.  相似文献   

From 3-D reconstructions of automatically recorded tilt series of ice-embedded macromolecules, several hundred 3-D images of single particles can be extracted. Here we describe correlation-based techniques to align the particles with respect to translation and orientation in 3-D and the calculation of an averaged reconstruction after application of the correct weighting function to the particle projections. Multivariate statistical analysis and classification are applied to the set of three-dimensionally reconstructed particles to investigate interimage variations on the 3-D level.  相似文献   

TRPC3 plays important roles in neuronal differentiation and immune cell maturation by mediating the cationic current in response to phospholipase C activation, Ca2+ depletion, and diacylglycerol stimulation. Here, we purified the TRPC3 channel using a glycosylated tetramer and observed the structure using electron microscopy. Negatively stained specimens demonstrate homogeneous protein particles containing an internal cavity-like structure. These particle images were picked up by automated pick-up programs, aligned, and classified by the growing neural gas network method. Similarly oriented projections were averaged to decrease the signal-to-noise ratio. The averaged images progress from the top view to the side views, which are representative of their raw images. The top view confirmed the hypothesis of a four-domain structure, and the side view demonstrates a large cytoplasmic domain with a capped structure at the bottom, which is near a predicted locus of ion release. The total image of the protein is a blunt-edged trapezoid of 200 x 200 x 235 A. This large dimension of TRPC3 is also supported by the Stokes radius (92 A) obtained from gel filtration chromatography.  相似文献   

The averaged structure of rigor cross-bridges in insect flight muscle is further revealed by three-dimensional reconstruction from 25-nm sections containing a single layer of thin filaments. These exhibit two thin filament orientations that differ by 60 degrees from each other and from myac layer filaments. Data from multiple tilt views (to +/- 60 degrees) was supplemented by data from thick sections (equivalent to 90 degrees tilts). In combination with the reconstruction from the myac layer (Taylor et al., 1989), the entire unit cell is reconstructed, giving the most complete view of in situ cross-bridges yet obtained. All our reconstructions show two classes of averaged rigor cross-bridges. Lead bridges have a triangular shape with leading edge angled at approximately 45 degrees and trailing edge angled at approximately 90 degrees to the filament axis. We propose that the lead bridge contains two myosin heads of differing conformation bound along one strand of F-actin. The lead bridge is associated with a region of the thin filament that is apparently untwisted. We suggest that the untwisting may reflect the distribution of strain between myosin and actin resulting from two-headed, single filament binding in the lead bridge. Rear bridges are oriented at approximately 90 degrees to the filament axis, and are smaller and more cylindrical, suggesting that they consist of single myosin heads. The rear bridge is associated with a region of apparently normal thin filament twist. We propose that differing myosin head angles and conformations consistently observed in rigor embody different stages of the power stroke which have been trapped by a temporal sequence of rigor cross-bridge formation under the constraints of the intact filament lattice.  相似文献   

Negatively stained Escherichia coli 30 S ribosome subunits have been examined by electron microscopy at tilt angles of ?45 °, 0 ° and +45 °. The tilted views, together with images of metal shadowed particles are consistent with an asymmetric model for the structure of the 30 S subunit and enable the absolute hand of the particle to be determined.  相似文献   

Accurate knowledge of defocus and tilt parameters is essential for the determination of three-dimensional protein structures at high resolution using electron microscopy. We present two computer programs, CTFFIND3 and CTFTILT, which determine defocus parameters from images of untilted specimens, as well as defocus and tilt parameters from images of tilted specimens, respectively. Both programs use a simple algorithm that fits the amplitude modulations visible in a power spectrum with a calculated contrast transfer function (CTF). The background present in the power spectrum is calculated using a low-pass filter. The background is then subtracted from the original power spectrum, allowing the fitting of only the oscillatory component of the CTF. CTFTILT determines specimen tilt parameters by measuring the defocus at a series of locations on the image while constraining them to a single plane. We tested the algorithm on images of two-dimensional crystals by comparing the results with those obtained using crystallographic methods. The images also contained contrast from carbon support film that added to the visibility of the CTF oscillations. The tests suggest that the fitting procedure is able to determine the image defocus with an error of about 10nm, whereas tilt axis and tilt angle are determined with an error of about 2 degrees and 1 degrees, respectively. Further tests were performed on images of single protein particles embedded in ice that were recorded from untilted or slightly tilted specimens. The visibility of the CTF oscillations from these images was reduced due to the lack of a carbon support film. Nevertheless, the test results suggest that the fitting procedure is able to determine image defocus and tilt angle with errors of about 100 nm and 6 degrees, respectively.  相似文献   

We describe a robust and accurate method for the estimation of alignment errors for a set of two-dimensional images, in the case where the true pattern is unknown. The intended application of the proposed method is cryo-electron microscopy, where two-dimensional views of individual proteins in random orientations are observed in the electron microscope at low signal-to-noise ratio. By representing images in the basis of Fourier-harmonic coordinates and constructing averages and average intensities, we demonstrate that the variances of translation and rotational errors as well as of the Gaussian noise can be recovered. This machinery therefore allows one to isolate the various categories of errors that impede the quality of results in single particle reconstructions into constituent parts: translational errors, rotational errors, and additive noise.  相似文献   

Clinical gait analysis usually describes joint kinematics using Euler angles, which depend on the sequence of rotation. Studies have shown that pelvic obliquity angles from the traditional tilt-obliquity-rotation (TOR) Euler angle sequence can deviate considerably from clinical expectations and have suggested that a rotation-obliquity-tilt (ROT) Euler angle sequence be used instead. We propose a simple alternate approach in which clinical joint angles are defined and exactly calculated in terms of Euler angles from any rotation sequence. Equations were derived to calculate clinical pelvic elevation, progression, and lean angles from TOR and ROT Euler angles. For the ROT Euler angles, obliquity was exactly the same as the clinical elevation angle, rotation was similar to the clinical progression angle, and tilt was similar to the clinical lean angle. Greater differences were observed for TOR. These results support previous findings that ROT is preferable to TOR for calculating pelvic Euler angles for clinical interpretation. However, we suggest that exact clinical angles can and should be obtained through a few extra calculations as demonstrated in this technical note.  相似文献   

Iba H  Saeki S  Asai K  Takahashi K  Ueno Y  Isono K 《Bio Systems》2003,72(1-2):43-55
Single-particle analysis is one of the methods for structural studies of protein and macromolecules; it requires advanced image analysis of electron micrographics. Reconstructing three-dimensional (3D) structure from microscope images is not an easy analysis because of the low image resolution of images and lack of the directional information of images in 3D structure. To improve the resolution, different projections are aligned, classified, and averaged. Inferring the orientations of these images is so difficult that the task of reconstructing 3D structures depends upon the experience of researchers. But recently, a method to reconstruct 3D structures was automatically devised. In this paper, we propose a new method for determining Euler angles of projections by applying genetic algorithms. We empirically show that the proposed approach has improved the previous one in terms of computational time and acquired precision.  相似文献   

One of the major methodological challenges in single particle electron microscopy is obtaining initial reconstructions which represent the structural heterogeneity of the dataset. Random Conical Tilt and Orthogonal Tilt Reconstruction techniques in combination with 3D alignment and classification can be used to obtain initial low-resolution reconstructions which represent the full range of structural heterogeneity of the dataset. In order to achieve statistical significance, however, a large number of 3D reconstructions, and, in turn, a large number of tilted image pairs are required. The extraction of single particle tilted image pairs from micrographs can be tedious and time-consuming, as it requires intensive user input even for semi-automated approaches. To overcome the bottleneck of manual selection of a large number of tilt pairs, we developed an algorithm for the correlation of single particle images from tilted image pairs in a fully automated and user-independent manner. The algorithm reliably correlates correct pairs even from noisy micrographs. We further demonstrate the applicability of the algorithm by using it to obtain initial references both from negative stain and unstained cryo datasets.  相似文献   

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