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Deoxyribonucleic Acid Homology Among Lactic Streptococci   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A comparison was made by deoxyribonucleic acid homology of 45 strains of lactic streptococci, using two strains of Streptococcus cremoris and three strains of Streptococcus lactis as reference strains. All S. cremoris strains were grouped together by deoxyribonucleic acid homology. S. lactis strains formed a second group, except that three strains of S. lactis showed a high degree of homology with S. cremoris strains. The three Streptococcus diacetylactis strains could not be differentiated from S. lactis strains. In spite of these differences between S. lactis and S. cremoris strains, the majority of S. cremoris, S. lactis, and S. diacetylactis strains studied had at least 50% of their base sequences in common. In contrast, Streptococcus thermophilus strains generally showed little relationship with the other strains of lactic streptococci. The relevance of these findings to the selection of starter strains for cheese making is discussed.  相似文献   

Eight temperate phages were characterized after mitomycin C induction of six Clostridium difficile isolates corresponding to six distinct PCR ribotypes. The hypervirulent C. difficile strain responsible for a multi-institutional outbreak (NAP1/027 or QCD-32g58) was among these prophage-containing strains. Observation of the crude lysates by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed the presence of three phages with isometric capsids and long contractile tails (Myoviridae family), as well as five phages with long noncontractile tails (Siphoviridae family). TEM analyses also revealed the presence of a significant number of phage tail-like particles in all the lysates. Southern hybridization experiments with restricted prophage DNA showed that C. difficile phages belonging to the family Myoviridae are highly similar and most likely related to previously described prophages C2, C5, and CD119. On the other hand, members of the Siphoviridae phage family are more genetically divergent, suggesting that they originated from distantly related ancestors. Our data thus suggest that there are at least three genetically distinct groups of temperate phages in C. difficile; one group is composed of highly related myophages, and the other two groups are composed of more genetically heterogeneous siphophages. Finally, no gene homologous to genes encoding C. difficile toxins or toxin regulators could be identified in the genomes of these phages using DNA hybridization. Interestingly, each unique phage restriction profile correlated with a specific C. difficile PCR ribotype.  相似文献   

We cloned the promoter of the 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase gene from Arachis hypogaea L. β-Glucuronidase (GUS) histochemical staining and GUS activity assay indicated that the activity of the promoter was exhibited predominantly in the leaves and enhanced by water and NaCl stresses, and by application of abscisic acid (ABA) and salicylic acid (SA) in transgenic Arabidopsis. Moreover, two novel ABRE-like (abscisic acid response element) elements were identified in the promoter region.  相似文献   

Phages are a main mortality factor for marine bacterioplankton and are thought to regulate bacterial community composition through host-specific infection and lysis. In the present study we demonstrate for a marine phage-host assemblage that interactions are complex and that specificity and efficiency of infection and lysis are highly variable among phages infectious to strains of the same bacterial species. Twenty-three Bacteroidetes strains and 46 phages from Swedish and Danish coastal waters were analyzed. Based on genotypic and phenotypic analyses, 21 of the isolates could be considered strains of Cellulophaga baltica (Flavobacteriaceae). Nevertheless, all bacterial strains showed unique phage susceptibility patterns and differed by up to 6 orders of magnitude in sensitivity to the same titer of phage. The isolated phages showed pronounced variations in genome size (8 to >242 kb) and host range (infecting 1 to 20 bacterial strains). Our data indicate that marine bacterioplankton are susceptible to multiple co-occurring phages and that sensitivity towards phage infection is strain specific and exists as a continuum between highly sensitive and resistant, implying an extremely complex web of phage-host interactions. Hence, effects of phages on bacterioplankton community composition and dynamics may go undetected in studies where strain identity is not resolvable, i.e., in studies based on the phylogenetic resolution provided by 16S rRNA gene or internal transcribed spacer sequences.  相似文献   

A series of reactions between phages, sensitive hosts, and transconjugants where the sensitivity of small isometric-, large isometric-, and prolate-headed phages to pTR2030-induced phage resistance was evaluated in Streptococcus lactis and Streptococcus cremoris strains. Phage-resistant transconjugants were constructed in the desired host by conjugal transfer of lactose-fermenting ability (Lac+, pTR1040) and phage resistance (Hsp+, pTR2030) from S. lactis TEK1. S. lactis and S. cremoris transconjugants harboring pTR2030 were resistant to all small isometric-headed phages examined. In contrast, prolate- and large isometric-headed phages were either not inhibited in the pTR2030 transconjugants or exhibited a reduction in plaque size without a reduction in the efficiency of plaquing. Small isometric-headed phages subject to pTR2030 induced inhibition shared no significant DNA homology with pTR2030, suggesting that phage immunity genes are not harbored on the plasmid or responsible for resistance. The general effectiveness of pTR2030 against small isometric-headed phages was highly significant since these are the phages which have been isolated most commonly from dairy fermentation plants.  相似文献   

Lysogeny in Lactic Streptococci Producing and Not Producing Nisin   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Eighty-seven strains of lactic streptococci (46 of Streptococcus lactis, 24 of S. diacetilactis, and 17 of S. cremoris) were tested for lysogeny; 12 S. lactis strains produced nisin. Lysogeny was found in five S. lactis strains (two of them were nisin producers) and in two S. diacetilactis strains. Four S. lactis and two S. diacetilactis lysogens liberated phages both spontaneously and after ultraviolet treatment, and one S. lactis strain liberated phages spontaneously only. No lysogens were found among the S. cremoris strains tested. An initial characterization of the lysogens and their phages was made. The lytic spectrum of some of the examined phages was very narrow (homospecific), whereas that of others was wide, including strains of the three investigated species.  相似文献   

Clostridium difficile is a Gram-positive pathogen infecting humans and animals. Recent studies suggest that animals could represent potential reservoirs of C. difficile that could then transfer to humans. Temperate phages contribute to the evolution of most bacteria, for example, by promoting the transduction of virulence, fitness, and antibiotic resistance genes. In C. difficile, little is known about their role, mainly because suitable propagating hosts and conditions are lacking. Here we report the isolation, propagation, and preliminary characterization of nine temperate phages from animal and human C. difficile isolates. Prophages were induced by UV light from 58 C. difficile isolates of animal and human origins. Using soft agar overlays with 27 different C. difficile test strains, we isolated and further propagated nine temperate phages: two from horse isolates (ϕCD481-1 and ϕCD481-2), three from dog isolates (ϕCD505, ϕCD506, and ϕCD508), and four from human isolates (ϕCD24-2, ϕCD111, ϕCD146, and ϕCD526). Two phages are members of the Siphoviridae family (ϕCD111 and ϕCD146), while the others are Myoviridae phages. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and restriction enzyme analyses showed that all of the phages had unique double-stranded DNA genomes of 30 to 60 kb. Phages induced from human C. difficile isolates, especially the members of the Siphoviridae family, had a broader host range than phages from animal C. difficile isolates. Nevertheless, most of the phages could infect both human and animal strains. Phage transduction of antibiotic resistance was recently reported in C. difficile. Our findings therefore call for further investigation of the potential risk of transduction between animal and human C. difficile isolates.  相似文献   

Five phages isolated from lysogenic strains of Vibrio fetus var. venerealis and two from V. fetus var. intestinalis were tested for lytic activity on 95 V. fetus strains from various animal and human hosts. In addition, virion and plaque morphology of the seven phages were compared. Electron micrographs showed that all were the kite-tailed variety with minor variations in head and tail dimensions. Plaques of V45 and V2 were small, clear and irregular; those of V3, V8, and V19 were large, clear and regular at the edge; the plaques of V16 and V20 were intermediate in size, clear, and very irregular at the edge with satellite plaques. The number of strains lysed by one or more phages were as follows: 29 of 30 from cattle; 7 of 11 from sheep; 1 of 5 from pigs; 1 of 1 from a monkey; and 33 of 42 from human hosts. Four natural groups of phages were derived by statistical measures of percentage of similarity in lytic activity. Group III lysed more strains (46 of 95) than any of the others. Twenty-five strains were lysed by group IV, 23 strains by group I, and 19 strains by group II. Results of this study indicate that phage typing should be a practical supplement to other differential tests for V. fetus.  相似文献   

A phage-inducible middle promoter (P15A10) from the lytic, lactococcal bacteriophage 31, a member of the P335 species, is located in an 888-base pair fragment near the right cohesive end. Sequence analysis revealed extensive homology (>95%) to the right cohesive ends of two temperate phages of the P335 species, r1t and LC3. Sequencing upstream and downstream of P15A10 showed that the high degree of homology between 31 and r1t continued beyond the phage promoter. With the exception of one extra open reading frame in 31, the sequences were highly homologous (95 to 98%) between nucleotides 13448 and 16320 of the published r1t sequence. By use of a β-galactosidase (β-Gal) gene under the control of a smaller, more tightly regulated region within the P15A10 promoter, P566–888, it was established that mitomycin C induction of a lactococcal strain harboring the prophage r1t induced the P566–888 promoter, as determined from an increase in β-Gal activity. Hybridization of nine other lactococcal strains with 32P-labeled P566–888 showed that the Lactococcus lactis strains C10, ML8, and NCK203 harbored sequences homologous to that of the phage-inducible promoter. Mitomycin C induced the resident prophages in all these strains and concurrently induced the P566–888 promoter, as determined from an increase in β-Gal activity. DNA restriction analysis revealed that the prophages in C10, ML8, and NCK203 had identical restriction patterns which were different from that of r1t. In addition, DNA sequencing showed that the promoter elements in the three phages were identical to each other and to P566–888 from the lytic phage 31. These results point to a conserved mechanism in the regulation of gene expression between the lytic phage 31 and at least two temperate bacteriophages and provide further evidence for a link in the evolution of certain temperate phages and lytic phages.  相似文献   

Transfer of sucrose fermentation ability, nisin production, and nisin resistance from Streptococcus lactis to S. lactis and Streptococcus lactis subsp. diacetylactis occurred between cells immobilized on nitrocellulose filters in the presence of DNase. Transconjugants were able to act as donors to transfer the Suc-Nis phenotype in subsequent mating. No changes in sensitivity to lytic phage c2 were noted in S. lactis transconjugants. However, temperature-independent restriction of lytic phage 18-16 was noted in transconjugants of S. lactis subsp. diacetylactis 18-16. Adsorption studies with phage-resistant transconjugants showed that resistance was not due to lack of adsorption by the lytic phage. Physical evidence for the presence of introduced plasmid DNA was not found in lysates of transconjugants.  相似文献   

To assess the relative merits of tryptone yeast extract agar, the same medium unbuffered, and medium M17 for the assay of nine bacteriophages of lactic streptococci, comparative plaque counts were made with an overlay of 3 or 9 ml. Four of the phages exhibited no significant difference in plating efficiency between media. The effect of overlay volume varied from strain to strain and was different for different media. The 3-ml overlay created suboptimal atmospheric conditions for those strains which had a special requirement for CO2. The use of a 9-ml overlay obviated the need to incubate plates under CO2 and overcame the problems related to special calcium requirements when tryptone yeast extract agar was used. The organic buffer (disodium β-glycerophosphate) was inhibitory to Streptococcus cremoris ML1 and showed no advantage over the inorganic phosphate buffer (K2HPO4) for most other strains.  相似文献   

The genome of cyanophage P60, a lytic virus which infects marine Synechococcus WH7803, was completely sequenced. The P60 genome contained 47,872 bp with 80 potential open reading frames that were mostly similar to the genes found in lytic phages like T7, phi-YeO3-12, and SIO1. The DNA replication system, consisting of primase-helicase and DNA polymerase, appeared to be more conserved in podoviruses than in siphoviruses and myoviruses, suggesting that DNA replication genes could be the critical elements for lytic phages. Strikingly high sequence similarities in the regions coding for nucleotide metabolism were found between cyanophage P60 and marine unicellular cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

An electroporation procedure for the plasmid-mediated genetic transformation of intact cells of Streptococcus cremoris and Streptococcus lactis was performed. Ten different strains were transformed. The method was simple and rapid and yielded transformant colonies in 14 to 24 h. The method was optimized for S. lactis LM0230, and transformation frequencies of between 1 × 104 and 5 × 105 transformants per μg of purified plasmid (pMU1328) were achieved routinely. The optimized procedure involved lysozyme treatment of cells. Transformation of LM0230 occurred at comparable frequencies with pLS1 (4.4 kilobase pair [kbp]), pMU1328 (7.4 kbp), and pAMβ1 (26.5 kbp). Plasmid DNA isolated from transformants had not undergone detectable deletions or rearrangements. Transformation was possible with plasmid DNA which was religated after restriction endonuclease digestion. Phage DNA-dependent transfection of S. lactis LM0230 and S. lactis C6 was also achieved.  相似文献   

Ten previously reported lactose-positive (Lac+) transconjugants from Streptococcus lactis, S. cremoris, and S. lactis subsp. diacetylactis and one sucrose-positive (Suc+) transconjugant from S. lactis were examined for their sensitivity to prolate- and small isometric-headed bacteriophages. Four of the Lac+ transconjugants showed a 10- to 100-fold reduction in the efficiency of plating (EOP) as well as a reduced plaque size for the prolate phage c2 and were insensitive to the small isometric phage 712. A fifth Lac+ transconjugant demonstrated a similar reduced sensitivity to phage c2; however, this transconjugant was able to plaque phage 712, but with a reduced plaque size and EOP. The other five Lac+ transconjugants were sensitive to both c2 and 712 phages. The Suc+ transconjugant plaqued phage 712 with a reduced plaque size and EOP, but no reduction in plaque size or EOP was observed for phage c2. The Lac+ and reduced bacteriophage sensitivity (Rbs+) phenotypes were correlated with specific plasmids in the Lac+ transconjugants. As four of the Lac+ transconjugants exhibited a phenotypically indistinguishable Rbs+, one (AB001) was selected for further study. The Rbs+ in AB001 for both small isometric- and prolate-headed phages was not related to adsorption, and the reduced EOP for phage c2 was not related to the presence of a restriction and modification system. The latent period for phage c2 was unchanged, but the burst size was reduced 80%. The presence of the plasmid coding for Rbs+ retarded the lysis of a mitomycin C-induced prophage-containing strain. The Rbs+ mechanism appears to be abortive phage infection. This study supports previous observations that Rbs+ and conjugal transfer ability are physically linked among some group N streptococci. The results presented have implications in the identification of plasmids coding for Rbs+ and may also aid in explaining the dissemination of Rbs+ genes among lactic streptococci.  相似文献   

The appearance of lytic bacteriophage against newly introduced starter strains used during commercial cheese manufacture occurs rapidly, and their origin is not well understood. In this study, members of the group N streptococci were examined for the presence of bacteriophage restriction and modification systems. Two streptococcal phages from Streptococcus cremoris TR and Streptococcus lactis C2 (phage designations tr and c2) showed restricted lytic development on S. cremoris 799 and KH, respectively. Efficiency of plaquing was 1.9 × 10−7 for tr plaqued on 799 and 2.1 × 10−7 for c2 plaqued on KH. After passage through the restrictive hosts, these phages demonstrated high lytic ability for formerly restrictive hosts. Stress of the restrictive host strains at temperatures of 40 to 50°C resulted in a significant increase in the efficiency of plaquing of restricted bacteriophages. Elevated temperatures are encountered during commercial cheese manufacture. The results suggested that the temporary loss of host restriction activity with the resulting modification of nonspecific bacteriophage may contribute directly to the appearance of lytic phage against new starter strains.  相似文献   

Proteinase activity of Streptococcus lactis cells was maximal at pH 6.0, but after storage at 3 C the minimal activity was observed at this pH. Activity lost as a result of storage could be restored by adding glutathione. Whole cells were fractionated into soluble (intracellular) and particulate fractions by sonic disruption; both fractions contained enzymatic activity. Activity of the soluble (intracellular) fraction was found to be stable to storage at 3 C, but was inhibited progressively with increasing concentrations of p-hydroxymercuribenzoate (PHMB). The enzymatic activity of this fraction was not activated by ferrous or magnesium ions or by cysteine. In contrast, activity of the particulate fraction was labile to storage at 3 C, and the reduction was comparable to that of stored cells. Furthermore, proteinase activity in the cells and the particulate fraction was not affected by addition of PHMB. The particulate fraction was activated by ferrous and magnesium ions and by cysteine. After storage, only ferrous ion and cysteine promoted reactivation; magnesium ion was totally ineffective. The enzyme(s) contained in the particulate fraction may be involved in decreased proteinase activity observed in whole cells and in the effect on growth of cells after storage.  相似文献   

Eight of 40 strains of Streptococcus lactis and S. lactis subsp. diacetylactis were able to conjugally transfer a degree of phage insensitivity to Streptococcus lactis LM0230. Transconjugants from one donor strain, S. lactis subsp. diacetylactis 4942, contained a 106-kilobase (kb) cointegrate plasmid, pAJ1106. The plasmid was conjugative (Tra+) and conferred phage insensitivity (Hsp) and lactose-fermenting ability (Lac) in S. lactis and Streptococcus cremoris transconjugants. The phage resistance mechanism was effective against prolate- and small isometric-headed phages at 30°C. In S. lactis transconjugants, the phage resistance mechanism was considerably weakened at elevated temperatures. A series of deletion plasmids was isolated from transconjugants in S. cremoris 4854. Deletion plasmids were pAJ2074 (74 kb), Lac+, Hsp+, Tra+; pAJ3060 (60 kb), Lac+, Hsp+; and pAJ4013 (13 kb), Lac+. These plasmids should facilitate mapping Hsp and tra genes, with the aim of constructing phage-insensitive strains useful to the dairy industry.  相似文献   

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