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In experiments on rats the presence or absence was studied of the phenomenon of potentiation of anxiolytic action, estimated by the time of the animal stay in the light part of the chamber in tests of avoidance of "the lighted ground" or "menacing situation" at combined application of the pairs of substances of benzodiasepine and non-benzodiasepine series (elenium, indoter, campiron and campironin). Spectra of their neurochemical activity were determined in experiments on neurones of isolated spinal ganglia of rats with intracellular biopotentials records. It has been established that GABA-potentiating action of indoter and elenium, dopamine-negative action of campiron and campironin are significant in their anxiolytic action in the states of alarm of aversive genesis of different modalities. Serotoninmimetic effect of non-diasepine tranquilizers is of functional significance in the test of avoidance of "the lighted ground", but not of the "menacing situation". It is suggested that differences of neurochemical mechanisms of anxiolytic action of the tested tranquilizers testify to different neurochemical profiles of the neuronal "matrices" of the studied states of alarm.  相似文献   

An increase in GABA uptake by isolated rat brain synaptic endings as well as a decrease of pharmacologically active GABA analogue muscimol specific binding have indicated a physiologically drastic failure in realization of GABA-mediated inhibitory effects in CNS induced by diabetic encephalopathy. In spite of the impairment of inhibitory function of GABAergic transmission in diabetes a crucial activation of benzodiazepine receptors was determined, as it is tested by the increase in specific binding of flunitrazepam by synaptic membranes. This increase may play an important role in endogenous control of neural activity associated with the factors undefined so far. Using the approach that GABA, and several synthetic GABA agonists, appear to increase the affinity of the benzodiazepine recognition sites for such ligands, presumably by some allosteric mechanism, the findings concerning the in vitro binding assay technique confirm at least some of the functional characteristics observed between GABA and benzodiazepine receptors in vivo under pathological conditions. Indeed, the absence of activating effect on the affinity of flunitrazepam specific binding in the presence of micromolar concentrations of exogenous GABA implicate diabetes-induced alterations in coupling GABA- and benzodiazepine receptors that might be linked to changes in conformantial state of this membrane-bound complex and could partially explain diabetes-induced impairments of GABAergic transmission evaluated in the present study. Our study suggests that nicotinamide and especially GABA play an important role in improving the functioning of brain GABA-benzodiazepine complex impaired in diabetes through specific ligand-mediated mechanism and can be useful in the management of diabetes-associated brain failures.  相似文献   

The interactions of taurine and its precursor hypotaurine with the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor complex were studied by investigating their effects on GABA and flunitrazepam binding in rat brain membranes. Taurine, and to a lesser degree also hypotaurine, displaced the high- and low-affinity GABA binding. The maximal binding capacities of both sites were decreased in the presence of taurine, while the binding constants remained the same, suggesting noncompetitive interactions. Taurine and hypotaurine affected flunitrazepam binding only at a very high concentration (50 mmol/l), whereas GABA (within the concentration range of 0.1–100 mol/l) significantly enhanced the binding. Taurine inhibited the GABA-stimulated binding dose-dependently. These modulatory effects of taurine on the GABA-benzodiazepine receptor complex could result from interactions with the GABA recognition site but not from direct actions on the benzodiazepine site.  相似文献   

The displacement curves of the effect of GABA on the S35-tert-butyl bicyclophosphorothionate binding to the brain membranes of inbred mice were analysed. It was revealed the lack of marked interstrain differences in dependent on the ionic force of incubation medium modification of IC50. After incomplete stimulation of Cl(-)-ionophore subunit (50 mM NaCl) reliable interstrain differences in the value of nHill were shown. Bicuculline in the same conditions prevented the inhibitory effect of GABA (10(-5) M). But submaximal concentrations of bicuculline (5 X 10(-6) M, 10(-6) M) stimulated the radioligand binding in the presence of GABA (10(-6) M). It was marked more expressed bicuculline stimulation effect on the membranes of C57Bl/6 mice, as compared to BALB/c mice.  相似文献   

A specific [3H] GABA and [14C] flunitrazepam binding sites have been identified in a membrane fraction of human myometrium. The specific binding of [14C] GABA was displaced by unlabelled GABA and bicuculline. It was shown that the binding of [3H] flunitrazepam to membrane preparations is enhanced in the presence of GABA. A similar reciprocal effect of benzodiazepines to enhance [14C] GABA binding has been demonstrated. The present results indicate that GABAA-BD receptors complexes may have a functional significance in human ovary.  相似文献   

The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) exists in the absence of a ligand as a tetrameric complex composed of a 95-105 kDa ligand binding subunit, a dimer of hsp90, and the immunophilin-like X-associated protein 2 (XAP2). XAP2 has a highly conserved carboxy terminal tetratricopeptide repeat domain that is required for both hsp90 and AhR binding. Hsp 90 appears to be involved in the initial folding of newly synthesized AhR, stabilization of ligand binding conformation of the receptor, and inhibition of constitutive dimerization with ARNT. XAP2 is capable of stabilizing the AhR, as well as enhancing cytoplasmic localization of the receptor. XAP2 binds to both the AhR and hsp90 in the receptor complex, and is capable of independently binding to both hsp90 and the AhR. However, the exact functional role for XAP2 in the AhR complex remains to be fully established.  相似文献   

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Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - Cell transport is governed by the interaction of fluid dynamic forces and biochemical factors such as adhesion receptor expression and concentration....  相似文献   

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) recognize conserved molecular patterns in invading pathogens and trigger innate immune responses. TLR3 recognizes dsRNA, a molecular signature of most viruses via its ectodomain (ECD). The TLR3-ECD structure consists of a 23 turn coil bent into the shape of a horseshoe with specialized domains capping the N and C-terminal ends of the coil. TLR3-ECDs bind as dimeric units to dsRNA oligonucleotides of at least 45 bp in length, the minimal length required for signal transduction. X-ray analysis has shown that each TLR3-ECD of a dimer binds dsRNA at two sites located at opposite ends of the TLR3 “horseshoe” on the one lateral face that lacks N-linked glycans. Intermolecular contacts between the C-terminal domains of two TLR3-ECDs stabilize the dimer and position the C-terminal residues within 20–25 Å of each other, which is thought to be essential for transducing a signal across the plasma membrane in intact TLR3 molecules. Interestingly, in TLRs 1, 2 and 4, which bind lipid ligands using very different interactions from TLR3, the ligands nevertheless promote the formation of a dimer in which the same two lateral surfaces as in the TLR3-ECD:dsRNA complex face each other, bringing their C-termini in close proximity. Thus, a pattern is emerging in which pathogen-derived substances bind to TLR-ECDs, thereby promoting the formation of a dimer in which the glycan-free ligand binding surfaces face each other and the two C-termini are brought in close proximity for signal transduction.  相似文献   

The immunoregulatory effect of F(ab')2 fragments on normal rabbit IgG and that preincubated with A-cells from spleen have been compared. Both products were tested for their ability to enhance primary immune response of rabbit spleen cells to SRBC. It was demonstrated that low molecular mass product appeared after F(ab')2 fragments incubation with A-cells at 37 degrees C and possessed immunostimulating activity similar to that of initial F(ab')2 fragments. In addition, it was shown that F(ab')2 reduction to monovalent Fab' fragment with the following alkylation of SH-group abolished the ability of Fab' fragment to enhance the immune response. It may signify that half cystein Fab' fragment residue is essential for processing of the fragment in A-cells and (or) for immune response enhancement.  相似文献   

Effect of the central M-cholinolytic scopolamine on spatial organization of the rat brain electrical activity was studied under conditions of high and low emotional-stress responses. The EEG changes were estimated by 840 parameters. A possibility of the EEG discrimination by means of interstrain differences in responses to scopolamine, was shown. A more obvious decrease in spectral power and potentials coherence was revealed in Maudsley Reactive rats (MR) as compared with the Maudsley Nonreactive rats (MNRA), in parieto-temporal and occipital areas of the right hemisphere, and the reverse interrelationship occurred in the anterior parts of the right and posterior parts of the left hemisphere. These findings suggest some specifics in the spatial distribution of the maximum scopolamine action foci depending on the initial emotional level. Changes occurring under the scopolamine effect in different EEG frequency bands are different in the MR and the MNRA rats. The findings are discussed in respect to the EEG indices of anxiolytic component of cholinergic regulation of the brain activity.  相似文献   

Following the views on passivity as one of the features of depression-like behaviour in rats developing as a result of unavoidable painful stimulation an attempt was made to eliminate by antidepressant drugs the passivity manifested in an almost complete absence of motor searching reactions in an "open field" and a maze. However tranquilizing drugs rather than antidepressants to a greater extent induced the effect presupposed. Hence the type of passivity under study corresponds more likely to neurotized behaviour than to a special depression-like. In the second series of experiments the action was studied of multiple injections of antidepressants on similar manifestations of passivity as well as on alimentary instrumental conditioned responses in rats with initially expressed passive character of behaviour. In this case too neither the presupposed increase of motor searching reaction was observed nor any significant changes in the rate of instrumental conditioning nor elimination of its failures of a "refuse" type.  相似文献   

Using the yeast two-hybrid system, we identified the mu 2 subunit of the clathrin adaptor complex 2 as a protein interacting with the C-tail of the alpha 1b-adrenergic receptor (AR). Direct association between the alpha 1b-AR and mu 2 was demonstrated using a solid phase overlay assay. The alpha 1b-AR/mu 2 interaction occurred inside the cells, as shown by the finding that the transfected alpha 1b-AR and the endogenous mu 2 could be coimmunoprecipitated from HEK-293 cell extracts. Mutational analysis of the alpha 1b-AR revealed that the binding site for mu 2 does not involve canonical YXX Phi or dileucine motifs but a stretch of eight arginines on the receptor C-tail. The binding domain of mu 2 for the receptor C-tail involves both its N terminus and the subdomain B of its C-terminal portion. The alpha 1b-AR specifically interacted with mu 2, but not with the mu 1, mu 3, or mu 4 subunits belonging to other AP complexes. The deletion of the mu 2 binding site in the C-tail markedly decreased agonist-induced receptor internalization as demonstrated by confocal microscopy as well as by the results of a surface receptor biotinylation assay. The direct association of the adaptor complex 2 with a G protein-coupled receptor has not been reported so far and might represent a common mechanism underlying clathrin-mediated receptor endocytosis.  相似文献   

The production of XR368, a novel GABA-benzodiazepine receptor agonist, has been optimised through manipulation of the medium composition and fermentation conditions leading to an increase in product titre from 1 to 100 mg L–1. Key steps in the optimisation process were the selection of carbon and nitrogen sources, and the optimisation of the CN ratio and medium concentration. Furthermore, downstream processing has been facilitated through the introduction of a detergent treatment step which results in the release of over 90% of the desired product into the extracellular environment, avoiding the need to process both biomass and liquor fractions.  相似文献   

Many receptor and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases activate phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks). To assess the role of the delta isoform of the p110 catalytic subunit of PI3Ks, we derived enzyme-deficient mice. The mice are viable but have decreased numbers of mature B cells, a block in pro-B-cell differentiation, and a B1 B-cell deficiency. Both immunoglobulin M receptor-induced Ca(2+) flux and proliferation in response to B-cell mitogens are attenuated. Immunoglobulin levels are decreased substantially. The ability to respond to T-cell-independent antigens is markedly reduced, and the ability to respond to T-cell-dependent antigens is completely eliminated. Germinal center formation in the spleen in response to antigen stimulation is disrupted. These results define a nonredundant signaling pathway(s) utilizing the delta isoform of p110 PI3K for the development and function of B cells.  相似文献   

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