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Blood serum concentration of procollagen type III peptides was assayed in 37 patients with chronic active hepatitis, 14 patients with persisting chronic hepatitis, and 11 normal subjects. Mean concentration of these peptides was significantly higher in patients with chronic active hepatitis than in those with persisting chronic hepatitis (25.6 +/- 11.5 ng/mL vs. 14.0 +/- 4.5 ng/mL; p < 0.001), and in individuals without lesions to the liver (25.6 +/- 11.5 ng/mL vs. 12.5 +/- 2.9 ng/mL; p < 0.001). Blood serum concentration of procollagen type III peptides may be helpful in the differential diagnosis of hepatitis.  相似文献   

Hepatocytes were obtained from rat liver and maintained in primary culture for periods up to 14 days. Collagen synthesis was maximal after 3–5 days and declined thereafter. The rate of collagen production was appox. one-tenth that observed by the rat skin fibroblasts of the same animals after 3–5 passages. Type I procollagen, the major macromolecular collagenous species, was identified as a 450 000 dalton molecule which was converted to 120 000 dalton, denatured, reduced procollagen chains. Prior pepsin digestion of the native procollagen released 95 000 dalton collagen chains identified as α1(I) and α2(I) by co-migration with carrier rat skin type I collagen chains. The production of type III procollagen was also tentatively identified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. This material was isolated and identified with type-specific antibodies developed against the amino-terminal extension peptide of bovine skin type III procollagen. The relative distribution of type I:type III procollagen was estimated at 7:3 similar to the ratio previously found in whole rat liver. No evidence of type IV or type V procollagen biosynthesis was observed. These results suggest that rat hepatocytes in primary culture are capable of interstitial type I and type III collagen biosynthesis in a ratio similar to that found in their parent hepatic tissue in situ. They also suggest that the less abundant type IV (basement membrane-associated) or type V are nor major collagenous products of these cells.  相似文献   

The N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen was purified from human ascitic fluid by using (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography at pH 8.6, Sephacryl S-300 chromatography and another DEAE-Sephacel chromatography at pH 4.5. The Mr of the human peptide was about 42 000, which corresponds in size to the propeptide released by the specific N-proteinase during the extracellular processing of collagen. Bacterial-collagenase digestion of the human peptide produced three fragments, which could be separated on a Bio-Gel P-10 column. The human propeptide and its collagenase-derived fragments, an N-terminal non-collagenous domain Col 1, a C-terminal non-helical domain Col 2 and a collagenous domain Col 3, resembled those derived from the N-terminal segment of bovine type III procollagen in their amino acid composition. The human peptide was found to contain sulphate, which may explain its extremely low isoelectric point (3.1). Antibodies against the human N-terminal propeptide reacted similarly with both the purified human peptide and a corresponding segment of bovine type III procollagen. The human propeptide could be used in developing radioimmunoassays for monitoring fibrotic processes.  相似文献   

Procollagen mRNA was isolated from mouse embryos and used for the synthesis of a highly labelled cDNA probe complementary to collagen mRNA. This probe was used for the investigation of procollagen mRNA metabolism during the cell cycle of 3T6 mouse embryo fibroblasts in culture. Titration hybridization experiments revealed that procollagen mRNA was present throughout the cell cycle following stumulation of confluent monolayers. Procollagen mRNA levels of sparse cultures appeared similar to those of unstimulated monolayers. The fluctuating levels of collagen synthesis during the cell cycle can be ascribed to changes in the amount of collagen mRNA present. In mouse sarcoma virus transformed 3T3 cells only 20--30% of the amount of procollagen mRNA in 3T3 cells is present indicating that the decline in collagen synthesis is due to mRNA availability.  相似文献   

Demineralized deciduous and permanent teeth from seven patients with six different types of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) and from four unaffected controls were stained for type III collagen and for the N-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen using indirect immunofluorescence. Sillence types IA, IB and III OI were each represented by one patient. Two patients had type IVB and two had unclassifiable OI. After enzymatic treatment, the dentin matrix of one patient each with type IB OI, type IVB, and unclassifiable OI reacted with the specific antibodies against both type III collagen and the N-terminal propeptide. Positive staining was observed around the pathological canal-like structures and as delicate strands traversing the matrix. The similar patterns of immunofluorescence for both antigens in dentin in OI are suggestive of retention of the N-terminal propeptide in association with type III collagen identical to that in normal nonmineralized connective tissues. The abnormal presence of type III collagen in dentin in OI may be secondary to the aberrant structure of type I collagen. The failure of dentin matrix of all patients with OI to immunostain for type III collagen and the N-terminal propeptide may reflect heterogeneity or additional secondary changes in matrix macromolecule interactions.  相似文献   

The N-terminal extension peptide of type III procollagen, isolated from foetal-calf skin, contains 130 amino acid residues. To determine its amino acid sequence, the peptide was reduced and carboxymethylated or aminoethylated and fragmented with trypsin, Staphylococcus aureus V8 proteinase and bacterial collagenase. Pyroglutamate aminopeptidase was used to deblock the N-terminal collagenase fragment to enable amino acid sequencing. The type III collagen extension peptide is homologous to that of the alpha 1 chain of type I procollagen with respect to a three-domain structure. The N-terminal 79 amino acids, which contain ten of the 12 cysteine residues, form a compact globular domain. The next 39 amino acids are in a collagenase triplet sequence (Gly- Xaa - Yaa )n with a high hydroxyproline content. Finally, another short non-collagenous domain of 12 amino acids ends at the cleavage site for procollagen aminopeptidase, which cleaves a proline-glutamine bond. In contrast with type I procollagen, the type III procollagen extension peptides contain interchain disulphide bridges located at the C-terminus of the triple-helical domain.  相似文献   

An endopeptidase from rheumatoid synovial tissue culture   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

Type III secretion systems (T3SSs) secrete needle components, pore-forming translocators, and the translocated effectors. In part, effector recognition by a T3SS involves their N-terminal amino acids and their 5' mRNA. To investigate whether similar molecular constraints influence translocator secretion, we scrutinized this region within YopD from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Mutations in the 5' end of yopD that resulted in specific disruption of the mRNA sequence did not affect YopD secretion. On the other hand, a few mutations affecting the protein sequence reduced secretion. Translational reporter fusions identified the first five codons as a minimal N-terminal secretion signal and also indicated that the YopD N terminus might be important for yopD translation control. Hybrid proteins in which the N terminus of YopD was exchanged with the equivalent region of the YopE effector or the YopB translocator were also constructed. While the in vitro secretion profile was unaltered, these modified bacteria were all compromised with respect to T3SS activity in the presence of immune cells. Thus, the YopD N terminus does harbor a secretion signal that may also incorporate mechanisms of yopD translation control. This signal tolerates a high degree of variation while still maintaining secretion competence suggestive of inherent structural peculiarities that make it distinct from secretion signals of other T3SS substrates.  相似文献   

Expression of type I and III procollagen genes was studied in embryonic chicken myoblast cell cultures, obtained from thigh muscles of 11-day-old embryos. Differentiation initiated by the addition of ovotransferrin (30 micrograms/ml) was followed visually by phase-contrast microscopy. Myoblast fusion and myotube formation were detected by day 3 and appeared to be complete by day 7. The synthesis of procollagens was monitored by labeling cell cultures for 1 h with [3H]proline and determining the radioactivity in procollagen chains by scanning densitometry of the fluorograms of the sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. A 10- to 20-fold increase in the rate of pro alpha-1(I), pro alpha-2(I), and pro alpha-1(III) collagen synthesis was observed, with the greatest increase occurring between days 3 and 9. Collagen mRNA levels in the myoblast cultures were examined by Northern blot and dot blot hybridization assays. The 10- to 20-fold increased rate of protein synthesis was accompanied by a 15-fold increase in the steady-state levels of pro alpha-1(I) and pro alpha-2(I) mRNAs and a 10-fold increase in the steady-state levels of pro alpha-1(III). As a correlate to the studies of collagen expression during myoblast differentiation, the expression of actin mRNAs was examined. Although alpha actin could be detected by day 4, a complete switch from lambda and beta to alpha actin was not observed in the time periods examined. Similar results were obtained in the analysis of RNA extracted from embryonic legs at days 12 and 17 of gestation. Myoblast differentiation is manifested by the accumulation of both muscle-specific mRNAs, such as actin, and type I and III procollagen mRNAs.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species inject virulence proteins, known as Yops, into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. The injection of Yops is mediated via a type III secretion system. Previous studies have suggested that YopE is targeted for secretion by two signals. One is mediated by its cognate chaperone YerA, whereas the other consists of either the 5' end of yopE mRNA or the N-terminus of YopE. In order to characterize the YopE N-terminal/5' mRNA secretion signal, the first 11 codons of yopE were systematically mutagenized. Frameshift mutations, which completely alter the amino acid sequence of residues 2-11 but leave the mRNA sequence essentially intact, drastically reduce the secretion of YopE in a yerA mutant. In contrast, a mutation that alters the yopE mRNA sequence, while leaving the amino acid sequence of YopE unchanged, does not impair the secretion of YopE. Therefore, the N-terminus of YopE, and not the 5' end of yopE mRNA, serves as a targeting signal for type III secretion. In addition, the chaperone YerA can target YopE for type III secretion in the absence of a functional N-terminal signal. Mutational analysis of the YopE N-terminus revealed that a synthetic amphipathic sequence of eight residues is sufficient to serve as a targeting signal. YopE is also secreted rapidly upon a shift to secretion-permissive conditions. This 'rapid secretion' of YopE does not require de novo protein synthesis and is dependent upon YerA. Furthermore, this burst of YopE secretion can induce a cytotoxic response in infected HeLa cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the use of procollagen type III aminoterminal peptide (PIIINP) measurements in serum as an indicator of progress of fibrosis of coxofemoral joint capsules in hip dysplasia in immature dogs. High serum concentrations of PIIINP may indicate ongoing fibrosis with enhanced synthesis and deposition of fibrillar type III collagen, or an alteration in degradation and elimination of circulating PIIINP (Hørslev-Petersen et al. 1988a). Therefore, high concentrations of PIIINP in serum was expected in dogs with hip dysplasia, which is a developmental condition with capsular fibrosis and osteoarthritis (Gay et al. 1986).  相似文献   

Yersinia species utilize a type III secretion system to inject toxins, called Yops (Yersinia outer proteins), into eukaryotic cells. The N-termini of the Yops serve as type III secretion signals, but they do not share a consensus sequence. To simplify the analysis of type III secretion signals, we replaced amino acids 2-8 of the secreted protein YopE with all permutations (27 or 128) of synthetic serine/isoleucine sequences. The results demonstrate that amphipathic N-terminal sequences, containing four or five serine residues, have a much greater probability than hydrophobic or hydrophilic sequences to target YopE for secretion. Multiple linear regression analysis of the synthetic sequences was used to obtain a model for N-terminal secretion signals. The model accurately classifies the N-terminal sequences of native type III substrates as efficient secretion signals.  相似文献   

Using our enzyme immunoassay system developed for recombinant hNGF, we examined the synthesis and secretion of human NGF (hNGF) by human fibroblast (WS-1) cells. The amount of the factor secreted by WS-1 cells increased linearly and a significant amount of NGF was detected in the conditioned medium of WS-1 cultures. WS-1 NGF showed properties identical to those of recombinant human NGF in immunoreactivity and molecular weight. An increase in cell density or the withdrawal of serum from the culture medium caused a drastic decrease in the rate of NGF secretion. These results suggest that WS-1 cells are able to synthesize and secrete hNGF in culture and that the synthesis/secretion is regulated in a growth phase-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Complex investigation of 5 enzymes was carried out in a cell strain with triploidy 69, XXY, derived from a human spontaneous abortus. The activity of 3 enzymes (acid phosphatase, lactate and malate dehydrogenases) in triploid cells proved to be significantly increased as compared to those of 3 diploid strains, whereas the activity of alkaline phosphatase was decreased. The activity of glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase did not change. The absence of the pronounced genetic dose effect and different alteration of the activities of the enzymes studied may be considered as an expression of a disbalance of enzymes in cytogenetically defective cells.  相似文献   

MxiG is a single-pass membrane protein that oligomerizes within the inner membrane ring of the Shigella flexneri type III secretion system (T3SS). The MxiG N-terminal domain (MxiG-N) is the predominant cytoplasmic structure; however, its role in T3SS assembly and secretion is largely uncharacterized. We have determined the solution structure of MxiG-N residues 6-112 (MxiG-N(6-112)), representing the first published structure of this T3SS domain. The structure shows strong structural homology to forkhead-associated (FHA) domains. Canonically, these cell-signaling modules bind phosphothreonine (Thr(P)) via highly conserved residues. However, the putative phosphate-binding pocket of MxiG-N(6-112) does not align with other FHA domain structures or interact with Thr(P). Furthermore, mutagenesis of potential phosphate-binding residues has no effect on S. flexneri T3SS assembly and function. Therefore, MxiG-N has a novel function for an FHA domain. Positioning of MxiG-N(6-112) within the EM density of the S. flexneri needle complex gives insight into the ambiguous stoichiometry of the T3SS, supporting models with 24 MxiG subunits in the inner membrane ring.  相似文献   

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