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SUMMARY. Atlantic salmon fry have been annually stocked into Llyn Dwythwch, North Wales, since 1969, in an attempt to increase the natural stocks of the area. The growth and survival of 1- and 2-year-old salmon were investigated, and compared with that of other lake-reared populations and also with salmon in the natural stream environment. Lake-reared salmon follow the same patterns of slow and rapid growth as found for river fish, but the growth rate was superior in the former. The variation in length – weight relationship with age and sex was investigated. Survival rates in general compared favourably with the survival in rivers, with high mortality rates of salmon in Llyn Dwythwch resulting from predation at spring stocking by the resident brown trout. This was later avoided by stocking larger fish in the autumn.  相似文献   

The relative effects of inter- and intra-specific competition on the survival and growth of stocked salmon were investigated in an upland trout stream during summer and winter sampling periods. The stream was divided into two areas by an impassable fish barrier, and trout were removed from the upstream section prior to 2 years of salmon stocking. Salmon fry stocked into the cleared area survived more than twice as well and grew significantly larger than those stocked into the area containing trout and older salmon. Intra-specific competition from older salmon in the second year of stocking in the cleared area significantly reduced the survival and growth of the O+ salmon. However, these were still significantly larger and survived better than those in the control area where inter-specific competition from trout was maintained. Some immigration of trout to the cleared area occurred; these showed greatly enhanced growth rates compared to those in the control area, reflecting low intra-specific trout competition in the former. Inter-specific competition effects of older salmon on both trout fry growth and survival were also detected, although the latter did not become apparent until the winter. This is discussed in terms of the relative importance of biotic and abiotic regulating mechanisms. Evidence of allopatric niche segregation is also discussed, since salmon in the cleared area did not have a biomass equivalent to that in the area which also contained trout.  相似文献   

The survival of salmon stocked in upland trout streams in the presence of salmon parr was found to be only about half the value recorded when trout alone made up the resident stock. Changes in the trout population were also recorded following the two years of salmon stocking, and these suggested that the presence of salmon parr may also influence trout fry survival. The findings are discussed in the context of habitat competition and total stream holding capacity.  相似文献   

An account is given of the survival and contribution to sport fishing of stocked trout and natural river trout in the impounded reservoir, Llyn Alaw, in Anglesey, North Wales. Scales from 2143 trout caught by angling and netting during the first four years after impoundment were used to determine the age and origin of Llyn Alaw fish. The success and future of Llyn Alaw as a trout fishery are discussed.  相似文献   

The experiment was made in an attempt to modify the usual relationship in which young trout grow faster than young salmon in streams in which they occur together. A stretch of a trout stream was stocked with advanced salmon eggs, which produced fry earlier than the trout eggs laid naturally. The salmon grew faster than the trout and were longer than the trout at the end of the growing season. The mean length of 77.7 mm attained by the salmon is the largest known size reached by salmon in their first year when feeding on natural food supplies in streams in Scotland. Survival rate from egg planting to production of salmon of this mean length was high.  相似文献   

The contents of the stomachs of 38 rainbow trout stocked in Llyn Alaw, Anglesey, in August 1969 and caught between October 1969 and February 1970 were analysed. The fish were actively feeding on the bottom fauna throughout the winter and 21 of the stomachs were full or distended. The mean volume of the contents of the stomachs was 2–8 times greater than that of the contents of stomachs of similarly sized brown trout caught at the same time.  相似文献   

Otoliths of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., are more slender than the otoliths of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Discriminant analysis on otolith measurements of juvenile Atlantic salmon and brown trout from four river systems revealed a discriminant function which distinguished more than 94% of the cases. This function was tested by using data from a fifth river with cohabiting Atlantic salmon and brown trout: all Atlantic salmon and 91 % of the brown trout were correctly classified.  相似文献   

The relative effects of inter- and intra-specific competition on the distribution of stocked salmon in relation to depth and gradient were investigated in an upland stream during two summer sampling periods. The stream was divided into two areas by an impassable fish barrier, and trout were removed from the upstream section prior to 2 years of salmon stocking. A small amount of trout re-immigration to the cleared area occurred. Under sympatric conditions in the downstream section the fry of both species were significantly more abundant in shallow water, whereas the yearling and older fish tended to inhabit the deeper, slow-flowing areas. Under near allopatric conditions in the cleared section salmon fry changed their distribution to include deeper areas, with shallow, fast-flowing water becoming the least preferred habitat. This trend for a wide distribution of salmon fry over all the available habitat in the upstream section was maintained in the second year when parr were present but trout remained at very low densities. It was therefore concluded that high inter-specific competition from trout was responsible for restricting the distribution of salmon fry to shallow habitat in the control area. Intra-specific competition from older salmon apparently only affected the growth and survival of salmon fry. The regulating mechanisms involved in these inter- and intra-specific effects are discussed in terms of competition for stream resources and predation. Recommendations based on the findings are made for stocking and habitat management of salmonid waters.  相似文献   

Based on data from Norwegian streams with sympatric populations of Atlantic salmon and brown trout, it is suggested that temporal segregation is the main mechanism segregating Atlantic salmon and brown trout during spawning. Peak spawning of trout was about 15 days earlier than that of salmon. Physical factors, such as water depth, water velocity and distance from the river banks segregate spawning sites of salmon and trout poorly. Gravel sizes of the redds of salmon and trout were significantly different, though with a considerable overlap, and mean egg depth of salmon and trout were 0.18 and 0.12 m, respectively, probably attributable to the different size of spawners of salmon and trout. None of the temporal or spatial parameters analysed segregate spawners of salmon and trout completely. Species determination of eggs and alevins from the redds showed no interspecific superimposition of redds. It is, therefore, concluded that low survival of hybrids after hatching does not explain the low frequency of hybrids observed in sympatric populations of salmon and trout.  相似文献   

Wild and hatchery-reared 8–12-month-old (5–8 cm) trout, Salmo frurta L., were stocked in tributaries of the River Gudenb. Mortality was examined by means of electrofishing. Repeated electrofishing and handling caused a small increase in mortality. The daily instantaneous mortality rate Z was high during the first 2 months after stocking, ranging from 0.0070 for wild trout to 0.0326 for domestic trout at a stocking density of one trout per m2 and from 0.0206 (wild trout) to 0.0888 (domestic trout) at a stocking density of two trout per m2. Two months after stocking, Z decreased drastically ranging from 0.0007 (wild trout) to 0.0067 (domestic trout). When stocked, first-generation hatchery trout showed Z equal to domestic trout. Wild trout resident in the experimental stream were negatively affected by the introduction of domestic trout and wild trout from another stream. at a stocking density above the carrying capacity. It is concluded that the higher mortality of domestic trout was caused by changes in food, feeding and exercise, possibly combined with the lack of selection in the hatchery. Smolt yield at age 2+ was 3.2% (0+ trout stocked in the fall)-7.0% (1 + trout stocked in the spring) of the domestic trout stocked (approx. one-sixth to one-third of natural populations) and 65.2–68.7% of the domestic trout present before the smolt run. For first generation hatchery trout of wild origin the corresponding figures were 7.3% (age 0 +) and 93.4%, and for wild trout introduced to the experimental stream they were 11.1% (age0 +)and39.8%.  相似文献   

Serum agglutinating titres against Renibacterium salmoninarum were determined from clinically infected, sub-clinically infected and non-infected rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson, and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Titres ≥16 occurred in clinically infected rainbow trout, but declined after a few months when disease signs were absent. Non-infected rainbow trout had titres ≤ 16. No correlation between the agglutinating titre and the level of infection was found in farmed Atlantic salmon. Variable titres were found in wild salmon broodstock although there was no evidence of BKD during 4 years of testing.  相似文献   

The dietary habits and feeding rates of wild and stocked brown trout were compared for populations in a number of Irish lakes. Wild trout and stocked fish, which had been present in a fishery for 12 months or longer, tend to feed on the same dietary items at similar rates. Stocked fish in their immediate post-planting period (1–14 days) ate less than both the wild trout and established planted fish. In some instances recently stocked fish appear to have a preference for surface food items. They also consumed stones and detritic material. Data indicate that stocked fish adopted a natural diet in less than 5 months. Results are discussed in relation to angling crops of wild and stocked fish and the comparative success of autumn and spring plantings of salmonids.  相似文献   

The results of the analysis of the contents of 274 brown trout stomachs taken over a period of one year from Llyn Alaw, in Anglesey, North Wales, are described. The annual composition and seasonal changes of the diet were determined using number, volume and occurrence methods. The bottom fauna is classified according to accessibility to the trout as food and the utilization and apparent selection of the fauna by the trout is discussed. Food in relation to trout size is considered in detail.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared adult brown trout, Salmo trutta v. fario L., [215–335 mm standard length (LS), n = 82] were individually tagged and released into three sections of the Blanice River in May 2007. Wild populations of brown trout and grayling, Thymallus thymallus, L., in these sections and three non‐stocked control sections were also tagged. The recapture rate of hatchery‐reared adult brown trout after 6 months (18%, n = 15) was comparable to that of wild adult brown trout in stocked (15%, n = 14) and control (14%, n = 11) sections. The recapture rates of wild brown trout and grayling after 6 months were higher in control sections than in stocked sections, but the differences were not significant. The movement of recaptured large juvenile wild brown trout from stocked sections was significantly higher (36%) than from control sections (9%). Wild brown trout growth and grayling growth were unaffected by stocking with adult hatchery‐reared brown trout.  相似文献   

Wild and hatchery-reared 8–12-month-old (5–8 cm) trout, Salmo truttu L., were stocked into tributaries of the River Gudená. Movements were examined by means of electrofishing. Overall dispersal and upstream movement were greater for wild trout than for domestic trout. Maximum distance of movement was 600 m upstream for both strains and 600 m downstream for wild trout, and 700 m for domestic trout. Upstream movement started within 2 months from stocking and continued for at least 4 months. Downstream movement during the first few days after stocking, was more pronounced for domestic trout than for wild trout.  相似文献   

The river Nidelva, situated in central Norway, is regulated for production of electricity. Water discharge may vary from 150 to 30 m3 s -1 over a period of 10 min at the outlet of the power stations. The water level then sinks 50 cm during the next 30 min. The Nidelva produces both salmon and trout. Water fluctuations were found responsible for large losses of O+ salmon and trout. The recruitment of salmon was concluded as satisfactory, while recruitment of trout was reduced as a result of stranding.  相似文献   

The effect of the introduction of fry of anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta L., on the genetic integrity of landlocked brown trout populations was evaluated. Samples were taken from six brown trout populations from streams above impassable waterfalls in the Conwy river system (North Wales, U.K.) in 1989 and 1990. Three of these streams had no known stocking history and three had been stocked with sea trout fry from the lower Conwy system over the last few years. Representatives of these sea trout were collected from two streams in the lower Conwy system and from a hatchery. Allele frequencies at 13 loci, six of which were polymorphic, were determined by starch gel electrophoresis.
The stocked populations were intermediate in their allele frequencies between unstocked brown trout and sea trout samples. A principal component analysis suggested significant numbers of hybrids in all of the stocked streams. This shows that some of the introduced sea trout did not migrate down the falls to the sea, but stayed in fresh water and hybridized with the local population. The significance of this finding for the conservation of the genetic resource of brown trout stocks is discussed.  相似文献   

Young Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar , brown trout, Salmo trutta , and Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus , from eight rivers in North and Mid Norway were examined for Gyrodactylus. The fish were collected from 1975 to 1980. A Gyrodactylus salaris type was observed infecting salmon from six of these rivers. No trout or char were infected. A high frequency and intensity of infection of salmon were observed in all but one of the rivers surveyed. In the Saltdalselva, only one specimen of Gyrodactylus infecting one fish was observed. No subsequent mortality of salmon was observed in this river while there were signs of a high mortality of salmon in the other rivers. The salmon parr were more frequently attacked than the fry, the mortality of salmon seemed to have happened in most of the rivers one year after the first observations of Gyrodactylus were made. The mortality of salmon and the high infection rate of Gyrodactylus in these rivers appears unique, and as far as known to the authors there are no other described cases of mortality due to Gyodactylus in Atlantic salmon in natural waters. The reasons for the outbreak of Gyrodactylus in these rivers are not known. Two theories are discussed: one that the fish were weakened by environmental factors and the other that Gyrodactylus was introduced from some of the infected salmon hatcheries in Scandinavia.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding an isocaloric and isonitrogenous trout diet that contained different levels of digestible carbohydrate (cerelose) to rainbow trout at either 10 or 15° C on liver glycogen and liver weight was determined in two fasting studies of 12 and 41 days duration. Trout fed diets with increased levels of digestible carbohydrate (HC) had significantly higher liver-body weight ratios (LW) and liver glycogen (LG) than trout reared on low digestible carbohydrate diets (HF). Both LW and LG declined in fasting trout previously fed HC diets but declined little in fasting trout previously fed HF diets. Trout reared at 10° C had higher LW and LG than trout reared at 15° C on either the HC or HF diets. During fasting, the trout reared on HC diets at 10° C required a longer period of time for the LG and LW to decline to the levels of trout reared on the low carbohydrate diets, than did trout reared on the HC diets at 15° C. The results indicate that both pre-fasting diet and water temperature can affect liver glycogen utilization and liver weight in fasting trout. Prolonged elevation of LW and LG in fasting trout could jeopardize the survival rate of stocked trout, particularly at low water temperatures.  相似文献   

Movements of resident brown trout (age 2+ to 9+ years) and young Atlantic salmon (age 1+), stocked as fry, were studied in July, August and September in a coastal stream in northern Norway. Between 85 and 89% of the brown trout were recaptured in the study area (346m, 1326m2) within 45m of their release point throughout the investigation period. Most specimens had moved less than 150m. Trout movements were related to local variation in density. Trout occupying those sections of stream with the lowest fish densities (5.3–10.9 fish 100m?2) had a significantly lower movement rate than fish from sections with densities between 13.7 and 31.5 fish 100m?2. Trout that moved from their marking section were significantly larger than specimens that did not leave their original site. There was a significant correlation between permanence of station each month and the mean water level that month. The majority of the trout (47%) were caught at undercut stream banks or at sites in the proximity of these. A decrease in water level during the study period resulted in a high loss (36%) of such habitat, probably forcing some individuals to move. The recapture data indicate that the trout population consists of one small (c. 15–20%) mobile, and one large sedentary component. Young salmon displayed high station permanence in July and August (93% and 96%). However, in the autumn they exhibited a significant downstream movement, and only 73% were recaptured within their release section. This movement was significantly higher for larger specimens, and is thought to occur because of a pre-winter change in habitat, initiated by a decline in stream temperature. In contrast to trout, salmon in sections containing the lowest densities (22.0–25.0 fish 100m?2) did not show significantly lower movement rates when compared with salmon at higher densities (32.2–46.3 and 51.8–60.6 fish 100m?2). The spatial distribution of young salmon indicated the formation of territorial mosaics over the stream bed, which are thought to reduce intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

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