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During early pregnancy, interleukin-1 (IL-1) is mainly produced and secreted by maternal decidua. Yet, its biological function on placental cells is not well defined. In this study, we employed JAR choriocarcinoma cell line as a model of human placental trophoblast to study the effect of IL-1. Treatment with recombinant human IL-1beta resulted in significant inhibition of JAR proliferation (P < .05) paralleled with increased cytotoxicity. The inhibitory effect was blocked by both IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) and antihuman IL-1beta monoclonal antibody. Analyzing the mode of action, IL-1beta was found to induce cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase and triggered apoptotic cell death. These findings demonstrated that IL-1 regulates human trophoblast growth by induction of cell cycle delay and cell death.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that the baboon placenta expressed the mRNAs and proteins for secretory and cytosolic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) enzymes and that cPLA2 expression increased with advancing gestation in association with the increase in placental estrogen production. To determine whether estrogen regulates placental PLA2 expression, as it does other aspects of syncytiotrophoblast functional differentiation, we compared sPLA2 and cPLA2 mRNA levels in placentas obtained on day 165 of gestation (term = day 184) from baboons that were untreated or treated during the second half of gestation with the aromatase inhibitor CGS 20267 or CGS 20267 and estradiol. Maternal saphenous and uterine vein estradiol levels were reduced (P < 0.05) by approximately 95% by treatment with CGS 20267 and restored by concomitant administration of CGS 20267 and estrogen. However, sPLA2 and cPLA2 mRNA levels expressed as a ratio of beta-actin were similar in whole villous placenta from baboons that were untreated or treated with CGS 20267 or CGS 20267 plus estrogen. PLA2 expression in an enriched fraction of nontrophoblast cells of the baboon placenta was also not altered by CGS 20267 treatment. Collectively these findings indicate that placental cPLA2 and sPLA2 expression is not estrogen-dependent. Because estrogen has been shown to regulate other aspects of placental steroidogenesis, we suggest that the regulatory role of estrogen on syncytiotrophoblast functional maturation is specific.  相似文献   

Darwin was struck by the many similarities between humans and other primates and believed that these similarities were the product of common ancestry. He would be even more impressed by the similarities if he had known what we have learned about primates over the last 50 years. Genetic kinship has emerged as the primary organizing force in the evolution of primate social organization and the patterning of social behaviour in non-human primate groups. There are pronounced nepotistic biases across the primate order, from tiny grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) that forage alone at night but cluster with relatives to sleep during the day, to cooperatively breeding marmosets that rely on closely related helpers to rear their young, rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) females who acquire their mother''s rank and form strict matrilineal dominance hierarchies, male howler monkeys that help their sons maintain access to groups of females and male chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) that form lasting relationships with their brothers. As more evidence of nepotism has accumulated, important questions about the evolutionary processes underlying these kin biases have been raised. Although kin selection predicts that altruism will be biased in favour of relatives, it is difficult to assess whether primates actually conform to predictions derived from Hamilton''s rule: br > c. In addition, other mechanisms, including contingent reciprocity and mutualism, could contribute to the nepotistic biases observed in non-human primate groups. There are good reasons to suspect that these processes may complement the effects of kin selection and amplify the extent of nepotistic biases in behaviour.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, intensive studies of murine schistosomiasis have provided important clues to the understanding of the human disease, but growing evidence suggests that these results derived from highly inbred strains of mice might not have direct applicability to the human infection. Recent data based on the baboon indicate that infection in this non-human primate might mirror the human situation. In this review, Mramba Nyindo and Idle Farah demonstrate that baboons provide an excellent non-human primate model that produces pathology and disease closely resembling that observed in humans, and address how studies in baboons can provide insights into mechanisms regulating schistosomiasis mansoni pathology and immunity. They also address, in a general way, issues related to the use of non-human primates in biomedical research.  相似文献   

 Like humans, non-human primates express the antigens A and B of the ABO histoblood group system. In chimpanzees, only A and O types are found, while the types A, B, AB, and O are found in macaques. The sequences of exons 6 and 7 of two chimpanzee O alleles (O del and O x ), two macaque species O alleles (rhesus monkey and crab-eating macaque), and sequences of exon 7 of two major chimpanzee A alleles (A 1ch and A 2ch ) were established. The sequences of cDNAs corresponding to the chimpanzee and rhesus monkey O alleles were characterized from exon 1 to 7 and from exon 4 to 7, respectively. A comparison of our results with ABO gene sequences already published by others demonstrates that human and non-human primate O alleles are species-specific and result from independent silencing mutations. These observations reinforce the hypothesis that the maintenance of the ABO gene polymorphism in primates reflects convergent evolution more than transpecies inheritance of ancestor alleles. Received: 30 July 1998 / Revised: 12 December 1998  相似文献   

We have recently described glucocorticoid uptake by human placental membrane vesicles which is specific, saturable and has a low K (7 nM). This paper describes solubilization of these vesicles with Triton x-100 and successful demonstration of glucocorticoid binding to the putative transport site. This was accomplished by analysis of corticosterone binding to the 140,000 × g supernatant of solubilized vesicles using G-75 Sephadex chromatography. The amount of bound corticosterone present in the void volume was proportional to the concentration of solubilized vesicles. The specificity of binding was tested by coincubation of tritiated corticosterone with 100-fold excesses of various steroids. The relative ability of various steroids to inhibit binding was corticosterone=pregesterone- >aldosterone. Triamcinolone acetonide, and estradiol were ineffective competitors. We conclude from these studies that human placental membranes contain glucocorticoid-specific binding sites which can be solubilized with Triton x-100. It is possible that these sites are involved in membrane mediated transport of glucocorticoids by this tissue.  相似文献   

To assess the relative importance of regulated and of constitutive secretion of placental lactogen, a cell culture model of term human trophoblast was utilized. Time courses of secretion revealed a constant secretion rate over 9 days of culture, with relatively small constant intracellular hormone concentration. Potassium, 21 mM, produced a slight but significant increase in hormone secretion into the medium. Growth hormone-releasing hormone (5 X 10(-10)-5 X 10(-9)) stimulated a 27-48% increase in placental lactogen secretion. The data suggest a major process of constitutive secretion and a minor role for regulated secretion from a storage pool.  相似文献   

Non-human primates (NHPs) are used to model human disease owing to their remarkably similar genomes, physiology, and immune systems. Recently, there has been an increased interest in modeling tuberculosis (TB) in NHPs. Macaques are susceptible to infection with different strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), producing the full spectrum of disease conditions, including latent infection, chronic progressive infection, and acute TB, depending on the route and dose of infection. Clearly, NHPs are an excellent model of human TB. While the initial aim of the NHP model was to allow preclinical testing of candidate vaccines and drugs, it is now also being used to study pathogenesis and immune correlates of protection. Recent advances in this field are discussed in this review. Key questions such as the effect of hypoxia on the biology of Mtb and the basis of reactivation of latent TB can now be investigated through the use of this model.  相似文献   

Human language, and grammatical competence in particular, relies on a set of computational operations that, in its entirety, is not observed in other animals. Such uniqueness leaves open the possibility that components of our linguistic competence are shared with other animals, having evolved for non-linguistic functions. Here, we explore this problem from a comparative perspective, asking whether cotton-top tamarin monkeys (Saguinus oedipus) can spontaneously (no training) acquire an affixation rule that shares important properties with our inflectional morphology (e.g. the rule that adds –ed to create the past tense, as in the transformation of walk into walk-ed). Using playback experiments, we show that tamarins discriminate between bisyllabic items that start with a specific ‘prefix’ syllable and those that end with the same syllable as a ‘suffix’. These results suggest that some of the computational mechanisms subserving affixation in a diversity of languages are shared with other animals, relying on basic perceptual or memory primitives that evolved for non-linguistic functions.  相似文献   

F L Bellino  J O Lobo 《Steroids》1987,50(1-3):73-87
Estrogen synthetase (aromatase) is present in large amounts in human term placenta. However, the localization of aromatase within the cellular structure of the placental villus is obscure. By immunocytochemical techniques using antibodies that separately recognize each component of the aromatase cytochrome P-450 enzyme system, the fraction of term placental trophoblast cells in primary culture expressing each aromatase component antigen increased from 20% in fresh mononucleated cells to about 65% for multinucleated giant cells after 72 h. In contrast, about 80% of human choriocarcinoma cells in continuous culture (JAr line) expressed each aromatase component antigen. The fraction of trophoblast cells in primary culture containing human chorionic gonadotropin increased from about 14% in fresh mononucleated cells to about 45% after 72 h and was about 30% in the choriocarcinoma cells. Fibroblast cells in culture, derived from trypsin-treated placental villi, contained aromatase activity, albeit much lower than term placental trophoblast cells. Aromatase specific activity in these placental fibroblasts did not change following growth with dibutyryl cAMP plus theophylline for 72 h.  相似文献   

We have generated lines of BeWo cells that constitutively and stably express either histone H2B tagged with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), or the mitochondrial targeting sequence of subunit VIII of cytochrome c oxidase fused with a red fluorescent protein; one line has nuclei that fluoresce green, the other mitochondria that fluoresce red. Expression of these tagged proteins has no effect on the rates of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis, or on the amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) secreted after treatment with forskolin. We used fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to monitor the extent of cell fusion (syncytialisation) between these two lines; fused cells are readily and accurately detected by their green/red fluorescence. This assay should prove useful in the investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in trophoblast syncytialisation.  相似文献   

肠道微生物组被誉为动物的“第二套基因组”,与动物的个体发育、营养获取、生理功能、免疫调节等重要活动密切相关。非人灵长类在生态位、社会结构、地理分布以及进化上与人类相近,开展其肠道微生物研究不仅有助于了解灵长类的生态、保护和进化,而且对深入了解肠道微生物在人类进化中所发挥的作用也具有重要的参考价值。本文总结了影响非人灵长类肠道微生物变化的因素,包括系统发育、觅食、栖息地破碎化、年龄和性别、圈养方式以及社群生活,并探讨了肠道微生物研究在非人灵长类生态、行为、保护以及适应性进化方面的应用。未来,非人灵长类肠道微生物研究将为灵长类生态、进化和人类健康的研究提供新的视角,为灵长类的保护提供新的理论基础和研究方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the expression of hemeoxygenases HO-1 and HO-2, which are responsible for the production of carbon monoxide (CO), in the human placenta and placental bed and to determine the role of inhibitors of HO on placental perfusion pressure. We hypothesized that HO is expressed within the placenta and that invading cytotrophoblast cells (CTB) express HO isoforms. The expression of HO-1 and HO-2 was studied on placenta and placental bed biopsies, obtained using a transcervical sampling technique, from normal human pregnancies between 8 and 19 wk gestation and at term. In the placenta, HO-2 immunostaining was prominent in syncytiotrophoblast in the first trimester and reduced toward term (P<0.0005). HO-2 endothelial immunostaining was weak in the first trimester, but increased by term (P<0.0005). Within the placental bed, HO-2 was expressed by CTB in cell columns, the cytotrophoblast shell, and cell islands. Both intravascular CTB and interstitial CTB expressed HO-2. HO-1 immunostaining was low in the placenta but intense on the CTB within the placental bed. A striking feature was the absence of HO-1 from the proximal layers of cell columns, with strong expression on the more distal CTB layers of the cell columns. In placental perfusion studies, a significant dose-dependent increase in perfusion pressure was observed in the presence of zinc protoporphyrin, an inhibitor of HO. These results suggest a role for CO in placental function, trophoblast invasion, and spiral artery transformation. Hemeoxygenase expression in human placenta and placental bed implies a role in regulation of trophoblast invasion and placental function.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2022,29(5):810-825.e8
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Solubilization and identification of human placental endothelin receptor   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptor was identified on the membranes from human placenta and 66% of original binding activity in the membranes was solubilized with 0.75% (w/v) CHAPS. Binding studies of the solubilized membranes using 125I-ET-1 indicated the presence of a single class of high-affinity binding sites with an apparent Kd of 760 pM and a Bmax of 1.8 pmol/mg of protein. The binding was inhibited by addition of unlabeled ET-1 and ET-3 in dose dependent manner. The Ki values of solubilized membranes were 84 pM for ET-1 and 250 pM for ET-3, whereas particulate membranes had weaker affinities (Ki = 410 pM for ET-1, 2500 pM for ET-3). Calcium channel blockers such as nicardipine, verapamil and diltiazem did not affect the binding of 125I-ET-1. Affinity labeling of the particulate and solubilized membranes with CHAPS revealed a specific binding protein with a Mr of 32,000.  相似文献   

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