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Schneider B 《Phytochemistry》2003,64(2):459-462
The level of secondary compounds formed by sterile root cultures of Anigozanthos preissii depends on the differentiation state. Cultures showing shoot formation and accelerated growth are depleted in stilbenes, stilbene glucosides, and phenylphenalenones. Three glucosides of anigopreissin A, a benzofuran-type resveratrol dimer, were isolated from slow-growing cultures and their structures elucidated by spectrometric methods.  相似文献   

Three fused octacyclic phenylphenalenone dimers were isolated from Musa acuminata: Anigorootin, which was first isolated from Anigozanthos flavidus and hitherto represented the only compound of that type, the new 4'-hydroxy-anigorootin, and 4',4"-di-hydroxy-anigorootin, which is a revised structure. The crystal structure of anigorootin was determined by X-ray crystallography. 3,3'-Bis-hydroxyanigorufone, a dimer of the conventional type known from Anigozanthos preissii, was also found in Musa acuminata. Phytochemical analysis of several Haemodoraceae species revealed the occurrence of anigorootin, 3,3'-bis-hydroxyanigorufone, and the novel metabolite 3,3'-bis-anigorufone. The occurrence of the same compounds in Musaceae and Haemodoraceae indicates the close chemotaxonomic relationship of both plant families.  相似文献   

The distribution pattern of phenylphenalenone-type compounds was investigated in vegetative and reproductive organs of Xiphidium caeruleum. The highest total molar concentration, up to 30 micromol g(-1) fr. wt, was detected in the root tip and the stamen. Accumulation of specific phenylphenalenone-related metabolites including glycosides was found in the hypogeal plant parts, the leaves, and the reproductive organs of the inflorescence. Putative biosynthetic relationships and the role of these compounds in plant defence are discussed.  相似文献   



Endangered plant species are a vital resource for exploring novel drug prototypes. A Korean endangered plant Rhododendron brachycarpum G. Don is a broad-leaved shrub native to northern Korea and central Japan. The high mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) could be a specific target for the discovery of novel antiseptic agents.


Gauge-invariant atomic orbital (GIAO) NMR chemical shift calculations were applied for investigation of stereochemical details with accuracy improved by application of DP4 analysis. In vitro antiseptic mechanisms were investigated utilizing immunofluorescence staining, ELISA and cell–cell adhesion assay. Cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) operation was employed to evaluate in vivo potential alleviating severe sepsis and septic shock.


The first bicyclic megastigmane glucoside rhododendroside A (1) along with known megastigmane glucosides (25) were isolated from the leaves of R. brachycarpum. The structure of 1 was established by NMR analysis as well as comparison of the experimental chemical shifts with those of computed values employing DP4 application. In the CLP operation model that simulates severe sepsis, rhododendroside A (1) improved the survival rate up to 60%.


Our results exhibit that R. brachycarpum may produce a unique scaffold that is developed into a drug lead mitigating HMGB1-induced vascular pro-inflammatory stimuli and thus alleviating severe sepsis and related manifestations.

General significance

Discovery of new drug leads would warrant conservation efforts of endangered species.  相似文献   

Large phenotypic variation has been observed between the cultivated vanillas since a single genetic source of Vanilla planifolia was spread to the Indian Ocean and the Indonesia in the 19th century. In order to differentiate the cultivated vanilla plants, genetic studies have been conducted in the past on the plants grown in various regions such as the French island, La Réunion. However, the genetic difference was not big enough to differentiate diverse accessions of V. planifolia. In this study, metabolomics, in which genetic variation could be amplified, was employed to delve into the variation between the cultivated vanilla plants. To obtain a broad view of the metabolome, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was applied to the analysis of V. planifolia green pods. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) of the data showed that the accessions could be differentiated according to their glucovanillin and glucosides A and B contents. Furthermore, a correlation between the glucovanillin content and the pod length, number of flower and growth capacity of the accessions has been observed from the multivariate data analysis.  相似文献   

A bacteriocin producing strain Lactobacillus brevis UN isolated from Dulliachar—a salted pickle and identified by biochemical and molecular methods. L. brevis UN was found to produce bacteriocin with broad spectrum activity against spoilage causing/food borne pathogens viz. L. monocytogenes, C. perfringens, S. aureus, L. mesenteroides, L. plantarum and B. cereus. Bacteriocin production was optimized through classical one variable at a time method. The isolate showed maximum bacteriocin production at early stationary phase, pH 4.0, temperature 35 °C and with an inoculum size of 1.5 OD @ 10 %. Bacteriocin produced by L. brevis UN was purified to homogeneity by single step gel exclusion chromatography and was most active at pH 6.0 and 7.0, stable up to 100 °C and was proteinaceous in nature. The results of NMR revealed the presence of proline, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine, isoleucine and serine in its peptide structure. PCR amplification analysis determined that bacteriocin encoded gene in L. brevis UN was plasmid bound.  相似文献   

The identification of the conventionally accepted species of Clavulina (Cantharellales, Basidiomycota) in Europe (Clavulina amethystina, Clavulina cinerea, Clavulina cristata, and Clavulina rugosa) is often difficult and many specimens are not straightforwardly assignable to any of those four species, which is why some authors have questioned their identity. In order to assess the status of those species, a morphological examination was combined with the molecular analysis of the ITS region. The same six major clades were obtained in the Bayesian and parsimony phylogenetic analyses, and all six clades were well-supported at least by one of the analyses. Morphological characters, such as the overall branching pattern, the presence and intensity of grey colour, the cristation of the apices, and basidiospore size and shape were to various extents correlated with the phylogenetic signal obtained from the ITS region. The congruence between the molecular analyses and morphology, rather than geographical origin, suggests the existence of several species that can be delimited using a combined phylogenetic and morphological species recognition. The analyses revealed that C. cristata and C. rugosa are well-delimited species. In contrast, more than one taxa could be subsumed under the names C. amethystina and C. cinerea, the taxonomical complexity of which is discussed. The ITS region is proved to be adequate to separate phylogenetic species of Clavulina.  相似文献   

A 40 kDa chitinase from Streptomyces roseolus DH was purified to homogeneity from culture medium. The N-terminal sequence was TPPPAKAVKLGYFTNWGVYG, which was highly homologous to the glycoside hydrolase (GH) 18 conserved domain of Streptomyces chitinases and included the two crucial Trp and Tyr sites. The purified enzyme showed maximal activity at 60 °C, pH 6.0 and exhibited good thermal and pH stabilities. The enzyme displayed strict substrate specificity on colloidal or glycol chitin, but not on chitosan derivatives. It was activated by Mg2+, Ba2+ and Ca2+, and inhibited by Cu2+, Co2+, Mn2+, whereas Zn2+ and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid showed little inhibitory effects. Morphological changes observed by scanning electron microscopy revealed the occurrence of regular pores on the surface with the progress of enzymatic chitinolysis. Additionally, this GH-18 chitinase had a marked inhibitory effect on fungal hyphal extensions. In conclusion, this chitinase may have great potential for the enzymatic degradation of chitin.  相似文献   

In Caucasian populations a single mutation, 35delG, accounts for the majority of GJB2 gene mediated hearing loss, with carrier frequencies estimated between 2-4%, possibly resulting from a founder effect rather than from a mutational hot spot. In Moroccan population, the 35delG mutation accounts for 90.8% of all GJB2 mutated alleles in deaf patients with a carrier frequency of 2.65%. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the 35delG mutation has derived from a single origin in the Moroccan population. We enrolled 30 unrelated deaf patients homozygous for the 35delG mutation and 165 unrelated control individuals negative for this mutation, and genotyped three microsatellite markers flanking the GJB2 region: D13S141, D13S175 and D13S143. Data analysis revealed that the 35delG mutation is associated with particular alleles of these markers, with significant linkage disequilibrium for the 125 and 105 nucleotide long alleles of D13S141 and D13S175, and that a single specific haplotype accounts for 68% of the chromosomes carrying the 35delG mutation. The estimate age of 35delG mutation is 135 generations or approximately 2700 years old. Like in other Mediterranean populations, our results suggest that in the Moroccan population the 35delG mutation has derived from a single origin in a common founder process.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of the genus Sousa were carried out across their geographic range and focused especially on the genetic variation patterns and population structure of Sousa chinensis in Chinese waters. The analyses were based on 287-bp of the mitochondrial control region from 122 Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) and two Atlantic humpback dolphins (Sousa teuszii). All specimens from China grouped together in a well-supported clade with high bootstrap (BS) and Bayesian posterior probability values (BPP), strongly suggesting that only one species of Sousa exists in China. Six haplotypes were identified in 65 individuals from Xiamen and Pearl River Estuary in China. The extremely low level of detected mtDNA genetic diversity strongly suggests a high priority in conservation of Sousa. The highly significant genetic differentiation between the two populations in Xiamen and Pearl River Estuary supports the designation of these two populations as separate management units (MUs) when designing management programs for this species.  相似文献   

Many enzymes involved in bioenergetic processes contain chains of redox centers that link the protein surface, where interaction with electron donors or acceptors occurs, to a secluded catalytic site. In numerous cases these redox centers can transfer only single electrons even when they are associated to catalytic sites that perform two-electron chemistry. These chains provide no obvious contribution to enhance chemiosmotic energy conservation, and often have more redox centers than those necessary to hold sufficient electrons to sustain one catalytic turnover of the enzyme. To investigate the role of such a redox chain we analyzed the transient kinetics of fumarate reduction by two flavocytochromes c3 of Shewanella species while these enzymes were being reduced by sodium dithionite. These soluble monomeric proteins contain a chain of four hemes that interact with a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) catalytic center that performs the obligatory two electron–two proton reduction of fumarate to succinate. Our results enabled us to parse the kinetic contribution of each heme towards electron uptake and conduction to the catalytic center, and to determine that the rate of fumarate reduction is modulated by the redox stage of the enzyme, which is defined by the number of reduced centers. In both enzymes the catalytically most competent redox stages are those least prevalent in a quasi-stationary condition of turnover. Furthermore, the electron distribution among the redox centers during turnover suggested how these enzymes can play a role in the switch between respiration of solid and soluble terminal electron acceptors in the anaerobic bioenergetic metabolism of Shewanella.  相似文献   

CDC25 enzymes are dual-specificity phosphatases involved in the regulation of the cell cycle. No CDC25 enzymes have been described in higher plant organisms. We report here the characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana CDC25 enzyme, constituted by a sole catalytic domain and devoid of the N-terminal regulatory region found in the human CDC25. We describe the recombinant expression in Escherichia coli of the Arath;CDC25 and its purification for activity assay and structure determination by NMR. The recombinant enzyme has a tyrosine phosphatase activity towards an artificial substrate, a NMR characterization equally concludes to its correct folding. The secondary structure of the protein was predicted on the basis of the assigned chemical shift of (1)H, (15)N, and (13)C backbone atoms of the protein. The presence of a metal ion in the C-terminus of this new protein points to a zinc finger, and sequence homology indicates that this new structural element might be conserved in related plant homologs.  相似文献   

Organ development is a complex process involving the coordination of cell proliferation, differentiation, and morphogenetic events. Using a screen to identify genes that function coordinately with lin-35/Rb during animal development, we have isolated a weak loss-of-function (LOF) mutation in pha-1. lin-35; pha-1 double mutants are defective at an early step in pharyngeal morphogenesis leading to an abnormal pharyngeal architecture. pha-1 is also synthetically lethal with other class B synthetic multivulval (SynMuv) genes including the C. elegans E2F homolog, efl-1. Reporter analyses indicate that pha-1 is broadly expressed during embryonic development and that its functions reside in the cytoplasm. We also provide genetic and phenotypic evidence to support the model that PHA-1, a novel protein, and UBC-18, a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme that we have previously shown to function with lin-35 during pharyngeal development, act in parallel pathways to regulate the activity of a common cellular target.  相似文献   

The unambiguous assignment of the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signals of the alpha-substituents of the haems in the tetrahaem cytochrome isolated from Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB400, was made using a combination of homonuclear and heteronuclear experiments. The paramagnetic (13)C shifts of the nuclei directly bound to the porphyrin of each haem group were analysed in the framework of a model for the haem electronic structure. The analysis yields g-tensors for each haem, which allowed the assignment of some electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) signals to specific haems, and the orientation of the magnetic axes relative to each haem to be established. The orientation of the axial ligands of the haems was determined semi-empirically from the NMR data, and the structural results were compared with those of the homologous tetrahaem cytochrome from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 showing significant similarities between the two proteins.  相似文献   

Martin GD  Reynolds WF  Reese PB 《Phytochemistry》2004,65(15):2211-2217
Incubation of 2alpha,13(R)-dihydroxystemodane (3) with Rhizopus oryzae ATCC 11145 gave 2alpha,7beta,13(R)-trihydroxystemodane (11) while biotransformation of 13(R)-hydroxystemodan-2-one (5) yielded 6alpha,13(R)-dihydroxystemodan-2-one (12) and 7beta,13(R)-dihydroxystemodan-2-one (13). Bioconversion of 2beta,13(R)-dihydroxystemodane (7) with Rhizopus afforded 2beta,7,13(R)-trihydroxystemodane (14). The results complement data from our previous work and provide more information about the effect of functional groups of stemodane substrates on the site of hydroxylation.  相似文献   

The biosynthetic pathway of gallic acid in leaves of Rhus typhina is studied by oxygen isotope ratio mass spectrometry at natural oxygen isotope abundance. The observed delta18O-values of gallic acid indicate an 18O-enrichment of the phenolic oxygen atoms of more than 30 per thousand above that of the leaf water. This enrichment implies biogenetical equivalence with oxygen atoms of carbohydrates but not with oxygen atoms introduced by monooxygenase activation of molecular oxygen. It can be concluded that all phenolic oxygen atoms of gallic acid are retained from the carbohydrate-derived precursor 5-dehydroshikimate. This supports that gallic acid is synthesized entirely or predominantly by dehydrogenation of 5-dehydroshikimate.  相似文献   

Giardia duodenalis is an intestinal parasite of many vertebrates. The presence of G. duodenalis in the marine environment due to anthropogenic and wildlife activity is well documented, including the contributions from untreated sewage and storm water, agricultural run-off and droppings from terrestrial animals. Recently, studies have detected this protistan parasite in the faeces of marine vertebrates such as whales, dolphins, seals and shore birds. To explore the population biology of G. duodenalis in marine life, we determined the prevalence of G. duodenalis in two species of seal (Halichoerus grypus, Phoca vitulina vitulina and Phoca vitulina richardsi) from the east and west coasts of the USA, sequenced two loci from G. duodenalis-positive samples to assess molecular diversity and examined G. duodenalis distribution amongst these seals and other marine vertebrates along the east coast. We found a significant difference in the presence of G. duodenalis between east and west coast seal species. Only the zoonotic lineages of G. duodenalis, Assemblages A and B and a novel lineage, which we designated as Assemblage H, were identified in marine vertebrates. Assemblages A and B are broadly distributed geographically and show a lack of host specificity. Only grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) samples and one gull sample (Larus argentatus) from a northern location of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA, showed the presence of Assemblage H haplotypes; only one other study of harbour seals from the Puget Sound region of Washington, USA previously recorded the presence of an Assemblage H haplotype. Assemblage H sequences form a monophyletic clade that appears as divergent from the other seven Assemblages of G. duodenalis as these assemblages are from each other. The discovery of a previously uncharacterised lineage of G. duodenalis suggests that this parasite has more genetic diversity and perhaps a larger host range than previously believed.  相似文献   

The geometry of the axial ligands of the hemes in the triheme cytochrome PpcA from Geobacter sulfurreducens was determined in solution for the ferric form using the unambiguous assignment of the NMR signals of the α-substituents of the hemes. The paramagnetic 13C shifts of the hemes can be used to define the heme electronic structure, the geometry of the axial ligands, and the magnetic susceptibility tensor. The latter establishes the magnitude and geometrical dependence of the pseudocontact shifts, which are crucial to warrant reliable structural constraints for a detailed structural characterization of this paramagnetic protein in solution.  相似文献   

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