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Replicating Units (Replicons) of DNA in Cultured Mammalian Cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Exponentially growing L5178Y mouse leukemic cells were incubated in the presence of 5′-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) for about 4 hr, transferred to the nonBUdR-containing medium for a certain period (t hours), and then pulse-labeled with TdR-3H for 10 min. When DNA isolated from these cells was subjected to CsCl gradient centrifugation, the 3H-activity was found to shift gradually from the heavy BUdR-containing peak to the light nonBUdR-containing peak with increasing time t. The average time required for the complete shift of 3H-activity from the heavy to the light DNA fraction was 2.76 hr. Taking this as the average replicating time and the size of DNA fragments in the present preparation as 1.3 × 107 daltons, the rate of replication was found to be 2.1 nucleotides per strand per replicon per sec. By taking the upper limit of the average replicating time as the S period (7.3 hr), various characteristics of the replicating units, such as the lower and upper limits of average size, the average replicating time, the average number of replicating units, etc., were calculated (see Table I).  相似文献   

T. M. Boyce  M. E. Zwick    C. F. Aquadro 《Genetics》1989,123(4):825-836
Mitochondrial DNA of higher animals has been described as an example of extreme efficiency in genome structure and function. Where exceptionally large size molecules have been found (greater than 20 kb), most have occurred as rare variants within a species, suggesting that these variants arise infrequently and do not persist for long periods in evolutionary time. In contrast, all individuals of at least three species of bark weevil (Curculionidae: Pissodes) possess a mitochondrial genome of unusually large size (30-36 kb). The molecule owes its large size to a dramatically enlarged A + T-rich region (9-13 kb). Gene content and order outside of this region appear to be identical to that found in Drosophila. A series of 0.8-2.0-kb repeated sequences occur adjacent to the large A + T rich region and have perhaps played a role in the generation of the large size as well as an unprecedented frequency of size variant heteroplasmy. Every weevil sampled in all three species (n = 219) exhibits anywhere from two to five distinct size classes of mtDNA. The persistence of this large amount of size polymorphism through two speciation events combined with the abundant size variation within individuals suggests that these molecules may not be subject to strong selection for small overall size and efficiency of replication. This pattern of variation contrasts strongly with the conservation of gene content and arrangement in the coding region of the molecule.  相似文献   

Mammalian mitochondria maintain a small circular genome that encodesRNA and polypeptides that are essential for the generation of ATP throughoxidative phosphorylation. The mechanism of replication of mammalianmitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has recently been a topic of controversy. Newevidence has led to a modified strand-displacement model that reconciles muchof the current data. This revision stems from a new appreciation for alternativelight-strand origins. We consider here some of the potential mechanisms forlight-strand origin initiation. We also consider further the susceptibility of branchmigration within replicating mtDNA molecules. The existence of alternative lightstrandorigins and a propensity for branch migration in replicating mtDNAmolecules exposes a new array of possible configurations of mtDNA. Theassortment and assignment of these forms is relevant to the interpretation ofexperimental data and may also yield insight into the molecular basis ofreplication errors.  相似文献   

Dark accumulation of chlorophyll was demonstrated in calluscells of Nicotiana glutinosa. The chlorophyll content of dark-growncallus cells was dependent on the agar concentration in theculture medium: the content was significantly higher at lowerconcentrations of agar. Some properties of the dark-formed chlorophyllare described. (Received June 25, 1983; Accepted December 2, 1983)  相似文献   

The electrophysiological properties of the membrane of Nicotianatabacum var. Sarnsun cultured cells were determined using amicroelectrode technique in standard medium containing 1 mMKC1, 1 mM NaCl and 1 mu CaCl2 at pH 7. Tobacco callus was derivedfrom the pith (Em=–104.4%16.2 mV). The membrane potentialsof the callus cells did not show a symmetrical Gaussian distributionbut were scattered over a wide range. The percentage of highmembrane potential cells increased as the subculture was continueduntil about 11 months and then decreased. The response of themembrane potential to electric stimulus, ionic composition,metabolic inhibitors, sugars and amino acids was characteristicof high (Em=–{small tilde}–160 220 mV; H-cells)and low (Em=–80{small tilde}–90 mV; L-cells) membranepotential cells. The membrane potential of H-cells was largelydepolarized by addition of CN, carbonium cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone,decyclohexylcarbodiimide, and triphenyltin chloride and transientlydepolarized by addition of glucose, galactose, mannose or sucrose,and D-alanine, L-alanine or Llysine, but the membrane potentialof L-cells was not. (Received December 3, 1982; Accepted March 16, 1983)  相似文献   

The photosynthetic characteristics of photoautotrophically culturedcells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN) as well asthose of photomixotrophically cultured cells and green leaveswere investigated. Analyses revealed that on a fresh weightbasis cultured tobacco cells had lower chlorophyll contentsthan cells of green leaves. The chlorophyll content per chloro-plast,however, was almost the same in both types of cell, and thechloroplast number per cell accounted for only small differencesin the cellular chlorophyll content. This indicates that thelarger cell volume of cultured cells is the main factor in thedifference in the chlorophyll content of these cells. Photosynthetic activity measurements also showed differencesin the chloroplasts of cultured and leaf cells. The maximumactivities of photosystem I and the Hill reaction for the culturedcells were about half those for leaf cells on a per unit chlorophyllbasis. Moreover, photo-autotrophic cells had relatively constantphotosystem I and Hill reaction activities during growth; whereas,on a fresh weight basis these activities in leaf cells reflecteddevelopmental changes in the chlorophyll content. Lithium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showedqualitatively similar thylakoid polypeptide compositions forcultured and leaf cells at all stages of growth even thoughthere were quantitative decreases in the contents of severalpolypeptides in the cultured green cells (especially in photomixotrophiccells) in comparison to the polypeptide contents of tobaccoleaves. We speculate that the lower photosynthetic activityof the cultured cells may be caused by this reduction in thecontents of certain thylakoid polypeptides. (Received November 14, 1988; Accepted June 19, 1989)  相似文献   

Membrane potential properties of photomixotrophically culturedgreen tobacco cells with chloroplasts were studied in comparisonwith white tobacco cells without chloroplasts. In the dark therewas almost no difference in their membrane potential properties.In the light some of the green cells showed a light-inducedpotential change (LPC), but other green cells did not, nor didthe white cells. Our results indicate that the green cells arecomposed of two kinds of cells, one that shows the LPC and onethat does not. (Received October 5, 1983; Accepted May 10, 1984)  相似文献   

Cells of tobacco pith parenchyma sometimes lose their requirement for an exogenous supply of a cell division factor usually supplied as the synthetic cytokinin, kinetin. This change in phenotype, known as cytokinin habituation, is inherited by individual cells and appears to result from epigenetic changes rather than from rare, random, genetic mutations. We have found that tissues from different regions of the tobacco plant exhibit different states of habituation in culture. Pith tissues, as reported earlier, are usually cytokinin requiring and rapidly shift to the habituated state in culture. Leaf tissues are very slightly habituated and require kinetin for optimal rates of growth. Tissues from the stem-cortex are initially habituated. Both the leaf and cortex phenotypes are inherited by individual cells and persist for many cell generations in culture. These results show that certain tissue-specific phenotypes persist in culture and provide evidence that a process akin to habituation leading to different stable states of cytokinin requirement occurs in normal development.  相似文献   

烟草愈伤组织的培养细胞中,当钙离子载体将Ca~(2 )导入细胞时,细胞质流停止.CaM拮抗剂试验表明,高钙使细胞质流停止的效应可能与CaM无关,除W7外的多种CaM拮抗剂都明显而且可逆地抑制细胞质流。酶联免疫吸附分析(ELISA)检出培养细胞中存在有CaM。间接酶标免疫组织化学分析进一步证明CaM存在于胞质条纹中。  相似文献   

Multiple lines of evidence support the notion that DNA ligase III (LIG3), the only DNA ligase found in mitochondria, is essential for viability in both whole organisms and in cultured cells. Previous attempts to generate cells devoid of mitochondrial DNA ligase failed. Here, we report, for the first time, the derivation of viable LIG3-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts. These cells lack mtDNA and are auxotrophic for uridine and pyruvate, which may explain the apparent lethality of the Lig3 knock-out observed in cultured cells in previous studies. Cells with severely reduced expression of LIG3 maintain normal mtDNA copy number and respiration but show reduced viability in the face of alkylating and oxidative damage, increased mtDNA degradation in response to oxidative damage, and slow recovery from mtDNA depletion. Our findings clarify the cellular role of LIG3 and establish that the loss of viability in LIG3-deficient cells is conditional and secondary to the ρ0 phenotype.  相似文献   

Ion Composition of Tobacco Cells Cultured under Sulfur Deficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In both photoheterotrophic and heterotrophic tobacco cells areduced supply of sulfate in the medium did not alter the ratebut the duration of exponential growth. The higher the sulfatesupply in the medium the longer exponential growth proceeded.However, the ion composition of photoheterotrophic and heterotrophiccells was affected by sulfur deficiency in completely differentways. The dynamics in the K+-, Na+-, Mg2*-, nitrate-, phosphate-,and malate-con-tents of photoheterotrophic cells during growthwere not at all, or only slightly changed, when the sulfatesupply in the medium was reduced from 1.8mM to 1.2 mM, 0.6 mM,or 0.3mM. In heterotrophic tobacco suspensions, however, severesulfur deficiency caused K+, Na+, Mg2+, and malate to accumulateand nitrate to begin to accumulate earlier inside the cells.Addition of sulfate after 4 days to heterotrophic suspensionsgrown under sulfur-limiting conditions prevented the accumulationof these cations and anions. During the initial period of growthalso phosphate accumulated inside heterotrophic tobacco cellsto amounts found to be the higher the smaller the sulfate-contentof the media. Apparently, in photoheterotrophic tobacco cellsthe ion composition can homeostatically be regulated independentfrom the cells' sulfate supply, whereas the ion compositionof heterotrophic tobacco cells appears to be highly dependenton the sulfate supply of the cells. 4Present address: Fraunhofer Institut für AtmosphärischeUmwéltforschung, Kreuzeckbahnstr. 19, D-8100 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, F.R.G. (Received August 30, 1988; Accepted January 18, 1989)  相似文献   

Radiation-Induced Breaks of DNA in Cultured Mammalian Cells   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Mouse leukemic cells (L5178Y) in suspension culture were irradiated and the extent of single-strand breaks and double-strand cuts of DNA was estimated by sucrose gradient centrifugation. The radiation produced 3.0 single-strand breaks per cell (G(1) stage) per rad and approximately 0.3 double-strand breaks per cell (G(1) stage) per rad.  相似文献   

A fraction of DNA, known to be replicating, was examined in the electron microscope. Characteristic branch points were identified as sites at which replication had been taking place. No localized strand separations, nor other structural alterations were discernible at these points.  相似文献   

Al toxicity in cultured tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Samsun; nonchlorophyllic cell line SL) has been investigated in nutrient medium. In this system, Al and Fe(II) (ferrous ion) in the medium synergistically result in the accumulation of both Al and Fe, the peroxidation of lipids, and eventually death in cells at the logarithmic phase of growth (+P cells). A lipophilic antioxidant, N,N[prime]-diphenyl-p-phenylenediamine, protected +P cells from the peroxidation of lipids and from cell death, suggesting that a relationship exists between the two. Compared with +P cells, cells that had been starved of Pi (-P cells) were more tolerant to Al, accumulated 30 to 40% less Al and 70 to 90% less Fe, and did not show any evidence of the peroxidation of lipids during Al treatment. These results suggest that -P cells exhibit Al tolerance because their plasma membranes are protected from the peroxidation of lipids caused by the combination of Al and Fe(II). It seems likely that the exclusion of Fe from -P cells might suppress directly Fe-mediated peroxidation of lipids. Furthermore, since -P cells accumulated [beta]-carotene, it is proposed that this carotenoid pigment might function as a radical-trapping antioxidant in the plasma membrane of cells starved of Pi.  相似文献   

The electron carrier effective in nitrite reduction in proplastidsof cultured tobacco cells has been purified by DEAE-celluloseand Sephadex G-100 chromatography. Its electron carrying activityin the nitrite reduction system with dithionite showed that355 nmol NO2 reduced mg–1 protein min–1.The electron carrier had absorption maxima at 419, 459 and 469nm, and the absorbance peak at 419 nm was decreased 56% on reduction.The reduced form of the electron carrier showed an electronparamagnetic resonance signal with g=1.93. Thus, this electroncarrier is a kind of ferredoxin. It did not, however, show electroncarrying activity in the NADP-photoreduction system of chloroplasts.Its molecular weight was calculated as 19,500 by Sephadex G-100chromatography. 1Present address: Second Department of Anatomy, Fukushima MedicalCollege, Sugitsuma-cho, Fukushima 960, Japan. (Received April 11, 1983; Accepted February 6, 1984)  相似文献   

Callus tissues were induced from stem and root segments of Rauwolfia serpentina. Growth and alkaloid production of the callus tissues were examined under various culture conditions. The growth was strikingly promoted in the presence of 2,4-D (0.5~1 ppm), kinetin (0.2~0.5 ppm) and yeast extract (0.1~0.2%). At favourable conditions, the growth value in 4 weeks’ culture was ca. 40 (F.W.), and ca. 25 (D.W.) for stem callus tissues, and ca. 15 (F.W.), and ca. 8 (D.W.) for root callus tissues. Stem and root callus tissues produced ajmaline and some other unidentified Rauwolfia alkaloids. The ajmaline content in root callus tissues was 10~20mg % and in stem callus tissues was 1~10mg %. The ajmaline production was strikingly reduced when 2,4-D concentration increased, or kinetin was omitted in the culture medium. Phytosterols including stigmasterol, β-sitosterol or cholesterol were also produced.  相似文献   

Changes in the contents of endogenous gibberellins (GAs) wereexamined in three kinds of cultured tobacco cells; a crown gallcell and two cultured cells derived from normal tissue of Nicotianatabacum. The relative amounts of the GAs were analyzed by systematicchromatographic purifications followed by GC-SIM. In all thecell lines examined, the content of GAj was the highest duringthe logarithmic phase of growth, indicating that GA1 has a physiologicalrole in the growth of dedifferentiated cells. 3 Present address: College of Agriculture, Chonnam NationalUniversity, Kwangju 500, Korea. (Received April 11, 1984; Accepted July 10, 1984)  相似文献   

Aluminum (Al) enhances ferrous ion [Fe(II)]-mediated peroxidationof lipids, which is lethal to normal tobacco cells, but notto phosphate (Pi)-starved cells ( –P cells). We foundthat tobacco cells accumulated phenylpropanoid compounds includingchlorogenic acid (CGA) and caffeic acid (CA) during Pi starvation.The accumulation was inhibited by 2-aminoindan-2-phosphonicacid (AIP), a specific inhibitor of L-phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL). CGA, CA and also an extract containing the phenylpropanoidcompounds from –P cells protected normal cells ( +P cells)efficiently from both lipid peroxidation and the loss of viabilitycaused by the combined application of Al and Fe(II), indicatingthat the phenylpropanoids acted as antioxidant molecules. –Pcells exhibited approximately 25-fold higher specific activityof PAL than +P cells. The content of the phenylpropanoids andthe activity of PAL were not affected by the combined treatmentwith Al and Fe(II) in either +P cells or –P cells. Theseresults suggest that an increase in PAL activity during Pi starvationenhances the accumulation of phenylpropanoids, and that thephenylpropanoids protect tobacco cells from cytotoxic lipidperoxidation caused by the combination of Al and Fe(II) 4CREST, Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST).  相似文献   

In somaclonal tissues obtained from systemically TMV-infected tobacco plants, a relation between changes of TMV amounts and the callus growth was examined. The culture medium was suitable for maintaining a constant concentration of TMV as well as active callus growth. By using the shake-culture method, somaclonal tissues were separated into two classes on the basis of callus sizes. In large callus tissues, TMV amounts were constant during subculturing but the tissues did not either grow or release the newly divided cells after the last subculture. On the other hand, smaller callus tissues grew markedly and the TMV amounts were conspicuously lowered. After shake-subculture of smaller tissues, they were successfully regenerated to plantlets. None of the plantlets expressed any mosaic symptoms, while plantlets from the original somaclones showed severe mosaic symptoms of TMV in leaflets. Thus, the present report describes the successful production of virus-free plantlets from infected somaclonal callus cultures.  相似文献   

Proteins Associated with Adaptation of Cultured Tobacco Cells to NaCl   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
Cultured tobacco cells (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Wisconsin 38) adapted to grow in medium containing high levels of NaCl or polyethylene glycol (PEG) produce several new or enhanced polypeptide bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The intensities of some of the polypeptide bands (molecular weights of 58, 37, 35.5, 34, 26, 21, 19.5, and 18 kilodaltons) increase with increasing levels of NaCl adaptation, while the intensities of other polypeptide bands (54, 52, 17.5, and 16.5 kilodaltons) are reduced. Enhanced levels of 43- and 26-kilodalton polypeptides are present in both NaCl and PEG-induced water stress adapted cells but are not detectable in unadapted cells. In addition, PEG adapted cells have enhanced levels of 29-, 17.5-, 16.5-, and 11-kilodalton polypeptides and reduced levels of 58-, 54-, 52-, 37-, 35.5-, 34-, 21-, 19.5-, and 18-kilodalton polypeptide bands.

Synthesis of 26-kilodalton polypeptide(s) occurs at two different periods during culture growth of NaCl adapted cells. Unadapted cells also incorporate 35S into a 26-kilodalton polypeptide during the later stage of culture growth beginning at midlog phase. The 26-kilodalton polypeptides from adapted and unadapted cells have similar partial proteolysis peptide maps and are immunologically cross-reactive. During adaptation to NaCl, unadapted cells synthesize and accumulate a major 26-kilodalton polypeptide, and the beginning of synthesis corresponds to the period of osmotic adjustment and culture growth. From our results, we suggest an involvement of the 26-kilodalton polypeptide in the adaptation of cultured tobacco cells to NaCl and water stress.


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