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GCAP1 rescues rod photoreceptor response in GCAP1/GCAP2 knockout mice   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Visual transduction in retinal photoreceptors operates through a dynamic interplay of two second messengers, Ca(2+) and cGMP. Ca(2+) regulates the activity of guanylate cyclase (GC) and the synthesis of cGMP by acting on a GC-activating protein (GCAP). While this action is critical for rapid termination of the light response, the GCAP responsible has not been identified. To test if GCAP1, one of two GCAPs present in mouse rods, supports the generation of normal flash responses, transgenic mice were generated that express only GCAP1 under the control of the endogenous promoter. Paired flash responses revealed a correlation between the degree of recovery of the rod a-wave and expression levels of GCAP1. In single cell recordings, the majority of the rods generated flash responses that were indistinguishable from wild type. These results demonstrate that GCAP1 at near normal levels supports the generation of wild-type flash responses in the absence of GCAP2.  相似文献   

The single photon response (SPR) in vertebrate phototransduction is regulated by the dynamics of R* during its lifetime, including the random number of phosphorylations, the catalytic activity and the random sojourn time at each phosphorylation level. Because of this randomness the electrical responses are expected to be inherently variable. However the SPR is highly reproducible. The mechanisms that confer to the SPR such a low variability are not completely understood. The kinetics of rhodopsin deactivation is investigated by a Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) based on the biochemistry of rhodopsin activation and deactivation, interfaced with a spatio-temporal model of phototransduction. The model parameters are extracted from the photoresponse data of both wild type and mutant mice, having variable numbers of phosphorylation sites and, with the same set of parameters, the model reproduces both WT and mutant responses. The sources of variability are dissected into its components, by asking whether a random number of turnoff steps, a random sojourn time between steps, or both, give rise to the known variability. The model shows that only the randomness of the sojourn times in each of the phosphorylated states contributes to the Coefficient of Variation (CV) of the response, whereas the randomness of the number of R* turnoff steps has a negligible effect. These results counter the view that the larger the number of decay steps of R*, the more stable the photoresponse is. Our results indicate that R* shutoff is responsible for the variability of the photoresponse, while the diffusion of the second messengers acts as a variability suppressor.  相似文献   

MAPK activity is important during mitosis for spindle assembly and maintenance of the spindle checkpoint arrest. We previously identified B-Raf as a critical activator of the MAPK cascade during mitosis in Xenopus egg extracts and showed that B-Raf activation is regulated in an M-phase-dependent manner. The mechanism that mediates B-Raf activation at mitosis has not been elucidated. Interestingly, activation of 95-kDa B-Raf at mitosis does not require phosphorylation of Thr-599 and Ser-602 residues (Thr-633 and Ser-636 in Xenopus B-Raf), previously shown to be essential for B-Raf activation by Ras. Instead, we provide evidence for Cdk1/cyclin B in mediating mitotic activation of B-Raf. In particular, Cdk1/cyclin B complexes associate with B-Raf at mitosis in Xenopus egg extracts and contribute to its phosphorylation. Mutagenesis and in vitro kinase assays demonstrated that Cdk1/cyclin B directly phosphorylates B-Raf at Serine-144, which is part of a conserved Cdk1 preferential consensus site (S(144)PQK). Importantly, phosphorylation of Ser-144 is absolutely required for mitotic activation of B-Raf and subsequent activation of the MAPK cascade. However, substitution of a phospho-mimicking amino acid at Ser-144 failed to produce a constitutive active B-Raf indicating that, in addition of Ser-144 phosphorylation, other regulatory events may be needed to activate B-Raf at mitosis. Taken together, our data reveal a novel cell cycle mechanism for activating the B-Raf/MEK/MAPK cascade.  相似文献   

Disruption of the Pex2 gene leads to peroxisome deficiency and widespread metabolic dysfunction. We previously demonstrated that peroxisomes are critical for maintaining cholesterol homeostasis, using peroxisome-deficient Pex2(-/-) mice on a hybrid Swiss Webster×129S6/SvEv (SW/129) genetic background. Peroxisome deficiency activates hepatic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress pathways, leading to dysregulation of the endogenous sterol response mechanism. Herein, we demonstrate a more profound dysregulation of cholesterol homeostasis in newborn Pex2(-/-) mice congenic on a 129S6/SvEv (129) genetic background, and substantial differences between newborn versus postnatal Pex2(-/-) mice in factors that activate ER stress. These differences extend to relationships between activation of genes regulated by SREBP-2 versus PPARα. The SREBP-2 pathway is induced in neonatal Pex2(-/-) livers from 129 and SW/129 strains, despite normal hepatic cholesterol levels. ER stress markers are increased in newborn 129 Pex2(-/-) livers, which occurs in the absence of hepatic steatosis or accumulation of peroxins in the ER. Moreover, the induction of SREBP-2 and ER stress pathways is independent of PPARα activation in livers of newborn 129 and SW/129 Pex2(-/-) mice. Two-week-old wild-type mice treated with the peroxisome proliferator WY-14,643 show strong induction of PPARα-regulated genes and decreased expression of SREBP-2 and its target genes, further demonstrating that SREBP-2 pathway induction is not dependent on PPARα activation. Lastly, there is no activation of either SREBP-2 or ER stress pathways in kidney and lung of newborn Pex2(-/-) mice, suggesting a parallel induction of these pathways in peroxisome-deficient mice. These findings establish novel associations between SREBP-2, ER stress and PPARα pathway inductions.  相似文献   

A central event in humoral responses is the Ag-mediated interaction of Th cells and B cells. This interaction leads to the activation of both cell types and results in cytokine secretion by the T cells and proliferation and secretion of Ig by the B cells. The proliferative and differentiative responses of B cells are dependent on contact-mediated signals and cytokines provided by the activated Th cells. Although the role of cytokines in B cell activation and differentiation is understood, the nature of the signals delivered by the activated Th cells and the molecules involved in this process are not known. In this study we have examined Ag-mediated "cognate" T-B cell interactions as well as B cell activation induced by contact with preactivated and fixed Th lymphocytes. Our results indicate that both the T cell surface molecules lymphocyte function associated Ag-1 and CD2 are important in the activation of T cells by Ag presented by B lymphocytes. This indicates that B cells have similar characteristics as other APC. However, once the T cells are activated, contact-mediated stimulation of resting B lymphocytes (the noncognate phase) is dependent on CD2 but not lymphocyte function associated Ag-1. Two lines of evidence indicate this; first, it is inhibited by blocking of CD2 on the T cells and, second, such stimulation is not efficiently mediated by a CD2- Th cell line. Thus, CD2 plays an obligatory role at several discrete stages of T cell-mediated activation of resting B lymphocytes.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to integrate the knowledge on the role of hormones and guanyl nucleotides in regulating adenylate cyclase into a single molecular model. It is suggested that the hormone catalyzes the activation of the enzyme adenylate cyclase by facilitating the conversion of the enzyme from its inactive state to its active form. The hormone is also responsible for the termination of the signal namely the deactivation of the enzyme by inducing the hydrolysis of GTP at its regulatory site. The relative rates of these two processes determine the steady state concentration of the active form of the enzyme. The model also explains the difference in behaviour between GTP and its non-hydrolyzable analogs GppNHp and GTPγS.  相似文献   

We investigated the kinetics and sensitivity of photocurrent responses of salamander rods, both in darkness and during adaptation to steady backgrounds producing 20-3,000 photoisomerizations per second, using suction pipet recordings. The most intense backgrounds suppressed 80% of the circulating dark current and decreased the flash sensitivity approximately 30-fold. To investigate the underlying transduction mechanism, we expressed the responses as a fraction of the steady level of cGMP-activated current recorded in the background. The fractional responses to flashes of any fixed intensity began rising along a common trajectory, regardless of background intensity. We interpret these invariant initial trajectories to indicate that, at these background intensities, light adaptation does not alter the gain of any of the amplifying steps of phototransduction. For subsaturating flashes of fixed intensity, the fractional responses obtained on backgrounds of different intensity were found to "peel off" from their common initial trajectory in a background-dependent manner: the more intense the background, the earlier the time of peeling off. This behavior is consistent with a background-induced reduction in the effective lifetime of at least one of the three major integrating steps in phototransduction; i.e., an acceleration of one or more of the following: (1) the inactivation of activated rhodopsin (R*); (2) the inactivation of activated phosphodiesterase (E*, representing the complex G(alpha)-PDE of phosphodiesterase with the transducin alpha-subunit); or (3) the hydrolysis of cGMP, with rate constant beta. Our measurements show that, over the range of background intensities we used, beta increased on average to approximately 20 times its dark-adapted value; and our theoretical analysis indicates that this increase in beta is the primary mechanism underlying the measured shortening of time-to-peak of the dim-flash response and the decrease in sensitivity of the fractional response.  相似文献   

Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) was found to enhance the growth and differentiation of human B lymphocytes. By using highly purified preparations of human tonsillar B cells, the effects of ACTH on the growth and differentiation of in vitro activated B cells were examined. Optimal concentrations of ACTH were found to increase the proliferation of activated B cells by twofold to threefold when ACTH was present in culture with either a B cell growth factor or recombinant interleukin 2 (IL 2). ACTH had essentially no effects when added to cultures of activated B cells in the absence of the growth factor. Additionally, when ACTH was added in conjunction with an optimal concentration of either a B cell differentiation factor or IL 2 to cultures of activated B cells, the combination of ACTH and factor enhanced Ig secretion by twofold compared with the factor alone. In the absence of the differentiative signal, ACTH had minimal effects on Ig production. Only the first 24 amino acid fragments of ACTH were required to enhance B cell growth and differentiation when combined with the appropriate, more classical signals. Thus, ACTH may have a physiologic role in regulating human B cell function.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin has been used as a tool to study the effects of cAMP on the activation of B cells but may have effects independent of its ability to elevate cAMP. We found five lines of evidence which suggested that cholera toxin suppressed mitogen-stimulated B cell activation through a cAMP-independent pathway. 1) Cholera toxin (1 microgram/ml) was consistently more suppressive than forskolin (100 microM) despite the induction of higher intracellular cAMP levels by forskolin. 2) Cholera toxin was more suppressive at 1 microgram/ml than at 0.1 microgram/ml despite equivalent elevations of cAMP. 3) Washing B cells following their incubation with cholera toxin reversed much of the inhibition without altering intracellular cAMP levels. 4) The A subunit of cholera toxin, which at high concentrations (10 micrograms/ml) induced levels of cAMP comparable to those induced by cholera toxin (1 and 0.1 microgram/ml), did not inhibit B cell activation. 5) cAMP derivatives at high concentrations were much less effective than was cholera toxin in suppressing B cell activation. Although the elevation of cAMP may cause a mild inhibition of B cell proliferation, we found that even a marked elevation of cAMP did not suppress B cell proliferation, unless the elevation was persistent. We did, however, observe that the degree of toxin inhibition more closely paralleled binding of the toxin to B cells than toxin stimulation of cAMP. This result raised the possibility that binding of cholera toxin to its ganglioside GM1 receptor mediated an inhibitory signal which suppressed B cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Calmodulin antagonists inhibited hormone-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in both cultured cells and cell lysates of mouse B16 melanoma. Particulate preparations of B16 melanoma contained 34-45% of total cell calmodulin, which could not be dissociated by extensive washing irrespective of the presence of EGTA in the buffer. The adenylate cyclase activity in such preparations was unaffected by the addition of exogenous calmodulin. However, the rare-earth-metal ion La3+, which can mimic or replace Ca2+ in many systems, produced an immediate inhibition of agonist-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and preincubation of particulate preparations was La3+ followed by washing with La3+-free buffer dissociated calmodulin (96% loss) from particulate preparations. The loss of calmodulin from particulate preparations was associated with a decrease in agonist responsiveness (74%) and a marked change in the Ca2+-sensitivity of the enzyme, low concentrations of calcium (approx. 10 nM) now failing to stimulate enzyme activity, high concentrations of calcium (greater than or equal to 100 nM) producing greater-than-normal inhibition of enzyme activity. Direct activation of adenylate cyclase by the addition of pure calmodulin was now demonstrable in such calmodulin-depleted particulate preparations. Half-maximal stimulation of agonist-responsive adenylate cyclase occurred at 80 nM-calmodulin in the presence of 10 microM free Ca2+. Maximal stimulation by calmodulin (at 300-600 nM) restored enzyme activity to 89 +/- 5% (mean +/- S.E.M., n = 7) of the activity in untreated, calmodulin-intact, preparations.  相似文献   

The Lyb-2 system of the mouse is involved in regulation of a proliferative step in the differentiation of B cells responding to T-dependent antigen. The present study concerns the role of Lyb-2 in an early phase of B cell activation with respect to B cell receptor functions for activation factors. It is shown that interaction of monoclonal anti (alpha)-Lyb-2 antibody with Lyb-2 on the B cell surface induces B cell proliferation by synergistic action with B cell growth factor II-containing factor or interleukin 1. In contrast, alpha-Lyb-2 antibody could not synergize with the Con A-induced culture supernatant of T cell hybridoma FS6-14.13 (FS6) containing B cell stimulatory factor-1 (BSF-1; formerly called BCGF I), and the effect of combining the two was only additive on B cell proliferation. Absorption studies showed that BSF-1 in FS6 could be absorbed by unstimulated B cells, about 95% of which were at Go phase of the cell cycle, but not by thymocytes, and more importantly that alpha-Lyb-2 antibody blocked the absorption in an Lyb-2-specific manner, possibly by competing with BSF-1. It is thus likely that alpha-Lyb-2 antibody may interact with a BSF-1 receptor on B cells or a molecule closely associated with it. Interestingly, alpha-Lyb-2 antibody mimicked the action of BSF-1 in a costimulator assay with affinity-purified goat alpha-mouse IgM antibody, but could not replace all the activities ascribed to BSF-1. Possible mechanisms involved are discussed.  相似文献   

The ZnTs are a growing family of proteins involved in lowering or sequestration of cellular zinc. Using fluorescent measurements of zinc transport we have addressed the mechanism of action of the most ubiquitously expressed member of this family, ZnT-1. This protein has been shown to lower levels of intracellular zinc though the mechanism has remained elusive. The rate of zinc efflux in HEK293 cells expressing ZnT-1 was not accelerated in comparison to control cells, suggesting that ZnT-1 may be involved in regulating influx rather than efflux of zinc. Co-expression of the L-type calcium channel, a major route for zinc influx, and ZnT-1 resulted in a 3-fold reduction in the rate of zinc influx in HEK293 and PC-12 cells, indicating that ZnT-1 modulates zinc permeation through this channel. Immunoblot analysis indicates that ZnT-1 expression does not modulate LTCC expression. Our findings therefore indicate that ZnT-1 modulates the permeation of cations through LTCC, thereby, regulating cation homeostasis through this pathway. Furthermore, ZnT-1 may play a role in cellular ion homeostasis and thereby confer protection against pathophysiological events linked to cellular Ca(2+) or Zn(2+) permeation and cell death.  相似文献   

Cell-cycle transition at G2-M is controlled by MPF (M-phase-promoting factor), a complex consisting of the Cdc2 kinase and a B-type cyclin. We have shown that in mice, targeted disruption of an A-type cyclin gene, cyclin A1, results in a block of spermatogenesis prior to the entry into metaphase I. The meiotic arrest is accompanied by a defect in Cdc2 kinase activation at the G2--M transition, raising the possibility that a cyclin A1-dependent process dictates the activation of MPF. Here we show that like Cdc2, the expression of B-type cyclins is retained in cyclin A1-deficient spermatocytes, while their associated kinases are kept at inactive states. Treatment of arrested germ cells with the protein phosphatase type-1 and -2A inhibitor okadaic acid restores the MPF activity and induces entry into M phase and the formation of normally condensed chromosome bivalents, concomitant with hyperphosphorylation of Cdc25 proteins. Conversely, inhibition of tyrosine phosphatases, including Cdc25s, by vanadate suppresses the okadaic acid-induced metaphase induction. The highest levels of Cdc25A and Cdc25C expression and their subcellular localization during meiotic prophase coincide with that of cyclin A1, and when overexpressed in HeLa cells, cyclin A1 coimmunoprecipitates with Cdc25A. Furthermore, the protein kinase complexes consisting of cyclin A1 and either Cdc2 or Cdk2 phosphorylate both Cdc25A and Cdc25C in vitro. These results suggest that in normal meiotic male germ cells, cyclin A1 participates in the regulation of other protein kinases or phosphatases critical for the G2-M transition. In particular, it may be directly involved in the initial amplification of MPF through the activating phosphorylation on Cdc25 phosphatases.  相似文献   

Rat liver plasma membranes were incubated with phospholipase A2 (purified from snake venom) or with filipin, a polyene antibiotic, followed by analysis of the binding of glucagon to receptors, effects of GTP on the glucagon-receptor complex, and the activity and responses of adenylate cyclase to glucagon + GTP, GTP, Gpp(NH)p, and F-. Phospholipase A2 treatment resulted in concomitant lossess of glucagon binding and of activation of cyclase by glucagon + GTP. Greater than 85% of maximal hydrolysis of membrane phospholipids was required before significant effects of phospholipase A2 on receptor binding and activity response to glucagon were observed. The stimulatory effects of Gpp(NH)p or F- remained essentially unaffected even at maximal hydrolysis of phospholipids, whereas the stimulatory effect of GTP was reduced. Detailed analysis of receptor binding indicates that phospholipase A2 treatment affected the affinity but not the number of glucagon receptors. The receptors remain sensitive to the effects of GTP on hormone binding. Filipin also caused marked reduction in activation by glucagon + GTP. However, in contrast to phospholipase A2 treatment, the binding of glucagon to receptors was unaffected. The effect of GTP on the binding process was also not affected. The most sensitive parameter of activity altered by filipin was stimulation by GTP or Gpp(NH)p; basal and fluoride-stimulated activities were least affected. It is concluded from these findings that phospholipase A2 and filipin, as was previously shown with phospholipase C, are valuable tools for differentially affecting the components involved in hormone, guanyl nucleotide, and fluoride action on hepatic adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate kinases (NDPKs) are encoded by the Nme (non-metastatic cell) gene family. Although they comprise a family of 10 genes, NDPK-A and -B are ubiquitously expressed and account for most of the NDPK activity. We previously showed that NDPK-B activates the K(+) channel KCa3.1 via histidine phosphorylation of the C terminus of KCa3.1, which is required for T cell receptor-stimulated Ca(2+) flux and proliferation of activated naive human CD4 T cells. We now report the phenotype of NDPK-B(-/-) mice. NDPK-B(-/-) mice are phenotypically normal at birth with a normal life span. Although T and B cell development is normal in NDPK-B(-/-) mice, KCa3.1 channel activity and cytokine production are markedly defective in T helper 1 (Th1) and Th2 cells, whereas Th17 function is normal. These findings phenocopy studies in the same cells isolated from KCa3.1(-/-) mice and thereby support genetically that NDPK-B functions upstream of KCa3.1. NDPK-A and -B have been linked to an astonishing array of disparate cellular and biochemical functions, few of which have been confirmed in vivo in physiological relevant systems. NDPK-B(-/-) mice will be an essential tool with which to definitively address the biological functions of NDPK-B. Our finding that NDPK-B is required for activation of Th1 and Th2 CD4 T cells, together with the normal overall phenotype of NDPK-B(-/-) mice, suggests that specific pharmacological inhibitors of NDPK-B may provide new opportunities to treat Th1- and Th2-mediated autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding protein Rap1B is activated in human platelets upon stimulation of a G(i)-dependent signaling pathway. In this work, we found that inhibition of platelet adenylyl cyclase by dideoxyadenosine or SQ22536 did not cause activation of Rap1B and did not restore Rap1B activation in platelets stimulated by cross-linking of Fcgamma receptor IIA (FcgammaRIIA) in the presence of ADP scavengers. Moreover, elevation of the intracellular cAMP concentration did not impair the G(i)-dependent activation of Rap1B. Two unrelated inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K), wortmannin and LY294002, totally prevented Rap1B activation in platelets stimulated by cross-linking of FcgammaRIIA, by stimulation of the P2Y(12) receptor for ADP, or by epinephrine. However, in platelets from PI3Kgamma-deficient mice, both ADP and epinephrine were still able to normally stimulate Rap1B activation through a PI3K-dependent mechanism, suggesting the involvement of a different isoform of the enzyme. Moreover, the lack of PI3Kgamma did not prevent the ability of epinephrine to potentiate platelet aggregation through a G(i)-dependent pathway. The inhibitory effect of wortmannin on Rap1B activation was overcome by addition of phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3)), but not PtdIns(3,4)P(2), although both lipids were found to support phosphorylation of Akt. Moreover, PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) was able to relieve the inhibitory effect of apyrase on FcgammaRIIA-mediated platelet aggregation. We conclude that stimulation of a G(i)-dependent signaling pathway causes activation of the small GTPase Rap1B through the action of the PI3K product PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3), but not PtdIns(3,4)P(2), and that this process may contribute to potentiation of platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

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