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The regional variability of sediment bacterial community composition and diversity was studied by comparative analysis of four large 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone libraries from sediments in different regions of the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Thermaikos Gulf, Cretan Sea, and South lonian Sea). Amplified rDNA restriction analysis of 664 clones from the libraries indicate that the rDNA richness and evenness was high: for example, a near-1:1 relationship among screened clones and number of unique restriction patterns when up to 190 clones were screened for each library. Phylogenetic analysis of 207 bacterial 16S rDNA sequences from the sediment libraries demonstrated that Gamma-, Delta-, and Alphaproteobacteria, Holophaga/Acidobacteria, Planctomycetales, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Verrucomicrobia were represented in all four libraries. A few clones also grouped with the Betaproteobacteria, Nitrospirae, Spirochaetales, Chlamydiae, Firmicutes, and candidate division OPl 1. The abundance of sequences affiliated with Gammaproteobacteria was higher in libraries from shallow sediments in the Thermaikos Gulf (30 m) and the Cretan Sea (100 m) compared to the deeper South Ionian station (2790 m). Most sequences in the four sediment libraries clustered with uncultured 16S rDNA phylotypes from marine habitats, and many of the closest matches were clones from hydrocarbon seeps, benzene-mineralizing consortia, sulfate reducers, sulk oxidizers, and ammonia oxidizers. LIBSHUFF statistics of 16S rDNA gene sequences from the four libraries revealed major differences, indicating either a very high richness in the sediment bacterial communities or considerable variability in bacterial community composition among regions, or both.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic survey of sea-ice microbial communities (SIMCO)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
16S rDNA clone library analysis was used to identify bacterial biodiversity in a variety of sea-ice microbial communities (SIMCO). DNA was extracted from seven Antarctic sea-ice samples and one Arctic sea-ice sample and 16S rDNA PCR-amplified using universal and Archaea-specific primers. Recombinant 16S rDNA clones were obtained and dereplicated using restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis (RFLP). After RFLP analysis, 100 distinct phylotypes (a unique clone or group of clones with sequence similarity of >0.98) were defined. From the clone libraries 16S rDNA sequences of bacterial and eukaryotic origin were detected, however Archaea were not detected either with universal or Archaea-specific 16S rDNA primer sets. Bacterial phylotypes grouped within the alpha and gamma proteobacteria, the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides division, the Gram-Positive bacteria and the orders Chlamydiales and Verrucomicrobiales. The majority of bacterial phylotypes were affiliated with heterotrophic taxa and many grouped closely with cultivated genera and species. Eukaryotic clones were affiliated with a variety of autotrophic and heterotrophic nanoplankton and included a large number of chloroplast 16S rDNA genes. The findings of this investigation corroborated culture data indicating bacterial biodiversity increased in SIMCO displaying high levels of primary production, however the bacterial communities within SIMCO were highly heterogeneous at the genus/species-level between different samples. A comparison of Antarctic and Arctic SIMCO revealed certain sea-ice dwelling bacterial genera are common at both poles.  相似文献   

Archaeal 16S rRNA gene clone libraries using PCR amplicons from eight different layers of the MD06-3051 core were obtained from the tropical Western Pacific sediments. A total of 768 clones were randomly selected, and 264 representative clones were sequenced by restriction fragment length polymorphism. Finally, 719 valid clones and 104 operational taxonomic units were identified after chimera-check and ≥97% similarity analysis. The phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA sequences obtained from sediment samples were very diverse and showed stratification with depth. Majority of the members were most closely related to uncultivated groups and physiologically uncharacterized assemblages. All phylotypes were affiliated with Crenarchaeota (76%) and Euryarchaeota (24%), respectively. Deep-sea archaeal group (DSAG, 41% of total clones) and miscellaneous crenarchaeotic group (MCG, 29% of total clones) belonging to Crenarchaeota were the most predominant archaeal 16S rDNA phylotypes in clone libraries. Phylotypes in this study shared high similarity with those in subsurface sediments from Peru Margin sites, which indicated that different geographical zones might host similar members of archaeal populations based on similar sedimentary environments. In our study, members of DSAG and MCG seemed to dominate certain layers of the nonhydrate sediments, suggesting a wide ecophysiological adaptation than previously appreciated. The spatial distribution and community structure of these groups might vary with the different geochemical gradients of the environment.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in organically-enriched fish farm sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The bacterial diversity and community structure within both organically enriched and adjacent, unimpacted, near-shore marine sediments at two fish farms in southern Tasmania, Australia, was examined using 16S rRNA gene clone library construction and analysis. Sediments at both caged and reference sites at both farms showed a very high level of microbial diversity. Over 900 clones were analysed and grouped into 631 unique phylotypes. Reference sites were dominated by Delta- and Gammaproteobacteria and the Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides group. Cage site sediments were also dominated by these phylotypes, as well as members of the Alpha- and Epsilonproteobacteria. Diversity and coverage indices indicated that the actual diversity of the sediments was much greater than that detected, despite a large sampling effort. All libraries were shown to be statistically different from one another (P < 0.05). Many phylotypes did not group with cultured bacteria, but grouped with other environmental clones from a wide array of marine benthic environments. Diversity and evenness indices suggested that although both parameters changed after farming, diverse communities were present in all sediments. The response of the microbial community to organic load suggested that random, rather than predictable, succession events determine community composition and diversity, and that sediment type may influence bacterial community and sediment response to organic perturbation.  相似文献   

16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone library analysis was conducted to assess prokaryotic diversity and community structural changes within a surficial sediment core obtained from an Antarctic continental shelf area (depth, 761 m) within the Mertz Glacier Polynya (MGP) region. Libraries were created from three separate horizons of the core (0- to 0.4-cm, 1.5- to 2.5-cm, and 20- to 21-cm depth positions). The results indicated that at the oxic sediment surface (depth, 0 to 0.4 cm) the microbial community appeared to be dominated by a small subset of potentially r-strategist (fast-growing, opportunistic) species, resulting in a lower-than-expected species richness of 442 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). At a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 cm, the species richness (1,128 OTUs) was much higher, with the community dominated by numerous gamma and delta proteobacterial phylotypes. At a depth of 20 to 21 cm, a clear decline in species richness (541 OTUs) occurred, accompanied by a larger number of more phylogenetically divergent phylotypes and a decline in the predominance of Proteobacteria. Based on rRNA and clonal abundance as well as sequence comparisons, syntrophic cycling of oxidized and reduced sulfur compounds appeared to be the dominant process in surficial MGP sediment, as phylotype groups putatively linked to these processes made up a large proportion of clones throughout the core. Between 18 and 65% of 16S rDNA phylotypes detected in a wide range of coastal and open ocean sediments possessed high levels of sequence similarity (>95%) with the MGP sediment phylotypes, indicating that many sediment prokaryote phylotype groups defined in this study are ubiquitous in marine sediment.  相似文献   

The human gut microbiota from three healthy subjects were compared by the use of a sequence analysis of 16S rDNA libraries and a culture-based method. Direct counts ranged from 1.9 X 10" to 4.0 X 10" cells/g (wet weight), and plate counts totaled 6.6 X 10(10) to 1.2 X 10(11) CFU/g (wet weight). Sixty to seventy percent of the bacteria in the human intestinal tract cannot be cultured with currently available methods. The 16S rDNA libraries from three subjects were generated from total community DNA in the intestinal tract with universal primer sets. Randomly selected clones were partially sequenced. All purified colonies detected from the surface of the agar plate were used for a partial sequencing of 16S rDNA. On the basis of sequence similarities, the clones and colonies were classified into several clusters corresponding to the major phylum of the domain Bacteria. Among a total of 744 clones obtained, approximately 25% of them belonged to 31 known species. About 75% of the remaining clones were novel "phylotypes" (at least 98% similarity of clone sequence). The predominant intestinal microbial community consisted of 130 species or phylotypes according to the sequence data in this study. The 16S rDNA libraries and colonies included the Bacteroides group, Streptococcus group, Bifidobacterium group, and Clostridium rRNA clusters IV, IX, XIVa, and XVIII. Moreover, several previously uncharacterized and uncultured microorganisms were recognized in clone libraries and colonies. Our results also showed marked individual differences in the composition of intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   

16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone library analysis was conducted to assess prokaryotic diversity and community structural changes within a surficial sediment core obtained from an Antarctic continental shelf area (depth, 761 m) within the Mertz Glacier Polynya (MGP) region. Libraries were created from three separate horizons of the core (0- to 0.4-cm, 1.5- to 2.5-cm, and 20- to 21-cm depth positions). The results indicated that at the oxic sediment surface (depth, 0 to 0.4 cm) the microbial community appeared to be dominated by a small subset of potentially r-strategist (fast-growing, opportunistic) species, resulting in a lower-than-expected species richness of 442 operational taxonomic units (OTUs). At a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 cm, the species richness (1,128 OTUs) was much higher, with the community dominated by numerous gamma and delta proteobacterial phylotypes. At a depth of 20 to 21 cm, a clear decline in species richness (541 OTUs) occurred, accompanied by a larger number of more phylogenetically divergent phylotypes and a decline in the predominance of Proteobacteria. Based on rRNA and clonal abundance as well as sequence comparisons, syntrophic cycling of oxidized and reduced sulfur compounds appeared to be the dominant process in surficial MGP sediment, as phylotype groups putatively linked to these processes made up a large proportion of clones throughout the core. Between 18 and 65% of 16S rDNA phylotypes detected in a wide range of coastal and open ocean sediments possessed high levels of sequence similarity (>95%) with the MGP sediment phylotypes, indicating that many sediment prokaryote phylotype groups defined in this study are ubiquitous in marine sediment.  相似文献   

The bacterial diversity in different layers of sediment of the eutrophic Guanting Reservoir (China) was investigated using molecular ecological techniques. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified 16S rDNA showed presence of different bacterial communities across depths of sediments. The trend was consistent with sedimentological layers as characterized by physical and chemical parameters. Sediments were sampled at the 4–6, 34–36, and 69–72 cm depths to represent upper, middle and lower layers and used to construct three 16S rDNA clone libraries. Out of a total of 760 positive clones obtained from the three sediment layers, 148 rDNA types were identified by amplified 16S rDNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and grouped into 42 clusters or single lineages at the similarity of 70%. We used 16S rDNA sequencing to classify 60 clones representing different ARDRA clusters into nine phyla: Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospirae, Proteobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. The diversity and distribution of rDNA types across depths were much different from the chemical profile of the sediment and pollution history of the reservoir.  相似文献   

Marine subsurface sediments represent a novel archaeal biosphere with unknown physiology. To get to know the composition and ecological roles of the archaeal communities within the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China, the diversity and vertical distribution of active archaea in a sediment core were characterized by 16S rRNA phylogenetic analysis of clone libraries derived from RNA. In this study, the archaeal diversity above, within, and beneath the sulfate-methane transition zone (SMTZ) in the Pearl River Estuary sediment core was described. The majority of the clones obtained from the metabolically active fraction of the archaeal community were most closely related to miscellaneous crenarchaeotal group and terrestrial miscellaneous euryarchaeotal group. Notably, although the Pearl River Estuary sediment belong to high methane and high organic carbon environment, sequences affiliated with methanotrophic and methanogenic archaea were detected as minor group in 16S rRNA clone libraries. No obvious evidence suggested that these unknown archaeal phylotypes related directly to anaerobic oxidation of methane in SMTZ. This is the first phylogenetic analysis of the metabolically active fraction of the archaeal community in the coastal sediment environments.  相似文献   

Fecal microbiota in six elderly individuals were characterized by the 16S rDNA libraries and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis. Random clones of 16S rRNA gene sequences were isolated after PCR amplification with universal primer sets from total genomic DNA extracted from feces of three elderly individuals. These clones were partially sequenced (about 500 bp). T-RFLP analysis was performed using 16S rDNA amplified from six subjects. The lengths of the terminal restriction fragment (T-RF) were analyzed after digestion by HhaI and MspI. Among 240 clones obtained, approximately 46% belonged to 27 known species. About 54% of the other clones were 56 novel "phylotypes" (at least 98% homology of clone sequence). These libraries included 83 species or phylotypes. In addition, about 13% (30 phylotypes) of these phylotypes were newly discovered in these libraries. A large number of species that are not yet known exist in the feces of elderly individuals. 16S rDNA libraries and T-RFLP analysis revealed that the majority of bacteria were Bacteroides and relatives, Clostridium rRNA cluster IV, IX, Clostridium rRNA subcluster XIVa, and "Gammaproteobacteria". The proportion of Clostridium rRNA subcluster XIVa was lower than in healthy adults. In addition, although Ruminococcus obeum and its closely related phylotypes were detected in high frequency in healthy young subjects, hardly any were detected in our elderly individuals. "Gammaproteobacteria" were detected at high frequency.  相似文献   

High bacterial diversity in permanently cold marine sediments.   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
A 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone library from permanently cold marine sediments was established. Screening 353 clones by dot blot hybridization with group-specific oligonucleotide probes suggested a predominance of sequences related to bacteria of the sulfur cycle (43.4% potential sulfate reducers). Within this fraction, the major cluster (19.0%) was affiliated with Desulfotalea sp. and other closely related psychrophilic sulfate reducers isolated from the same habitat. The cloned sequences showed between 93 and 100% similarity to these bacteria. Two additional groups were frequently encountered: 13% of the clones were related to Desulfuromonas palmitatis, and a second group was affiliated with Myxobacteria spp. and Bdellovibrio spp. Many clones (18.1%) belonged to the gamma subclass of the class Proteobacteria and were closest to symbiotic or free-living sulfur oxidizers. Probe target groups were further characterized by amplified rDNA restriction analysis to determine diversity within the groups and within the clone library. Rarefaction analysis suggested that the total diversity assessed by 16S rDNA analysis was very high in these permanently cold sediments and was only partially revealed by screening of 353 clones.  相似文献   

Fecal microbial diversity in a strictly vegetarian woman was determined by the 16S rDNA library method, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis and a culture-based method. The 16S rDNA library was generated from extracted fecal DNA, using bacteria-specific primers. Randomly selected clones were partially sequenced. T-RFLP analysis was performed using amplified 16S rDNA. The lengths of T-RF were analyzed after digestion by HhaI and MspI. The cultivated bacterial isolates were used for partial sequencing of 16S rDNA. Among 183 clones obtained, approximately 29% of the clones belonged to 13 known species. About 71% of the remaining clones were novel "phylotypes" (at least 98% similarity of clone sequence). A total of 55 species or phylotypes were identified among the 16S rDNA library, while the cultivated isolates included 22 species or phylotypes. In addition, many new phylotypes were detected from the 16S rDNA library. The 16S rDNA library and isolates commonly included the Bacteroides group, Bifidobacterium group, and Clostridium rRNA clusters IV, XIVa, XVI and XVIII. T-RFLP analysis revealed the major composition of the vegetarian gut microbiota were Clostridium rRNA subcluster XIVa and Clostridium rRNA cluster XVIII. The dominant feature of this strictly vegetarian gut microbiota was the detection of many Clostridium rRNA subcluster XIVa and C. ramosum (Clostridium rRNA cluster XVIII).  相似文献   

南海南部陆坡表层沉积物细菌和古菌多样性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
李涛  王鹏  汪品先 《微生物学报》2008,48(3):323-329
从南海南部陆坡表层沉积物中扩增了细菌和古菌16S rDNA序列,并对克隆子文库进行系统发育分析.细菌序列以变形杆菌(Proteobacteria)居多,其次是浮霉菌(Planctomycete)、酸杆菌(Acidobacteria)和candidate division OP10,另外还有少量铁还原杆菌(Deferrobacteres)、candidate division OP3、OP11、OP8、TM6、疣微菌(Verrucomicrobia)和螺旋体(Spirochaetes).古菌序列分别来自泉古生菌(Crenarchaeota)和广古生菌(Euryarchaeota),以Marine Benthic Group B(MBGB)、MarineCrenarchaeotic Group Ⅰ(MGⅠ)、Marine Benthic Group D(MBGD)和South African Gold Mine Euryarchaeotic Group(SAGMEG)为主.少量序列为C3、甲烷杆菌(Methanobacteriales)和Novel Euryarchaeotic Group(NEG).结果表明海底表层沉积物中有丰富多样的微生物群落.  相似文献   

Du J  Xiao K  Huang Y  Li H  Tan H  Cao L  Lu Y  Zhou S 《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》2011,100(3):317-331
This study was conducted to characterize the diversity of microbial communities in marine sediments of the South China Sea by means of 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. The results revealed that the sediment samples collected in summer harboured a more diverse microbial community than that collected in winter, Deltaproteobacteria dominated 16S rRNA gene clone libraries from both seasons, followed by Gammaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Nitrospirae, Planctomycetes, Firmicutes. Archaea phylotypes were also found. The majority of clone sequences shared greatest similarity to uncultured organisms, mainly from hydrothermal sediments and cold seep sediments. In addition, the sedimentary microbial communities in the coastal sea appears to be much more diverse than that of the open sea. A spatial pattern in the sediment samples was observed that the sediment samples collected from the coastal sea and the open sea clustered separately, a novel microbial community dominated the open sea. The data indicate that changes in environmental conditions are accompanied by significant variations in diversity of microbial communities at the South China Sea.  相似文献   

During the past few years Archaea have been recognized as a widespread and significant component of marine picoplankton assemblages and, more recently, the presence of novel archaeal phylogenetic lineages has been reported in coastal marine benthic environments. We investigated the relative abundance, vertical distribution, phylogenetic composition, and spatial variability of Archaea in deep-sea sediments collected from several stations in the Atlantic Ocean. Quantitative oligonucleotide hybridization experiments indicated that the relative abundance of archaeal 16S rRNA in deep-sea sediments (1500 m deep) ranged from about 2.5 to 8% of the total prokaryotic rRNA. Clone libraries of PCR-amplified archaeal rRNA genes (rDNA) were constructed from 10 depth intervals obtained from sediment cores collected at depths of 1,500, 2,600, and 4,500 m. Phylogenetic analysis of rDNA sequences revealed the presence of a complex archaeal population structure, whose members could be grouped into discrete phylogenetic lineages within the two kingdoms, Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota. Comparative denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profile analysis of archaeal 16S rDNA V3 fragments revealed a significant depth-related variability in the composition of the archaeal population.  相似文献   

北极太平洋扇区海洋沉积物细菌多样性的系统发育分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
对北极太平洋扇区3个不同深度的海洋沉积物样品,采用PCR结合变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)技术进行细菌16S rRNA基因V3区序列的系统发育分析。结果表明,同一个沉积物样品不同层次的DGGE电泳图谱不完全相同。从3个沉积物样品中共获得50条序列,大部分序列与从海洋环境尤其海洋沉积物获得的细菌16S rDNA序列相似性较高(88%~100%),归属于变形细菌(Proteobacteria)的gamma亚群、alpha亚群、beta亚群、epsilon亚群、delta亚群,Cytophaga_Flavobacterium_Bacteroides(CFB)群细菌和高G C含量的革兰氏阳性细菌等系统分类群,其中变形细菌(Proteobacteria)的gamma亚群为沉积物中的优势细菌类群。  相似文献   

An ecological study on distribution of Antarctic bacterial communities was determined by 16S-based phylogenetic analyses of clone libraries derived from RNA and DNA extracted from two different marine areas and compared between each other. Superficial seawater samples were collected from four stations in Ross Sea, three of them located in Rod Bay and one in Evans Cove; for each station two clone libraries (16S rDNA and 16S rRNA) were prepared and evident divergences between DNA and RNA libraries of each site were obtained. Of all phylotypes 93.6% were found in RNA libraries; in contrast, only 31 phylotypes (70.5%) were retrieved from total microbial community (DNA libraries). DNA and RNA sequences related to gamma-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes groups, typical for Antarctic sea-ice bacterial communities, were detected in analysed sites. 16S rDNA and rRNA libraries derived from the two different areas were enriched by picophytoplanktonic 16S sequences of plastid and mitochondrion origins, reflecting that the algal blooms occurred during sampling (Antarctic summer 2003). The finding in Rod Bay libraries of high percentage of DNA clones apparently affiliated with beta-Proteobacteria typical for activated sludges and well water could be explained by the presence of a sewage depuration system at this site. Obtained results clearly demonstrate that combination of 16S rDNA and 16S rRNA gene sequencing is preferred approach to have a more reliable vision on the composition of microbial communities.  相似文献   

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