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Trieces peruanus sp. n. from Peru is described, Trieces riodinis Gauld et al. is recorded from this country for the first time. Trieces peruanus belongs to the T. dentatus species-group, it is similar to Trieces dentatus H. Townes et M. Townes, according to the degree of development of the prepectal keel and lateral keels of the scutum, as well as to the presence of hairs along the upper margin of the metapleura. The new species differs from T. dentatus in the entirely black metasoma, black hind leg with the yellow apex of the femur and base of the tibia, and darkened upper margin of the clypeus.  相似文献   

Collections of Trichoderma producing hyaline ascospores from central China were examined. Four new species, Trichoderma asterineum, T. henanense, T. odoratum and T. pseudobritdaniae, were discovered, described and illustrated. Their phylogenetic positions were explored based on sequence analyses of the combined RNA polymerase II subunit b (rpb2) and translation elongation factor 1 alpha (tef1) genes. As a sister of T. leguminosarum, T. asterineum can be easily recognised by its pale yellow stromata, ochre to brown ostiolar dots surrounded by stellate cracks, green conidia and slow growth. Trichoderma henanense is distinctive in pulvinate or discoid, dirty yellow to brownish yellow stromata, brown to dark brown ostiolar dots, small monomorphic ascospores in relatively short asci and white colonies with dense aerial hyphae in cultures. Trichoderma odoratum forms an independent lineage as a sister of T. henanense and is characterised by yellow to greyish yellow, pulvinate stromata with dark brown or reddish brown projecting ostiolar dots, slow growth, trichoderma- to verticillium-like conidiophores, hyaline conidia and producing a mushroom-like odour in culture. Trichoderma pseudobritdaniae is closely associated with but easily separated from T. britdaniae in pulvinate, brownish yellow or greyish yellow stromata with dark brown or grey black ostiolar dots, relatively large perithecia, monomorphic ascospores, somewhat low growth rate, trichoderma- to verticillium-like conidiophores and hyaline conidia. Morphological distinctions and sequence divergences between the new species and their close relatives are discussed.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic reconstruction of Hodophilus species with a yellow colour on the stipe based on nrITS, nrLSU and rpb2 sequences revealed six European species. All these species correspond to the widely accepted European concept of a single species Hodophilus micaceus. Four of these species are described and illustrated. H. micaceus and H. phaeoxanthus are recognised as two separate species and H. albofloccipes as a synonym of the latter. Two species, H. anatinus and H. cambriensis, are described as new. Possible endemism of H. micaceus and H. cambriensis to the British Isles is discussed. All analysed North American samples represent different species to those found in Europe. The North American species Hygrophorus rugulosus is combined in the genus Hodophilus. The preliminary key uses position and development of the yellow colour during maturation as the most important distinguishing character. The presence of the yellow colour is discussed as a possible synapomorphic character.  相似文献   

A taxonomic review of the Chromis xanthura species group, defined here as having 13 dorsal-fin spines, three upper and three lower procurrent caudal-fin rays, two black bands at the preopercular and opercular margins, and a yellow caudal fin when juvenile, resulted in the recognition of three species, Chromis xanthura (Bleeker 1854), Chromis opercularis (Günther 1867), and Chromis anadema sp. nov. Chromis xanthura and C. opercularis, the Pacific and Indian Ocean paired sister species, respectively, are redescribed, with confirmation of two color types of C. xanthura (having a white or black caudal peduncle and fin) as a single species on the basis of morphological and molecular analyses. Chromis anadema sp. nov., described from the oceanic islands of the Pacific Ocean on the basis of 21 specimens, is characterized by having 28–33 gill rakers; longest dorsal-fin soft ray length 20.0–24.7% of standard length (SL); first anal-fin spine length 5.0–6.1% of SL; caudal-fin length 33.4–43.8% of SL; posterior tips of caudal-fin lobes not filamentous in adults; broad black bands along preopercular and opercular margins, sum width of two bands 28.9–38.7% of head length; distal half of soft-rayed portion of dorsal fin transparent in adults; triangular black blotches at upper and lower caudal-fin base in adults; caudal peduncle and fin bluish black in adults; and body grayish, and all fins (except for pectoral fin) bright yellow in juveniles.  相似文献   

An illustrated catalogue is given of the family Ratardidae in the world fauna which includes 10 species from 3 genera. A new species, Callosiope elenae Yakovlev sp. n., is described from Lampang Province, Thailand. Externally, the new species differs well from the type species of the genus, C. banghaasi. The fore wing of C. elenae sp. n. has a pattern of alternating wide black bands against pure white background (in C. banghaasi, the fore wing is strongly darkened, without bands). The hind wing of C. elenae sp. n. shows a pattern of large dropshaped black smears at the wing edge and a more or less expressed spotted pattern in the discal and postdiscal areas (in C. banghaasi, the hind wing is completely black, with no pattern). A new synonymy: Ratarda marmorata Moore, 1879 = Ratarda guttifera Hering, 1925 syn. n. and a new status: Ratarda mora javanica Roepke, 1937 stat. n., are established. Ratarda excellens (Strand, 1917) is recorded in the fauna of Thailand for the first time.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Copidosoma from Israel is described. The female of Copidosoma trjapitzini is similar to those of C. scutellare, C. agrotis, and C. cuproviride. All the four species possess a similar mesosomal sculpture, coarse on the mesoscutum and more or less striate on the scutellum, and the solid clava obliquely truncate at apex. C. trjapitzini differs from C. agrotis in the larger size and from C. cuproviride, in the black head and mesosoma. The type material is deposited in the collection of the Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology (Ukraine, Kiev); two paratypes, at the Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg).  相似文献   

The distribution of Crioceris duodecimpunctata (Linnaeus, 1758) and two related species with their subspecies is defined more precisely. Crioceris orientalis tshingisana Lopatin, 1966, stat. n. and C. hypopsila demokidovi Semenov, 1909, stat. n. are treated as subspecies for the first time. Lectotypes of C. hypopsila Jacobson, 1907, C. demokidovi Semenov, 1909, and C. duodecimpunctata hypolachna Jacobson, 1907 are designated. The male and female genitalia are described and illustrated for all the species considered. A new key to the species of Crioceris without a black sutural stripe is compiled.  相似文献   

Four new species of Telenominae of the genera Telenomus and Platytelenomus, collected in the territory of the Ukraine, Hungary, and Japan, were described: Telenomus (T.) bicolorus Kononova, T. (T.) ardens Kononova, (T.) michaylovi Kononova, and Platytelenomus mirabilis Kononova. Brief morphological characteristics of the genera Telenomus and Platytelenomus are given, and some notes concerning biology and geographical distribution of the species are presented. Telenomus (T.) bicolorus differs from all the known species of the genus Telenomus in the two-colored body: head and thorax yellow with brownish tint ventrally, mesothorax and abdomen black. The main distinguishing feature of T. (T.) ardens is its smooth shining body, T. (T.) michaylovi is similar to T. (T.) rudis Kozlov. These species can be distinguished by the structure of their antenna. The second to fourth segments of the antennal clava are transverse in T. (T.) michaylovi and are as long as wide in T. (T.) rudis. In addition, the abdominal stem and abdominal tergite II are smooth and shining, while the abdominal stem in T. (T.) rudis is striate along the entire length, and tergite II is finely striate along half of its length. Platytelenomus mirabilis is closely related to P. danubialis Szelényi, but differs in the strongly flattened body, sculpture of the abdominal stem and tergite II, and coloration of the legs. The thorax of P. mirabilis is 4–5 times as wide as high, the abdominal stem is striate along the entire length, tergite II is striate at the base, and the legs, including coxae, are yellow. The thorax of P. danubialis is 4 times as wide as high, the abdominal stem and tergite II are smooth and shining, and the legs are brown.  相似文献   

Two new species of the weevil genus Mecysmoderes Schoenherr, 1837 are described from Vietnam. Mecysmoderes (Enzoellus) vladimirisp. n. differs from the type species of Enzoellus and its allies from Thailand and Laos in the larger size, deeper meshes on the pronotum, broader legs and a velvety black sutural spot on the elytra. Mecysmoderes (Xenysmoderes) sergiisp. n. in the shape, coloration, and vestiture of the body is similar to M. consularis Pascoe, but clearly differs in the larger size, strongly and unevenly convex pronotal disc, swollen in the middle part elytra, and a dark scutellar spot.  相似文献   

Nine new species of scelionids collected in Japan, Israel, and the Ukraine, Calotelea shimurai Kononova et Fursov, C. japonica Kononova, C. stellae Kononova, Calliscelio recens Kononova, C. floridum Kononova, C. parilis Kononova, C. ordo Kononova, Oxyscelio florum Kononova, and O. perpensum Kononova, are described. A brief morphological characteristics of the mentioned genera and some data on the geographical distribution of these species are given. Calotelea shimurai differs from C. striola Kononova in the sculpture of the metasoma (tergites I–III striate, whereas in C. striola striation present only on tergites I and II), fore-wing venation (stigmal vein of C. shimurai 0.43 times as long as postmarginal vein and 1.75 times as long as marginal one; in C. striola, stigmal vein 0.52 times as long as postmarginal vein and 1.3 times as long as marginal one), and the length of the metasoma (in C. shimurai and C. striola, metasoma 4.0 and 2.3 times as long as wide, respectively). Calotelea shimurai parasitizes in eggs of the dragonflies Aeshna nigroflava Martin, Planaeschna milnei Selys, and Boyeria macachlani (Aeshnidae, Odonata). C. japonica is closely related to C. originalis Kozlov and Kononova, but differs from it in the sculpture of the metasoma (metasomal tergites with longitudinal wrinkles against the bright smooth background; in C. originalis, tergites I and II with longitudinal wrinkles against the alveolate background), in the coloration of fore wing (infuscate in C. japonica and dark, with dark transverse stripes in C. originalis). C. stellae differs from C. artus Kozlov and Kononova in the more flattened mesoscutum (C. artus with protruding mesoscutum) and the sculpture of the metasomal tergites (in C. stellae, only petiolus and tergite II striate, while in C. artus, such striation present on tergites I–IV). C. stellae was reared from eggs of unidentified Orthoptera. C. recens is closely related to C. parilis Kononova. It can be distinguished by the fore-wing venation (C. recens has stigmal vein, which is twice as long as marginal vein and 0.66 times as long as postmarginal one; stigmal vein of C. parilis is 3 times as long as marginal vein and 0.83 times as long as postmarginal one), by the sculpture of the metasoma, and coloration of the coxae (yellow in C. recens and black in C. parilis). C. floridum is similar to C. mediterranea Kieffer, but can be identified by the length of the postmarginal vein, which is 3 times as long as the stigmal vein, whereas C. mediterranea has the postmarginal vein, which is only twice as long as the stigmal one. C. floridum also differs in the sculpture of the metasoma (C. floridum has all the metasomal tergites with longitudinal lines, while C. mediterranea has only metasomal petiolus with the same sculpture and tergites II–IV with alveolate sculpture, tergites V and VI are slightly stippled) and in the coloration of the legs, which are yellow (as coxae), while C. mediterranea has brownish black legs. C. parilis resembles C. recens, but differs from it in the fore-wing venation, sculpture of the metasoma, and coloration of the coxae. C. ordo differs from the closely related C. ruficollis Kozlov et Kononova in the head sculpture, which is finely alveolate in C. ordo and finely granulate in C. ruficollis. Oxyscelio florum is closely related to O. perpensum, but differs from it in the coloration of the body and size of the antennal segments, stigmal and postmarginal veins, and metasomal tergites. O. perpensum is closely related to O. florum. The main distinguishing morphological characters are similar to those in O. florum. O. perpensum was reared from eggs of unidentified Orthoptera.  相似文献   

Karyotypic features as well as larval and imaginal morphology have been studied in five species of the black fly genus Wilhelmia, viz. W. equina (Linnaeus, 1758), W. pseudequina (Seguy, 1921), W. lineata (Meigen, 1804), W. veltistshevi (Rubzov, 1940), and W. salopiensis (Edwards, 1927). Photomaps of polytene chromosomes are given for all species (those for W. pseudequina and W. veltistshevi, for the first time). Species-specific karyological and morphological characters have been revealed. According to principal karyological features, the species examined are divided into the equina and salopiensis groups. The validity of the species rank is confirmed for all species. Clear karyological and morphological distinctions between W. salopiensis and W. lineata give evidence that synonymization of W. salopiensis with W. lineata was erroneous.  相似文献   

Five new species of chalcidoid wasps of the family Eurytomidae are described: four from Israel and one from Kazakhstan. Tetramesa pavliceki Zerova, sp. n. (cylindrica species group) is closely related to T. scheppugi Schlecht., but differs in the more elongate flagellar segments, longer genae, and smooth metasomal tergites. Eurytoma nevoi Zerova, sp. n. is similar to E. sabulosa Erd. and E. bicolorata Zer. (phragmiticola species group), differs from these species in the longer marginal vein, punctate propodeum, and longer flagellar segments. E. oreni Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the fumipennis species group. It is closely related to E. monticola Zer., but differs in the more convex scape, longer postmarginal vein, and yellow legs. E. simutniki Zerova, sp. n. belongs to the robusta species-group. It resembles E. heriadi Zer., but differs in the longer flagellar segments of the female and in the shorter postmarginal vein. Nikanoria mamayevi Zerova, sp. n. is similar to N. stigma Zer., but differs in the more elongate metasoma, longer flagellar segments of both sexes, and larger yellow spots on the pronotum.  相似文献   

We describe two new, mainly North European species of basidiomycetous fungi. Cortinarius stjernegaardii belongs to the section Percomes containing several similar species with greenish-yellow, anthraquinonoid pigments and peculiar smells. The species has hitherto been identified as” C. bulbopodius” in the Nordic countries, an epithet which, however, is reduced to a synonym of C. aurilicis. Cortinarius kristinae belongs to the section Calochroi, which includes many morphologically similar species with sharply marginate bulbose stipes and yellow pileus colours. The species are distinguished from related taxa by molecular data (ribosomal ITS region), and typical specimens can be identified by a combination of basidiocarp coloration, stature, microscopy, reactions with KOH, and habitat.  相似文献   

Environmental sampling yielded two yeast species belonging to Microstromatales (Exobasidiomycetes, Ustilaginomycotina). The first species was collected from a leaf phylloplane infected by the rust fungus Coleosporium plumeriae, and represents a new species in the genus Jaminaea, for which the name Jaminaea rosea sp. nov. is proposed. The second species was isolated from air on 50% glucose media and is most similar to Microstroma phylloplanum. However, our phylogenetic analyses reveal that species currently placed in Microstroma are not monophyletic, and M. phylloplanum, M. juglandis and M. albiziae are not related to the type species of this genus, M. album. Thus, Pseudomicrostroma gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate the following species: P. glucosiphilum sp. nov., P. phylloplanum comb. nov. and P. juglandis comb. nov. We also propose Parajaminaea gen. nov. to accommodate P. albizii comb. nov. and P. phylloscopi sp. nov. based on phylogenetic analyses that show these are not congeneric with Jaminaea or Microstroma. In addition, we validate the genus Jaminaea, its respective species and two species of Sympodiomycopsis and provide a new combination, Microstroma bacarum comb. nov., for the anamorphic yeast Rhodotorula bacarum. Our results illustrate non-monophyly of Quambalariaceae and Microstromataceae as currently circumscribed. Taxonomy of Microstroma and the Microstromataceae is reviewed and discussed. Finally, analyses of all available small subunit rDNA sequences for Jaminaea species show that J. angkorensis is the only known species that possess a group I intron in this locus, once considered a potential feature indicating the basal placement of this genus in Microstromatales.  相似文献   

Understanding and interpreting the host plant interactions of “generalist” herbivorous insects requires that species limits are accurately defined, as such taxa frequently harbour cryptic species with restricted host use. We tested for the presence of cryptic species across different host plant species in Australian Frankliniella schultzei using a combination of gene sequencing and newly developed microsatellite markers. We detect deep divergence between three colour morphs (black, brown and yellow) but no discordance between mitochondrial and nuclear genes in areas of sympatry, indicating the presence of at least three species in Australia (and potentially six globally). Microsatellite markers were developed for the brown species but could not be amplified in the black or yellow species because the divergence between them is too great. When applied to six populations across Queensland and New South Wales the microsatellites showed high levels of gene flow across thrips collected from Gossypium hirsutum (cotton), Hibiscus rosa-sinensis and Malvaviscus arboreus, and over distances of at least 950 km, indicating considerable movement by these insects and no host-associated genetic differentiation in the brown species. Significantly, the divergence between the three species in Australia was not associated with any noticeable host specialisation. The substantial overlap in geographical distribution and host plant range raises questions about the process of speciation in generalist insects. Our results provide the basis from which detailed quantification of relative host use can be conducted for each species within the F. schultzei complex; this next step is crucial to fully understanding the host plant relationships of each and, thus, the basis of their speciation.  相似文献   

A complex of the heteropteran genera centering around Peribalus Mulsant et Rey and Holcostethus Fieber is considered. The genus Dryadocoris Kirkaldy reveals no relationship with the above genera and is believed to represent a separate clade of the family Pentatomidae. The genera Peribalus and Holcostethus are revised. The former includes three subgenera: Peribalus s. str. with two species, Asioperibalus subgen. n. (type species Cimex inclusus Dohrn) with six species, and Tianocoris subgen. n. (type species Holcostethus manifestus Kiritshenko) with two species. Holcostethus embraces two subgenera: Holcostethus s. str. and the monotypic Enigmocoris subgen. n. (type species H. fissiceps Horváth). Two new species are described: Peribalus tianshanicus sp. n. from the Tien Shan Mts. and P. przewalskii sp. n. from the northern part of China (Huan He River). P. capitatus Jakovlev and P. vernalis (Wolff) are downgraded to subspecies of P. strictus (F.). P. ovatus Jakovlev is synonymized with P. inclusus (Dohrn). Two new monotypic genera related to the revised complex of genera are established, Paraholcostethus gen. n. (type species Peribalus breviceps Horváth) and Himalayastethus gen. n. (type species H. pilosus sp. n. from Kashmir). A key to, and morphometric characters for all the taxa considered are provided. The key characters, including both male and female genitalia, are illustrated, and distributional maps are given.  相似文献   

Penicillium and Talaromyces species have a worldwide distribution and are isolated from various materials and hosts, including insects and their substrates. The aim of this study was to characterize the Penicillium and Talaromyces species obtained during a survey of honey, pollen and the inside of nests of Melipona scutellaris. A total of 100 isolates were obtained during the survey and 82% of those strains belonged to Penicillium and 18% to Talaromyces. Identification of these isolates was performed based on phenotypic characters and β-tubulin and ITS sequencing. Twenty-one species were identified in Penicillium and six in Talaromyces, including seven new species. These new species were studied in detail using a polyphasic approach combining phenotypic, molecular and extrolite data. The four new Penicillium species belong to sections Sclerotiora (Penicillium fernandesiae sp. nov., Penicillium mellis sp. nov., Penicillium meliponae sp. nov.) and Gracilenta (Penicillium apimei sp. nov.) and the three new Talaromyces species to sections Helici (Talaromyces pigmentosus sp. nov.), Talaromyces (Talaromyces mycothecae sp. nov.) and Trachyspermi (Talaromyces brasiliensis sp. nov.). The invalidly described species Penicillium echinulonalgiovense sp. nov. was also isolated during the survey and this species is validated here.  相似文献   

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