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Understanding habitat requirements of species is important in conservation. As an obligate ant nest associate, the survival of the globally vulnerable shining guest ant, Formicoxenus nitidulus, is strictly tied to that of its hosts (mound building Formica ants). We investigated how host species, nest density, inter-nest distance and nest mound size relate to the occurrence of F. nitidulus. In total, 166 red wood ant nests were surveyed in SW Finland (120 Formica polyctena, 25 F. rufa, 14 F. aquilonia, 5 F. pratensis, and 2 F. lugubris). Overall, F. nitidulus was found in 60% of the nests. For the actual analysis, only F. polyctena and F. rufa nests were included due to the small number of other nests. F. nitidulus was more likely to be found among F. polyctena than F. rufa. Also, while inter-nest distance was not important, a high nest density, commonly found in polydomous (multi-nest) wood ant colonies, was beneficial for F. nitidulus. The guest ant was also more likely to be found in large host nests than small nests. Thus, our results show that the best habitat for the guest ant is a dense population of host nest mounds with a high proportion of large mounds. Conservation efforts should be directed at keeping the quality of the red wood ant habitats high to preserve their current populations and to increase colonization. This will not only benefit the guest ant, but also a plethora of other species, and help in maintaining the biodiversity of forests.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies are high-value foraging targets for insectivores, prompting the evolution of complex colony defensive adaptations as well as specialized foraging tactics in social insect predators. Predatory ants that forage on other social insects employ a diverse range of behaviors targeted at specific prey species. Here, we describe a solitary foraging strategy of the ant Ectatomma tuberculatum, on nest guards of the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula. We observed multiple instances of E. tuberculatum ambushing and successfully capturing the hovering and standing guards of T. angustula near nest entrances. The unique hovering behavior of the guard caste of this bee species, an adaptation to frequent cleptoparasitism by other stingless bees, may make these guards particularly vulnerable to ground-based, ambush attacks by E. tuberculatum. Likewise, the behavior of the foraging ants appears to adaptively exploit the defensive formations and activity patterns of these bees. These observations suggest an adaptive and targeted predatory strategy aimed at gathering external guard bees as prey from these heavily fortified nests.  相似文献   

Many organisms use chemicals to deter enemies. Some spiders can modify the composition of their silk to deter predators from climbing onto their webs. The Malaysian golden orb-weaver Nephila antipodiana (Walckenaer) produces silk containing an alkaloid (2-pyrrolidinone) that functions as a defense against ant invasion—ants avoid silk containing this chemical. In the present study, we test the generality of ants’ silk avoidance behavior in the field. We introduced three ant species to the orb webs of Nephila clavipes (Linnaeus) in the tropical rainforest of La Selva, Costa Rica. We found that predatory army ants (Eciton burchellii Westwood) as well as non-predatory leaf-cutting ants (Atta cephalotes Linnaeus and Acromyrmex volcanus Wheeler) avoided adult N. clavipes silk, suggesting that an additional species within genus Nephila may possess ant-deterring silk. Our field assay also suggests that silk avoidance behavior is found in multiple ant species.  相似文献   

Myrmecophily is widespread in lycaenid butterflies, in which ants receive food resources and, in turn, protect caterpillars against natural enemies. This interaction ranges from obligate myrmecophily, in which immatures are invariably associated with ants and are dependent on ants for survival, and facultative myrmecophily, in which larvae are not dependent on ants for survival, but the presence of the latter may increase larvae survival. Lycaenids also include non-myrmecophilous butterflies, which do not have positive associations with ants and have developed strategies to avoid being attacked or preyed upon by them. In this study, we examined the relationship between the lycaenid Michaelus ira and two ant species associated with Distictella elongata (Bignoniaceae). This plant has extrafloral nectaries and is patrolled by Camponotus crassus and Ectatomma tuberculatum. Morphological analyses revealed that M. ira larvae have ant organs, such as dorsal nectary organs and perforated cupolas, structures associated with myrmecophily. We performed larval exposure experiments in the field, predicting that, in the absence of myrmecophily, the butterfly larva would present strategies to avoid ant attack. Results showed that larvae were attacked by both ant species. To escape ant molestation, larvae lived and fed inside silk-sealed D. elongata flower buds. We concluded that the M. ira bud-sheltering behavior was a defensive strategy against these ant species, while the dorsal nectary organs were apparently nonfunctional. Nonetheless, myrmecophily, in general, cannot be excluded in M. ira since relationships with other ant species may exist.  相似文献   

Paper wasps of the genus Polistes exhibit wide variability both of the color and size of foundresses, and the mode of colony foundation. The colony foundation and social hierarchy were studied in populations of two Palaearctic species, Polistes dominulus (Christ) and P. nimphus (Christ) (April–May 2006, the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine), and one Neotropical species, P. lanio (F.) (October 2004–January 2005, Trinidad Island). It was shown that foundresses of various color and size morphs tended to found nests in a peculiar way: singly (haplometrosis), by groups (pleometrosis), or occupying several nests simultaneously (polycaly). The relationship between coloration, size, and mode of colony foundation was species-specific. P. dominulus foundresses with a darker clypeus and a paler mesonotum preferred to found nests alone and had a dominant position in pleometrosis. The haplometrotic P. nimphus foundresses more often displayed darker variants of the clypeus and paler variants of the mesonotum than did foundresses from pleometrotic colonies. P. lanio foundresses from pleometrotic colonies differed from those from polycalic colonies in the coloration variability of the scutum, propodeum, and the 2nd metasomal tergite. The dominant and subordinate P. nimphus and P. lanio foundresses differed in the size of head and wings. The possible significance of the subdivision of foundresses into the “generalists” and “specialists” for the variability structuring in the population is considered.  相似文献   

Leaf-cutting ants produce large quantities of waste that harbor bacteria and fungi that are harmful to the colony. To be protected from these pathogens, the workers of Atta species present a sophisticated organization to manage harmful material, which can be deposited outside the nest or in internal chambers. However, little is known about the behavior of Acromyrmex species in handling and disposal of waste. Due to some observations, we assume that the same species of Acromyrmex can deposit waste outside the nest and into internal chambers and raise the following question: what determines the occurrence of internal waste chambers in Acromyrmex? To address this question, we verified whether nest depth influences the waste-chamber occurrence. We also verified the nest structure and the abiotic factors of soil beside each waste-chamber: pH and water content of the soil. For this, eight nests were excavated for Acromyrmex balzani and Acromyrmex rugosus rugosus. We verified that not only can the same leaf-cutting ant species deposit debris both outside and inside the nest but also the same nest can present internal chambers and external waste deposit. The soil beside the waste chamber always presented an acidic pH, while the humidity varied widely. Our results showed that the nest depth was highly correlated with the depth of the waste chamber (p = 0.0003) and probably has some influence on waste disposal. The characteristics of the nest and the role of depth in the choice of waste chamber location are discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological dominance in ants is often fuelled by carbohydrate intake. Most studies have focused on the importance of invasive ant mutualistic associations with trophobionts whereas few studies have investigated the importance of floral nectar on invasion success. In this study, utilisation of temporarily available floral nectar by the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, was compared to that of the dominant native ant, Anoplolepis custodiens, within the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), a biodiversity hotspot. The effect of these two focal ant species on species composition and abundance of ground foraging ants as well as floral arthropod visitors in inflorescences of Proteacea species was assessed. Foraging activity, and trophic ecology inferred from the abundance of natural stable isotopes of Carbon (δ13C) and Nitrogen (δ15N), and the ratio of Carbon to Nitrogen (C:N) were compared between the two ant species during three flowering periods. Linepithema humile significantly reduced the abundance and species diversity of both above-ground and floral arthropod species abundance and composition. Linepithema humile increased its foraging activity with increasing nectar availability, switching its diet to a more herbivorous one. Anoplolepis custodiens did not respond as effectively to increasing floral nectar or negatively impact floral arthropod visitors. This study showed that the availability of floral nectar and ability of L. humile to more effectively utilise this temporarily available resource than native ants, can contribute significantly to the further spread and persistence of L. humile in natural environments in the CFR.  相似文献   

The sweet potato Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam., which has extrafloral nectaries, was visited by nine indigenous ant species in south Kyushu, Japan. These ant species were evaluated for their ability to remove the eggs of two lepidopteran species—Aedia leucomelas (Linnaeus) and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)—through ant-exclusion experiments. The results showed that Tetramorium bicarinatum (Nylander), one of the dominant ant species, is an efficient predator of lepidopteran eggs. This ant species removed A. leucomelas eggs from ant-visited plants in six trials conducted from mid-July to mid-October, with high removal rates (90–100%) occurring from mid-September onward. On ant-excluded plants, only 0–18% of exposed eggs were removed by ants that accidentally invaded the plants. Tetramorium bicarinatum also removed egg masses and the hatchlings of S. litura. The mean percent area of egg-laden leaves eaten by S. litura larvae was lower on ant-visited plants (0.9%) than on ant-excluded plants (57.3%). In contrast, Formica japonica Motschulsky, another dominant ant species, was not observed removing the eggs or larvae of the lepidopteran species. These results show that certain indigenous ant species are efficient as biocontrol agents. Thus, individual ant species need to be investigated for their ability to control insect pests in various crops.  相似文献   

Designing and synthesizing novel electron-donor polymers with the high photovoltaic performances has remained a major challenge and hot issue in organic electronics. In this work, the exciton-dissociation (k dis ) and charge-recombination (k rec ) rates for the PC61BM-PTDPPSe system as a promising polymer-based solar cell candidate have been theoretically investigated by means of density functional theory (DFT) calculations coupled with the non-adiabatic Marcus charge transfer model. Moreover, a series of regression analysis has been carried out to explore the rational structure–property relationship. Results reveal that the PC61BM-PTDPPSe system possesses the large open-circuit voltage (0.77 V), middle-sized exiton binding energy (0.457 eV), and relatively small reorganization energies in exciton-dissociation (0.273 eV) and charge-recombination (0.530 eV) processes. With the Marcus model, the k dis , k rec , and the radiative decay rate (k s ), are estimated to be 3.167×1011 s?1, 3.767×1010 s?1, and 7.930×108 s?1 respectively in the PC61BM-PTDPPSe interface. Comparably, the k dis is as 1~3 orders of magnitude larger than the k rec and the k s , which indicates a fast and efficient photoinduced exciton-dissociation process in the PC61BM-PTDPPSe interface.
Graphical Abstract PTDPPSe is predicted to be a promising electron donor polymer, and the PC61BM-PTDPPSe system is worthy of further device research by experiments.

Recently, masses of the ant Formica (Serviformica) fuscocinerea (Forel) have been occurring at numerous sites in Southern Germany. Although F. fuscocinerea is native to Southern Germany, these mass occurrences resemble ant invasions in density and dominance. This study aimed to investigate the underlying mechanisms that promote sudden mass occurrence of a previously inconspicuous ant species within its native range. To estimate the competitive dominance of F. fuscocinerea, species occurrence and abundance considering biotic and abiotic parameters were studied in a natural habitat where F. fuscocinerea co-occurred with two other common ant species, Myrmica ruginodis (Nylander) and Lasius niger (Linnaeus). To understand the species’ distribution in the field, laboratory experiments on interspecific competition were conducted. Finally, the colony structure of F. fuscocinerea was investigated with intraspecific aggression tests. Formica fuscocinerea dominated an area that, as indicated by strongly frequented foraging trails on the trees, provided important food sources, e.g. trophobionts, to the ants. Other ant species coexisted only at the periphery of the F. fuscocinerea range. Laboratory experiments revealed F. fuscocinerea as highly dominant species. Additionally, F. fuscocinerea showed a complete lack of intraspecific aggression between ants originating from distances up to 58 km, indicating weak or nonexistent behavioral boundaries among ants of physically separated nests. Since extraordinarily high worker densities, strong interspecific dominance and a lack of colony boundaries within supercolonies are considered to be important traits of several invasive ant species we conclude that the same traits also promote the dominance of F. fuscocinerea.  相似文献   

While colonies of most tropical species of the ant genus Cardiocondyla regularly contain multiple egg-laying queens (polygyny), single-queening (monogyny) evolved convergently in a Palearctic clade of Cardiocondyla and in Southeast Asian C.argyrotricha.” In the latter species, monogyny is probably an adaptation to patchily distributed but highly stable nest sites. In experimentally orphaned colonies of C.argyrotricha,” the first emerging queen shed its wings, began to lay eggs, and stayed mostly on the brood pile. Queens that emerged later remained in the peripheral areas of the nest without dispersing but retained their wings even after mating in the nest. Aggressive interactions among queens and between workers and queens were occasionally observed, but it appears that the order of queen emergence determines which of them will become reproductive and inherit the nest. We conclude that young queens commonly compete for nest inheritance in some species of Cardiocondyla and that queen–queen antagonism does not necessarily involve lethal fighting.  相似文献   

Tandem running is a common recruitment strategy in ant species with small colony sizes. During a tandem run, an informed leader guides a usually naïve nestmate to a food source or a nest site. Some species perform tandem runs only during house hunting, suggesting that tandem running does not always improve foraging success in species known to use tandem running as a recruitment strategy, but more natural history information on tandem running under natural conditions is needed to better understand the adaptive significance of tandem recruitment in foraging. Studying wild colonies in Brazil, we for the first time describe tandem running in the ponerine ant Pachycondyla harpax (Fabricius). We asked if foragers perform tandem runs to carbohydrate- (honey) and protein-rich (cheese) food items. Furthermore, we tested whether the speed and success rate of tandem runs depend on the foraging distance. Foragers performed tandem runs to both carbohydrate food sources and protein-rich food items that exceed a certain size. The probability to perform a tandem run and the travelling speed increase with increasing foraging distances, which could help colonies monopolize more distant food sources in a competitive environment. Guiding a recruit to a food source is costly for leaders as ants are ~66% faster when travelling alone. If tandem runs break up (~23% of all tandem runs), followers do not usually discover the food source on their own but return to the nest. Our results show that tandem running to food sources is common in P. harpax, but that foragers modify their behaviour according to the type of food and its distance from the nest. Competition with other ants was intense and we discuss how tandem running in P. harpax might help colonies to build-up a critical number of ants at large food items that can then defend the food source against competitors.  相似文献   

In social insects, task allocation can be more complex than workers merely falling into discrete task groups. Any activity performed by the colony cannot be fully understood in isolation from other activities because they may be interrelated. Investigating activities other than foraging is crucial to understanding the global functioning and organization of ant colonies. This study attempts to characterize the nest maintenance activity of the ponerine queenless ant, Dinoponera quadriceps, in its natural environment to determine the effects of environmental variables on the variations in both seasonal and daily rhythms and to discuss its differences and possible relationships to foraging. Four colonies of D. quadriceps were observed in an area of Atlantic Forest in northeastern Brazil. Data collection was performed over a period of 72 h every three months during an entire annual cycle. Nest maintenance activity in D. quadriceps colonies was observed during both the light and dark phases of the day. There was no significant difference between the day phases in the number of workers involved in this task. On the other hand, D. quadriceps colonies exhibited seasonal variation in nest maintenance activity, peaking in the early rainy season. The seasonal rhythm of nest maintenance was positively correlated with relative humidity and negatively correlated with prey availability and rainfall. Our results indicate the existence of an annual variation in the nest maintenance activity of D. quadriceps associated with environmental variables. However, it occurs equally both at night and day, countering the hypothesis that there is a daily rhythm.  相似文献   

An aphidophagous ladybird, Platynaspidius maculosus (Weise) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), is originally distributed in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The ladybird has recently intruded into the southern and central parts of Japan. The present study found that the larvae of this ladybird preyed on three aphid species, Aphis spiraecola, Aphis gossypii, and Toxoptera citricidus (all Hemiptera: Aphididae), feeding on young shoots of various Citrus species in August to early October in Shizuoka Prefecture, central Japan. Laboratory rearing of the sampled larvae confirmed that the larvae completed their development (adult emergence) by consuming each of the three aphid species. The ladybird larvae were observed foraging in aphid colonies attended by one of the four ants, Lasius japonicus, Pristomyrmex punctatus, Formica japonica, and Camponotus japonicus (all Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Field observations revealed that the foraging/feeding larvae were almost completely ignored by honeydew-collecting ants even when they physically contacted each other. Thus, in Japan, the larvae of the exotic ladybird exploit colonies of the three aphid species attended by one of the four ant species on many Citrus species. On the basis of the results, I discuss the possibility of the ladybird’s reproduction on citrus trees in Japan, probable adaptations of the ladybird larvae to aphid-attending ants, and potential impacts of the ladybird on native insect enemies attacking ant-attended aphids on citrus.  相似文献   

Ants are ordinarily faced with a succession of bifurcations along their foraging networks. Given that there is no directionality in pheromone trails, each bifurcation is potentially an opportunity for error in the trajectory of laden workers to the nest, which could entail considerable inefficiencies in the transportation of food to the colony. Leaf-cutting ants (Atta and Acromyrmex) commonly show intense traffic and complex foraging trail systems, which make them ideal organisms to study worker behavior in trail bifurcations. The behavior of leaf-cutting ants of the genus Acromyrmex in trail bifurcations is still largely unexplored. Thus, this study aimed to assess the behavior of Acromyrmex crassispinus workers on trail bifurcations and to investigate whether differences in ant flow on foraging trails influence the error rate of nestbound laden workers at trail bifurcation. There was a negative relationship between ant flow and error rate of nestbound laden workers. Most workers walked in the central part of the foraging trails but occupied a broader area of the foraging trail when the ant flow was high. The results of this study provide valuable insight into the organization of traffic flow in A. crassispinus and its impacts on the foraging strategy of the species.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of analysis of the relationships of various colony characteristics in the resocial wasp Polistes dominula nesting on plants in the south of Ukraine (Kherson Province, the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve) in 2003–2007. The number of future foundresses and nest size at the end of the life cycle depend on the queen longevity and on the number of workers in the colony. The number of males reared in the colony is positively correlated with the nest size (the number of cells) and negatively correlated with the queen longevity. An increase in the share of the brood infested by the parasitoids Latibulus argiolus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) and Elasmus schmitti (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae) results in a smaller nest size and a smaller number of males reared.  相似文献   

Stability of whey protein-pectin complexes is an essential criterion for their application in different food matrices. The impact of process parameters on micro- and macro-structural characteristics of thermally stabilised whey protein-pectin complexes was investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy, ζ-potential measurements, dynamic light scattering and phase separation. Complexes prepared from whey protein isolate (WPI) and pectins with different degrees of esterification (HMP, LMP) were generated at different biopolymer concentrations (WPI + pectin: 5.0 % + 1.0 %, c h i g h ; 2.75 % + 0.55 %, c m e d ; 0.5 % + 0.1 %, c l o w ), heating temperatures (80-90°C) and pH levels (6.1-4.0). Micro- and macro-structural characteristics of the complexes depended on concentration level and degree of esterification, with complexes being more sensitive towards environmental changes at c l o w than at c m e d and c h i g h . WPI-LMP complexes exhibited sizes <1 μm suitable for micro-encapsulation, whereas WPI-HMP complexes at c m e d achieved sizes from 1-10 μm and at c h i g h from 10-200 μm underlining their potential as fat-replacers and structuring agents, respectively. Slopes and intercepts derived from intensity ratios of fluorescence spectra gave insights into the state of unfolding of β-lactoglobulin within the complexes and thus about the protective effect of pectin addition.  相似文献   

Central to the survival and reproduction of social insect queens is the size of colonies at maturity. The influence of exogenous factors such as predation, food abundance, and seasonal changes in temperature on colony size are well studied. Less well studied are endogenous life-history factors such as a queen’s fertility and lifespan, duration of worker development from egg to adult and worker lifespan. Endogenous factors regulating the rate of colony growth and colony size were simulated using the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Assuming ideal environmental conditions of no predation, abundant food and uniform temperature, the simulation showed unequivocally that colony size is determined by two endogenous factors: a queen’s egg-laying rate (R q) and worker longevity (L w) (Colony size = R q × L w). Thus, we are left with an unanswered question: if worker longevity contributes directly to colony size, why is the lifespan of workers so short—in most cases, a small fraction of a queen’s lifespan?  相似文献   

Soil-disturbing ecosystem engineers play an important role in plant-species diversity in grasslands as they increase vegetation heterogeneity by creating gaps due to burrowing or mound-building activities. However, knowledge of the ecological importance of these microsites for arthropods is still rare. In this study, we analyse the role of ant-nest mounds of the yellow meadow ant (Lasius flavus) for oviposition-site selection of the silver-spotted skipper (Hesperia comma). Ant mounds were searched for H. comma eggs. Microclimatic and vegetation parameters were ascertained at occupied sites and control sites within the matrix vegetation. Furthermore, we analysed the habitat requirements of L. flavus by means of nest counting and the sampling of environmental parameters within different sites. L. flavus occurred most frequently in abandoned and less steep sites with deeper soils. Mean egg occupancy rates of H. comma on ant hills were 32 %, nearly twice as high as at control sites (18 %). In contrast to the surrounding vegetation, nest mounds were characterized by a lower vegetation cover and litter and a higher proportion of bare ground. Furthermore, they had a higher cover of host plants compared with control samples. These microhabitats offered the following essential key factors for the larval development of H. comma: (1) a suitable microclimate due to open vegetation and (2) a high amount of host plants. This study highlights the importance of L. flavus as an ecosystem engineer within central European grasslands because this species increases vegetation heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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