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Human gastric cancer MKN-45 cells were transfected with pULB 3238,a plasmid carrying MVMp MS-1 gene with its original P4 promoter replaced by the glucocorticoid inducible promoter MMTV-LTR.After the integration and expression of NS-1 gene,some of the transfectants died,while others remained alive,but the growth features of survived cells were changed.For further study on the antineoplastic function of parvoviral NS-1 protein in vivo,transgenic mice carrying NS-1 genes were established by conventional method.Among 4 founders,one of them was found to be able to transmit the transgene to around 50% of their offsprings.RT-PCR was performed to indicate the expression of NS-1 gene in transgenic mice and its mRNA appeared in a variety of tissues.The expression of integrated NS-1 gene may correlate with the decreased incidence of tumor induced in vivo by chemical carcinogens.  相似文献   

DNA from the pre-S region of the duck hepatitis B virus (DHBV) genome was inserted into an open reading frame vector designed to give high-level expression in Escherichia coli. The resulting fusion protein contained the first 8 amino acids of beta-galactosidase, 86 amino acids of the DHBV pre-S region, and 219 amino acids of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase at the C terminus (beta-gal:pre-S:CAT). Rabbit antiserum against purified beta-gal:pre-S:CAT was used to identify pre-S-containing polypeptides in DHBV particles by Western blotting. A dominant species of 36 kilodaltons (kDa) was identified. Antiserum against the major 17-kDa DHBsAg polypeptide also reacted with the 36-kDa protein. This suggests that the DHBV envelope gene polypeptides share the same carboxyl terminus, but differ in the sites from which translation is initiated. N-linked carbohydrate was not detected on either the 17- or 36-kDa envelope proteins. Anti-beta-gal:pre-S:CAT abolished infectivity of the virus in an in vitro assay. Thus, the pre-S region is exposed on the surfaces of infectious virions and may be directly involved in binding of virus to host-cell receptors.  相似文献   

Defective interfering particles of parvovirus H-1.   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
S L Rhode  rd 《Journal of virology》1978,27(2):347-356
Defective interfering particles of the parvovirus H-1 were produced by serial propagation at high multiplicities of infection. Such particles interfere with the synthesis of capsid proteins and infectious virus of standard H-1. The interference is sensitive to UV irradiation, dependent on the multiplicity of the challenge virus, and is active in heterotypic infections against parvovirus H-3 or LuIII. Defective interfering particle genomes have alterations characterized by integral numbers (1 to 10 or more) of a 60-base-pair addition in the neighborhood of the origin of replicative-form DNA replication and deletions that are located primarily within two regions, 32 to 44 or 80 to 90 on the genome map. Some of the implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Using nuclease Bal31, deletions were generated within the poliovirus type 1 cDNA sequences, coding for capsid polypeptide VP1, within plasmid pCW119. The fusion proteins expressed in Escherichia coli by the deleted plasmids reacted with rabbit immune sera directed against poliovirus capsid polypeptide VP1 (alpha VP1 antibodies). They also reacted with a poliovirus type 1 neutralizing monoclonal antibody C3, but reactivity was lost when the deletion extended up to VP1 amino acids 90-104. Computer analysis of the protein revealed a high local density of hydrophilic amino acid residues in the region of VP1 amino acids 93-103. A peptide representing the sequence of this region was chemically synthesized. Once coupled to keyhole limpet hemocyanin, this peptide was specifically immunoprecipitated by C3 antibodies. The peptide also inhibited the neutralization of poliovirus type 1 by C3 antibodies. We thus conclude that the neutralization epitope recognized by C3 is located within the region of amino acids 93-104 of capsid polypeptide VP1.  相似文献   

Two nonstructural proteins of bovine parvovirus (BPV) with apparent molecular sizes of 75,000 and 83,000 daltons have been detected. The proteins were immunoprecipitated from lung cells infected with various isolates of BPV and from in vitro translations of infected cell mRNA. These proteins were expressed as nuclear phosphoproteins and were synthesized early in infection, before the peak of capsid protein synthesis. Early in infection, the 75-kilodalton-size species could be resolved into two bands of equal intensity, but later in infection, the lower-molecular-size form predominated. Antibodies directed against bacterial fusion proteins encoding amino acid sequences from a highly conserved region of the NS-1 polypeptides of two other parvoviruses, minute virus of mice and the human virus B19, gave specific nuclear fluorescence with BPV-infected cells, although the antibodies failed to immunoprecipitate any viral proteins. The noncapsid proteins appear to be homologous to the previously characterized NS-1 proteins of other autonomous parvoviruses.  相似文献   

We have previously described the expression of the major nonstructural protein (NS-1) of Aleutian mink disease parvovirus (ADV) in insect cells by using a baculovirus vector (J. Christensen, T. Storgaard, B. Bloch, S. Alexandersen, and B. Aasted, J. Virol. 67:229-238, 1993). To study its biochemical properties, ADV NS-1 was expressed in Sf9 insect cells and purified to apparent homogeneity with a combination of nuclear extraction, Zn2+ ion chromatography, and immunoaffinity chromatography on monoclonal antibodies. The purified protein showed ATP binding and ATPase- and ATP- or dATP-dependent helicase activity requiring either Mg2+ or Mn2+ as a cofactor. The ATPase activity of NS-1 was efficiently stimulated by single-stranded DNA and, to a lesser extent, double-stranded DNA. We also describe the expression, purification, and characterization of a mutant NS-1 protein, in which a lysine in the putative nucleotide binding consensus sequence of the molecule was replaced with serine. The mutated NS-1 was expressed at 10-fold higher levels than wild-type NS-1, but it exhibited no ATP binding. ATPase, or helicase activity. The availability of large amounts of purified functional NS-1 protein will facilitate studies of the biochemistry of ADV replication and gene regulation leading to disease in mink.  相似文献   

When A9 cells are infected with minute virus of mice, a small proportion of the virally coded NS-1 polypeptide becomes covalently attached to newly synthesized viral DNA. Antisera directed against NS-1 will specifically precipitate two forms of monomer duplex replicative-form DNA, multimeric duplex intermediates and progeny single strands, and restriction analysis of the duplex forms in these precipitates reveals that NS-1 is exclusively associated with extended-form conformers of the genomic termini. Pulse-labeled viral DNA, harvested at various times in a highly synchronized infection, can be almost quantitatively precipitated with any one of a series of antisera directed against different protein domains distributed throughout the NS-1 molecule but not with antibodies directed against other viral proteins. In each case the interaction with NS-1 can be shown to involve both termini of duplex DNA and single-strand forms, suggesting that in each case a full-length (83-kilodalton) copy of NS-1 is present. Precipitation of the replicating viral DNA with an antibody directed against a synthetic 16-amino-acid peptide containing the sequence at the extreme carboxy terminus of NS-1 can be quantitatively and specifically inhibited with the immunizing peptide in its unconjugated form, showing that the antibodies responsible for precipitating viral DNA are directed against the NS-1 sequence itself and not against a trace contaminant. Exonuclease digestion studies show that the association effectively blocks the 5' ends of the DNA molecules. Very little (less than 0.1%) of the newly synthesized [35S]methionine-labeled NS-1 made in highly synchronized cells during a 15-min pulse early in infection (6.25 to 6.5 h into the S phase) becomes associated with viral DNA immediately. However, pulse-chase experiments show that later in infection (10 to 13 h into the S phase), when viral DNA replication is reaching its peak, a few percent of the molecules in these preexisting pools of NS-1 do become covalently attached to the newly replicated DNA. Isolated viral DNA-protein complexes labeled with [35S]methionine in this way can be obtained by fractionation of the immunoprecipitated complexes on Sepharose CL4B in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Digestion of the purified complexes with nuclease releases an 83-kilodalton molecule which exactly comigrates with authentic NS-1 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

Sera from porcine parvovirus (PPV)-infected swine fetuses immunoprecipitated and 84- to 86-kilodalton polypeptide in addition to the A and B virion structural proteins. This polypeptide, designated NS-1, was present in PPV-infected cell lysates but not in purified virions. Partial proteolysis mapping revealed that NS-1 was not related to the A and B viral structural proteins. All three proteins in infected cells were phosphorylated at serine residues, and NS-1 also contained phosphothreonine. From pulse-labeling experiments with either 32Pi or [35S]methionine, NS-1 was found to first appear 5 to 7 h postinfection, whereas the viral structural polypeptides were first synthesized 9 to 11 h postinfection. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that NS-1 initially appeared as an 84-kilodalton protein and was subsequently structurally modified to forms of slower electrophoretic mobilities. The time of appearance of NS-1 after virus infection coincided with the initiation of viral DNA synthesis, suggesting that this polypeptide (and the modified forms thereof) may be involved in PPV replication.  相似文献   

Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, a cyanobacterium, possesses an unusual gene (fusB) which encodes a protein with strong homology to protein synthesis elongation factor G (EF-G), although it is not linked to the classical str operon. The fusB gene is redundant, since a Synechocystis gene similar to str operon-encoded fusA genes of other bacteria is also present (based on PCR and hybridization results). There is no evidence for the presence of a fusB homologue in other bacteria. The Synechocystis fusB gene encodes unusual amino acids at some positions that are highly conserved in fusA genes of other prokaryotes.  相似文献   

The genome-length mRNA (mRNA 1) of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) contains two large open reading frames (ORFs), 1a and 1b, with the potential to encode polypeptides of 441 and 300 kDa, respectively. The downstream ORF, ORF 1b, is expressed by a ribosomal frameshifting mechanism. In an effort to detect viral polypeptides encoded by ORF 1b in virus-infected cells, immunoprecipitations were carried out with a panel of region-specific antisera. A polypeptide of approximately 100 kDa was precipitated from IBV-infected, but not mock-infected, Vero cells by one of these antisera (V58). Antiserum V58 was raised against a bacterially expressed fusion protein containing polypeptide sequences encoded by ORF 1b nucleotides 14492 to 15520; it recognizes specifically the corresponding in vitro-synthesized target protein. A polypeptide comigrating with the 100,000-molecular-weight protein (100K protein) identified in infected cells was also detected when the IBV sequence from nucleotides 8693 to 16980 was expressed in Vero cells by using a vaccinia virus-T7 expression system. Deletion analysis revealed that the sequence encoding the C terminus of the 100K polypeptide lies close to nucleotide 15120; it may therefore be generated by proteolysis at a potential QS cleavage site encoded by nucleotides 15129 to 15135. In contrast, expression of IBV sequences from nucleotides 10752 to 16980 generated two polypeptides of approximately 62 and 235 kDa, which represent the ORF 1a stop product and the 1a-1b fused product generated by a frameshifting mechanism, respectively, but no processed products were observed. Since the putative picornavirus 3C-like proteinase domain is located in ORF 1a between nucleotides 8937 and 9357, this observation suggests that deletion of the picornavirus 3C-like proteinase domain and surrounding regions abolishes processing of the 1b polyprotein. In addition, the in vitro translation and in vivo transfection studies also indicate that the ORF 1a region between nucleotides 8763 and 10720 contains elements that down-regulate the expression of ORF 1b.  相似文献   

The aerosol stability of two particle forms, infectious and potentially infectious, of reovirus were examined under static conditions for a range of relative humidities at 21 and 24 degrees C. Virus aerosolization efficiency was determined for two methods of dissemination: Collison nebulizer and Chicago atomizer. Suspensions of Bacillus subtilis var. niger spores were added to reovirus preparations that included both particle forms and disseminated into a dynamic aerosol toroid to estimate the physical decay of the aerosols. At 90 to 100% relative humidity, both reovirus particle forms showed less than 10-fold loss of infectivity after 12 h of aging. At lower relative humidities the aerosol decay curve showed rapid initial decay followed by a markedly lower decay rate. Our findings reveal that reovirus particles are relatively stable in the airborne state.  相似文献   

C D Weiss  J A Levy    J M White 《Journal of virology》1990,64(11):5674-5677
The oligomeric structure of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein (gp120) was examined by treating infectious virions with chemical cross-linking agents and subjecting the protein to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and velocity centrifugation. Immunoblots of cross-linked samples revealed three gp120 bands and an approximately threefold shift in gp120 sedimentation. Our finding of cross-linking solely between gp120 suggests that the gp120 subunits are closely associated in the native envelope structure.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis revealed phospholipase A2 (PLA2) motifs in capsid proteins of parvoviruses. Although PLA2 activity is not known to exist in viruses, putative PLA2s from divergent parvoviruses, human B19, porcine parvovirus, and insect GmDNV (densovirus from Galleria mellonella), can emulate catalytic properties of secreted PLA2. Mutations of critical amino acids strongly reduce both PLA2 activity and, proportionally, viral infectivity, but cell surface attachment, entry, and endocytosis by PLA2-deficient virions are not affected. PLA2 activity is critical for efficient transfer of the viral genome from late endosomes/lysosomes to the nucleus to initiate replication. These findings offer the prospect of developing PLA2 inhibitors as a new class of antiviral drugs against parvovirus infections and associated diseases.  相似文献   

1. The glycopeptide carrying the glycosaminoglycan chain of the urinary trypsin inhibitor (immunologically and structurally related to inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor) was isolated. 2. The data from amino acid composition and part sequencing of this glycopeptide unambiguously demonstrate that the glycosaminoglycan is covalently linked to serine-10 of the peptide chain of UTI.  相似文献   

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