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Fish larvae assemblages in the Gulf of California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distributional diversity and assemblages of fish larvae in the Gulf of California indicated two main seasonal stages and two transitional periods: in winter, the tropical water mass is confined to the south‐east portion of the mouth of the Gulf and larval fish assemblages are dominated by subtropical and temperate‐subarctic species; in summer; tropical water invades the Gulf and assemblages are dominated by tropical species. Both seasonal stages are separated by transitional periods coinciding with strong latitudinal temperature gradients. During the autumn and spring transitional periods, the Gulf of California splits into three regions: a northern region where temperate and subarctic species spawn from autumn to spring, a southern region dominated by tropical and subtropical species year round and a central region where tropical and temperate assemblages merge. Seasonal changes in the location of the regions, as well as the borders between them, show expansion and contraction of the northern and southern faunas related to the general oceanic circulation patterns during the year.  相似文献   

Distribution of cetaceans in the offshore Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to comprehend better the distribution of Gulf of Mexico cetaceans, all available records of whales and dolphins in the offshore Gulf were assembled and analysed. This included sightings, strandings and captures of all species, except the Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus , from all sources, except the recently completed GulfCet project. An attempt was made to confirm species identification for each of the records. A total of 1223 records was available for analysis. Twentyseven species of cetaceans have been confirmed to occur in the offshore Gulf of Mexico. All of the baleen whales, with the possible exception of the Bryde's Whale Balaenoptera edeni appear to be extralimital in the Gulf. The Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus is, by far, the most common great whale in this body of water. All previous records of Common Dolphins Delphinus spp. in the Gulf are rejected as either incorrect or unreliable, and there is currently no convincing evidence that dolphins of the genus Delphinus occur in the Gulf. The Atlantic Spotted Dolphin Stenella frontalis is the only species, other than the Bottlenose Dolphin, that regularly occurs over the continental shelf. The Pantropical Spotted Dolphin Stenella attenuata is the most common species of small cetacean in oceanic waters of the Gulf, but many other species also occur there in significant numbers.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the biogeographical structure and affinities of the Australian marine demersal ichthyofauna at the scale of provinces and bathomes for the purposes of regional marine planning. Location Australia. Methods Patterns of distribution in the Australian fish fauna, at both intra‐regional and global scales, were examined using a science‐based, management framework dividing Australia’s marine biodiversity into 16 province‐level biogeographical units. Occurrences of 3734 species in eight depth‐stratified bathomes (from the coast to the mid‐continental slope) within each province were analysed to determine the structure and local affinities of their assemblages and their association with faunas of nearby regions and oceans basins. Results Strong geographic and depth‐related structure was evident. Fish assemblages in each province, and in each bathome of each province, were distinct, with the shelf‐break bathome more similar to the adjacent continental shelf bathome than to the upper slope bathome. Data based only on endemic species performed well as a surrogate of the entire dataset, yielding comparable patterns of similarity between provinces and bathomes. Tropical and temperate elements were better discriminated than elements of the Pacific and Indian oceans, with the central western province more similar to the tropical provinces (including those in the east), and the eastern province closer to southern temperate provinces. The fauna shares the closest regional affinities with those of the adjacent south‐west Pacific, western Pacific Rim, and elements of wide‐ranging Indo‐Pacific components. Elements unique to the Pacific and Indian oceans are poorly represented. Main conclusions The complex nature of Australia’s marine ichthyofauna is confirmed. A hierarchy of provinces and bathomes, used to ensure that Australia’s developing marine reserve network is both representative and comprehensive, is equally robust when based on all known Australian fish species or on only those species endemic to this continent. Latitude and depth are more important than oceanic influences on the composition of this fauna at these scales.  相似文献   

Recent molecular studies have shown that highly mobile species with continuous distributions can exhibit fine‐scale population structure. In this context, we assessed genetic structure within a marine species with high dispersal potential, the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis). Using 19 microsatellite loci and mitochondrial control region sequences, population structure was investigated in the western North Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and the Azores Islands. Analyses of the microsatellite data identified four distinct genetic clusters, which were supported by the control region sequences. The highest level of divergence was seen between two clusters corresponding to previously described morphotypes that inhabit oceanic and shelf waters. The combined morphological and genetic evidence suggests these two lineages are on distinct evolutionary trajectories and could be considered distinct subspecies despite their parapatry. Further analysis of the continental shelf cluster resulted in three groups: animals inhabiting shelf waters in the western North Atlantic, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the western Gulf of Mexico. Analyses of environmental data indicate the four genetic clusters inhabit distinct habitats in terms of depth and sea surface temperature. Contemporary dispersal rate estimates suggest all of these populations should be considered as distinct management units. Conversely, no significant genetic differentiation was observed between S. frontalis from offshore waters of the western North Atlantic and the Azores, which are separated by approximately 4500 km. Overall, the hierarchical structure observed within the Atlantic spotted dolphin shows that the biogeography of the species is complex because it is not shaped solely by geographic distance.  相似文献   

There are 132 curculionids associated with deciduous trees in eastern Europe and western Siberia. The weevils and bark beetles make up the basis of the fauna, forming almost 80%. The fauna of oak is the richest (64 species). The species composition on the ash-tree (50% are monophages) is highly original. Impoverishment of the species composition from the west to the east is revealed. The fauna declines by 18% from 45 to 55° E. The species composition reduces two times beyond the Urals. The faunal boundaries are revealed from west to east and from east to west. The most significant boundary (47% of the fauna do not pass it) for distribution of species to the east is situated between 40 and 45° E. Two significant faunal boundaries are revealed from south to north. The fauna of curculionids of deciduous trees is formed by four groups of species. The southern European species (54%) and western palaearctic species (40%) dominate. The species composition of the studied territory is similar to the fauna of Middle Europe. Formation of the modern fauna of curculionids of deciduous trees in eastern Europe probably occurred in the Holocene. The western Palaearctic and Transpalaearctic species could have occupied the considered territory since the Late Pleistocene. Southern European species appeared in the considered territory after the Valdai glaciation during the warming in the Atlantic period of the Holocene. Penetration of East Palaearctic species began rather recently (last few decades), probably due to climate warming and economic activities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the communities associated with different seagrass species to predict how shifts in seagrass species composition may affect associated fauna. In the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, coverage of the historically dominant shoal grass (Halodule wrightii) is decreasing, while coverage of manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme) and turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) is increasing. We conducted a survey of fishes, crabs, and shrimp in monospecific beds of shoal, manatee, and turtle grass habitats of South Texas, USA to assess how changes in sea grass species composition would affect associated fauna. We measured seagrass parameters including shoot density, above ground biomass, epiphyte type, and epiphyte abundance to investigate relationships between faunal abundance and these seagrass parameters. We observed significant differences in communities among three seagrass species, even though these organisms are highly motile and could easily travel among the different seagrasses. Results showed species specific relationships among several different characteristics of the seagrass community and individual species abundance. More work is needed to discern the drivers of the complex relationships between individual seagrass species and their associated fauna.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifteen species of fishes (14 oceanic, plus 101 shore and nearshore species) are known from Clipperton Island, a small, remote coral atoll in the tropical eastern Pacific (TEP). This fish fauna includes only 14% of the region's shallow-water species, and also is depauperate relative to the fish faunas of other isolated tropical islands. The island's isolation, small size, reduced habitat diversity, and oceanic environment contribute to this paucity of species.Fifty-two species at Clipperton can be identified as TEP; these include 37 widespread species, six species shared only with the Revillagigedo Islands [the nearest (950 km) offshore shoals], and eight endemic to Clipperton. Endemics species apparently have a mix of west and east Pacific origins. Sixty-three species are transpacific; they include three new records (of Naso surgeonfishes) that maybe vagrants recruited > 4,000 km from Oceania.Clipperton is situated at the juncture between the TEP and Oceania. Its fish fauna contains about equal numbers of TEP and transpacific species. This faunal structure reflects the relative influence of surface currents from Oceania and the TEP. Although most of Clipperton's transpacific shorefishes are widespread in eastern Oceania, the Clipperton fauna has specific affinities to the fauna of the Line Islands, which are located within the main eastbound current from Oceania. Clipperton may therefore be a major stepping stone for dispersal between Oceania and the remainder of the TEP. About 50% of the non-oceanic, tropical transpacific fishes occur there, and at least 75 % of those species apparently have resident populations at the island.  相似文献   

Abstract: An early Cenozoic shark fauna, comprising at least 16 taxa, is described from Paleocene sedimentary rocks on the South Island of New Zealand. Although representing a remote Southern Hemisphere location, the fauna includes forms closely comparable to contemporary species from the Northern Hemisphere, in addition to the new species Chlamydoselachus keyesi and Centroselachus goordi. Comparison with closely related extant species suggests the fauna may be interpreted as a deep water one, typical of the outer continental shelf and upper slope. However, after palaeogeography, sedimentology and mineralogy of the enclosing rock, and the nature of similar faunas from elsewhere are taken into consideration, the fauna is interpreted to have occupied a mid‐shelf environment.  相似文献   

One of the main concerns of shrimp fisheries is the associated impact on ecosystem biodiversity, particularly on fish assemblages that are poorly characterized yet likely very relevant to the health of the ecosystem. The continental shelf along the eastern coast of the mouth of the Gulf of California is a region of high biodiversity that harbors highly productive fisheries. This study aimed to analyze the changes in the soft bottom fish assemblages caught as bycatch in the shrimp fishery located in this region. Sampling was conducted with commercial trawls at 16 fixed stations during the 2006–2007 shrimp‐fishing season. A total of 103 fish species from 80 genera and 47 families were collected. The ecological and taxonomic diversity as well as the composition and abundance of the fish community caught as bycatch in the shrimp trawl fishery were found to be significantly different in the autumn and winter. Ordination and similarity analyses also revealed differing patterns. Species abundance was strongly associated with sea bottom temperature, depth and latitude. The effects of these abiotic variables on the observed diversity patterns and the possible influences of the fishery are discussed.  相似文献   

Micropaleontological studies were made of cores from four shelf basins on the eastern Canadian Margin: Emerald and Canso basins on the Scotian Shelf (44°–46° N), Notre Dame Channel, Newfoundland Shelf (50° N) and Cartwright Saddle, Labrador Shelf (55°). Events were correlated using a combination of14C dates and pollen stratigraphies. Surface- and bottom-water changes were compared on the basis of dinoflagellates and benthic foraminifera, respectively. The results indicate significant paleoceanographic shifts along a north—south gradient both prior to and during the Holocene.Distinct Late Pleistocene—Holocene paleoceanographic events were distinguished in the Emerald, Canso and Notre Dame basins; these events are less obvious in Cartwright Saddle which is in deeper water and further off-shore. Pleistocene glaciomarine sediments in all basins contain a fauna dominated byElphidium excavatum f.clavata; dinoflagellates and pollen are rare or absent. The widespreadElphidium fauna probably reflects turbid glacial meltwater and/or a permanent ice shelf cover from 20,000-10,000 yrs BP. The Notre Dame core also penetrates older sediment with an outer Labrador Current fauna which may represent a late Wisconsinian interstade at about 23,000 yrs BP. From 7,000–10,000 yrs BP a cold water fauna occurred which is similar to modern outer Labrador Current faunas. From about 5000–7000 yrs BP, a warm interval is indicated by a relatively warm-water calcareous benthonic foraminiferal fauna and increased representation of typical Gulf Stream dinoflagellates. The most recent change occurred in the last 2000 years with an abrupt cooling associated with stronger flow of the arctic inner Labrador Current. This cooling event is marked by an increase in arctic dinoflagellates and by an exclusively agglutinated benthonic foraminiferal fauna at two sites (Canso and Notre Dame). These Holocene paleoceanographic changes are not clearly seen in the benthic fauna of the deep northern basin (Cartwright Saddle) although dinoflagellate data at this site indicate that surface-water changes have occurred that are similar to those found in shallower basins.Shifts in the zonal position of the Gulf Stream and changes in the relative mass transports of the West Greenland and Labrador currents are mechanisms which may account for the paleoceanographic events. The glacial—interstadial—glacial sequence recorded in the Notre Dame Channel, in conjunction with other theories on glacial triggering mechanisms, provides biostratigraphic evidence which suggests the onset of a glacial stage in the near future.  相似文献   

Concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, inorganic phosphate, and dissolved oxygen were measured at 15 stations in the Gulf of Nicoya during rainy and dry seasons. Results allowed division of the gulf into three areas. The upper gulf is an area greatly affected by changes in rainfall as levels of nutrients varied by an order of magnitude seasonally. The lower gulf shows less seasonal variation and is characterized by low concentrations of nutrients and high concentrations of oxygen at the surface and high concentrations of nutrients and low concentrations of oxygen at the bottom. Nutrient-rich bottom water in the lower gulf appears to be entrained from offshore by the positive estuarine character of the gulf. This process is facilitated by the extremely narrow shelf along the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. These oceanic waters are mixed vertically in the mid-gulf region and carried into the upper gulf by estuarine circulation.  相似文献   

The 3,000 oil/gas structures currently deployed in the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) provide hard substratum for marine organisms in a region where such has been rare since the Holocene. The major exception to this are the Flower Garden Banks (FGB). Corals are known to have colonized oil/gas platforms around the FGB, facilitating biogeographic expansion. We ask the question, what are the patterns of genetic affinity in these coral populations. We sampled coral tissue from populations of two species occurring on oil and gas platforms: Madracis decactis (hermatype) and Tubastraea coccinea (invasive ahermatype). We sampled 28 platforms along four transects from 20 km offshore to the continental shelf edge off 1) Matagorda Island, TX; 2) Lake Sabine, TX; 3) Terrebonne Bay, LA; and 4) Mobile, AL. The entire population of M. decactis was sampled between depths of 5 m and 37 m. T. coccinea populations were sub-sampled. Genetic variation was assessed using the PCR-based Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs). Data were analyzed via AFLPOP and STRUCTURE. Genetic connectivity among M. decactis platform populations was highest near the FGB and decreased to the east. Connectivity increased again in the eastern sector, indicating isolation between the populations from different sides of the Mississippi River (Transects 3 and 4). A point-drop in genetic affinity (relatedness) at the shelf edge south of Terrebonne Bay, LA indicated a population differing from all others in the northern GOM. Genetic affinities among T. coccinea were highest in the west and decreased to the east. Very low genetic affinities off Mobile, AL indicated a dramatic difference between those populations and those west of the Mississippi River, apparently a formidable barrier to larval dispersal.  相似文献   

Reproductive biology of gag in the southern Gulf of Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aspects of the reproductive biology of gag Mycteroperca microlepis in the southern Gulf of Mexico were studied by following seasonal variations in the gonado‐somatic index and through histological examination of gonads. Gag were collected from inshore and offshore waters of the Campeche Bank, Yucatan, Mexico, between April 1996 and December 2001. This species is a protogynous hermaphrodite, and appeared to be depth‐size distributed. The smallest gag (9–49 cm L F) collected were all juvenile females, and were caught in inshore waters (1–10 m depth), while the largest (49–116 cm L F), mainly adult females, males and transitionals, were captured in offshore waters (33–167 m depth). Overall the offshore male to female ratio was female‐biased (1 : 3·3) and differed significantly from unity. The species spawns at depths of c . 50–53 m, from early winter to mid‐spring, with peak spawning activity occurring between January and March. Fifty per cent of females reached first maturity at 72·1 cm L F. At 103 cm L F, 50% of sampled females had changed into males. Gag can be considered a monandric species, and sexual transition for this grouper seemed to occur in fish distributed within a narrow size range (85–111 cm L F). The results are compared with those of other authors for gag stocks from the south‐east Atlantic coast of the U.S.A. and the north‐east Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

Mathews LM 《Molecular ecology》2006,15(13):4049-4063
Recent investigations suggest that marine biodiversity may be much higher than earlier estimates, and an important hidden source of diversity in marine systems is the phenomenon of cryptic species complexes. Such complexes are informative models for research into the evolutionary processes that govern species compositions of marine fauna. The snapping shrimp genera Alpheus and Synalpheus are known to harbour large numbers of cryptic species; here, I characterize the genetic structure of the Alpheus armillatus species complex in the northern Caribbean, west Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Over this geographical region, the complex harbours at least three lineages that are probable reproductively isolated species; all major lineages diverged subsequent to the close of the Isthmus of Panama. Only one lineage was present in the Gulf of Mexico, whereas outside the Gulf of Mexico there was no clear tendency for lineage dominance by geographical region, as most sites were populated by shrimp from at least two lineages. However, within each lineage, there was strong evidence of population genetic differentiation between geographical regions. All lineages showed strong signals of demographic expansion, and one lineage showed sharply reduced genetic diversity, suggestive of past population bottlenecks or recently founded populations with low gene flow from other sites. These results show that evolutionary processes leading to divergence and speciation have been common and recent in the snapping shrimp, and suggest that connectivity among shrimp populations may be limited.  相似文献   

The eastern Patagonian Shelf and continental slope of the south-west Atlantic Ocean support a high biodiversity and abundance of skates. In this study, meso-scale differences in the assemblages, spatial and seasonal distributions of skates are revealed among six habitat zones of the eastern Patagonian Shelf characterized by distinctive oceanographic conditions. Most skates belonged to temperate fauna, and their abundance was much greater in habitats occupied by temperate waters (north-western outer shelf) or mixed waters (northern slope) than in habitats occupied by sub-Antarctic waters (SASW) (south-eastern outer shelf and southern slope). Sub-Antarctic skates were not abundant on the shelf even in habitats occupied by SASW, occurring mainly in deep areas of the lower continental slope. The majority of temperate skates migrated seasonally, shifting northward in winter and spreading southward with warming waters in summer. Most temperate species had two peaks in female maturity (mainly spring and autumn) and spawned in the same habitats where they fed. It is hypothesized that the high biodiversity and abundance of skates on the Patagonian Shelf and Slope are due to the practical absence of their natural competitors, flatfishes, which occupy similar eco-niches elsewhere.  相似文献   

During October to December 1997, we trawled estuarine habitats in the Joseph Bonaparte Gulf (JBG) to determine the distribution of juvenile red-legged banana prawns, Penaeus indicus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837) and white banana prawns, Penaeus merguiensis (de Man, 1888). We made 229 beam-trawls at 185 sites, mostly over a 100-m path (3-min duration). A Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver was used to verify our location. During October to December 1998, we intensively resampled three of the rivers that were sampled in 1997 to confirm the gulf-wide distribution of P. indicus and P. merguiensis and to investigate the microhabitat use of P. indicus. We chose previously sampled and new sites in Forsyth Creek (eastern JBG), the Lyne River (Cambridge Gulf), and the Berkeley River (western JBG). We made 249 trawls at 21 sites, mostly over 100 m.Juvenile banana prawns were abundant in eastern JBG, Cambridge Gulf and western JBG. They were not abundant in southern JBG, although fewer trawls were made there, due to its inaccessibility. In eastern JBG and Cambridge Gulf, over 96% and 73% (respectively) of juvenile banana prawns were P. indicus and they were more abundant there than in the western JBG. Conversely, in the western JBG over 93% of the juvenile banana prawns were P. merguiensis and they were more abundant than in the eastern JBG and Cambridge Gulf. The Lyne River in the northwestern Cambridge Gulf seems to be the transition zone; both P. indicus and P. merguiensis are equally abundant.P. indicus are most abundant on the mangrove-lined muddy banks of waterways within mangrove forests, similar habitats to P. merguiensis. Within these habitats, they were most abundant in gutters and small creeks, rather than rivers and large creeks. Few P. indicus or P. merguiensis were caught in 100 m2 trawls undertaken midriver (on the channel bottom and on emergent banks), although these habitats may be only 100 m from the mangrove-lined habitats. In all creek and river habitats, both species are most catchable at low tide (irrespective of daylight or darkness) when they move out of the mangrove forests and accumulate in the remnant water bodies.The offshore fishery for P. indicus is in northwestern JBG in waters 50-80 m deep, about 300 and 200 km, respectively, from where juveniles are abundant in their extensive inshore habitats in east JBG and in Cambridge Gulf, demonstrating a geographical separation of the juvenile and adult phases. Postlarval P. indicus, spawned offshore, must use tides and currents to travel south and east to reach nursery habitats. Emigrant subadults must migrate north and west, across relatively shallow inshore sand substrates (30-40 m deep) to reach their offshore habitats.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of abundance for the calanoid copepod Metridialucens and its interannual variability are described from 17611 samples collected on 193 broad-scale plankton surveys ofthe US northeast continental shelf region from 1977 to 1999.The copepod’s seasonal distribution is illustrated withbi-monthly geographic abundance plots. Abundance of M. lucensis compared with various environmental variables, abundanceof the copepod Calanus finmarchicus, density of potential predatorsand the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. Metridia lucensabundance increased throughout the ecosystem during spring warmingand usually reached peak levels in late spring. The highestmean densities were measured in the Gulf of Maine (GOM), wherethe copepod is usually found year round and exhibits a weak,decreasing west to east abundance gradient. The less dense populationslocated on Georges Bank and within the Middle Atlantic Bightare characterized by year-round onshore to offshore gradientsthat strengthen during the summer months when the copepod concentratesoffshore where there is a cool layer of subthermocline water,the region often referred to as the cold pool. Interannual variabilityin abundance showed two persistent periods: above average valuesfrom 1979 to 1982, followed by very low levels from 1983 toat least 1987. Metridia lucens abundance in the 1990s has usuallybeen at or above time series means. None of the environmentalvariables measured during the surveys could be correlated tothis variability. The copepod’s abundance in the GOM wasnot related to variation in the NAO index or to changes in predatorabundance found in the region. The seasonal abundance cycleand interannual variability of M. lucens in the GOM were foundto be very similar to those found for the dominant copepod,Calanus finmarchicus. Reasons for this coupling are discussed.  相似文献   

The species composition of peracarids (Crustacea: Malacostraca) of the Greenland shelf between 60°N and 65°N was investigated by means of 10 qualitative epibenthic samples in relation to environmental factors. In total, 59,234 specimens were collected belonging to 219 species. The relative abundance was much higher on the western shelf (total of 41,594 specimens) than on the eastern shelf (total of 17,640 specimens with same effort). Three species were new to science, while five records were new for the investigated area. The species composition was dominated by amphipods (58%), while the relative abundances of isopods (25%), cumaceans (11%) and tanaidaceans (6%) were much lower. Diversity and evenness were similar in the eastern and the western areas. Multivariate analyses of the species relative abundances divided the peracarids into a southeastern and southwestern Greenland fauna. Based on a correlation analysis between faunal data and five environmental variables, the separation between the two areas was mainly based on sediment type. Species contributing most to the separation between eastern and western fauna included the amphipods Hardametopa nasuta, Photis reinhardi and Phoxocephalus holboelli, the isopods Pleurogonium spinosissimum, Iolella laciniata and Nannoniscus oblongus and the cumaceans Leucon cf. nasicoides and Campylaspis horrida. Species distribution patterns are discussed in the light of habitat and feeding preferences.  相似文献   

New information on the presence and relative abundances of 41 reef-building (zooxanthellate) coral species at 11 eastern Pacific and 3 central Pacific localities is examined in a biogeographic analysis and review of the eastern Pacific coral reef region. The composition and origin of the coral fauna and other reef-associated taxa are assessed in the context of dispersal and vicariance hypotheses. A minimum variance cluster analysis using coral species presence–absence classification data at the 14 localities revealed three eastern Pacific reef-coral provinces: (1) equatorial– mainland Ecuador to Costa Rica, including the Galápagos and Cocos Islands; (2) northern– mainland México and the Revillagigedo Islands; (3) island group– eastern Pacific Malpelo Island and Clipperton Atoll, and central Pacific Hawaiian, Johnston and Fanning Islands. Coral species richness is relatively high in the equatorial (17–26 species per locality) and northern (18–24 species) provinces, and low at two small offshore island localities (7–10 species). A high proportion (36.6%, 15 species) of eastern Pacific coral species occurs at only one or two localities; of these, three disappeared following the 1982–83 ENSO event, three occur as death assemblages at several localities, and five are endangered with known populations of ten or fewer colonies. Principal component analysis using ordinal relative density data for the 41 species at the 14 localities indicated three main species groupings, i.e., those with high, mid, and narrow spatial distributions. These groupings correlated with species population-dynamic characteristics. These results were compared with data for riverine discharges, ocean circulation patterns, shoreline habitat characteristics, and regional sea surface temperature data to help clarify the analyses as these measures of environmental variability affect coral community composition. Local richness was highest at localities with the highest environmental variability. Recent information regarding the strong affinity between eastern and central Pacific coral faunas, abundance of teleplanic larvae in oceanic currents, high genetic similarity of numerous reef-associated species, and appearances of numerous Indo-west Pacific species in the east Pacific following ENSO activity, suggest the bridging of the east Pacific filter bridge (formerly east Pacific barrier). Accepted: 20 September 1999  相似文献   

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