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Initiator proteins are key components of the DNA replication machinery that determine where initiation will occur. In the past few years, due to a greatly improved understanding of what viral initiators look like and how they function, we can now identify the basic tasks that are required of initiators, as well as begin to comprehend what activities are required to perform these tasks. The improved knowledge of the viral initiators also demonstrates an unexpected level of conservation between different viral initiators, which might extend also to their cellular counterparts.  相似文献   

Lambda dv plasmids having an amber mutation in an initiator gene, O or P, were constructed from mutant lambda phages by recombinant DNA techniques and several properties of such derivatives were investigated. These plasmids are perpetuated in suppressor-plus (amber-permissive) cells, but not in non-suppressor cells. The plasmid copy number in the suppressor-plus cells was low as compared to that of the plasmid without the amber mutation. In cells carrying a thermosensitive suppressor 2, raising the temperature is expected to block new production of amber proteins, but should not affect conservation of the protein made prior to heating. It was observed, however, that replication of the plasmids carrying an amber mutation in the O or P gene was abolished soon after raising the temperature, suggesting that neither of the initiator proteins can continue functioning unless replenished. Pulse-chase experiments demonstrated that O protein decays with a half-life of 8 min. Several lines of evidence suggest that this degradation occurs independently of the protein function. On the other hand, P protein was not degraded under the same experimental conditions. These observations are discussed in connection with functional instability of the initiator molecules. It appears that they do not work catalytically.  相似文献   

The origin of replication of the IncL/M plasmid pMU604 was analyzed to identify sequences important for binding of initiator proteins and origin activity. A thrice repeated sequence motif 5'-NANCYGCAA-3' was identified as the binding site (RepA box) of the initiator protein, RepA. All three copies of the RepA box were required for in vivo activity and binding of RepA to these boxes appeared to be cooperative. A DnaA R box (box 1), located immediately upstream of the RepA boxes, was not required for recruitment of DnaA during initiation of replication by RepA of pMU604 unless a DnaA R box located at the distal end of the origin (box 3) had been inactivated. However, DnaA R box 1 was important for recruitment of DnaA to the origin of replication of pMU604 when the initiator RepA was that from a distantly related plasmid, pMU720. A mutation which scrambled DnaA R boxes 1 and 3 and one which scrambled DnaA R boxes 1, 3 and 4 had much more deleterious effects on initiation by RepA of pMU720 than on initiation by RepA of pMU604. Neither Rep protein could initiate replication from the origin of pMU604 in the absence of DnaA, suggesting that the difference between them might lie in the mechanism of recruitment of DnaA to this origin. DnaA protein enhanced the binding and origin unwinding activities of RepA of pMU604, but appeared unable to bind to a linear DNA fragment bearing the origin of replication of pMU604 in the absence of other proteins.  相似文献   

Kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), the mitochondrial genome of trypanosomatids, consists of several thousand topologically interlocked DNA circles. Mitochondrial histone H1-like proteins were implicated in the condensation of kDNA into a nucleoid structure in the mitochondrial matrix. However, the mechanism that remodels kDNA, promoting its accessibility to the replication machinery, has not yet been described. Analyses, using yeast two hybrid system, co-immunoprecipitation, and protein-protein cross-linking, revealed specific protein-protein interactions between the kDNA replication initiator protein universal minicircle sequence-binding protein (UMSBP) and two mitochondrial histone H1-like proteins. Fluorescence and electron microscopy, as well as biochemical analyses, demonstrated that these protein-protein interactions result in the decondensation of kDNA. UMSBP-mediated decondensation rendered the kDNA network accessible to topological decatenation by topoisomerase II, yielding free kDNA minicircle monomers. Hence, UMSBP has the potential capacity to function in vivo in the activation of the prereplication release of minicircles from the network, a key step in kDNA replication, which precedes and enables its replication initiation. These observations demonstrate the prereplication remodeling of a condensed mitochondrial DNA, which is mediated via specific interactions of histone-like proteins with a replication initiator, rather than through their posttranslational covalent modifications.  相似文献   

DNA phase transition promoted by replication initiator   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

BACKGROUND: In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cyclin-dependent kinases of the Clb/Cdc28 family restrict the initiation of DNA replication to once per cell cycle by preventing the re-assembly of pre-replicative complexes (pre-RCs) at replication origins that have already initiated replication. This assembly involves the Cdc6-dependent loading of six minichromosome maintenance (Mcm) proteins, Mcm2-7, onto origins. How Clb/Cdc28 kinases prevent pre-RC assembly is not understood. RESULTS: In living cells, the Mcm proteins were found to colocalize in a cell-cycle-regulated manner. Mcm2-4, 6 and 7 were concentrated in the nucleus in G1 phase, gradually exported to the cytoplasm during S phase, and excluded from the nucleus by G2 and M phase. Tagging any single Mcm protein with the SV40 nuclear localization signal made all Mcm proteins constitutively nuclear. In the absence of functional Cdc6, Clb/Cdc28 kinases were necessary and sufficient for efficient net nuclear export of a fusion protein between Mcm7 and the green fluorescent protein (Mcm7-GFP), whereas inactivation of these kinases at the end of mitosis coincided with the net nuclear import of Mcm7-GFP. In contrast, in the presence of functional Cdc6, which loads Mcm proteins onto chromatin, S-phase progression as well as Clb/Cdc28 kinases was required for Mcm-GFP export. CONCLUSIONS: We propose that Clb/Cdc28 kinases prevent pre-RC reassembly in part by promoting the net nuclear export of Mcm proteins. We further propose that Mcm proteins become refractory to this regulation when they load onto chromatin and must be dislodged by DNA replication before they can be exported. Such an arrangement could ensure that Mcm proteins complete their replication function before they are removed from the nucleus.  相似文献   

The decision to initiate DNA replication is a critical step in the cell cycle of all organisms. In nearly all bacteria, replication initiation requires the activity of the conserved replication initiation protein DnaA. Due to its central role in cell cycle progression, DnaA activity must be precisely regulated. This review summarizes the current state of DnaA regulation in the asymmetrically dividing α-proteobacterium Caulobacter crescentus, an important model for bacterial cell cycle studies. Mechanisms will be discussed that regulate DnaA activity and abundance under optimal conditions and in coordination with the asymmetric Caulobacter cell cycle. Furthermore, we highlight recent findings of how regulated DnaA synthesis and degradation collaborate to adjust DnaA abundance under stress conditions. The mechanisms described provide important examples of how DNA replication is regulated in an α-proteobacterium and thus represent an important starting point for the study of DNA replication in many other bacteria. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Dynamic gene expression, edited by Prof. Patrick Viollier.  相似文献   

Methodology based on tRNA mediated protein engineering is described for the introduction of fluorophores and other labels at the N-terminus of proteins produced in cell-free translation systems. One method for low-level (trace) N-terminal labeling is based on the use of an Escherichia coli initiator tRNA(fMet) misaminoacylated with methionine modified at the alpha-amino group. In addition to the normal formyl group, the protein translational machinery incorporates the fluorophore BODIPY-FL and the affinity tag biotin at an N-terminal end of the nascent protein. A second method for higher N-terminal labeling uses a chemically aminoacylated amber initiator suppressor tRNA and a DNA template which contains a complementary amber (UAG) codon instead of the normal initiation (AUG) codon. This more versatile approach is demonstrated using a variety of N-terminal markers including fluorescein, biotin, PC-biotin, and a novel dual marker conjugate (Biotin/BODIPY-FL).  相似文献   

DNA replication initiation proteins (Reps) are subjected to degradation by cellular proteases. We investigated how the formation of nucleoprotein complex, involving Rep and a protease, affects Rep degradation. All known Escherichia coli AAA+ cytosolic proteases and the replication initiation protein TrfA of the broad-host-range plasmid RK2 were used. Our results revealed that DNA influences the degradation process and that the observed effects are opposite and protease specific. In the case of ClpXP and ClpYQ proteases, DNA abolishes proteolysis, while in the case of ClpAP and Lon proteases it stimulates the process. ClpX and ClpY cannot interact with DNA-bound TrfA, while the ClpAP and Lon activities are enhanced by the formation of nucleoprotein complexes involving both the protease and TrfA. Lon has to interact with TrfA before contacting DNA, or this interaction can occur with TrfA already bound to DNA. The TrfA degradation by Lon can be carried out only on DNA. The absence of Lon results with higher stability of TrfA in the cell.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of DnaA protein and its interaction with DNA and ribonucleotides has been predicted using biochemical, biophysical techniques, and prediction methods based on multiple-sequence alignment and neural networks. The core of all proteins from the DnaA family consists of an “open twisted α/β structure,” containing five α-helices alternating with five β-strands. In our proposed structural model the interior of the core is formed by a parallel β-sheet, whereas the α-helices are arranged on the surface of the core. The ATP-binding motif is located within the core, in a loop region following the first β-strand. The N-terminal domain (80 aa) is composed of two α-helices, the first of which contains a potential leucine zipper motif for mediating protein-protein interaction, followed by a β-strand and an additional α-helix. The N-terminal domain and the α/β core region of DnaA are connected by a variable loop (45–70 aa); major parts of the loop region can be deleted without loss of protein activity. The C-terminal DNA-binding domain (94 aa) is mostly α-helical and contains a potential helix-loop-helix motif. DnaA protein does not dimerize in solution; instead, the two longest C-terminal α-helices could interact with each other, forming an internal “coiled coil” and exposing highly basic residues of a small loop region on the surface, probably responsible for DNA backbone contacts. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

Viral initiator proteins are polypeptides that form oligomeric complexes on the origin of DNA replication (ori). These complexes carry out a multitude of functions related to initiation of DNA replication, and although many of these functions have been characterized biochemically, little is understood about how the complexes are assembled. Here we demonstrate that loss of one particular interaction, the dimerization between E1 DNA binding domains, has a severe effect on DNA replication in vivo but has surprisingly modest effects on most individual biochemical activities in vitro. We conclude that the dimer interaction is primarily required for initial recognition of ori.  相似文献   

Proper coordination of DNA replication with cell growth and division is critical for production of viable progeny. In bacteria, coordination of DNA replication with cell growth is generally achieved by controlling activity of the replication initiator DnaA and its access to the chromosomal origin of replication, oriC. Here we describe a previously unknown mechanism for regulation of DnaA. YabA, a negative regulator of replication initiation in Bacillus subtilis, interacts with DnaA and DnaN, the sliding (processivity) clamp of DNA polymerase. We found that in vivo, YabA associated with the oriC region in a DnaA-dependent manner and limited the amount of DnaA at oriC. In vitro, purified YabA altered binding of DnaA to DNA by inhibiting cooperativity. Although previously undescribed, proteins that directly inhibit cooperativity may be a common mechanism for regulating replication initiation. Conditions that cause release of DnaN from the replisome, or overproduction of DnaN, caused decreased association of YabA and increased association of DnaA with oriC. This effect of DnaN, either directly or indirectly, is likely responsible, in part, for enabling initiation of a new round of replication following completion of a previous round.  相似文献   

The plasmid pGT5 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrococcus abyssi replicates via the rolling circle mechanism. pGT5 encodes the replication initiator protein Rep75 that exhibits a nicking–closing (NC) activity in vitro on single-stranded oligonucleotides containing the pGT5 double-stranded origin (dso) sequence. Some mesophilic Rep proteins present site-specific DNA topoisomerase-like activity on a negatively supercoiled plasmid harbouring the dso. We report here that Rep75 also exhibits topoisomerase activity on a negatively supercoiled DNA substrate. This DNA topoisomerase-like activity is dependent on the amino acids involved in NC activity of Rep75. However, in contrast with mesophilic Rep proteins, Rep75 topoisomerase activity is not dso dependent. Moreover, although pGT5 is known to be relaxed in vivo, Rep75 was not able to act on a relaxed plasmid in vitro, whether or not it contained the dso.  相似文献   

The sequence motifs present in the replication initiator protein (Rep) of geminiviruses have been compared with those present in all known rolling circle replication initiators. The predicted secondary structures of Rep representing each group of organisms have been compared and found to be conserved. Regions of recombination in the Rep gene and the adjoining 5′ intergenic region (IR) of representative species of Geminiviridae have been identified using Recombination Detection Programs. The possible implications of such recombinations on the increasing host range of geminivirus infections are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract pT181 is a Staphylococcus aureus rolling circle replicating plasmid whose copy number is controlled by regulating the synthesis and activity of the initiator protein, RepC. The RepC dimer is modified during pT181 replication by the addition of an oligodeoxynucleotide, giving rise to a new form, RepC*. To purify RepC*, RepC was expressed in S. aureus as a fusion protein with a polyhistidine tail. The histidine-tagged RepC retains its initiation and topoisomerase activities in vitro. Histagged RepC/RepC and RepC/RepC* were purified in a two-step procedure. Peptide mapping, mass spectrometric analysis and protein sequencing of purified RepC and RepC* were carried out, and both proteins appeared identical, except that the peptide containing the RepC active site tyrosine used in nicking activity was absent when the purified RepC* sample was analyzed. The absence of the active site in RepC* suggests that this site was modified during replication. The results provide the first direct biochemical evidence that RepC* is a modified form of RepC, and support a model in which RepC replication of pT181 leaves RepC with an oligonucleotide blocking the active site of one of its subunits.  相似文献   

DnaA initiates chromosome replication in bacteria. In Caulobacter crescentus, the Lon protease degrades DnaA to coordinate replication with nutrient availability and to halt the cell cycle during acute stress. Here, we characterize the mechanism of DnaA recognition by Lon. We find that the folded state of DnaA appears crucial for its degradation, in contrast to the well‐known role of Lon in degrading misfolded proteins. We fail to identify a single degradation motif (degron) sufficient for DnaA degradation, rather we show that both the ATPase domain and a species‐specific N‐terminal motif are important for productive Lon degradation of full‐length DnaA. Mutations in either of these determinants disrupt DnaA degradation in vitro and in vivo. However, analysis of truncation products reveals that appending other extensions to the ATPase domain is sufficient to trigger degradation, suggesting plasticity in Lon recognition. Our final working model is that Lon engages DnaA through at least two elements, one of which anchors DnaA to Lon and the other acting as an initiation site for degradation.  相似文献   

The replication of pT181 and related plasmids of Staphylococcus aureus proceeds by a rolling circle mechanisms. The initiator proteins encoded by the plasmids of the pT181 family have sequence-specific DNA binding and topoisomerase activities. These proteins nick one strand of the DNA at the origin of replication. The free 3'-hydroxyl end at the nick is then used as a primer for the replication of the leading strand of the DNA. Although these initiator proteins are highly homologous, they show specificity in DNA binding and replication for their cognate DNAs. In this study, we have generated hybrid initiator proteins and studied their various biochemical activities in vitro. Our results show that 6 amino acids are sufficient to determine the DNA binding and replication specificities of such initiator proteins.  相似文献   

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