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A series of laboratory assays were performed to compare the relative impact of commercial and experimental cultivars of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L.), expressing zero, one, or two insecticidal proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, on several lepidopteran pests. Assays in which larvae were fed fresh plant tissue indicated that dual-toxin B. thuringiensis (Bt) cultivars, expressing both Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab endotoxins of B. thuringiensis, were more toxic to bollworms, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), fall armyworms, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), and beet armyworms, Spodoptera exigua (Hubner), than single-toxin cultivars expressing Cry1Ac. Assays in which lyophilized plant tissue was incorporated into artificial diet also indicated improved activity of the dual-toxin Bt cultivar compared with single-toxin plants. Both bollworm and tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), growth was reduced by Bt cotton, particularly the dual-toxin cultivar. Although assays with lyophilized tissues were done using largely sublethal doses, bollworm survival was reduced by the dual-toxin cultivar. It appears that this newly developed Bt cotton expressing two toxins will be more effective and have a wider range of activity on these lepidopteran pests.  相似文献   

Agro - industrial residues and by - products available in southeastern Brazil were used as ingredients for low - cost culture media for liquid fermentation of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki. Highest spore yield was obtained with a medium containing cheese whey , soya bean milk and molasses (WSM) . Crystals and spores were produced in all media and potency of the final product was highest for nutrient broth + yeast extract medium (NBY) . There was no correlation between the number of spores in the fermented media and the potency of the preparations . Considering all three factors , the potencies , costs and yields of the final products , lowest relative cost was obtained with BMM medium ( Bombyx mori pupae + molasses) . NBY and WSM had intermediate relative cost approximately nine times higher than BMM . The cost analysis suggests that BMM medium should be preferred for local production of B. thuringiensis var . kurstaki in comparison to other media tested . The results also demonstrate the importance of considering yields , cost and potency of the B. thuringiensis preparations in selecting the production medium .  相似文献   

Transgenic cotton, Gossypium hirsutum (L.), expressing either one or two Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki Berliner (Bt) proteins was compared with the conventional sister line in field experiments with regard to production of bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and bolls damaged by bollworm. The relative numbers of bollworms that developed on Bollgard (Monsanto Co., St. Louis, MO), Bollgard II (Monsanto Co.), and conventional cotton were estimated under nontreated conditions in 2000 and both insecticide-treated and nontreated conditions in 2001-2002 in North Carolina tests. Averaged across seven field studies under nontreated conditions, Bollgard cotton generated statistically similar numbers of large (L4-L5) bollworm larvae compared with the conventional variety; however, Bollgard cotton produced significantly fewer damaged bolls and bollworm adults than the conventional variety. Production of large larvae, damaged bolls, and adults was decreased dramatically by Bollgard II cotton as compared with Bollgard and conventional varieties. When comparing insecticide-treated and nontreated cotton genotypes, both Bt cotton sustained less boll damage than the conventional variety averaged across insecticide regimes; furthermore, Bollgard II cotton had fewer damaged bolls than the Bollgard variety. When averaged across cotton genotypes, pyrethroid oversprays reduced the numbers of damaged bolls compared with the nontreated cotton. Insecticide-treated Bollgard cotton, along with insecticide-treated and nontreated Bollgard II cotton reduced production of bollworm larvae, pupae, and adults. However, the addition of pyrethroid oversprays to Bollgard II cotton seemed to be the best resistance management strategy available for bollworm because no bollworms were capable of completing development under these conditions.  相似文献   

Identifying novel biocontrol agents and developing new strategies are urgent goals in insect pest biocontrol. Ascoviruses are potential competent insect viruses that may be developed into bioinsecticides, but this aim is impeded by their poor oral infectivity. To improve the per os infectivity of ascovirus, Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk) was employed as a helper to damage the midgut of lepidopteran larvae (Helicoverpa armigera, Mythimna separata, Spodoptera frugiperda, and S. litura) in formulations with Heliothis virescens ascovirus isolates (HvAV-3h and HvAV-3j). Btk and ascovirus mixtures (Btk/HvAV-3h and Btk/HvAV-3j) were fed to insect larvae (3rd instar). With the exception of S. frugiperda larvae, which exhibited low mortality after ingesting Btk, the larvae of the other tested species showed three types of response to feeding on the formulas: type I, the tested larvae (H. armigera) were killed by Btk infection so quickly that insufficient time and resources remained for ascoviral invasion; type II, both Btk and the ascovirus were depleted by their competition, such that neither was successfully released or colonized the tissue; type III, Btk was eliminated by the ascovirus, and the ascovirus achieved systemic infection in the tested larvae. The feeding of Btk/ascovirus formulas led to a great reduction in larval diet consumption and resulted in a significant decrease in the emergence rate of H. armigera, M. separata, and S. litura larvae, which suggested that the formulas exerted marked oral control effects on both the contemporary individuals and the next generation of these tested pest species.  相似文献   

Two groups distinguishable on the basis of crystal serology have been identified within Bacillus thuringiensis var kurstaki (serotype 3 ab). The toxicities of these two groups to Trichoplusia ni and Heliothis virescens expressed as TH ratio also differed. It is suggested that serotype 3 ab be separated into two subgroups designated as K-1 and K-73.  相似文献   

A local strain DOR Bt-1 belonging to Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Bt.k) was multiplied through solid state fermentation and the resulting technical powder was milled and sieved to obtain particles of various sizes. Efficacy of Bt.k. against larvae of Helicoverpa armigera was found to increase with the decrease in particle size. Boric acid was found to be synergistic to DOR Bt-1 technical powder. LC50 of the Bt and boric acid mixture (75:25) was lower at 89.63 mg/100 mL in comparison to Bt alone at 116.75 mg/100 mL. A suspension concentrate formulation with DOR Bt-1 technical was developed using boric acid as an adjuvant. The formulation was found to be highly effective against H. armigera in laboratory bioassays with an LC50 of 185 µL (containing 53.36 mg Bt). The formulation gave effective control of H. armigera on sunflower within 3 days after spray even at the lowest dose of 1.0 mL/L under field conditions.  相似文献   

Bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), larvae are commonly observed feeding in genetically engineered Bollgard cotton. Although no information is currently available characterizing the levels of injury bollworms cause, aproximately 25% of the Bollgard acreage in the United States receives at least one insecticide application annually targeting bollworm populations. Studies were conducted to determine the levels of fruiting form injury that can occur from bollworm larvae feeding on white flowers of two types of genetically engineered cotton. The two types of genetically engineered cotton included the original Bollgard that produces one protein (Cry1Ac) from Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki Berliner and Bollgard II that produces two proteins (Cry1Ac + Cry2Ab) from B. thuringiensis kurstaki. In one study, individual larvae (24 +/- 6 h old) were placed in first position white flowers of Deltapine 5415 (non-Bollgard) and Deltapine NuCOTN 33B (Bollgard). Larval infestations were made on 50 plants for each of 5 d during 2000 and 2001. Each plant was visually examined at 3 d and every 2 d thereafter, until larvae were no longer recovered. Larvae injured a total of 46.6 fruiting forms per 50 plants on non-Bollgard cotton, compared with only 18.9 fruiting forms per 50 plants on Bollgard cotton. Mean larval injury per insect was 4.3 fruiting forms on non-Bollgard cotton compared with 2.7 fruiting forms on Bollgard cotton. In a second study, individual larvae (24 +/- 6 h old) were placed in first position white flowers of Deltapine 50 (non-Bollgard), Deltapine 50B (Bollgard), and an experimental Bollgard II line. Larval infestations were made on 10 plants per day for each of six consecutive days during 2001. Larvae injured a total of 25.0 fruiting forms per 10 plants on non-Bollgard, 11.5 on Bollgard, and 6.4 on Bollgard II cottons. Mean larval injury per insect was 6.6 fruiting forms on non-Bollgard, 3.5 on Bollgard, and 0.8 on Bollgard II cottons. These data indicate that supplemental insecticide applications may be necessary to prevent yield losses on Bollgard cotton. In contrast, injury to Bollgard II cotton was minimal and may not require additional insecticide applications for bollworms.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of composition of media used for growth and delta-endotoxin production by B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki was studied with the idea of finding a cheap medium for attaining high yields of spore-crystal preparations. A new medium, based on malt sprouts is proposed. Data on growth and bioinsecticidal activity are given. A concentration of 2.1 × 109 spores.ml-1 was attained in a 48 h process. The spore-crystal preparations obtained present a LC50 of 2.18 × 108 spores.g-1 against larvae of Galleria mellonella.  相似文献   

Field studies were done in 1995-1996 to assess the efficacy of three sweet corn hybrids that express the Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxin, CrylAb, against two lepidopteran pests, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hubner) and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie). The Bt hybrids tested were developed by Novartis Seeds, using the event BT-11, which expresses Bt toxin in green tissue as well as reproductive tissues including the tassel, silk, and kernel. Bt hybrids were compared with a standard non-Bt control or the non-Bt isoline for each hybrid; none of the hybrids were treated with insecticides during the study. Hybrid efficacy was based on larval control of each pest, as well as plant or ear damage associated with each pest. In both years, control of O. nubilalis larvae in primary ears of all Bt hybrids was 99-100% compared with the appropriate non-Bt check. Plant damage was also significantly reduced in all Bt hybrids. In 1996, control of H. zea in Bt hybrids ranged from 85 to 88% when compared with the appropriate non-Bt control. In 1996, a University of Minnesota experimental non-Bt hybrid (MN2 x MN3) performed as well as the Bt hybrids for control of O. nubilalis. Also, in 1996, two additional University of Minnesota experimental non-Bt hybrids (A684su X MN94 and MN2 X MN3) performed as well as Bt hybrids for percent marketable ears (ears with no damage or larvae). In addition, compared with the non-Bt hybrids, percent marketable ears were significantly higher for all Bt hybrids and in most cases ranged from 98 to 100%. By comparison, percent marketable ears for the non-Bt hybrids averaged 45.5 and 37.4% in 1995 and 1996, respectively. Results from the 2-yr study strongly suggest that Bt sweet corn hybrids will provide high levels of larval control for growers in both fresh and processing markets. Specifically, Bt sweet corn hybrids, in the absence of conventional insecticide use, provided excellent control of O. nubilalis, and very good control of H. zea. However, depending on location of specific production regions, and the associated insect pests of sweet corn in each area, some insecticide applications may still be necessary.  相似文献   

The present investigation deals with the effects of Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. kurstaki on various biological parameters of gamma-irradiated Cadra cautella. The pathogen, irradiation, and their combinations significantly affected the insects by increasing their mortality and developmental periods, reducing the pupal and adult survival (%), and the adult longevity and reproductive potential were also significantly reduced. It was observed that irradiation-pathogen combinations produced additive to synergistic effects on C. cautella.  相似文献   

The mortality of Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) larvae that were fed on leaves of Lycopersicon hirsutum f. glabratum (PI 134417, insect resistant) and Lycopersicon esculentum (cultivar Santa Clara, susceptible) treated with Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) was evaluated. Feeding on untreated PI 134417 was detrimental to the survival of T. absoluta larvae. When Btk was applied to the two Lycopersicon plants, mortality occurred in all T. absoluta instars. Application of Btk on tomato leaves had synergistic or additive effects with the resistant genotype on larval survival. This effect was dependent on the instar at which the larvae were fed Btk-treated leaves. Delayed Btk application may cause higher insect mortality if the insects become more susceptible to the pathogen after a longer period of feeding on the resistant crop.  相似文献   

We report a simple three-step method of generating a homogeneous toxic fragment (toxin) in high yield from B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki. Purified crystals were digested with trypsin at pH 10.5, followed by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and dialysis. For the HD73 strain the preparation is toxic to eastern-spruce-budworm (Choristoneura fuminiferana) larvae. It gives a single 66 kDa band on polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis and a single band with an isoelectric point of 5.5 on an isoelectric-focusing gel. A single isoleucine N-terminus was detected, and the first 20 amino acids were found to be identical with those predicted from the gene nucleotide sequence. A single lysine C-terminus was detected, and the amino acid composition was in excellent agreement with tryptic cleavages at arginine-28 and lysine-623 of the protoxin. Raman spectroscopic analysis gave values of 20% alpha-helix, 35% beta-sheet and 45% unordered structure. The resistance of the toxin to most proteinases and its susceptibility to proteolysis by papain and Pronases indicates a compact multidomain structure.  相似文献   

The spores of crystal-forming (Cry+) and non-crystal-forming (Cry-) strains of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki and Bacillus cereus were tested for the ability to be activated by 0.1 m K2CO3 (pH 10). Only the spores of crystal-forming strains could be activated, and this phenotype was independent of whether crystals were present with the spores in the activation solution. The spores of a B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki strain that is temperature sensitive for protoxin accumulation could be activated by the alkaline solution when produced at the permissive temperature, whereas spores produced at the nonpermissive temperature were not activated. The results indicate that protoxin in the spore coat is responsible for the alkaline-activation phenotype and may serve an ecological function for the organism.  相似文献   

Long-term survival, dispersal, and germination of Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki DMU67R has been investigated in a field trial. An experimental cabbage plot was sprayed with DMU67R in 1993 and allowed to lie fallow since. The investigations reported here were carried out from 1997 to 2000 in this plot. High persistence of DMU67R for 7 years in the bulk soil of the plot has been demonstrated. The numbers have not significantly reduced since 1994, stabilizing around 6.6 x 10(2) cfu/g from 1996 to 2000. Horizontal dispersal of DMU67R in the 1994-1999 period was limited. Vertical dispersal occurred from 1994 to 1999, as 77% of the population of DMU67R occurred in the 0-2 cm layer in 1994, while only 22% of the population was found there in 1999. Most of the population in 1999 was present homogeneously in the upper 6 cm of the soil profile. Germination, as evidenced by the ratio of DMU67R cfu before and after heat treatment, was not observed in the bulk soil. However, in the rhizospheres of dandelion (Taraxacum officinalis) and quackgrass (Agropyron repens), 40 and 50% of DMU67R was present as vegetative germinated cells, respectively. No germination occurred in the rhizosphere of red fescue (Festuca rubra). The material from the gut of the earthworm species Lumbricus rubellus, Lumbricus terrestris, and Apporrectodea caliginosa and from a tipulid larvae from the plot also contained vegetative cells of DMU67R. Further investigations of A. caliginosa showed that germination seemed to be restricted to the gut and that sporulation occurred after defecation. The germination of DMU67R in rhizospheres and in the gut of nontarget invertebrates suggests that survival in the soil of B. thuringiensis is a dynamic process involving germination, cell divisions, and sporulation in specific microhabitats.  相似文献   

Representative total DNA libraries of Bac. thuringiensis var. kurstaki (strain Dipel) and galleriae (strain 11-67) have been constructed on the basis of phasmid vector lambda pSL5. Recombinant phasmid clones, carrying delta-endotoxin-coding genes of both subspecies have been isolated by means of immunoenzyme screening. Restriction mapping and partial nucleotide sequence determination have demonstrated that phasmid lambda pOC2, isolated from var. kurstaki DNA library, contains the complete delta-endotoxin-coding gene, identical to the one, described by Schnepf H.E. et al. J. Biol. Chem. 1985. V. 260. P. 6264. Recombinant phasmids lambda pOC10 and 11 have been shown to contain the full-sized gene, coding delta-endotoxin of Bac. thuringiensis var. galleriae. The protein products of the cloned genes have been characterized by Western-blot analysis and bioassays. The absence of substantial homology of two genes, evidenced by Southern-blot hybridisation, correlates with sufficiently big differences in biological specificity of the corresponding proteins. This is in accordance with our previous data on N-terminal amino acid sequence determination of delta-endotoxins of those subspecies of Bac. thuringiensis.  相似文献   

Technical powder of DOR Bt-127, a local isolate of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var. kurstaki, containing 105?µm particles was subjected to milling in a planetary ball mill. Dynamic light scattering of samples drawn at 30?min intervals revealed reduced particle sizes ranging 1171–210?nm. Alkali-soluble protein was higher at 153–175?mg/g in milled Bt powders over 140?mg/g in unmilled Bt powder. All milled powders gave higher mortality of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) larvae in comparison to the unmilled Bt powder. Bt powder from 60?min milling containing 559?nm particles with a low polydispersity index of 0.338 gave a lower LC50 value of 1.35?mg/ml against third instar S. litura larvae in comparison to 2.04?mg/ml for unmilled Bt powder. LC50 value of the suspension concentrate (SC) formulation developed with 559?nm Bt particles was 2.84?µl/ml containing only 0.95?mg Bt. Field evaluation of the SC formulation against S. litura on castor revealed highest per cent larval reduction of 92.4 and 96.2 at concentrations of 2.5 and 3.0?ml/l, respectively.  相似文献   

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