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The effect of maternal diabetes on tissue constituents, lipid metabolism and glucose utilization was examined in 1-day old rat lungs. Maternal diabetes was induced by intravenous injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg body weight) into pregnant Long-Evans hooded rats on the 10th day of gestation resulting in a maternal serum glucose concentration which was 3-fold higher than that of controls. Neonates from diabetic mothers showed a significant decrease in body weight (14%), lung weight (32%) and lung protein concentration (30%). Glycogen, DNA and lipid content of the lungs were significantly elevated in neonates from diabetic mothers. The percent of total phospholipid made up of phosphatidylcholine was not altered, but the percentage of disaturated phosphatidylcholine was decreased (25%). The activity of the CDPcholine pathway enzymes (choline kinase, cholinephosphate cytidylyltransferase and choline phosphotransferase) also showed a marked increase in lungs of neonates from diabetic mothers. Lung slices of neonates from diabetic mothers showed depressed in vitro incorporation of [U-14C]glucose into neutral lipids and decreased oxidation to CO2. The results of these investigations show that maternal diabetes interferes with the structural and metabolic processes by which the undifferentiated lung becomes functional at birth.  相似文献   

Observations on developing rat dorsal root gangliain vitro indicated that the formation of a basement lamina associated with the Schwann cells did not occur until after migration had ceased and the cells had become committed to an axon or another Schwann cell. The presence of a basement lamina was therefore characteristic only of committed Schwann cellsin vitro. It also appeared that Schwann cells produced collagen following formation of the basement lamina.  相似文献   

Vascular basement membrane contains laminin, fibronectin, proteoglycan and collagens. These molecules have been identified in various tissues by immunolabeling methods and biochemical analyses. We have previously localized laminin, fibronectin and type IV collagen to the basement membrane of rat retinal vessels at the ultrastructural level using an immunoperoxidase method. In this study, we use an immunogold method to re-examine the distribution of these molecules and also to study the localization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan and types I, III and V collagen in the retinal capillary basement membrane. Gold labeling for laminin, type IV collagen and proteoglycan were found diffusely on the basement membrane of the endothelium and pericyte, while that for fibronectin and type V collagen was spotty and variable and that for types I and III collagen was negligible. The segment of basement membrane between the endothelial cell and pericyte appeared less reactive to anti-laminin and anti-type IV collagen than the membrane between the pericyte and perivascular neuroretina. The immunogold method may be useful in quantitative studies of thickened basement membranes under abnormal conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Developing blood vessels in rat cerebral cortex were studied at a number of stages between 3 and 28 days postnatal, in an attempt to obtain data on the mechanisms by which the lumen is established within cords of mesodermal cells. A combination of techniques was utilized in an attempt to elucidate these mechanisms. These were: (a) aldehyde fixation and block staining with phosphotungstic acid; (b) aldehyde perfusion followed by perfusion of a lead solution and post-fixation in osmium tetroxide; (c) conventional preparation of tissue with aldehyde and osmium fixation.Support for interendothelial lumen formation was readily forthcoming, including vessels with junctions between two or more endothelial cells cut transversely. There was some support for intraendothelial lumen formation, in the form of seamless endothelial cells. Other features noted included the presence of free ribosomes and vacuoles in the endothelial cells, endothelial flaps, sprouts and tendrils, intraluminal debris, endothelial degeneration and a junction with a nonendothelial cell.Large numbers of endothelial vacuoles were noted, many of them occurring at the abluminal edge of the cells. These vacuoles may be involved in the formation of intraendothelial lumina and also in the enlargement of both types of lumina. This study provides evidence that besides the well-established inter-endothelial lumen formation, intraendothelial mechanisms may also be operative in rat cerebral cortex. The techniques employed in this study offer the potential for clarifying these and related issues.We would like to acknowledge the financial assistance of the Nuffield Foundation  相似文献   

The basement membrane-associated microdomains of type I pneumocytes in rat and rabbit pulmonary alveoli were found to be uniquely different from those of type II pneumocytes in the specific distribution of cytochemically detectable sulfate esters as demonstrated with the high iron diamine (HID) technique at the electron microscopic level. Aldehyde-fixed frozen or Vibratome sections of neonatal and adult lungs were treated with a mixture of the meta and para isomers of N,N-dimethyl-phenylenediamine-HCl in the presence of ferric chloride, which at low pH (1.0) has been previously shown to be highly specific for sulfate esters of glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins. Reaction product was subsequently enhanced with a thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate, postembedding sequence for electron microscopy. Samples of lung parenchyma treated in this fashion were observed to have discrete, electron-dense silver grains associated with the various microanatomical components of pulmonary basement membranes. In the region of the alveolar basement membrane, the lamina rara externa associated with type I cells was observed to contain an abundance of regularly disposed, cytochemically detectable sulfate esters, while the lamina densa and lamina rara interna were diffusely and sparsely reactive by comparison. Quantitatively, 62% of all reactive sites found in the basement membrane region of type I cells were localized in the lamina rara externa. By contrast, the lamina rara externa of type II cells had less than half as many reactive foci indicative of sulfate esters as the same region of type I cell basement membranes. HID-reactive sulfate esters were found evenly distributed within the laminae associated with the basement membrane of type II cells. This cytochemically detectable difference in the sulfate ester composition of basement membrane-associated sulfate ester composition of basement membrane-associated microdomains of type I compared with that of type II pneumocytes may be highly significant when considering known patterns of epithelial renewal in pulmonary alveoli. Since type II cells are known to divide and either remain type II cells or differentiate into type I cells, regional differences in the molecular composition of the alveolar basement membranes and their associated structures may be key determinants of cell-specific processes of cytodifferentiation in the pulmonary alveolus.  相似文献   

We studied basement membrane development in the late fetal and in the neonatal rat lung, from the 18th day of gestation (term = 22 days) through the 8th postnatal day, with particular emphasis on the gas-exchange region of the lung. In the periphery of the lung, as type 2 cells differentiate, the continuous basement membrane develops openings beneath these cells. Basal cytoplasmic foot processes extend through these discontinuities into the underlying interstitium, often approaching interstitial cells closely. These discontinuities and extensive foot processes are associated only with type 2 epithelial cells and not with either differentiated airway cells or with the type 1 alveolar lining cells derived from type 2 cells. The type 2 cell basement membrane discontinuities and penetrating foot processes are maximal in the perinatal period and decrease in the week after birth. The appearance of openings in type 2 cell basement membrane and changes in distribution, linear density, and ruthenium red staining of anionic sites suggest that the epithelial basement membrane undergoes continuous remodeling throughout development, particularly in association with type 2 cell differentiation and growth of lung surface area. Epithelial cell foot processes may interact with underlying interstitial cells and affect the coordination of lung surface growth with the development of its connective tissue framework.  相似文献   

Introduction To address transplant organ shortage, a promising strategy is to decellularize kidneys in a manner that the scaffold retains signals for seeded pluripotent precursor cells to differentiate and recapitulate native structures: matrix-to-cell signaling followed by cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, thereby remodeling and replacing the original matrix. This would reduce scaffold antigenicity and enable xeno-allografts. Results DAPI-labeled cells in arterial vessels and glomeruli were positive for both endothelial lineage markers, BsLB4 and VEGFR2. Rat scaffold's basement membrane demonstrated immunolabeling with anti-mouse laminin β1. Labeling intensified over time with 14 day incubations. Conclusion We provide new evidence for matrix-to-cell signaling in acellular whole organ scaffolds that induces differentiation of pluripotent precursor cells to endothelial lineage. Production of mouse basement membrane supports remodeling of host (rat)-derived scaffolds and thereby warrants further investigation as a promising approach for xenotransplantation. Methods We previously showed that murine embryonic stem cells arterially seeded into acellular rat whole kidney scaffolds multiply and demonstrate morphologic, immunohistochemical and gene expression evidence for differentiation. Vascular cell endothelialization was now further tested by endothelial specific BsLB4 lectin and anti-VEGFR2 (Flk1) antibodies. Remodeling of the matrix basement membranes from rat to mouse ("murinization") was assessed by a monoclonal antibody specific for mouse laminin β1 chain.  相似文献   


To address transplant organ shortage, a promising strategy is to decellularize kidneys in a manner that the scaffold retains signals for seeded pluripotent precursor cells to differentiate and recapitulate native structures: matrix-to-cell signaling followed by cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, thereby remodeling and replacing the original matrix. This would reduce scaffold antigenicity and enable xeno-allografts.


DAPI-labeled cells in arterial vessels and glomeruli were positive for both endothelial lineage markers, BsLB4 and VEGFR2. Rat scaffold’s basement membrane demonstrated immunolabeling with anti-mouse laminin β1. Labeling intensified over time with 14 day incubations.


We provide new evidence for matrix-to-cell signaling in acellular whole organ scaffolds that induces differentiation of pluripotent precursor cells to endothelial lineage. Production of mouse basement membrane supports remodeling of host (rat)-derived scaffolds and thereby warrants further investigation as a promising approach for xenotransplantation.


We previously showed that murine embryonic stem cells arterially seeded into acellular rat whole kidney scaffolds multiply and demonstrate morphologic, immunohistochemical and gene expression evidence for differentiation. Vascular cell endothelialization was now further tested by endothelial specific BsLB4 lectin and anti-VEGFR2 (Flk1) antibodies. Remodeling of the matrix basement membranes from rat to mouse (“murinization”) was assessed by a monoclonal antibody specific for mouse laminin β1 chain.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical methods were used to determine whether type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan were present in diverse basement membranes. Antisera or antibodies against each substance were prepared, tested by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and exposed to frozen sections of duodenum, trachea, kidney, spinal cord, cerebrum, and incisor tooth from rats aged 20 days to 34 months. Bound antibodies were then localized by indirect or direct peroxidase methods for examination in the light microscope. Immunostaining for type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycan was observed in all of the basement membranes encountered. Fibronectin was also found in connective tissue. In general, the intensity of immunostaining was strong for type IV collagen and laminin, moderate for heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and weak for fibronectin. The pattern was similar in the age groups under study. Very recently the sulfated glycoprotein, entactin, was also detected in the basement membranes of the listed tissues in 20-day-old rats. It is accordingly proposed that, at least in the organs examined, type IV collagen, laminin, fibronectin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and entactin are present together in basement membranes.  相似文献   

Basement membranes are thin sheets of self-assembled extracellular matrices that are essential for embryonic development and for the homeostasis of adult tissues. They play a role in structuring, protecting, polarizing, and compartmentalizing cells, as well as in supplying them with growth factors. All basement membranes are built from laminin and collagen IV networks stabilized by nidogen/perlecan bridges. The precise composition of basement membranes, however, varies between different tissues. Even though basement membranes represent physical barriers that delimit different tissues, they are breached in many physiological or pathological processes, including development, the immune response, and tumor invasion. Here, we provide a brief overview of the molecular composition of basement membranes and the process of their assembly. We will then illustrate the heterogeneity of basement membranes using two examples, the epithelial basement membrane in the gut and the vascular basement membrane. Finally, we examine the different strategies cells use to breach the basement membrane.  相似文献   

Effects of insulin and maternal diabetes on fetal lipogenesis in the rat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
D Pillay  E Bailey 《Enzyme》1983,29(2):126-130
Offspring of diabetic mothers have been investigated with regard to fetal hepatic and brown adipose tissue lipogenesis in the rat. Results, which cannot be explained by existing theory, are obtained from offspring of subdiabetic mothers and manifest diabetic mothers. In re-evaluating the effect of exogenous insulin on perinatal lipogenesis, we find important differences in hormone sensitivity between liver and brown adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Ameloblasts are unique epithelial cells, in that once they have deposited the entire thickness of enamel and the process of maturation begins, they reform a basal lamina-like structure at their apical surface. In order to characterize further this basal lamina, its composition was analysed using (1) lectin-gold cytochemistry for glycoconjugates, (2) high-iron diamine (HID) staining for sulfated glycoconjugates and (3) immunogold labeling for collagen type IV and laminin. The labeling patterns were compared to that of other more typical basement membranes found in the enamel organ. Sections of rat incisor enamel organs embedded in Lowicryl K4M were stained with Helix pomatia agglutinin (HPA), Ricinus communis I agglutinin (RCA), wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and Ulex europaeus I agglutinin (UEA). Samples from the late maturation stage were also reacted en bloc with lectins and embedded in Epon for transmission electron microscopic examination or prepared for scanning electron microscopy. Such samples were also stained with HID and conventionally processed for Epon embedding. Tissue sections were then reacted with thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate (TCH-SP). Analysis of the lectin labeling suggested that the region of extracellular matrix immediately adjacent to ameloblasts, where the basal lamina is situated, was intensely reactive with HPA and RCA, moderately reactive with WGA, and weakly reactive with UEA. In general, other basement membranes were mildly reactive with all lectins used. No HID-TCH-SP staining was observed directly over the basal lamina while numerous stain deposits were present over other basement membranes of the enamel organ. Immunolocalization of collagen type IV and laminin yielded a weak and variable labeling over the basal lamina. These results are consistent with the concept of basement membrane heterogeneity and, although the precise nature and composition of the basal lamina associated with maturation stage ameloblasts remain to be determined, they suggest that it may possibly function as a specialized basement membrane with particular compositional characteristics.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The distribution of HMG-2 protein was followed in unfractionated rat brain cells at different stages of development. Its amount gradually decreased and reached the lowest level in the terminally differentiated and non-proliferating cells.
  • 2.2. In isolated oligodendrocyte nuclei the changes in the content of HMG-2 followed the same pattern of distribution which corresponded to their stage of development and proliferative activity, while in the terminally differentiated and non-proliferating cortical neurons a substantial amount of HMG-2 protein was present up to the twenty-eighth postnatal day.
  • 3.3. In the presence of anti-HMG-2 antibodies the DNA synthetic activity of oligodendrocyte nuclei in vitro was significantly decreased. The treatment with antibodies affected mainly the DNA replicative activity of the nuclei, while their DNA repair activity remained unchanged.

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is increasing, creating a need for T2DM animal models for the study of disease pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment. The purpose of this project was to develop a rat model of T2DM that more closely models the pathophysiology of T2DM in humans. The model was created by crossing obese Sprague-Dawley rats with insulin resistance resulting from polygenic adult-onset obesity with Zucker diabetic fatty-lean rats that have a defect in pancreatic beta-cell function but normal leptin signaling. We have characterized the model with respect to diabetes incidence; age of onset; longitudinal measurements of glucose, insulin, and lipids; and glucose tolerance. Longitudinal fasting glucose and insulin data demonstrated progressive hyperglycemia (with fasting and fed glucose concentrations >250 and >450 mg/dl, respectively) after onset along with hyperinsulinemia resulting from insulin resistance at onset followed by a progressive decline in circulating insulin concentrations, indicative of beta-cell decompensation. The incidence of diabetes in male and female rats was 92 and 43%, respectively, with an average age of onset of 6 mo in males and 9.5 mo in females. Results from intravenous glucose tolerance tests, pancreas immunohistochemistry, and islet insulin content further support a role for beta-cell dysfunction in the pathophysiology of T2DM in this model. Diabetic animals also exhibit glycosuria, polyuria, and hyperphagia. Thus diabetes in the UC Davis-T2DM rat is more similar to clinical T2DM in humans than in other existing rat models and provides a useful model for future studies of the pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention of T2DM.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies raised against laminin isolated from a mouse parietal yolk sac cell line were used for immunohistochemical studies of basement membranes of the mouse embryo and various fetal and adult tissues. No immunoreactivity with either of the two monoclonal antibodies could be detected in the preimplantation-stage embryos, although it has been shown that these embryos contain extracellular laminin reactive with the conventional polyclonal antilaminin antibodies. Reichert's membrane in early postimplantation stages of development reacted with the monoclonal antibody LAM-I but not with the antibody LAM-II. However, from day 8 of pregnancy onward the Reichert's membrane reacted with both antibodies. Basement membranes of the embryo proper were unreactive with both monoclonal antibodies until day 12 of pregnancy. By day 14 some basement membranes of the fetal tissues became reactive with one or both monoclonal antibodies, whereas others remained still unreactive. In the 17-d fetus and the newborn mouse most of the basement membranes reacted with both monoclonal antibodies, whereas others still reacted with only one. Similar heterogeneity in the immunoreactivity of basement membranes of various tissues was noted in the adult mouse as well. These results indicate that the immunoreactivity of laminin in the extracellular matrix changes during development and that the basement membranes in various anatomic locations display heterogeneity even in the adult mouse.  相似文献   

Maternal diabetes causes placental and foetal abnormalities in both rat and humans; however, its effect is less well documented in the mouse. We used a standard approach to induce manifest diabetes in pregnant mice and assessed morphology, function and gene expression in the placentas isolated from these females. We found that diabetic placentas exhibit a consistent abnormal phenotype characterized by increased junctional zone cross sectional area. Lipid profiling of diabetic foetuses and placentas showed that the placental phenotypes do not compromise the lipid transport function of this organ. In a genome-wide survey of mRNA expression by using cDNA micro-arrays, we identified 118 ESTs, corresponding to 59 annotated genes, with differential expression in the diabetic placentas. A significant proportion of these known is involved in metabolism, immunity and defence, and signal transduction. In addition, we found two imprinted genes, Igf2 and Gatm, which exhibited altered expression. The expression of other imprinted genes, Peg1, Gtl2, Peg3, Igf2r and Grb10, was determined by quantitative RT-PCR. For all of these genes, slight changes in gene expression were observed between diabetic placentas and control placentas. Our study thus provides the basis for future work that will address gene action in the diabetic mouse placenta.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to compare the functions of Clara and type II cells during alveolar clearance and recycling of surfactant protein (SP) A, a secretory product of both cell types. We examined the incorporation of instilled biotinylated SP-A (bSP-A) into rat lung type II and Clara cells as a measure of clearance and recycling of the protein. Ultrastructural localization of bSP-A was accomplished by an electron-microscopic immunogold technique at 7, 30, and 120 min after intratracheal instillation. Localization of bSP-A was quantitatively evaluated within extracellular surfactant components (lipid-rich forms: myelin figures, vesicles, and tubular myelin; and lipid-poor hypophase) and in compartments of type II and Clara cells. bSP-A was incorporated into myelinic and vesicular forms of extracellular surfactant, but tubular myelin and hypophase had little bSP-A. Lamellar bodies of type II cells demonstrated a significant time-dependent increase in their incorporation of bSP-A. There was a concentration of bSP-A in the secretory granules and mitochondria of Clara cells, but no Clara cell compartment showed a pattern of time-dependent change in immunolabeling. Our immunolabeling data demonstrated a time-dependent movement of exogenous SP-A from extracellular components into type II cells and their secretory granules. Clara cells did not demonstrate a time-dependent incorporation of bSP-A into their secretory granules during the period of this study. If Clara cells recycle SP-A, they must reach a steady state very quickly or very slowly.  相似文献   

Alveolar type 2 cells are known to take up surfactant phospholipids and proteins from the alveolar space and recycle them into secretory organelles via a receptor-mediated endocytic pathway. To clarify the intracellular route(s) through which materials ingested by the cells are processed, we examined the immunocytochemical localization of late endosomal and lysosomal membrane markers, rab 7 and lamp 1 proteins, within rat alveolar type 2 cells. The limiting membranes of lamellar bodies (LBs) showed positive immunoreactivity for both proteins, whereas multivesicular bodies (MVBs) exhibited positive immunoreactivity only for lamp 1 protein on free vesicles in the MVB lumen. From these findings, it is suggested that LBs are not only secretory granules, but also constitute one of the late endosomal compartments of the cells and that MVBs of this cell type may be targeted to cell organelle(s) other than lysosomes.  相似文献   

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