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Summary This study documents the facies and fauna of Late Jurassic (Middle Oxfordian) coral reefs in England. Sedimentological and palaeoecological analysis of these reefs distinguishes three generic reef types: (1) small reef patches and thickets associated with siliciclastic deposits; (2) small reef patches and thickets associated with siliciclastic-free bioclastic grainstones and packstones; and (3) biostromal units associated with deep water facies. The depositional environments of these reef types are discussed. Two coral assemblages are identified: (1) the microsolenid assemblage; and (2) theThamnasteria, Isastraea, Fungiastraea andThecosmilia assemblage (Thamnasteria assemblage). TheThamnasteria assemblage developed in all shallow water environments in the study area, regardless of local environmental conditions. The fauna is very eurytopic,r-selected and can tolerate significant environmental fluctuations on short temporal scales (sub-seasonal). The main control on the development of the microsolenid assemblage was low light intensity, low background sedimentation rates and low hydrodynamic energy levels.  相似文献   

Abundant lagoonal oncoids occur in the Late Oxfordian Hauptmumienbank Member of the Swiss Jura Mountains. Four oncoid types are observed in the studied sections and classified according to the oncoid surface morphology, the structure and composition of the cortex, and the texture and fauna of the encasing sediment. Micrite-dominated oncoids (types 1 and 2) have a smooth surface. Type 1 has a rather homogeneous cortex and occurs in moderate-energy environments. Type 2 presents continuous or discontinuous micritic laminae. It is associated with a low-diversity fauna and occurs in high-energy facies. Bacinella and Lithocodium oncoids (types 3 and 4) display a lobate surface. They are dominated by microencrusters (Bacinella irregularis and Lithocodium aggregatum) and are found in low-energy facies. The stratigraphic and spatial distribution of these oncoid types shows a correlation with the sequence-stratigraphic evolution of the studied interval, and thus with relative sea-level fluctuations. It can be shown that these sea-level fluctuations were controlled by orbital cycles with 100- and 20-kyr periodicities. At the scale of 100- and 20-kyr sequences, types 1 and 2 oncoids are preferentially found around sequence boundaries and in transgressive deposits, while types 3 and 4 oncoids are preferentially found around maximum floodings and in highstand deposits. This implies that changes of water energy and water depth were direct controlling factors. Discrepancies in oncoid distribution point to additional controlling factors. Platform morphology defines the distribution and type of the lagoon where the oncoids flourished. A low accumulation rate is required for oncoid growth. Additionally, humidity changes in the hinterland act on the terrigenous influx, which modifies water transparency and trophic level and thus plays a role in the biotic composition and diversity in the oncoid cortex.  相似文献   

Carsten Helm  Immo Schülke 《Facies》2006,52(3):441-467
Small reefal bioconstructions that developed in lagoonal settings are widespread in a few horizons of the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian) succession of the Korallenoolith Formation, exposed southwest of Hannover, Northwest Germany. Especially the florigemma-Bank Member, “sandwiched” between oolite shoal deposits, exposes a high variety of build-ups, ranging from coral thrombolite patch reefs, to biostromes and to coral meadows. The reefs show a distribution with gradual facies variations along an outcrop belt that extends about 30 km from the Wesergebirge in the NW to the Osterwald Mts in the SE.The patch reefs from the Deister Mts locality at the “Speckhals” are developed as coral-chaetetid-solenoporid-microbialite reefs and represent a reef type that was hitherto unknown so far north of its Tethyan counterparts. They are mainly built up by coral thickets that are preserved in situ up to 1.5 m in height and a few metres in diameter. They contain up to 20 coral species of different morphotypes but are chiefly composed of phaceloid Stylosmilia corallina and Goniocora socialis subordinately. The tightly branched Stylosmilia colonies are stabilized by their anastomosing growth. The coral branches are coated with microbial crusts and micro-encrusters reinforcing the coral framework. Encrusters and other biota within the thicket show a typical community replacement sequence: Lithocodium aggregatum, Koskinobullina socialis and Iberopora bodeuri are pioneer organisms, whereas the occurrence of non-rigid sponges represents the terminal growth stage. The latter are preserved in situ and seem to be characteristic so far poorly known constituents of the Late Jurassic cryptobiont reef dweller community. The distance and overall arrangement of branches seems to be the crucial factor for the manifestation of a (cryptic) habitat promoting such community replacement sequences. Widely spaced branches often lack any encrusting and/or other reef dwelling organisms, whereas tightly branched corals, as is St. corallina, stimulate such biota. Hence, such reefs are well suited for research on coelobites and community sequences of encrusting and cavity dwelling organisms.  相似文献   

Middle to Upper Oxfordian reefs of a shallow marine carbonate platform located in northeastern France show important facies changes in conjunction with terrigeneous contents. The Pagny-sur-Meuse section shows coral-microbialite reefs that developed both in pure carbonate limestones and in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposits. Phototrophic coral associations dominated in pure carbonate environments, whereas a mixed phototrophic/heterotrophic coral fauna occurred in more siliciclastic settings. Microbialites occur in pure carbonate facies but are more abundant in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic settings. Reefs seem to have lived through periods favourable for intense coral growth that was contemporaneous with a first microbialitic layer and periods more favourable for large microbialitic development (second microbialitic layer). The first microbialitic crust probably developed within the reef body and thus appears to be controlled by autogenic factors. The second generation of microbialites tended to develop over the entire reef surface and was probably mainly controlled by allogenic factors. Variations in terrigeneous input and nutrient content, rather related to climatic conditions than to water depth and accumulation rate, were major factors controlling development of reefs and their taxonomic composition.  相似文献   

Middle-Upper Oxfordian assemblages of foraminifera in the Prebetic Zone (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) were analysed at the genus level to determine their composition, relative abundance, diversity, and dominance, as well as the size of the specimens. A relationship has been established between lithofacies, palaeogeography and composition of foraminiferal assemblages, the former two also determining the stratigraphic record of these microfossil assemblages. Two assemblages of foraminifera serve to identify relatively distal and proximal areas in the Prebetic shelf. The distal assemblage is characterized by higher diversity, specimens of greater size, and more abundant planktic and agglutinated forms. Benthic forms include Ophthalmidium, Epistomina and colonies of encrusting foraminifera. The proximal assemblage shows lower diversity, lower abundance of planktic forms, Epistomina and encrusting nubeculariids, and a greater abundance of spirillinids and Reofax. On the whole, planktic foraminifera decrease upwards in the studied succession, which, together with decreasing nodularity, could be related to system tract conditions previously proposed for Oxfordian deposits in the southern palaeomargin of Iberia.  相似文献   

The characterization and distribution of the microfacies and the microfossil assemblages of a Middle Oxfordian section from Jura Mountains composed by thick oolitic–coral limestones is analyzed. Six microfacies types (mainly grainstones) are differentiated mainly composed by ooids, intraclasts and bioclasts. Foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by agglutinated forms. Benthic microbial communities and sessile foraminifera are the main components of the encrustations. The whole set of microfossil assemblages is typical of shallow subtidal environments rich in “algae” (Cayeuxia, “Solenopora”, Thaumatoporella, Bacinella, Girvanella and Terquemella) and foraminifera such as Nautiloculina oolithica, Redmondoides lugeoni, Ammobaculites coprolitiformis, Troglotella incrustans and Rectocyclammina. The increasing upward record of debris of algae and Nautiloculina, and the decrease of serpulids, bryozoans, nodosariids and ophthalmidiids indicate a shallowing-upward trend. The stratigraphic distribution of microfacies and microfossil assemblages lead to differentiate two main successive phases. The first is a deeper subtidal environment in an open shelf, while the second is a shallow subtidal environment with evolution from winnowed to more restricted conditions. Microfabrics of radial to concentric ooids upwards in the section correspond to higher energy environments related to an oolitic shoal. This study shows how a very detailed analysis of microfacies, which integrates oolitic features, microfossil assemblages and microtaphonomy is potentially a useful tool for interpreting hydrodynamism and sequence evolution in marine carbonate shallow environments.  相似文献   

Summary Coral assemblages in northern Safaga Bay, Red Sea, Egypt, are qualitatively described. Nine distinct assemblages were found, which correspond to quantitatively defined community types previously described from the area off Hurghada, northern Red Sea. Their distribution within northern Safaga Bay was mapped. Strong gradient and/or steep relief assemblages were:Acropora assemblage on windward (exposed) reefs,Porites assemblage on leeward (sheltered) reefs,Millepora assemblage on current exposed reefs,Stylophora assemblage on reef flats. Low gradient and/or low relief assemblages were:Acropora dominated coral patches in areas of good circulation to a depth of 15 m,Stylophora/Acropora coral patch assemblages in shallow sheltered environments, faviid carpet in low relief areas between 10 and 25 m which with increasing turbidity turns into a depauperate faviid carpet,Porites carpet in low relief areas between 5 and 15 m with clearest water,Sarcophyton carpet in low relief areas with high suspension load, platy scleractinian assemblage in deeper water (>25 m) with low light intensity. The distribution of coral assemblages depends basically on 1) topography 2) hydrodynamics 3) light and 4) suspension load.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminiferal assemblages belonging to a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic shelf succession of the Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) in the Prebetic, southern Spain, were analyzed. The faunal data, obtained on thin sections of strongly lithified sediments, allowed the detailed differentiation of a foraminiferal morphogroups system to be applied to the interpretation of paleoenvironmental conditions. Eleven morphogroups were differentiated according to shell composition, general morphology, number of chambers and mode of coiling. Paleoenvironmental analysis combines these features with inferred life-style (epifaunal, shallow infaunal and deep infaunal) and feeding strategy (suspension-feeder, deposit-feeder, herbivores, etc.) of the foraminifera. Analogies and differences regarding previously established morphogroup systems could be outlined accordingly.

In the Prebetic Oxfordian, distribution trends of foraminiferal morphogroups allow for a comparison of mid to outer shelf environments occupying the South-Iberian paleomargin, indicating that nutrient supply was the most important factor controlling morphogroup development. The mid shelf settings are dominated by epifaunal active herbivores–phytodetritivores, in shallow to deep substrate position of the redox boundary. The outer shelf is dominated by agglutinated and infaunal detritivore-bacterial scavenger morphogroups revealing a deep substrate position of the redox boundary. Particularly favorable trophic conditions in mid shelf environments are related with higher phytodetritus input from more proximal and shallower shelf areas.  相似文献   

Summary During the Late Eocene, shelf-edge patch reefs developed on the western margin of the Lessini Shelf. The coral fauna, studied in the Nago Limestone type locality, is described and interpreted for the first time, and provides further data for better understanding of the generally poorly known Eocene reef communities. Facies analysis was carried out across the shallowing upward succession that characterizes the well exposed type-section of the Nago Limestone. Four distinct facies are identified and a detailed qualitative-quantitative investigation has been applied to the coral-bearing facies in particular, in order to describe and quantify the distribution and palaeoecological zonation of corals. By a comparison of sedimentological and palaeoecological data, it is possible to reconstruct a depositional model of the Nago Limestone at its type locality. In particular, the palaeoecological study clearly reveals that corals change with depth in taxonomic composition, in percentage and proportion within the framework and in growth form, allowing the definition of a relative depth coral zonation. Three coral associations are recognized from the base to the top of the shallowing upward sequence. These differ from each other in the relative abundance of main reefbuilders, in the growth form exhibited by corals in growth position and in the density of the reef framework. These variations are interpreted as responses to major environmental controls which prevailed during the deposition of the different facies (mainly light intensity and hydrodynamic energy). The coral speciesActinacis rollei Reuss is the most abundant and ubiquitous coral of the Nago Limestone. Its adaptation to low-light levels is described here for the first time, confirming the high plasticity of this important Paleogene reef-builder. The results of the present study are finally compared with data from other Middle-Late Eocene European reef sites and some common features are inferred.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(7):837-854
The recent advances regarding the complex chronobiostratigraphy of Middle Miocene terrestrial deposits of southern Germany are reviewed. We propose new and revised correlations between the Swiss and South German faunas framework for ongoing research. We restrict our analysis to the cricetid and microtoid muroid rodents, especially the Megacricetodon and cricetodontine groups, because of their importance for this purpose. Faunal turnovers reflect global climate changes. Species level endemism is punctuated by several immigration events, and a possible westward spread of faunal associations is suggested at around 13.8 Ma and, at the end of the Middle Miocene, by introduction of Late Miocene lineages from the east.  相似文献   

Cladocora caespitosa is a common zooxanthellate, ahermatypic, constructional scleractinian coral in shallow waters of the present-day Mediterranean. Extensive coral banks in Upper Pliocene shallow marine deposits of the Almería-Níjar Basin (SE Spain) contain the same species. These banks occur on debris-flow conglomerates deposited in a fan delta, or on bioclastic accumulations interpreted as storm deposits. Direct relationships of coral beds with coastal facies indicate that C. caespitosa colonized shallow settings near the paleocoast, probably not deeper than 20–30 m. Low turbulence allowed corals to colonize substrates, which remained stable for long periods. Activity of organisms in the coral community, storms, and detritic discharges from the fan delta were the most significant mechanisms disturbing the coral development. The hard substrata provided by coral banks promoted colonization by cemented and epibyssate organisms. Coral banks marked maximum flooding surfaces at the end of transgressive systems tracks. They were suddenly buried by sediment input into the basin. Taphonomic signatures measured on components of the coral bank communities indicate a low turbulence environment, probably a bay. The low hydraulic energy further inhibited post-burial reworking, thus promoting the in situ preservation of a great part of the organisms inhabiting the bioconstructions. Accepted: 2 December 1997  相似文献   

An important late Moscovian rugose coral association is described from the Rod El Hamal Formation of the Wadi Araba area (northern Eastern Desert, Egypt). The upper part of the formation yielded a moderately abundant but poorly diversified coral fauna composed of large dissepimented solitary rugose corals. In total, six species belong to the Bothrophyllidae and the Geyerophyllidae, including three new species: Bothrophyllum suezensis, Bothrophyllum cylindricum, and Amygdalophylloides omarai. Three undeterminable Bothrophyllidae taxa are left in open nomenclature. The corals were attached to the soft substrate by talons and rootlets, either rooted and growing upward as mud-stickers or as secondary recliners. They show frequent rejuvenations and constrictions. Encrustation and/or bioerosion are scarce. Carbonate microfacies indicate a habitat in littoral and inner neritic zones adjacent to a low terrigenous hinterland. Colonial taxa are missing and tabulate corals are rare. The corals from the Rod El Hamal Formation are the only example of a late Moscovian coral fauna on the southern margin of the Palaeotethys, that is to say along the northern margin of Gondwana. The association shows similarities with northwestern Spain (Cantabrian Mountains), the Donets and Moscow basins, and thus a general attribution to the Palaeotethys realm.  相似文献   

Corallivore animals play vital role in coral reef ecology. Predation on corals by other organisms has not been studied properly in the Indian waters. This study reports the first observation of predation by cushion star (Culcita schmideliana) on coral polyps in Gulf of Mannar (GoM), southeast India. During our regular underwater surveys in GoM, C. schmideliana was found preying on hard coral Acropora formosa and soft coral Sarcophyton sp. at a depth of 3 m in Vilanguchalli patch reef. Though C. schmideliana has been sighted often under water, it has not been observed to predate on corals in GoM before. The area where predation was observed has a major population of hard corals (50.21%) besides seagrasses (8.36%) and soft corals (6.11%). Temperature anomalies and the consequent coral bleaching could be the factors making C. schmideliana prefer coral polyps.  相似文献   

Two main types of microbial encrustation were identified in Middle Oxfordian to lowermost Kimmeridgian deposits in the Prebetic Zone (southern Spain), showing existing relationships between skeletal content, fabric and morphology of these organosedimentary structures. Laminated planar and concentric encrustations relate to peloidal fabrics (mainly constituted of microbes = microbial laminated fabrics s. str. and microbial oncoids s. str.), as well as to dense microbial fabrics periodically colonized by encrusting foraminifera (microbial laminated fabrics with nubeculariids and microbial oncoids with nubeculariids). Sedimentation rates, substrate stability and grain size, as well as illumination, influenced microbial growth pattern as major controlling factors in low-energy conditions, and forced palaeogeographic and stratigraphic patterns of distribution. Significant encrustation was identified in terrigenous-poor lithofacies from the middle (Transversarium-Bifurcatus zones) to the outer (Transversarium-Bimammatum zones) shelf in the Prebetic Zone. Rare-to-absent encrustation characterized terrigenous-rich deposits (Bimammatum and Planula zones) in the area.  相似文献   

Growth forms of well-preserved stromatoporoids, including genera Actinostroma, Stachyodes, and Stromatopora, are described for the first time from the Devonian Sabkhat Lafayrina reef complex of southern Morocco (west Sahara), one of the best exposed Middle-Devonian stromatoporoid-dominated fossil reefs. Three facies types representing the well illuminated fore-reef, reef-core and transition to back-reef facies display the distribution and growth of stromatoporoids in a high latitude setting at 40–50° south of the palaeoequator. Stromatoporoids are largely in growth position and reflect the well-preserved reef architecture. Although outcrops are low topography, the reef's prominent profile is indicated by presence of spur and groove form and a clearly defined reef margin. Stromatoporoids are mostly laminar and domical forms, with little evidence of ragged margins, and indicate normal turbulence shallow waters, with low sediment deposition.  相似文献   

In the Namur-Dinant Basin (Belgium), the last Atrypida and Pentamerida originate from the top of the Upper Palmatolepis rhenana Zone (Late Frasnian). Within this biozone, their representatives belong to the genera Costatrypa, Desquamatia (Desquamatia), Radiatrypa, Spinatrypa (Spinatrypa), Spinatrypina (Spinatrypina?), Spinatrypina (Exatrypa), Waiotrypa, Iowatrypa and Metabolipa. No representative of these orders occurs within the Palmatolepis linguiformis Zone. The disappearance of the last pentamerids, mostly confined to reefal ecosystems, is clearly related to the end of the edification of the carbonate mounds; it precedes shortly the atrypid one. This event, resulting from a transgressive episode, which induces a progressive and dramatic deterioration of the oxygenation conditions, takes place firstly in the most distal zones of the Namur-Dinant Basin (southern border of the Dinant Synclinorium; Lower P. rhenana Zone). It is only recorded within the Upper P. rhenana Zone in the Philippeville Anticlinorium, the Vesdre area, and the northern flank of the Dinant Synclinorium. It would seem that the terebratulids were absent during the Famennian in this basin, probably due to inappropriate facies. Among the 13 species described or briefly discussed (Palmatolepis hassi to Upper P. rhenana zones), Pseudoatrypa godefroidi nov. sp. and Spinatrypina (Exatrypa) marmoris nov. sp. are proposed as new.  相似文献   

High-altitude freshwater ecosystems and their biocoenosis are ideal sentinel systems to detect global change. In particular, pond communities are likely to be highly responsive to climate warming. For this reason, the Swiss National Park has included ponds as part of a long-term monitoring programme of the high-alpine Macun cirque. This cirque covers 3.6 km2, has a mean altitude of 2,660 m a.s.l., and includes a hydrographic system composed of a stream network and more than 35 temporary and permanent ponds. The first two steps in the programme were to (i) make an inventory of the macroinvertebrates of the waterbodies in the Macun cirque, and (ii) relate the assemblages to local or regional environmental variables. Sampling was conducted in 25 ponds between 2002 and 2004. The number of taxa characterising the region (Macun cirque) was low, represented by 47 lentic taxa. None of them was endemic to the Alps, although several species were cold stenothermal. Average pond richness was low (11.3 taxa). Assemblages were dominated by Chironomidae (Diptera), and Coleoptera and Oligochaeta were also relatively well represented. Other groups, which are frequent in lowland ponds, had particularly poor species richness (Trichoptera, Heteroptera) or were absent (Gastropoda, Odonata, Ephemeroptera). Macroinvertebrate assemblages (composition, richness) were only weakly influenced by local environmental variables. The main structuring processes were those operating at regional level and, namely, the connectivity between ponds, i.e. the presence of a physical connection (tributary) and/or small geographical distance between ponds. The results suggest that during the long-term monitoring of the Macun ponds (started in 2005), two kinds of change will affect macroinvertebrate assemblages. The first change is related to the natural dynamics, with high local-scale turnover, involving the metapopulations characterising the Macun cirque. The second change is related to global warming, leading to higher local and regional richness through an increase in the number of colonisation events resulting from the upward shift of geographical ranges of species. At the same time the cold stenothermal species from Macun will be subject to extinction. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: R. Céréghino, J. Biggs, B. Oertli & S. Declerck The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat  相似文献   

Genetic diversity within and among six subpopulations of Larix decidua Mill. from two altitudinal transects of Swiss Alps was investigated using 6 enzyme systems coding for 8 loci. Globally, the mean proportion of polymorphic loci was 22.9%, the average number of alleles per locus was 1.3, and the mean expected heterozygosity was 0.095. Only 5.8% of the genetic variation resided among populations. The mean genetic distance was 0.006. Several significant differences of gene frequencies were found between different age classes. Positive values of the species mean fixation index observed in this study suggested a considerable deficit of heterozygotes in the populations of L. decidua of Swiss Alps. At one of the sites (Arpette), the highest subpopulation in elevation gave the lowest level of genetic diversity (as evidenced by the lowest proportion of polymorphic loci and the lowest mean expected heterozygosity) and the largest value of genetic distance when compared to other subpopulations. The genetic differences between the highest subpopulation and the other ones suggest that the founder effect may be an important factor influencing genetic differentiation of L. decidua populations at Arpette transect.  相似文献   

In Late Jurassic times, the Swiss Jura carbonate platform occupied the transition between the Paris Basin and the Tethys and thus connects the Boreal and Tethyan realm. Up to now, the lack of index fossils in the Reuchenette Formation prevented a reliable correlation between both areas (its sediments are characterised by a prominent sparseness of index fossils). Now, seven recently in situ collected species of ammonites helped to establish a new sequence-stratigraphical frame for the platform sediments of the Reuchenette Formation in NW Switzerland. Based on biostratigraphical data, five third-order sedimentary sequences were assigned to the Late Oxfordian to Late Kimmeridgian. The upper three third-order sequences correspond to the Boreal sequences Kim3–5 of Hardenbol et al. (1998). The deduced large-scale sea-level fluctuations match those from other European regions (Spain, Russia). This biostratigraphically based sequence-stratigraphical frame is a prerequisite to refine correlations within a wider area covering the Swiss Jura and parts of adjacent France and Germany. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

To reconstruct the vegetation and fire history of the Upper Engadine, two continuous sediment cores from Lej da Champfèr and Lej da San Murezzan (Upper Engadine Valley, southeastern Switzerland) were analysed for pollen, plant macrofossils, charcoal and kerogen. The chronologies of the cores are based on 38 radiocarbon dates. Pollen and macrofossil data suggest a rapid afforestation with Betula, Pinus sylvestris, Pinus cembra, and Larix decidua after the retreat of the glaciers from the lake catchments 11,000 cal years ago. This vegetation type persisted until ca. 7300 cal b.p. (5350 b.c.) when Picea replaced Pinus cembra. Pollen indicative of human impact suggests that in this high-mountain region of the central Alps strong anthropogenic activities began during the Early Bronze Age (3900 cal b.p., 1950 b.c.). Local human settlements led to vegetational changes, promoting the expansion of Larix decidua and Alnus viridis. In the case of Larix, continuing land use and especially grazing after fire led to the formation of Larix meadows. The expansion of Alnus viridis was directly induced by fire, as evidenced by time-series analysis. Subsequently, the process of forest conversion into open landscapes continued for millennia and reached its maximum at the end of the Middle Ages at around 500 cal b.p. (a.d. 1450).  相似文献   

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