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Abstract: The present study determined the metabolic fate of [U-13C]glutamate in primary cultures of cerebral cortical astrocytes from rat brain and also in cultures incubated in the presence of 1 or 5 mMα-ketoisocaproate (α-KIC). When astrocytes were incubated with 0.2 mM [U-13C]glutamate, 64.1% of the 13C metabolized was converted to glutamine, and the remainder was metabolized via the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. The formation of [1,2,3-13C3]glutamate demonstrated metabolism of the labeled glutamate via the TCA cycle. In control astrocytes, 8.0% of the [13C]glutamate metabolized was incorporated into intracellular aspartate, and 17.2% was incorporated into lactate that was released into the medium. In contrast, there was no detectable incorporation of [13C]glutamate into aspartate in astrocytes incubated in the presence of α-KIC. In addition, the intracellular aspartate concentration was decreased 50% in these cells. However, there was increased incorporation of [13C]glutamate into the 1,2,3-13C3-isotopomer of lactate in cells incubated in the presence of α-KIC versus controls, with formation of lactate accounting for 34.8% of the glutamate metabolized in astrocytes incubated in the presence of α-KIC. Altogether more of the [13C]glutamate was metabolized via the TCA cycle, and less was converted to glutamine in astrocytes incubated in the presence of α-KIC than in control cells. Overall, the results demonstrate that the presence of α-KIC profoundly influences the metabolic disposition of glutamate by astrocytes and leads to altered concentrations of other metabolites, including aspartate, lactate, and leucine. The decrease in formation of aspartate from glutamate and in total concentration of aspartate may impair the activity of the malate-aspartate shuttle and the ability of astrocytes to transfer reducing equivalents into the mitochondria and thus compromise overall energy metabolism in astrocytes.  相似文献   

Abstract: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to study the metabolic pathways involved in the conversion of glucose to glutamate, γ-aminobutyrate (GABA), glutamine, and aspartate. d -[1-13C]Glucose was administered to rats intraperitoneally, and 6, 15, 30, or 45 min later the rats were killed and extracts from the forebrain were prepared for 13C-NMR analysis and amino acid analysis. The absolute amount of 13C present within each carbon-atom pool was determined for C-2, C-3, and C-4 of glutamate, glutamine, and GABA, for C-2 and C-3 of aspartate, and for C-3 of lactate. The natural abundance 13C present in extracts from control rats was also determined for each of these compounds and for N-acetylaspartate and taurine. The pattern of labeling within glutamate and GABA indicates that these amino acids were synthesized primarily within compartments in which glucose was metabolized to pyruvate, followed by decarboxylation to acetyl-CoA for entry into the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In contrast, the labeling pattern for glutamine and aspartate indicates that appreciable amounts of these amino acids were synthesized within a compartment in which glucose was metabolized to pyruvate, followed by carboxylation to oxaloacetate. These results are consistent with the concept that pyruvate carboxylase and glutamine synthetase are glia-specific enzymes, and that this partially accounts for the unusual metabolic compartmentation in CNS tissues. The results of our study also support the concept that there are several pools of glutamate, with different metabolic turnover rates. Our results also are consistent with the concept that glutamine and/or a tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate is supplied by astrocytes to neurons for replenishing the neurotransmitter pool of GABA. However, a similar role for astrocytes in replenishing the transmitter pool of glutamate was not substantiated, possibly due to difficulties in quantitating satellite peaks arising from 13C-13C coupling.  相似文献   

The rates of the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of 2-deoxyglucose were measured in rat brain in vivo using tracer kinetic techniques. The rate constant for each reaction was estimated from two separate experiments with different protocols for tracer administration. Tracer amounts of [1-14C]2-deoxyglucose (1 microCi) were injected through the internal carotid artery (intraarterial experiment), or through the atrium (intravenous experiment). Brains were sampled by freeze-blowing at various times after the injection. In the intraarterial experiment, the rate constant for the forward reaction from 2-deoxyglucose to 2-deoxyglucose phosphate was calculated by dividing the initial rate of 2-deoxyglucose phosphate production by the 2-deoxyglucose content in brain. The rate constant for the reverse reaction from 2-deoxyglucose phosphate to 2-deoxyglucose was calculated from the decay constant of 2-deoxyglucose phosphate. The rate constants estimated were 10.1 +/- 1.4%/min (SD) and 3.00 +/- 0.01%/min (SD), respectively, for the forward and reverse reactions. In the intravenous experiment, rate constants for both reactions were estimated by compartmental analysis. By fitting data to program SAAM-27, the rate constants for the forward and reverse reactions were estimated as 11.4 +/- 0.4%/min (SD) and 5.1 +/- 0.4%/min (SD), respectively. The rate constants determined were compared to those for the reactions between glucose and glucose-6-phosphate, estimated previously from labeled glucoses. It is concluded that the rate of glucose utilization measured by the 2-deoxyglucose method reflects the rate of the hexokinase reaction and not the rate of glucose utilization or brain energy utilization.  相似文献   

Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) by the mitochondrial toxin 3-nitropropionic acid (3-NP) has gained acceptance as an animal model of Huntington's disease. In this study 13C NMR spectroscopy was used to measure the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle rate in the rat brain after 3-NP treatment. The time course of both glutamate C4 and C3 13C labelling was monitored in vivo during an infusion of [1-13C]glucose. Data were fitted by a mathematical model to yield the TCA cycle rate (Vtca) and the exchange rate between alpha-ketoglutarate and glutamate (Vx). 3-NP treatment induced a 18% decrease in Vtca from 0.71 +/- 0.02 micro mol/g/min in the control group to 0.58 +/- 0.02 micro mol/g/min in the 3-NP group (p < 0.001). Vx increased from 0.88 +/- 0.08 micro mol/g/min in the control group to 1.33 +/- 0.24 micro mol/g/min in the 3-NP group (p < 0.07). Fitting the C4 glutamate time course alone under the assumption that Vx is much higher than Vtca yielded Vtca=0.43 micro mol/g/min in both groups. These results suggest that both Vtca and Vx are altered during 3-NP treatment, and that both glutamate C4 and C3 labelling time courses are necessary to obtain a reliable measurement of Vtca.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cerebral metabolism of d [1-13C]glucose was studied with localized 13C NMR spectroscopy during intravenous infusion of enriched [1-13C]glucose in four healthy subjects. The use of three-dimensional localization resulted in the complete elimination of triacylglycerol resonance that originated in scalp and subcutaneous fat. The sensitivity and resolution were sufficient to allow 4 min of time-resolved observation of label incorporation into the C3 and C4 resonances of glutamate and C4 of glutamine, as well as C3 of aspartate with lower time resolution. [4-13C]Glutamate labeled rapidly reaching close to maximum labeling at 60 min. The label flow into [3-13C]glutamate clearly lagged behind that of [4-13C]glutamate and peaked at t = 110–140 min. Multiplets due to homonuclear 13C-13C coupling between the C3 and C4 peaks of the glutamate molecule were observed in vivo. Isotopomer analysis of spectra acquired between 120 and 180 min yielded a 13C isotopic fraction at C4 glutamate of 27 ± 2% (n = 4), which was slightly less than one-half the enrichment of the C1 position of plasma glucose (63 ± 1%), p < 0.05. By comparison with an external standard the total amount of [4-13C]glutamate was directly quantified to be 2.4 ± 0.1 µmol/ml-brain. Together with the isotopomer data this gave a calculated brain glutamate concentration of 9.1 ± 0.7 µmol/ml, which agrees with previous estimates of total brain glutamate concentrations. The agreement suggests that essentially all of the brain glutamate is derived from glucose in healthy human brain.  相似文献   

The [14C]deoxyglucose [Sokoloff et al., J. Neurochem. 28, 897-916 (1977)] and [6-14C]glucose [Hawkins et al., Am. J. Physiol. 248, C170-C176 (1985)] quantitative autoradiographic methods were used to measure regional brain glucose utilization in awake rats. The spatial resolution and qualitative appearance of the autoradiograms were similar. In resting animals, there was no significant difference between the two methods among 18 gray and three white matter structures over a fourfold range in glucose utilization rates (coefficient of correlation = 0.97). In rats given increasing frequencies of photoflash visual stimulation, the two methods gave different results for glucose utilization within visual pathways. The linearity of the metabolic response was studied in the superior colliculus using an on-off checkerboard stimulus between 0 and 33 Hz. The greatest increment in activity occurred between 0 and 4 Hz stimulation with both methods, probably representing recruitment of neuronal elements into activity. Above 4 Hz, there was a progressive increase in labeling with [14C]deoxyglucose up to 1.7 times control at 33 Hz. With [6-14C]-glucose, there was no further increment in change above a 30% increase seen at 4 Hz. Measurement of tissue glucose revealed no drop in the visually stimulated structures compared to control. We interpret these results to indicate that, with increasing rates of physiological activity, the products of deoxyglucose metabolism accumulate progressively, but the products of glucose metabolism are removed from brain in 10 min.  相似文献   

Inner retinal cells including dopamine (DA) cells were isolated and fractionated from the carp (Cyprinus carpio) retina by an enzyme cell dissociation and metrizamide gradient centrifugation method. When gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonists (bicuculline and picrotoxin) were added into the perfusate over such a cell fraction, they stimulated the release of [3H]DA which had been preloaded in the cell fraction. The action of GABA antagonists was dose and Ca2+ dependent. Their minimal effective concentration was very low (0.5 microM). A similar action was elicited by high K+. In the presence of excess GABA, this stimulatory action of GABA antagonists and high K+ on [3H]DA release was completely abolished. To interpret the action of GABA antagonists on DA cells, isolated cell fractions were preincubated with GABAse. After such a treatment, the stimulatory effects of GABA antagonists and high K+ on [3H]DA release were differentiated from each other; the former disappeared whereas the latter remained unchanged. The data strongly suggest that GABA inhibits the DA release from retinal DA cells and thus the GABA antagonists affect [3H]DA release from cell fractions not by a direct membrane action but by a disinhibition mechanism via GABA receptors on the DA cell bodies.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism supports both inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmission processes. This study investigated the specific contribution of astrocytic metabolism to γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) synthesis and inhibitory GABAergic neurotransmission that remained to be ilucidated in vivo. Therefore, we measured 13C incorporation into brain metabolites by dynamic 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 14.1 T in rats under α‐chloralose anaesthesia during infusion of [1,6‐13C]glucose. The enhanced sensitivity at 14.1 T allowed to quantify incorporation of 13C into the three aliphatic carbons of GABA non‐invasively. Metabolic fluxes were determined with a mathematical model of brain metabolism comprising glial, glutamatergic and GABAergic compartments. GABA synthesis rate was 0.11 ± 0.01 μmol/g/min. GABA‐glutamine cycle was 0.053 ± 0.003 μmol/g/min and accounted for 22 ± 1% of total neurotransmitter cycling between neurons and glia. Cerebral glucose oxidation was 0.47 ± 0.02 μmol/g/min, of which 35 ± 1% and 7 ± 1% was diverted to the glutamatergic and GABAergic tricarboxylic acid cycles, respectively. The remaining fraction of glucose oxidation was in glia, where 12 ± 1% of the TCA cycle flux was dedicated to oxidation of GABA. 16 ± 2% of glutamine synthesis was provided to GABAergic neurons. We conclude that substantial metabolic activity occurs in GABAergic neurons and that glial metabolism supports both glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in the living rat brain.


Abstract: The binding of [3H] γ-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) and [3H]muscimol has been studied in purified synaptic plasma membrane (SPM) preparations from rat brain. Scatchard analysis of specific binding (defined as that displaced by 100 μMγ-aminobutyrate) indicated that the binding of both radiolabelled ligands was best described by a two component Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The apparent KD and Bmax values for [3H]GABA at 4°C were KD1, 20 nM; KD2,165 nM; Bmax1, 0.48 pmol;Bmax2, 6.0 pmol. mg?1; for [3H]muscimol at 4°C they were: KD1, 1.75 nM; KD2, 17.5 nM; Bmaxl, 0.84 pmol. mg?1; Bmax2, 4.8 pmol.mg?1; and for [3H]muscimol at 37°C they were: KD1, 7.0 nM; Km, 60 nM; Bmax], 0.5 pmol-mg?1; Bmax2, 7.2 pmol-mg1. Under the experimental conditions used, the similar Bmilx values for [3H]GABA and [3H]muscimol binding to the SPM preparations suggests that the high- and low-affinity components for the two radiolabeled ligands are identical. The effects of the GAB A antagonist bicuculline on the binding of [3H]muscimol at 4CC and 37°C were studied. At 4°C, antagonism of muscimol binding appeared to be competitive at the high-affinity site but noncompetitive at the low-affinity site. At 37°C, antagonism was again competitive at the high-affinity site but was of a mixed competitive/noncompetitive nature at the low-affinity site. Assuming that binding to the high-affinity site is associated with the pharmacological actions of bicuculline, the apparent KD values obtained suggest a pA2 value of 5.3 against [3H]muscimol at 4°C and 37°C. This figure is in good agreement with several estimates of the potency of bicuculline based on pharmacological measurements. Results from displacement studies using [3H]GABA and [3H]muscimol suggest that [3H]GABA might be a more satisfactory ligand than [3H]muscimol in GABA radioreceptor assays.  相似文献   

The compartmentation of amino acid metabolism is an active and important area of brain research. 13C labeling and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) are powerful tools for studying metabolic pathways, because information about the metabolic histories of metabolites can be determined from the appearance and position of the label in products. We have used 13C labeling and 13C NMR in order to investigate the metabolic history of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate in rat brain. [1-13C]Glucose was infused into anesthetized rats and the 13C labeling patterns in GABA and glutamate examined in brain tissue extracts obtained at various times after infusion of the label. Five minutes after infusion, most of the 13C label in glutamate appeared at the C4 position; at later times, label was also present at C2 and C3. This 13C labeling pattern occurs when [1-13C]glucose is metabolized to pyruvate by glycolysis and enters the pool of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) intermediates via pyruvate dehydrogenase. The label exchanges into glutamate from the TCA cycle pool through glutamate transaminases or dehydrogenase. After 30 min of infusion, approximately 10% of the total 13C in brain extracts appeared in GABA, primarily (greater than 80%) at the amino carbon (C4), indicating that the GABA detected is labeled through pyruvate carboxylase. The different labeling patterns observed for glutamate and GABA show that the large detectable glutamate pool does not serve as the precursor to GABA. Our NMR data support previous experiments suggesting compartmentation of metabolism in brain, and further demonstrate that GABA is formed from a pool of TCA cycle intermediates derived from an anaplerotic pathway involving pyruvate carboxylase.  相似文献   

Effects of diazepam and gamma-aminobutyric acid-related compounds on the release of [14C]cysteine sulfinate and [3H]glutamate from preloaded hippocampal slices of rat brain were examined by a superfusion method. Diazepam markedly inhibited the release of cysteine sulfinate and glutamate evoked either by high K+ or veratridine without affecting that of other neurotransmitter candidates, e.g., gamma-aminobutyric acid, acetylcholine, noradrenaline, and dopamine; IC50 values for the release of cysteine sulfinate and glutamate were about 20 and 7 microM, respectively. gamma-Aminobutyric acid (1 to 10 microM) and muscimol (100 microM) significantly reduced high K+-stimulated release of glutamate. Bicuculline, which had no effect on the release at a concentration of 50 microM by itself, antagonized the inhibitor effects of diazepam and gamma-aminobutyric acid on glutamate release. Similar results were obtained with the release of cysteine sulfinate except that a high concentration (100 microM) of gamma-aminobutyric acid was required for the inhibition. These results indicate the modulation by gamma-aminobutyric acid innervation of the release of excitatory amino acids in rat hippocampal formation, and also suggest that some of the pharmacological effects of diazepam may be a consequence of inhibition of excitatory amino acid transmission.  相似文献   

Abstract: With [3H]guanosine triphosphate ([3H]GTP) and [3H]β, γ -imidoguanosine 5′-triphosphate ([3H]GppNHp) as the labelled substrates, both the binding and the catabolism of guanine nucleotides have been studied in various brain membrane preparations. Both labelled nucleotides bound to a single class of noninteracting sites (KD= 0.1-0.5 μm ) in membranes from various brain regions (hippocampus, striatum, cerebral cortex). Unlabelled GTP, GppNHp, and guanosine diphosphate (GDP) but not guanosine monophosphate (GMP) and guanosine competitively inhibited the specific binding of [3H]guanine nucleotides. Calcium (0.1–5 mm ) partially prevented the binding of [3H]GTP and [3H]GppNHp to hippocampal and striatal membranes. This resulted from both an increased catabolism of [3H]GTP (into [3H]guanosine) and the likely formation of Ca-guanine nucleotide2- complexes. The blockade of guanine nucleotide catabolism was responsible for the enhanced binding of [3H]GTP to hippocampal membranes in the presence of 0.1 mm -ATP or 0.1 mm -GMP. Striatal lesions with kainic acid produced both a 50% reduction of the number of specific guanine nucleotide binding sites and an acceleration of [3H]GTP and [3H]GppNHp catabolism (into [3H]guanosine) in membranes from the lesioned striatum. This suggests that guanine nucleotide binding sites were associated (at least in part) with intrinsic neurones whereas the catabolising enzyme(s) would be (mainly) located to glial cells (which proliferate after kainic acid lesion). The characteristics of the [3H]guanine nucleotide binding sites strongly suggest that they may correspond to the GTP subunits regulating neurotransmitter receptors including those labelled with [3H]5-hydroxytryptamine ([3H]5-HT) in the rat brain.  相似文献   

Abstract: The effect of tetanus toxin pretreatment on K+ -stimulated [3H]γ-aminobutyric acid release from neuron-enriched cerebellar cell cultures at various stages during their development in vitro was assessed. Tetanus toxin had little inhibitory effect on immature (1-3-day-old) cultures, but markedly reduced K+-evoked [3H]γ-aminobutyric acid release from 7- and 14-day-old cultures (∼80% inhibition). It is suggested that cerebellar neurons in culture develop tetanus toxin-sensitive transmitter release mechanisms similar to their in vivo counterparts.  相似文献   

The effect of early undernutrition and dietary rehabilitation on [3H]gamma-aminobutyric acid ([3H]GABA) binding in rat brain cerebral cortex and hippocampus was examined. Undernourished animals were obtained by exposing their mothers to a protein-deficient diet during both gestation and lactation. Saturation analysis of [3H]GABA binding in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus revealed high- and low-affinity components in the undernourished group, whereas control animals possessed only a low-affinity site. The concentration of low-affinity binding sites was greater in the undernourished animals. Rehabilitation of undernourished animals completely abolished the binding site differences. Treatment of brain membranes with Triton X-100 yielded two binding components in both the undernourished and control animals, although the concentration of lower affinity sites was still greater in the undernourished group. Neither the efficacy nor the potency of GABA to activate benzodiazepine binding in cerebral cortex was modified by undernutrition. These data suggest that early undernourishment modifies the characteristics of [3H]GABA binding, perhaps by reducing the brain content of endogenous inhibitors of the higher affinity binding site. The lack of effect on GABA-activated benzodiazepine binding suggests the possibility that neither the high- nor the low-affinity GABA binding sites are coupled to this receptor component.  相似文献   

The distribution of carbon-11-labeled L-deprenyl, an irreversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B), was determined in the baboon brain by positron emission tomography. The irreversible blood-to-brain transfer constant (influx constant, Ki) was measured using a complete metabolite-corrected arterial plasma concentration curve. This influx constant was used as a measure of functional enzyme activity for sequential determinations of MAO-B recovery following a single high dose of unlabeled l -deprenyl. The half-life for turnover of MAO-B was thus determined to be 30 days. Using appropriate irreversible inhibitors, this procedure should be generally useful for determining enzyme turnover rates in any organ in vivo and can be applied to some human studies as well.  相似文献   

To clarify the unique characteristics of amino acid metabolism derived from glucose in the central nervous system (CNS), we injected [1-13C]glucose intraperitoneally to the rat, and extracted the free amino acids from several kinds of tissues and measured the amount of incorporation of13C derived from [1-13C]glucose into each amino acid using13C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR). In the adult rat brain, the intensities of resonances from13C-amino acids were observed in the following order: glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, -aminobutyrate (GABA) and alanine. There seemed no regional difference on this labeling pattern in the brain. However, only in the striatum and thalamus, the intensities of resonances from [2-13C]GABA were larger than that from [2,3-13C]aspartate. In the other tissues, such as heart, kidney, liver, spleen, muscle, lung and small intestine, the resonances from GABA were not detected and every intensity of resonances from13C-amino acids, except13C-alanine, was much smaller than those in the brain and spinal cord. In the serum,13C-amino acid was not detected at all. When the rats were decapitated, in the brain, the resonances from [1-13C]glucose greatly reduced and the intensities of resonances from [3-13C]lactate, [3-13C]alanine, [2, 3, 4-13C]GABA and [2-13C]glutamine became larger as compared with those in the case that the rats were sacrificed with microwave. In other tissues, the resonances from [1-13C]glucose were clearly detected even after the decapitation. In the glioma induced by nitrosoethylurea in the spinal cord, the large resonances from glutamine and alanine were observed; however, the intensities of resonances from glutamate were considerably reduced and the resonances from GABA and aspartate were not detected. These results show that the pattern of13C label incorporation into amino acids is unique in the central nervous tissues and also suggest that the metabolic compartmentalization could exist in the CNS through the metabolic trafficking between neurons and astroglia.Abbreviations NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GABA -aminobutyrate - GFAP glial fibrillary acidic protein Special issue dedicated to Dr. Bernard W. Agranoff.  相似文献   

Abstract The growth, biomass δ13C values, and ability to accumulate titratable acidity at night were compared in eight environmental treatments for Cremnophila linguifolia, Sedum greggii, and their F1 hybrid. In the phytotron, differences in treatment daylength, day/night temperature and water availability were all found to have effects on total plant dry weight, nocturnal accumulation of titratable acidity and biomass δ13C value of at least some of the genotypes. However, there were differences between the genotypes both in the magnitude and direction of response of the phenotypic properties to the treatment variables. The phytotron δ13C values ranged from -12.9 to -19.2‰ for C. linguifolia, from -22.2 to -33.4‰ for S. greggii, and from -19.2 to -24.9‰ for the hybrid. After with-holding water for 76 h both C. linguifolia and the hybrid had midday Ψleaf values of -0.23 MPa; however, S. greggii had a value of -1.05 MPa. In contrast to past observations of other species, the daily watered plants of C. linguifolia had less negative δ13C values than did the plants watered only weekly.  相似文献   

[1-(13) C]glucose metabolism in the rat brain was investigated after intravenous infusion of the labelled substrate. Incorporation of the label into metabolites was analysed by NMR spectroscopy as a function of the infusion time: 10, 20, 30 or 60 min. Specific enrichments in purified mono- and dicarboxylic amino acids were determined from (1) H-observed/(13) C-edited and (13) C-NMR spectroscopy. The relative contribution of pyruvate carboxylase versus pyruvate dehydrogenase (PC/PDH) to amino acid labelling was evaluated from the enrichment difference between either C2 and C3 for Glu and Gln, or C4 and C3 for GABA, respectively. No contribution of pyruvate carboxylase to aspartate, glutamate or GABA labelling was evidenced. The pyruvate carboxylase contribution to glutamine labelling varied with time. PC/PDH decreased from around 80% after 10 min to less than 30% between 20 and 60 min. This was interpreted as reflecting different labelling kinetics of the two glutamine precursor glutamate pools: the astrocytic glutamate and the neuronal glutamate taken up by astrocytes through the glutamate-glutamine cycle. The results are discussed in the light of the possible occurrence of neuronal pyruvate carboxylation. The methods previously used to determine PC/PDH in brain were re-evaluated as regards their capacity to discriminate between astrocytic (via pyruvate carboxylase) and neuronal (via malic enzyme) pyruvate carboxylation.  相似文献   

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