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Seventeen desert tortoises, Xerobates agassizii, with upper respiratory tract disease were examined; thirteen were euthanatized for necropsy. Four normal control desert tortoises from a clinically healthy population were similarly evaluated. Hemoglobin and phosphorus values were significantly (P less than or equal to 0.05) lower and serum sodium, urea, SGOT, and cholesterol values were significantly higher in ill tortoises compared to controls. No significant differences in concentrations of serum or liver vitamins A and E were found between the two groups. While no significant differences were found for concentrations of lead, copper, cadmium, and selenium, the livers of ill tortoises had higher concentrations of mercury and iron. Lesions were found consistently in the upper respiratory tract (URT) of ill tortoises. In all ill tortoises dense infiltrates of lymphocytes and histiocytes obscured the mucosal epithelium and underlying glands. The mucosal epithelium was variably dysplastic, hyperplastic, and occasionally ulcerated. Electron microscopic studies revealed small (350 to 900 nm), pleomorphic organisms resembling Mycoplasma sp., in close association with the surface epithelium of the URT of ill tortoises. Pasteurella testudinis was cultured from the nasal cavity of all ill tortoises and one of four control tortoises. A Mycoplasma sp. was cultured from the nasal passageways of four ill tortoises and was ultrastructurally similar to the pleomorphic organism present on the mucosa in tissue section.  相似文献   

Upper respiratory tract disease (URTD) has been associated with major losses of free-ranging desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the southwestern United States. This prompted a clinical examination of 63 free-ranging desert tortoises for signs of URTD and sampling for Mycoplasma agassizii, the causative agent of URTD. Tortoises were sampled from three sites in the eastern Mojave Desert (1992-93), and from three sites in the Sonoran Desert (1992-94). Plasma samples were tested for antibodies to M. agassizii using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Nasal aspirate samples from 12 Sonoran tortoises were tested using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test directed at the 16S rRNA gene of M. agassizii. Nasal aspirate samples from all tortoises were cultured for M. agassizii. In the Mojave Desert, nine tortoises had clinical signs of URTD and eight were seropositive for M. agassizii. In the Sonoran Desert, there were no clinical signs of URTD, but two tortoises were seropositive, and two tortoises had positive PCR results.  相似文献   

Aerobic bacteria were collected from three free-ranging desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations in the eastern Mojave Desert (Arizona, Utah; USA) from 1989 to 1993, and from two free-ranging populations in the central Sonoran Desert (Arizona, USA) from 1990 to 1994. Six species of nasal bacteria and 18 species of cloacal bacteria were identified. At least one potential pathogen was found in the nasal cavity (Pasteurella testudinis), and at least two potential pathogens in the cloaca (Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella spp.).  相似文献   

Baseline values and ranges for 10 hematologic and 32 plasma chemistry parameters were analyzed for 36 free-ranging Sonoran desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizzi) collected in Yavapai and La Paz Counties (Arizona, USA) from 1990 to 1995. Tortoises were radio tagged from 1990 to 1994, and attempts were made to recapture them three times a year. Tortoises were weighed, measured, and chemically immobilized to collect blood for hematology and blood chemistry assessments. Tortoise biochemistry differed (P < 0.01) between sites and sexes and among seasons and years. Normal reference ranges for hematologic and plasma biochemistry parameters were determined. Seasonal and annual differences in hematology and blood chemistry were related to rainfall patterns, forage availability, and physiological condition.  相似文献   

Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) populations have experienced precipitous declines resulting from the cumulative impact of habitat loss, and human and disease-related mortality. Evaluation of hematologic and biochemical responses of desert tortoises to physiologic and environmental factors can facilitate the assessment of stress and disease in tortoises and contribute to management decisions and population recovery. The goal of this study was to obtain and analyze clinical laboratory data from free-ranging desert tortoises at three sites in the Mojave Desert (California, USA) between October 1990 and October 1995, to establish reference intervals, and to develop guidelines for the interpretation of laboratory data under a variety of environmental and physiologic conditions. Body weight, carapace length, and venous blood samples for a complete blood count and clinical chemistry profile were obtained from 98 clinically healthy adult desert tortoises of both sexes at the Desert Tortoise Research Natural area (western Mojave), Goffs (eastern Mojave) and Ivanpah Valley (northeastern Mojave). Samples were obtained four times per year, in winter (February/March), spring (May/June), summer (July/August), and fall (October). Years of near-, above- and below-average rainfall were represented in the 5 yr period. Minimum, maximum and median values, and central 95 percentiles were used as reference intervals and measures of central tendency for tortoises at each site and/or season. Data were analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance for significant (P < 0.01) variation on the basis of sex, site, season, and interactions between these variables. Significant sex differences were observed for packed cell volume, hemoglobin concentration, aspartate transaminase activity, and cholesterol, triglyceride, calcium, and phosphorus concentrations. Marked seasonal variation was observed in most parameters in conjunction with reproductive cycle, hibernation, or seasonal rainfall. Year-to-year differences and long-term alterations primarily reflected winter rainfall amounts. Site differences were minimal, and largely reflected geographic differences in precipitation patterns, such that results from these studies can be applied to other tortoise populations in environments with known rainfall and forage availability patterns.  相似文献   

We document causes of death in free-ranging California Condors (Gymnogyps californianus) from the inception of the reintroduction program in 1992 through December 2009 to identify current and historic mortality factors that might interfere with establishment of self-sustaining populations in the wild. A total of 135 deaths occurred from October 1992 (the first post-release death) through December 2009, from a maximum population-at-risk of 352 birds, for a cumulative crude mortality rate of 38%. A definitive cause of death was determined for 76 of the 98 submitted cases, 70% (53/76) of which were attributed to anthropogenic causes. Trash ingestion was the most important mortality factor in nestlings (proportional mortality rate [PMR] 73%; 8/11), while lead toxicosis was the most important factor in juveniles (PMR 26%; 13/50) and adults (PMR 67%; 10/15). These results demonstrate that the leading causes of death at all California Condor release sites are anthropogenic. The mortality factors thought to be important in the decline of the historic California Condor population, particularly lead poisoning, remain the most important documented mortality factors today. Without effective mitigation, these factors can be expected to have the same effects on the sustainability of the wild populations as they have in the past.  相似文献   

Iridoviruses of the genus Ranavirus are well known for causing mass mortality events of fish and amphibians with sporadic reports of infection in reptiles. This article describes five instances of Ranavirus infection in chelonians between 2003 and 2005 in Georgia, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania, USA. Affected species included captive Burmese star tortoises (Geochelone platynota), a free-ranging gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus), free-ranging eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina), and a Florida box turtle (Terrepene carolina bauri). Evidence for Ranavirus infection was also found in archived material from previously unexplained mass mortality events of eastern box turtles from Georgia in 1991 and from Texas in 1998. Consistent lesions in affected animals included necrotizing stomatitis and/or esophagitis, fibrinous and necrotizing splenitis, and multicentric fibrinoid vasculitis. Intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies were rarely observed in affected tissues. A portion of the major capsid protein (MCP) gene was sequenced from each case in 2003-2005 and found to be identical to each other and to Frog virus 3 (FV3) across 420 base pairs. Ranavirus infections were also documented in sympatric species of amphibians at two locations with infected chelonians. The fragment profiles of HindIII-digested whole genomic DNA of Ranavirus, isolated from a dead Burmese star tortoise and a southern leopard frog (Rana utricularia) found nearby, were similar. The box turtle isolate had a low molecular weight fragment that was not seen in the digestion profiles for the other isolates. These results suggest that certain amphibians and chelonians are infected with a similar virus and that different viruses exist among different chelonians. Amphibians may serve as a reservoir host for susceptible chelonians. This report also demonstrated that significant disease associated with Ranavirus infections are likely more widespread in chelonians than previously suspected.  相似文献   

Abnormalities of the bulbourethral (Cowper's) glands are rare in most strains of inbred laboratory mice. Since the glands are covered with striated muscle and because of their small size, the bulbourethral glands are often overlooked at necropsy. We review the gross and microscopic anatomy of the bulbourethral glands in laboratory mice and report in SJL/J and RBF/DnJ mice a series of anomalies of this gland that appear to be common in these strains and relatively strain specific. From 14 different inbred strains of mice that had been submitted for necropsy over a period of 4.5 years for various clinical complaints, including enlargement of the perianal region, 23.8% of SJL/J mice (27/113) and 51.2% of RBF/DnJ mice (21/41) had cystic hyperplasia of the bulbourethal glands. Furthermore 7.3% of BALB/cByJ mice (3/41) had cystic glands and 6.7% of DBA/2J mice (4/60) had enlarged bulbourethal glands, three of which (5.0%) were abscessed. All selected mice were active male breeders older than 6 months of age from production colonies at The Jackson Laboratory. Detailed examination of bulbourethral glands of retired SJL/J breeders revealed cystic glands in 83.8% (109/130) of mice. No abnormalities were found in the other inbred strains of mice investigated.  相似文献   

Baylisascaris procyonis is well recognized as a cause of visceral (VLM), ocular, and neural (NLM) larva migrans in birds and mammals, including man. A study of the prevalence of larva migrans in free-ranging wildlife associated with raccoon latrines as well as a retrospective study of wildlife mortalities with neurological disease was conducted in 2000 in Orange County, California. Eighty-seven birds of 18 species and 64 mammals of 8 species were found to have NLM or VLM or both. NLM clinical signs included convulsions, torticollis, opisthotonus, head-tilts, circling, ataxia, paralysis, and visual defects. NLM lesions were characterized by focally disseminated, frequently linear, "tracklike" areas of parenchymal degeneration with varying degrees of astrocytosis in the white matter of the cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem, and spinal cord. Larvae were rarely found in these lesions but were rather isolated in the brain-spinal cord parenchyma. At least 1 larva was isolated by digestion from each case of NLM and identified as Baylisascaris sp., most likely B. procyonis. VLM lesions consisted of granulomatous reactions surrounding intact or degenerative larvae in the parenchyma of the liver, kidney, diaphragm, and, occasionally, the lymph nodes. This report broadens the range of species of wild birds and mammals that have been found to be susceptible to larva migrans caused by B. procyonis and reaffirms the importance of raccoon latrine sites as contaminative foci for wildlife.  相似文献   

Blood and urinary profiles of free-ranging desert mule deer in Arizona   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As a corollary to a more comprehensive study on their ecology, we documented blood and urinary profiles for 10 free-ranging desert mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus crooki) (five males, five females) captured by net-gun shot from a helicopter during February 1988 in Saguaro National Monument, Arizona. Pursuit with the helicopter for netting deer ranged from 3 to 15 min. Blood profiles included seven hematological characteristics and 12 serum chemistries, electrolytes, hormones and enzymes. Urine samples were assayed for urea nitrogen, creatinine, sodium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Urinary data were compared as ratios to creatinine. Serum cholesterol was greater (P less than 0.05) in males than females. Pursuit time was correlated with serum non-esterified fatty acids (r = 0.67, P less than 0.05) and influenced urinary specific gravity (r2 = 0.77, P less than 0.004), urea nitrogen: creatinine (r2 = 0.79, P less than 0.005), and potassium: creatinine (r2 = 0.42, P = 0.08) ratios. Increasing specific gravity was related to urinary creatinine concentration (r2 = 0.72, P less than 0.008). All deer exhibited acute adrenal stimulation, accompanied by elevated serum creatine phosphokinase and urinary potassium: creatinine ratios, which were indicative of acute excitement and muscle trauma associated with the capture process. We demonstrated that urinary data are a valuable supplement to serum data in demonstrating effects of intense physical exertion, and both forms of data emphasize the need to assess capture-related excitability as a source of variation in blood and urine characteristics of free-ranging desert mule deer.  相似文献   

Summary Stem photosynthetic responses to environmental parameters were investigated with Psorothamnus spinosus in the Sonoran Desert of California. Light saturation of stem photosynthesis was equal to maximum midday summer irradance (1600–2000 mol·m-2·s-1). The optimum temperature for stem photosynthesis was 39°C, and lower stem temperatures (27–35°C) caused significant decreases (up to 50%) in stem photosynthesis. Positive stem photosynthesis was maintained up to 51°C. Stem photosynthesis was relatively insensitive to increasing vpd up to 5 kPa; However, stem conductance decreased by 25% at a vpd of 5 kPa. At vpd greater than 5 kPa stem photosynthesis decreased relatively more than that of stem conductance causing a decrease in water use efficiency and an increase an intercellular carbon dioxide concentration. Maximum stem photosynthetic rates were low (6.2–10.6 mol·m-2·s-1) on a stem surface area, but, stem photosynthetic rates of young shoots were substantially higher (19.5–33.3 mol· m-2·s-1) on a projected area basis.Dedicated to the memory of Dr. W.H. Muller  相似文献   

F. Fiocca  A. Lugliè  N. Sechi 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4-6):1016-1031

The phytoplankton study on the S'Ena Arrubia Lagoon started in 1990, after dystrophic events, leading to high fish mortality and consequently great economic losses. This study presents a general picture of the conditions of the lagoon between 1990 and 1995, and reports on the quali-quantitative changes in the phytoplanktonic populations, as well as the trends of temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, algal nutrients and chlorophyll a. The lagoon was characterized by great changes in salinity between years and within the same year, by high nutrient contents and by a phytoplankton trend characterized by sudden intense blooms mostly due to the Chlorophyceae and the Bacillariophyceae. The number of species found, decreased from 1990 to 1994, followed by a slight increase in 1995. The same trend was also found for total density and chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

During recent 10 years (1990-1999) essential changes occurred the epidemiology of viral hepatitis A (VHA) in Estonia: simultaneously with a decreased level of morbidity (morbidity rate per 100,000 of the population was 78.4 in 1990 and 7.7 in 1996, or 1,241 and 112 cases, respectively), a shift in the age structure of patients from children of preschool age to older age groups took place. Everyday contacts were the main established route of VHA transmission in recent years, but in more than 80% of cases the risk factors of the virus transmission remained obscure. During the regional outbreak of VHA in North Estonia in 1998 (937 out of 989 cases registered in the country) a rise in morbidity was observed among young people aged 15-29 years, when a wide spread of parenteral viral hepatitides B and C and drug addiction were registered in this region. During this outbreak VHA was transmitted mainly through everyday contacts. Still the considerable prevalence of injection drug users who practiced the group use of syringes and needles and took drugs from common containers, a sufficiently high level of the mixed forms of the disease (more than 18% of all registered cases of VHA), detected for the first time, make it possible to suggest that the parenteral transmission route could appear among persons belonging to the above mentioned group. Vaccination is regarded as the most effective measure for the prophylaxis of VHA.  相似文献   

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