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Cross-cultural anthropologists have increasingly used phylogenetic methods to study cultural variation. Because cultural behaviours can be transmitted horizontally among socially defined groups, however, it is important to assess whether phylogeny-based methods--which were developed to study vertically transmitted traits among biological taxa--are appropriate for studying group-level cultural variation. Here, we describe a spatially explicit simulation model that can be used to generate data with known degrees of horizontal donation. We review previous results from this model showing that horizontal transmission increases the type I error rate of phylogenetically independent contrasts in studies of correlated evolution. These conclusions apply to cases in which two traits are transmitted as a pair, but horizontal transmission may be less problematic when traits are unlinked. We also use the simulation model to investigate whether measures of homology (the consistency index and the retention index) can detect horizontal transmission of cultural traits. Higher rates of evolutionary change have a stronger depressive impact on measures of homology than higher rates of horizontal transmission; thus, low consistency or retention indices are not necessarily indicative of 'ethnogenesis'. Collectively, these studies demonstrate the importance of using simulations to assess the validity of methods in cross-cultural research.  相似文献   

Abstract: We examined beliefs of landowners who hunt and do not hunt regarding chronic wasting disease (CWD) and its management. We mailed surveys to a random sample of 973 Wisconsin, USA, landowners living in the CWD southwest disease eradication zone. Of 613 respondents, 360 (59%) were hunters and 253 (41%) were not hunters. We created multiple item indices to measure respondent beliefs about effects of CWD and its management. Hunters and nonhunters differed on 5 of 6 belief indices. Both groups were, on average, relatively neutral in their trust of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources but landowners who did not hunt reported slightly higher trust. Both groups were neutral or slightly agreed that CWD should be managed and they were concerned about deer (Odocoileus spp.) health and the safety of eating venison. Landowners who did not hunt were more likely than those who hunted to agree with these issues but effect sizes indicated these differences were minimal. Landowners who hunted were more concerned than nonhunters about effects of CWD on deer hunting. Cluster analyses indicated most nonhunting landowners were neutral or not concerned about CWD and its management, whereas most hunting landowners were concerned. Our results suggest that managers should use communication campaigns to increase awareness and mitigate concerns about CWD, increase trust and input related to the disease, and inform publics about CWD management strategies.  相似文献   

The procurement and consumption of palatable, calorie‐dense foods is influenced by the nutritional and hedonic value of foods. Although many factors can influence the control over behavior by foods rich in sugar and fat, emerging evidence indicates that biological sex may play a particularly crucial role in the types of foods individuals seek out, as well as the level of motivation individuals will exert to obtain those foods. However, a systematic investigation of food‐seeking and consumption that disentangles the effects of the major sex‐biasing factors, including sex chromosome complement and organizational and activational effects of sex hormones, has yet to be conducted. Using the four core genotypes mouse model system, we separated and quantified the effects of sex chromosome complement and gonadal sex on consumption of and motivation to obtain a highly palatable solution [sweetened condensed milk (SCM)]. Gonadectomized mice with an XY sex chromosome complement, compared with those with two X chromosomes, independent of gonadal sex, appeared to be more sensitive to the reward value of the SCM solution and were more motivated to expend effort to obtain it, as evidenced by their dramatically greater expended effort in an instrumental task with progressively larger response‐to‐reward ratios. Gonadal sex independently affected free consumption of the solution but not motivation to obtain it. These data indicate that gonadal and chromosomal sex effects independently influence reward‐related behaviors, contributing to sexually dimorphic patterns of behavior related to the pursuit and consumption of rewards.  相似文献   

This article addresses how beliefs about health risks cluster and how these relate to perceptions of risk among Canadians. A principal components analysis conducted on items reflecting various beliefs from the Canadian National Health Risk Perception Survey extracted four underlying dimensions: Cancer Dread, Trust in Regulators, Environmental Concern, and Personal Agency. Factor scores were then used to investigate relationships between belief factors and the perceived health risk of various hazards with gender, education, income, and province of residence as covariates. Environmental and Therapeutic health risk perceptions were significantly higher in respondents with high Cancer Dread and high Environmental Concern, but lower in respondents with high Trust in Regulators. Environmental health risk perceptions were lower in respondents with high Personal Agency, whereas Social health risk perceptions were higher in respondents with high Cancer Dread and Personal Agency. Results suggest that information about health risk–related beliefs can be useful in improving our understanding of the public's perceived risk of health hazards.  相似文献   

An electrophoretic survey of the common carp revealed 33 loci. Nine were found to be polymorphic including two phosphoglucose isomerase loci, a phosphoglucomutase locus, three esterase loci, a lactate dehydrogenase locus, a malate dehydrogenase locus, and transferrin. Five of these polymorphic loci are reported for the first time, the two phosphoglucose isomerase loci, a phosphoglucomutase locus and two of the three esterase loci. Differences in allele frequencies between the European and Chinese races were found at most loci.  相似文献   


Various behaviors must be performed by owners to promote good health for their dogs. The aim in this study was to use the results of an online survey, completed by 1,016 self-selected, Australian dog owners, to investigate relationships between demographic factors, beliefs, dog–owner relationship variables, and the performance of health-promoting behaviors. Specific behaviors examined included the provision of annual vaccinations and health checkups by a veterinarian, regular grooming and exercise, and the provision of a nutritionally balanced diet. Reported compliance was high in the self-selected sample, ranging between 77.8% for annual vaccinations and 98.8% for the provision of a nutritious diet. Regression analyses revealed that all of the behaviors we measured could be predicted from beliefs relating to health care practices and dog–owner relationship variables independently of demographic factors. The extent of dog and owner interactions, as well as the extent to which owners perceived important others to be supportive of the behaviors, emerged as particularly important variables. These statistically robust findings have implications for campaigns encouraging pet health promotion by owners.  相似文献   

In this issue of Twin Research, we describe different facets of a European Community funded effort, GenomEUtwin, which capitalises on eight of the world's largest and best characterised twin registers and a multi-national population cohort, MORGAM. This international study, reaching beyond the geographical borders of Europe, is based on linkage and association strategies designed to identify genetic contributors to health and disease using integrated expertise of participating groups in genetics, epidemiology and biostatistics. By merging information from numerous epidemiological and genetic databases, GenomEUtwin will create an intellectual and technical infrastructure for future genetic epidemiological studies aiming to define genetic and life style risks for common human diseases.  相似文献   


The question of how nonhuman animals think is pervasive in the scientific and popular media, yet there is an apparent lack of concordance between findings from research in animal cognition and how this information emerges in popular discourse. The present study investigated the way people conceive of animal thinking, in order to inform the development of an exhibit on animal minds that will address this issue and foster a deeper connection between people and animals. This two-part, sequential study of perceptions of animal thinking used qualitative interviews of visitors to the New York Hall of Science and Staten Island Zoo to develop a quantitative, online consumer survey of American museum visitors. The results show that American museum visitors vary in their perceptions of animal thinking, but appear to be open to new ideas about how animals might think. Participants' responses to the interviews revealed they could easily recognize survival strategies in wild animals, but had reservations about discussions of empathy, deception, and awareness. In addition, animals kept as pets or companion animals in Western culture were commonly perceived to have higher cognitive capacities for thinking than food or other domestic animals. Participants' responses to the online consumer survey appeared to focus on an overall concept of animal thinking, rather than different cognitive dimensions. Although participants were generally neutral in their responses, demographic analysis revealed participants who had dogs and/or cats, a college education, or watched nature shows were more likely to support the belief that animals can think. Participants who had children at home were less likely to support this belief. Further research is needed to determine how different kinds of thought processes are understood by general audiences and how demographic factors might influence perceptions of animal thinking.  相似文献   



Patients with the metabolic syndrome are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes and may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) events.We aimed to establish whether CVD event rates were influenced by the metabolic syndrome as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO), the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel III (ATP III) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and to determine which component(s) of the metabolic syndrome (MS) conferred the highest cardiovascular risk in in 4900 patients with type 2 diabetes allocated to placebo in the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes (FIELD) trial.

Research design and methods

We determined the influence of MS variables, as defined by NCEP ATPIII, IDF and WHO, on CVD risk over 5 years, after adjustment for CVD, sex, HbA1c, creatinine, and age, and interactions between the MS variables in a Cox proportional-hazards model.


About 80% had hypertension, and about half had other features of the metabolic syndrome (IDF, ATPIII). There was no difference in the prevalence of metabolic syndrome variables between those with and without CVD at study entry. The WHO definition identified those at higher CVD risk across both sexes, all ages, and in those without prior CVD, while the ATPIII definition predicted risk only in those aged over 65 years and in men but not in women. Patients meeting the IDF definition did not have higher risk than those without IDF MS. CVD risk was strongly influenced by prior CVD, sex, age (particularly in women), baseline HbA1c, renal dysfunction, hypertension, and dyslipidemia (low HDL-c, triglycerides > 1.7 mmol/L). The combination of low HDL-c and marked hypertriglyceridemia (> 2.3 mmol/L) increased CVD risk by 41%. Baseline systolic blood pressure increased risk by 16% per 10 mmHg in those with no prior CVD, but had no effect in those with CVD. In those without prior CVD, increasing numbers of metabolic syndrome variables (excluding waist) escalated risk.


Absence of the metabolic syndrome (by the WHO definition) identifies diabetes patients without prior CVD, who have a lower risk of future CVD events. Hypertension and dyslipidemia increase risk.  相似文献   

Adolescence is the developmental epoch during which children become adults—intellectually, physically, hormonally and socially. Brain development in critical areas is ongoing. Adolescents are risk-taking and novelty-seeking and they weigh positive experiences more heavily and negative experiences less than adults. This inherent behavioral bias can lead to risky behaviors like drug taking. Most drug addictions start during adolescence and early drug-taking is associated with an increased rate of drug abuse and dependence.The hormonal changes of puberty contribute to physical, emotional, intellectual and social changes during adolescence. These hormonal events do not just cause maturation of reproductive function and the emergence of secondary sex characteristics. They contribute to the appearance of sex differences in non-reproductive behaviors as well. Sex differences in drug use behaviors are among the latter. The male predominance in overall drug use appears by the end of adolescence, while girls develop the rapid progression from first use to dependence (telescoping) that represent a female-biased vulnerability. Sex differences in many behaviors including drug use have been attributed to social and cultural factors. A narrowing gap in drug use between adolescent boys and girls supports this thesis. However, some sex differences in addiction vulnerability reflect biologic differences in brain circuits involved in addiction. The purpose of this review is to summarize the contribution of sex differences in the function of ascending dopamine systems that are critical to reinforcement, to briefly summarize the behavioral, neurochemical and anatomical changes in brain dopaminergic functions related to addiction that occur during adolescence and to present new findings about the emergence of sex differences in dopaminergic function during adolescence.  相似文献   


How is cycling culture defined? Because the word “culture” brings with it deep complexities, there is a need to understand varying contexts in looking for suitable strategies toward the advancement of cycling culture. The stage for cycling culture is the landscape where cycling infrastructure can be properly provided. With development, an influential element would be economic capacity. The paper explores the influence of the economic development divide by comparing cyclist perception between developed and developing countries, namely Taiwan and the Philippines. An online survey between 122 Taiwanese and 111 Filipino cyclists was conducted to find out the landscape needs of people to consider cycling transport based on affordances in the landscape. The variables selected were based on landscape elements for cycling as a commuting activity. The data were processed through factor analysis to reveal latent landscape needs to profile cycling needs. Two factors were identified as ‘environmental’ and ‘civil facilities.’ The factor loadings were then compared based on the nationalities which revealed that the bike riding motivation were different with relating to the context of their respective environment and similar with the basic infrastructural demands.


Williams syndrome, a rare disorder caused by hemizygous microdeletion of about 28 genes on chromosome 7q11.23, has long intrigued neuroscientists with its unique combination of striking behavioural abnormalities, such as hypersociability, and characteristic neurocognitive profile. Williams syndrome, therefore, raises fundamental questions about the neural mechanisms of social behaviour, the modularity of mind and brain development, and provides a privileged setting to understand genetic influences on complex brain functions in a 'bottom-up' way. We review recent advances in uncovering the functional and structural neural substrates of Williams syndrome that provide an emerging understanding of how these are related to dissociable genetic contributions characterized both in special participant populations and animal models.  相似文献   

Centromere positions on 7 maize chromosomes were compared on the basis of data from 4 to 6 mapping techniques per chromosome. Centromere positions were first located relative to molecular markers by means of radiation hybrid lines and centric fission lines recovered from oat-maize chromosome addition lines. These centromere positions were then compared with new data from centric fission lines recovered from maize plants, half-tetrad mapping, and fluorescence in situ hybridizations and to data from earlier studies. Surprisingly, the choice of mapping technique was not the critical determining factor. Instead, on 4 chromosomes, results from all techniques were consistent with a single centromere position. On chromosomes 1, 3, and 6, centromere positions were not consistent even in studies using the same technique. The conflicting centromere map positions on chromosomes 1, 3, and 6 could be explained by pericentric inversions or alternative centromere positions on these chromosomes.  相似文献   

A total of 562 individuals living in four villages of two Brazilian Indian tribes (Cayapo and Krahó) was studied in relation to blood groups ABO, MNSs, P, Rh, Lewis, Duffy, Kidd and Diego; haptoglobin, Gc, acid phosphatase and phosphoglucomutase types. These results were compared with those obtained previously among the Xavante, and the inhabitants of three other Cayapo villages, all of whom speak Ge languages; the ranges in gene frequencies observed in a representative series of South American Indians from all over the continent were also compiled. The Ge Indians are characterized by low frequencies ofRz, medium frequencies ofR1,R2, R0, orr,Jka andPGM11, and high frequencies ofGc2 andACPA when compared with other South American tribes. Genetic distance analyses based on six loci indicate that the intratribal variability observed among Cayapo is of the same order of magnitude as those obtained among the Xavante and Krahó, being much less pronounced than those observed among the Yanomama and Makiritare. The intertribal differences within this linguistic group are much less pronounced than those encountered among tribes that speak more differentiated languages.  相似文献   

The diffusion of ‘modern’ contraceptives—as a proxy for the spread of low-fertility norms—has long interested researchers wishing to understand global fertility decline. A fundamental question is how local cultural norms and other people''s behaviour influence the probability of contraceptive use, independent of women''s socioeconomic and life-history characteristics. However, few studies have combined data at individual, social network and community levels to simultaneously capture multiple levels of influence. Fewer still have tested if the same predictors matter for different contraceptive types. Here, we use new data from 22 high-fertility communities in Poland to compare predictors of the use of (i) any contraceptives—a proxy for the decision to control fertility—with those of (ii) ‘artificial’ contraceptives—a subset of more culturally taboo methods. We find that the contraceptive behaviour of friends and family is more influential than are women''s own characteristics and that community level characteristics additionally influence contraceptive use. Highly educated neighbours accelerate women''s contraceptive use overall, but not their artificial method use. Highly religious neighbours slow women''s artificial method use, but not their contraceptive use overall. Our results highlight different dimensions of sociocultural influence on contraceptive diffusion and suggest that these may be more influential than are individual characteristics. A comparative multilevel framework is needed to understand these dynamics.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to determine whether becoming a mother during the adolescent period changes maternal responsiveness or maternal motivation, assessed through hormonal, autonomic, and hedonic responses to recorded infant cries and interactions with their babies. Fifty-six teen mothers were compared to 58 teen non-mothers and 49 adult mothers. Teen mothers reported more sympathy and alertness in response to recorded infant cries compared to non -mother teens; however, among the teen women there were no differences between mothers and non-mothers in heart rate and cortisol responses to infant cries. In contrast, in comparison to adult mothers, teen mothers reported the same levels of sympathy and alertness to infant cries; however, adult mothers showed an 'alerted' pattern of heart rate and cortisol response to infant cries not seen in the teen mother group. Inclusion of the covariate, fathers' employment classification as an index of SES or time of testing and cortisol sampling did not affect this pattern of results. Taken together, these results show that where self-report is used as a measure of maternal responsiveness, teen mothers are no different in responsiveness than adult mothers; however, where physiological and interactional measures of responsiveness are considered, teen mothers are less likely to show heightened or selective responses to infant cries or respond 'attentively' to the infant.  相似文献   

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