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The extent of codispersal of symbionts is one of the key factors shaping genetic structures of symbiotic organisms. Concordant patterns of genetic structure are expected in vertically transmitted symbioses, whereas horizontal transmission generally uncouples genetic structures unless the partners are coadapted. Here, we compared the genetic structures of mutualists, the lichen-forming fungus Lobaria pulmonaria and its primary green-algal photobiont, Dictyochloropsis reticulata. We performed analysis of molecular variance and variogram analysis to compare genetic structures between symbiosis partners. We simulated the expected number of multilocus-genotype recurrences to reveal whether the distribution of multilocus genotypes of either species was concordant with panmixia. Simulations and tests of linkage disequilibrium provided compelling evidence for the codispersal of mutualists. To test whether genotype associations between symbionts were consistent with randomness, as expected under horizontal transmission, we simulated the recurrence of fungal-algal multilocus genotype associations expected by chance. Our data showed nonrandom associations of fungal and algal genotypes. Either vertical transmission or horizontal transmission coupled with coadaptation between symbiont genotypes may have created these nonrandom associations. This study is among the first to show codispersal and highly congruent genetic structures in the partners of a lichen mutualism.  相似文献   

Vertical symbiont transmission is among the most pivotal processes for maintenance of symbiotic associations. However, it is poorly understood whether and how the levels of resource allocation and investment upon vertical transmission are regulated. The stinkbug Megacopta punctatissima is obligatorily associated with the gut symbiotic bacterium 'Candidatus Ishikawaella capsulata', whose transmission is mediated by a unique mechanism called 'symbiont capsule'. We investigated the population dynamics of the symbiont during vertical transmission in the host-symbiont mutualism. The stinkbug mothers produced one capsule for around 3.6 eggs irrespective of clutch size, suggesting a strict maternal control over symbiont supply for the offspring. However, experimental manipulation of egg/capsule ratios revealed that one capsule is sufficient for symbiont transmission to six nymphs. Quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses demonstrated that a capsule contains 1.2 x 10(8) symbionts, a newborn nymph possesses 2 x 10(7) symbionts from a capsule, and thus one capsule certainly contains a sufficient amount of symbiont cells for six nymphs. These results indicated that the stinkbug mothers produce 1.7 times more symbiont capsules than needed. The newborn nymphs consistently harboured around 2 x 10(7) symbionts, also suggesting a nymphal control over symbiont transmission. The threshold symbiont titre minimally needed for successful vertical transmission was estimated to be 1.9 x 10(6) symbionts, which is only 1/10 of the actual symbiont titre detected in a newborn nymph. These results illuminate several ecological factors that may be relevant to parental and offspring controls over symbiotic resource allocation through host insect generations.  相似文献   

Bacteria–eukaryote endosymbioses are perhaps the most pervasive co-evolutionary associations in nature. Here, intracellular chemosynthetic symbionts of deep-sea clams ( Vesicomyidae ) were analysed by amplicon pyrosequencing to explore how symbiont transmission mode affects the genetic diversity of the within-host symbiont population. Vesicomyid symbionts ( Gammaproteobacteria ) are presumed to be obligately intracellular, to undergo nearly strict vertical transmission between host generations, and to be clonal within a host. However, recent data show that vesicomyid symbionts can be acquired laterally via horizontal transfer between hosts or uptake from the environment, potentially creating opportunities for multiple symbiont strains to occupy the same host. Here, genotype-specific PCR and direct sequencing of the bacterial internal transcribed spacer initially demonstrated the co-occurrence of two symbiont strains, symA and symB (93.5% nt identity), in 8 of 118 Vesicomya sp. clams from 3 of 7 hydrothermal vent sites on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. To confirm multiple strains within individual clams, amplicon pyrosequencing of two symbiont loci was used to obtain deep-coverage measurements (mean: ∼1500× coverage per locus per clam) of symbiont population structure. Pyrosequencing confirmed symA–symB co-occurrence for two individuals, showing the presence of both genotypes in amplicon pools. However, in the majority of clams, the endosymbiont population was remarkably homogenous, with > 99.5% of sequences collapsing into a single symbiont genotype in each clam. These results support the hypothesis that a predominantly vertical transmission strategy leads to the fixation of a single symbiont strain in most hosts. However, mixed symbiont populations do occur in vesicomyids, potentially facilitating the exchange of genetic material between divergent symbiont lineages.  相似文献   

Vertically transmitted microbes are common in macro‐organisms and can enhance host defense against environmental stress. Because vertical transmission couples host and symbiont lineages, symbionts may become specialized to host species or genotypes. Specialization and contrasting reproductive modes of symbiotic partners could create incompatibilities between inherited symbionts and novel host genotypes when hosts outcross or hybridize. Such incompatibilities could manifest as failed colonization or poor symbiont growth in host offspring that are genetically dissimilar from their maternal host. Moreover, outcrossing between host species could influence both host and symbiont reproductive performance. We tested these hypotheses by manipulating outcrossing between populations and species of two grasses, Elymus virginicus and E. canadensis, that host vertically transmitted fungal endophytes (genus Epichloё). In both greenhouse and field settings, we found that host–symbiont compatibility was robust to variation in host genetic background, spanning within‐population, between‐population and between‐species crosses. Symbiont transmission into the F1 generation was generally high and weakly affected by host outcrossing. Furthermore, endophytes grew equally well in planta regardless of host genetic background and transmitted at high frequencies into the F2 generation. However, outcrossing, especially inter‐specific hybridization, reduced reproductive fitness of the host, and thereby the symbiont. Our results challenge the hypothesis that host genetic recombination, which typically exceeds that of symbionts, is a disruptive force in heritable symbioses. Instead, symbionts may be sufficiently generalized to tolerate ecologically realistic variation in host outcrossing.  相似文献   

While past work has often examined the effects of transmission mode on virulence evolution in parasites, few studies have explored the impact of horizontal transmission on the evolution of benefits conferred by a symbiont to its host. Here, we identify three mechanisms that create a positive covariance between horizontal transmission and symbiont‐provided benefits: pleiotropy within the symbiont genome, partner choice by the host, and consumption of host waste by‐products by symbionts. We modify a susceptible‐infected model to incorporate the details of each mechanism and examine the evolution of symbiont benefits given variation in either the immigration rate of susceptible hosts or the rate of successful vertical transmission. We find conditions for each case under which greater opportunity for horizontal transmission (higher migration rate) favors the evolution of mutualism. Further, we find the surprising result that vertical transmission can inhibit the evolution of benefits provided by symbionts to hosts when horizontal transmission and symbiont‐provided benefits are positively correlated. These predictions may apply to a number of natural systems, and the results may explain why many mutualisms that rely on partner choice often lack a mechanism for vertical transmission.  相似文献   

Associations between environmentally transmitted symbionts and their hosts provide a unique opportunity to study the evolution of specificity and subsequent radiation of tightly coupled host-symbiont assemblages [3, 8, 24]. The evidence provided here from the environmentally transmitted bacterial symbiont Vibrio fischeri and its sepiolid squid host (Sepiolidae: Euprymna) demonstrates how host-symbiont specificity can still evolve without vertical transmission of the symbiont [1]. Infection by intraspecific V. fischeri symbionts exhibited preferential colonization over interspecific V. fischeri symbionts, indicating a high degree of specificity for the native symbiotic strains. Inoculation with symbiotic bacteria from other taxa (monocentrid fish and loliginid squids) produced little or no colonization in two species of Euprymna, despite their presence in the same or similar habitats as these squids. These findings of host specificity between native Vibrios and sepiolid squids provides evidence that the presence of multiple strains of symbionts does not dictate the composition of bacterial symbionts in the host.  相似文献   

Switching of symbiotic partners pervades most mutualisms, despite mechanisms that appear to enforce partner fidelity. To investigate the interplay of forces binding and dissolving mutualistic pairings, we investigated partner fidelity at the population level in the attine ant-fungal cultivar mutualism. The ants and their cultivars exhibit both broad-scale co-evolution, as well as cultivar switching, with short-term symbiont fidelity maintained by vertical transmission of maternal garden inoculates via dispersing queens and by the elimination of alien cultivar strains. Using microsatellite markers, we genotyped cultivar fungi associated with five co-occurring Panamanian attine ant species, representing the two most derived genera, leaf-cutters Atta and Acromyrmex. Despite the presence of mechanisms apparently ensuring the cotransmission of symbiont genotypes, different species and genera of ants sometimes shared identical fungus garden genotypes, indicating widespread cultivar exchange. The cultivar population was largely unstructured with respect to host ant species, with only 10% of the structure in genetic variance being attributable to partitioning among ant species and genera. Furthermore, despite significant genetic and ecological dissimilarity between Atta and Acromyrmex, generic difference accounted for little, if any, variance in cultivar population structure, suggesting that cultivar exchange dwarfs selective forces that may act to create co-adaptive ant-cultivar combinations. Thus, binding forces that appear to enforce host fidelity are relatively weak and pairwise associations between cultivar lineages and ant species have little opportunity for evolutionary persistence. This implicates that mechanisms other than partner fidelity feedback play important roles in stabilizing the leafcutter ant-fungus mutualism over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

Vertical transmission of obligate symbionts generates a predictable evolutionary history of symbionts that reflects that of their hosts. In insects, evolutionary associations between symbionts and their hosts have been investigated primarily among species, leaving population-level processes largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the tsetse (Diptera: Glossinidae) bacterial symbiont, Wigglesworthia glossinidia, to determine whether observed codiversification of symbiont and tsetse host species extends to a single host species (Glossina fuscipes fuscipes) in Uganda. To explore symbiont genetic variation in G. f. fuscipes populations, we screened two variable loci (lon and lepA) from the Wigglesworthia glossinidia bacterium in the host species Glossina fuscipes fuscipes (W. g. fuscipes) and examined phylogeographic and demographic characteristics in multiple host populations. Symbiont genetic variation was apparent within and among populations. We identified two distinct symbiont lineages, in northern and southern Uganda. Incongruence length difference (ILD) tests indicated that the two lineages corresponded exactly to northern and southern G. f. fuscipes mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups (P = 1.0). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) confirmed that most variation was partitioned between the northern and southern lineages defined by host mtDNA (85.44%). However, ILD tests rejected finer-scale congruence within the northern and southern populations (P = 0.009). This incongruence was potentially due to incomplete lineage sorting that resulted in novel combinations of symbiont genetic variants and host background. Identifying these novel combinations may have public health significance, since tsetse is the sole vector of sleeping sickness and Wigglesworthia is known to influence host vector competence. Thus, understanding the adaptive value of these host-symbiont combinations may afford opportunities to develop vector control methods.  相似文献   

In parasitic associations, the evolutionary interest of a symbiont contradicts that of a host, which sometimes causes the phenomena so-called 'parasite manipulation' wherein symbiont infection alters host behaviour to facilitate its vertical/horizontal transmission. In mutualistic associations, meanwhile, symbiont-induced alteration of host behaviour that enhances its transmission has been little described. Here we report such a case in the stinkbug Megacopta punctatissima associated with an obligate gut bacterium. When female stinkbugs lay eggs, small particles called 'symbiont capsules' are deposited underside of the egg mass. Newborn nymphs immediately acquire the symbiont from the capsule, and then aggregate and become quiescent. By manipulating the levels of symbiont supply to newborn nymphs experimentally, we demonstrated that (i) experimental depletion of the symbiont resulted in the occurrence of wandering nymphs, (ii) the less symbiont supply, the more wandering nymphs, and (iii) almost all wandering nymphs were either symbiont-free or symbiont-depleted, whereas the majority of resting nymphs were infected with sufficient titres of the symbiont. These results strongly suggest that the nymphal behaviour is strongly influenced by the success/failure of the symbiont acquisition, thereby ensuring transmission of the essential symbiont and minimizing the energy and time spent for the activity.  相似文献   

To test whether Rhizobium loti are coadapted to nodulate local plant genotypes, we competed R. loti strains in a common environment with clonally propagated Lotus corniculatus. Both the plants and bacterial strains were originally collected from natural populations in three localities and the R. loti strains used were distinguishable by enzyme electrophoretic markers and differed in geographical origin relative to host plant origin. The proportions of nodules occupied by symbiont strains varied widely and depended on both host plant and symbiont genotype. Nonrandom nodulation patterns resulted primarily from preferential nodulation of host genotypes by the symbiont strain that had been associated with the host in the natural environment. Symbionts nodulating their original hosts were preferentially found in nodules on adventitious tap roots as opposed to the younger, lateral roots (for one host-symbiont pair) or in large nodules, independent of location on the root system (for a second host-symbiont pair). The proportion of nodules occupied by a symbiont on novel host genotypes varied, ranging from nearly random expectation to a significant reduction in the proportion of nodules occupied. The analysis of the bacteria recovered from 994 nodules by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis revealed that 952 (95.8%) nodules were occupied by one of the four inoculant strains and 11 (1.1%) were co-occupied by two inoculant strains. A total of 31 (3.1%) nodules were occupied by strains that did not match the electrophoretic profiles of the original inoculant strains. Based on the comparison of multilocus profiles for 23 enzyme loci, we concluded that these bacteria were foreign strains and not recombinants of the original inoculant strains. Our findings indicate a strong host genotype by strain interaction underlying the outcome of rhizobial competition for nodulation sites and suggest there are distinct mechanisms leading to differential recognition of compatible host and symbiont genotypes.  相似文献   

Leaf-nodulated plants are colonized by vertically inherited bacterial endosymbionts, which maintain symbioses throughout host generations. The permanent character of the interaction implies phylogenetic congruence between the host and the endosymbiont. However, the present population genetic study of Psychotria leptophylla provides evidence for a mixed symbiont transmission involving both vertical inheritance and horizontal transfers from the environment.  相似文献   

Many symbioses have costs and benefits to their hosts that vary with the environmental context, which itself may vary in space. The same symbiont may be a mutualist in one location and a parasite in another. Such spatially conditional mutualisms pose a dilemma for hosts, who might evolve (higher or lower) horizontal or vertical transmission to increase their chances of being infected only where the symbiont is beneficial. To determine how transmission in hosts might evolve, we modeled transmission evolution where the symbiont had a spatially conditional effect on either host lifespan or fecundity. We found that over ecological time, symbionts that affected lifespan but not fecundity led to high frequencies of infected hosts in areas where the symbiont was beneficial and low frequencies elsewhere. In response, hosts evolved increased horizontal transmission only when the symbiont affected lifespan. We also modeled transmission evolution in symbionts, which evolved high horizontal and vertical transmission, indicating a possible host–symbiont conflict over transmission mode. Our results suggest an eco‐evolutionary feedback where the component of host fitness affected by a conditionally mutualistic symbiont in turn determines its distribution in the population, and, through this, the transmission mode that evolves.  相似文献   

Mutualistic symbioses are considered to evolve from parasitic relationships. Vertical transmission, defined as the direct transfer of infection from a parent organism to its progeny, has been suggested as a key factor causing reduction of symbiont virulence and evolution of mutualism. On the other hand, there are several mutualistic associations without vertical transmission, such as those between plants and mycorrhizal fungi, legumes and rhizobia, and some corals and dinoflagellates. It is expected that all mutualisms evolve perfect vertical transmission if the relationship is really mutualistic, because hosts may fail to acquire symbionts if they do not transmit the symbionts by vertical transmission. We have developed a mathematical model to clarify the conditions under which mutualistic symbiosis without vertical transmission should evolve. The evolution may occur when and only when (i) vertical transmission involves some costs in the host, (ii) the symbiont suffers direct negative effects if it exploits the host too intensively, (iii) the host establishes the ability to make use of waste products from the symbiont, and (iv) the mechanism of vertical transmission is controlled by the host. We also clarify the conditions under which mutualistic symbiosis with vertical transmission evolves.  相似文献   

Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants maintain two highly specialized, vertically transmitted mutualistic ectosymbionts: basidiomycete fungi that are cultivated for food in underground gardens and actinomycete Pseudonocardia bacteria that are reared on the cuticle to produce antibiotics that suppress the growth of Escovopsis parasites of the fungus garden. Mutualism stability has been hypothesized to benefit from genetic uniformity of symbionts, as multiple coexisting strains are expected to compete and, thus, reduce the benefit of the symbiosis. However, the Pseudonocardia symbionts are likely to be involved in Red-Queen-like antagonistic co-evolution with Escovopsis so that multiple strains per host might be favoured by selection provided the cost of competition between bacterial strains is low. We examined the genetic uniformity of the Pseudonocardia symbionts of two sympatric species of Acromyrmex ants by comparing partial sequences of the nuclear Elongation Factor-Tu gene. We find no genetic variation in Pseudonocardia symbionts among nest mate workers, neither in Acromyrmex octospinosus, where colonies are founded by a single queen, nor in Acromyrmex echinatior, where mixing of bacterial lineages might happen when unrelated queens cofound a colony. We further show that the two ant species maintain the same pool of Pseudonocardia symbionts, indicating that horizontal transmission occasionally occurs, and that this pool consists of two distinct clades of closely related Pseudonocardia strains. Our finding that individual colonies cultivate a single actinomycete strain is in agreement with predictions from evolutionary theory on host-symbiont conflict over symbiont mixing, but indicates that there may be constraints on the effectiveness of the bacterial symbionts on an evolutionary timescale.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts that hosts are selected to prevent mixing of genetically different symbionts when competition among lineages reduces the productivity of a mutualism. The symbionts themselves may also defend their interests: recent studies of Acromyrmex leaf-cutting ants showed that somatic incompatibility enforces single-clone gardens within mature colonies, thereby constraining horizontal transmission of fungal symbionts. However, phylogenetic analyses indicate that symbiont switches occur frequently enough to remove most signs of host-symbiont cocladogenesis. Here we resolve this paradox by showing that transmission among newly founded Acromyrmex colonies is not constrained. All tested queens of sympatric A. octospinosus and A. echinatior offered a novel fragment of fungus garden accepted the new symbiont. The outcome was unaffected by genetic distance between the novel and the original symbiont, and by the ant species the novel symbiont came from. The colony founding stage may thus provide an efficient but transient window for horizontal transmission, in which the fungus is unable to actively defend its partnership position before the host feeds on it, so that host fecal droplets remain compatible with alternative strains during the early stage of colony founding. We discuss how brief stages of low commitment between partners may increase the evolutionary stability of ancient coevolved mutualisms.  相似文献   

Genetic data are rapidly advancing our understanding of various biological systems including the ecology and evolution of coral-algal symbioses. The fine-scale interactions between individual genotypes of host and symbiont remain largely unstudied and constitute a major gap in knowledge. By applying microsatellite markers developed for both host and symbiont, we investigated the intracolony diversity, prevalence and stability of Symbiodinium glynni (type D1) multilocus genotypes in association with dense populations of Pocillopora at two sites in the Gulf of California. The genetic diversity and allelic frequencies in reef populations of S. glynni remained stable over 3 years. Common clone genotypes persisted over this period, and no temporal population subdivision (Φ(PT) = 0.021 and -0.003) was detected. Collections from circular plots showed no statistical correlation between related Pocillopora individuals and their associations with particular S. glynni genotypes, with no spatial structuring or clonal aggregation across a reef for the symbiont. From permanent linear transects, samples were analysed from multiple locations within a colony and some were resampled approximately 1 year later. Many of these multisampled colonies (approximately 53%) were dominated by a single S. glynni genotype and tended to associate with the same symbiont genotype(s) over time, while colony ramets often possessed unrelated symbiont genotypes. In contrast to the species level, associations between genotypes of Pocillopora and S. glynni are apparently more flexible over space and time. The abundance of sexually recombinant genotypes of S. glynni combined with greater flexibility might provide adaptive mechanisms for these symbioses to evolve rapidly to changes in environmental conditions and allow particular symbiont genotypes to spread through a host population.  相似文献   

M. A. Asmussen  A. Schnabel 《Genetics》1991,128(3):639-654
We explicitly solve and analyze a series of deterministic continent-island models to delimit the effects of pollen and seed migration on cytonuclear frequencies and disequilibria in random-mating, mixed-mating and self-fertilized populations. Given the critical assumption of maternal cytoplasmic inheritance, five major findings are (i) nonzero cytonuclear disequilibria will be maintained in the island population if and only if at least some migration occurs each generation through seeds with nonrandom cytonuclear associations; (ii) immigrant seeds with no cytonuclear disequilibria can strongly affect the genetic structure of the island population by generating significant and long-lasting transient associations; (iii) with all else being equal, substantially greater admixture disequilibria are generally found with higher rates of seed migration into, or higher levels of self-fertilization within, the island population (with the possible exception of the heterozygote disequilibrium); (iv) pollen migration can either enhance or reduce the cytonuclear disequilibria caused by seed migration, or that due to mixed-mating in the absence of seed migration, but the effect is usually small and appears primarily to make a noticeable difference in predominantly outcrossing populations; and (v) pollen migration alone cannot generate even transient disequilibria de novo in populations with completely random associations. This same basic behavior is exhibited as long as there is some random outcrossing in the island population. Self-fertilized populations represent a special case, however, in that they are necessarily closed to pollen migration, and nonzero disequilibria can be maintained even in the absence of seed migration. All of these general results hold whether the population is censused as adults or as seeds, but the ability to detect nonrandom cytonuclear associations can depend strongly on the life stage censused in populations with a significant level of random outcrossing. We suggest how these models might be used for the estimation of seed and pollen migration.  相似文献   

Host-symbiont cospeciation and reductive genome evolution have been identified in obligate endocellular insect symbionts, but no such example has been identified from extracellular ones. Here we first report such a case in stinkbugs of the family Plataspidae, wherein a specific gut bacterium is vertically transmitted via “symbiont capsule.” In all of the plataspid species, females produced symbiont capsules upon oviposition and their gut exhibited specialized traits for capsule production. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the plataspid symbionts constituted a distinct group in the γ-Proteobacteria, whose sister group was the aphid obligate endocellular symbionts Buchnera. Removal of the symbionts resulted in retarded growth, mortality, and sterility of the insects. The host phylogeny perfectly agreed with the symbiont phylogeny, indicating strict host-symbiont cospeciation despite the extracellular association. The symbionts exhibited AT-biased nucleotide composition, accelerated molecular evolution, and reduced genome size, as has been observed in obligate endocellular insect symbionts. These findings suggest that not the endocellular conditions themselves but the population genetic attributes of the vertically transmitted symbionts are probably responsible for the peculiar genetic traits of these insect symbionts. We proposed the designation “Candidatus Ishikawaella capsulata” for the plataspid symbionts. The plataspid stinkbugs, wherein the host-symbiont associations can be easily manipulated, provide a novel system that enables experimental approaches to previously untouched aspects of the insect-microbe mutualism. Furthermore, comparative analyses of the sister groups, the endocellular Buchnera and the extracellular Ishikawaella, would lead to insights into how the different symbiotic lifestyles have affected their genomic evolution.  相似文献   

In obligate symbioses, the host’s survival relies on the successful acquisition and maintenance of symbionts. Symbionts can either be transferred from parent to offspring via direct inheritance (vertical transmission) or acquired anew each generation from the environment (horizontal transmission). With vertical symbiont transmission, progeny benefit by not having to search for their obligate symbionts, and, with symbiont inheritance, a mechanism exists for perpetuating advantageous symbionts. But, if the progeny encounter an environment that differs from that of their parent, they may be disadvantaged if the inherited symbionts prove suboptimal. Conversely, while in horizontal symbiont acquisition host survival hinges on an unpredictable symbiont source, an individual host may acquire genetically diverse symbionts well suited to any given environment. In horizontal acquisition, however, a potentially advantageous symbiont will not be transmitted to subsequent generations. Adaptation in obligate symbioses may require mechanisms for both novel symbiont acquisition and symbiont inheritance. Using denaturing-gradient gel electrophoresis and real-time PCR, we identified the dinoflagellate symbionts (genus Symbiodinium) hosted by the Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata throughout its ontogenesis and over depth. We present evidence that S. pistillata juvenile colonies may utilize both vertical and horizontal symbiont acquisition strategies. By releasing progeny with maternally derived symbionts, that are also capable of subsequent horizontal symbiont acquisition, coral colonies may acquire physiologically advantageous novel symbionts that are then perpetuated via vertical transmission to subsequent generations. With symbiont inheritance, natural selection can act upon the symbiotic variability, providing a mechanism for coral adaptation.  相似文献   

Infection density is among the most important factors for understanding the biological effects of Wolbachia and other endosymbionts on their hosts. To gain insight into the mechanisms of infection density regulation, we investigated the adzuki bean beetles Callosobruchus chinensis and their Wolbachia endosymbionts. Double-infected, single-infected and uninfected host strains with controlled nuclear genetic backgrounds were generated by introgression, and infection densities in these strains were evaluated by a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique. Our study revealed previously unknown aspects of Wolbachia density regulation: (i) the identification of intra-specific host genotypes that affect Wolbachia density differently and (ii) the suppression of Wolbachia density by co-infecting Wolbachia strains. These findings shed new light on symbiont-symbiont and host-symbiont interactions in the Wolbachia-insect endosymbiosis and strongly suggest that Wolbachia density is determined through a complex interaction between host genotype, symbiont genotype and other factors.  相似文献   

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