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Among the materials of minute freshwater snails collected from Guangxi and Huana Provinces, two species are considered to be new to science. Holotype and paratypes are kept in the Laboratory of Medical Malacology, Department of Parasitology, Hubei Medical College.  相似文献   

Croesia is a small genus of Subfamily Tortricidae, Tribe Tortricini, established by H?bner in 1825. 27 species have been recorded in the world; except 3 species in North America and one species in Europe, the rest 23 species are all distributed in Asia. Among them, 9 species are recorded in China. We have had an opportunity of examining 11 species occurring in China, of which 5 are  相似文献   

This paper is a report on Typhlocybinae collected and preserved by the Northwestern College of Agriculture. Among the studied specimens there are 18 species described as new to science and 28 species recorded for the first time from China. All type specimens are kept in the collection of that college.  相似文献   

Seven species of Kenyentulus have been collected from Yunnan, Xizang(Tibet), Shanxi, Hebei and Henan Provinces since 1973. One of them, K.datongensis was described by Imadate and Yin in 1982, and the other six speciesare summerized as follows: 1. Kenyentulus monlongensis Yin, sp. nov. (Figs. 1-9 ) Total length 1090μ . Head 115 x 83μ;labial palp with 3 setae and a sensilla.Canal of maxillary gland with 2 dilatations along the proximal part,without terminal dilatation. Pseudoculus oval, about 12x 10μ, PR=9.6.  相似文献   

In this paper four new specice of carabid beetles from Sichuan and Guizhou prov-inces are described. All the type speicmens are deposited in the Entomological Laborato-ry, Southwest Agricultural University.  相似文献   

There are 10 genera and more than 100 species ot Myxosporedians of freshwater fishes from Lake Hauma, 30°14′N, 115°25′E Wangshi City, Hubei Province, of which 19 are described below. 1. Mitraspora minuta sp. nov. Host: Cyprinus carpio, ureter and urinary bladder. Cyst unknown. Spore rounded in thecal and sutural view, with 7—8 striations on shell surface and finely bending behind but not easily seen. Diameter of spore 7—8μ, width 6.0μ, two eggshaped polar capsules paralleling along the anterior end of spore, length of polar capsule 1.8—2.0μ, width 0.8—1.0μ.  相似文献   

A total of 3 genera and 26 species of the Chinese Oretinae are represented in this paper; among them 13 species are described as new to science. All the type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology. An account of the geographic distribution is given in accompanying with a distribution map. From the distribution of 23 species,of Oreta, the richest areas are ap-  相似文献   

Okada, T. (1967) built the Drosophila denticeps group of the subgenusHirtodrosopila Duda, including D. denticeps and D. tripartita. Recently, He (1990) as-signed this group as a synonym of the group nigricolor Lastovka et Maca of the subgenusLordiphoca Basden of Drosophila Fallen. Grimaldi (1990) revised the phylogenetic rela-tionship between the genera of Drosophilidae using cladistic analysis, removed the  相似文献   

cAMP-dependent protein kinases are reversibly complexed with any of the four isoforms of regulatory (R) subunits, which contain either a substrate or a pseudosubstrate autoinhibitory domain. The human protein kinase X (PrKX) is an exemption as it is inhibited only by pseudosubstrate inhibitors, i.e. RIα or RIβ but not by substrate inhibitors RIIα or RIIβ. Detailed examination of the capacity of five PrKX-like kinases ranging from human to protozoa (Trypanosoma brucei) to form holoenzymes with human R subunits in living cells shows that this preference for pseudosubstrate inhibitors is evolutionarily conserved. To elucidate the molecular basis of this inhibitory pattern, we applied bioluminescence resonance energy transfer and surface plasmon resonance in combination with site-directed mutagenesis. We observed that the conserved αH-αI loop residue Arg-283 in PrKX is crucial for its RI over RII preference, as a R283L mutant was able to form a holoenzyme complex with wild type RII subunits. Changing the corresponding αH-αI loop residue in PKA Cα (L277R), significantly destabilized holoenzyme complexes in vitro, as cAMP-mediated holoenzyme activation was facilitated by a factor of 2–4, and lead to a decreased affinity of the mutant C subunit for R subunits, significantly affecting RII containing holoenzymes.  相似文献   

A lot of biting midges collected from Cambodia (Phnom-penh, Komp- ong Som, Suong) in Ⅱ-Ⅳ, 1976 were studied. A total of 16 species belong-ing to 2 genera——Leptoconops and Culicoides are obtained. Among them, 2species are described as new to ecience and 10 species are new records forCambodian fauna. A new revised list of biting midges containing 20 speciesare known from Cambodia up to date. It shows that the record of Culicoidesinnoxius Sen et Das Gupta, 1959 from Cambodia is the new synonym ofCulicoides malagae Macfie, 1937. All type specimens are deposited in theDepartment of Parasitology, Second Military Madical College, Shanghai,China.  相似文献   

The paralogous endoribonucleases, RNase E and RNase G, play major roles in intracellular RNA metabolism in Escherichia coli and related organisms. To assay the relative importance of the principal RNA binding sites identified by crystallographic analysis, we introduced mutations into the 5′-sensor, the S1 domain, and the Mg+2/Mn+2 binding sites. The effect of such mutations has been measured by assays of activity on several substrates as well as by an assay of RNA binding. RNase E R169Q and the equivalent mutation in RNase G (R171Q) exhibit the strongest reductions in both activity (the kcat decrease ∼40- to 100-fold) and RNA binding consistent with a key role for the 5′-sensor. Our analysis also supports a model in which the binding of substrate results in an increase in catalytic efficiency. Although the phosphate sensor plays a key role in vitro, it is unexpectedly dispensable in vivo. A strain expressing only RNase E R169Q as the sole source of RNase E activity is viable, exhibits a modest reduction in doubling time and colony size, and accumulates immature 5 S rRNA. Our results point to the importance of alternative RNA binding sites in RNase E and to alternative pathways of RNA recognition.  相似文献   

The specific diagnosis of Poecilobdella hubeiensis sp. nov. is given below. Holotype: length 103 mm. when extended; width at buccal ring, 11mm.; maximum width (ⅩⅤⅡ—ⅩⅩⅠ), 27 mm.; diameter of caudal sucker, 11mm. Paratype: One specimen. Rings 103. Somites Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲuniannulate; Ⅳ, Ⅴ, ⅩⅩⅤⅠ and ⅩⅩⅤⅡ biannulate; Ⅵ, Ⅶ and ⅩⅩⅤ triannulate; Ⅷ and ⅩⅩⅠⅤ quadrannulale; Ⅸ—ⅩⅩⅢ complete with quinquannulate. Gonopores seperated by five annuli, the male at Ⅺ b5/b6 (31/32) or b6, the female at Ⅻ b5/b6 (36/37) or b6. The anus situated on the ring 103. Colour of dorsum in life yellow-green; that of renter bluegreen; margins  相似文献   

Euhamitermes is a small genus of the termites subfamily Amitermitinae(family Termitidae).It was established by Dr.N.Holmgren in 1912.It istropical and subtropical,and is confined to be the Indo-Malayan Region.Onlyseven species are hitherto known more than seventy years.In China,Dr.Tsaiet Chen reported first E.hamatus from Yunnan in nieteen sixty,a newspecies E.zhejiangensis was described by Dr.He et Xia in 1982—83.Wedescribe here two new species,namely,Euhamitermes yuntaishanensis and  相似文献   

A new species Euchorthippus fusigeniculatus, collected from Changbai Mountains, Jilin Province has been described and illustrated. This new species is allied to Eu. cheui Hsia, but differs from the latter in: 1) lateral carinae of the pronotum weakly incurved in the prozona, 2) the hind femora with dark knees, 3) the sides of supra-anal plate in the male with brown carinae.  相似文献   

介绍了分布于我国的双鬃缟蝇属17种,包括2新种和4新纪录种,即Sapromyza(Notiosapromyza)hainaennsis sp.nov.,Sapromyza (Sapromayza) ventistriata sp. nov.,S.(N.)longimentula Sasakawa,2001,S.(S.)annulifera Malloch,1929,S. (S.) sexmaculata Sasakawa,2001,S.(S.)septemnotata Sasakawa,2001,并编制了分种检索表.海南双鬃缟蝇,新种Sapromyza(Notiosapromyza)hainanensis sp.nov.(图1-2,7-11)该种与四齿双鬃缟蝇相似,主要鉴别特征如下:颜区腹缘具1阔横带,腹部4~5节背板后缘各有1对褐色侧带;侧面观背侧突近三角形,具小腹端凹,其上有短鬃,但无大而尖的端突.模式标本存放于中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.正模♂,海南白沙县鹦哥岭红茂村,2007-05-22,张俊华采.词源:新种种名以其采集地而定名.腹带双鬃缟蝇,新种Sapromyza口(Sapromyza)ventistriata sp.nov.(图1-2,7~11)该种与多斑双鬃缟蝇相似,主要鉴别特征如下:触角第1鞭节腹半部黄色,中胸背板中鬃4排.模式标本存放于中国农业大学昆虫标本馆.正模♂,海南乐东镇尖峰岭植物园,2007 - 10 - 24,杨定采.词源:新种据其特征腹部1-2节背板具带状斑而定名.  相似文献   

To determine whether California horn snails are more likely to be consumers or facilitators of Ulva expansa (Setch) S. & G. growth in estuaries, we conducted manipulative experiments that evaluated algal growth and the movement of N between the water column, algal tissue, and, in the second experiment, sediments. Algae grew poorly in the absence of sediments, drawing on their own sequestered N supplies (3.5% of dry weight reduced to <2%) and N released by snails and by depleting inorganic N in the water column. There was no evidence of consumption when snail densities ranged from 0 to 900.m?2 (0, 3, 6, and 9 per aquarium), as algal growth was similar for all snail densities, and snail lengths did not increase during the 21–d experiment. when sediment was provided, N was depleted in the sediment and enhanced in the algal tissue. As in the first experiment, the water column was depleted of inorganic N and enriched with organic N, mostly in the dissolved form. Because both snails and macroalgae often dominate the shallow waters of southern California's lagoons and estuaries, our evidence that the snails are primarily facilitators of algal growth (via transfer of N from sediments to the water column) suggests that snails may play an important role in both food web and N dynamics.  相似文献   

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