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Hoxa5 is preferentially expressed in haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and multipotent progenitor cells (MPPs), and is more highly expressed in expanding HSCs. To date, little is known regarding the role of Hoxa5 in HSCs and downstream progenitor cells in vivo. In this study, we show that increased expression of Hoxa5 in haematopoietic stem cells leads to aberrant erythropoiesis in vivo. Hoxa5 differentially modifies the cell cycle of HSCs and lineage committed progenitor cells, depending on the cellular context. Hoxa5 drives HSCs, but not MPPs, through the cell cycle and arrests erythroid progenitor cells in G0 phase. Although the HSC pool shrinks after overexpression of Hoxa5, HSCs sustain the abilities of self-renewal and multipotency. In vivo, Hoxa5 has two effects on erythropoiesis: it causes a predominance of mature erythroid lineage cells and the partial apoptosis of erythroid progenitors. RNA-seq indicates that multiple biological processes, including erythrocyte homeostasis, cell metabolism, and apoptosis, are modified by Hoxa5. The results of this study indicate that Hoxa5 is a key regulator of the HSC cell cycle, and the inappropriate expression of Hoxa5 in lineage-committed progenitor cells leads to aberrant erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

To improve the recapitulative quality of human pluripotent stem cell (hPSC) differentiation, we removed exogenous haematopoietic cytokines from the defined differentiation system. Here, we show that endogenous stimuli and VEGF are sufficient to induce robust hPSC-derived haematopoiesis, intensive generation of haematopoietic progenitors, maturation of blood cells and the emergence of definitive precursor cells including those that phenotypically identical to early human embryonic haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Moreover, the cytokine-free system produces significantly higher numbers of haematopoietic progenitors compared to the published protocols. The removal of cytokines revealed a broad developmental potential of the early blood cells, stabilized the hPSC-derived definitive precursors and led to spontaneous activation of inflammatory signalling. Our cytokine-free protocol is simple, efficient, reproducible and applicable for embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced PSCs. The spectrum of recapitulative features of the novel protocol makes the cytokine-free differentiation a preferred model for studying the early human haematopoietic development.  相似文献   

Despite intense efforts to identify cancer‐initiating cells in malignant brain tumours, markers linked to the function of these cells have only very recently begun to be uncovered. The notion of cancer stem cell gained prominence, several molecules and signalling pathways becoming relevant for diagnosis and treatment. Whether a substantial fraction or only a tiny minority of cells in a tumor can initiate and perpetuate cancer, is still debated. The paradigm of cancer‐initiating stem cells has initially been developed with respect to blood cancers where chronic conditions such as myeloproliferative neoplasms are due to mutations acquired in a haematopoietic stem cell (HSC), which maintains the normal hierarchy to neoplastic haematopoiesis. In contrast, acute leukaemia transformation of such blood neoplasms appears to derive not only from HSCs but also from committed progenitors that cannot differentiate. This review will focus on putative novel therapy targets represented by markers described to define cancer stem/initiating cells in malignant gliomas, which have been called ‘leukaemia of the brain’, given their rapid migration and evolution. Parallels are drawn with other cancers, especially haematopoietic, given the similar rampant proliferation and treatment resistance of glioblastoma multiforme and secondary acute leukaemias. Genes associated with the malignant conditions and especially expressed in glioma cancer stem cells are intensively searched. Although many such molecules might only coincidentally be expressed in cancer‐initiating cells, some may function in the oncogenic process, and those would be the prime candidates for diagnostic and targeted therapy. For the latter, combination therapies are likely to be envisaged, given the robust and plastic signalling networks supporting malignant proliferation.  相似文献   

‘Requirements for human haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells’ is the first set of guidelines on human haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells in China, jointly drafted and agreed upon by experts from the Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research. This standard specifies the technical requirements, inspection methods, inspection rules, instructions for usage, labelling requirements, packaging requirements, storage requirements and transportation requirements for human haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, which is applicable to the quality control for human haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. We hope that publication of these guidelines will promote institutional establishment, acceptance and execution of proper protocols, and accelerate the international standardization of human haematopoietic stem/progenitor cells for applications.  相似文献   

Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) can supply all blood cells throughout the adult life of individuals. Based on this property, HSCs have been used for bone marrow and cord blood transplantation. Among various stem cells, HSCs were recognized earliest and were studied most extensively, providing a model for other stem cells. Knowledge of HSC regulation has rapidly accumulated of late. Contributions of scientists in Japan to progress HSC biology are here briefly overviewed. Focusing on the original work accomplished in Japan in the last two decades, people who have led such activities are introduced and their relationships with one another are sketched.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF), the ligand for the c-kit receptor, is essential for the production of red blood cells during development and stress erythropoiesis. SCF promotes erythroblast proliferation and survival, while delaying erythroid differentiation through mechanisms that are largely unknown. In cultures of primary human differentiating erythroblasts, we found that SCF induces an increase in the expression of Notch2, a member of the Notch family implicated in the control of cell growth and differentiation. Functional inhibition of either Notch or its ligand Jagged1 inhibited the effects of SCF on erythroid cell expansion. SCF also induced the expression of Hes-1 and GATA-2, which may contribute to transduce Notch2 signals in response to SCF. Transduction of primary erythroid precursors with a dominant-negative Notch2 mutant inhibited both basal and SCF-mediated erythroblast expansion, and counteracted the effects of SCF on erythroblast differentiation. These findings provide a clue to understand the effects of increased proliferation and delayed differentiation elicited by SCF on the erythroid compartment and indicate Notch2 as a new player in the regulation of red cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxin II knockout (Prdx II(-/-)) mice had a spontaneous phenotype of hemolytic anemia. In this study, we found that Ter-119(+)CD71(+) cells increased in Prdx II(-/-) mice bone marrow (BM) at 8 weeks of age. We examined the differential expression profiles to bone marrow cells (BMCs) between Prdx II(+/+) and Prdx II(-/-) mice using a cDNA microarray. We identified the 136 candidates were differentially expressed a greater twofold increase or decrease than EPO receptor. In this study, we focused on the up-regulated NBPs during erythropoietic differentiation. According to cDNA microarray results, six NBPs except zfp-127 were up-regulated during erythropoiesis in Prdx II(-/-) mice. Among the six candidates, eIF3-p44, hnRNPH1, G3bp, and Zfpm-1 were dramatically increased at day 7 of the in vitro erythropoietic differentiation of human CD34(+) cells. However, DJ-1 and Rbm3 were slightly increased only at day 12. Our results suggest that up-regulated NBPs might be involved during erythropoietic differentiation.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) have been suggested to provide a suitable cellular environment for in vitro expansion of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HPC) from umbilical cord blood. In this study, we have simultaneously analysed the cell division history and immunophenotypic differentiation of HPC by using cell division tracking with carboxyfluorescein diacetate N -succinimidyl ester (CFSE). Co-culture with MSC greatly enhanced proliferation of human HPC, especially of the more primitive CD34+CD38 fraction. Without co-culture CD34 and CD133 expressions decreased after several cell divisions, whereas CD38 expression was up-regulated after some cell divisions and then diminished in fast proliferating cells. Co-culture with MSC maintained a primitive immunophenotype (CD34+, CD133+ and CD38) for more population doublings, whereas up-regulation of differentiation markers (CD13, CD45 and CD56) in HPC was delayed to higher numbers of cell divisions. Especially MSC of early cell passages maintained CD34 expression in HPC over more cell divisions, whereas MSC of higher passages further enhanced their proliferation rate. Inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 (MAPK1) impaired proliferation and differentiation of HPC, but not maintenance of long-term culture initiating cells. siRNA knockdown of N-cadherin and VCAM1 in feeder layer cells increased the fraction of slow dividing HPC, whereas knockdown of integrin beta 1 (ITGB1) and CD44 impaired their differentiation. In conclusion, MSC support proliferation as well as self-renewal of HPC with primitive immunophenotype. The use of early passages of MSC and genetic manipulation of proteins involved in HPC–MSC interaction might further enhance cord blood expansion on MSC.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are known to develop from macrophage dendritic progenitors (MDP) in bone marrow (BM), which give rise to conventional (c)DC and monocytes, both dominant antigen presenting cell (APC) subsets in spleen. This laboratory has however defined a distinct dendritic‐like cell subset in spleen (L‐DC), which can also be derived in long‐term cultures of spleen. In line with the restricted in vitro development of only L‐DC in these stromal cultures, we questioned whether self‐renewing HSC or progenitors exist in spleen with restricted differentiative capacity for only L‐DC. Neonatal spleen and BM were compared for their ability to reconstitute mice and to give rise to L‐DC, as well as other splenic APC. Neonatal spleen cells were transplanted into allotype‐distinct lethally irradiated hosts along with host‐type competitor BM cells, and assayed over 8 to 51 weeks for haematopoietic reconstitution of L‐DC and cDC subsets, along with other lymphoid and myeloid cells. In this study, neonatal spleen showed multilineage haematopoietic reconstitution in mouse chimeras, rather than specific or restricted ability to differentiate into L‐DC. However, the representation of individual APC subsets was found to be unequal in chimeras partially reconstituted with donor cells, such that more donor‐derived progeny were seen for L‐DC than for myeloid and cDC subsets. The ability of HSC in spleen to develop into L‐DC was indicated by a strong bias in the subset size of these cells over other splenic APC subsets. This type of evidence supports a model whereby spleen represents an important site for haematopoiesis of this distinct DC subset. The conditions under which haematopoiesis of L‐DC occurs in spleen, or the progenitors involved, will require further investigation.  相似文献   

Synergistic interactions between cytokines underlie developmental processes fundamental to tissue and cellular engineering. However, a mechanistic understanding of the cell-specific and population-mediated effects is often lacking. In this study, we have investigated the synergistic generation of erythroid cells in response to erythropoietin (EPO) and stem cell factor (SCF). We have used a quantitative approach to determine if the effects of EPO and SCF superpose in a supra-additive fashion on the cell proliferation rate or on the death rate, suggesting a contribution from a joint cytokine effect (co-signaling). Primary mouse bone marrow hematopoietic cells and the stem cell-like FDCP-mix cell line were used to investigate the effects of EPO and SCF (individually or in combination) on erythroid output. Carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-based cell-division tracking and mathematical modeling were used to measure cell type-specific proliferation and death rates. We observed a significant synergistic effect of EPO and SCF on the net generation of benzidine positive (erythroid) colony-forming cells, CD71++ (early erythroblasts) cells and TER-119+ (late erythroblasts and reticulocytes) cells in culture. When the observed increases in cell number were decomposed into proliferation and death rates, the cytokines were shown to act independently at different stages of erythroid development; SCF promoted the early proliferation of primitive cells, while EPO primarily promoted the survival of differentiating erythroid progenitor cells. Our analysis demonstrates that EPO and SCF have distinct and predominantly sequential effects on erythroid differentiation. This study emphasizes the necessity to separate proliferation rates from death rates to understand apparent cytokine synergies.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2023,58(5):348-360.e6
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Modifications of DNA and chromatin are fundamental for the establishment and maintenance of cell type-specific gene expression patterns that constitute cellular identities. To test whether the developmental potential of fetal brain-derived cells that form floating sphere colonies (neurospheres) can be modified by destabilizing their epigenotype, neurosphere cells were treated with chemical compounds that alter the acetylation and methylation patterns of chromatin and DNA. Intravenous infusion of bulk or clonally derived neurosphere cells treated with a combination of trichostatin A (TSA) plus 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (AzaC) (TSA/AzaC neurosphere cells) yielded long-term, multilineage and transplantable neurosphere-derived haematopoietic repopulation. Untreated neurosphere cells exhibited no haematopoietic repopulation activity. The neurosphere-derived haematopoietic cells showed a diploid karyotype, indicating that they are unlikely to be products of cell fusion events, a conclusion strengthened by multicolour fluorescence in situ hybridization. Our results indicate that altering the epigenotype of neurosphere cells followed by transplantation enables the generation of neurosphere-derived haematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling is involved in developmental processes and in adult stem cell homeostasis. This study analyzes the role(s) of key Wnt signaling mediators in the maintenance and osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). We focus specifically on the involvement of low-density lipoprotein-related protein 5 (LRP5), T-cell factor 1 (TCF1), and Frizzled (Fz) receptors, in the presence or absence of exogenous, prototypical canonical (Wnt3a), and non-canonical (Wnt5a) Wnts. In undifferentiated MSCs, LRP5 and TCF1 mediate canonical Wnt signal transduction, leading to increased proliferation, enhanced synergistically by Wnt3a. However, LRP5 overexpression inhibits osteogenic differentiation, further suppressed by Wnt3a. Wnt5a does not affect cell proliferation but enhances osteogenesis of MSCs. Interestingly, Wnt5a inhibits Wnt3a effects on MSCs, while Wnt3a suppresses Wnt5a-mediated enhancement of osteogenesis. Flow cytometry revealed that LRP5 expression elicits differential changes in Fz receptor profiles in undifferentiated versus osteogenic MSCs. Taken together, these results suggest that Wnt signaling crosstalk and functional antagonism with the LRP5 co-receptor are key signaling regulators of MSC maintenance and differentiation.  相似文献   

骨髓移植是目前治疗恶性白血病以及遗传性血液病最有效的方法之一。但是HLA相匹配的骨髓捐献者严重短缺,骨髓造血干细胞(hematopoietic stem cells,HSCs)体外培养困难,在体外修复患者骨髓造血干细胞技术不成熟,这些都大大限制了骨髓移植在临床上的应用。多能性胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ESCs)具有自我更新能力,在合适的培养条件下分化形成各种血系细胞,是造血干细胞的另一来源。在过去的二十多年里,血发生的研究是干细胞生物学中最为活跃的领域之一。小鼠及人的胚胎干细胞方面的研究最近取得了重大进展。这篇综述总结了近年来从胚胎干细胞获得造血干细胞的成就,以及在安全和技术上的障碍。胚胎干细胞诱导生成可移植性血干细胞的研究能够使我们更好地了解正常和异常造血发生的机制,同时也为造血干细胞的临床应用提供理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

The MEK/ERK pathway is found to be important in regulating different biological processes such as proliferation, differentiation and survival in a wide variety of cells. However, its role in self‐renewal of haematopoietic stem cells is controversial and remains to be clarified. The aim of this study was to understand the role of MEK/ERK pathway in ex vivo expansion of mononuclear cells (MNCs) and purified CD34+ cells, both derived from human umbilical cord blood (hUCB). Based on our results, culturing the cells in the presence of an inhibitor of MEK/ERK pathway—PD0325901 (PD)—significantly reduces the expansion of CD34+ and CD34+ CD38? cells, while there is no change in the expression of stemness‐related genes (HOXB4, BMI1). Moreover, in vivo analysis demonstrates that PD reduces engraftment capacity of ex vivo expanded CD34+ cells. Notably, when ERK pathway is blocked in UCB‐MNCs, spontaneous erythroid differentiation is promoted, found in concomitant with increasing number of burst‐forming unit‐erythroid colony (BFU‐E) as well as enhancement of erythroid glycophorin‐A marker. These results are in total conformity with up‐regulation of some erythroid enhancer genes (TAL1, GATA2, LMO2) and down‐regulation of some erythroid repressor genes (JUN, PU1) as well. Taken together, our results support the idea that MEK/ERK pathway has a critical role in achieving the correct balance between self‐renewal and differentiation of UCB cells. Also, we suggest that inhibition of ERK signalling could likely be a new key for erythroid induction of UCB‐haematopoietic progenitor cells.  相似文献   

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