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Anti-cancer small molecule ONC201 upregulates the integrated stress response (ISR) and acts as a dual inactivator of Akt/ERK, leading to TRAIL gene activation. ONC201 is under investigation in multiple clinical trials to treat patients with cancer. Given the unique imipridone core chemical structure of ONC201, we synthesized a series of analogs to identify additional compounds with distinct therapeutic properties. Several imipridones with a broad range of in vitro potencies were identified in an exploration of chemical derivatives. Based on in vitro potency in human cancer cell lines and lack of toxicity to normal human fibroblasts, imipridones ONC206 and ONC212 were prioritized for further study. Both analogs inhibited colony formation, and induced apoptosis and downstream signaling that involves the integrated stress response and Akt/ERK, similar to ONC201. Compared to ONC201, ONC206 demonstrated improved inhibition of cell migration while ONC212 exhibited rapid kinetics of activity. ONC212 was further tested in >1000 human cancer cell lines in vitro and evaluated for safety and anti-tumor efficacy in vivo. ONC212 exhibited broad-spectrum efficacy at nanomolar concentrations across solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Skin cancer emerged as a tumor type with improved efficacy relative to ONC201. Orally administered ONC212 displayed potent anti-tumor effects in vivo, a broad therapeutic window and a favorable PK profile. ONC212 was efficacious in vivo in BRAF V600E melanoma models that are less sensitive to ONC201. Based on these findings, ONC212 warrants further development as a drug candidate. It is clear that therapeutic utility extends beyond ONC201 to include additional imipridones.  相似文献   

ONC201, founding member of the imipridone class of small molecules, is currently being evaluated in advancer cancer clinical trials. We explored single agent and combinatorial efficacy of ONC201 in preclinical models of hematological malignancies. ONC201 demonstrated (GI50 1–8 µM) dose- and time-dependent efficacy in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), mantle cell lymphoma (MCL), Burkitt's lymphoma, anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (CTCL), Hodgkin's lymphoma (nodular sclerosis) and multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines including cells resistant to standard of care (dexamethasone in MM) and primary samples. ONC201 induced caspase-dependent apoptosis that involved activation of the integrated stress response (ATF4/CHOP) pathway, inhibition of Akt phosphorylation, Foxo3a activation, downregulation of cyclin D1, IAP and Bcl-2 family members. ONC201 synergistically reduced cell viability in combination with cytarabine and 5-azacytidine in AML cells. ONC201 combined with cytarabine in a Burkitt's lymphoma xenograft model induced tumor growth inhibition that was superior to either agent alone. ONC201 synergistically combined with bortezomib in MM, MCL and ALCL cells and with ixazomib or dexamethasone in MM cells. ONC201 combined with bortezomib in a Burkitt's lymphoma xenograft model reduced tumor cell density and improved CHOP induction compared to either agent alone. These results serve as a rationale for ONC201 single-agent trials in relapsed/refractory acute leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, MM and combination trial with dexamethasone in MM, provide pharmacodynamic biomarkers and identify further synergistic combinatorial regimens that can be explored in the clinic.  相似文献   

HIV protease inhibitors are currently being discussed to be useful as new and alternative anti-cancer agents, especially as second line treatments for chemo-resistant human cancer types. Among three clinically applied HIV protease inhibitors tested, we found a high efficacy of nelfinavir on ovarian cancer cells, accompanied by apoptosis (annexin binding) and necrosis (propidium iodide permeability). In vitro, at concentrations used to induce cell death in ovarian cancer cells, nelfinavir had no effect on the cellular viability of fibroblasts or peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes. Nelfinavir sensitized ovarian cancer cells to treatment with an apoptosis-inducing TRAIL receptor antibody due to upregulation of the TRAIL receptor DR5 as shown by RT-PCR and FACScan analysis. We conclude that nelfinavir, an already approved drug, is a highly efficient agent against ovarian cancer cells and could sensitize ovarian cancer cells to TRAIL treatment, either therapeutically applied or endogenously produced by cells of the immune system.  相似文献   

Many cancer entities and their associated cell line models are highly heterogeneous in their responsiveness to apoptosis inducers and, despite a detailed understanding of the underlying signaling networks, cell death susceptibility currently cannot be predicted reliably from protein expression profiles. Here, we demonstrate that an integration of quantitative apoptosis protein expression data with pathway knowledge can predict the cell death responsiveness of melanoma cell lines. By a total of 612 measurements, we determined the absolute expression (nM) of 17 core apoptosis regulators in a panel of 11 melanoma cell lines, and enriched these data with systems-level information on apoptosis pathway topology. By applying multivariate statistical analysis and multi-dimensional pattern recognition algorithms, the responsiveness of individual cell lines to tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) or dacarbazine (DTIC) could be predicted with very high accuracy (91 and 82% correct predictions), and the most effective treatment option for individual cell lines could be pre-determined in silico. In contrast, cell death responsiveness was poorly predicted when not taking knowledge on protein–protein interactions into account (55 and 36% correct predictions). We also generated mathematical predictions on whether anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members or x-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) can be targeted to enhance TRAIL responsiveness in individual cell lines. Subsequent experiments, making use of pharmacological Bcl-2/Bcl-xL inhibition or siRNA-based XIAP depletion, confirmed the accuracy of these predictions. We therefore demonstrate that cell death responsiveness to TRAIL or DTIC can be predicted reliably in a large number of melanoma cell lines when investigating expression patterns of apoptosis regulators in the context of their network-level interplay. The capacity to predict responsiveness at the cellular level may contribute to personalizing anti-cancer treatments in the future.  相似文献   

X Zeng  Y Li  J Fan  H Zhao  Z Xian  Y Sun  Z Wang  S Wang  G Zhang  D Ju 《Cell death & disease》2013,4(10):e840
Arginase, an arginine-degrading enzyme, has gained increased attention recently as a new experimental therapeutics for a variety of malignant solid cancers. In this study, we found that recombinant human arginase (rhArg) could induce remarkable growth inhibition, cell cycle arrest, and caspase-dependent apoptosis in Raji and Daudi non-Hodgkin''s lymphoma (NHL) cells through arginine deprivation. Interestingly, rhArg-treatment resulted in the appearance of autophagosomes and upregulation of microtubule-associated protein light chain 3 II, indicating that rhArg induced autophagy in lymphoma cells. Further study suggested that mammalian target of rapamycin/S6k signaling pathway may be involved in rhArg-induced autophagy in NHL cells. Moreover, blocking autophagy using pharmacological inhibitors (3-methyladenine and chloroquine) or genetic approaches (small interfering RNA targeting autophagy-related gene 5 and Beclin-1) enhanced the cell killing effect of rhArg. These results demonstrated that rhArg has a potent anti-lymphoma activity, which could be improved by in combination with autophagic inhibitors, suggesting that rhArg, either alone or in combination with autophagic inhibitors, could be a potential novel therapeutics for the treatment of NHL.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) is known to induce apoptosis to various tumor cells but not in normal cells. We have screened cell death-inducing peptides from the extracellular domain sequence of TRAIL, using a peptide array. Peptides of higher activity were found through amino acid substitution, and the CNSCWSKD peptide induced >90% cell death in treated Jurkat cells. Features of apoptosis, such as DNA fragmentation, activation of caspase, phosphatidylserine externalization, chromatin condensation, and competition with TRAIL for binding to the death receptor (DR) 4 or DR5 were observed, suggesting that this peptide is a TRAIL mimic. Caspase-3 activation was observed in various tumor cells treated with this peptide as well as with TRAIL, while no activation was observed in human normal fibroblasts. The CNSCWSKD peptide is a potential candidate for use in cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Established as a potent anti-malaria medicine, artemisinin-based drugs have been suggested to have anti-tumour activity in some cancers. Although the mechanism is poorly understood, it has been suggested that artemisinin induces apoptotic cell death. Here, we show that the artemisinin analogue artesunate (ART) effectively induces cell death in RT4 schwannoma cells and human primary schwannoma cells. Interestingly, our data indicate for first time that the cell death induced by ART is largely dependent on necroptosis. ART appears to inhibit autophagy, which may also contribute to the cell death. Our data in human schwannoma cells show that ART can be combined with the autophagy inhibitor chloroquine (CQ) to potentiate the cell death. Thus, this study suggests that artemisinin-based drugs may be used in certain tumours where cells are necroptosis competent, and the drugs may act in synergy with apoptosis inducers or autophagy inhibitors to enhance their anti-tumour activity.Artemisinin, a sesquiterpene lactone isolated from the Chinese herb Artemisia annua L., has profound activity against malaria.1 Artemisinin contains an endoperoxide moiety that reacts with iron to produce toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). When malaria parasite (Plasmodia) consumes iron-rich haemoglobin within its acidic food vacuole in erythrocytes, the exposure of artemisinin to haem-derived iron results in lethal ROS production that exerts fatal toxicity to the parasite.2 Therefore, artemisinin, its water-soluble derivative artesunate (ART) and other analogues are potent in killing malarial parasites.1,3Cancer cells contain substantial free iron, resulting from their higher-rate iron uptake via transferrin receptors compared with normal cells. Therefore, artemisinin-based drugs such as ART possess selective toxicity to cancer cells.4, 5, 6 Importantly, the pharmacokinetics and tolerance of ART as an anti-malarial drug have been well documented, with clinical studies showing excellent safety. Collectively, these properties make artemisinin-based compounds attractive drug candidates for cancer chemotherapy. Artemisinin and ART have been shown to induce cell death in multiple cancer cells, including colon, breast, ovarian, prostate,7 pancreatic8 and leukaemia9 cancer cells. Preliminary in vivo experiments also indicate the therapeutic potential for these drugs as anti-cancer treatments. In animal models, artemisinin or ART has shown promising results in Kaposi Sarcoma,10 pancreatic cancer11 and hepatoma,12 while compassionate use of ART in uveal melanoma patients fortifies standard chemotherapy potential for the patients.13 Currently, ART is on clinical trial for breast cancer treatment (ClinicalTrials.gov ID: NCT00764036).Programmed cell death (PCD) is one of the critical terminal paths for the cells of metazoans. Among PCD, apoptosis has been well studied and it is known that caspase activation is essential in this process.14 In addition to apoptosis, necroptosis is another form of PCD. The RIP1-RIP3 complex highlights the signals that regulate necroptosis.15, 16, 17 Artemisinin derivatives, mostly ART, have been suggested to lead to apoptosis via ROS production in cancer cells. Efforts have been focused on ROS-mediated mitochondrial apoptosis,9,18,19 and DNA damage20 in cancer cells. Recent data suggest that artemisinin and its derivatives may induce cell death or inhibit proliferation through diverse mechanisms in different cell types. Artemisinin or its analogues were shown to inhibit cell proliferation in multiple cancer cells by regulating cell-cycle arrest21, 22, 23 or inducing apoptosis.24,25 Nevertheless, the detailed molecular mechanisms underlying artemisinin or ART-induced cell death are poorly understood, thus need to be further addressed.Neurofibromatosis 2 (NF2) is caused by the loss of NF2 gene encoding Merlin protein. NF2 gene mutations cause the low grade tumour syndrome, composed of schwannomas, meningiomas and ependymomas.26 All spontaneous schwannomas, the majority of meningiomas and a third of ependymomas are caused by NF2 gene mutations. Notably, approximately 10% of intracranial tumours are schwannomas.27 Interestingly, NF2 gene mutations are also found in a variety of cancers, including breast cancer and mesothelioma.28, 29, 30 The low grade tumours caused by NF2 gene mutations do not respond well to current cancer drugs and therapy is restricted to surgery and radiosurgery.26 Therefore, there is a need for drug treatment of the diseases. Here, we show that ART sufficiently induced schwannoma cell death in both RT4 cell line and human primary cells. Importantly, we show, for the first time, that ART-induced cell death is largely dependent on necroptosis. Our data suggest that ART has great potential in schwannoma chemotherapy, especially when used in synergy with an apoptosis-inducing drug and/or an autophagy-inhibitory drug.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) is often complicated by pleural effusion and ascites. The present study is an attempt to categorize the lymphomatous effusions according to the WHO classification, using archival material. METHODS: May-Grünwald-Giemsa and Papanicolaou-stained smears of 31 lymphomatous effusion specimens were reviewed. Of these, detailed cytological assessment was done on 12 pleural effusions and ten ascitic fluid specimens from 22 patients using the WHO lymphoma classification system. Immunocytochemical studies were performed in 21 specimens. RESULTS: Based on cytomorphological features, the 22 lymphomatous effusion specimens were categorized into lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma (1), follicle centre cell (FCC) grade-1 (centrocytic) lymphoma (3), FCC grade-2 (centrocytic-centroblastic) lymphoma (3), FCC grade-3 (centroblastic) lymphoma (4), large cell immunoblastic lymphoma (4), lymphoblastic lymphoma (2), anaplastic large cell lymphoma (3) and miscellaneous types (2). Immunocytochemically, the lymphoma cells were T-cell (positive for CD3) and B-cell type (CD20 positive) in five and six cases respectively. CONCLUSION: Cytological examination of pleural effusion and ascitic fluid samples, supported by immunocytochemical studies, may be useful for the classification of lymphomas under the WHO system.  相似文献   

The cysteine protease caspase-8 is an essential executioner of the death receptor (DR) apoptotic pathway. The physiological function of its homologue caspase-10 remains poorly understood, and the ability of caspase-10 to substitute for caspase-8 in the DR apoptotic pathway is still controversial. Here, we analysed the particular contribution of caspase-10 isoforms to DR-mediated apoptosis in neuroblastoma (NB) cells characterised by their resistance to DR signalling. Silencing of caspase-8 in tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL)-sensitive NB cells resulted in complete resistance to TRAIL, which could be reverted by overexpression of caspase-10A or -10D. Overexpression experiments in various caspase-8-expressing tumour cells also demonstrated that caspase-10A and -10D isoforms strongly increased TRAIL and FasL sensitivity, whereas caspase-10B or -10G had no effect or were weakly anti-apoptotic. Further investigations revealed that the unique C-terminal end of caspase-10B was responsible for its degradation by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway and for its lack of pro-apoptotic activity compared with caspase-10A and -10D. These data highlight in several tumour cell types, a differential pro- or anti-apoptotic role for the distinct caspase-10 isoforms in DR signalling, which may be relevant for fine tuning of apoptosis initiation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨COX-2和Survivin在B细胞非霍奇全淋巴瘤(B-NHL)中的表达及临床意义.方法:采用免疫组化SP法检测43例B-NHL和10例良性淋巴结病变组织中COX-2和Survivin的表达.结果:COX-2和Survivin在B-NHL中的阳性表达率分别为55.8%(24/43)和69.8%(30/43),与对照组相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05.Ⅲ/Ⅳ期B-NHL患者COX-2蛋白的表述要高于Ⅰ/Ⅱ期患者(P<0.05).Survivin的表达与B-NHL的组织病理学等级和国际预后指数(IPL)具有相关性(P<0.05).Spearman相关分析表明COX-2的表达与Survivin的表达呈正相关(r=1.000,P=0.030).结论:COX-2和Survivin在B-NHL中表达上调以及两者之间的阳性表达密切相关,表明COX-2和Survivin在B-NHL的发生和发展中具有协同作用.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mechanism of ROS-induced hyperthermic cell death in a colon cancer cell line. HT-29 colon cancer cells were exposed to heat (43 degrees C) in the presence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BOOH). t-BOOH combined with hyperthermia significantly decreased cell viability as compared with t-BOOH or hyperthermia alone. This decrease in cell numbers was associated with retardation in the S phase transit and not through apoptosis. Cell death was noted to be accompanied by specific features characteristic of autophagy: the presence of cytoplasmic autophagic vacuoles; autophagosome membrane association of microtubule-associated protein light chain 3; accumulation of acidic vesicular organelles; and increased incorporation of MDC in the autophagosome. Thermal sensitization through modulation of cellular ROS may represent a novel approach to increase the efficacy of hyperthermia as an anticancer modality.  相似文献   

Breast cancer is the leading cause of deaths in women around the world. Resistance to therapy is the main cause of treatment failure and still little is known about predictive biomarkers for response to systemic therapy. Increasing evidence show that Survivin and XIAP overexpression is closely associated with chemoresistance and poor prognosis in breast cancer. However, their impact on resistance to doxorubicin (dox), a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat breast cancer, is poorly understood. Here, we demonstrated that dox inhibited cell viability and induced DNA fragmentation and activation of caspases-3, -7 and -9 in the breast cancer-derived cell lines MCF7 and MDA-MB-231, regardless of different p53 status. Dox exposure resulted in reduction of Survivin and XIAP mRNA and protein levels. However, when we transfected cells with a Survivin-encoding plasmid, we did not observe a cell death-resistant phenotype. XIAP and Survivin silencing, either alone or in combination, had no effect on breast cancer cells sensitivity towards dox. Altogether, we demonstrated that breast cancer cells are sensitive to the chemotherapeutic agent dox irrespective of Survivin and XIAP expression levels. Also, our findings suggest that dox-mediated modulation of Survivin and XIAP might sensitize cells to taxanes when used in a sequential regimen.  相似文献   

Platonin is a photosensitizer used for photodynamic therapy. In this study, we tested the effect of platonin on human leukemic cells. Treatment with platonin in the dark markedly reduced cell membrane integrity, and induced significant G0/G1 arrest of a panel of human leukemic cell lines, including U937, HL-60, K562, NB4 and THP-1. Development of hypodiploid cells was not evident in these cell lines within 24 h, but was noted in U937, HL-60 and NB4 cells after 24 h. No myeloid differentiation of these cells was noted after 5-day treatment. Intriguingly, exposure of monoblastic U937 cells to platonin caused changes characteristic of autophagy, including appearance of cytoplasmic membranous vacuoles and formation of acidic vesicular organelles (AVO) in more than 95% of cells. The platonin-induced autophagy was accompanied by localization of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 to autophagosomes. Pretreatment with pancaspase inhibitor Z-VAD-fmk abrogated the platonin-induced hypodiploidity, but had no effect on growth inhibition and formation of AVO, indicating a caspase-independent autophagy-associated cell death. Pretreatment of cells with 3-methyladenine attenuated platonin-mediated growth inhibition and formation of AVO. Platonin augmented the expression of BNIP3 in both U937 and K562 cells, whereas had an opposite effect on phosphorylation of mTOR downstream molecule p70S6K. Platonin, at the condition inducing autophagy, induced the mitochondrial membrane permeation. These results suggest that the platonin is capable of inhibiting growth as well as inducing cell death, mainly autophagy-associated, in leukemic cells via a mitochondria-mediated and caspase-independent pathway. A markedly less viability inhibition was noted to human monocytes, the normal counterpart of these myeloid leukemic cells. Platonin, other than a photodynamic agent, may offer significant promise as a therapeutic agent against leukemia.  相似文献   

Oligochitosan has been proved to trigger plant cell death. To gain some insights into the mechanisms of oligochitosan-induced cell death, the nature of oligochitosan-induced cell death and the role of calcium (Ca2+), nitric oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) were studied in tobacco suspension cells. Oligochitosan-induced cell death occurred in cytoplasmic shrinkage, phosphatidylserine externalization, chromatin condensation, TUNEL-positive nuclei, cytochrome c release and induction of programmed cell death (PCD)-related gene hsr203J, suggesting the activation of PCD pathway. Pretreatment cells with cyclosporin A, resulted in reducing oligochitosan-induced cytochrome c release and cell death, indicating oligochitosan-induced PCD was mediated by cytochrome c. In the early stage, cells undergoing PCD showed an immediate burst in free cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) elevation, NO and H2O2 production. Further study showed that these three signals were involved in oligochitosan-induced PCD, while Ca2+ and NO played a negative role in this process by modulating cytochrome c release.  相似文献   

Damaged endothelium is one of the pathological changes of the cerebral vasospastic vessels following subarachnoid hemorrhage. Our recent study shows that oxyhemoglobin (OxyHb) induces apoptosis in vascular endothelial cells. Apoptosis generally requires the action of various classes of proteases, including a family of cysteine proteases, known collectively as the caspases. This study was undertaken to investigate the activation of caspases and the efficacy of caspase inhibitors, z-IETD-fmk and z-LEHD-fmk, for oxyhemoglobin-induced apoptosis in vascular endothelial cells. Cultured bovine brain microvascular endothelial cells (passages 5-9) were used for this study. OxyHb (10 micromol/L) was added during the 24-72 h incubation with and without caspase-8 or - 9 inhibitors (z-IETD-fmk and z-LEHD-fmk). Counting surviving cells, DNA laddering, western blotting of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, and measurement of caspase activities were employed to confirm the cytotoxic effects of OxyHb and the protective effects of the caspase inhibitors. OxyHb produced cell detachment in a time-dependent manner and increased caspase-8 and -9 activities in the cells. z-IETD-fmk and z-LEHD-fmk (100 micromol/L) attenuated OxyHb-induced cell loss, DNA laddering, and proteolytic cleavage of PARP, although a lower concentration (10 micromol/L) of caspase inhibitors showed partial effects. OxyHb activates caspase-8 and -9 in cultured vascular endothelial cells, and blocking the action of the caspases with the inhibitors efficiently prevents loss of vascular endothelial cells from OxyHb-induced apoptosis in vitro. These results suggest that the caspase cascade participates in OxyHb-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces apoptosis and preferentially kills tumor cells by engaging specific glycosylated death receptors, resulting in the internalization of ligand/receptor complexes and recruitment of the initiator caspase-8 to an activation platform known as the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). However, emergence of TRAIL-resistant sub-populations may contribute to therapeutic failure. To investigate resistance mechanisms, we isolated a stable TRAIL-resistant sub-population of the metastatic colon cancer cell line LS-LIM6, designated LIM6-TR. LIM6-TR cells are impaired in endocytosis of TRAIL/death receptors complexes and failed to recruit/activate caspase-8 to the DISC upon TRAIL stimulation. Differential activation of Wnt and JNK pathways is not responsible for acquisition of TRAIL resistance. LIM6-TR cells display a marked increase in cell-surface expression of galectin-3, an endogenous lectin, which co-localizes with and binds death receptors. Silencing of galectin-3 restores TRAIL sensitivity and promotes TRAIL-mediated endocytosis of TRAIL/death receptors complexes. Inhibitors of galectin-3 and glycosylation also re-sensitize LIM6-TR to TRAIL and restore internalization of ligand/receptors complexes. These studies identify a novel TRAIL-resistance mechanism in which galectin-3 impedes trafficking of death receptor by anchoring them in glycan nano-clusters, blocking the execution of the apoptosis signal.  相似文献   

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is a common and aggressive cancer caused by the malignant transformation of B cells. Although it has been established that the follicular helper T (Tfh) cells play a central role in B cell development, little information is available on their involvement in DLBCL pathogenesis. We studied the role of the peripheral Tfh equivalent, the CXCR5+ CD4+ T cells, in DLBCL. Data showed that compared to CXCR5- CD4+ T cells, CXCR5+ CD4+ T cells were significantly more effective at promoting the proliferation as well as inhibiting the apoptosis of primary autologous DLBCL tumor cells. Surprisingly, we found that at equal cell numbers, CXCR5+ CD4+ T cells in DLBCL patients secreted significantly less interleukin (IL)-21 than CXCR5- CD4+ T cells, while the level of IL-10 secretion was significant elevated in the CXCR5+ compartment compared to the CXCR5- compartment. Neutralization of IL-10 in the primary DLBCL-CXCR5+ CD4+ T cell coculture compromised the CXCR5+ CD4+ T cell-mediated pro-tumor effects, in a manner that was dependent on the concentration of anti-IL-10 antibodies. The CXCR5+ compartment also contained significantly lower frequencies of cytotoxic CD4+ T cells than the CXCR5- compartment. In conclusion, our investigations discovered a previously unknown pro-tumor role of CXCR5-expressing circulating CD4+ T cells, which assisted the survival and proliferation of primary DLBCL cells through IL-10.  相似文献   



Extracellular ATP is an endogenous signaling molecule released by various cell types and under different stimuli. High concentrations of ATP released into the extracellular medium activate the P2X7 receptor in most inflammatory conditions. Here, we seek to characterize the effects of ATP in human intestinal epithelial cells and to evaluate morphological changes in these cells in the presence of ATP.


We treated human intestinal epithelial cells with ATP and evaluated the effects of this nucleotide by scanning and transmission electron microscopy analysis and calcium measurements. We used flow cytometry to evaluate apoptosis. We collected human intestinal explants for immunohistochemistry, apoptosis by the TUNEL approach and caspase-3 activity using flow cytometry analyses. We also evaluated the ROS production by flow cytometry and NO secretion by the Griess technique.


ATP treatment induced changes characteristic of cell death by apoptosis and autophagy but not necrosis in the HCT8 cell line. ATP induced apoptosis in human intestinal explants that showed TUNEL-positive cells in the epithelium and in the lamina propria. The explants exhibited a significant increase of caspase-3 activity when the colonic epithelial cells were incubated with IFN-gamma followed by ATP as compared to control cells. In addition, it was found that antioxidants were able to inhibit both the ROS production and the apoptosis induced by ATP in epithelial cells.

General significance

The activation of P2X7 receptors by ATP induces apoptosis and autophagy in human epithelial cells, possibly via ROS production, and this effect might have implications for gut inflammatory conditions.  相似文献   

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