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In immersive virtual reality (IVR) it is possible to replace a person’s real body by a life-sized virtual body that is seen from first person perspective to visually substitute their own. Multisensory feedback from the virtual to the real body (such as the correspondence of touch and also movement) can also be present. Under these conditions participants typically experience a subjective body ownership illusion (BOI) over the virtual body, even though they know that it is not their real one. In most studies and applications the posture of the real and virtual bodies are as similar as possible. Here we were interested in whether the BOI is diminished when there are gross discrepancies between the real and virtual body postures. We also explored whether a comfortable or uncomfortable virtual body posture would induce feelings and physiological responses commensurate with the posture. We carried out an experiment with 31 participants in IVR realized with a wide field-of-view head-mounted display. All participants were comfortably seated. Sixteen of them were embodied in a virtual body designed to be in a comfortable posture, and the remainder in an uncomfortable posture. The results suggest that the uncomfortable body posture led to lesser subjective BOI than the comfortable one, but that participants in the uncomfortable posture experienced greater awareness of their autonomic physiological responses. Moreover their heart rate, heart rate variability, and the number of mistakes in a cognitive task were associated with the strength of their BOI in the uncomfortable posture: greater heart rate, lower heart rate variability and more mistakes were associated with higher levels of the BOI. These findings point in a consistent direction—that the BOI over a body that is in an uncomfortable posture can lead to subjective, physiological and cognitive effects consistent with discomfort that do not occur with the BOI over a body in a comfortable posture.  相似文献   



Recent studies have shown that playing prosocial video games leads to greater subsequent prosocial behavior in the real world. However, immersive virtual reality allows people to occupy avatars that are different from them in a perceptually realistic manner. We examine how occupying an avatar with the superhero ability to fly increases helping behavior.

Principal Findings

Using a two-by-two design, participants were either given the power of flight (their arm movements were tracked to control their flight akin to Superman’s flying ability) or rode as a passenger in a helicopter, and were assigned one of two tasks, either to help find a missing diabetic child in need of insulin or to tour a virtual city. Participants in the “super-flight” conditions helped the experimenter pick up spilled pens after their virtual experience significantly more than those who were virtual passengers in a helicopter.


The results indicate that having the “superpower” of flight leads to greater helping behavior in the real world, regardless of how participants used that power. A possible mechanism for this result is that having the power of flight primed concepts and prototypes associated with superheroes (e.g., Superman). This research illustrates the potential of using experiences in virtual reality technology to increase prosocial behavior in the physical world.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairments affect the majority of patients with schizophrenia and these impairments predict poor long term psychosocial outcomes.  Treatment studies aimed at cognitive impairment in patients with schizophrenia not only require demonstration of improvements on cognitive tests, but also evidence that any cognitive changes lead to clinically meaningful improvements.  Measures of “functional capacity” index the extent to which individuals have the potential to perform skills required for real world functioning.  Current data do not support the recommendation of any single instrument for measurement of functional capacity.  The Virtual Reality Functional Capacity Assessment Tool (VRFCAT) is a novel, interactive gaming based measure of functional capacity that uses a realistic simulated environment to recreate routine activities of daily living. Studies are currently underway to evaluate and establish the VRFCAT’s sensitivity, reliability, validity, and practicality. This new measure of functional capacity is practical, relevant, easy to use, and has several features that improve validity and sensitivity of measurement of function in clinical trials of patients with CNS disorders.  相似文献   



Do peripersonal space for acting on objects and interpersonal space for interacting with con-specifics share common mechanisms and reflect the social valence of stimuli? To answer this question, we investigated whether these spaces refer to a similar or different physical distance.


Participants provided reachability-distance (for potential action) and comfort-distance (for social processing) judgments towards human and non-human virtual stimuli while standing still (passive) or walking toward stimuli (active).

Principal Findings

Comfort-distance was larger than other conditions when participants were passive, but reachability and comfort distances were similar when participants were active. Both spaces were modulated by the social valence of stimuli (reduction with virtual females vs males, expansion with cylinder vs robot) and the gender of participants.


These findings reveal that peripersonal reaching and interpersonal comfort spaces share a common motor nature and are sensitive, at different degrees, to social modulation. Therefore, social processing seems embodied and grounded in the body acting in space.  相似文献   

The use of virtual reality in the form of simulated tasks can provide a realistic environment in which to study complex naturalistic behaviors. Many of the behavioral effects of alcohol intoxication are well known, but there is relatively little imaging evidence examining how alcohol exposure might transiently modulate brain function, especially in the context of task performance. In this review, we provide a brief synopsis of previous work using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the neural correlates of alcohol intoxication. We describe in detail two studies from our published work, the first involving a visual perception paradigm, and the second involving virtual reality through a naturalistic behavior; simulated driving. Participants received single-blind individualized doses of beverage alcohol designed to produce blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.04 and 0.08 or placebo. Subjects were fMRI scanned after training to asymptote performance. In both studies we found specific circuits that were differentially modulated by alcohol, we revealed both global and local effects of alcohol, and we examined relationships between behavior, brain function, and alcohol blood levels.  相似文献   

In recent years, two-photon imaging has become an invaluable tool in neuroscience, as it allows for chronic measurement of the activity of genetically identified cells during behavior1-6. Here we describe methods to perform two-photon imaging in mouse cortex while the animal navigates a virtual reality environment. We focus on the aspects of the experimental procedures that are key to imaging in a behaving animal in a brightly lit virtual environment. The key problems that arise in this experimental setup that we here address are: minimizing brain motion related artifacts, minimizing light leak from the virtual reality projection system, and minimizing laser induced tissue damage. We also provide sample software to control the virtual reality environment and to do pupil tracking. With these procedures and resources it should be possible to convert a conventional two-photon microscope for use in behaving mice.  相似文献   

Analysis of network dynamics became a focal point to understand and predict changes of complex systems. Here we introduce Turbine, a generic framework enabling fast simulation of any algorithmically definable dynamics on very large networks. Using a perturbation transmission model inspired by communicating vessels, we define a novel centrality measure: perturbation centrality. Hubs and inter-modular nodes proved to be highly efficient in perturbation propagation. High perturbation centrality nodes of the Met-tRNA synthetase protein structure network were identified as amino acids involved in intra-protein communication by earlier studies. Changes in perturbation centralities of yeast interactome nodes upon various stresses well recapitulated the functional changes of stressed yeast cells. The novelty and usefulness of perturbation centrality was validated in several other model, biological and social networks. The Turbine software and the perturbation centrality measure may provide a large variety of novel options to assess signaling, drug action, environmental and social interventions.  相似文献   

In Taylor (1985 a) a measure of location, akin to a generalised mean was proposed, it's properties were studied for a particular family of skew distributions. The measure of location is essentially the retransformed mean after first transforming the observations to an approximately symmetric scale. Here it's properties are investigated for more general skew distributions. In particular, we study whether it satisfies the axioms for measures of location given in Bickel and Lehmann (1975). We show that it is estimating approximately the distribution median and through simulations we show that it is more efficient than the sample median.  相似文献   

STEWART, TIFFANY M., DONALD A. WILLIAMSON, MONIQUE A. M. SMEETS, AND FRANK L. GREENWAY. Body morph assessment: preliminary report on the development of a computerized measure of body image. Objective: To develop a prototype of the Body Morph Assessment (BMA), and to test the reliability and validity of this new measure of body image. The BMA is a realistic and relatively simple procedure that uses computer morphing for the assessment of body image. For the purposes of this preliminary study, a prototype of the BMA was developed for usage with white women ranging from very thin to obese. Research Methods and Procedures: A total of 72 subjects participated in tests of reliability, content, and convergent validity of the BMA. Results: The reliability and validity of the BMA was supported by the results of this study. In a test of convergent validity, the measures of current, ideal, and reasonable body size were positively correlated with their equivalents from a similar body image assessment procedure. In addition, reliability coefficients were found to be satisfactory for all variables. Participants found the human figural stimuli to be realistic. Discussion: These preliminary findings support the reliability and validity of the BMA with white women. Given these positive findings, we plan to extend the procedure to males and to other racial and ethnic groups.  相似文献   

浸入式虚拟现实技术在心理学研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
文章简要介绍了虚拟现实技术的概念、分类以厦构建浸入式虚拟环境的方法。对采用浸入式虚拟现实技术在视空间认知、知觉一运动的协调、心理治疗、社会心理学等领域取得的成果作了简要的评论。讨论了利用虚拟现实技术进行心理学研究的一些独到的优点和局限性,并对未来的研究趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry - MTH1 (MutT homologue 1, NUDT1), a member of the Nudix phosphohydrolase superfamily of enzymes, was speculated to contribute to hampering tumor growth based...  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking in adolescents is a major public health problem. To address the increasing need for efficacious assessment and treatment methods, we developed and tested a novel virtual reality cue reactivity assessment system. A case study of a controlled virtual reality cue reactivity trial with a 17-year-old adolescent cigarette smoker is presented. During the trial, the participant was exposed to virtual reality (VR) smoking cues and VR neutral cues and assessments of subjective craving and skin conductance response (SCR) were recorded. Upon exposure to VR smoking cues, craving increased. A novel methodology for collecting and analyzing SCR in VR was developed and explored to expand the role of physiological variables in VR research. SCR data indicated specific reactions to smoking cue stimuli, with the subject experiencing increased reactivity to smoking cues (i.e., cigarettes) compared to food or drinks. Based on this case study, further research using VR cue reactivity assessment in adolescent smokers is warranted. The impact of VR in drug research and future applications in research are also discussed.  相似文献   

介绍虚拟现实技术的发展历程及基本概况,综述VR/AR技术在临床技能培训与教育、康复治疗、心理治疗及远程医疗等方面的应用研究,提出健康医疗领域虚拟技术的应用还处于起步阶段,未来将在疾病诊疗、手术模拟、远程医疗、健康管理监测等方面不断发展,对提高医护工作人员的服务水平、改善患者就医体验有重大的意义。  相似文献   

以Carey等研制的医疗服务质量监测量表为基础,通过专家咨询和病人问卷调查,构建了符合上海市公立医院医疗服务质量实际状况的病人满意度测评量表。分析显示,医疗服务质量病人满意度测评量表具有较好的结构效度、内部信度,并弥补了上海市现有医疗机构医疗服务质量病人满意度测评工具的不足,对上海市公立医院改善服务质量和卫生行政部门加强服务质量监管提供了有价值的信息。  相似文献   

Historically, body size overestimation has been linked to abnormal levels of body dissatisfaction found in eating disorders. However, recently this relationship has been called into question. Indeed, despite a link between how we perceive and how we feel about our body seeming intuitive, until now lack of an experimental method to manipulate body size has meant that a causal link, even in healthy participants, has remained elusive. Recent developments in body perception research demonstrate that the perceptual experience of the body can be readily manipulated using multisensory illusions. The current study exploits such illusions to modulate perceived body size in an attempt to influence body satisfaction. Participants were presented with stereoscopic video images of slimmer and wider mannequin bodies viewed through head-mounted displays from first person perspective. Illusory ownership was induced by synchronously stroking the seen mannequin body with the unseen real body. Pre and post-illusion affective and perceptual measures captured changes in perceived body size and body satisfaction. Illusory ownership of a slimmer body resulted in participants perceiving their actual body as slimmer and giving higher ratings of body satisfaction demonstrating a direct link between perceptual and affective body representations. Change in body satisfaction following illusory ownership of a wider body, however, was related to degree of (non-clinical) eating disorder psychopathology, which can be linked to fluctuating body representations found in clinical samples. The results suggest that body perception is linked to body satisfaction and may be of importance for eating disorder symptomology.  相似文献   

运用虚拟现实暴露疗法治疗飞行恐惧症的研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虚拟现实暴露疗法是治疗飞行恐惧症的新方法。与传统的暴露疗法相比,虚拟现实暴露疗法集合了实体暴露疗法和想象暴露疗法的优点。避免了二者的不足,具有灵活、高效、安全、可重复和易于操控的特点。研究者们利用数据头盔、双通道立体声耳机、追踪设备、感应器等设备给飞行恐惧症患者呈现实时的计算机动画、双通道立体声和触觉刺激,使之沉浸在虚拟的飞行情景中,从而激发出患者的恐惧情绪。在虚拟现实暴露治疗的过程中,治疗师根据患者的情况使之逐步暴露在不同等级的刺激性情景中,经反复练习逐渐耐受并适应这些情景,最终克服不合理的恐惧。近10年的大量研究表明:虚拟现实暴露疗法能有效地治愈飞行恐惧症,在临床上具有良好的应用前景。今后的研究将进一步比较虚拟现实暴露疗法与其他治疗方法的疗效,并开发出成本更低、临场感更好的虚拟现实设备以扩展虚拟现实暴露疗法在飞行恐惧症治疗中的应用。  相似文献   

Kisspeptin is a hypothalamic peptide hormone that plays a pivotal role in pubertal onset and reproductive function. Previous studies have examined hypothalamic kisspeptin mRNA expression, either through in situ hybridisation or real-time RT-PCR, as a means quantifying kisspeptin gene expression. However, mRNA expression levels are not always reflected in levels of the translated protein. Kisspeptin-immunoreactivity (IR) has been extensively examined using immunohistochemistry, enabling detection and localisation of kisspeptin perikaya in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV). However, quantification of kisspeptin-IR remains challenging. We developed a specific rodent radioimmunoassay assay (RIA) capable of detecting and quantifying kisspeptin-IR in rodent tissues. The RIA uses kisspeptin-10 as a standard and radioactive tracer, combined with a commercially available antibody raised to the kisspeptin-10 fragment. Adult female wistar rat brain samples were sectioned at 300 µm and the ARC and AVPV punch micro-dissected. Brain punches were homogenised in extraction buffer and assayed with rodent kisspeptin-RIA. In accord with the pattern of kisspeptin mRNA expression, kisspeptin-IR was detected in both the ARC (47.1±6.2 fmol/punch, mean±SEM n = 15) and AVPV (7.6±1.3 fmol/punch, mean±SEM n = 15). Kisspeptin-IR was also detectable in rat placenta (1.26±0.15 fmol/mg). Reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatography analysis showed that hypothalamic kisspeptin-IR had the same elution profile as a synthetic rodent kisspeptin standard. A specific rodent kisspeptin-RIA will allow accurate quantification of kisspeptin peptide levels within specific tissues in rodent experimental models.  相似文献   

西部地区卫生工作者激励机制满意度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国西部较贫困4个省、自治区的卫生人力资源情况进行调查,了解中国西部欠发达地区卫生工作者对激励机制的满意度水平,探索影响满意度的因素,并提出建议。结果为卫生工作人员总体满意度均分为3.04分,其中,满意度最低的是工作回报方面,均分为2.22分,低于3分;满意度最高的是工作关系方面,均分为3.62分,高于3分。卫生工作人员学历和职称都与满意度相关,副高职称和硕士学历的满意度最低。  相似文献   

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