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A chemical inhibition model of inflammation is proposed by semi-continuous monitoring the density of toll-like receptor 1 (TLR1) expressed on mammalian cells following bacterial infection to investigate an in vivo-mimicked drug screening system. The inflammation was induced by adding bacterial lysate (e.g., Pseudomonas aeruginosa) to a mammalian cell culture (e.g., A549 cell line). The TLR1 density on the same cells was immunochemically monitored up to three cycles under optimized cyclic bacterial stimulation-and-restoration conditions. The assay was carried out by adopting a cell-compatible immunoanalytical procedure and signal generation method. Signal intensity relative to the background control obtained without stimulation was employed to plot the standard curve for inflammation. To suppress the inflammatory response, sodium salicylate, which inhibits nuclear factor-κB activity, was used to prepare the standard curve for anti-inflammation. Such measurement of differential TLR densities was used as a biosensing approach discriminating the anti-inflammatory substance from the non-effector, which was simulated by using caffeic acid phenethyl ester and acetaminophen as the two components, respectively. As the same cells exposed to repetitive bacterial stimulation were semi-continuously monitored, the efficacy and toxicity of the inhibitors may further be determined regarding persistency against time. Therefore, this semi-continuous biosensing model could be appropriate as a substitute for animal-based experimentation during drug screening prior to pre-clinical tests.  相似文献   

The activation and infiltration of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) are critical key steps in inflammation. PMN-mediated inflammation is limited by anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving mechanisms, including specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPM). We examined the effects of 15-epi-LXA4 on inflammation and the biosynthesis of pro-inflammatory mediators, such as prostaglandins, leukotriene B4 and various hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acids and SPM, in an oxazolone (OXA)-induced hypersensitivity model for dermal inflammation. 15-epi-LXA4 (100 μM, 5 μL subcutaneously injected) significantly (P < 0.05) reduced inflammation in skin, 24 hours after the OXA challenge, as compared to skin treated with vehicle. No significant influence on the biosynthesis of prostaglandins or leukotriene B4 was observed, whereas the level of 15S-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in the skin areas treated with 15-epi-LXA4. In spite of the use of a fully validated analytical procedure, no SPM were detected in the biological samples. To investigate the reason for the lack of analytical signal, we tried to mimic the production of SPM (lipoxins, resolvins, maresin and protectin) by injecting them subcutaneously into the skin of mice and studying the in vivo availability and distribution of the compounds. All analytes showed very little lateral distribution in skin tissue and their levels were markedly decreased (> 95%) 2 hours after injection. However, docosahexaenoic acid derivatives were biologically more stable than SPM derived from arachidonic acid or eicosapentaenoic acid.  相似文献   

Hepatic fibrosis induced by egg deposition is the most serious pathology associated with chronic schistosomiasis, in which the hepatic stellate cell (HSC) plays a central role. While the effect of Schistosoma mansoni eggs on the fibrogenic phenotype of HSCs has been investigated, studies determining the effect of eggs of S . japonicum on HSCs are lacking. Disease caused by S . japonicum is much more severe than that resulting from S. mansoni infection so it is important to compare the pathologies caused by these two parasites, to determine whether this phenotype is due to the species interacting differently with the mammalian host. Accordingly, we investigated the effect of S japonicum eggs on the human HSC cell line, LX-2, with and without TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor beta) co-treatment, so as to determine the impact on genes associated with fibrogenesis, inflammation and matrix re-organisation. Activation status of HSCs was assessed by αSMA (Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin) immunofluorescence, accumulation of Oil Red O-stained lipid droplets and the relative expression of selected genes associated with activation. The fibrogenic phenotype of HSCs was inhibited by the presence of eggs both with or without TGF-β treatment, as evidenced by a lack of αSMA staining and reduced gene expression of αSMA and Col1A1 (Collagen 1A1). Unlike S. mansoni-treated cells, however, expression of the quiescent HSC marker PPAR-γ (Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma) was not increased, nor was there accumulation of lipid droplets. In contrast, S . japonicum eggs induced the mRNA expression of MMP-9 (Matrix Metalloproteinase 9), CCL2 (Chemokine (C-C motif) Ligand 2) and IL-6 (Interleukin 6) in HSCs indicating that rather than inducing complete HSC quiescence, the eggs induced a proinflammatory phenotype. These results suggest HSCs in close proximity to S . japonicum eggs in the liver may play a role in the proinflammatory regulation of hepatic granuloma formation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Previous studies in this and other laboratories have shown that interleukin-1β (IL-1β) is a selective and potent activator of human astrocytes with respect to induction of cytokines and hematopoietic growth factors. To study the effect of recombinant human IL-1β (rhIL-1β) on astrocyte morphology, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and vimentin expression, and actin organization, we conducted a systematic survey using dissociated human fetal astrocyte cultures. Within hours of stimulation with IL-1β, the majority of astrocytes converted from flat, polygonal cells to small, contracted, highly branched cells. This change in morphology was more striking when serum was eliminated from the medium. Complete dissolution of filamentous actin occurred simultaneously with the change in cell shape, as demonstrated by fluorescein-phalloidin binding. These “activated” astrocytes displayed intense GFAP and vimentin immunoreactivity in the small perikarya and processes. In contrast, the large, flat astrocytes in control cultures showed diffuse pale immunoreactivity for GFAP and vimentin. To quantify the changes in GFAP and vimentin content with IL-1β stimulation, densitometric analyses of northern and western blots were performed. Northern blot analysis of IL-1β-stimulated astrocytes revealed a transient, marked decrease in steady-state levels of mRNA for GFAP, vimentin, and microtubule-associated protein 4. The decrease in mRNA levels was evident by 4–8 h and fell to the lowest level at 16–24 h (80–98% decrease by densitometry) with partial recovery by 72 h. By immunoblotting, a significant decrease in both GFAP and vimentin protein content was observed after IL-1β stimulation. Furthermore, metabolic labeling studies revealed an almost total loss of GFAP synthesis following stimulation with IL-1β for 16 h. These observations are consistent with the idea that increases in immunoreactivity were related to factors such as redistribution of epitope, rather than increases in total protein content. We hypothesize that in IL-1β-stimulated astrocytes, synthesis of other proteins, e.g., inflammatory cytokines, occurs at the expense of structural proteins and that the decrease in content of cytoskeletal proteins may reflect an “activated” state of astrocytes.  相似文献   

Trichuris muris is a natural pathogen of mice and is biologically and antigenically similar to species of Trichuris that infect humans and livestock1. Infective eggs are given by oral gavage, hatch in the distal small intestine, invade the intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) that line the crypts of the cecum and proximal colon and upon maturation the worms release eggs into the environment1. This model is a powerful tool to examine factors that control CD4+ T helper (Th) cell activation as well as changes in the intestinal epithelium. The immune response that occurs in resistant inbred strains, such as C57BL/6 and BALB/c, is characterized by Th2 polarized cytokines (IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13) and expulsion of worms while Th1-associated cytokines (IL-12, IL-18, IFN-γ) promote chronic infections in genetically susceptible AKR/J mice2-6. Th2 cytokines promote physiological changes in the intestinal microenvironment including rapid turnover of IECs, goblet cell differentiation, recruitment and changes in epithelial permeability and smooth muscle contraction, all of which have been implicated in worm expulsion7-15. Here we detail a protocol for propagating Trichuris muris eggs which can be used in subsequent experiments. We also provide a sample experimental harvest with suggestions for post-infection analysis. Overall, this protocol will provide researchers with the basic tools to perform a Trichuris muris mouse infection model which can be used to address questions pertaining to Th proclivity in the gastrointestinal tract as well as immune effector functions of IECs.  相似文献   

Transformation frequencies of a mariner-based transposon system in Rickettsia rickettsii were determined using a plaque assay system for enumeration and isolation of mutants. Sequence analysis of insertion sites in both R. rickettsii and R. prowazekii indicated that insertions were random. Transposon mutagenesis provides a useful tool for rickettsial research.  相似文献   

Paridris in the New World is revised (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae). Fifteen species are described, of which 13 are new. Paridris aenea (Ashmead)(Mexico (Tamaulipas) and West Indies south to Bolivia and southern Brazil (Rio de Janeiro state)), Paridris armata Talamas, sp. n. (Venezuela), Paridris convexa Talamas, sp. n. (Costa Rica, Panama), Paridris dnophos Talamas, sp. n. (Mexico (Vera Cruz) south to Bolivia and central Brazil (Goiás)), Paridris gongylos Talamas & Masner, sp. n. (United States: Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina), Paridris gorn Talamas & Masner, sp. n. (United States: Ohio south to Alabama, Georgia), Paridris invicta Talamas & Masner, sp. n. (Brazil: São Paulo), Paridris isabelicae Talamas & Masner, sp. n. (Cuba, Dominican Republic), Paridris lemete Talamas & Masner, sp. n. (Puerto Rico), Paridris minor Talamas, sp. n. (Cuba), Paridris nayakorum Talamas, sp. n. (Costa Rica), Paridris pallipes (Ashmead)(southeastern Canada, United States south to Costa Rica, also Brazil (São Paulo), Paridris psydrax Talamas & Masner, sp. n. (Argentina, Mexico, Paraguay, United States, Venezuela), Paridris saurotos Talamas, sp. n. (Jamaica), Paridris soucouyant Talamas & Masner, sp. n. (Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela). Paridris brevipennis Fouts, Paridris laeviceps (Ashmead), and Paridris nigricornis (Fouts) are treated as junior synonyms of Paridris pallipes; Paridris opaca is transferred to Probaryconus. Lectotypes are designated for Idris aenea Ashmead and Caloteleia aenea Ashmead.  相似文献   

The hesionid polychaete genera Oxydromus Grube, 1855 and Ophiodromus Sars, 1862 have been regarded as synonyms with the former considered as invalid since it was thought to be a junior homonym of Oxydromus Schlegel, 1854. However, Schlegel’s name is an incorrect subsequent spelling for Ocydromus Wagler, 1830 (Aves, Gruiformes, Rallidae) and is not an available name. Consequently, Oxydromus Grube, 1855 must be reinstated for this hesionid polychaete genus. A check-list of valid species of Oxydromus including 30 new combinations is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of virology》2009,83(24):12657-12658
Riccardo (Rico) Wittek died 26 September 2008 in Switzerland. Rico was well known for his work on the molecular biology of poxviruses and for his work with the World Health Organization on biosafety that led to international guidelines for work with dangerous infectious agents. His colleagues Erwin G. Van Meir, Daniel Lavanchy, and Bernard Moss have written Rico''s memorial.Lynn W. EnquistEditor in Chief, Journal of Virology  相似文献   

Cellular senescence is an irreversible state of proliferation arrest evoked by a myriad of stresses including oncogene activation, telomere shortening/dysfunction and genotoxic insults. It has been associated with tumor activation, immune suppression and aging, owing to the secretion of proinflammatory mediators. The bacterial genotoxin colibactin, encoded by the pks genomic island is frequently harboured by Escherichia coli strains of the B2 phylogenetic group. Mammalian cells exposed to live pks+ bacteria exhibit DNA-double strand breaks (DSB) and undergo cell-cycle arrest and death. Here we show that cells that survive the acute bacterial infection with pks+ E. coli display hallmarks of cellular senescence: chronic DSB, prolonged cell-cycle arrest, enhanced senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal) activity, expansion of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear foci and senescence-associated heterochromatin foci. This was accompanied by reactive oxygen species production and pro-inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and proteases secretion. These mediators were able to trigger DSB and enhanced SA-β-Gal activity in bystander recipient cells treated with conditioned medium from senescent cells. Furthermore, these senescent cells promoted the growth of human tumor cells. In conclusion, the present data demonstrated that the E. coli genotoxin colibactin induces cellular senescence and subsequently propel bystander genotoxic and oncogenic effects.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing mycobacterium increasingly detected in the neutrophil-rich environment of inflamed tissues, including the cystic fibrosis airway. Studies of the immune reaction to M. abscessus have focused primarily on macrophages and epithelial cells, but little is known regarding the neutrophil response despite the predominantly neutrophillic inflammation typical of these infections. In the current study, human neutrophils released less superoxide anion in response to M. abscessus than to Staphylococcus aureus, a pathogen that shares common sites of infection. Exposure to M. abscessus induced neutrophil-specific chemokine and proinflammatory cytokine genes. Although secretion of these protein products was confirmed, the quantity of cytokines released, and both the number and level of gene induction, was reduced compared to S. aureus. Neutrophils mediated killing of M. abscessus, but phagocytosis was reduced when compared to S. aureus, and extracellular DNA was detected in response to both bacteria, consistent with extracellular trap formation. In addition, M. abscessus did not alter cell death compared to unstimulated cells, while S. aureus enhanced necrosis and inhibited apoptosis. However, neutrophils augment M. abscessus biofilm formation. The response of neutrophils to M. abscessus suggests that the mycobacterium exploits neutrophil-rich settings to promote its survival and that the overall neutrophil response was reduced compared to S. aureus. These studies add to our understanding of M. abscessus virulence and suggest potential targets of therapy.  相似文献   

The Lispe longicollis species-group is revised. Lispe ethiopica sp. n. is described. The following 3 new synonyms are established: Lispe assimilis Wiedemann, 1824 (syn: cyrtoneurina Stein, 1900 and modesta Stein, 1913); Lispe manicata Wiedemann, 1830 (syn: forficata Kurahashi & Shinonaga, 2009). Female of Lispe microptera Seguy, 1937 is described for the first time. Identification key for known Eurasian and African species is given.  相似文献   

Third instar larvae of members of the Ceratitis FAR complex, including Ceratitis fasciventris (Bezzi), Ceratitis anonae Graham, and Ceratitis rosa Karsch are described and compared with those of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Diagnostic characters, such as presence vs. absence of a secondary tooth on the mandibles, previously used to separate Ceratitis capitata from Ceratitis rosa, are shown to vary in each species. Significant variation in diagnostic morphological characters among populations of Ceratitis rosa from east and south Africa is documented; however, the differences are not simply congruent with the R1 and R2 designations based on other studies. Quantitative measures of numerous morphological characters are consistently smaller in the larvae of Ceratitis fasciventris and distinguish them from other species of the FAR complex. Larvae of Ceratitis capitata can be distinguished from those of the FAR complex by characters such as absence of accessory plates of the oral ridges, the shape of the anterior spiracle, and the pattern of dorsal spinules. Previous studies indicated that absence of accessory lobes separate the genus Ceratitis from Bactrocera, but this is shown to be incorrect, as accessory lobes are in fact present in several species of Ceratitis.  相似文献   

A new species of Pseudascarophis (Nematoda: Cystidicolidae) found in the stomach of Kyphosus sectatrix (Linnaeus) (Kyphosidae), off Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is described. The new species can be differentiated from the other congeners by the presence of lateral alae, distinct but inconspicuous cephalic papillae at the anterior end, three pairs of precloacal and one pair of adcloacal papillae in males, egg morphology and morphometry of glandular oesophagus and spicules. Pseudascarophis tropica is transferred to Ascarophis as Ascarophis tropica (Solov''eva) comb. n. due to its ambiguous diagnosis.  相似文献   

Heteroxenic and monoxenic trypanosomatids were screened for the presence of actin using a mouse polyclonal antibody produced against the entire sequence of the Trypanosoma cruzi actin gene, encoding a 41.9 kDa protein. Western blot analysis showed that this antibody reacted with a polypeptide of approximately 42 kDa in the whole-cell lysates of parasites targeting mammals (T. cruzi, Trypanosoma brucei and Leishmania major), insects (Angomonas deanei, Crithidia fasciculata, Herpetomonas samuelpessoai and Strigomonas culicis) and plants (Phytomonas serpens). A single polypeptide of approximately 42 kDa was detected in the whole-cell lysates of T. cruzi cultured epimastigotes, metacyclic trypomastigotes and amastigotes at similar protein expression levels. Confocal microscopy showed that actin was expressed throughout the cytoplasm of all the tested trypanosomatids. These data demonstrate that actin expression is widespread in trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

Benzo-(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), a synthetic chemical, was applied as a foliar spray to tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants and evaluated for its potential to confer increased resistance against the soil-borne pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici (FORL). In nontreated tomato plants all root tissues were massively colonized by FORL hyphae. Pathogen ingress toward the vascular stele was accompanied by severe host cell alterations, including cell wall breakdown. In BTH-treated plants striking differences in the rate and extent of fungal colonization were observed. Pathogen growth was restricted to the epidermis and the outer cortex, and fungal ingress was apparently halted by the formation of callose-enriched wall appositions at sites of fungal penetration. In addition, aggregated deposits, which frequently established close contact with the invading hyphae, accumulated in densely colonized epidermal cells and filled most intercellular spaces. Upon incubation of sections with gold-complexed laccase for localization of phenolic-like compounds, a slight deposition of gold particles was observed over both the host cell walls and the wall appositions. Labeling was also detected over the walls of fungal cells showing signs of obvious alteration ranging from cytoplasm disorganization to protoplasm retraction. We provide evidence that foliar applications of BTH sensitize susceptible tomato plants to react more rapidly and more efficiently to FORL attack through the formation of protective layers at sites of potential fungal entry.  相似文献   

The enigmatic, cleptoparasitic bee genera Brachymelecta Linsley and Sinomelecta Baker (Apinae: Melectini) are redescribed, each represented by a single species which has not been reencountered since capture of the type series ca. 1878 and 1900, respectively. Both genera are the only melectines to possess two submarginal cells in the forewing but are otherwise wholly dissimilar. Brachymelecta mucida (Cresson), a species known only from the male holotype collected in “Nevada”, is newly described and figured, including the first account of the hidden sterna and genitalia. Sinomelecta oreina Baker is similarly described and figured based on the holotype male and paratype female, apparently collected from the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Both genera are valid and from the available data do not appear to represent merely autapomorphic forms of Melecta Latreille. Indeed, the terminalia of Sinomelecta oreina are in some respects more similar to those of species of Thyreus Panzer.  相似文献   

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