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Protection of telomeres protein 1 (Pot1) binds to single-stranded telomere overhangs and protects chromosome ends. RecQ helicases regulate homologous recombination at multiple stages, including resection, strand displacement, and resolution. Fission yeast pot1 and RecQ helicase rqh1 double mutants are synthetically lethal, but the mechanism is not fully understood. Here, we show that the synthetic lethality of pot1Δ rqh1Δ double mutants is due to inappropriate homologous recombination, as it is suppressed by the deletion of rad51+. The expression of Rad51 in the pot1Δ rqh1Δ rad51Δ triple mutant, which has circular chromosomes, is lethal. Reduction of the expression of Rqh1 in a pot1 disruptant with circular chromosomes caused chromosome missegregation, and this defect was partially suppressed by the deletion of rad51+. Taken together, our results suggest that Rqh1 is required for the maintenance of circular chromosomes when homologous recombination is active. Crossovers between circular monomeric chromosomes generate dimers that cannot segregate properly in Escherichia coli. We propose that Rqh1 inhibits crossovers between circular monomeric chromosomes to suppress the generation of circular dimers.  相似文献   

The major DNA repair pathways operate on damage in double-strand DNA because they use the intact strand as a template after damage removal. Therefore, lesions in transient single-strand stretches of chromosomal DNA are expected to be especially threatening to genome stability. To test this hypothesis, we designed systems in budding yeast that could generate many kilobases of persistent single-strand DNA next to double-strand breaks or uncapped telomeres. The systems allowed controlled restoration to the double-strand state after applying DNA damage. We found that lesions induced by UV-light and methyl methanesulfonate can be tolerated in long single-strand regions and are hypermutagenic. The hypermutability required PCNA monoubiquitination and was largely attributable to translesion synthesis by the error-prone DNA polymerase ζ. In support of multiple lesions in single-strand DNA being a source of hypermutability, analysis of the UV-induced mutants revealed strong strand-specific bias and unexpectedly high frequency of alleles with widely separated multiple mutations scattered over several kilobases. Hypermutability and multiple mutations associated with lesions in transient stretches of long single-strand DNA may be a source of carcinogenesis and provide selective advantage in adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

Post-replicational telomere end processing involves both extension by telomerase and resection to produce 3′-GT-overhangs that extend beyond the complementary 5′-CA-rich strand. Resection must be carefully controlled to maintain telomere length. At short de novo telomeres generated artificially by HO endonuclease in the G2 phase, we show that dna2-defective strains are impaired in both telomere elongation and sequential 5′-CA resection. At native telomeres in dna2 mutants, GT-overhangs do clearly elongate during late S phase but are shorter than in wild type, suggesting a role for Dna2 in 5′-CA resection but also indicating significant redundancy with other nucleases. Surprisingly, elimination of Mre11 nuclease or Exo1, which are complementary to Dna2 in resection of internal double strand breaks, does not lead to further shortening of GT-overhangs in dna2 mutants. A second step in end processing involves filling in of the CA-strand to maintain appropriate telomere length. We show that Dna2 is required for normal telomeric CA-strand fill-in. Yeast dna2 mutants, like mutants in DNA ligase 1 (cdc9), accumulate low molecular weight, nascent lagging strand DNA replication intermediates at telomeres. Based on this and other results, we propose that FEN1 is not sufficient and that either Dna2 or Exo1 is required to supplement FEN1 in maturing lagging strands at telomeres. Telomeres may be among the subset of genomic locations where Dna2 helicase/nuclease is essential for the two-nuclease pathway of primer processing on lagging strands.  相似文献   

转录因子Pap1是裂殖酵母(Schizosaccharomyces pombe)应答H2O2氧化胁迫反应中的关键调控因子.高浓度的H2O2激活蛋白激酶Sty1途径清除过量的H2O2,使H2O2降至较低浓度再活化Pap1;低浓度的则直接氧化活化Pap1,导致Pap1快速向细胞核内运输从而激活Pap1相关基因的表达.本文综述了裂殖酵母中转录因子Pap1在不同浓度H2O2胁迫下的激活途径,以及蛋白激酶Sty1对Pap1激活的重要作用  相似文献   

转录因子Papl是裂殖酵母(Schizosaccharomyces pombe)应答H2O2氧化胁迫反应中的关键调控因子.高浓度的H2O2激活蛋白激酶Styl途径清除过量的H2O2,使H2O2降至较低浓度再活化Papl;低浓度的则直接氧化活化Papl,导致Papl快速向细胞核内运输从而激活Papl相关基因的表达.本文综述了裂殖酵母中转录因子Papl在不同浓度H2O2胁迫下的激活途径,以及蛋白激酶Styl对Papl激活的重要作用.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, the septation initiation network (SIN) is thought to promote cytokinesis by downstream activation of Rho1, a conserved GTPase that controls cell growth and division. Here we show that Etd1 and PP2A-Pab1, antagonistic regulators of SIN, are Rho1 regulators. Our genetic and biochemical studies indicate that a C-terminal region of Etd1 may activate Rho1 by directly binding it, whereas an N-terminal domain confers its ability to localize at the growing tips and the division site where Rho1 functions. In opposition to Etd1, our results indicate that PP2A-Pab1 inhibits Rho1. The SIN cascade is upstream-regulated by the Spg1 GTPase. In the absence of Etd1, activity of Spg1 drops down prematurely, thereby inactivating SIN. Interestingly, we find that ectopic activation of Rho1 restores Spg1 activity in Etd1-depleted cells. By using a cytokinesis block strategy, we show that Rho1 is essential to feedback-activate Spg1 during actomyosin ring constriction. Therefore, activation of Spg1 by Rho1, which in turn is regulated by Etd1, uncovers a novel feedback loop mechanism that ensures SIN activity while cytokinesis is progressing.  相似文献   

In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Etd1 is a positive regulator of the septation initiation network (SIN), a conserved GTPase-regulated kinase cascade that triggers cytokinesis. Here we show that a mutation in the pab1 gene, which encodes the B-regulatory subunit of the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), suppresses mutations in the etd1 gene. Etd1 is required for the function of the GTPase Spg1, a key regulator of SIN signaling. Interestingly, the loss of Pab1 function restored the activity of Spg1 in Etd1-deficient cells. This result suggests that PP2A-Pab1–mediated dephosphorylation inhibits Spg1, thus antagonizing Etd1 function. The loss of pab1 function also rescues the lethality of mutants of other genes in the SIN cascade such as mob1, sid1, and cdc11. Two-hybrid assays indicate that Pab1 physically interacts with Mob1, Sid1, Sid2, and Cdc11, suggesting that the phosphatase 2A B-subunit is a component of the SIN complex. Together, our results indicate that PP2A-Pab1 plays a novel role in cytokinesis, regulating SIN activity at different levels. Pab1 is also required to activate polarized cell growth. Thus, PP2A-Pab1 may be involved in coordinating polar growth and cytokinesis.THE fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is a leading experimental model for eukaryotic cytokinesis (Bathe and Chang 2009; Pollard and Wu 2010). Fission yeast cells grow in a polarized manner by elongation at the cell ends and divide during cytokinesis by the action of a contractile actomyosin ring assembled in the middle of the cell (Snell and Nurse 1993). At the end of mitosis, when nuclear separation has been completed, actomyosin ring constriction is triggered by the septation initiation network (SIN). This signal transduction cascade is composed of the GTPase Spg1 and three protein kinases—Cdc7, GC-kinase Sid1, and NDR-kinase Sid2 in their presumed order of action—and the associated proteins Cdc14 with Sid1 and Mob1 with Sid2. These proteins are all located at the spindle pole body (SPB) during mitosis on a scaffold composed of the coiled-coil proteins Sid4 and Cdc11 (Krapp et al. 2004). The Sid2-Mob1 protein kinase complex is thought to transmit the division signal from the SPB to the actomyosin ring since it also associates at the division site during septation (Krapp and Simanis 2008). The SIN triggers actomyosin ring contraction coordinated with the synthesis of the primary and secondary septa that will form the new cell wall (Krapp et al. 2004; Wolfe and Gould 2005). The small GTPase Rho1 is known to promote cell-wall formation at the division site by stimulation of Cps1p/Drc1 1,3-β-glucan synthase (Le Goff et al. 1999), but the mechanism remains unclear.SIN activity is tightly regulated during the cell cycle to ensure proper coordination of mitosis and cytokinesis. Mutants that negatively affect SIN function undergo nuclear division in the absence of septation, while increased SIN activity induces septation in interphase cells (Krapp and Simanis 2008). Regulation of the SIN is complex, involving multiple, partially redundant mechanisms, but the nucleotide status of the Ras superfamily small GTPase, Spg1, represents a key step in SIN activity (Lattmann et al. 2009). Cdc16 and Byr4 form a two-component GTPase-activating protein (GAP) for Spg1 that inhibits its activity (Furge et al. 1998; Cerutti and Simanis 1999). Proteins acting as a guanine nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF) for this GTPase have not been identified. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the pathway analogous to the SIN is known as the mitotic exit network (MEN) (reviewed in Krapp and Simanis 2008). Contact between the SPB-localized GTPase Tem1 (the Spg1 homolog) with its putative GEF Lte1, which is present only within the bud, has been proposed as a mechanism to ensure that mitotic exit occurs only after the spindle has oriented correctly (Bardin et al. 2000; Pereira et al. 2000). Bfa1-Bub2 (the Cdc16-Byr4 equivalent) are negative regulators of the MEN, acting as a two-component GAP for Tem1 (Geymonat et al. 2002).Etd1 was identified in a genetic screen searching for new regulators of the S. pombe cell division cycle (Jimenez and Oballe 1994). Further characterization indicated that Etd1 acts as a positive regulator of the SIN (Daga et al. 2005). A recent study has established a key role for Etd1 in the timing of cytokinesis via the regulation of Spg1, acting as a potential homolog of budding yeast Lte1 (Garcia-Cortes and McCollum 2009). Loss of Etd1 function can be suppressed by mutations in a number of genes, some of which are involved in morphogenesis (Jimenez and Oballe 1994). Here we show that one of the mutations that bypass the requirement for etd1 in cytokinesis affects the activity of pab1, which encodes the protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) regulatory subunit B. The characterization of Pab1 and pab1 mutants described in this study reveals a novel role for PP2A-Pab1 in SIN regulation and provides new insight into the mechanism by which Etd1 might regulate SIN signaling. We also show that Pab1 participates in activation of the morphological pathway, suggesting a role for PP2A-Pab1 in the coordination of cytokinesis and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

In diploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the α2 and a1 homeodomain proteins bind cooperatively to sites in the promoters of haploid cell-type-specific genes (hsg) to repress their expression. Although both proteins bind to the DNA, in the α2 homeodomain substitutions of residues that are involved in contacting the DNA have little or no effect on repression in vivo or cooperative DNA binding with a1 protein in vitro. This result brings up the question of the contribution of each protein in the heterodimer complex to the DNA-binding affinity and specificity. To determine the requirements for the a1-α2 homeodomain DNA recognition, we systematically introduced single base-pair substitutions in an a1-α2 DNA-binding site and examined their effects on repression in vivo and DNA binding in vitro. Our results show that nearly all substitutions that significantly decrease repression and DNA-binding affinity are at positions which are specifically contacted by either the α2 or a1 protein. Interestingly, an α2 mutant lacking side chains that make base-specific contacts in the major groove is able to discriminate between the wild-type and mutant DNA sites with the same sequence specificity as the wild-type protein. These results suggest that the specificity of α2 DNA binding in complex with a1 does not rely solely on the residues that make base-specific contacts. We have also examined the contribution of the a1 homeodomain to the binding affinity and specificity of the complex. In contrast to the lack of a defective phenotype produced by mutations in the α2 homeodomain, many of the alanine substitutions of residues in the a1 homeodomain have large effects on a1-α2-mediated repression and DNA binding. This result shows that the two proteins do not make equal contributions to the DNA-binding affinity of the complex.  相似文献   

Hus1, Rad1, and Rad9 are three evolutionarily conserved proteins required for checkpoint control in fission yeast. These proteins are known to form a stable complex in vivo. Recently, computational studies have predicted structural similarity between the individual proteins of Hus1-Rad1-Rad9 complex and the replication processivity factor proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). This has led to the proposal that the Hus1-Rad1-Rad9 complex may form a PCNA-like ring structure, and could function as a sliding clamp during checkpoint control. In the present study, we have attempted to test the predictions of this model by asking whether the PCNA alignment identifies functionally important residues or explains mutant phenotypes of hus1, rad1, or rad9 alleles. Although some of our results are consistent with the PCNA alignment, others indicate that the Hus1-Rad1-Rad9 complex possesses unique structural and functional features.  相似文献   

DNA damage can occur due to environmental insults or intrinsic metabolic processes and is a major threat to genome stability. The DNA damage response is composed of a series of well coordinated cellular processes that include activation of the DNA damage checkpoint, transient cell cycle arrest, DNA damage repair, and reentry into the cell cycle. Here we demonstrate that mutant cells defective for TOR complex 2 (TORC2) or the downstream AGC-like kinase, Gad8, are highly sensitive to chronic replication stress but are insensitive to ionizing radiation. We show that in response to replication stress, TORC2 is dispensable for Chk1-mediated cell cycle arrest but is required for the return to cell cycle progression. Rad52 is a DNA repair and recombination protein that forms foci at DNA damage sites and stalled replication forks. TORC2 mutant cells show increased spontaneous nuclear Rad52 foci, particularly during S phase, suggesting that TORC2 protects cells from DNA damage that occurs during normal DNA replication. Consistently, the viability of TORC2-Gad8 mutant cells is dependent on the presence of the homologous recombination pathway and other proteins that are required for replication restart following fork replication stalling. Our findings indicate that TORC2 is required for genome integrity. This may be relevant for the growing amount of evidence implicating TORC2 in cancer development.  相似文献   

Yi Yin  Thomas D. Petes 《Genetics》2014,197(4):1097-1109
The yeast Exo1p nuclease functions in multiple cellular roles: resection of DNA ends generated during recombination, telomere stability, DNA mismatch repair, and expansion of gaps formed during the repair of UV-induced DNA damage. In this study, we performed high-resolution mapping of spontaneous and UV-induced recombination events between homologs in exo1 strains, comparing the results with spontaneous and UV-induced recombination events in wild-type strains. One important comparison was the lengths of gene conversion tracts. Gene conversion events are usually interpreted as reflecting heteroduplex formation between interacting DNA molecules, followed by repair of mismatches within the heteroduplex. In most models of recombination, the length of the gene conversion tract is a function of the length of single-stranded DNA generated by end resection. Since the Exo1p has an important role in end resection, a reduction in the lengths of gene conversion tracts in exo1 strains was expected. In accordance with this expectation, gene conversion tract lengths associated with spontaneous crossovers in exo1 strains were reduced about twofold relative to wild type. For UV-induced events, conversion tract lengths associated with crossovers were also shorter for the exo1 strain than for the wild-type strain (3.2 and 7.6 kb, respectively). Unexpectedly, however, the lengths of conversion tracts that were unassociated with crossovers were longer in the exo1 strain than in the wild-type strain (6.2 and 4.8 kb, respectively). Alternative models of recombination in which the lengths of conversion tracts are determined by break-induced replication or oversynthesis during strand invasion are proposed to account for these observations.  相似文献   

J. D. Hudson  H. Feilotter    P. G. Young 《Genetics》1990,126(2):309-315
In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cdc25 is a cell cycle regulated inducer of mitosis. wee1 and phenotypically wee alleles of cdc2 are epistatic to cdc25. Mutant alleles of a new locus, stf1 (suppressor of twenty-five), identified in a reversion analysis of conditionally lethal cdr1-76 cdc25-22 and cdr2-96 cdc25-22 double mutant strains, also suppress both temperature-sensitive and gene disruption alleles of cdc25. These mutants, by themselves, are phenotypically indistinguishable from wild type strains; hence they represent the first known mutations that are epistatic to cdc25 and do not display a wee phenotype. stf1 genetically interacts with other elements of mitotic control in S. pombe. stf1-1 is additive with wee1-50, cdc2-1w and cdc2-3w for suppression of cdc25-22. Also, like wee1- and cdc2-w, stf1- suppression of cdc25 is reversed by overexpression of the putative type 1 protein phosphatase bws1+/dis2+. Interaction with various mutants and plasmid overexpression experiments suggest that stf1 does not operate either upstream or downstream of wee1. Similarly, it does not operate through cdc25 since it rescues the disruption. stf1 appears to encode an important new element of mitotic control.  相似文献   

Faithful DNA replication with correct termination is essential for genome stability and transmission of genetic information. Here we have investigated the potential roles of Topoisomerase II (Top2) and the RecQ helicase Sgs1 during late stages of replication. We find that cells lacking Top2 and Sgs1 (or Top3) display two different characteristics during late S/G2 phase, checkpoint activation and accumulation of asymmetric X-structures, which are both independent of homologous recombination. Our data demonstrate that checkpoint activation is caused by a DNA structure formed at the strongest rDNA replication fork barrier (RFB) during replication termination, and consistently, checkpoint activation is dependent on the RFB binding protein, Fob1. In contrast, asymmetric X-structures are formed independent of Fob1 at less strong rDNA replication fork barriers. However, both checkpoint activation and formation of asymmetric X-structures are sensitive to conditions, which facilitate fork merging and progression of replication forks through replication fork barriers. Our data are consistent with a redundant role of Top2 and Sgs1 together with Top3 (Sgs1-Top3) in replication fork merging at rDNA barriers. At RFB either Top2 or Sgs1-Top3 is essential to prevent formation of a checkpoint activating DNA structure during termination, but at less strong rDNA barriers absence of the enzymes merely delays replication fork merging, causing an accumulation of asymmetric termination structures, which are solved over time.  相似文献   

真核生物的小G蛋白 Ran在进化过程中比较保守,它可直接参与细胞周期调控过程,它的缺失突变可以影响很多细胞生理进程。我们已经从小麦(Triticum aestivum L. cv. Jingdong No. 1) cDNA文库中克隆到一个新的RanGTPase的同源基因TaRAN1。在此基础上利用裂殖酵母模式系统研究了该基因的功能。研究结果表明,TaRAN1基因超表达可产生缺陷的纺锤体微管,这可能是导致我们以前观察到的异常染色体分离现象的原因。反义TaRAN1基因表达的酵母细胞,微管系统受到破坏。我们推测TaRAN1蛋白在细胞有丝分裂的纺锤体组装和维持微管系统的完整与稳定过程中起着重要作用。透射电镜观察实验结果显示, 超表达TaRAN1的酵母细胞具有异常的核膜结构,反义表达TaRAN1的酵母细胞有异常的液泡结构和紊乱的膜结构,由此推测, TaRAN1在整个核质运输事件中可能是必须的。  相似文献   

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