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The establishment of correct neurotransmitter characteristics is an essential step of neuronal fate specification in CNS development. However, very little is known about how a battery of genes involved in the determination of a specific type of chemical-driven neurotransmission is coordinately regulated during vertebrate development. Here, we investigated the gene regulatory networks that specify the cholinergic neuronal fates in the spinal cord and forebrain, specifically, spinal motor neurons (MNs) and forebrain cholinergic neurons (FCNs). Conditional inactivation of Isl1, a LIM homeodomain factor expressed in both differentiating MNs and FCNs, led to a drastic loss of cholinergic neurons in the developing spinal cord and forebrain. We found that Isl1 forms two related, but distinct types of complexes, the Isl1-Lhx3-hexamer in MNs and the Isl1-Lhx8-hexamer in FCNs. Interestingly, our genome-wide ChIP-seq analysis revealed that the Isl1-Lhx3-hexamer binds to a suite of cholinergic pathway genes encoding the core constituents of the cholinergic neurotransmission system, such as acetylcholine synthesizing enzymes and transporters. Consistently, the Isl1-Lhx3-hexamer directly coordinated upregulation of cholinergic pathways genes in embryonic spinal cord. Similarly, in the developing forebrain, the Isl1-Lhx8-hexamer was recruited to the cholinergic gene battery and promoted cholinergic gene expression. Furthermore, the expression of the Isl1-Lhx8-complex enabled the acquisition of cholinergic fate in embryonic stem cell-derived neurons. Together, our studies show a shared molecular mechanism that determines the cholinergic neuronal fate in the spinal cord and forebrain, and uncover an important gene regulatory mechanism that directs a specific neurotransmitter identity in vertebrate CNS development.  相似文献   

Nolz-1/Zfp503, a zinc finger-containing gene, is a mammalian member of the SP1-related nocA/elb/tlp-1 gene family. Previous studies have shown that Nolz-1 homologs are important for patterning the rhombomeres in zebrafish hindbrain. We therefore studied the expression pattern of Nolz-1 in the developing mouse hindbrain. Nolz-1 mRNA expression was detected in the prospective rhombomere 3, 5 and caudal regions as early as E8.75. After E11.5, Nolz-1-positive cells were organized as distinct cell clusters, and they were largely non-overlapped with either Pax2-positive or Phox2b-positive domains. Most interestingly, we found that Nolz-1 was specifically expressed by Phox2b-negative/Isl1/2-positive somatic motor neurons, but not by Phox2b-positive/Isl1/2-positive branchial and visceral motor neurons, suggesting that Nolz-1 may regulate development of somatic motor neurons in the hindbrain. In addition to be expressed in differentiating post-mitotic neurons, Nolz-1 was also expressed by progenitor cells in the ventricular zone located in the dorsal part of aqueduct and the alar plates of hindbrain, which suggests a regulatory role of Nolz-1 in the germinal zone. Taken together, based on its domain- and cell type-selective pattern, Nolz-1 may involve in regulation of various developmental processes, including regional patterning and cell-type specification and differentiation in the developing mouse hindbrain.  相似文献   

LIM homeobox genes have a prominent role in the regulation of neuronal subtype identity and distinguish motor neuron subclasses in the embryonic spinal cord. We have investigated the role of Isl-class LIM homeodomain proteins in motor neuron diversification using mouse genetic methods. All spinal motor neuron subtypes initially express both Isl1 and Isl2, but Isl2 is rapidly downregulated by visceral motor neurons. Mouse embryos lacking Isl2 function exhibit defects in the migration and axonal projections of thoracic level motor neurons that appear to reflect a cell-autonomous switch from visceral to somatic motor neuron character. Additional genetic mutations that reduce or eliminate both Isl1 and Isl2 activity result in more pronounced defects in visceral motor neuron generation and erode somatic motor neuron character. Thus, an early phase of high Isl expression and activity in newly generated motor neurons permits the diversification of visceral and somatic motor neuron subtypes in the developing spinal cord.  相似文献   

The sorting nexin (SNX) family proteins, which contain a Phox homology (PX) domain, play crucial roles in regulating the intracellular membrane trafficking of the endocytic pathway. The proper coordination of this pathway is important for axonal elongation; however, little is known about the expression and intracellular dynamics of the SNX members during the formation of the nervous system. Here the authors found that SNX18, which belongs to the Src-homology-3-PX-Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs domain-containing SNX subfamily, was specifically expressed in differentiating motor neurons in the chick and mouse embryonic spinal cord. The expression of SNX18 in embryonic spinal motor neurons was transient and was downregulated as the neurons matured. The authors further demonstrated that the localization of EGFP-SNX18 in growth cones was dynamically regulated and accumulated especially at areas in contact with permissive substrates. These findings collectively suggest that SNX18 may play an active role in axonal elongation.  相似文献   

We report that the zebrafish mutation soulless, in which the development of locus coeruleus (LC) noradrenergic (NA) neurons failed to occur, disrupts the homeodomain protein Phox2a. Phox2a is not only necessary but also sufficient to induce Phox2b+ dopamine-beta-hydroxylase+ and tyrosine hydroxylase+ NA neurons in ectopic locations. Phox2a is first detected in LC progenitors in the dorsal anterior hindbrain, and its expression there is dependent on FGF8 from the mid/hindbrain boundary and on optimal concentrations of BMP signal from the epidermal ectoderm/future dorsal neural plate junction. These findings suggest that Phox2a coordinates the specification of LC in part through the induction of Phox2b and in response to cooperating signals that operate along the mediolateral and anteroposterior axes of the neural plate.  相似文献   

What causes motor neurons to project into the periphery is not well understood. We here show that forced expression of the homeodomain protein Phox2b, shown previously to be necessary and sufficient for branchio-visceromotor neuron development, and of its paralogue Phox2a imposes a branchiomotor-like axonal phenotype in the spinal cord. Many Phox2-transfected neurons, whose axons would normally stay within the confines of the neural tube, now project into the periphery. Once outside the neural tube, a fraction of the ectopic axons join the spinal accessory nerve, a branchiomotor nerve which, as shown here, does not develop in the absence of Phox2b. Explant studies show that the axons of Phox2-transfected neurons need attractive cues to leave the neural tube and that their outgrowth is promoted by tissues, to which branchio-visceromotor fibers normally grow. Hence, Phox2 expression is a key step in determining the peripheral axonal phenotype and thus the decision to stay within the neural tube or to project out of it.  相似文献   

During development, the vertebrate hindbrain is subdivided along its anteroposterior axis into a series of segmental bulges called rhombomeres. These segments in turn generate a repeated pattern of rhombomere-specific neurons, including reticular and branchiomotor neurons. In amphioxus (Cephalochordata), the sister group of the vertebrates, a bona fide segmented hindbrain is lacking, although the embryonic brain vesicle shows molecular anteroposterior regionalization. Therefore, evaluation of the segmental patterning of the central nervous system of agnathan embryos is relevant to our understanding of the origin of the developmental plan of the vertebrate hindbrain. To investigate the neuronal organization of the hindbrain of the Japanese lamprey, Lethenteron japonicum, we retrogradely labeled the reticulospinal and branchial motoneurons. By combining this analysis with a study of the expression patterns of genes identifying specific rhombomeric territories such as LjKrox20, LjPax6, LjEphC and LjHox3, we found that the reticular neurons in the lamprey hindbrain, including isthmic, bulbar and Mauthner cells, develop in conserved rhombomere-specific positions, similar to those in the zebrafish. By contrast, lamprey trigeminal and facial motor nuclei are not in register with rhombomere boundaries, unlike those of gnathostomes. The trigeminal-facial boundary corresponds to the rostral border of LjHox3 expression in the middle of rhombomere 4. Exogenous application of retinoic acid (RA) induced a rostral shift of both the LjHox3 expression domain and branchiomotor nuclei with no obvious repatterning of rhombomeric segmentation and reticular neurons. Therefore, whereas subtype variations of motoneuron identity along the anteroposterior axis may rely on Hox-dependent positional values, as in gnathostomes, such variations in the lamprey are not constrained by hindbrain segmentation. We hypothesize that the registering of hindbrain segmentation and neuronal patterning may have been acquired through successive and independent stepwise patterning changes during evolution.  相似文献   

Vasotocin/vasopressin is a neuropeptide that regulates social and reproductive behaviors in a variety of animals including fish. Arginine vasotocin (AVT) is expressed by cells in the ventral hypothalamic and preoptic areas in the diencephalon during embryogenesis in zebrafish suggesting that vasotocin might mediate other functions within the CNS prior to the development of social and reproductive behaviors. In order to examine potential early roles for vasotocin we cloned two zebrafish vasotocin receptors homologous to AVPR1a. The receptors are expressed primarily in the CNS in similar but generally non-overlapping patterns. Both receptors are expressed in the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain by larval stage. Of note, AVTR1a-expressing neurons in the hindbrain appear to be contacted by the axons of preoptic neurons in the forebrain that include avt+ neurons and sensory axons in the lateral longitudinal fasciculus (LLF). Furthermore, AVTR1a-expressing hindbrain neurons extend axons into the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) that contains axons of many neurons thought to be involved in locomotor responses to sensory stimulation. One hypothesis consistent with this anatomy is that AVT signaling mediates or gates sensory input to motor circuits in the hindbrain and spinal cord.  相似文献   

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