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We studied the chronological lifespan of glucose‐grown Saccharomyces cerevisiae in relation to the function of intact peroxisomes. We analyzed four different peroxisome‐deficient (pex) phenotypes. These included Δpex3 cells that lack peroxisomal membranes and in which all peroxisomal proteins are mislocalized together with Δpex6 in which all matrix proteins are mislocalized to the cytosol, whereas membrane proteins are still correctly sorted to peroxisomal ghosts. In addition, we analyzed two mutants in which the peroxisomal location of the β‐oxidation machinery is in part disturbed. We analyzed Δpex7 cells that contain virtually normal peroxisomes, except that all matrix proteins that contain a peroxisomal targeting signal type 2 (PTS2, also including thiolase), are mislocalized to the cytosol. In Δpex5 cells, peroxisomes only contain matrix proteins with a PTS2 in conjunction with all proteins containing a peroxisomal targeting signal type 1 (PTS1, including all β‐oxidation enzymes except thiolase) are mislocalized to the cytosol. We show that intact peroxisomes are an important factor in yeast chronological aging because all pex mutants showed a reduced chronological lifespan. The strongest reduction was observed in Δpex5 cells. Our data indicate that this is related to the complete inactivation of the peroxisomal β‐oxidation pathway in these cells due to the mislocalization of thiolase. Our studies suggest that during chronological aging, peroxisomal β‐oxidation contributes to energy generation by the oxidation of fatty acids that are released by degradation of storage materials and recycled cellular components during carbon starvation conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper we report the isolation and preliminary characterisation of nuclear mutants with increased mitochondrial mutability in fission yeast. Screening of about 2000 clones after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis led to the isolation of ten mutator mutants. For one of them (mut-1) we show that the mutation is chromosomally encoded. The activity of the mutator is restricted to the mitochondrial genome, since it increases the mutation rate to mitochondrially encoded drug resistance considerably, whereas the mutability of nuclear genes is not altered.  相似文献   

Chronological and replicative aging have been studied in yeast as alternative paradigms for post-mitotic and mitotic aging, respectively. It has been known for more than a decade that cells of the S288C background aged chronologically in rich medium have reduced replicative lifespan relative to chronologically young cells. Here we report replication of this observation in the diploid BY4743 strain background. We further show that the reduction in replicative lifespan from chronological aging is accelerated when cells are chronologically aged under standard conditions in synthetic complete medium rather than rich medium. The loss of replicative potential with chronological age is attenuated by buffering the pH of the chronological aging medium to 6.0, an intervention that we have previously shown can extend chronological lifespan. These data demonstrate that extracellular acidification of the culture medium can cause intracellular damage in the chronologically aging population that is asymmetrically segregated by the mother cell to limit subsequent replicative lifespan.  相似文献   

Chronological and replicative aging have been studied in yeast as alternative paradigms for post-mitotic and mitotic aging, respectively. It has been known for more than a decade that cells of the S288C background aged chronologically in rich medium have reduced replicative lifespan relative to chronologically young cells. Here we report replication of this observation in the diploid BY4743 strain background. We further show that the reduction in replicative lifespan from chronological aging is accelerated when cells are chronologically aged under standard conditions in synthetic complete medium rather than rich medium. The loss of replicative potential with chronological age is attenuated by buffering the pH of the chronological aging medium to 6.0, an intervention that we have previously shown can extend chronological lifespan. These data demonstrate that extracellular acidification of the culture medium can cause intracellular damage in the chronologically aging population that is asymmetrically segregated by the mother cell to limit subsequent replicative lifespan.  相似文献   

The discovery that genetic mutations in several cellular pathways can increase lifespan has lent support to the notion that pharmacological inhibition of aging pathways can be used to extend lifespan and to slow the onset of age‐related diseases. However, so far, only few compounds with such activities have been described. Here, we have conducted a chemical genetic screen for compounds that cause the extension of chronological lifespan of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We have characterized eight natural products with such activities, which has allowed us to uncover so far unknown anti‐aging pathways in S. pombe. The ionophores monensin and nigericin extended lifespan by affecting vacuolar acidification, and this effect depended on the presence of the vacuolar ATPase (V‐ATPase) subunits Vma1 and Vma3. Furthermore, prostaglandin J2 displayed anti‐aging properties due to the inhibition of mitochondrial fission, and its effect on longevity required the mitochondrial fission protein Dnm1 as well as the G‐protein‐coupled glucose receptor Git3. Also, two compounds that inhibit guanosine monophosphate (GMP) synthesis, mycophenolic acid (MPA) and acivicin, caused lifespan extension, indicating that an imbalance in guanine nucleotide levels impinges upon longevity. We furthermore have identified diindolylmethane (DIM), tschimganine, and the compound mixture mangosteen as inhibiting aging. Taken together, these results reveal unanticipated anti‐aging activities for several phytochemicals and open up opportunities for the development of novel anti‐aging therapies.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) extends the mean and maximum lifespan of a wide variety of organisms ranging from yeast to mammals, although the molecular mechanisms of action remain unclear. For the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae reducing glucose in the growth medium extends both the replicative and chronological lifespans (CLS). The conserved NAD(+)-dependent histone deacetylase, Sir2p, promotes replicative longevity in S. cerevisiae by suppressing recombination within the ribosomal DNA locus and has been proposed to mediate the effects of CR on aging. In this study, we investigated the functional relationships of the yeast Sirtuins (Sir2p, Hst1p, Hst2p, Hst3p and Hst4p) with CLS and CR. SIR2, HST2, and HST4 were not major regulators of CLS and were not required for the lifespan extension caused by shifting the glucose concentration from 2 to 0.5% (CR). Deleting HST1 or HST3 moderately shortened CLS, but did not prevent CR from extending lifespan. CR therefore works through a Sirtuin-independent mechanism in the chronological aging system. We also show that low temperature or high osmolarity additively extends CLS when combined with CR, suggesting that these stresses and CR act through separate pathways. The CR effect on CLS was not specific to glucose. Restricting other simple sugars such as galactose or fructose also extended lifespan. Importantly, growth on nonfermentable carbon sources that force yeast to exclusively utilize respiration extended lifespan at nonrestricted concentrations and provided no additional benefit when restricted, suggesting that elevated respiration capacity is an important determinant of chronological longevity.  相似文献   

Pluripotent stem cells are known to display distinct metabolic phenotypes than their somatic counterparts. While accumulating studies are focused on the roles of glucose and amino acid metabolism in facilitating pluripotency, little is known regarding the role of lipid metabolism in regulation of stem cell activities. Here, we show that fatty acid (FA) synthesis activation is critical for stem cell pluripotency. Our initial observations demonstrated enhanced lipogenesis in pluripotent cells and during cellular reprogramming. Further analysis indicated that de novo FA synthesis controls cellular reprogramming and embryonic stem cell pluripotency through mitochondrial fission. Mechanistically, we found that de novo FA synthesis regulated by the lipogenic enzyme ACC1 leads to the enhanced mitochondrial fission via (i) consumption of AcCoA which affects acetylation‐mediated FIS1 ubiquitin–proteasome degradation and (ii) generation of lipid products that drive the mitochondrial dynamic equilibrium toward fission. Moreover, we demonstrated that the effect of Acc1 on cellular reprogramming via mitochondrial fission also exists in human iPSC induction. In summary, our study reveals a critical involvement of the FA synthesis pathway in promoting ESC pluripotency and iPSC formation via regulating mitochondrial fission.  相似文献   

Migration of fragmented mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to the nucleus has been shown to occur in multiple species including yeast, plants, and mammals. Several human diseases, including Pallister–Hall syndrome and mucolipidosis, can be initiated by mtDNA insertion mutagenesis of nuclear DNA. In yeast, we demonstrated that the rate of mtDNA fragments translocating to the nucleus increases during chronological aging. The yeast chronological lifespan (CLS) is determined by the survival of nondividing cell populations. Whereas yeast strains with elevated migration rates of mtDNA fragments to the nucleus showed accelerated chronological aging, strains with decreased mtDNA transfer rates to the nucleus exhibited an extended CLS. Although one of the most popular theories of aging is the free radical theory, migration of mtDNA fragments to the nucleus may also contribute to the chronological aging process by possibly increasing nuclear genomic instability in cells with advanced age.  相似文献   

Fluoroacetate-sensitive mutant strains, K–20 and S–22, of Candida lipolytica could not grow or could only slightly grow on agar media containing di- or tricarboxylic acid involved in the TCA-cycle as the sole source of carbon. Relative activities of aconitate hydratase in the cells of the mutant strains, K-20 and S-22, were approximately 1/10 and 1/100, against that of the parent strain, respectively. This facts support the statement that the mutant strains were extremely sensitive to monofiuoroacetate.

The aconitate hydratase activities of these mutant strains and the parent strain corresponded well to the citric to (+)-isocitric acid ratio in the final fermented broths.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are multi-functional organelles that differ in size and abundance depending on the species, cell type, developmental stage, and metabolic and environmental conditions. The PEROXIN11 protein family and the DYNAMIN-RELATED PROTEIN3A (DRP3A) protein have been shown previously to play key roles in peroxisome division in Arabidopsis. To establish a mechanistic model of peroxisome division in plants, we employed forward and reverse genetic approaches to identify more proteins involved in this process. In this study, we identified three new components of the Arabidopsis peroxisome division apparatus: DRP3B, a homolog of DRP3A, and FISSION1A and 1B (FIS1A and 1B), two homologs of the yeast and mammalian FIS1 proteins that mediate the fission of peroxisomes and mitochondria by tethering the DRP proteins to the membrane. DRP3B is partially targeted to peroxisomes and causes defects in peroxisome fission when the gene function is disrupted. drp3A drp3B double mutants display stronger deficiencies than each single mutant parent with respect to peroxisome abundance, seedling establishment and plant growth, suggesting partial functional redundancy between DRP3A and DRP3B. In addition, FIS1A and FIS1B are each dual-targeted to peroxisomes and mitochondria; their mutants show growth inhibition and contain peroxisomes and mitochondria with incomplete fission, enlarged size and reduced number. Our results demonstrate that both DRP3 and FIS1 protein families contribute to peroxisome fission in Arabidopsis, and support the view that DRP and FIS1 orthologs are common components of the peroxisomal and mitochondrial division machineries in diverse eukaryotic species.  相似文献   

The modification of proteins by the small ubiquitin‐like modifier (SUMO) is known to regulate an increasing array of cellular processes. SUMOylation of the mitochondrial fission GTPase dynamin‐related protein 1 (DRP1) stimulates mitochondrial fission, suggesting that SUMOylation has an important function in mitochondrial dynamics. The conjugation of SUMO to its substrates requires a regulatory SUMO E3 ligase; however, so far, none has been functionally associated with the mitochondria. By using biochemical assays, overexpression and RNA interference experiments, we characterized the mitochondrial‐anchored protein ligase (MAPL) as the first mitochondrial‐anchored SUMO E3 ligase. Furthermore, we show that DRP1 is a substrate for MAPL, providing a direct link between MAPL and the fission machinery. Importantly, the large number of unidentified mitochondrial SUMO targets suggests a global role for SUMOylation in mitochondrial function, placing MAPL as a crucial component in the regulation of multiple conjugation events.  相似文献   

Mitochondria form intricate networks through fission and fusion events. Here, we identify mitochondrial dynamics proteins of 49 and 51 kDa (MiD49 and MiD51, respectively) anchored in the mitochondrial outer membrane. MiD49/51 form foci and rings around mitochondria similar to the fission mediator dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1). MiD49/51 directly recruit Drp1 to the mitochondrial surface, whereas their knockdown reduces Drp1 association, leading to unopposed fusion. Overexpression of MiD49/51 seems to sequester Drp1 from functioning at mitochondria and cause fused tubules to associate with actin. Thus, MiD49/51 are new mediators of mitochondrial division affecting Drp1 action at mitochondria.  相似文献   

The free radical theory of aging states that oxidative damage to biomolecules causes aging and that antioxidants neutralize free radicals and thus decelerate aging. Mitochondria produce most of the reactive oxygen species, but at the same time have many antioxidant enzymes providing protection from these oxidants. Expecting that cells without mitochondrial antioxidant genes would accumulate higher levels of oxidative damage and, therefore, will have a shorter lifespan, we analyzed oxidative damages to biomolecules in young and chronologically aged mutants lacking the mitochondrial antioxidant genes: GRX2, CCP1, SOD1, GLO4, TRR2, TRX3, CCS1, SOD2, GRX5, and PRX1. Among these mutants, ccp1Δ, trx3Δ, grx5Δ, prx1Δ, mutants were sensitive to diamide, and ccs1Δ and sod2Δ were sensitive to both diamide and menadione. Most of the mutants were less viable in stationary phase. Chronologically aged cells produced higher amount of superoxide radical and accumulated higher levels of oxidative damages. Even though our results support the findings that old cells harbor higher amount of molecular damages, no significant difference was observed between wild type and mutant cells in terms of their damage content.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that evolutionarily distant organisms share the key features of the aging process and exhibit similar mechanisms of its modulation by certain genetic, dietary and pharmacological interventions. The scope of this review is to analyze mechanisms that in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae underlie: (1) the replicative and chronological modes of aging; (2) the convergence of these 2 modes of aging into a single aging process; (3) a programmed differentiation of aging cell communities in liquid media and on solid surfaces; and (4) longevity-defining responses of cells to some chemical compounds released to an ecosystem by other organisms populating it. Based on such analysis, we conclude that all these mechanisms are programs for upholding the long-term survival of the entire yeast population inhabiting an ecological niche; however, none of these mechanisms is a ?program of aging? - i.e., a program for progressing through consecutive steps of the aging process.  相似文献   

Membrane remodeling is an important aspect in organelle biogenesis. We show that different peroxisome membrane proteins that play a role in organelle biogenesis and proliferation (Pex8, Pex10, Pex14, Pex25 and Pex11) are subject to spatiotemporal behavior during organelle development. Using fluorescence microscopy analysis of Hansenula polymorpha dnm1 cells that are blocked in the normal fission process, we show that green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions of Pex8, Pex10, Pex14 and Pex25 show enhanced fluorescence at the organelle extensions that are formed in budding cells. In contrast, Pex11 fluorescence is enriched at the base of this extension on the mother organelle. A fusion protein of GFP with the transporter Pmp47, used as a control, did not show enhanced fluorescence at any specific region of the organelle. The concentration of specific peroxins at the peroxisome surface was lost upon deletion of PEX11 or the N-terminal domain of Pex11 that is involved in membrane remodeling. Comparable distribution patterns as in dnm1 cells were observed in wild-type cells where Pex8, Pex10, Pex14 and Pex25, but not Pex11, were especially present at newly formed organelles that migrated to the bud. We speculate that peroxin reorganization events result in enhanced levels of peroxins involved in peroxisome biogenesis in nascent organelles.  相似文献   

The Sgs1 protein from Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a member of the RecQ helicases. Defects in RecQ helicases result in premature aging phenotypes in both yeasts and humans, which appear to be promoted by replicative stress. Yeast rad27 mutants also suffer from premature aging. As the human Rad27p and Sgs1p homologs interact, a similar interaction between the yeast proteins could be important for promoting longevity in S. cerevisiae. We tested the contribution of a potential interaction between Rad27p and Sgs1p to longevity by analyzing lifespan and parameters associated with longevity in rad27 and sgs1 mutants. The carbon source supporting growth also modulated longevity as evaluated by replicative and chronological lifespan measurements. Growth on glycerol promoted chronological lifespan, while maximum replicative lifespan was obtained with glucose-supported growth. In comparison to the individual mutants, the sgs1 rad27 double mutant displayed a shortened replicative lifespan and was also more sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. In addition to promoting replicative lifespan, the activity of Rad27p was critical for achieving full chronological lifespan. The rad27 mutants exhibited increased oxidative stress levels along with an elevated spontaneous mutation rate. Removal of Sgs1p activity additionally increased the oxidative stress and spontaneous mutation rate in rad27 mutants without affecting the chronological lifespan.  相似文献   

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