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The neuronal scaffolding protein AIDA-1 is believed to act as a convener of signals arising at postsynaptic densities. Among the readily identifiable domains in AIDA-1, two closely juxtaposed sterile alpha motif (SAM) domains and a phosphotyrosine binding domain are located within the C-terminus of the longest splice variant and exclusively in four shorter splice variants. As a first step towards understanding the possible emergent properties arising from this assembly of ligand binding domains, we have used NMR methods to solve the first structure of a SAM domain tandem. Separated by a 15-aa linker, the two SAM domains are fused in a head-to-tail orientation that has been observed in other hetero- and homotypic SAM domain structures. The basic nuclear import signal for AIDA-1 is buried at the interface between the two SAM domains. An observed disparity between the thermal stabilities of the two SAM domains suggests a mechanism whereby the second SAM domain decouples from the first SAM domain to facilitate translocation of AIDA-1 to the nucleus.  相似文献   

SUMOylation occurs predominantly in the nucleus, but non-nuclear proteins can also be SUMOylated. It is unclear how intracellular trafficking of the SUMOylation enzymes is regulated to catalyze SUMOylation in different cellular compartments. Here we report that the SAE2 subunit of human SUMO activation enzyme (SAE) underwent rapid nucleocytoplasmic shuttling and its nuclear accumulation depended on SUMO modification at the C terminus. The SUMOylation sites included three Lys residues on the bipartite nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and two Lys residues outside of but adjacent to the NLS, and their SUMOylation was catalyzed by Ubc9. Because SAE2 forms a tight heterodimer with SAE1 and it controls the trafficking of the heterodimer, this study has identified the mechanism used to localize SAE to the nucleus. Similar mechanisms are likely to exist for other proteins that depend on SUMOylation for nuclear localization.  相似文献   

RhoG is a member of the Rho family of GTPases that activates Rac1 and Cdc42 through a microtubule-dependent pathway. To gain understanding of RhoG downstream signaling, we performed a yeast two-hybrid screen from which we identified kinectin, a 156-kDa protein that binds in vitro to conventional kinesin and enhances microtubule-dependent kinesin ATPase activity. We show that RhoG(GTP) specifically interacts with the central domain of kinectin, which also contains a RhoA binding domain in its C terminus. Interaction was confirmed by coprecipitation of kinectin with active RhoG(G12V) in COS-7 cells. RhoG, kinectin, and kinesin colocalize in REF-52 and COS-7 cells, mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum but also in lysosomes. Kinectin distribution in REF-52 cells is modulated according to endogenous RhoG activity. In addition, by using injection of anti-kinectin antibodies that challenge RhoG-kinectin interaction or by blocking anti-kinesin antibodies, we show that RhoG morphogenic activity relies on kinectin interaction and kinesin activity. Finally, kinectin overexpression elicits Rac1- and Cdc42-dependent cytoskeletal effects and switches cells to a RhoA phenotype when RhoG activity is inhibited or microtubules are disrupted. The functional links among RhoG, kinectin, and kinesin are further supported by time-lapse videomicroscopy of COS-7 cells, which showed that the microtubule-dependent lysosomal transport is facilitated by RhoG activation or kinectin overexpression and is severely stemmed upon RhoG inhibition. These data establish that kinectin is a key mediator of microtubule-dependent RhoG activity and suggest that kinectin also mediates RhoG- and RhoA-dependent antagonistic pathways.  相似文献   

磷脂酰肌醇-4,5-二磷酸(phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate,PIP2)是一种分布在细胞膜内侧面的微量磷脂。虽然含量很低,但PIP2在细胞信号转导以及膜蛋白功能调节等方面却起着十分重要的作用。细胞膜中PIP2的含量水平呈动态平衡,在其代谢调节改变时,PIP2局部浓度的变化可影响特定蛋白的功能。该文就近二十年来针对PIP2信号和PIP2代谢调节相关的研究作一综述。  相似文献   

Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare recessive disease, characterized by congenital defects, bone marrow failure, and increased cancer susceptibility. FA is caused by biallelic mutation of any one of sixteen genes. The protein products of these genes function cooperatively in the FA-BRCA pathway to repair DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs). A central step in the activation of this pathway is the monoubiquitination of the FANCD2 and FANCI proteins. Monoubiquitinated FANCD2 and FANCI localize to discrete chromatin regions where they function in ICL repair. Despite their critical role in ICL repair, very little is known about the structure, function, and regulation of the FANCD2 and FANCI proteins, or how they are targeted to the nucleus and chromatin. In this study, we describe the functional characterization of an amino-terminal FANCD2 nuclear localization signal (NLS). We demonstrate that the amino terminal 58 amino acids of FANCD2 can promote the nuclear expression of GFP and is necessary for the nuclear localization of FANCD2. Importantly, mutation of this FANCD2 NLS reveals that intact FANCD2 is required for the nuclear localization of a subset of FANCI. In addition, the NLS is necessary for the efficient monoubiquitination of FANCD2 and FANCI and, consequently, for their localization to chromatin. As a result, FANCD2 NLS mutants fail to rescue the ICL sensitivity of FA-D2 patient cells. Our studies yield important insight into the domain structure of the poorly characterized FANCD2 protein, and reveal a previously unknown mechanism for the coordinate nuclear import of a subset of FANCD2 and FANCI, a key early step in the cellular ICL response.  相似文献   

Stable overexpression of myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate (MARCKS) is known to enhance phorbol ester stimulation of phospholipase D (PLD) activity and protein kinase Cα (PKCα) levels in SK–N–MC neuroblastoma cells. In contrast, expression of MARCKS mutants (S152A or S156A) lacking key PKC phosphorylation sites within the central basic effector domain (ED) had no significant effect on PLD activity or PKCα levels relative to vector control cells. Like control cells, those expressing wild type MARCKS were elongated and possessed longitudinally oriented stress fibers, although these cells were more prone to detach from the substratum and undergo cell death upon phorbol ester treatment. However, cells expressing MARCKS ED mutants were irregularly shaped and stress fibers were either shorter or less abundant, and cell adhesion and viability were not affected. These results suggest that intact phosphorylation sites within the MARCKS ED are required for PLD activation and influence both membrane-cytoskeletal organization and cell viability.  相似文献   

A DNA-binding domain (DBD) was identified on simian virus 40 (SV40) major capsid protein Vp1, and the domain's function in the SV40 life cycle was examined. The DBD was mapped by assaying various recombinant Vp1 proteins for DNA binding in vitro. The carboxy-terminal 58-residue truncated Vp1DeltaC58 pentamer bound DNA with a K(d) of 1.8 x 10(-9) M in terms of the protein pentamer, while full-length Vp1 and carboxy-terminal-17-truncated Vp1DeltaC17 had comparable apparent K(d)s of 5.3 x 10(-9) to 7.3 x 10(-9) M in terms of the protein monomers. Previously identified on Vp1 was a nuclear localization signal (NLS) consisting of two N-terminal basic clusters, NLS1 (4-KRK-6) and NLS2 (15-KKPK-18). Vp1DeltaC58 pentamers harboring multiple-point mutations in NLS1 (NLSm1), NLS2 (NLSm2), or both basic clusters (NLSm1. 2) had progressively decreased DNA-binding activity, down to 0.7% of the Vp1DeltaC58 level for NLSm1. 2 Vp1. These data, along with those of N-terminally truncated proteins, placed the DBD in overlap with the bipartite NLS. The role of the Vp1 DBD during infection was investigated by taking advantage of NLS phenotypic complementation (N. Ishii, A. Nakanishi, M. Yamada, M. H. Macalalad, and H. Kasamatsu, J. Virol. 68:8209-8216, 1994), in which an NLS-defective Vp1 could localize to the nucleus in the presence of wild-type minor capsid proteins Vp2 and Vp3. This approach made it possible to dissect the role of the bifunctional Vp1 NLS-DBD in virion assembly in the nucleus. Mutants of the viable nonoverlapping SV40 (NO-SV40) DNA NLSm1, NLSm2, and NLSm1. 2 replicated normally following transfection into host cells and produced capsid proteins at normal levels. All mutant Vp1s were able to interact with Vp3 in vitro. The mutants NLSm1 and NLSm1. 2 were nonviable, and the mutant Vp1s unexpectedly failed to localize to the nucleus though Vp2 and Vp3 did, suggesting that the mutated NLS1 acted as a dominant signal for the cytoplasmic localization of Vp1. Mutant NLSm2, for which the mutant Vp1's nuclear localization defect was complemented by Vp2 and Vp3, displayed a 5,000-fold reduced viability. Analysis of NLSm2 DNA-transfected cell lysate revealed a 10-fold reduction in the level of DNase I-protected viral DNA, and yet virion-like particles were found among the DNase I-resistant material. Collective results support a role for Vp1 NLS2-DBD2 in the assembly of virion particles. The results also suggest that this determinant can function in the infection of new cells.  相似文献   

Catalase is a key antioxidant enzyme that catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to water and oxygen, and it appears to shuttle between the cytoplasm and peroxisome via unknown mechanisms. Valosin-containing protein (VCP) belongs to the AAA class of ATPases and is involved in diverse cellular functions, e.g. cell cycle and protein degradation, etc. Here we show that VCP and PEX19, a protein essential for peroxisome biogenesis, interact with each other. Knockdown of either VCP or PEX19 resulted in a predominantly cytoplasmic redistribution of catalase, and loss of VCP ATPase activity also increased its cytoplasmic redistribution. Moreover, VCP knockdown decreased intracellular ROS levels in normal and H2O2-treated cells, and an oxidation-resistant VCP impaired the ROS-induced cytoplasmic redistribution of catalase. These observations reveal a novel feedback mechanism, in which VCP can sense H2O2 levels, and regulates them by controlling the localization of catalase.  相似文献   

真核细胞核膜上的核孔复合体 (nuclear pore complex, NPC) 是细胞核内外进行物质交换的主要通道, 分子量较小的化合物可自由通过NPC或采取被动扩散的方式进入细胞核, 而分子量为50 kD以上的蛋白质则只能通过主动转运进入细胞核. 以这种方式进入细胞核的 蛋白质必须在其氨基酸序列上拥有特殊的核定位信号(nuclear localization signal, NLS)以被相应的核转运蛋白(karyopherins) 识别. 核定位信号具有多样性, 包括经典核定位信号(classical NLS,cNLS), 内输蛋白β2识别的核定位信号(又称PY模体-NLS)和其它类型的NLS. 每一类NLS具有相似的特征, 但并不具有完全保守的氨基酸组成. 不同的NLS, 往往对应着各不相同的核输入机制. 而对同一蛋白质来说, 也可能同时拥有几个功能性的NLS. 研究核定位信号一方面可以帮助揭示新的大分子物质核转运机制, 另一方面也有助于发现一些蛋白质的新功能. 本文对常见NLS的分类进行了总结, 并介绍了两种常用的NLS预测软件及鉴定NLS的一般策略.  相似文献   

Huntington disease is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by the pathological expansion of a polyglutamine tract. In this study we directly assess the influence of protein size on the formation and subcellular localization of huntingtin aggregates. We have created numerous deletion constructs expressing successively smaller fragments of huntingtin and show that these smaller proteins containing 128 glutamines form both intranuclear and perinuclear aggregates. In contrast, larger NH2-terminal fragments of huntingtin proteins with 128 glutamines form exclusively perinuclear aggregates. These aggregates can form in the absence of endogenous huntingtin. Furthermore, expression of mutant huntingtin results in increased susceptibility to apoptotic stress that is greater with decreasing protein length and increasing polyglutamine size. As both intranuclear and perinuclear aggregates are clearly associated with increased cellular toxicity, this supports an important role for toxic polyglutamine-containing fragments forming aggregates and playing a key role in the pathogenesis of Huntington disease.  相似文献   

To initiate infection, herpesviruses must navigate to and transport their genomes across the nuclear pore. VP1-2 is a large structural protein of the virion that is conserved in all herpesviruses and plays multiple essential roles in virus replication, including roles in early entry. VP1-2 contains an N-terminal basic motif which functions as an efficient nuclear localization signal (NLS). In this study, we constructed a mutant HSV strain, K.VP1-2ΔNLS, which contains a 7-residue deletion of the core NLS at position 475. This mutant fails to spread in normal cells but can be propagated in complementing cell lines. Electron microscopy (EM) analysis of infection in noncomplementing cells demonstrated capsid assembly, cytoplasmic envelopment, and the formation of extracellular enveloped virions. Furthermore, extracellular virions isolated from noncomplementing cells had similar profiles and abundances of structural proteins. Virions containing VP1-2ΔNLS were able to enter and be transported within cells. However, further progress of infection was prevented, with at least a 500- to 1,000-fold reduction in the efficiency of initiating gene expression compared to that in the revertant. Ultrastructural and immunofluorescence analyses revealed that the K.VP1-2ΔNLS mutant was blocked at the microtubule organizing center or immediately upstream of nuclear pore docking and prior to gene expression. These results indicate that the VP1-2 NLS is not required for the known assembly functions of the protein but is a key requirement for the early routing to the nuclear pore that is necessary for successful infection. Given its conservation, we propose that this motif may also be critical for entry of other classes of herpesviruses.  相似文献   

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