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The organisation of the coastal rocky fish community of Lebanon was investigated for the first time, using visual censuses. A total of 62 fish species were recorded between the surface and 32 m depth, 8 species being Red Sea migrants. Species richness and fish abundance were positively correlated first with substrate complexity and second with depth. The trophic structure of the community was dominated by diurnal zooplanktivores (Chromis chromis, Oblada melanura and Spicara smaris) and mesocarnivores 1 (Coris julis and Thalassoma pavo), and did not vary significantly with depth. The Lessepsian migrants represented 13% of the species richness and 19% of the total abundance of individuals. They dominated among herbivores, nocturnal zooplanktivores and macrocarnivores. The Lessepsian Siganus luridus and S. rivulatus (Siganidae), Pempheris vanicolensis (Pempheridae) and Sargocentron rubrum (Holocentridae) were now among the most common fish species on the Lebanese rocky coast. Lessepsian fish species displayed either similar ecological niches in the Red Sea and in the Levantine basin (P. vanicolensis, S. rubrum) or an enlargement of their depth distribution towards deeper waters in their new environment (S. luridus, S. rivulatus). This study will serve as a baseline for future studies as eastern Mediterranean communities are subjected to a steady increase in Red Sea migrant species.  相似文献   

陈颖涵  林元烧  郑连明  曹文清 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3382-3393
根据"908"专项北部湾2006—2007年四个季节的调查数据,分析了北部湾北部(20°N以北海域)水母类的种类组成、数量分布、优势种和群集结构特征及其环境影响因子。该区共记录水母类4类125种,分别为水螅水母类99种、管水母类17种、钵水母类4种和栉水母5种;以沿岸暖水种为主,占本区水母总种数的61.6%,其次是大洋暖水种,占37.6%,沿岸暖温种仅占0.8%。种数季节变化呈单峰型,夏季83种,冬季56种,秋季和春季各49种,四季均以水螅水母类为主。周年丰度变化呈单峰型,夏季(943.0个/m3)春季(572.4个/m3)冬季(548.2个/m3)秋季(427.6个/m3)。拟细浅室水母、双生水母、球型侧腕水母、四叶小舌水母、半口壮丽水母、两手筐水母、异摇篮水母、双小水母、单囊美螅水母、疣真囊水母、半球美螅水母、六幅和平水母、八囊摇篮水母、刺胞真囊水母、黑球真唇水母、端粗范式水母和细颈和平水母共17种全年出现,为四季种;其中,前7种为四季优势种,优势度(Y)分别为0.25、0.19、0.09、0.08、0.05、0.03和0.03,各季节的优势种演替模式不尽相同。依据水母种类和数量分布情况,北部湾北部水母类可划分2个群集:栖息在受沿岸流影响的20 m以浅的低盐群集,代表种有拟细浅室水母和双生水母等;栖息在受外海水影响的20 m以深的高盐群集,代表种有四叶小舌水母、半口壮丽水母和两手筐水母等。海流与水团的消长是影响水母类群集结构和水平分布格局的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 enabled the invasion of more than 100 alien fish species into the Mediterranean. The aim of the present study was to compare the diet of native and alien fish species and to identify possibly shared food resources. We examined the diet composition of 13 of the most abundant fish species (6 alien, 7 native) on shallow soft bottom off southern Israel. All 13 species are omnivorous/carnivorous. The native fish exhibited a wider diversity of food types than the aliens. Alien fish prey upon and are preyed by native species as well as by other alien fish. A high level of diet overlap was found among some species, the aliens Saurida lessepsianus and Scomberomorus commerson overlapped with the native Synodus saurus; and the alien Nemipterus randalli with the native species Pagrus caeruleostictus, Lithognathus mormyrus and Pagellus erythrinus. The identified diet overlap is discussed, and the possibility of competitive interactions between these species is considered.  相似文献   

We explored the relationships between features of host species and their environment, and the diversity, composition and structure of parasite faunas and communities using a large taxonomically consistent dataset of host-parasite associations and host-prey associations, and original environmental and host trait data (diet, trophic level, population density and habitat depth vagility) for the most abundant demersal fish species off the Catalonian coast of the Western Mediterranean. Altogether 98 species/taxa belonging to seven major parasite groups were recovered in 683 fish belonging to 10 species from seven families and four orders. Our analyses revealed that (i) the parasite fauna of the region is rich and dominated by digeneans; (ii) the host parasite faunas and communities exhibited wide variations in richness, abundance and similarity due to a strong phylogenetic component; (iii) the levels of host sharing were low and involved host generalists and larval parasites; (iv) the multivariate similarity pattern of prey samples showed significant associations with hosts and host trophic guilds; (v) prey compositional similarity was not associated with the similarity of trophically transmitted parasite assemblages; and (vi) phylogeny and fish autecological traits were the best predictors of parasite community metrics in the host-parasite system studied.  相似文献   

Labropoulou  M.  Papaconstantinou  C. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):281-296
The spatial structure and seasonal changes of the demersal fish assemblages on the continental shelf (100–200 m) and upper slope (200–500 m) in the North Aegean Sea (Northern Aegean and Thracian Seas, northeastern Mediterranean, Greece) were analysed. Seasonal experimental trawl surveys, carried out from summer 1990 to autumn 1993, provided a total of 151 demersal fish species. Analysis of 259 bottom trawls showed the existence of four groups associated with the continental shelf and the upper slope; each group was dominated by a small number of species. The bathymetric distribution of the species, established using measures of the centre of gravity and habitat width, revealed that most of the species had a wide distributional range within the study area, although a few were restricted to the greatest depths. Density, biomass, species richness and diversity decreased significantly with depth, and were also indicative of distinctive characteristics between these fish assemblages. Mean fish weight exhibited two different trends: a bigger-deeper phenomenon at the continental shelf and a smaller-deeper phenomenon at the upper slope. The variability in assemblage structure was determined mainly by depth and, to a lesser extent, by season and geographical location. For some species, results suggest a pattern of gradual species replacement along the depth gradient coupled with ontogenetic habitat shifts.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages along the longitudinal course of an old, disconnected and modified side arm of the Danube floodplain downstream of Vienna, Austria, as well as habitat structure, hydro‐morphological and hydro‐chemical factors, were investigated in order to analyse the key environmental determinants of the European mudminnow Umbra krameri. Generally, U. krameri was the most abundant species in the system. It occurred in disconnected ditches, ponds and pools with dense reed belts and comparatively low nutrient content, indicating its natural association with marsh habitats. At infrequently disturbed sites it was associated with a small group of stagnophilious and highly specialized species with adaptations to strong oxygen fluctuations. At frequently flooded sites, the species was absent or occurred in low abundances, indicating its adaptation to water bodies in older successional stages and its low competitive power in permanently connected floodplain habitats.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to understand lacewing diversity patterns and the role of environmental factors in determining lacewing diversity in four habitat types: agricultural area (crops and orchards), pine forest (Pinus nigra Arnold and, Pinus brutia Ten), natural forest (cedar and willow‐oak), and mixed forest (beech and oak). Several diversity patterns were evaluated, including evenness and dominance, in the East Mediterranean area of Turkey by analyzing the abundance and species composition of lacewing assemblages using the Simpson and Shannon Diversity Indices. It was questioned whether these communities are structured according to environmental conditions such as altitude, temperature, rainfall, wind and humidity. This question was explored using generalized linear models (GLMs) and principal component analysis (PCA) to detect the effect of ecological parameters on the species composition of the lacewing assemblages. The data suggest that the species abundance, composition, and diversity of lacewings are affected by different forest and agricultural habitat types. Based on the results of the present study, it is recommended that the area of farmland under cultivation is decreased and the area of sustainably managed forest and agricultural land is increased in order to better protect lacewing diversity in the East Mediterranean area of Turkey.  相似文献   

There was an intensive trawl fishery in the Enonselkä basin in Lake Vesijärvi (southern Finland) in 1989–1993 and thereafter the fishing intensity declined. The fish assemblage dynamics were studied both during the years of intensive trawling and for 3 years afterwards. Roach Rutilus rutilus dominated the fish assemblage before the mass removal. The intensive trawling effectively diminished the roach stock and the present fishing intensity has been sufficient to prevent its recovery. There were significant decreasing trends in the gillnet cpue (catch per unit effort) of bream Abramis brama (L.) and bleak Alburnus alburnus (L.) while increasing trend was observed in cpue of ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus (L.) and vendace Coregonus albula (L.). Perch Perca fluviatilis L. and pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca (L.) showed variations in cpue but no trends existed. The proportion of cyprinids decreased while that of percids and coregonids increased in the catches. The changes in the fish assemblage were induced by the intensive fishing and by the concomitant decline in the ecosystem productivity.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics in fish assemblage structure, comprising postlarval to early adult stages, in the surf zone on an exposed sandy beach on the Kashimanada coast were studied over a 2-year period. A total of 32 species and two higher group taxa were found. In terms of abundance, Salangichthys ishikawae, Mugil cephalus cephalus, Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis, and Engraulis japonicus were the four most dominant species. The results of cluster analysis and canonical correspondence analysis using 12 dominant species in terms of abundance revealed that water temperature and wind factor (wind speed × wind direction) had significant independent associations on species occurrence patterns for 11 species; that is, occurrence of 11 species was significantly related to water temperature and occurrence of 7 species was related to wind factor. Two species (S. ishikawae and P. altivelis altivelis) showed clear monthly increases in size, consequently suggesting their use of the surf zone as a nursery area. In contrast, M. cephalus cephalus and E. japonicus showed few increases in standard length, indicating their use of the surf zone only in their postlarval and/or juvenile stage. It is suggested that numerous fish species use the surf zone as shelter and/or a nursery area, even in the harsh conditions of an exposed sandy beach with great wave action.  相似文献   

The species composition and assemblage structure of the ichthyoplankton from the Mar Menor Lagoon in south‐east Spain are given. The fish larvae were sorted from zooplankton samples collected at 20 stations with a plankton net (50 cm mouth diameter and 500 μm mesh) during 36 surveys between February and December 1997. A total of 39 575 fish larvae representing 14 families, 22 genera and 36 species were identified. Gobiidae was the most dominant family (77·0%) followed by Blenniidae (19·4%) and Atherinidae (1·3%). The most abundant species were Gobius niger and Gobius paganellus , which accounted for 42·7 and 19·3% of the total respectively. These species were followed in order of relative abundance by Pomatoschistus marmoratus (13·9%), Parablennius pilicornis (9·4%), Lipophrys pavo (7·7%), Atherina boyeri (1·3%) and Parablennius tentacularis (1·3%). The high species diversity (2·0–2·8 bits individual−1 for the annual diversity spectra at each sampling station) reflected a diverse assemblage of species. The main commercial species in the lagoon (Sparidae and Mugilidae) were poorly represented among the ichthyoplankton and they probably enter the lagoon on the bottom as recruits. Chlorophyll a concentration in the water column was the main factor explaining the seasonal variation in larval abundance. Spatial distribution of larvae was related to hydrographical circulation patterns in the lagoon and the movement of marine‐spawned larvae through the channels connecting the lagoon with the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

An intertidal salt marsh fish assemblage inhabiting two creeks on North Bull Island, Dublin Bay was sampled monthly from June 2000 until May 2002. Water temperature and salinity were recorded in situ and samples were also taken for Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Chlorophyll a. All fish caught were weighed and measured and classified into functional guilds. A total of 6,549 individuals comprising 10 fish species from 10 families were recorded within the two creeks. The community was dominated by a few species, a feature common to other estuarine fish populations. Of the 10 species found, the common goby, Pomatoschistus microps, the 3-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, the thick-lipped grey mullet, Chelon labrosus and the flounder, Platichthys flesus contributed 98.4% of all fish sampled. The fish population of the channels at Bull Island, Dublin, was dominated by the resident gobies (true estuarine resident species), but also hosted juveniles of species such as the bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (marine juvenile migrant species). In turn, the nekton populations were dominated by the brown shrimp, Crangon crangon and the fairy shrimp, Palaemonetes varians especially in winter when fewer fish (numbers of species and abundance) were found. Multivariate analysis of fish diversity and abundance revealed a strong seasonal pattern but there was little evidence of difference between creeks, nor of tidal (spring/neap) effects. The estuarine fish using the intertidal marsh creeks have been little studied in Europe yet they play a major role with the decapods in these habitats. This role needs to be quantified for a proper understanding of the system’s function.  相似文献   

东海大陆架鱼类群落的空间结构   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
李圣法  程家骅  严利平 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4377-4386
根据1997~2000年东海大陆架水深30~200米海域4个航次的底拖网调查资料,运用多元分析(聚类分析和非度量多维标度(NMDS))、SIMPER以及BIO-ENV方法分析了东海鱼类群落的空间格局以及与非生物环境因子之间的关系。结果表明,东海大陆架海域鱼类群落在空间上可分为3个群落类型,分别为东海近海群落、东海大陆架外缘群落以及这两个群落之间的东海大陆架混合群落。东海大陆架鱼类群落的种类组成沿着水深梯度的变化明显,每种鱼类均有一定的水深范围。不同的流系具有不同的温盐特征,影响了鱼类的分布及其洄游,从而控制了不同鱼类群落类型的种类组成。东海大陆架鱼类群落类型中,大陆架外缘群落类型各调查季节在空间分布和种类组成上相对稳定,而东海近海群落类型和东海大陆架混合群落类型在夏季融合在一起,其它季节保持各自的空间结构。同时东海陆架区只在一种群落类型中出现的鱼类相对较少,多数鱼类同时出现在两个群落类型中或3个群落类型中,但是它们相对较集中的区域明显不同,在不同群落类型中的生物量和出现频率有很大的差异,这些鱼类在其不同的生长发育阶段由于对海洋环境的不同需求,它们根据繁殖或摄食需求而在东海陆架区范围内洄游以寻找最适的海洋环境,因此对3个群落类型定义是相对的,很难严格确定一个永久的鱼类群落地理区域,以形成相互隔离的鱼类群落,而且鱼类群落之间的边界随着季节不同发生变化。  相似文献   

The composition, species richness and diversity of a coastal fish assemblage from the Kalpakkam coast of south‐east India are described along with temporal distribution patterns related to seasonal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen, salinity, pH, chlorophyll‐a, phytoplankton and zooplankton species richness and density. A total of 244 fish species belonging to 21 orders, 87 families and 163 genera were recorded. The fish assemblage was dominated by reef‐associated species, followed by demersal species. The majority of the species (63%) are widely distributed in the western Indo‐Pacific as well as in the central Indo‐Pacific. Jaccard's coefficient analysis showed three distinct seasonal patterns of fish occurrence: pre‐monsoon (PrM), monsoon (M) and post‐monsoon (PoM). The maximum number of species was during the PrM period, followed by the PoM and M periods. Species occurrence analysis showed Sardinella longiceps to be dominant during PrM and M periods, Leiognathus dussumieri during the M period and Secutor insidiator and Secutor ruconius during the M and PoM periods. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that salinity and rainfall were the two most influential environmental factors strongly correlated with temporal variation in the fish assemblage. The physico‐chemical conditions, in combination with factors such as greater food availability and shelter, might control the seasonal local distribution of the ichthyofauna in these Indian coastal waters.  相似文献   

The fragmentation and homogenization of habitats have seriously affected the fishery resources of the Pearl River. To protect the fishery resources, a novel artificial habitat, constructed using bamboo and palm slices, was deployed in the Youjiang River, a tributary of the Pearl River in China. The results of field and laboratory experiments showed that fish abundance, species richness and Shannon–Wiener diversity index were higher in the artificial habitats than at the control sites. There was no significant impact on fish biomass, as the artificial habitats attracted more Cultrinae and Gobioninae fish that are of a smaller size. Artificial habitats can serve as spawning grounds for fish that produce sticky eggs and refuges that improve the survival rates of juvenile fishes. This study revealed that this novel artificial habitat created suitable habitats and suitable spawning substrate for fish, improved fish richness and diversity in the structureless freshwater ecosystem like the Youjiang River.  相似文献   

Aim To test the following hypotheses regarding ichthyofaunal compositions along an extensive tropical coastline. The compositions over soft substrates and reefs: (1) consistently differ markedly; (2) change progressively with latitude and temperature through sequential changes in the abundances of certain species; and (3) vary among bioregions, as those regions differ markedly in their environmental characteristics. Location Tropical north‐western Australia. Methods Similarity matrices, derived from percentage contributions of each fish species to catches obtained over soft substrates by trawling and over reefs by trapping at seven regularly spaced sites along 1500 km of coast, were subjected to cluster analysis, non‐metric multidimensional scaling ordination and associated tests. Results In total, 361 species were obtained by trawling and trapping along the tropical coast of north‐western Australia (NWA). Only 56 species were recorded over both soft substrates and reefs, whereas 229 and 76 species were caught exclusively over soft substrates and reefs, respectively. The Leiognathidae, Carangidae and Terapontidae contributed most individuals (62.2%) to catches over soft substrates, whereas the Lethrinidae and Lutjanidae dominated those over reefs (81.9%). The species compositions in both habitats were related to latitude and water temperature. Ichthyofaunal compositions in the Kimberley region differed markedly from those in the Canning/Pilbara regions further south, which, in turn, each had distinct characters. The vast majority of species found over both habitats also occur in the Pacific Ocean to the north. Main conclusions The most important fish families over soft substrates and reefs in inshore marine waters of tropical NWA differ markedly. The ichthyofaunal compositions of both habitats undergo similar patterns of progressive change with latitude, due to site‐staggered changes in the relative abundances of key fish species in their respective habitats. Ichthyofaunal composition in both habitats was found to be influenced by water temperature. The latitudinal trends exhibited by species composition are overlaid on a strong bioregional effect, reflecting the influence of the very different environmental conditions in those bioregions, which include marked differences in such factors as tidal regime, turbidity and whether mangroves are nearby. The important contribution of species with a Pacific affinity was presumably facilitated by the polewards‐flowing Indonesian Throughflow, which links the Pacific Ocean with waters bordering the NWA coast.  相似文献   

The composition of the diet of the Indo-Pacific cornetfish Fistularia commersonii from the SE Aegean Sea is described. The stomach contents of 245 specimens collected between September 2004 and March 2005 were examined. Dietary comparisons were made reflecting the relationship between diet composition, time of year, and fish size. Correlation between predator length and prey length was significant. The diet of the blue cornetfish consists of 96% by number and 99.95% by weight of fish. Size classification and habitat of prey groups (benthic, supra-benthic, and pelagic) showed that with increased body length the blue cornetfish extended its diet to larger prey and more generalist feeding. Spicara smaris, Boops boops, and Mullidae spp. were the most abundant prey by weight whereas a variety of small benthic fish (especially gobiids) and newly hatched fish constituted the largest number of prey items. Length–weight relationships for the cornetfish were investigated.  相似文献   

Some aquatic oligochaete species, mainly certain naidids and tubificids, are often associated with polluted environments, with high levels of organic matter and oxygen deficit. However, in the stations sampled in the Guadaira river basin, which can be arranged on an axis of organic pollution, the main aquatic oligochaete species (Nais elinguis and Tubifex tubifex) inhabiting these environments do not show a distribution pattern significantly related to the water physico-chemical characteristics measured. Nor, have we registered any association between these species and any kind of microhabitat, defined here: water current, presence of different types of vegetation, substrate coarseness and presence of anoxic sediments. Paranais litoralis is the exception, being related to areas without water current, located at higher altitudes, with high levels of dissolved organic matter and an anoxic substrate made up of fine particles. These results can be explained by the highly fluctuating nature of Mediterranean ecosystems and by the marked generalist character and ubiquity of the oligochaete assemblage species, able to colonize any kind of environment.  相似文献   

We used the rapid visual technique (RVT), an underwater visual assessment method developed in marine environments, to assess the influence of residential and cottage development on littoral zone fish communities in Pigeon Lake, a shallow, mesotrophic Canadian lake with extensive shoreline disturbance. We used RVT to assess 135 sites, stratified by degree of residential and cottage development (undeveloped, moderately developed, highly developed) and habitat type (three substrate/vegetation categories). Sites with different degrees of residential and cottage development did not differ significantly in species richness. When the RVT site scores of each species life stage (young-of-year, juveniles and adults) were compared among development categories, only 11% of species life stages showed significant differences; all were most abundant in moderately developed sites. Habitat had a greater influence than development on within-taxon abundance, as 46% of species life stages showed significant among-habitat differences in RVT score. The absence of significant fish community differences between developed and undeveloped sites may be due to the shallowness, extensive macrophyte cover and raised shorelines from the construction of the Trent-Severn Waterway. However, there do appear to be changes in the fish community over the last 35 years, as six cyprinids and one cyprinodont species that were present in Pigeon Lake in the 1970s were not detected by our sampling. RVT provided comparable data to that obtained by straight line transects on the relative abundance of species in the lake, but RVT was more effective at detecting species and life stages present at individual sites.  相似文献   

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