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Effect of glucocorticoids on contractile apparatus of rat skeletal muscle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Skeletal muscles which have a high oxidative potential are less sensitive to the catabolic action of dexamethasone. In fast-twitch white muscles, where the oxidative capacity is low, the alkaline proteinase activity as well as the rise in the number of lysosomes was more pronounced. It seems that the glucocorticoid-caused myopathy is a result of elevated degradation of contractile proteins. This process of degradation of contractile proteins begins in the myosine filaments and then spreads to the thin filaments and the z-line.  相似文献   

There are many circumstances where it is desirable to obtain the contractile response of skeletal muscle under physiological circumstances: normal circulation, intact whole muscle, at body temperature. This includes the study of contractile responses like posttetanic potentiation, staircase and fatigue. Furthermore, the consequences of disease, disuse, injury, training and drug treatment can be of interest. This video demonstrates appropriate procedures to set up and use this valuable muscle preparation. To set up this preparation, the animal must be anesthetized, and the medial gastrocnemius muscle is surgically isolated, with the origin intact. Care must be taken to maintain the blood and nerve supplies. A long section of the sciatic nerve is cleared of connective tissue, and severed proximally. All branches of the distal stump that do not innervate the medial gastrocnemius muscle are severed. The distal nerve stump is inserted into a cuff lined with stainless steel stimulating wires. The calcaneus is severed, leaving a small piece of bone still attached to the Achilles tendon. Sonometric crystals and/or electrodes for electromyography can be inserted. Immobilization by metal probes in the femur and tibia prevents movement of the muscle origin. The Achilles tendon is attached to the force transducer and the loosened skin is pulled up at the sides to form a container that is filled with warmed paraffin oil. The oil distributes heat evenly and minimizes evaporative heat loss. A heat lamp is directed on the muscle, and the muscle and rat are allowed to warm up to 37°C. While it is warming, maximal voltage and optimal length can be determined. These are important initial conditions for any experiment on intact whole muscle. The experiment may include determination of standard contractile properties, like the force-frequency relationship, force-length relationship, and force-velocity relationship. With care in surgical isolation, immobilization of the origin of the muscle and alignment of the muscle-tendon unit with the force transducer, and proper data analysis, high quality measurements can be obtained with this muscle preparation.  相似文献   

To determine the role of intramitochondrial protein synthesis (PS) and degradation (PD) in contractile activity-induced mitochondrial biogenesis, we evaluated rates of [(35)S]methionine incorporation into protein in isolated rat muscle subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF) mitochondria. Rates of PS ranged from 47 to 125% greater (P < 0.05) in IMF compared with SS mitochondria. Intense, acute in situ contractile activity (10 Hz, 5 min) of fast-twitch gastrocnemius muscle resulted in a 50% decrease in PS (P < 0.05) in SS but not IMF mitochondria. Recovery, or continued contractile activity (55 min), reestablished PS in SS mitochondria. In contrast, PS was not affected in either SS or IMF mitochondria after prolonged (60-min) contractile activity in the presence or absence of a recovery period. PD was not influenced by 5 min of contractile activity in the presence or absence of recovery but was reduced after 60 min of contractions followed by recovery. Chronic stimulation (10 Hz, 3 h/day, 14 days) increased muscle cytochrome-c oxidase activity by 2.2-fold but reduced PS in IMF mitochondria by 29% (P < 0.05; n = 4). PS in SS mitochondria and PD in both subfractions were not changed by chronic stimulation. Thus acute contractile activity exerts differential effects on protein turnover in IMF and SS mitochondria, and it appears that intramitochondrial PS does not limit the extent of chronic contractile activity-induced mitochondrial biogenesis.  相似文献   

An elevated heat-shock protein (HSP) content protects cells and tissues, including skeletal muscles, from certain stressors. We determined if heat stress and the elevated HSP content that results is correlated with protection of contractile characteristics of isolated fast and slow skeletal muscles when contracting at elevated temperatures. To elevate muscle HSP content, one hindlimb of Sprague–Dawley rats (21–28 days old, 70–90 g) was subjected to a 15 min 42 °C heat-stress. Twenty-four hours later, both extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus muscles were removed, mounted in either 20 °C or 42 °C Krebs-Ringer solution, and electrically stimulated. Controls consisted of the same muscles from the contra-lateral (non-stressed) hindlimbs as well as muscles from other (unstressed) animals. Isolated muscles were twitched and brought to tetanus every 5 min for 30 min. As expected, HSP content was elevated in muscles from the heat-stressed limbs when compared with controls. Regardless of prior treatment, both EDL and soleus twitch tensions were lower at 42 °C when compared with 20 °C. In addition, when incubated at 42 °C, both muscles showed a drop in twitch tension between 5 and 30 min. For tetanic tension, both muscles also showed an increase in tension between 5 and 30 min when stimulated at 20 °C regardless of treatment but when stimulated at 42 °C no change was observed. No protective effect of an elevated HSP content was observed for either muscle. In conclusion, although heat stress caused an elevation in HSP content, no protective effects were conferred to isolated contracting muscles.  相似文献   

Cheema IR  Hermann C  Postell S  Barnes P 《Cytobios》2000,103(404):169-176
The effect of chronic tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) treatment on the synthesis of specific myofibrillar proteins such as heavy chain myosin, light chain myosin and G-actin in rat diaphragm were evaluated. Muscles (diaphragm) from control and experimental groups (TNF-alpha i.v. at 50 microg/kg body wt for 5 days) were incubated in the presence of 35S-methionine for 2 h. Myofibrillar protein extracts were prepared and protein was electrophoresed on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gels. Heavy chain myosin, light chain myosin and G-actin were identified by Western blot analysis using specific monoclonal antibodies. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) followed by Western blot analysis revealed two types of heavy chain myosin (206 and 212 kD), all four types of light chain myosin (15, 16.5, 18 and 20 kD) and a single type of G-actin (42 kD). Chronic TNF-alpha treatment produced a significant decline in the synthesis of all types of myofibrillar proteins, namely heavy chain myosin, light chain myosin and G-actin. TNF-alpha impaired peptide-chain initiation in diaphragm muscle which was reversed by the branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) therapy of TNF-alpha treated rats. These findings indicate a significant role for TNF-alpha in the translational regulation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Chronic contractile activity of skeletal muscle induces an increase in mitochondria located in proximity to the sarcolemma [subsarcolemmal (SS)] and in mitochondria interspersed between the myofibrils [intermyofibrillar (IMF)]. These are energetically favorable metabolic adaptations, but because mitochondria are also involved in apoptosis, we investigated the effect of chronic contractile activity on mitochondrially mediated apoptotic signaling in muscle. We hypothesized that chronic contractile activity would provide protection against mitochondrially mediated apoptosis despite an elevation in the expression of proapoptotic proteins. To induce mitochondrial biogenesis, we chronically stimulated (10 Hz; 3 h/day) rat muscle for 7 days. Chronic contractile activity did not alter the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio, an index of apoptotic susceptibility, and did not affect manganese superoxide dismutase levels. However, contractile activity increased antiapoptotic 70-kDa heat shock protein and apoptosis repressor with a caspase recruitment domain by 1.3- and 1.4-fold (P<0.05), respectively. Contractile activity elevated SS mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production 1.4- and 1.9-fold (P<0.05) during states IV and III respiration, respectively, whereas IMF mitochondrial state IV ROS production was suppressed by 28% (P<0.05) and was unaffected during state III respiration. Following stimulation, exogenous ROS treatment produced less cytochrome c release (25-40%) from SS and IMF mitochondria, and also reduced apoptosis-inducing factor release (approximately 30%) from IMF mitochondria, despite higher inherent cytochrome c and apoptosis-inducing factor expression. Chronic contractile activity did not alter mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mtPTP) components in either subfraction. However, SS mitochondria exhibited a significant increase in the time to Vmax of mtPTP opening. Thus, chronic contractile activity induces predominantly antiapoptotic adaptations in both mitochondrial subfractions. Our data suggest the possibility that chronic contractile activity can exert a protective effect on mitochondrially mediated apoptosis in muscle.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to develop a mathematical model of the skeletal muscle based on the frequency transfer function, referred to as frequency response model, and to presume the relationship between the model elements and skeletal muscle contractile properties. Twitch force in elbow flexion was elicited by applying a single electrical stimulation to the motor point of biceps brachii muscles, and then analyzed visually by the Bode gain and phase diagram of the force signal. The frequency response model was represented by a frequency transfer function consisting of five basic control elements (proportional element, dead time element, and three first-order lag elements). The model element constants were estimated by best-fitting to the Bode gain and phase diagram of the twitch force signal. The proportional constant and the dead time in the frequency response model correlated significantly with the peak torque and the latency in the actual twitch force, respectively. In addition, the time constants of the three first-order lag elements in the model correlated strongly with the contraction time and the half relaxation time in the actual twitch force. The results suggested a possibility that the individual elements in the frequency response model would reflect the biochemical and biomechanical properties in the excitation–contraction coupling process of skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Oxidative modification of contractile proteins is thought to be a key factor in muscle weakness observed in many pathophysiological conditions. In particular, peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)), a potent short-lived oxidant, is a likely candidate responsible for this contractile dysfunction. In this study ONOO(-) or 3-morpholinosydnonimine (Sin-1, a ONOO(-) donor) was applied to rat skinned muscle fibers to characterize the effects on contractile properties. Both ONOO(-) and Sin-1 exposure markedly reduced maximum force in slow-twitch fibers but had much less effect in fast-twitch fibers. The rate of isometric force development was also reduced without change in the number of active cross bridges. Sin-1 exposure caused a disproportionately large decrease in Ca(2+) sensitivity, evidently due to coproduction of superoxide, as it was prevented by Tempol, a superoxide dismutase mimetic. The decline in maximum force with Sin-1 and ONOO(-) treatments could be partially reversed by DTT, provided it was applied before the fiber was activated. Reversal by DTT indicates that the decrease in maximum force was due at least in part to oxidation of cysteine residues. Ascorbate caused similar reversal, further suggesting that the cysteine residues had undergone S-nitrosylation. The reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity, however, was not reversed by either DTT or ascorbate. Western blot analysis showed cross-linking of myosin heavy chain (MHC) I, appearing as larger protein complexes after ONOO(-) exposure. The findings suggest that ONOO(-) initially decreases maximum force primarily by oxidation of cysteine residues on the myosin heads, and that the accompanying decrease in Ca(2+) sensitivity is likely due to other, less reversible actions of hydroxyl or related radicals.  相似文献   

Van Balkom, Roland H. H., Wen-Zhi Zhan, Y. S. Prakash, P. N. Richard Dekhuijzen, and Gary C. Sieck. Corticosteroid effects on isotonic contractile properties of rat diaphragm muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1062-1067, 1997.The effects of corticosteroids (CS) on diaphragmmuscle (Diam) fiber morphologyand contractile properties were evaluated in three groups of rats:controls (Ctl), surgical sham and weight-matched controls (Sham), andCS-treated (6 mg · kg1 · day1prednisolone at 2.5 ml/h for 3 wk). In the CS-treatedDiam, there was a selectiveatrophy of type IIx and IIb fibers, compared with a generalized atrophyof all fibers in the Sham group. Maximum isometric force was reduced by20% in the CS group compared with both Ctl and Sham. Maximumshortening velocity in the CS Diam was slowed by ~20% compared with Ctl and Sham. Peak power output ofthe CS Diam was only 60% of Ctland 70% of Sham. Endurance to repeated isotonic contractions improvedin the CS-treated Diam comparedwith Ctl. We conclude that the atrophy of type IIx and IIb fibers inthe Diam can only partiallyaccount for the CS-induced changes in isotonic contractile properties.Other factors such as reduced myofibrillar density or alteredcross-bridge cycling kinetics are also likely to contribute to theeffects of CS treatment.


Increasing the intramuscular stores of total creatine [TCr = creatine (Cr) + creatine phosphate (CrP)] can result in improved muscle performance during certain types of exercise in humans. Initial uptake of Cr is accompanied by an increase in cellular water to maintain osmotic balance, resulting in a decrease in myoplasmic ionic strength. Mechanically skinned single fibers from rat soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles were used to examine the direct effects on the contractile apparatus of increasing [Cr], increasing [Cr] plus decreasing ionic strength, and increasing [Cr] and [CrP] with no change in ionic strength. Increasing [Cr] from 19 to 32 mM, accompanied by appropriate increases in water to maintain osmolality, had appreciable beneficial effects on contractile apparatus performance. Compared with control conditions, both SOL and EDL fibers showed increases in Ca2+ sensitivity (+0.061 ± 0.004 and +0.049 ± 0.009 pCa units, respectively) and maximum Ca2+-activated force (to 104 ± 1 and 105 ± 1%, respectively). In contrast, increasing [Cr] alone had a small inhibitory effect. When both [Cr] and [CrP] were increased, there was virtually no change in Ca2+ sensitivity of the contractile apparatus, and maximum Ca2+-activated force was 106 ± 1% compared with control conditions in both SOL and EDL fibers. These results suggest that the initial improvement in performance observed with Cr supplementation is likely due in large part to direct effects of the accompanying decrease in myoplasmic ionic strength on the properties of the contractile apparatus. ergogenic aid; muscle contraction; fatigue  相似文献   

Dorsal muscles were isolated from goldfish acclimated to 8 degrees C and 25 degrees C, and stimulated electrically at 5-35 degrees C. Contractile activity of isolated muscle from the 8 degrees C fish was highest at 15 degrees C, whilst that of the 25 degrees C fish was independent of experimental temperature. The activity was significantly increased with cold acclimation. Pyruvate and lactate contents of red and white muscles increased with work. Addition of iodoacetic acid into the incubation medium caused a decrease of lactate production and contractile activity in muscle from the 8 degrees C fish, suggesting that the increase of the activity was partly associated with an increased activity of anaerobic glycolysis of the tissues.  相似文献   

The cellular mechanisms by which contractile activity stimulates skeletal muscle hypertrophy are beginning to be elucidated and appear to include activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling substrate mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR). We examined the time course and location of mTOR phosphorylation in response to an acute bout of contractile activity. Rat hindlimb muscle contractile activity was elicited by high-frequency electrical stimulation (HFES) of the sciatic nerve. Plantaris (Pla), tibialis anterior (TA), and soleus (Sol) muscles from stimulated and control limbs were collected immediately or 6 h after stimulation. HFES resulted in mTOR phosphorylation immediately after (3.4 +/- 0.9-fold, P < 0.01) contractile activity in Pla, whereas TA was unchanged compared with controls. mTOR phosphorylation remained elevated in Pla (3.6 +/- 0.6-fold) and increased in TA (4.6 +/- 0.9-fold, P < 0.05) 6 h after HFES. Interestingly, mTOR activation occurred predominantly in fibers expressing type IIa but not type I myosin heavy chain isoform. Furthermore, HFES induced modest ribosomal protein S6 kinase phosphorylation immediately after exercise in Pla (0.4 +/- 0.1-fold, P < 0.05) but not TA and more markedly 6 h after in both Pla and TA (1.4 +/- 0.4-fold vs. 2.4 +/- 0.3-fold, respectively, P < 0.01). Akt/PKB phosphorylation was similar to controls at both time points. These results suggest that mTOR signaling is increased after a single bout of muscle contractile activity. Despite reports that mTOR is activated downstream of Akt/PKB, in this study, HFES induced mTOR signaling independent of Akt/PKB phosphorylation. Fiber type-dependent mTOR phosphorylation may be a molecular basis by which some fiber types are more susceptible to contraction-induced hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Initial experiments were conducted using an in situ rat tibialis anterior (TA) muscle preparation to assess the influence of dietary antioxidants on muscle contractile properties. Adult Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into two dietary groups: 1) control diet (Con) and 2) supplemented with vitamin E (VE) and alpha-lipoic acid (alpha-LA) (Antiox). Antiox rats were fed the Con rats' diet (AIN-93M) with an additional 10,000 IU VE/kg diet and 1.65 g/kg alpha-LA. After an 8-wk feeding period, no differences existed (P > 0.05) between the two dietary groups in maximum specific tension before or after a fatigue protocol or in force production during the fatigue protocol. However, in unfatigued muscle, maximal twitch tension and tetanic force production at stimulation frequencies < or = 40 Hz were less (P < 0.05) in Antiox animals compared with Con. To investigate which antioxidant was responsible for the depressed force production, a second experiment was conducted using an in vitro rat diaphragm preparation. Varying concentrations of VE and dihydrolipoic acid, the reduced form of alpha-LA, were added either individually or in combination to baths containing diaphragm muscle strips. The results from these experiments indicate that high levels of VE depress skeletal muscle force production at low stimulation frequencies.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of chronic infection on skeletal muscle dimensions and contractile properties, we used a hamster model of visceral leishmaniasis, a parasitic infection of the reticuloendothelial system produced by Leishmania donovani (LD). To distinguish between effects of reduced caloric intake and infection per se, we also studied healthy control animals and noninfected animals subjected to caloric restriction. Three muscles were tested in vitro: plantaris, soleus, and diaphragm. Both caloric restriction and LD infection caused loss of body weight and reduced muscle cross-sectional areas and wet weights. The interventions had variable effects on in vitro contractile properties, the most pronounced being reduction in peak tension in response to tetanic stimulation. Tension loss was 35-45%, except for a loss of 65% in plantaris of LD-infected animals. We conclude that chronic LD infection affects skeletal muscles in both indirect and direct ways. 1) Reduced caloric intake due to anorexia decreases muscle size and active tension. Disuse probably enhances this effect in limb muscles. 2) Infection produces profound weakness of inactive fast-twitch muscle by unknown mechanisms.  相似文献   

Salbutamol enhances isotonic contractile properties of rat diaphragm muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of the2-adrenoceptor agonistsalbutamol (Slb) on isometric and isotonic contractile properties ofthe rat diaphragm muscle(Diamus) were examined. Aloading dose of 25 µg/kg Slb was administered intracardially beforeDiamus excision to ensure adequatediffusion. Studies were then performed with 0.05 µMSlb in the in vitro tissue chamber. cAMP levels were determined by radioimmunoassay. Compared with controls (Ctl), cAMP levels were elevated after Slb treatment. In Slb-treated rats, isometric twitch andmaximum tetanic force were increased by ~40 and ~20%,respectively. Maximum shortening velocity increased by ~15% afterSlb treatment, and maximum power output increased by ~25%. Duringrepeated isotonic activation, the rate of fatigue was faster in theSlb-treated Diamus, but bothSlb-treated and Ctl Diamusfatigued to the same maximum power output. Still, endurance time duringrepetitive isotonic contractions was ~10% shorter in the Slb-treatedDiamus. These results areconsistent with the hypothesis that -adrenoceptor stimulation by Slbenhances Diamus contractility andthat these effects of Slb are likely mediated, at least in part, byelevated cAMP.


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