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Chromodomain from heterochromatin protein 1 and polycomb protein is known to be a lysine-methylated histone H3 tail-binding module. Chromo-helicase/ATPase DNA-binding protein 1 (CHD1) is an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling factor, containing two tandem chromodomains. In human CHD1, both chromodomains are essential for specific binding to a K4 methylated histone H3 (H3 MeK4) peptide and are found to bind cooperatively in the crystal structure. For the budding yeast homologue, Chd1, the second but not the first chromodomain was once reported to bind to an H3 MeK4 peptide. Here, we reveal that neither the second chromodomain nor a region containing tandem chromodomains from yeast Chd1 bind to any lysine-methylated or arginine-methylated histone peptides that we examined. In addition, we examined the structures of the chromodomains from Chd1 by NMR. Although the tertiary structure of the region containing tandem chromodomains could not be obtained, the secondary structure deduced from NMR is well conserved in the tertiary structures of the corresponding first and second chromodomains determined individually by NMR. Both chromodomains of Chd1 demonstrate a structure similar to that of the corresponding part of CHD1, consisting of a three-stranded beta-sheet followed by a C-terminal alpha-helix. However, an additional helix between the first and second beta-strands, which is found in both of the first chromodomains of Chd1 and CHD1, is positioned in an entirely different manner in Chd1 and CHD1. In human CHD1 this helix forms the peptide-binding site. The amino acid sequences of the chromodomains could be well aligned on the basis of these structures. The alignment showed that yeast Chd1 lacks several key functional residues, which are responsible for specific binding to a methylated lysine residue in other chromodomains. Chd1 is likely to have no binding affinity for any H3 MeK peptide, as found in other chromodomain proteins.  相似文献   

Tyrosine hydroxylase (TyrH) catalyzes the hydroxylation of tyrosine to form 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine in the biosynthesis of the catecholamine neurotransmitters. The activity of the enzyme is regulated by phosphorylation of serine residues in a regulatory domain and by binding of catecholamines to the active site. Available structures of TyrH lack the regulatory domain, limiting the understanding of the effect of regulation on structure. We report the use of NMR spectroscopy to analyze the solution structure of the isolated regulatory domain of rat TyrH. The protein is composed of a largely unstructured N-terminal region (residues 1–71) and a well-folded C-terminal portion (residues 72–159). The structure of a truncated version of the regulatory domain containing residues 65–159 has been determined and establishes that it is an ACT domain. The isolated domain is a homodimer in solution, with the structure of each monomer very similar to that of the core of the regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Two TyrH regulatory domain monomers form an ACT domain dimer composed of a sheet of eight strands with four α-helices on one side of the sheet. Backbone dynamic analyses were carried out to characterize the conformational flexibility of TyrH65–159. The results provide molecular details critical for understanding the regulatory mechanism of TyrH.  相似文献   

H/ACA small nucleolar and Cajal body ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) function in site-specific pseudouridylation of eukaryotic rRNA and snRNA, rRNA processing, and vertebrate telomerase biogenesis. Nhp2, one of four essential protein components of eukaryotic H/ACA RNPs, forms a core trimer with the pseudouridylase Cbf5 and Nop10 that binds to H/ACA RNAs specifically. Crystal structures of archaeal H/ACA RNPs have revealed how the protein components interact with each other and with the H/ACA RNA. However, in place of Nhp2p, archaeal H/ACA RNPs contain L7Ae, which binds specifically to an RNA K-loop motif absent from eukaryotic H/ACA RNPs, while Nhp2 binds a broader range of RNA structures. We report solution NMR studies of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Nhp2 (Nhp2p), which reveal that Nhp2p exhibits two major conformations in solution due to cis/trans isomerization of the evolutionarily conserved Pro83. The equivalent proline is in the cis conformation in all reported structures of L7Ae and other homologous proteins. Nhp2p has the expected α-β-α fold, but the solution structures of the major conformation of Nhp2p with trans Pro83 and of Nhp2p-S82W with cis Pro83 reveal that Pro83 cis/trans isomerization affects the positions of numerous residues at the Nop10 and RNA binding interface. An S82W substitution, which stabilizes the cis conformation, also stabilizes the association of Nhp2p with H/ACA snoRNPs expressed in vivo. We propose that Pro83 plays a key role in the assembly of the eukaryotic H/ACA RNP, with the cis conformation locking in a stable Cbf5-Nop10-Nhp2 ternary complex and positioning the protein backbone to interact with the H/ACA RNA.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic members of the ClC family of chloride channels and transporters are composed of a transmembrane ion transport domain followed by a cytoplasmic domain, which is believed to be involved in the modulation of ClC function. In some family members this putative regulatory domain contains next to a well-folded structured part, long sequence stretches with low sequence complexity. These regions, a 96 residue long linker connecting two structured sub-domains, and 35 residues on the C teminus of the domain were found disordered in a recent crystal structure of this domain in ClC-0. Both regions have a large influence on the modulation of channel function in closely related family members. Here we describe a NMR study to characterize the structural and dynamic properties of these putatively unstructured stretches. Our study reveals that the two regions indeed show large conformational flexibility with dynamics on the nanosecond timescale. However, small islands of secondary structure are found interdispersed between the unfolded regions. This study characterizes for the first time the biophysical properties of these protein segments, which may become important for the understanding of novel regulatory mechanisms within the ClC family.  相似文献   

Type 1 pili from uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains mediate bacterial attachment to target receptors on the host tissue. They are composed of up to 3000 copies of the subunit FimA, which form the stiff, helical pilus rod, and the subunits FimF, FimG, and FimH, which form the linear tip fibrillum. All subunits in the pilus interact via donor strand complementation, in which the incomplete immunoglobulin-like fold of each subunit is complemented by insertion of an N-terminal extension from the following subunit. We determined the NMR structure of a monomeric, self-complemented variant of FimF, FimFF, which has a second FimF donor strand segment fused to its C-terminus that enables intramolecular complementation of the FimF fold. NMR studies on bimolecular complexes between FimFF and donor strand-depleted variants of FimF and FimG revealed that the relative orientations of neighboring domains in the tip fibrillum cover a wide range. The data provide strong support for the intrinsic flexibility of the tip fibrillum. They lend further support to the hypothesis that this flexibility would significantly increase the probability that the adhesin at the distal end of the fibrillum successfully targets host cell receptors.  相似文献   

Efficient formation of specific intermolecular interactions is essential for self-assembly of biological structures. The foldon domain is an evolutionarily optimized trimerization module required for assembly of the large, trimeric structural protein fibritin from phage T4. Monomers consisting of the 27 amino acids comprising a single foldon domain subunit spontaneously form a natively folded trimer. During assembly of the foldon domain, a monomeric intermediate is formed on the submillisecond time scale, which provides the basis for two consecutive very fast association reactions. Mutation of an intermolecular salt bridge leads to a monomeric protein that resembles the kinetic intermediate in its spectroscopic properties. NMR spectroscopy revealed essentially native topology of the monomeric intermediate with defined hydrogen bonds and side-chain interactions but largely reduced stability compared to the native trimer. This structural preorganization leads to an asymmetric charge distribution on the surface that can direct rapid subunit recognition. The low stability of the intermediate allows a large free-energy gain upon trimerization, which serves as driving force for rapid assembly. These results indicate different free-energy landscapes for folding of small oligomeric proteins compared to monomeric proteins, which typically avoid the transient population of intermediates.  相似文献   

Protein components of the U6 snRNP (Prp24p and LSm2–8) are thought to act cooperatively in facilitating the annealing of U6 and U4 snRNAs during U4/U6 di-snRNP formation. To learn more about the spatial arrangement of these proteins in S. cerevisiae U6 snRNPs, we investigated the structure of this particle by electron microscopy. U6 snRNPs, purified by affinity chromatography and gradient centrifugation, and then immediately adsorbed to the carbon film support, revealed an open form in which the Prp24 protein and the ring formed by the LSm proteins were visible as two separate morphological domains, while particles stabilized by chemical cross-linking in solution under mild conditions before binding to the carbon film exhibited a compact form, with the two domains in close proximity to one another. In the open form, individual LSm proteins were located by a novel approach employing C-terminal genetic tagging of the LSm proteins with yECitrine. These studies show the Prp24 protein at defined distances from each subunit of the LSm ring, which in turn suggests that the LSm ring is positioned in a consistent manner on the U6 RNA. Furthermore, in agreement with the EM observations, UV cross-linking revealed U6 RNA in contact with the LSm2 protein at the interface between Prp24p and the LSm ring. Further, LSmp–Prp24p interactions may be restricted to the closed form, which appears to represent the solution structure of the U6 snRNP particle.  相似文献   

Ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) are N-glycosidases that depurinate a specific adenine residue in the conserved sarcin/ricin loop of ribosomal RNA. This modification renders the ribosome unable to bind the elongation factors, thereby inhibiting the protein synthesis. Maize RIP, a type III RIP, is unique compared to the other type I and type II RIPs because it is synthesized as a precursor with a 25-residue internal inactivation region, which is removed in order to activate the protein. In this study, we describe the first solution structure of this type of RIP, a  28-kDa active mutant of maize RIP (MOD). The overall protein structure of MOD is comparable to those of the other type I RIPs and the A-chain of type II RIPs but shows significant differences in specific regions, including (1) shorter β6 and αB segments, probably for accommodating easier substrate binding, and (2) an α-helix instead of an antiparallel β-sheet in the C-terminal domain, which has been reported to be involved in binding ribosomal protein P2 in some RIPs. Furthermore, NMR chemical shift perturbation experiments revealed that the P2 binding site on MOD is located at the N-terminal domain near the internal inactivation region. This relocation of the P2 binding site can be rationalized by concerted changes in the electrostatic surface potential and 3D structures on the MOD protein and provides vital clues about the underlying molecular mechanism of this unique type of RIP.  相似文献   

SUMO-1 (1-97) is a crucial protein in the machinery of post-translational modifications. We observed by circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy that urea-induced unfolding of this protein is a complex process with the possibility of occurrence of detectable intermediates along the way. The tertiary structure is completely lost around approximately 4.5 M urea with a transition mid-point at 2.53 M urea, while the secondary structure unfolding seems to show two transitions, with mid-points at 2.42 M and 5.69 M urea. We have elucidated by systematic urea titration, the equilibrium residue level structural and dynamics changes along the entire folding/unfolding transition by multidimensional NMR. With urea dilution, the protein is seen to progressively lose most of the broad beta-domain structural preferences present at 8 M urea, acquire some helical propensities at 5 M urea, and lose some of them again on further dilution of urea. Between 3 M and 2 M urea, the protein starts afresh to acquire native structural features. These observations are contrary to the conventional notion that proteins fold with monotonously increasing native-type preferences. For folding below approximately 3 M urea, the region around the alpha1 helix appears to be a potential folding initiation site. The folding seems to start with a collapse into native-like topologies, at least in parts, and is followed by formation of secondary and tertiary structure, perhaps by cooperative rearrangements. The motional characteristics of the protein show sequence-dependent variation as the concentration of urea is progressively reduced. At the sub-nanosecond level, the features are extremely unusual for denatured states, and only certain segments corresponding to the flexible regions in the native protein display these motions at the different concentrations of urea.  相似文献   

The U1A/U2B″/SNF family of proteins found in the U1 and U2 spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins is highly conserved. In spite of the high degree of sequence and structural conservation, modern members of this protein family have unique RNA binding properties. These differences have necessarily resulted from evolutionary processes, and therefore, we reconstructed the protein phylogeny in order to understand how and when divergence occurred and how protein function has been modulated. Contrary to the conventional understanding of an ancient human U1A/U2B″ gene duplication, we show that the last common ancestor of bilaterians contained a single ancestral protein (URB). The gene for URB was synthesized, the protein was overexpressed and purified, and we assessed RNA binding to modern snRNA sequences. We find that URB binds human and Drosophila U1 snRNA SLII and U2 snRNA SLIV with higher affinity than do modern homologs, suggesting that both Drosophila SNF and human U1A/U2B″ have evolved into weaker binders of one RNA or both RNAs.  相似文献   

Partly unfolded protein conformations close to the native state may play important roles in protein function and in protein misfolding. Structural analyses of such conformations which are essential for their fully physicochemical understanding are complicated by their characteristic low populations at equilibrium. We stabilize here with a single mutation the equilibrium intermediate of apoflavodoxin thermal unfolding and determine its solution structure by NMR. It consists of a large native region identical with that observed in the X-ray structure of the wild-type protein plus an unfolded region. Small-angle X-ray scattering analysis indicates that the calculated ensemble of structures is consistent with the actual degree of expansion of the intermediate. The unfolded region encompasses discontinuous sequence segments that cluster in the 3D structure of the native protein forming the FMN cofactor binding loops and the binding site of a variety of partner proteins. Analysis of the apoflavodoxin inner interfaces reveals that those becoming destabilized in the intermediate are more polar than other inner interfaces of the protein. Natively folded proteins contain hydrophobic cores formed by the packing of hydrophobic surfaces, while natively unfolded proteins are rich in polar residues. The structure of the apoflavodoxin thermal intermediate suggests that the regions of natively folded proteins that are easily responsive to thermal activation may contain cores of intermediate hydrophobicity.  相似文献   

Pyelonephritis-associated pili (pap) allow uropathogenic Escherichia coli to bind to epithelial cells and play an important role in urinary tract infection. Expression of pap is controlled by a phase-variation mechanism, based on the two distinct heritable states that are the result of adenine N6-methylation in either of the two GATC sequences in its regulatory region. The methylation status of these two sequences is sensed by the action of two proteins, Lrp and PapI, and they play a central role in determining pap gene expression in both phase-ON and phase-OFF cells. We used modern NMR techniques to determine the solution structure and backbone dynamics of PapI. We found its overall fold resembles closely that of the winged helix-turn-helix family of DNA-binding proteins. We determined that PapI possesses its own DNA-binding activity, albeit non-sequence-specific, independent of Lrp. PapI appears to bind to DNA with a K(d) in the 10 microM range. Possible mechanisms by which PapI might participate in the regulation of the pap operon are discussed in light of these new findings.  相似文献   

Filamentous type 1 pili are responsible for attachment of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains to host cells. They consist of a linear tip fibrillum and a helical rod formed by up to 3000 copies of the main structural pilus subunit FimA. The subunits in the pilus interact via donor strand complementation, where the incomplete, immunoglobulin-like fold of each subunit is complemented by an N-terminal donor strand of the subsequent subunit. Here, we show that folding of FimA occurs at an extremely slow rate (half-life: 1.6 h) and is catalyzed more than 400-fold by the pilus chaperone FimC. Moreover, FimA is capable of intramolecular self-complementation via its own donor strand, as evidenced by the loss of folding competence upon donor strand deletion. Folded FimA is an assembly-incompetent monomer of low thermodynamic stability (− 10.1 kJ mol− 1) that can be rescued for pilus assembly at 37 °C because FimC selectively pulls the fraction of unfolded FimA molecules from the FimA folding equilibrium and allows FimA refolding on its surface. Elongation of FimA at the C-terminus by its own donor strand generated a self-complemented variant (FimAa) with alternative folding possibilities that spontaneously adopts the more stable conformation (− 85.0 kJ mol− 1) in which the C-terminal donor strand is inserted in the opposite orientation relative to that in FimA. The solved NMR structure of FimAa revealed extensive β-sheet hydrogen bonding between the FimA pilin domain and the C-terminal donor strand and provides the basis for reconstruction of an atomic model of the pilus rod.  相似文献   

A thermally unfolded disulfide-deficient mutant of the starch-binding domain of glucoamylase refolds into a kinetically trapped metastable intermediate when subjected to a rapid lowering of temperature. We attempted to characterise this intermediate using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The 1H-15N heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectrum after a rapid temperature decrease (the spectrum of the intermediate) showed good chemical shift dispersion but was significantly different from that of the native state, suggesting that the intermediate adopts a nonnative but well-structured conformation. Large chemical shift changes for the backbone amide protons between the native and the intermediate states were observed for residues in the β-sheet consisting of strands 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7 as well as in the C-terminal region. These residues were found to be in close proximity to aromatic residues, suggesting that the chemical shift changes are mainly due to ring current shifts caused by the aromatic residues. The two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) spectroscopy experiments showed that the intermediate contained substantial, native-like NOE connectivities, although there were fewer cross peaks in the spectrum of the intermediate compared with that of the native state. It was also shown that there were native-like interresidue NOEs for residues buried in the protein, whereas many of the NOE cross peaks were lost for the residues involved in a surface-exposed aromatic cluster. These results suggest that, in the intermediate, the aromatic cluster at the surface is structurally less organised, whereas the interior of the protein has relatively rigid, native-like side-chain packing.  相似文献   

We have investigated by multidimensional NMR the structural and dynamic characteristics of the urea-denatured state of activated SUMO-1, a 97-residue protein belonging to the growing family of ubiquitin-like proteins involved in post-translational modifications. Complete backbone amide and 15N resonance assignments were obtained in the denatured state by using HNN and HN(C)N experiments. These enabled other proton assignments from TOCSY-HSQC spectra. Secondary Halpha chemical shifts and 1H-1H NOE indicate that the protein chain in the denatured state has structural preferences in the broad beta-domain for many residues. Several of these are seen to populate the (phi,psi) space belonging to polyproline II structure. Although there is no evidence for any persistent structures, many contiguous stretches of three or more residues exhibit structural propensities suggesting possibilities of short-range transient structure formation. The hetero-nuclear 1H-15N NOEs are extremely weak for most residues, except for a few at the C-terminal, and the 15N relaxation rates show sequence-wise variation. Some of the regions of slow motions coincide with those of structural preferences and these are interspersed by highly flexible residues. The implications of these observations for the early folding events starting from the urea-denatured state of activated SUMO-1 have been discussed.  相似文献   

The U1 small nuclear (sn)RNA participates in splicing of pre-mRNAs by recognizing and binding to 5′ splice sites at exon/intron boundaries. U1 snRNAs associate with 5′ splice sites in the form of ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) that are comprised of the U1 snRNA and 10 core components, including U1A, U1-70K, U1C and the ‘Smith antigen’, or Sm, heptamer. The U1 snRNA is highly conserved across a wide range of taxa; however, a number of reports have identified the presence of expressed U1-like snRNAs in multiple species, including humans. While numerous U1-like molecules have been shown to be expressed, it is unclear whether these variant snRNAs have the capacity to form snRNPs and participate in splicing. The purpose of the present study was to further characterize biochemically the ability of previously identified human U1-like variants to form snRNPs and bind to U1 snRNP proteins. A bioinformatics analysis provided support for the existence of multiple expressed variants. In vitro gel shift assays, competition assays, and immunoprecipitations (IPs) revealed that the variants formed high molecular weight assemblies to varying degrees and associated with core U1 snRNP proteins to a lesser extent than the canonical U1 snRNA. Together, these data suggest that the human U1 snRNA variants analyzed here are unable to efficiently bind U1 snRNP proteins. The current work provides additional biochemical insights into the ability of the variants to assemble into snRNPs.  相似文献   

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