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Bacterial pathogens have evolved a sophisticated arsenal of virulence factors to modulate host cell biology. Enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC and EHEC) use a type III protein secretion system (T3SS) to inject microbial proteins into host cells. The T3SS effector cycle inhibiting factor (Cif) produced by EPEC and EHEC is able to block host eukaryotic cell-cycle progression. We present here a crystal structure of Cif, revealing it to be a divergent member of the superfamily of enzymes including cysteine proteases and acetyltransferases that share a common catalytic triad. Mutation of these conserved active site residues abolishes the ability of Cif to block cell-cycle progression. Finally, we demonstrate that irreversible cysteine protease inhibitors do not abolish the Cif cytopathic effect, suggesting that another enzymatic activity may underlie the biological activity of this virulence factor.  相似文献   

Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli is a causative agent of gastrointestinal and diarrheal diseases. Pathogenesis associated with enterohemorrhagic E. coli involves direct delivery of virulence factors from the bacteria into epithelial cell cytosol via a syringe-like organelle known as the type III secretion system. The type III secretion system protein EspD is a critical factor required for formation of a translocation pore on the host cell membrane. Here, we show that recombinant EspD spontaneously integrates into large unilamellar vesicle (LUV) lipid bilayers; however, pore formation required incorporation of anionic phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine and an acidic pH. Leakage assays performed with fluorescent dextrans confirmed that EspD formed a structure with an inner diameter of ∼2.5 nm. Protease mapping indicated that the two transmembrane helical hairpin of EspD penetrated the lipid layer positioning the N- and C-terminal domains on the extralumenal surface of LUVs. Finally, a combination of glutaraldehyde cross-linking and rate zonal centrifugation suggested that EspD in LUV membranes forms an ∼280–320-kDa oligomeric structure consisting of ∼6–7 subunits.  相似文献   

Adhesion of Shiga toxin-producing Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 to human colonic epithelium is a critical step for infection by this type of bacteria. Here, we demonstrate that adherence of EHEC O157:H7 to cultured human colonic T84 epithelial monolayers can be blocked by heparin and heparan sulfate in a dose-dependent fashion. In doing this, heparin and heparan sulfate also prevent dysfunction of the T84 barrier and disorganization of epithelial tight junction protein ZO-1 caused by EHEC O157:H7. This inhibition by heparin and heparan sulfate seems to result from a block in the binding interactions of bacteria intimin with epithelial β1 integrins. This study provides evidence, for the first time, that heparin and heparan sulfate can serve as novel effective blockers in preventing EHEC O157:H7 infection.  相似文献   

Bacteria respond to increasing medium osmolality by accumulating organic solutes that are compatible with cellular functions. Transporter ProP of Escherichia coli, a proton symporter and a member of the major facilitator superfamily, senses osmotic shifts and responds by importing osmolytes such as glycine betaine. ProP contains a cytoplasmic, C-terminal extension that is essential for its activity. A peptide corresponding to the C-terminal extension of ProP forms a homodimeric alpha-helical coiled-coil even though some of its heptad a positions are not occupied by hydrophobic amino acid residues. Unexpectedly, amino acid replacement R488I, occurring at a heptad a position, destabilized the coiled-coil formed by the ProP peptide and attenuated the response of the intact transporter to osmotic upshifts in vivo. Thus, ProP was proposed to dimerize via an antiparallel coiled-coil. We used nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the structure of the synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 468-497 of ProP. This region did form an antiparallel coil-coil in which critical residue R488 specifies the antiparallel coiled-coil orientation by forming stabilizing salt-bridges. Charged residues (both acidic and basic) are clustered on the c/g surface of the coiled-coil whereas polar residues are distributed on the b/e surface. This causes the structure to be bent, in contrast to other known antiparallel coiled-coils (those from the hepatitis delta antigen (PDB ID code 1A92) and the bovine F(1) ATPase inhibitor protein (PDB ID code 1HF9)). The coiled-coil and its possible importance for osmosensing are discussed.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli delivers a subset of effectors into host cells via a type III secretion system, and this step is required for the progression of disease. Here, we show that the type III effectors, EspG and its homolog Orf3, trigger actin stress fiber formation and the destruction of the microtubule networks beneath adherent bacteria. Both effectors were shown to possess the ability to interact with tubulins, and to stimulate microtubule destabilization in vitro. A recent study showed that microtubule-bound GEF-H1, a RhoA-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, was converted to its active form by microtubule destabilization, and this sequence of events resulted in RhoA stimulation. Indeed, EspG- and Orf3-induced stress fiber formation was inhibited by the expression of dominant-negative forms of GEF-H1 and RhoA, but not of Rac1 and Cdc42, and by treatment with a ROCK inhibitor. These results indicate that the impact of EspG/Orf3 on microtubule networks triggers the activation of the RhoA-ROCK signaling pathway via GEF-H1 activity. This report reveals for the first time that a pathogen can exploit the host factor GEF-H1.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli L-arabinose isomerase (ECAI; EC catalyzes the isomerization of L-arabinose to L-ribulose in vivo. This enzyme is also of commercial interest as it catalyzes the conversion of D-galactose to D-tagatose in vitro. The crystal structure of ECAI was solved and refined at 2.6 A resolution. The subunit structure of ECAI is organised into three domains: an N-terminal, a central and a C-terminal domain. It forms a crystallographic trimeric architecture in the asymmetric unit. Packing within the crystal suggests the idea that ECAI can form a hexameric assembly. Previous electron microscopic and biochemical studies supports that ECAI is hexameric in solution. A comparison with other known structures reveals that ECAI adopts a protein fold most similar to E. coli fucose isomerase (ECFI) despite very low sequence identity 9.7%. The structural similarity between ECAI and ECFI with regard to number of domains, overall fold, biological assembly, and active site architecture strongly suggests that the enzymes have functional similarities. Further, the crystal structure of ECAI forms a basis for identifying molecular determinants responsible for isomerization of arabinose to ribulose in vivo and galactose to tagatose in vitro.  相似文献   

Crystal structures have been determined for free Escherichia coli hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) (2.9 A resolution) and for the enzyme in complex with the reaction products, inosine 5'-monophosphate (IMP) and guanosine 5'-monophosphate (GMP) (2.8 A resolution). Of the known 6-oxopurine phosphoribosyltransferase (PRTase) structures, E. coli HPRT is most similar in structure to that of Tritrichomonas foetus HGXPRT, with a rmsd for 150 Calpha atoms of 1.0 A. Comparison of the free and product bound structures shows that the side chain of Phe156 and the polypeptide backbone in this vicinity move to bind IMP or GMP. A nonproline cis peptide bond, also found in some other 6-oxopurine PRTases, is observed between Leu46 and Arg47 in both the free and complexed structures. For catalysis to occur, the 6-oxopurine PRTases have a requirement for divalent metal ion, usually Mg(2+) in vivo. In the free structure, a Mg(2+) is coordinated to the side chains of Glu103 and Asp104. This interaction may be important for stabilization of the enzyme before catalysis. E. coli HPRT is unique among the known 6-oxopurine PRTases in that it exhibits a marked preference for hypoxanthine as substrate over both xanthine and guanine. The structures suggest that its substrate specificity is due to the modes of binding of the bases. In E. coli HPRT, the carbonyl oxygen of Asp163 would likely form a hydrogen bond with the 2-exocyclic nitrogen of guanine (in the HPRT-guanine-PRib-PP-Mg(2+) complex). However, hypoxanthine does not have a 2-exocyclic atom and the HPRT-IMP structure suggests that hypoxanthine is likely to occupy a different position in the purine-binding pocket.  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide was isolated from the lipopolysaccharide of Escherichia coli O168 and studied by chemical analyses and Smith degradation along with (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopies. The following structure of the branched pentasaccharide repeating unit of the O-polysaccharide was established: [carbohydrate structure: see text] where 6-O-acetylation of GlcNAc is partial. Reinvestigation of the O-polysaccharide of Shigella dysenteriae type 4 established earlier showed it to have the same structure except for that the lateral Fuc residue is nonstoichiometrically O-acetylated at each position.  相似文献   

Respiratory complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) is an L-shaped multisubunit protein assembly consisting of a hydrophobic membrane arm and a hydrophilic peripheral arm. It catalyses the transfer of two electrons from NADH to quinone coupled to the translocation of four protons across the membrane. Although we have solved recently the crystal structure of the peripheral arm, the structure of the complete enzyme and the coupling mechanism are not yet known. The membrane domain of Escherichia coli complex I consists of seven different subunits with total molecular mass of 258 kDa. It is significantly more stable than the whole enzyme, which allowed us to obtain well-ordered two-dimensional crystals of the domain, belonging to the space group p22(1)2(1). Comparison of the projection map of negatively stained crystals with previously published low-resolution structures indicated that the characteristic curved shape of the membrane domain is remarkably well conserved between bacterial and mitochondrial enzymes, helping us to interpret projection maps in the context of the intact complex. Two pronounced stain-excluding densities at the distal end of the membrane domain are likely to represent the two large antiporter-like subunits NuoL and NuoM. Cryo-electron microscopy on frozen-hydrated crystals allowed us to calculate a projection map at 8 A resolution. About 60 transmembrane alpha-helices, both perpendicular to the membrane plane and tilted, are present within one membrane domain, which is consistent with secondary structure predictions. A possible binding site and access channel for quinone are found at the interface with the peripheral arm. Tentative assignment of individual subunits to the features of the map has been made. The location of subunits NuoL and NuoM at substantial distance from the peripheral arm, which contains all the redox centres of the complex, indicates that conformational changes are likely to play a role in the mechanism of coupling between electron transfer and proton pumping.  相似文献   

YggX is a highly conserved protein found only in eubacteria and is proposed to be involved in the bacterial response to oxidative stress. Here we report the solution structure of YggX from Escherichia coli determined by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The structure of YggX displays a fold consisting of two N-terminal antiparallel beta-sheets and three alpha-helices, which shares significant structural similarity to the crystal structure of a hypothetical protein PA5148 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Previous studies propose YggX as an iron binding protein that is involved in cellular iron trafficking. Our data indicate that the protein alone does not bind iron in vitro, suggesting other cofactors or different conditions may be necessary for metal binding.  相似文献   

Nitroreductases (NTR) are enzymes that reduce hazardous nitroaromatic compounds and are of special interest due to their potential use in bioremediation and their activation of prodrugs in directed anticancer therapies. We elucidated the crystal structures of ydjA from Escherichia coli (Ec_ydjA), one of the smallest NTRs, in its flavin mononucleotide (FMN)-bound and cofactor-free forms. The α + β mixed monomeric Ec_ydjA forms a homodimeric structure through the interactions of the long central helices and the extended regions at both termini. Two FMN molecules are bound at the dimeric interface. The absence of the 30 internal amino acids in Ec_ydjA, which forms two helices and restricts the cofactor and substrate binding in other NTR family members, creates a wider and more flexible active site. Unlike the bent FMN ring structures present in most NTR complexes currently known, the flavin system in the Ec_ydjA structure maintains a flat ring conformation, which is sandwiched between a Trp and a His residue from each monomer. The analysis of our Ec_ydjA structure explains its specificity for larger substrates and provides structural information for the rational design of novel prodrugs with the ability to reduce nitrogen-containing hazardous molecules.  相似文献   

The plakin protein family serves to connect cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion molecules to the intermediate filament cytoskeleton. Desmoplakin (DP) is an integral part of desmosomes, where it links desmosomal cadherins to the intermediate filaments. The 1056-amino-acid N-terminal region of DP contains a plakin domain common to members of the plakin family. Plakin domains contain multiple copies of spectrin repeats (SRs). We determined the crystal structure of a fragment of DP, residues 175-630, consisting of four SRs and an inserted SH3 domain. The four repeats form an elongated, rigid structure. The SH3 domain is present in a loop between two helices of an SR and interacts extensively with the preceding SR in a manner that appears to limit inter-repeat flexibility. The intimate intramolecular association of the SH3 domain with the preceding SR is also observed in plectin, another plakin protein, but not in α-spectrin, suggesting that the SH3 domain of plakins contributes to the stability and rigidity of this subfamily of SR-containing proteins.  相似文献   

DnaA protein binds specifically to a group of binding sites collectively called as DnaA boxes within the bacterial replication origin to induce local unwinding of duplex DNA. The DNA-binding domain of DnaA, domain IV, comprises the C-terminal 94 amino acid residues of the protein. We overproduced and purified a protein containing only this domain plus a methionine residue. This protein was stable as a monomer and maintained DnaA box-specific binding activity. We then analyzed its solution structure by CD spectrum and heteronuclear multi-dimensional NMR experiments. We established extensive assignments of the 1H, 13C, and 15N nuclei, and revealed by obtaining combined analyses of chemical shift index and NOE connectivities that DnaA domain IV contains six alpha-helices and no beta-sheets, consistent with results of CD analysis. Mutations known to reduce DnaA box-binding activity were specifically located in or near two of the alpha-helices. These findings indicate that the DNA-binding fold of DnaA domain IV is unique among origin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The arginine repressor (ArgR) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a gene product encoded by the open reading frame Rv1657. It regulates the l-arginine concentration in cells by interacting with ARG boxes in the promoter regions of the arginine biosynthesis and catabolism operons. Here we present a 2.5-Å structure of MtbArgR in complex with a 16-bp DNA operator in the absence of arginine. A biological trimer of the protein-DNA complex is formed via the crystallographic 3-fold symmetry axis. The N-terminal domain of MtbArgR has a winged helix-turn-helix motif that binds to the major groove of the DNA. This structure shows that, in the absence of arginine, the ArgR trimer can bind three ARG box half-sites. It also reveals the structure of the whole MtbArgR molecule itself containing both N-terminal and C-terminal domains.  相似文献   

Error-free protein biosynthesis is dependent on the reliable charging of each tRNA with its cognate amino acid. Many bacteria, however, lack a glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase. In these organisms, tRNA(Gln) is initially mischarged with glutamate by a non-discriminating glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (ND-GluRS). This enzyme thus charges both tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Gln) with glutamate. Discriminating GluRS (D-GluRS), found in some bacteria and all eukaryotes, exclusively generates Glu-tRNA(Glu). Here we present the first crystal structure of a non-discriminating GluRS from Thermosynechococcus elongatus (ND-GluRS(Tel)) in complex with glutamate at a resolution of 2.45 A. Structurally, the enzyme shares the overall architecture of the discriminating GluRS from Thermus thermophilus (D-GluRS(Tth)). We confirm experimentally that GluRS(Tel) is non-discriminating and present kinetic parameters for synthesis of Glu-tRNA(Glu) and of Glu-tRNA(Gln). Anticodons of tRNA(Glu) (34C/UUC36) and tRNA(Gln) (34C/UUG36) differ only in base 36. The pyrimidine base of C36 is specifically recognized in D-GluRS(Tth) by the residue Arg358. In ND-GluRS(Tel) this arginine residue is replaced by glycine (Gly366) presumably allowing both cytosine and the bulkier purine base G36 of tRNA(Gln) to be tolerated. Most other ND-GluRS share this structural feature, leading to relaxed substrate specificity.  相似文献   

We have determined the crystal structure of the bi-functional deaminase/reductase enzyme from Escherichia coli (EcRibD) that catalyzes two consecutive reactions during riboflavin biosynthesis. The polypeptide chain of EcRibD is folded into two domains where the 3D structure of the N-terminal domain (1-145) is similar to cytosine deaminase and the C-terminal domain (146-367) is similar to dihydrofolate reductase. We showed that EcRibD is dimeric and compared our structure to tetrameric RibG, an ortholog from Bacillus subtilis (BsRibG). We have also determined the structure of EcRibD in two binary complexes with the oxidized cofactor (NADP(+)) and with the substrate analogue ribose-5-phosphate (RP5) and superposed these two in order to mimic the ternary complex. Based on this superposition we propose that the invariant Asp200 initiates the reductive reaction by abstracting a proton from the bound substrate and that the pro-R proton from C4 of the cofactor is transferred to C1 of the substrate. A highly flexible loop is found in the reductase active site (159-173) that appears to control cofactor and substrate binding to the reductase active site and was therefore compared to the corresponding Met20 loop of E. coli dihydrofolate reductase (EcDHFR). Lys152, identified by comparing substrate analogue (RP5) coordination in the reductase active site of EcRibD with the homologous reductase from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii (MjaRED), is invariant among bacterial RibD enzymes and could contribute to the various pathways taken during riboflavin biosynthesis in bacteria and yeast.  相似文献   

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