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绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)能够作为报告分子对活体细胞中特定基因的时空表达进行实时追踪,因此广泛应用于生物学研究领域。在用GFP对细胞活动进行追踪的实验中,常有无法在取样后及时对样品进行荧光观察的情况,此时需要先将样品进行固定以便对其进行观测。然而,不恰当的细胞固定方法会导致胞内GFP荧光信号强度减弱、位置改变等后果。甲醛是最常用的细胞固定剂,也常被用于固定表达GFP蛋白的细胞样品。但对甲醛固定GFP样品的报道多是针对于真核细胞,且固定效果也存在较大差异。文章系统地探索了甲醛浓度、固定时间、固定缓冲液种类对两种细菌(E.coli及鱼腥蓝细菌Anabaena PCC7120)胞内GFP信号的影响。结果显示,较低浓度(≤1%)的甲醛处理2h后,细胞的荧光强度在1d后仍可保持80%以上,胞内荧光点无弥散现象发生。具有相近pH的几种常见缓冲液对荧光强度的影响无显著差异。随着甲醛浓度的增加、固定时间的延长、溶液pH的增加(中性至偏碱性),细胞中的荧光强度会逐渐降低。  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白作为分子标记物在微生物学中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
荧光染料在微生物学中的应用受到广泛的关注。近年来 ,来源于发光性生物的荧光蛋白进一步丰富了微生物学的研究手段。其中绿色荧光蛋白 (Greenfluorescentprotein ,GFP ,来源于水母 )具有独特的应用价值。在活体研究中 ,GFP相对于其它报告蛋白 (如 β 半乳糖苷酶 )在原位、实时的微生物生理生化研究中有很多优越性。对GFP作为分子标记物在微生物学中的应用进行回顾 ,对GFP在微生物与宿主相互作用、生物膜(biofilm)、生物降解、细菌与原生动物相互作用、基因转导、基因表达、蛋白质定位以及生物传感器等领域的应用进行讨论 ,并扼要介绍了一些应用于荧光观察和定量分析的方法。  相似文献   

利用CLSM检测GFP基因在家蚕的瞬时表达   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
将绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因导入农蚕蛹(G0)的睾丸,利用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜(CLSM)系统检测,得到GFP基因在家蚕刚孵出未进食的幼虫(蚁蚕)(G1)瞬时表达的荧光图像。 Abstract:Plasmid DNA containing the GFP(Green Fluorescent Protein)reporter gene was injected into the testis of silkworm(Bombyx mori L.)pupa(G0),we observe the fluorescence imaging of expression of GFP gene in silkworm newly-hatched larvae(G1)examined by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope.  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白标记下镰刀菌侵染地黄的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析对地黄有较强致病性的尖孢镰刀菌的侵染机制,本研究采用携带有潮霉素抗性标记的强组成型表达载体pCT74,经PEG-CaCl2介导的原生质体转化法导入镰刀菌,获得荧光信号强烈的sGFP标记菌株,并采用喷施接种和根部灌根接种。研究发现镰刀菌首先在地黄外部聚集繁殖,并通过伤口或气孔等通道侵入地黄维管组织,后逐渐导致周围海绵组织破裂,进而致使地下根茎逐渐变黑腐烂;由于地黄叶部气孔发达,使得镰刀菌由叶部侵入速度要快于根部灌根接种;不同孢子浓度接种实验表明镰刀菌对寄主的致害程度与其在叶部与根部的接种浓度并不呈相关性。进一步在接种处理后采集地黄叶部、茎部和根部组织提取真菌DNA后进行PCR扩增发现:在根部接种60h后即能检测到镰刀菌的侵入,经84h后侵入到地黄茎部组织,经96h后侵入到地黄叶部组织。该标记菌株可为今后探索地黄连作栽培中真菌病害大规模爆发的根际生物学过程提供研究材料。  相似文献   

The rough energy landscape of superfolder GFP is linked to the chromophore   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many green fluorescent protein (GFP) variants have been developed for use as fluorescent tags, and recently a superfolder GFP (sfGFP) has been developed as a robust folding reporter. This new variant shows increased stability and improved folding kinetics, as well as 100% recovery of native protein after denaturation. Here, we characterize sfGFP, and find that this variant exhibits hysteresis as unfolding and refolding equilibrium titration curves are non-coincident even after equilibration for more than eight half-lives as estimated from kinetic unfolding and refolding studies. This hysteresis is attributed to trapping in a native-like intermediate state. Mutational studies directed towards inhibiting chromophore formation indicate that the novel backbone cyclization is responsible for the hysteresis observed in equilibrium titrations of sfGFP. Slow equilibration and the presence of intermediates imply a rough landscape. However, de novo folding in the absence of the chromophore is dominated by a smoother energy landscape than that sampled during unfolding and refolding of the post-translationally modified polypeptide.  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) and its homologs are widely used as fluorescent markers of gene expression and for determination of protein localization and motility in living cells. In particular, based on GFP and GFP-like proteins a number of techniques have been developed that can be used either to estimate protein mobility in living cells, or to introduce a distinctive fluorescent signal in order to track the movement of labeled molecules directly. Considerable progress in the development of such technologies in the last two or three years motivates us to reevaluate the present scope of biotechnological instruments in studies of protein movement in cells.  相似文献   

Septin filaments form ordered hourglass and ring-shaped structures in close apposition to the yeast bud-neck membrane. The septin hourglass scaffolds the asymmetric localization of many essential cell division proteins. However, it is unknown whether the septin structures have an overall polarity along the mother-daughter axis that determines the asymmetric protein localization. Here we engineered rigid septin- green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions with various fluorescence dipole directions by changing the position of the GFP beta-barrel relative to the septin filament axis. We then used polarized fluorescence microscopy to detect potential asymmetries in the filament organization. We found that both the hourglass and ring filament assemblies have sub-resolution C(2) symmetry and lack net polarity along the mother-daughter axis. The hourglass filaments have an additional degree of symmetry relative to the ring filaments, most likely due to a twist in their higher-order structure. We previously reported that during the hourglass to rings transition septin filaments change their direction. Here we show that the filaments also undergo a change in their lateral organization, consistent with filament untwisting. The lack of net septin polarity along the mother-daughter axis suggests that there are no septin-based structural reasons for the observed asymmetry of other proteins. We discuss possible anisotropic processes that could break the septin symmetry and establish the essential bud-neck asymmetry.  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白cDNA在腺病毒重组载体转染中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein, GFP)基因是目前发现的唯一能在细胞内表达,且不需要其他外源底物参与的全新报告基因.将GFP cDNA与腺病毒载体pAdE1CMV重组,以lipofectin转染293细胞(一种人胚肾细胞),观察其在真核细胞内的表达情况,为转基因技术提供了新的监测方法.  相似文献   

tRNA isodecoders share the same anticodon but have differences in their body sequence. An unexpected result from genome sequencing projects is the identification of a large number of tRNA isodecoder genes in mammalian genomes. In the reference human genome, more than 270 isodecoder genes are present among the approximately 450 tRNA genes distributed among 49 isoacceptor families. Whether sequence diversity among isodecoder tRNA genes reflects functional variability is an open question. To address this, we developed a method to quantify the efficiency of tRNA isodecoders in stop-codon suppression in human cell lines. First, a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene that contains a single UAG stop codon at two distinct locations is introduced. GFP is only produced when a tRNA suppressor containing CUA anticodon is co-transfected with the GFP gene. The suppression efficiency is examined for 31 tRNA isodecoders (all contain CUA anticodon), 21 derived from four isoacceptor families of tRNASer genes, 7 from five families of tRNALeu genes, and 3 from three families of tRNAAla genes. We found that isodecoder tRNAs display a large difference in their suppression efficiency. Among those with above background suppression activity, differences of up to 20-fold were observed. We were able to tune tRNA suppression efficiency by subtly adjusting the tRNA sequence and inter-convert poor suppressors into potent ones. We also demonstrate that isodecoder tRNAs with varying suppression efficiencies have similar stability and exhibit similar levels of aminoacylation in vivo. Our results indicate that naturally occurring tRNA isodecoders can have large functional variations and suggest that some tRNA isodecoders may perform a function distinct from translation.  相似文献   

In the structure of bovine F1-ATPase inhibited with residues 1-60 of the bovine inhibitor protein IF1, the α-helical inhibitor interacts with five of the nine subunits of F1-ATPase. In order to understand the contributions of individual amino acid residues to this complex binding mode, N-terminal deletions and point mutations have been introduced, and the binding properties of each mutant inhibitor protein have been examined. The N-terminal region of IF1 destabilizes the interaction of the inhibitor with F1-ATPase and may assist in removing the inhibitor from its binding site when F1Fo-ATPase is making ATP. Binding energy is provided by hydrophobic interactions between residues in the long α-helix of IF1 and the C-terminal domains of the βDP-subunit and βTP-subunit and a salt bridge between residue E30 in the inhibitor and residue R408 in the C-terminal domain of the βDP-subunit. Several conserved charged amino acids in the long α-helix of IF1 are also required for establishing inhibitory activity, but in the final inhibited state, they are not in contact with F1-ATPase and occupy aqueous cavities in F1-ATPase. They probably participate in the pathway from the initial interaction of the inhibitor and the enzyme to the final inhibited complex observed in the structure, in which two molecules of ATP are hydrolysed and the rotor of the enzyme turns through two 120° steps. These findings contribute to the fundamental understanding of how the inhibitor functions and to the design of new inhibitors for the systematic analysis of the catalytic cycle of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Controlled activity of several kinesin motors is required for the proper assembly of the mitotic spindle. Eg5, a homotetrameric bipolar kinesin-5 from Xenopus laevis, can cross-link and slide anti-parallel microtubules apart by a motility mechanism comprising diffusional and directional modes. How this mechanism is regulated, possibly by the tail domains of the opposing motors, is poorly understood. In order to explore the basic unregulated kinesin-5 motor activity, we generated a stably dimeric kinesin-5 construct, Eg5Kin, consisting of the motor domain and neck linker of Eg5 and the neck coiled coil of Drosophila melanogaster kinesin-1 (DmKHC). In single-molecule motility assays, we found this chimera to be highly processive. In addition, we studied the effect of the kinesin-5-specific inhibitor monastrol using single-molecule fluorescence assays. We found that monastrol reduced the length of processive runs, but strikingly did not affect velocity. Quantitative analysis of monastrol dose dependence suggests that two bound monastrol molecules are required to be bound to an Eg5Kin dimer to terminate a run.  相似文献   

Stable intermediate states and high energy barriers in the unfolding of GFP   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We present a study of the denaturation of a truncated, cycle3 variant of green fluorescent protein (GFP). Chemical denaturation is used to unfold the protein, with changes in structure being monitored by the green fluorescence, tyrosine fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism. The results show that the denaturation behaviour of GFP is complex compared to many small proteins: equilibrium is established only very slowly, over the time course of weeks, suggesting that there are high folding/unfolding energy barriers. Unfolding kinetics confirm that the rates of unfolding at low concentrations of denaturant are very low, consistent with the slow establishment of the equilibrium. In addition, we find that GFP significantly populates an intermediate state under equilibrium conditions, which is compact and stable with respect to the unfolded state (m(IU)=4.6 kcal mol(-1) M(-1) and Delta G(IU)=12.5 kcal mol(-1)). The global and local stability of GFP was probed further by measuring the hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) NMR exchange rates of more than 157 assigned amide protons. Analysis at two different values of pH showed that amide protons within the beta-barrel structure exchange at the EX2 limit, consequently, free energies of exchange could be calculated and compared to those obtained from the denaturation-curve studies providing further support for the three-state model and the existence of a stable intermediate state. Analysis reveals that amide protons in beta-strands 7, 8, 9 and 10 have, on average, higher exchange rates than others in the beta-barrel, suggesting that there is greater flexibility in this region of the protein. Forty or so amide protons were found which do not undergo significant exchange even after several months and these are clustered into a core region encompassing most of the beta-strands, at least at one end of the barrel structure. It is likely that these residues play an important role in stabilizing the structure of the intermediate state. The intermediate state observed in the chemical denaturation studies described here, is similar to that observed at pH 4 in other studies.  相似文献   

构建含不同Kozak序列的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因真核表达载体, 并检测它们在HEK293细胞中的表达差异。 通过设计突变的PCR引物改变目的基因GFP的Kozak序列, +4 位碱基分别为A和G, 且不改变氨基酸编码, 将PCR扩增的GFP片段与载体pcDNA3.1进行酶切、连接、转化、鉴定。成功构建的pHGFP-A, pHGFP-G质粒采用脂质体法转染HEK293细胞, 荧光显微镜下观察绿色荧光表达, 流式细胞术检测目的蛋白GFP的荧光表达阳性率, Western blot检测目的蛋白GFP的表达。构建的两质粒均能有效转染 HEK293细胞, 其中流式细胞术分析显示: pHGFP-A组GFP阳性率约为15%, pHGFP-G组GFP阳性率约为45%; Western blot 显示pHGFP-G的GFP表达量约为pHGFP-A的GFP表达量3.87倍。结果表明, Kozak序列+4G(?3位为嘌呤碱基时)在蛋白表达中发挥重要作用, 可以使绿色荧光蛋白GFP在HEK293细胞中的表达量提高约4倍。  相似文献   

Kozak序列+4G提高绿色荧光蛋白在HEK293细胞中的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构建含不同Kozak序列的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因真核表达载体, 并检测它们在HEK293细胞中的表达差异。 通过设计突变的PCR引物改变目的基因GFP的Kozak序列, +4 位碱基分别为A和G, 且不改变氨基酸编码, 将PCR扩增的GFP片段与载体pcDNA3.1进行酶切、连接、转化、鉴定。成功构建的pHGFP-A, pHGFP-G质粒采用脂质体法转染HEK293细胞, 荧光显微镜下观察绿色荧光表达, 流式细胞术检测目的蛋白GFP的荧光表达阳性率, Western blot检测目的蛋白GFP的表达。构建的两质粒均能有效转染 HEK293细胞, 其中流式细胞术分析显示: pHGFP-A组GFP阳性率约为15%, pHGFP-G组GFP阳性率约为45%; Western blot 显示pHGFP-G的GFP表达量约为pHGFP-A的GFP表达量3.87倍。结果表明, Kozak序列+4G(?3位为嘌呤碱基时)在蛋白表达中发挥重要作用, 可以使绿色荧光蛋白GFP在HEK293细胞中的表达量提高约4倍。  相似文献   

Green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker during pollen development   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The transient expression of three mutant forms of green fluorescent protein (GFP) genes, GFP4, GFP5ER, and GFP4S65C, under several constitutive and pollenspecific promoters throughout pollen development in Nicotianatabacum, thaliana and Antirrhinummajus is described. Immature pollen of tobacco, Arabidopsis and snapdragon, isolated at different developmental stages, were bombarded with plasmids containing the GFP and cultured in vitro for several days until maturity. The expression of GFP was monitored every day during in vitro maturation, germination and pollination, as well as after in situ pollination. The expression pattern of each construct was compared in parallel experiments to that of ßglucuronidase (GUS) constructs expressed by the same promoters. The results show that the expression level of all three GFP mutant forms was dependent on the strength of the promoter used. The strongest promoter was the DC3 promoter, and no notable differences in the intensity and brightness of all three versions of GFP were observed. GFPexpressing pollen from tobacco and snapdragon developed in vitro for several days until maturity and germinated in vitro as well as on the surface of stigmata, strongly suggesting that all three GFPs are not toxic for the development of functional pollen. Furthermore, stably transformed tobacco plants expressing GFP under the control of the strong pollenexpressed DC3 and LAT52 promoters were not impaired in reproductive function, confirming that GFP can be used as a nondestructive marker for plant reproductive biology and development.  相似文献   

目的研究外源绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescent protein,简称GFP)基因在BALB/c绿色荧光裸鼠主要器官组织中的表达及其差异。方法小动物成像系统和RT-PCR方法检测GFP的组织分布以及荧光表达水平情况。结果经活体荧光影像系统观察及PCR方法检测发现GFP可以在裸鼠多个器官组织中表达,其中在胰腺、心脏、全脑、皮肤、睾丸中表达量较高。结论外源绿色荧光蛋白可以在模型动物体内成功表达且稳定遗传,其中在胰腺组织中高表达。  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana is commonly regarded as a self-pollinated plant. We observed that the stigma in each flower of A. thaliana cannot be pollinated by its own pollen in the early phases of the flowering process, when the anthers had dehisced but the filaments were still too short for the pollen to be deposited on the stigma. In the later stages, after elongation of the filaments, self-pollination can occur. After artificial pollination of the flower of a wild plant with GFP transgenic pollen grains in earlier stages of flowering, GFP expressed within epidermal cells was detected in some of the offspring (26.1-57.1 %). Wind-mediated pollen dispersal was poor but is likely to exist in natural habitats, while insects were observed visiting flowers of A. thaliana in natural and experimental populations. We constructed an experimental population consisting of 28 GFP transgenic plants and 240 wild plants and examined gene flow in the population. The result was that the distance of gene flow was limited to 0.5 m. 22 offspring with expressed GFP were found in 28,299 filial individuals examined, which suggested a relatively low outcrossing rate (0.74%). We conclude that outcrossing in populations of A. thaliana is mainly due to insect pollination. The data on gene flow could be useful to assess the ecological hazards of experimental transgene combinations.  相似文献   

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