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Kinetic parameters of the selenium-containing, formate dehydrogenase component of the Escherichia coli formate-hydrogenlyase complex have been determined with purified enzyme. A ping-pong Bi Bi kinetic mechanism was observed. The Km for formate is 26 mM, and the Km for the electron-accepting dye, benzyl viologen, is in the range 1-5 mM. The maximal turnover rate for the formate-dependent catalysis of benzyl viologen reduction was calculated to be 1.7 x 10(5) min-1. Isotope exchange analysis showed that the enzyme catalyzes carbon exchange between carbon dioxide and formate in the absence of other electron acceptors, confirming the ping-pong reaction mechanism. Dissociation constants for formate (12.2 mM) and CO2 (8.3 mM) were derived from analysis of the isotope exchange data. The enzyme catalyzes oxidation of the alternative substrate deuterioformate with little change in the Vmax, but the Km for deuterioformate is approximately three times that of protioformate. This implies formate oxidation is not rate-limiting in the overall coupled reaction of formate oxidation and benzyl viologen reduction. The deuterium isotope effect on Vmax/Km was observed to be approximately 4.2-4.5. Sodium nitrate was found to inhibit enzyme activity in a competitive manner with respect to formate, with a Ki of 7.1 mM. Sodium azide is a noncompetitive inhibitor with a Ki of about 80 microM.  相似文献   

The role of selenium and molybdenum in the metabolism of Escherichia coli was explored by growing cells in a simple salts medium and examining the metabolic consequences of altering the concentration of molybdenum and selenium compounds in the medium. The addition of tungstate increased the molybdate deficiency of this medium, as reflected by lowered levels of enzyme systems previously recognized to require compounds of molybdenum and selenium for their formation [formate-dependent oxygen reduction, formate dehydrogenase (FDH) (EC, and nitrate reductase (EC]. The requirement for selenium and molybdenum appears to be unique to the enzymes of formate and nitrate metabolism since molybdate- and selenite-deficient medium had no effect on the level of several dehydrogenase and oxidase systems, for which the electron donors were reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, succinate, d- or l-lactate, and glycerol. In addition, no effect was observed on the growth rate or cell yield with any carbon source tested (glucose, glycerol, dl-lactate, acetate, succinate, and l-malate) when the medium was deficient in molybdenum and selenium. dl-Selenocystine was about as effective as selenite in stimulating the formation of formate dehydrogenase, whereas dl-selenomethionine was only 1% as effective. In aerobic cells, an amount of FDH was formed such that 3,200 or 3,800 moles of formate were oxidized per min per mole of added selenium (added as dl-selenocystine or selenite, respectively).  相似文献   

A biochemical and immunological study has revealed a new formate dehydrogenase isoenzyme in Escherichia coli. The enzyme is an isoenzyme of the respiratory formate dehydrogenase (FDH-N) which forms part of the formate to nitrate respiratory pathway found in the organisms when it is grown anaerobically in the presence of nitrate. The new enzyme, termed FDH-Z, cross reacts with antibodies raised to FDH-N and possesses a similar polypeptide composition to FDH-N. FDH-Z catalyses the phenazine methosulphate-linked formate dehydrogenase activity present in the aerobically-grown bacterium. FDH-Z and FDH-N exhibit distinct regulation. Like formate dehydrogenase N, formate dehydrogenase Z is a membrane-bound molybdoenzyme. With nitrate reductase it can catalyse electron transfer between formate and nitrate. Quinones are required for the physiological electron transfer to nitrate. It seems likely that like FDH-N, FDH-Z functions physiologically as a formate: quinone oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

Four classes of Escherichia coli mutants deficient in either or both of their anaerobic selenium-containing formate dehydrogenases (FDH) were isolated. A class I mutant devoid of FDHH activity specifically linked to benzyl viologen (BV) produced a small amount of the FDHH 80,000 dalton selenopeptide. Three class II mutants were deficient in FDHN activity specifically linked to phenazine methosulfate (PMS) and exhibited a selenopeptide doublet rather than the FDHN 110,000 dalton selenosubunit. Three class III mutants were selenium incorporation deficient and did not exhibit either FDH activity or 75Selabeled selenopolymers. A class IV mutant was devoid of PMS-linked FDHN activity; neither its FDHN 110,000 dalton selenosubunit nor its BV-linked FDHH activity was fully regulated by nitrate.Abbreviations FDH formate dehydrogenase - BV benzyl viologen - MV methyl viologen - PMS phenazine methosulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The arrangement of the proton-translocating formate dehydrogenase of the anaerobic respiratory chain of Escherichia coli within the cytoplasmic membrane was examined by direct covalent modification with non-membrane-permeant reagents. Three methods were employed, lactoperoxidase-catalysed radioiodination, labelling with diazotized [125I] di-iodosulphanilic acid and labelling with diazobenzene [35S] sulphonate. All three procedures yield consistent with the view that the two larger subunits of the enzyme, Mr 110000 and 32000, both occupy transmembranous locations within the membrane. In each case the modification of the Ca2+ or Mg2+-activated F1-ATPase was monitored, and all reagents employed correctly located this enzyme at the cytoplasmic face of the membrane. A procedure involving agglutination with specific antibodies is described which appears to fractionate membrane vesicles of mixed orientation into two populations, one with the same membrane orientation as that of spheroplasts and the other opposite orientation.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K12 mutants lacking phenazine-methosulphate-linked formate dehydrogenase (FDH-PMS) activity, but still capable of producing normal levels of benzyl-viologen-linked formate dehydrogenase (FDH-BV) and nitrate reductase activities, have been isolated following P1 localized mutagenesis. The relevant mutations mapped with the same cotransduction frequency close to the rhaD gene, at 88 min on the E. coli chromosome. They were further subdivided into two classes. Class I consisted of six fdhD mutants which synthesized an inactive FDH-PMS protein with the same subunit composition as the wild-type enzyme. In contrast, class II contained four fdhE mutants totally devoid of this antigen. Construction of merodiploid strains harbouring various combinations of the mutated alleles, fdhE on the episome and fdhD on the chromosome, led to the restoration of FDH-PMS activity by complementation of the products encoded by the respective wild-type alleles. Difference spectroscopy suggested that both fdhD and fdhE mutants contained normal amounts of the cytochrome b559 associated with FDH-PMS although the cytochrome had lost its capacity for formate-dependent reduction.  相似文献   

The formate-hydrogen lyase complex of Escherichia coli decomposes formic acid to hydrogen and carbon dioxide under anaerobic conditions in the absence of exogenous electron acceptors. The complex consists of two separable enzymatic activities: a formate dehydrogenase and a hydrogenase. The formate dehydrogenase component (FDHH) of the formate-hydrogen lyase complex was purified to near homogeneity in two column chromatographic steps. The purified enzyme was composed of a single polypeptide of molecular weight 80,000 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Metal analysis showed each mole of enzyme contained 3.3 g atoms of iron. Denaturation of FDHH released a compound which, when oxidized, displayed a fluorescence spectrum similar to that of the molybdopterin cofactor found in certain other enzymes. The enzyme contained selenium in the form of selenocysteine as determined by radioactive labeling of the enzyme with 75Se and amino acid analysis. FDHH activity was maximal between pH 7.5 and 8.5; however, the enzyme was maximally stable at pH 5.3-6.4 and highly unstable above pH 7.5. Nitrate and nitrite salts caused a drastic reduction in activity. Although azide inhibited FDHH activity, it also protected the enzyme from inactivation by oxygen.  相似文献   

The pyruvate dehydrogenase component of the E. coli pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the decomposition of 3-fluoropyruvate to acetate and fluoride ions in equimolar amounts and at about one-tenth the rate at which it catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate and ferricyanide to acetate and ferrocyanide. When the reaction is carried out in [3H]H2O the product is [3H]acetate. The reaction is strictly dependent upon added thiamin pyrophosphate, and a mechanistic role is proposed for this coenzyme.  相似文献   

Mutation of a single gene, referred to as selA1 in Salmonella typhimurium and as selD in Escherichia coli, results in the inability of these organisms to insert selenium specifically into the selenopolypeptides of formate dehydrogenase and into the 2-selenouridine residues of tRNAs. The mutation does not involve transport of selenite into the cell or reduction of selenite to selenide since both mutant strains synthesize selenocysteine and selenomethionine from added selenite and incorporate these selenoamino acids non-specifically into numerous proteins of the bacterial cells. Complementation of the mutation in S. typhimurium with the selD gene from E. coli indicates functional identity of the selA1 and selD genes. Although the selA1 gene maps at approximately 21 min on the S. typhimurium chromosome and the selD gene at approximately 38 min on the E. coli chromosome, only a single gene in wild-type S. typhimurium hybridized to the E. coli selD gene probe. Transformation of the mutant Salmonella strain with a plasmid bearing the E. coli selD gene restored formate dehydrogenase activity, 75Se incorporation into formate dehydrogenase seleno-polypeptides and [75Se]seleno-tRNA synthesis. Transformation with an additional plasmid carrying an E. coli formate dehydrogenase selenopolypeptide-lacZ gene fusion showed that the selD gene allowed readthrough of the UGA codon and synthesis of beta-galactosidase in the Salmonella mutant.  相似文献   

Metabolic engineering studies have generally focused on manipulating enzyme levels through either the amplification, addition, or deletion of a particular pathway. However, with cofactor-dependent production systems, once the enzyme levels are no longer limiting, cofactor availability and the ratio of the reduced to oxidized form of the cofactor can become limiting. Under these situations, cofactor manipulation may become crucial in order to further increase system productivity. Although it is generally known that cofactors play a major role in the production of different fermentation products, their role has not been thoroughly and systematically studied. However, cofactor manipulations can potentially become a powerful tool for metabolic engineering. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) functions as a cofactor in over 300 oxidation-reduction reactions and regulates various enzymes and genetic processes. The NADH/NAD+ cofactor pair plays a major role in microbial catabolism, in which a carbon source, such as glucose, is oxidized using NAD+ producing reducing equivalents in the form of NADH. It is crucially important for continued cell growth that NADH be oxidized to NAD+ and a redox balance be achieved. Under aerobic growth, oxygen is used as the final electron acceptor. While under anaerobic growth, and in the absence of an alternate oxidizing agent, the regeneration of NAD+ is achieved through fermentation by using NADH to reduce metabolic intermediates. Therefore, an increase in the availability of NADH is expected to have an effect on the metabolic distribution. This paper investigates a genetic means of manipulating the availability of intracellular NADH in vivo by regenerating NADH through the heterologous expression of an NAD(+)-dependent formate dehydrogenase. More specifically, it explores the effect on the metabolic patterns in Escherichia coli under anaerobic and aerobic conditions of substituting the native cofactor-independent formate dehydrogenase (FDH) by and NAD(+)-dependent FDH from Candida boidinii. The over-expression of the NAD(+)-dependent FDH doubled the maximum yield of NADH from 2 to 4 mol NADH/mol glucose consumed, increased the final cell density, and provoked a significant change in the final metabolite concentration pattern both anaerobically and aerobically. Under anaerobic conditions, the production of more reduced metabolites was favored, as evidenced by a dramatic increase in the ethanol-to-acetate ratio. Even more interesting is the observation that during aerobic growth, the increased availability of NADH induced a shift to fermentation even in the presence of oxygen by stimulating pathways that are normally inactive under these conditions.  相似文献   

Summary In Podospora anserina a chromosome walk near the mating type locus was made possible through isolation of genomic sequences linked to a plasmid integrated in this part of the genome. Genetic analysis of 86 transformants obtained from the 5 first cosmids of this walk was performed. These data and those reported elsewhere for cosmids resulting from another chromosome walk allow us to draw two clear-cut rules for transformation with cosmids. First, the large majority of transformants arise from integration at the resident locus, contrasting with the heterologous process which predominates for plasmids. Second, all homologous integrations are highly unstable while all non-homologous integrations are stable. Analysis of the timing of the instability reveals that loss of the selective marker is probably limited to the fruiting body.  相似文献   

In the presence of nitrate, the major anaerobic respiratory pathway includes formate dehydrogenase (FDH-N) and nitrate reductase (NAR-A), which catalyze formate oxidation coupled to nitrate reduction. Two aerobically expressed isoenzymes, FDH-Z and NAR-Z, have been recently characterized. Enzymatic analysis of plasmid subclones carrying min 88 of the Escherichia coli chromosome was consistent with the location of the fdo locus encoding FDH-Z between the fdhD and fdhE genes which are necessary for the formation of both formate dehydrogenases. The fdo locus produced three proteins (107, 34, and 22 kDa) with sizes similar to those of the subunits of the purified FDH-N. In support to their structural role, these polypeptides were recognized by antibodies specific to FDH-N. Expression of a chromosomal fdo-uidA operon fusion was induced threefold by aerobic growth and about twofold by anaerobic growth in the presence of nitrate. However, it was independent of the two global regulatory proteins FNR and ArcA, which control genes for anaerobic and aerobic functions, respectively, and of the nitrate response regulator protein NARL. In contrast, a mutation affecting either the nucleoid-associated H-NS protein or the CRP protein abolished the aerobic expression. A possible role for FDH-Z during the transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions was examined. Synthesis of FDH-Z was maximal at the end of the aerobic growth and remained stable after a shift to anaerobiosis, whereas FDH-N production developed only under anaerobiosis. Furthermore, in an fnr strain deprived of both FDH-N and NAR-A activities, aerobically expressed FDH-Z and NAR-Z enzymes were shown to reduce nitrate at the expense of formate under anaerobic conditions, suggesting that this pathway would allow the cell to respond quickly to anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

Formate dehydrogenase, a component activity of two alternative electron transport pathways in anaerobic Escherichia coli, has been resolved as two distinguishable enzymes. One, which was induced with nitrate reductase as a component of the formate-nitrate reductase pathway, utilized phenazine methosulfate (PMS) in preference to benzyl viologen (BV) as an artificial electron acceptor and appeared to be exclusively membrane-bound. A second formate dehydrogenase, which was induced as a component of the formate hydrogenlyase pathway, appeared to exist both as a membrane-bound form and as a cytoplasmic enzyme; the cytoplasmic activity was resolved completely from the PMS-linked activity on a sucrose gradient. When E. coli was grown in the presence of 75Se-selenite, a 110,000-dalton selenopeptide, previously shown to be a component of the PMS-linked enzyme, was induced and repressed with this activity. In contrast, an 80,000-dalton selenopeptide was induced and repressed with the BV-linked activity and exhibited a distribution similar to the BV-linked formate dehydrogenase in cell fractions and in sucrose gradients. The results indicate that the two formate dehydrogenases are distinguishable on the basis of their artificial electron acceptor specificity, their cellular localization, and the size of their respective selenoprotein components.  相似文献   

7 alpha-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (EC production by Escherichia coli strain 080 was highest when the organism was grown in brain heart infusion broth at pH 6.5 for 72-96 h with shaking at 37 degrees C. The oxygen consumption rate had a strong effect on the production of this constitutive enzyme. Glucose and lactose at 0.2-0.4%, detergents, and ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid were found to increase the enzyme production.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli possesses two hydrogenases, Hyd-3 and Hyd-4. These, in conjunction with formate dehydrogenase H (Fdh-H), constitute distinct membrane-associated formate hydrogenlyases, FHL-1 and FHL-2, both catalyzing the decomposition of formate to H2 and CO2 during fermentative growth. FHL-1 is the major pathway at acidic pH whereas FHL-2 is proposed for slightly alkaline pH. In this study, regulation of activity of these pathways by formate has been investigated. In cells grown under fermentative conditions on glucose in the presence of 30 mM formate at pH 7.5, intracellular pH was decreased to 7.1, the activity of Fdh-H raised 3.5-fold, and the production of H2 became mostly Hyd-3 dependent. These results suggest that at alkaline pH formate increases an activity of Fdh-H and of Hyd-3 both but not of Hyd-4. Received: 27 December 2001 / Accepted: 25 January 2002  相似文献   

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