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The present work reports the observations on numerical and structural changes in 7 embryonic cell lines, derived from two stocks marked by reciprocal and heterozygous translocations between the Y and chromosome 3. Karyological analyses were carried out by using different techniques, such as Q-, C- banding and autoradiography, capable to define the distribution of heterochromatin and to identify individual chromosomes. These procedures, considering also synaptic prophases, provided characteristics for distinguishing each line, besides some very similar features common to all cells. Of particular interest was the appearance of various unusual chromosome morphological variants, characterized by centromeric and interstitial or terminal displaced heterochromatic segments, observed never before in Drosophila lines, whereas the original translocation was not found. Moreover, cell lines were found which had been exclusively polyploid since their establishment, irrespective of the length of their quiescence period. These observations confirm previous findings. The probable origin of the marker chromosomes, as well as a possible correlation between the chromosomal constitution of the cultured cells and the original parental karyotype, are discussed.This paper is dedicated to Prof. Dr. Hans Bauer for his 75th anniversary  相似文献   

Antibodies recognizing tissue-specific antigens are widely used to identify the histological origin of tumors. Here we tested the fidelity of selected tissue markers on all 167 solid tumor-derived continuous cell lines in the DSMZ cell lines bank. Most lines had an intermediate filament content consistent with the tumor type from which they were derived. Thus, 93% of all carcinoma cell lines expressed keratin filaments. With certain antibodies, some subclassification was possible. For example, the CK7 keratin 7 antibody can differentiate between colon and pancreas-derived carcinoma cell lines. Cell lines derived from non-carcinomas, in general, did not express keratin but were vimentin-positive. Four of 10 glioma/astrocytoma cell lines expressed GFAP, five of six neuroblastoma cell lines expressed neurofilaments, and the TE-671 rhabdomyosarcoma cell line expressed desmin. When other tissue markers were tested, 12/16 melanoma-derived cell lines expressed HMB-45, while PSA, CA125, and thyroglobulin were less useful. These results demonstrate that cell lines retain some but not all markers typical of the original tumor type and identify certain markers useful in characterizing the histological origin of cell lines. Our data question the identity of some cell lines submitted to the bank in the past. The immunoprofiles of 167 solid tumor-derived and 131 hematopoetic cell lines can be found at www.dsmz.de.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical staining of cell lines derived from human liver tumours showed that five cell lines derived from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and hepatoblastoma were stained positively with monoclonal keratin antibodies, CK-5 (Ker-18-specific) and KL-1 (broad specificity), but not with CK-7 (Ker-7-specific). On the other hand, four carcinoma cell lines derived from the biliary system were stained positively with not only CK-5 and KL-1, but also CK-7.  相似文献   

The retrovirus expression of eight independent lymphoid cell lines derived from spontaneous thymomas of AKR mice was investigated. The RNase T1 fingerprints of viral 70S RNA produced by these cell lines were compared with genome structures of the non-leukemogenic Akv virus and with two types of cloned leukemogenic viruses derived from one of the thymoma cell lines. Viral RNAs from three cell lines, SL3, 4, and 7, were indistinguishable from one another. The fingerprint patterns indicated that these cell lines produce equal amounts of two prototype, leukomogenic SL viruses that were previously isolated from the SL3 cell line. Viral RNA produced by the SL1 and SL2 cell lines contained similar components, but at a different ratio. Two other cell lines (SL5 and SL11) produced viral RNAs that resemble those of AKR mink cell focus-forming viruses. One additional line, SL9, produced viral RNA of a novel structure. The complex pattern of viral RNA expression observed for these lymphoid cell lines can be interpreted in terms of recombination among three types of endogenous viral sequences: the Akv virus, a xenotropic virus, and an SL (for spontaneous leukemia) virus.  相似文献   

This research is directed toward understanding the role of liver cells and the liver environment in plutonium biokinetics. Animals injected with liver cells and control animals received a single intraperitoneal injection of 37 kBq (1 microCi) 238Pu citrate and were serially sacrificed 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60 or 70 days later. Uptake, retention and distribution of Pu in intact liver and in liver cells growing in fat pads were determined. From these measurements, it was observed that the cells of the intact liver took up about twice as much 238Pu as liver cells transplanted into the fat pads of the same animal. The retention half-life was 8.3 days for the total activity in the liver, 20 days using tracks/cell measurements in the liver and 16 days for the tracks/cell measurements in the liver cells translocated to fat pads. When the data on tracks/cell were standardized relative to the amount of Pu present at 5 days after the injection, there was no significant difference between the retention of Pu in liver cells from intact animals and liver cells transplanted into the fat pads. About 20 per cent of the 5-day Pu liver burden in both liver cells and liver cells transplanted into fat pads was retained at 70 days. The smaller retention and clearance for liver cells in different environments indicate that uptake and clearance of Pu from the body is dependent, to a major extent, upon hepatocyte function.  相似文献   

The role of Human Papillomaviruses (HPV) in laryngeal carcinomas has been studied with conflicting results. To evaluate the etiologic relationship between HPV infection and epithelial malignancy of the larynx we studied five laryngeal carcinoma cell lines obtained from patients undergoing surgery for laryngeal tumors. The paraffin embedded biopsy samples of the original tumor and different passages of the new established cell lines were investigated by PCR with consensus primers specific for HPV DNA. The findings indicate that HPV infection is associated with some larynx carcinomas. The positive association has been enhanced when a method of enrichment of epithelial cells from fresh tumor samples was used. All tumor cells enriched smears were positive for HPV DNA not only by PCR but also by in situ hybridization (ISH). Investigated by PCR, different passages of larynx tumor cell lines maintained expression of HPV DNA. At subsequent passages ISH gives constantly no signals suggesting a minimal amount of viral harbored sequences. In one cell line propagated more than 60 population doublings, the chromosomal frequency distribution shifted from modal number 46 at the 5th passage to 63 at the 60th passage. The mechanisms by which persistent HPV infection maintains continuous cell proliferation were discussed.  相似文献   

Four human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell lines (ITO, NEC 8, NEC 14, NEC 15) derived independently from testicular germ-cell tumors were established in vitro. In their xenografted tumor tissues, all of them exhibited histological characteristics consistent with EC. The cell-biological characterization of these human EC cell lines was investigated with reference to well-known murine EC cell lines. This included examination of their morphology, growth, tumorigenic potential, karyotype, cell-aggregate formation, HLA expression, large glycopeptides, AFP and HCG production, plasminogen-activator secretion, and LDH profiles. Three (ITO, NEC 14, NEC 15) of these human EC cell lines shared cell-biological characteristics consistent with typical EC, but one of them (NEC 8) differed from the others with respect to its rapid growth, high tumorigenic potential, formation of solid cell aggregates, and less differentiated, solid histological pattern. Thus, it is suggested that there are several developmentally different types of human EC cells. The relationship between the properties of these human EC cell lines and their differentiation potential is discussed.  相似文献   

Important parameters to identify and develop appropriate animal models for longevity science include survivability, age-related disorders, and easy handling of aged individuals. It is found that F334/Du and F344/N have distinctive strain difference in these parameters. The finding suggests F334/Du and F344/N, even though they are historically siblings, need clearly separate identification when used as animal models for aging science, in particular, longevity science.  相似文献   

Two human cell lines, KIMI-1 and -2 were established from nude mice transplanted tumor originated from a human squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. These two cell lines have different shapes, chromosome numbers and tumor markers, respectively.  相似文献   

The growth of human cancers is characterised by long and variable cell cycle times that are controlled by stochastic events prior to DNA replication and cell division. Treatment with radiotherapy or chemotherapy induces a complex chain of events involving reversible cell cycle arrest and cell death. In this paper we have developed a mathematical model that has the potential to describe the growth of human tumour cells and their responses to therapy. We have used the model to predict the response of cells to mitotic arrest, and have compared the results to experimental data using a human melanoma cell line exposed to the anticancer drug paclitaxel. Cells were analysed for DNA content at multiple time points by flow cytometry. An excellent correspondence was obtained between predicted and experimental data. We discuss possible extensions to the model to describe the behaviour of cell populations in vivo.  相似文献   

Several continuous tissue culture cell lines were established from methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcomas of Japanese quail. The lines consist either of fibroblastic elements, round refractile cells or polygonal cells. They show transformed characteristics in agar colony formation and hexose uptake, and most are tumorigenic. Their cloning efficiency in plastic dishes is not increased over that of normal quail embryo fibroblasts. The quail tumor cell lines do not produce endogenous avian oncoviruses and fail to complement the Bryan high titer strain of Rous sarcoma virus; those tested lack the p27 protein of avian oncoviruses. Most of the cell lines are susceptible to subgroup A avian sarcoma viruses, but are relatively resistant to viruses of subgroups C, E and F as compared to normal quail embryo fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The authors describe human cancer strains established from 6 cell lines transplanted to nude mice and rats: cancer of the liver, colon, lung, bladder and Burkitt's lymphoma. In spite of a long history (for several years) of cell line transfers in vitro, on transplantation of tumor cells, nude animals established tumors histologically identical to the primary cancer.  相似文献   

Administration of methyl(methoxymethyl)nitrosamine to newborn Fischer 344 rats results in the preferential induction of renal tumors arising from the mesenchymal component of the kidney. DNA from a significant proportion of these tumors was capable of transforming NIH/3T3 cells. This report describes the renal tumor model, the detection of two different ras transforming genes in the kidney tumors (the N-ras oncogene in 1 and K-ras oncogene in 10 kidney tumors) and the characterization of DNA sequences specifying the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

An acromegaly-like rat model recently developed by exogenous administration of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) was used to investigate morphological and histopathological tongue changes and clarify whether the changes were reversible. Human recombinant IGF-I (640 microg/day) was continuously subcutaneously infused into ten-week-old male rats for four weeks (IGF-I group; n = 6). Control sham-operated animals were injected saline alone (control group; n = 6). Rats were sacrificed immediately on ending administration at the age of fourteen weeks. Another 12 rats (6 from each group) were housed for an additional four weeks after administration ended. Total IGF-I (human + rat) increased significantly during administration, returning to control levels afterwards. Tongue weights significantly increased with histopathological changes present (increases in the muscle-bundle width, spaces between muscle-bundles and epithelium thickness) in the IGF-I group compared to control rats. Tongue size returned to control levels after discontinuation of IGF-I administration. These findings suggest that the characteristic tongue enlargement was developed experimentally in our acromegaly-like rat model, and that such morphological and histopathological tongue changes are reversible on normalization of circulating IGF-I levels.  相似文献   

Lithium is being used for the treatment of mental diseases and for the attenuation of muelosuppression during chemotherapy. As during long term lithium treatment kidney damage has been reported, we studied morphological alterations in cells of kidney origin after exposure to lithium chloride. Above the level of 4 mmol, lithium has fatal effects in CV1 cells while HeLa cells that are not originating from kidneys, tolerate higher lithium concentrations. Cellular morphology alters during treatment duration. At early stages, cells become flatter on their substrate and upon longer than 4 days treatment begin to detach from their substrate and eventually cell death comes in a concentration dependent manner. The only morphological alteration observed in a lymphoblastoid cell line was a statistically significant cellular swelling.  相似文献   

We have isolated euploid, pluripotent stem cell lines directly from mouse blastocysts by a simple culture technique. Our method permits cell lines to be derived from individual embryos, without the use of ovariectomy, immunosurgery and conditioned medium. We cultured individual intact blastocysts in MicroTest plates on top of a feeder layer of lethally irradiated STO mouse fibroblasts in a 10-microliters volume of Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS). The cell lines maintain a stable complement of 40 chromosomes, form embryoid bodies and differentiate both in culture and in solid tumors.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine hamster lung tumors, induced by exposure to 60% hyperoxia and subcutaneous administration of the tobacco-specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-l-(3-pyridyl)-l-butanone (NNK) for 12 weeks, were placed in cell culture. By subsequent selective transfer of epithelial cells and maintenance in an atmosphere of 8% CO2, cell lines with characteristics of neuroendocrine cells were established. The neuroendocrine markers expressed by these cell lines included electron dense neuroendocrine secretion granules as well as secretion of calcitonin and mammalian bombesin. In keeping with data previously reported for a human neuroendocrine lung tumor cell line, nicotine, acetylcholine, and mammalian bombesin (MB) acted as strong growth factors in these neuroendocrine hamster tumor lines. The mitogenic effect of nicotine and acetylcholine was abolished by nicotinic receptor inhibition while the effects of mammalian bombesin were inhibited by an antagonist of MB receptors. Our data suggest that a receptor-mediated mitogenic effect of nicotine on neuroendocrine lung cells may be instrumental in the induction of smoking-associated small cell lung cancer.  相似文献   

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