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Although the mitochondrial uridine insertion/deletion, guide RNA (gRNA)-mediated type of RNA editing has been described in Crithidia fasciculata, no evidence for the encoding of gRNAs in the kinetoplast minicircle DNA has been presented. There has also been a question as to the capacity of the minicircle DNA in this species to encode the required variety of gRNAs, because the kinetoplast DNA from the C1 strain has been reported as essentially containing a single minicircle sequence class. To address this problem, the genomic and mature edited sequences of the MURF4 and RPS12 cryptogenes were determined and a gRNA library was constructed from mitochondrial RNA. Five specific gRNAs were identified, two of which edit blocks within the MURF4 mRNA, and three of which edit blocks within the RPS12 mRNA. The genes for these gRNAs are all localized with identical polarity within one of the two variable regions of specific minicircle molecules, approximately 60 bp from the "bend" region. These minicircles were found to represent minor sequence classes representing approximately 2% of the minicircle DNA population in the network. The major minicircle sequence class also encodes a gRNA at the same relative genomic location, but the editing role of this gRNA was not determined. These results confirm that kinetoplast minicircle DNA molecules in this species encode gRNAs, as is the case in other trypanosomatids, and suggest that the copy number of specific minicircle sequence classes can vary dramatically without an overall effect on the RNA editing system.  相似文献   

A new endonuclease activity has been identified in whole cell lysates of the trypanosomatid Crithidia fasciculata. This activity, termed endonuclease A (Endo A), introduces single-strand breaks at highly preferred sites in double stranded DNA substrates Physical analysis of this enzyme indicates that it has a sedimentation coefficient S20,W of 4.9 and a Stokes radius of 59A and thus, a native molecular weight of 125,000 and a frictional coefficient of 1.8. A monomeric structure is suggested for the enzyme based on the recovery of Endo A activity associated with a polypeptide with a molecular weight of 116,000-120,000, following electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels. Endo A shows an absolute requirement for Mg2+ or Mn2+ and exhibits activity over a broad pH and temperature range, with optimal conditions for activity at pH 8.0 and 30 degrees C.  相似文献   

Characterization of messenger RNA populations of Crithidia fasciculata   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cells of Crithidia fasciculata taken from exponentially growing cultures display a relatively high content of poly(A) RNA (roughly 45% of the total) in a nonpolysomal compartment. The proportion of this fraction is significantly higher than that of the free ribosomal units. This RNA is translationally competent and is indistinguishable from polysomal mRNA by various criteria. The significance of these findings is discussed with respect to the protein synthesis capability of the cell and the metabolic relationships between the cytoplasmic compartments of mRNA.  相似文献   

A guide to RNA editing.   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文

Tubulin heterogeneity in the trypanosome Crithidia fasciculata.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
The interphase cell of Crithidia fasciculata has three discrete tubulin populations: the subpellicular microtubules, the axonemal microtubules, and the nonpolymerized cytoplasmic pool protein. These three tubulin populations were independently and selectively purified, yielding, in each case, microtubule protein capable of self-assembly. All three preparations polymerized to form ribbons and sheets rather than the more usual microtubular structures. Analyses of the tubulin by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and peptide mapping indicated that the beta-tubulin complex remained constant regardless of source but that some heterogeneity was present in the alpha subunit. Cytoplasmic pool alpha tubulins (alpha 1/alpha 2) were the only alpha isotypes in the cytoplasm and also formed most of the alpha tubulin species in the pellicular fraction. Flagellar alpha tubulin (alpha 3) was the sole alpha isotype in the flagella; it appeared in small amounts in the pellicular fraction but was completely absent from the cytoplasm. In vitro translation products from polyadenylated RNA from C. fasciculata were also examined by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and possessed a protein corresponding to alpha 1/alpha 2 tubulin but lacked any alpha 3 tubulin. The alpha 3 polypeptide arose from a post-translational modification of a precursor polypeptide not identifiable by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as alpha 3. Peptide mapping data indicated that cytoplasmic alpha tubulin is the most likely precursor. These results demonstrate alpha-tubulin heterogeneity in this organism and also how close the relationship between flagellar and cytoskeletal tubulins can be among lower eucaryotes.  相似文献   

RNA extracted by cold phenol from the large cytoplasmic ribosomal subunit of the trypanosomatid flagellate Crithidia fasciculata and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at 4 °C consisted of one species with a molecular weight of 1.3 × 106 (relative to ribosomal RNA from E. coli MRE 600). When extracted with hot phenol (65 °C), the large ribosomal subunit gave rise to two components with molecular weights of 0.72 and 0.56 × 106. On heating for 60 s, followed by rapid cooling, the single cold-phenol-extracted 1.30 × 106-dalton species completely dissociated into two components of molecular weights 0.72 and 0.56 × 106, present in equimolar amounts. When analyzed by polyacrylamide-agarose gel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS, RNA extracted by cold phenol from the large cytoplasmic ribosomal subunit consisted of three components of molecular weights 1.3, 0.72, and 0.56 × 106, present in apparently equimolar amounts. RNA from the small cytoplasmic ribosomal subunit consisted of one species with a molecular weight of 0.84 × 106, independent of extraction or analytical conditions. It is proposed that under high salt and low temperature conditions, the large ribosomal RNA molecule is held together by its secondary structure, and that denaturing extraction or analytical conditions reveal an otherwise “hidden” lesion present in the molecule in vivo.  相似文献   

A novel nucleoside, O2'-methylinosine (Im), has been identified as a constituent of the ribosomal RNA of Crithidia fasciculata, a hemoflaggelate protozoan. The nucleoside is released as part of an alkali-stable dinucleotide, Im-Up, by alkaline hydrolysis of Crithidia rRNA, and as a 5'-nucleotide, pIm, by snake venom hydrolysis of the same RNA. The Im-containing derivatives isolated from Crithidia rRNA were characterized by comparison with marker compounds prepared by chemical deamination of the corresponding adenosine analogues. O2'-Methylinosine prepared from either natural Im-Up or natural pIm had the same ultraviolet absorption spectra and chromatographic properties as marker Im. Characterization of the base and sugar components of Im as hypoxanthine and 2-O-methylribose, respectively, provided final confimration of structure. Control experiments have eliminated the possibility that Im arises from O2'-methyladenosine (Am), a known constituent of ribosomal RNA, by chemical or enzymatic deamination during hydrolysis of Crithidia rRNA.  相似文献   

Hydroxyurea (HU) inhibits increase in cell number in cultures of Crithidia fasciculata. Complete inhibition is produced by 8 mM and higher concentrations. If HU is not removed, population growth resumes in 45-50 h; if HU is removed, partially synchronous growth occurs through 2 cycles. During HU inhibition, the rate of DNA synthesis is reduced to 1% of that in exponentially growing cultures; protein and RNA syntheses continue at slightly reduced rates. Mean cell size and protein and RNA contents per cell increase; rate of oxygen consumption per mg cell protein remains constant. The behavior of a culture upon addition of HU and upon its removal agrees with predictions based on the hypothesis that the only direct effect of HU is to block DNA synthesis. The synchrony produced by HU is judged satisfactory for investigations of kinetoplast and nuclear replication but not for biochemical characterization of other aspects of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Trypanosome RNA editing is a massive processing of mRNA by U deletion and U insertion, directed by trans-acting guide RNAs (gRNAs). A U deletion cycle and a U insertion cycle have been reproduced in vitro using synthetic ATPase (A6) pre-mRNA and gRNA. Here we examine which gRNA features are important for this U deletion. We find that, foremost, this editing depends critically on the single-stranded character of a few gRNA and a few mRNA residues abutting the anchor duplex, a feature not previously appreciated. That plus any base-pairing sequence to tether the upstream mRNA are all the gRNA needs to direct unexpectedly efficient in vitro U deletion, using either the purified editing complex or whole extract. In fact, our optimized gRNA constructs support faithful U deletion up to 100 times more efficiently than the natural gRNA, and they can edit the majority of mRNA molecules. This is a marked improvement of in vitro U deletion, in which previous artificial gRNAs were no more active than natural gRNA and the editing efficiencies were at most a few percent. Furthermore, this editing is not stimulated by most other previously noted gRNA features, including its potential ligation bridge, 3' OH moiety, any U residues in the tether, the conserved structure of the central region, or proteins that normally bind these regions. Our data also have implications about evolutionary forces active in RNA editing.  相似文献   

Recombinant tryparedoxin, a thioredoxin homologue from Crithidia fasciculata, has been purified from an Escherichia coli expression system and used in crystallization trials. Orthorhombic needles in space group P212121, with unit cell dimensions of a = 38.63, b = 51. 47, and c = 73.41 A, have been obtained. The crystals present a monomer of approximate molecular mass 16 kDa in the asymmetric unit and diffract to 1.8-A resolution using synchrotron radiation. Structure determination will be carried out to further the understanding of the role tryparedoxin plays in regulating oxidative stress in parasitic trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

C J Li  K Y Hwa    P T Englund 《Nucleic acids research》1995,23(21):4426-4433
We have purified to homogeneity a DNase from a Crithidia fasciculata crude mitochondrial lysate. The enzyme is present in two forms, either as a 32 kDa polypeptide or as a multimer containing the 32 kDa polypeptide in association with a 56 kDa polypeptide. Native molecular weight measurements indicate that these forms are a monomer and possibly an alpha 2 beta 2 tetramer, respectively. The monomeric and multimeric forms of the enzyme are similar in their catalytic activities. Both digest double-stranded DNA about twice as efficiently as single-stranded DNA. They introduce single-strand breaks into a supercoiled plasmid but do not efficiently make double-strand breaks. They degrade a linearized plasmid more efficiently than a nickel plasmid. Both enzymes degrade a 5'-32P-labeled double-stranded oligonucleotide to completion, with the 5'-terminal nucleotide ultimately being released as a 5'-mononucleotide. One difference between the monomeric and multimeric forms of the enzyme, demonstrated by a band shift assay, is that the multimeric form binds tightly to double-stranded DNA, possibly aggregating it.  相似文献   

A study of the enzymes of the orotate biosynthetic pathway in the kinetoplasid flagellate Crithidia fasciculata has revealed a number of differences between them and those of other organisms, either prokaryotic or eukaryotic. Carbamyl phosphate synthesis could not be demonstrated in cell-free extracts. However, the incorporation of both CO2 and the ureide carbon of citrulline into pyrimidines occurs in growing cells, the latter predominating over the former. The aspartate transcarbamylase of the flagellate has properties which are similar to those of this enzyme as it occurs in mammals rather than other microorganisms. Two enzymes, dihydroorotate synthetase and dihydroorotate hydrolase, are present, the former being responsible for the conversion of carbamylasparate to dihydroorotate. Dihydroorotate hydroxylase, a soluble enzyme requiring a reduced pteridine as a cofactor, converts dihydroorotate to orotate. The hydroxylase is inhibited by orotate, but not by pyrimidine or purine ribonucleotides. Thus orotate serves to control its own biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of phosphatidylinositol in Crithidia fasciculata   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microsomal preparations from the protozoan (Crithidia fasciculata were shown to incorporate myo-[2-3H]inositol into phosphatidylinositol by both the CDPdiacylglycerol:myo-inositol phosphatidyltransferase reaction and by a myo-inositol exchange reaction. Non-ionic detergent and Mg2+ were necessary for the measurement of transferase activity. Untreated preparations could not be saturated with Mg2+, even at very high concentrations (50-75 mM). However, low concentrations of EGTA (75 micro M) both stimulated the activity 3-fold and reduced the Mg2+ required for saturation to 15-20 mM. EGTA also increased the apparent Km for CDPdiacylglycerol while increasing the sensitivity to substrate inhibition above 1 mM. The transferase activity was inhibited by relatively low concentrations of Ca2+ (50 micro M). This and the EGTA effect suggest a possible role for Ca2+ in the modulation of phosphatidylinositol synthesis. The myo-inositol exchange activity required Mn2+, was insensitive to Ca2+ inhibition and was only slightly stimulated by detergents and EGTA. This activity was preferentially inactivated by heating at 50 degrees C in the presence of Triton X-100. In a detergent solubilized preparation the exchange activity but not the transferase exhibited a non-specific requirement for phospholipid. The differences in properties of the two activities suggest the presence of a separate exchange enzyme.  相似文献   

Growth inhibition of Crithidia fasciculata by 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (NQO) was observed in defined and complex media at 28 C. Aromatic amino acids, cystein, and nicotinic acid, among several other substances, were ineffective in overcoming NQO toxicity. Dicoumarol and bovine albumin reversed NQO inhibition. While bovine albumin probably acted by the extra-cellular binding of NQO, dicoumarol inhibited the activity of DT-diaphorase, which reduces NQO to 4-hydroxyaminonitroquinoline 1-oxide (HAQO). The DT-diaphorase from C. fasciculata had the same characteristics as the enzyme from rat liver. The specific protection by dicoumarol against NQO inhibition suggests that HAQO is the active toxic substance for C. fasciculata.  相似文献   

In Crithidia fasciculata, a trypanosomatid protozoan, the large ribosomal subunit contains five small RNA species (e, f, g, i, j) in addition to 5S rRNA [Gray, M.W. (1981) Mol. Cell. Biol. 1, 347-357]. The complete primary sequence of species i is shown here to be pAACGUGUmCGCGAUGGAUGACUUGGCUUCCUAUCUCGUUGA ... AGAmACGCAGUAAAGUGCGAUAAGUGGUApsiCAAUUGmCAGAAUCAUUCAAUUACCGAAUCUUUGAACGAAACGG ... CGCAUGGGAGAAGCUCUUUUGAGUCAUCCCCGUGCAUGCCAUAUUCUCCAmGUGUCGAA(C)OH. This sequence establishes that species i is a 5.8S rRNA, despite its exceptional length (171-172 nucleotides). The extra nucleotides in C. fasciculata 5.8S rRNA are located in a region whose primary sequence and length are highly variable among 5.8S rRNAs, but which is capable of forming a stable hairpin loop structure (the "G+C-rich hairpin"). The sequence of C. fasciculata 5.8S rRNA is no more closely related to that of another protozoan, Acanthamoeba castellanii, than it is to representative 5.8S rRNA sequences from the other eukaryotic kingdoms, emphasizing the deep phylogenetic divisions that seem to exist within the Kingdom Protista.  相似文献   

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