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The ability of Staphylococcus aureus to invade mammalian cells may explain its capacity to colonize mucosa and to persist in tissues after bacteraemia. To date, the underlying molecular mechanisms of cellular invasion by S. aureus are unknown, despite its high prevalence and difficulties in treatment. Here, we show cellular invasion as a novel function for an S. aureus adhesin, previously implicated solely in attachment. S. aureus , but not S. epidermidis , invaded epithelial 293 cells in a temperature- and F-actin-dependent manner. Formaldehyde-fixed and live bacteria were equally invasive, suggesting that no active bacterial process was involved. All clinical S. aureus isolates analysed, but only a subset of laboratory strains, were invasive. Fibronectin-binding proteins (FnBPs) acted as S. aureus invasins, because: (i) FnBP deletion mutants of invasive laboratory strains lost invasiveness; (ii) expression of FnBPs in non-invasive strains conferred invasiveness; and (iii) the soluble isolated fibronectin-binding domain of FnBP (D1–D4) completely blocked invasion. Integrin α5β1 served as host cell receptor, which interacted with staphylococcal FnBPs through cellular or soluble fibronectin. FnBP-deficient mutants lost invasiveness for epithelial cells, endothelial cells and fibroblasts. Thus, fibronectin-dependent bridging between S. aureus FnBPs and host cell integrin α5β1 is a conserved mechanism for S. aureus invasion of human cells. This may prove useful in developing new therapeutic and vaccine strategies for S. aureus infections.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 is an important constituent of the basal lamina. The receptors for laminin-5, the integrins alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4, have been associated with epithelial wound migration and carcinoma invasion. The signal transduction mechanisms that regulate these integrins are not well understood. We report here that the small GTPase Rap1 regulates the adhesion of a number of cell lines to various extracellular matrix proteins including laminin-5. cAMP also mediates cell adhesion and spreading on laminin-5, a process that is independent of protein kinase A but rather dependent on Epac1, a cAMP-dependent exchange factor for Rap. Interestingly, although both alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta4 mediate adhesion to laminin-5, only alpha3beta1-dependent adhesion is dependent on Rap1. These results provide evidence for a function of the cAMP-Epac-Rap1 pathway in cell adhesion and spreading on different extracellular matrix proteins. They also define different roles for the laminin-binding integrins in regulated cell adhesion and subsequent cell spreading.  相似文献   

To examine the function of the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin we have determined its ligand-binding ability and overexpressed two potentially dominant negative mutant beta 4 subunits, lacking either the cytoplasmic or extracellular domain, in bladder epithelial 804G cells. The results of cell adhesion and radioligand-binding assays showed that alpha 6 beta 4 is a receptor for several laminin isoforms, including laminin 1, 2, 4, and 5. Overexpression of the tail-less or head-less mutant beta 4 subunit did not suppress alpha 6 beta 4-mediated adhesion to laminins, as both types of transfectants adhered to these ligands in the presence of blocking anti-beta 1 antibodies as well as the controls. However, immunofluorescence experiments indicated that the endogenous alpha 6 beta 4 integrin and other hemidesmosomal markers were not concentrated in hemidesmosomes in cells overexpressing tail- less beta 4, while the distribution of these molecules was not altered in cells overexpressing the head-less subunit. Electron microscopic studies confirmed that cells overexpressing tail-less beta 4 had a drastically reduced number of hemidesmosomes, while cells expressing the head-less subunit had a normal number of these structures. Thus, expression of a tail-less, but not a head-less mutant beta 4 subunit leads to a dominant negative effect on hemidesmosome assembly without suppressing initial adhesion to laminins. We conclude that the alpha 6 beta 4 integrin binds to several laminins and plays an essential role in the assembly and/or stability of hemidesmosomes, that alpha 6 beta 4- mediated adhesion and hemidesmosome assembly have distinct requirements, and that it is possible to use a dominant negative approach to selectively interfere with a specific function of an integrin.  相似文献   

The Yersinia pseudotuberculosis invasin protein promotes bacterial penetration into mammalian cells by binding to several beta 1 chain integrins. We show here that proteins containing the cell-binding domain of invasin bind to the fibronectin receptor alpha 5 beta 1 isolated from human placenta and immobilized on a filter membrane. Two forms of the receptor, each having a molecular weight of about 290,000, were immunodepleted by monoclonal antibodies specific for the beta 1 subunit or the alpha 5 beta 1 heterodimer. The binding of invasin to the receptor immobolized on the filter, or to whole JAR cells, reaches saturation after 90 min and has an apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of 5.0 x 10(-9) M. Invasin binding to alpha 5 beta 1 is inhibited by the 120-kDa chymotryptic fragment of fibronectin in a competitive manner with an inhibition constant (Ki) of 7.5 x 10(-7) M. Furthermore, invasin-receptor binding is also inhibited by the hexapeptide GRGDSP, and monoclonal antibodies that block cell attachment to invasin-coated surfaces also block cell attachment to fibronectin-coated surfaces. These results indicate that invasin and fibronectin bind to the same, or closely located sites on alpha 5 beta 1, although invasin binds with a much higher affinity than does fibronectin.  相似文献   

The membrane-distal headpiece of integrins has evolved to specifically bind large extracellular protein ligands, but the molecular architecture of the resulting complexes has not been determined. We used molecular electron microscopy to determine the three-dimensional structure of the ligand-binding headpiece of integrin alpha5beta1 complexed with fragments of its physiological ligand fibronectin. The density map for the unliganded alpha5beta1 headpiece shows a 'closed' conformation similar to that seen in the alphaVbeta3 crystal structure. By contrast, binding to fibronectin induces an 'open' conformation with a dramatic, approximately 80 degrees change in the angle of the hybrid domain of the beta subunit relative to its I-like domain. The fibronectin fragment binds to the interface between the beta-propeller and I-like domains in the integrin headpiece through the RGD-containing module 10, but direct contact of the synergy-region-containing module 9 to integrin is not evident. This finding is corroborated by kinetic analysis of real-time binding data, which shows that the synergy site greatly enhances k(on) but has little effect on the stability or k(off) of the complex.  相似文献   

alpha5beta1 integrin can occupy several distinct conformational states which support different strengths of binding to fibronectin [García, A. J., et al. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 34710-34715]. Using a model system in which specific activating monoclonal antibodies were used to achieve uniform activated states, the binding of alpha5beta1 to full-length wild-type fibronectin and mutants of fibronectin in the defined RGD and PHSRN synergy sites was analyzed using a novel method that measures the strength of the coupling between integrin and its ligand. Neither TS2/16- nor AG89-activated alpha5beta1 showed significant mechanical coupling to RGD-deleted fibronectin. However, peptide competition assays demonstrated a 6-fold difference in the binding affinities of these two states for RGD. The mutant synergy site reduced the AG89 (low)-activated state to background levels, but the TS2/16-activated state still retained approximately 30% of the wild-type activity. Thus, these two active binding states of alpha5beta1 interact differently with both the RGD and synergy domains. The failure of the AG89-activated state to show mechanical coupling to either the RGD or synergy domain mutants was unexpected and implies that the RGD domain itself does not contribute significant mechanical strength to the alpha5beta1-fibronectin interaction. The lack of RGD alone to support alpha5beta1 coupling was further confirmed using a synthetic polymer presenting multiple copies of the RGD loop. These results suggest a model in which the RGD domain serves to activate and align the alpha5beta1-fibronectin interface, and the synergy site provides the mechanical strength to the bond.  相似文献   

The fibronectin receptor, alpha 5 beta 1, has been shown to be required for fibronectin matrix assembly and plays an important role in cell migration on fibronectin. However, it is not clear whether other fibronectin binding integrins can take the place of alpha 5 beta 1 during matrix assembly and cell migration. To test this, we expressed the human alpha v subunit in the CHO cell line CHO-B2 that lacks the alpha 5 subunit. We found that the human alpha v combined with CHO cell beta 1 to form the integrin alpha v beta 1. Cells that expressed alpha v beta 1 attached to and spread well on fibronectin-coated dishes, but did so less well on vitronectin-coated dishes. This, along with other data, indicated that alpha v beta 1 functions as a fibronectin receptor in CHO-B2 cells. The alpha v beta 1-expressing cells failed to produce a fibronectin matrix or to migrate on fibronectin, although the same cells transfected with alpha 5 do produce a matrix and migrate on fibronectin. The affinity of the alpha v beta 1-expressing cells for fibronectin was fourfold lower than that of the alpha 5 beta 1- expressing cells. In addition, alpha v beta 1 was distributed diffusely throughout the cell surface, whereas alpha 5 beta 1 was localized to focal adhesions when cells were seeded onto fibronectin-coated surfaces. Thus, of the two fibronectin receptors, alpha v beta 1 and alpha 5 beta 1, only alpha 5 beta 1 supports fibronectin matrix assembly and promotes cell migration on fibronectin in the CHO-B2 cells. Possible reasons for this difference in the activities of alpha v beta 1 and alpha 5 beta 1 include the lower affinity of alpha v beta 1 for fibronectin and the failure of this integrin to localize in adhesion plaques on a fibronectin substrate. These results show that two integrins with similar ligand specificities and cell attachment functions may be quite different in their ability to support fibronectin matrix assembly and cell motility on fibronectin.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha(5)beta(1), a major fibronectin receptor, functions in a wide variety of biological phenomena. We have found that alpha 2-8-linked oligosialic acids with 5 < or = degree of polymerization (DP) < or = 7 occur on integrin alpha(5) subunit of the human melanoma cell line G361. The integrin alpha(5) subunit immunoprecipitated with anti-integrin alpha(5) antibody reacted with the monoclonal antibody 12E3, which recognizes oligo/polysialic acid with DP > or = 5 but not with the polyclonal antibody H.46 recognizing oligo/polysialic acid with DP > or = 8. The occurrence of oligosialic acids was further demonstrated by fluorometric C(7)/C(9) analysis on the immunopurified integrin alpha(5) subunit. Oligosialic acids were also found in the alpha(5) subunit of several other human cells such as foreskin fibroblast and chronic erythroleukemia K562 cells. These results suggest the ubiquitous modification with unique oligosialic acids occurs on the alpha(5) subunit of integrin alpha(5)beta(1). The adhesion of human melanoma G361 cells to fibronectin was mainly mediated by integrin alpha(5)beta(1). Treatment of cells with sialidase from Arthrobacter ureafaciens cleaving alpha 2-3-, alpha 2-6-, and alpha 2-8-linked sialic acids inhibited adhesion to fibronectin. On the other hand, N-acetylneuraminidase II, which cleaves alpha 2-3 and alpha 2-6 but not alpha 2-8 linkages, showed no inhibitory activity. After the loss of oligosialic acids, integrin alpha(5)beta(1) failed to bind to fibronectin-conjugated Sepharose, indicating that the oligosialic acid on the alpha(5) subunit of integrin alpha(5)beta(1) plays important roles in cell adhesion to fibronectin.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts have cell surface sites that mediate assembly of plasma and cellular fibronectin into the extracellular matrix. Cell adhesion to fibronectin can be mediated by the interaction of an integrin (alpha 5 beta 1) with the Arg-Gly-Asp-Ser (RGDS)-containing cell adhesion region of fibronectin. We have attempted to elucidate the role of the alpha 5 beta 1 fibronectin receptor in assembly of fibronectin in matrices. Rat monoclonal antibody mAb 13, which recognizes the integrin beta 1 subunit, completely blocked binding and matrix assembly of 125I-fibronectin as well as binding of the 125I-70-kD amino-terminal fragment of fibronectin (70 kD) to fibroblast cell layers. Fab fragments of the anti-beta 1 antibody were also inhibitory. Antibody mAb 16, which recognizes the integrin alpha 5 subunit, partially blocked binding of 125I-fibronectin and 125I-70-kD. When cell layers were coincubated with fluoresceinated fibronectin and either anti-beta 1 or anti-alpha 5, anti-beta 1 was a more effective inhibitor than anti-alpha 5 of binding of labeled fibronectin to the cell layer. Inhibition of 125I-fibronectin binding by anti-beta 1 IgG occurred within 20 min. Inhibition of 125I-fibronectin binding by anti-beta 1 Fab fragments or IgG could not be overcome with increasing concentrations of fibronectin, suggesting that anti-beta 1 and exogenous fibronectin may not compete for the same binding site. No beta 1-containing integrin bound to immobilized 70 kD. These data indicate that the beta 1 subunit plays an important role in binding and assembly of exogenous fibronectin, perhaps by participation in the organization, regeneration, or cycling of the assembly site rather than by a direct interaction with fibronectin.  相似文献   

Collagen is a potent adhesive substrate for cells, an event essentially mediated by the integrins alpha 1 beta 1 and alpha 2 beta 1. Collagen fibrils also bind to the integrin alpha 2 beta 1 and the platelet receptor glycoprotein VI to activate and aggregate platelets. The distinct triple helical recognition motifs for these receptors, GXOGER and (GPO)n, respectively, all contain hydroxyproline. Using unhydroxylated collagen I produced in transgenic plants, we investigated the role of hydroxyproline in the receptor-binding properties of collagen. We show that alpha 2 beta 1 but not alpha 1 beta 1 mediates cell adhesion to unhydroxylated collagen. Soluble recombinant alpha 1 beta 1 binding to unhydroxylated collagen is considerably reduced compared with bovine collagens, but binding can be restored by prolyl hydroxylation of recombinant collagen. We also show that platelets use alpha 2 beta 1 to adhere to the unhydroxylated recombinant molecules, but the adhesion is weaker than on fully hydroxylated collagen, and the unhydroxylated collagen fibrils fail to aggregate platelets. Prolyl hydroxylation is thus required for binding of collagen to platelet glycoprotein VI and to cells by alpha 1 beta 1. These observations give new insights into the molecular basis of collagen-receptor interactions and offer new selective applications for the recombinant unhydroxylated collagen I.  相似文献   

The human promyelocytic cell line NB4 exhibited a weak adhesion capacity for bone marrow-derived stromal cells and their extracellular matrices (5-15% of adherent cells). Adhesion was enhanced by pulse-treatment of cells with phorbolester (PMA 10(-7) M). Adhesion was induced within minutes, was fibronectin-specific, and affected up to 100% of the treated cells. This biological response to PMA resulted from the activation of protein kinase C (PKC), since PKC inhibitors (staurosporine, sphingosine, CGP 41251, and calphostin C) prevented the phenomenon. Phenotypical analysis of integrin receptor expression (particularly FN receptors VLA-4 and VLA-5) at the membrane of untreated or PMA-treated cells revealed that PMA induced no significant modification of the level of expression of these receptors. However, inhibition studies carried out with anti-VLA monoclonal antibodies demonstrated that the FN-specific adhesion triggered by PKC involved the alpha 5 beta 1 FN-specific receptors (VLA-5). We showed that the binding of NB4 cells to fibronectin was RGD-dependent. PMA-induced adhesion was not correlated to phosphorylation of the VLA-5 receptor. These findings may partially explain the malignant behaviour of these cells: The loss of their capacity to adhere to stromal cells may arrest differentiation and explain the large number of leukemic cells in the circulation.  相似文献   

Integrins bind to their ligand in the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as fibronectin (FN), through a specific interaction between the amino acid motifs in the ligand, and binding sites in the extracellular domains of the integrin molecule generated jointly by its alpha and beta subunits. It has been proposed that membrane cholesterol and glycosphingolipids (GSLs) can regulate integrin-ECM interactions and it has been demonstrated that increased membrane cholesterol leads to increased cell adhesion to FN. Here, we have shown that a specific glycosphingolipid GM3 binds directly to alpha5beta1 integrin and an increase in membrane cholesterol results in the redistribution of GM3-associated alpha5beta1 integrin molecules specifically on the surface that is in contact with the substratum. Our results suggest that GM3-associated alpha5beta1 integrins bind less avidly to FN than GM3-free integrins and that cholesterol and GM3 play an interdependent role in the distribution of alpha5beta1integrin molecules in the membrane and regulation of cell adhesion.  相似文献   

J C Adams  F M Watt 《Cell》1990,63(2):425-435
During terminal differentiation keratinocytes move out of the basal layer of the epidermis and thereby lose contact with the basement membrane. We show that terminal differentiation in culture involves loss of adhesiveness to fibronectin, laminin, and collagen types I and IV. The adhesive changes precede, by several hours, loss of the alpha 2 beta 1, alpha 3 beta 1, and alpha 5 beta 1 integrins from the cell surface. Keratinocyte adhesion to fibronectin is mediated by the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin, and the decrease in adhesion of intact cells to fibronectin is correlated with a decrease in the ability of alpha 5 beta 1 receptors to bind fibronectin. Thus modulation of integrin function early in terminal differentiation may be an early event determining cell migration out of the basal layer.  相似文献   

We have characterized the diversity of the chicken beta 1 integrin family and studied the expression of individual receptors during development. The diversity of the beta 1 integrin family was investigated by affinity purifying the beta 1 integrins from a variety of adult and embryonic tissues. These purifications reveal the relative levels of expression and also the differential expression of the alpha subunits in those tissues. Monoclonal antibodies were generated against the prominent 'band 1' of the embryonic chicken integrins and used to characterize the expression of this alpha subunit in embryonic and adult tissues. This alpha subunit is shown to be the chicken homologue of human alpha 5 fibronectin receptor. The chicken alpha 5 beta 1 integrin is the most prominent beta 1 integrin in the embryo and is expressed on the majority of cell types through the day 17 stage. The distribution of this receptor in the embryo closely parallels the distribution of its ligand, fibronectin. In adult tissues, expression of this receptor is greatly diminished relative to the expression of other alpha subunits. The cell type distribution is highly restricted: limited primarily to the vasculature and to connective tissue regions. These studies reveal a prominent role for the alpha 5 beta 1 integrin in embryonic cell types and a down-regulation of this receptor on many cell types during development.  相似文献   

The fibronectin receptors alpha(5)beta(1) integrin and syndecan-4 cocluster in focal adhesions and coordinate cell migration by making individual contributions to the suppression of RhoA activity during matrix engagement. p190Rho-guanosine triphosphatase-activating protein (GAP) is known to inhibit RhoA during the early stages of cell spreading in an Src-dependent manner. This paper dissects the mechanisms of p190RhoGAP regulation and distinguishes the contributions of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin and syndecan-4. Matrix-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of p190RhoGAP is stimulated solely by engagement of alpha(5)beta(1) integrin and is independent of syndecan-4. Parallel engagement of syndecan-4 causes redistribution of the tyrosine-phosphorylated pool of p190RhoGAP between membrane and cytosolic fractions by a mechanism that requires direct activation of protein kinase C alpha by syndecan-4. Activation of both pathways is necessary for the efficient regulation of RhoA and, as a consequence, focal adhesion formation. Accordingly, we identify p190RhoGAP as the convergence point for adhesive signals mediated by alpha(5)beta(1) integrin and syndecan-4. This molecular mechanism explains the cooperation between extracellular matrix receptors during cell adhesion.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional significance of putative integrin divalent cation binding sites, several mutated alpha 4 subunit cDNAs were constructed. Mutants contained the conservative substitution of Glu for Asp or Asn at the third position in each of three putative divalent cation sites. Transfection of wild-type or mutated alpha 4 into K562 cells yielded comparable expression levels and immunoprecipitation profiles. However, for all three alpha 4 mutants, adhesion to CS1/fibronectin was greatly diminished in either the presence or absence of the stimulatory anti-beta 1 mAb TS2/16. Constitutive adhesion to vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) 1 was also diminished but, unlike CS1 adhesion, was restored upon TS2/16 stimulation. In contrast, adhesion to the bacterial protein invasin was minimally affected by any of the three mutations. For each of the mutants, the order of preference for divalent cations was unchanged compared to wild-type alpha 4, on CS1/fibronectin (Mn2+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+), on VCAM-1 (Mn2+ > Mg2+ = Ca2+) and on invasin (Mg2+ = Ca2+). However for the three mutants, the efficiency of divalent cation utilization was decreased. On VCAM-1, 68-108 microM Mn2+ was required to support half-maximal adhesion for the mutants compared with 14-18 microM for wild-type alpha 4. These results indicate (a) that three different ligands for VLA-4 show widely differing sensitivities to mutations within putative divalent cation sites, and (b) each of the three putative divalent cation sites in alpha 4 have comparable functional importance with respect to both divalent cation usage and cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte attachment to fibronectin is mainly mediated by the interaction of alpha 5 beta 1 and alpha 4 beta 1 integrins with the RGD and CS-1/Hep II sites, respectively. We have recently shown that the anti-beta 1 mAb TS2/16 can convert the partly active alpha 4 beta 1 present on certain hemopoietic cells that recognizes CS-1 but not Hep II, to a high avidity form that binds both ligands. In this report we have studied whether mAb TS2/16 also affects alpha 4 beta 1 ligand specificity. Incubation of the B cell lines Ramos and Daudi (which lack alpha 5 beta 1) with mAb TS2/16 induced specific attachment to an 80-kD fragment which lacks CS-1 and Hep II and contains the RGD sequence. mAbs anti-alpha 4 and the synthetic peptides CS-1 and IDAPS inhibited adhesion to the 80-kD fragment thus implying alpha 4 beta 1 as the receptor for this fragment. Interestingly, the synthetic peptide GRGDSPC and a 15-kD peptic fibronectin fragment containing the RGD sequence also inhibited B cell adhesion to the 80-kD fragment. Because we have previously shown that RGD peptides do not affect the constitutive function of alpha 4 beta 1, we tested whether TS2/16- activated alpha 4 beta 1 acquired the capacity to recognize RGD. Indeed RGD peptides inhibited TS2/16-treated B cell adhesion to a 38-kD fragment containing CS-1 and Hep II but did not affect binding of untreated cells to this fragment. An anti-fibronectin mAb reactive with an epitope on or near the RGD sequence also efficiently inhibited cell adhesion to the 80-kD fragment, indicating that the RGD sequence is a novel adhesive ligand for activated alpha 4 beta 1. These results emphasize the role of alpha 4 beta 1 as a receptor with different ligand specificities according to the activation state, a fact that may be important for lymphocyte migration, localization, and function.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses utilize integrins during virus-cell interactions that lead to infection. Cell binding and infection by simian rotavirus SA11 were inhibited by antibodies (Abs) to the inserted (I) domain of the alpha2 integrin subunit. To determine directly which integrins or other proteins bind rotaviruses, cell surface proteins precipitated by rotaviruses were compared with those precipitated by anti-alpha2beta1 Abs. Two proteins precipitated by SA11 and rhesus rotavirus RRV from MA104 and Caco-2 cells migrated indistinguishably from alpha2beta1 integrin, and SA11 precipitated beta1 from alpha2beta1-transfected CHO cells. These viruses specifically precipitated two MA104 cell proteins only, but an additional 160- to 165-kDa protein was precipitated by SA11 from Caco-2 cells. The role of the alpha2 I domain in rotavirus binding, infection, and growth was examined using CHO cell lines expressing wild-type or mutated human alpha2 or alpha2beta1. Infectious SA11 and RRV, but not human rotavirus Wa, specifically bound CHO cell-expressed human alpha2beta1 and, to a lesser extent, human alpha2 combined with hamster beta1. Binding was inhibited by anti-alpha2 I domain monoclonal Abs (MAbs), but not by non-I domain MAbs to alpha2, and required the presence of the alpha2 I domain. Amino acid residues 151, 221, and 254 in the metal ion-dependent adhesion site of the alpha2 I domain that are necessary for type I collagen binding to alpha2beta1 were not essential for rotavirus binding. Rotavirus-alpha2beta1 binding led to increased virus infection and RRV growth. SA11 and RRV require the alpha2 I domain for binding to alpha2beta1, and their binding to this integrin is distinguishable from that of collagen.  相似文献   

Integrin adhesion receptors have been implicated in bidirectional signal transduction. The dynamic regulation of integrin affinity and avidity as well as post-ligand effects involved in outside-in signaling depends on the interaction of integrins with cytoskeletal and signaling proteins. In this study, we attempted to identify cytoplasmic binding partners of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin. We were able to show that cell adhesion to alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates results in the association of phospholipase Cgamma (PLCgamma) with the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin independent of PLCgamma tyrosine phosphorylation. Using peptide-binding assays, the membrane proximal sequences within the alpha(1)beta(1) integrin subunits were identified as binding sites for PLCgamma. In particular, the conserved sequence of beta(1) subunit binds the enzyme very efficiently. Because purified PLCgamma also binds the integrin peptides, binding seems to be direct. Inhibition of PLC by leads to reduced cell adhesion on alpha(1)beta(1)-specific substrates. Cells lacking the conserved domain of the alpha(1) subunit fail to respond to the PLC inhibition, indicating that this domain is necessary for PLC-dependent adhesion modulation of alpha(1)beta(1) integrin.  相似文献   

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